OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Dr Ian ALLISON AAM, Dynnyrne Tas 7005 For distinguished service to the environment as a glaciologist, to furthering international understanding of the science of the Antarctic region, and to climate research. Glaciologist, Australian Antarctic Division, Department of the Environment, 1968-2010; Program Leader, Ice, Ocean, Atmospheric and Climate Program, 1979-1988 and 1996-2010; Senior Principal Research Scientist, 1996-2010. Honorary Research Professor, University of Tasmania, since 2010. Honorary Fellow and Program Leader, Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Co-operative Research Centre, 1992-2013. President, International Association of Cryospheric Sciences of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), 2009-2013; IUGG Delegate, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 2010-2014. Visiting Professor, Senior International Scientist, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012. Co-Chair, Joint Committee, International Polar Year 2007-2008 (IPY), 2004-2009; Member, IPY Planning Group, 2002-2005. Member, Group of Specialist on Antarctica and Global Change, 1992-2002; holding various roles on a range of committees. Chair, Australian National Committee, Antarctic Research, Australian Academy of Science, 2000-2005. Australian Delegate; Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research, 2000-2005; Working Group Secretary, Antarctic Climate Research; Member, Specialist Group on Antarctic and Global Change, 2005-2008. Vice-President, International Glaciological Society. President, International Commission on Polar Meteorology, International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, 1982-1984. Vice-Chair, Scientific Steering Group, Climate and Cryosphere Project, The World Climate Research Program, 2000-2005. 120 peer reviewed research publications; 50 papers in reports and other publications: 5 edited monographs. Awards/recognition include: Australian Antarctic Medal, 1988. 8 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Betty AMSDEN OAM, PO Box 2268, Kew Vic 3101 For distinguished service to the community through philanthropic contributions and support for the arts, including the development of public education and participation programs, particularly for children. Support to the Arts Centre Melbourne includes: Recent pledge to establish Betty Amsden Community Participation Program, 2013 Endowment gift to establish the Betty Amsden Arts Education Endowment for Children, 2009. Chair, Philanthropists' Council (formerly Arts Angels Council); Member. Member, President's Circle. Patron, 'Small Bites’ Program. Ambassador for the Arts Centre Board Member, Arts Centre Foundation, since 2009. Recognised as an 'Arts Angel' for her donations over two decades. Support to the Australian Ballet School includes: Current Deputy Chair, Board of Directors; former Chair; Councillor, since 2004. Inaugural President of the Patrons Program, since 2004; plus Amsden Scholarships for students and artistic teachers. Support to 3MBS Classically Melbourne Radio includes: Director, Board of Management. President, 3MBS Ambassadors' Circle. Chair, Capital Raising Appeal. Finances the annual 'Young Composers Award'. Funded the fit-out of the second recording studio at the Melbourne Recital Centre. Sponsors the annual 3MBS National Composer Award. Support to Orchestra Victoria includes: Inaugural Board Member, 2001-2009. Established and was Patron of the Friends Program and the new Ambassadors Program. Major benefactor of the orchestra. since 2001. Patron, Overture Program. Support to Victorian Opera includes Scholarship for young singers. Support to the Royal Melbourne Hospital includes Patron, Opera Therapy Program, since 2006. Support to the Vision Australia School includes philanthropic support for music therapy projects. Current supporter, Writer-in-Residence Program, Red Stitch Actors Theatre. Established Ambassador's Circle, Polyglot Children's Theatre, 2008. Trustee, Epworth Medical Foundation; Benefactor, since 2001. Committee Member, Melbourne Chamber Orchestra; fundraiser. Support to Guide Dogs Victoria includes: Chairperson of Capital Appeal. President, Guide Dog Auxiliary, since 2002. Vice-Patron, since 2009. Board Member, since 2010; Chair, Fundraising Committee. Former Member, Advisory Council. Supporter, since 1982. Provides philanthropic support including the 'Amsden Scholarship' for training guide dog trainers and middle management. Support to RSPCA Victoria includes: State Councillor, 1986-2005. Chair of Marketing Committee 2002-2005. Honorary Life Member, since 2007. Member of Strategy Committee. Funded the Amsden Leadership and Management Scholarship in 2003 to encourage veterinary students at Melbourne University. Awards/recognition include: Awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in the Australian Day 2002 Honours List for her service to the community as a philanthropist for the arts, animal welfare and health care facilities. 9 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Patricia Audrey ANDERSON, Hackett ACT 2602 For distinguished service to the Indigenous community as a social justice advocate, particularly through promoting improved health, educational and protection outcomes for children. Chairperson, Lowitja Institute, since 2010. Chairperson, Co-operative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, 2003-2009. Chairperson, Co-operative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health, 2003-2009. Founding Board Member, Co-operative Research Centre for Aboriginal and Tropical Health, 1997-2003. Senior Executive Service, Office for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Department of Health and Ageing, 2007-2008. Chief Executive Officer, Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance, Northern Territory, 2003-2006; Chairperson, 1994-2002. Chief Executive Officer, Danila Dilba Health Service, Darwin, 1994-2002. Member, Remote Area Health Corps Board, 2009-2012. Member, Reconciliation Australia Board, 2008-2009. Co-Chair, Northern Territory Government Inquiry Into Child Abuse and Neglect, 'Little Children are Sacred', 2006-2007. Member, Global Reconciliation International Network, since 2006. Member, BeyondBlue Board, 2005-2008. Chairperson, National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, 2002-2003. Co-Chairperson, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Council, 2002-2003. Chairperson, Northern Territory Aboriginal Health Forum, for various periods between 1999 and 2002. 10 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Susan Joan ASH, East Victoria Park WA 6101 For distinguished service to the community, particularly in the area of social policy development, reform and implementation, and to the provision of services to people in need. Chief Executive Officer, UnitingCare West, since 2011. Chief Executive Officer, Western Australian Council of Social Services, 2008-2011; Past President; current Member, Strategic Reference Group; former Representative to Australian Council of Social Services. Chief Executive Officer, Care Options, 2006-2008. Public Servant, Department of Housing, Disability and Community Services, Australian Capital Territory Government, 2003-2005. Executive Director, Wanslea Family Services, 1997-2004. Former Lecturer, Edith Cowan University. Lecturer, Diploma of Welfare Studies, Perth College of Technical and Further Education, in the late 1980s. Deputy Chairperson, State Emergency Management Committee, since 2012. Member, Partnership Forum, Western Australian Government, since 2009. Leader and Chair, Commonwealth People's Forum, Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, Commonwealth Foundation, 2011; Member, Organising Committee, 2011. Current Board Member, Community Employers Western Australia. Current Board Member, Western Australian Association for Mental Health. Current Member, Social Policy Committee, Australian Association of Social Workers; former Board Member. Current Committee Member, National Disability Services Western Australia. Current Member, Western Australian Advisory Council, Centre for Social Impact. Current Member, Advisory Committee, Curtin Graduate School of Business, Curtin University; current Adjunct Professor. President, Community Services, Health and Education Training Council, 1999-2002; Board Member, until late 2000s. Founding Chair, Western Australian Children of Parents with Mental Illness. Past Chair, Children's, Youth and Family Agencies Association Western Australia. Past Board Member, Child and Family Welfare Association of Australia. Founding Board Member, Families Australia, 2001-2003; Founding Working Group Member, representing the Association of Services Supporting Australia's Families, 2000-2001. Past President, Association of Services Supporting Australia's Families. Past President, Child and Family Services Board, Uniting Church of Australia; Past Board Member, Aged Persons Homes; Founding Member, Bethavon Aged Care Hostel. 11 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Desmond John BALL, 3 Jensen Street, Hughes ACT 2605 For distinguished service to international relations as an academic, author and researcher, to Australian Defence policy formulation, and to the security architecture of the Asia-Pacific region. Special Professor, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre (SDSC), College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University, since 1987 (SDSC is part of the Council for Security Co-operation in the Asia Pacific); Head, SDSC, 1984-1991; Deputy Head, 1982-1984; Foundation Chairman, Board of Studies, SDSC Graduate Program, 1987-1991; Personal Chair, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, 1987; Principal Lecturer, Strategic Studies, 1970s-1984; Research Fellow, 1974-1982. Current Co-Chair, Australian Member Committee, Council for Security Co-operation in the Asia Pacific. Co-Chair, Steering Committee, Council for Security Co-operation in Asia-Pacific, 2000-2002; Founding Member. Author or editor of more than 60 publications on technical intelligence subjects, nuclear strategy, Australian defence, and security in the Asia-Pacific region. Council Member, International Institute for Strategic Studies, United Kingdom, 1983 and 1995-2001; Visiting Fellow, 1979-1980. Member/Contributor, Northeast Asia Peace and Security Network, Nautilus Institute, since 1993. Consultant, RAND Corporation 1981-1982; Research And Development is a non-profit global policy think tank formed to offer research and analysis to the United States armed forces. Adviser, Pentagon, United States Department of Defense, 'through the consultation on international security and arms control', 1985. Consultant to the (then) President of the United States Jimmy Carter and Secretary of State Robert McNamara, ca1977-1981. Member, Defence Committee, National Headquarters of the Returned Services League of Australia, 1981-1986. Member, Council of the Australian Defence Force Academy, 1981-1985. Current Patron, Australia Mon Association Inc; supporter, since 1995. Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, 1986. 12 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Peter Charles BLUMBERGS, 11 Barnard Street, North Adelaide SA 5006 For distinguished service to medicine in the field of neuropathology as an academic, researcher and author, through landmark contributions to the understanding of traumatic brain injury. Medical Head, Hanson Institute Centre for Neurological Diseases, 1977-2013; Executive Committee Member, Hanson Institute, since 2002. Clinical Professor of Pathology, University of Adelaide, since 1999; Chief of Neuropathology Research, NH&MRC Road Accident Research Unit, 1994-1998; Member, Mortality Sub-Committee, Postgraduate Education and Quality Assurance, 1982. Scientific Assessor, Victorian Neurotrauma Initiative, since 2006. President, Australian and New Zealand Society for Neuropathology, 1992-1993 and 2003-2004. Examiner in Neuropathology, Royal College of Pathologists of Australia. Member Executive Committee, Australia and New Zealand Society for Neuropathology. Member, Research Advisory Board, National Multiple Sclerosis Society of Australia. Member, South Australian State Committee, Royal Australian College of Pathologists, 1990-1994. Member, Scientific Sub-Committee, Australian Brain Foundation. Member, Scientific Sub-Committee, Neurosurgical Society of South Australia. Member, Scientific Sub-Committee, Muscular Dystrophy Association of South Australia. Laboratory Assessor for National Association of Testing Authorities. Member, Panel of Reviewers, NH&MRC, since 1982. Reviewing Panel Member for Australian Brain Tumour Registry. Awards/recognition include: Distinguished Fellow Award, Royal College of Pathologists of Australia, 2011. 13 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Lesley J BOSTON, Middle Park Vic 3206 For distinguished service to education as an advocate for improved opportunities for young women, to innovative and best practice pedagogy, and to professional development. Scholarship Trustee, Mary Jane Lewis Scholarship Foundation, since 2006. Governing Council Member, Monash University, 2004-2012. President of Convocation, University of Melbourne, 2004-2010; Member of the Honours Committee, Student Theatre Board and University Relations Committee at various times during her Presidency. Committee of Convocation Member, University of Melbourne, 1992-2010 and 2013-2014. Member, Student Support Committee, University of Melbourne, 1998-2006. Former President, Association of Girls' State Secondary Schools of Victoria. Executive Member, Alliance of Girls' Schools (Australasia), 1999-2004; Vice-President; Honorary Life Member. Member, Australian College of Educators. Principal, MacRobertson Girls' High School, 1996-2004. Principal, Mentone Girls' High School, 1989-1996. Deputy Principal, Elwood High School, 1987-1989; Teacher, 1982-1987. Teacher, Hampton High School, 1968-1970 and 1972-1981. Teacher, Cheltenham High School, 1971. Teacher, Noble Park High School, 1966-1967. Awards/recognition include: Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa), Monash University, 2014. 14 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Warwick John BRITTON, 38 Stotts Avenue, Bardwell Park NSW 2207 For distinguished service to medical research as an academic and immunologist, to humanitarian and public health improvements for the people of Nepal, and to the community. Bosch Professor of Medicine and Professor of Immunology, University of Sydney, since 1990. Head of Medicine, Central Clinical School, Sydney Medical School, since 2002. Head of Mycobaterial Research Program, Centenary Institute, since 1990. Clinical Immunologist and Director of Research, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, since 1990. Chair, The Leprosy Mission (International) Research Committee, since 1990. Council Member, The Leprosy Mission (Australia), since 1997. Interim Director, Charles Perkins Centre for Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease, 2009-2010. Visiting Research Fellow, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, 1996. Researcher, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, after receiving a Fullbright Senior Scholar Award, 2002. Visiting Research Fellow, National Institute of Medical Research, London, United Kingdom, 2010. Foundation Member, Australasian Society Clinical Immunology and Allergy, since 1990. National Health and Medical Research Council, continual funding since 1991 for tuberculosis and leprosy research; and Peer Review Panels, since 2000. Physician, United Mission to Nepal Hospital, Tansen, 1978-1981; and Research Director, Anandaban Hospital, Kathmandu, 1986-1989; established Leprosy Research laboratory. Current Council Member, Presbyterian Ladies College, Sydney and Armidale. 15 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Dr Rosemary Barrington BRYANT, PO Box 1957, Woden ACT 2606 For distinguished service to the profession of nursing through national and international leadership, and as a supporter of access and equity in health care. President, International Council of Nurses, 2009-2013; Vice-President, 2005-2009; Board Member, 2001-2013. Consultant to World Health Organisation; assisted Nepal Nursing Council to establish an accreditation system for nursing courses. Commonwealth Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer, since 2008. Executive Director, Royal College of Nursing, Australia, 2000-2008. Health Policy Consultant 1995-2000. Assistant Director, Services Development Branch, Acute Health Division, Victorian Department of Human Services, 1992-1995. Director of Nursing Policy and Planning, Victorian Health Department, 1990-1992. Director of Nursing, Child, Adolescent and Family Health Service, Department of Health, South Australia, 1982-1984. Director of Nursing, Royal Adelaide Hospital, 1984-1990. Fellow, Royal College of Nursing, Australia. Awards/recognition include: Honorary Doctorate, Flinders University, 2012. Honorary Doctorate, Queensland University of Technology, 2010. 16 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Deborah Joy CHEETHAM, 576-578 St Kilda Road, Melbourne Vic 3004 For distinguished service to the performing arts as an opera singer, composer and artistic director, to the development of Indigenous artists, and to innovation in performance. Artistic Director and Founder, Short Black Opera Company, since 2010. Head, Wilin Centre for Indigenous Arts and Cultural Development, Faculty of the VCA and MCM, University of Melbourne, since 2011. Commissioned to write a song for the Welcome to Country, Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. Wrote Australia's first Indigenous Opera, Pecan Summer, 2009. Author, White Baptist Abba Fan, 1997. Founder, Dhungala Children's Choir. Committee Member, selection of NSW Australian of the Year, 2004-2005. Board Member, NSW Australia Day Council, 2005-2007. Board Member, Parks Victoria, 2012. Associate Dean of Indigenous Development, Faculty of the VCA and MCM, University of Melbourne. Head of Peripatetic Music Staff, the McDonald Performing Arts College, 2001-2003; Founding Director of Music, 1994-1997. Music teacher for several schools with the New South Wales Department of Education, for over 18 years. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. Finalist, Australian of the Year (Victoria), 2010. Ambassador, NSW Australia Day Council, 2001-2006. 17 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mr Frank Charles COOPER, Nedlands WA 6009 For distinguished service to the community through leadership and financial management roles with cultural, medical research, sporting, child health, and educational organisations. Chairman, West Australian Opera, 1997-2007; Deputy Chairman; Board Member, 1994-1997; Honorary Life Member. Acting Chairman, Major Performing Arts Board, Australia Council, 2012-2013; Member, 2006-2013. Current Member, WA State Health Research Advisory Committee. Chair, West Australian Football Commission (WAFC), since 2010; Board Member, 2007-2015; current Chair, Heritage Committee; current Chair, Re-numeration Committee; current Chair, WAFC Life Members' Sub-Committee; current Chair, WA Football Hall of Fame Committee; current Member, Finance Committee; current Member, Corporate Governance Committee. Board Member, Fremantle Dockers Football Club, 2002. Board Member and Chair of Finance, Telethon Child Health Research Institute, 1994-2000. Current Member, Senate, University of Western Australia. Deputy Chair, John XXIII College Inc, Claremont, WA; Council Member, 1989-2000. Chair, Western Australian Community Foundation, 2003-2007. Chairman, Insurance Commission of WA, since 2012. Non-Executive Director, Woodside Petroleum, since 2013; current Chairman, Audit and Risk Committee; current Member, Nominations Committee; current Member, Human Resources and Compensation Committee. Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2006-2012. Established, Cooper Partners, 2005. Partner, Ernst & Young, 2002-2005; National Board Member, 2002-2005. Partner, Arthur Andersen (merged with Ernst & Young 2002), 1977-2002; Office Managing Partner for Western Australia, 1991-2002; Worldwide Partner, 1987; Chartered Accountant, 1980. Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia. Fellow, Australia Institute of Company Directors. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. 18 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Edwina Cecily CORNISH, Malvern Vic 3144 For distinguished service to higher education, to advances in biotechnology and horticultural genetic modification, and through fostering of partnerships with government, industry and the community. Provost, Monash University, since 2012; Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, 2009-2012; Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), since 2004. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), University of Adelaide, 2000-2003. Member, Board of Directors, Adelaide Research and Innovation Pty Ltd, University of Adelaide, 2001-2003. Chair, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research/Pro Vice-Chancellor Committee, Universities Australia, 2007-2009. Director of Research and Development, Florigene, 1998-1999; Managing Director, 1994-1998. Member, Board of Directors, Monash IVF Pty Ltd, 2007. Member, Board of Directors, Repromed Pty Ltd, 2000-2002. Member, National Research Infrastructure Council, 2009-2012. Member, Australia's Advisory Council on Intellectual Property, 2007-2012. Member, National Research Priorities Standing Committee, 2006-2007. Member, CSIRO Flagship Program Review Panel, 2006. Member, National e-Research Co-ordinating Committee, 2005-2006. Member, South Australian Premier's Science and Research Council, 2002-2003. Board Member, Australian Research Council, 2001-2004. Member, Board of Directors, Co-operative Research Centre for Molecular Plant Breeding, 2001-2003. Member, Board of Directors, Forestry Tasmania, 2000-2003. Board of Directors, Co-operative Research Centre for Tissue Growth and Repair, 2000-2001. Board of Directors, Australian Petroleum Cooperative Research Centre, 2000-2001. Member, South Australian Innovation, Science and Technology Council, 2000-2001. Member, South Australian Biotechnology Industry Advisory Council, 2000-2001. Member, Victorian Government Science and Engineering Technology Taskforce, 1997-2000. Member, Garden State Advisory Committee, Victorian Government, 1997-1998. Member, Prime Minister's Science and Engineering Council, 1995-1997. Board Member, Australian Biotechnology Association, 1994-1998. Board Member, Auslndustry, 1994-1996. Observer, European Molecular Biology Laboratory Council. Member, Board of Trustees, International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, 2002-2008; Chair, Audit Committee, 2005-2008. Member, Board of Directors, International Society for Plant Molecular Biology, 1996-2000. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. 19 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA The Honourable Dr Hendy John COWAN, PO Box 12, Narembeen WA 6369 For distinguished service to the Parliament of Western Australia, to tertiary education, agriculture and regional development, and through significant contributions to cancer control organisations. Former Deputy Premier, Parliament of Western Australia, 1993-2001; Minister for Commerce and Trade, 1993-2001; Minister for Small Business and Regional Development, 1995-2001; Deputy Coalition Leader in Opposition and Shadow Minister for Economic Development and Trade, 1992-1993. Leader, The Nationals Western Australia, 1978-2001; Member for Merredin-Yilgarn, 1974-2001. Reviewer, Post-secondary agricultural education in Western Australia, Western Australian Government, 2010. Reviewer, Western Australian Inland Drainage policy, Wheatbelt Drainage Council, 2012. Administrator, Supplementary Property Purchase Program, for several years. Chair, Advisory Board, Indian Ocean Climate Initiative (research partnership between Western Australian government, Bureau of Meteorology and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation). Chancellor, Edith Cowan University, since 2005; Board Member, since 2004. Chairman, Institute of Natural Resources Management, University of Notre Dame Australia, 2003. Chair, State Agriculture Biotechnology Centre, Murdoch University. Chair, Advisory Group, Centre for Enterprise Management and Innovation, University of Western Australia. Wheatbelt Division Representative, Advisory Board, Regional Development Australia. Chair, Cancer Council Australia, since 2010; Deputy Chair, 2006-2009; Western Australian Representative, National Executive, since 2003. President, Cancer Council Western Australia, 2003; Vice-President, 2002; Board Member, since 2001. Board Member, Bowls WA, since 2012. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. 20 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Maryanne DIAMOND, 26 Hillsyde Parade, Strathmore Vic 3041 For distinguished service to people who are blind or have low vision through national and international leadership roles, and as an advocate for best practice employment opportunities. Chair-Elect, International Disability Alliance, since 2014; Vice-Chair, 2012-2014; Board Member, 2009-2012. President, World Blind Union, 2008-2012; Immediate Past President; since 2012; 1st Vice-President, 2004-2008; Chair, International Women’s Committee, 2000-2004; Chair, Right to Read Campaign, since 2012; Head of Delegation to WIPO, 2009-2013, for negotiation of ‘The Marrakech Treaty to improve access to information for persons who are blind, visually impaired or otherwise print disabled’, adopted June 2013. Chair, Global Employment Committee, since 2009; developed Global Employment Reserve Bank for Blind and Visually Impaired Persons, their families and employers. General Manager, International and Stakeholder Relations, Vision Australia, since 2009; Manager, International Development, 2007-2009; Board Member, 2004-2007; Board Member, Asia Pacific Region, 2001-2004. Board Member, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind (now known as Vision Australia), 1995-2000. Inaugural Chief Executive Officer, Australian Federation of Disability Organisations, 2004-2007. Executive Officer, Blind Citizens Australia, 2000-2004; Advocacy and Information Officer, 1998-2000. Board Member, International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment, 2009-2012. Board Member, Aged Macular Degeneration International Alliance, since 2011. Board Member, Australian Pacific Islands Disability Support, since 2005. Board Member, Australian Blindness Forum, 2012-2014. Board Member, Australia's National People with Disabilities and Carer Council, since 2009. Board Member, ACOSS, 2007-2011. Board Member, Global Partnership on Disability and Development, 2010-2012. Awards/recognition include: David Blyth Award, Blind Citizens Australia, 2013. Named as one of Melbourne’s 100 most influential people, The Age Magazine, 2008. Life Governor, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, 2000. 21 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Peter Bishop DIXON, Brighton Vic 3186 For distinguished service to education in the field of applied economics as an academic, researcher and author, through significant contributions to policy analysis and modelling. Professor, Victoria University, Melbourne, since 2014. Sir John Monash Distinguished Professor, Monash University, 2006-2013; Director, Centre of Policy Studies, 1991-2004; Senior Lecturer, 1975-1978. Distinguished Fellow, Economic Society of Australia, 2003. Visiting Professor, Harvard University, 1983; Teaching Assistant, 1970-1972. Director and Professor, Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, University of Melbourne, 1984-1991. Professor of Economics, La Trobe University, 1978-1984; Chair, Economic Theory, 1978. Economist, Reserve Bank Australia, Sydney, 1974-1975. Economist, International Monetary Fund, Washington, 1972-1974. Member, Economic Society of Australia, 2003. Joint Editor, Handbook of CGE Modelling, 2013. Author of books (7), articles (200) and publications, since 1972. Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences, 1982. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. 22 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Jeffrey Charles (Jeff) DUNN, PO Box 201, Spring Hill Qld 4004 For distinguished service to medical administration through leadership roles with cancer control organisations, and to the promotion of innovative and integrated cancer care programs. Chief Executive Officer, Cancer Council Queensland (CCQ), Brisbane, since 2002. Developed state-wide reach of CCQ Community Services, including Helpline and specialised Cancer Counselling Service, 1989-2004. Expanded state-wide accommodation facilities for regional patients and carers, 2002-2013. Established Viertel Centre for Research in Cancer Control, 2004; and CCQ Palliative Care centre in Townsville, 2009. Chair, Asia-Pacific Cancer Society Training Grant Program, Union for International Cancer Control, Geneva, since 2002; Chair, Reach to Recovery International Breast Cancer Support Service, since 2009; Member, World Cancer Leaders Forum, since 2010; Member, McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer Advisory Committee, since 2011. Current President, Asian Pacific Organisation for Cancer Prevention; Regional Chairperson Australasia, since 2012; Member, Executive Committee, since 2012. Director and Board Member, International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS), since 2010; Secretary, since 2013; Member, Education Board, Psycho-Oncology journal, since 2006; achieved endorsement of IPOS International Standard of Quality Cancer Care from 74 international organisations; Chair, Cancer Control Special Interest Group; Member, World Congress Committee; Member, Education Committee; Member, Publications Committee. Current Co-Chair, World congress on Melanoma (Australia, 2017). Current Chair, 8th General Assembly and International Conference of the Asian Pacific Organisation for Cancer Prevention (Australia, 2016). Current Member, Host Committee, 2014 UICC World Cancer Congress (Australia). Professor, School of Public Health, Griffith University, 2008-2014; Adjunct Member, Behavioural Basis of Health, since 2012. Adjunct Professor, School of Social Science, University of Queensland, 2002-2014. Chair, Communications Advisory Committee, Cancer Australia, 2012-2014. Member, Clinical Oncological Society of Australia, since 2000. Member, QUT Faculty of Health Advisory Committee, since 2010. Member (GAICD), Australian Institute of Company Directors, since 2010. Founding Advocate, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, since 2012. 23 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Judith DURHAM OAM, PO Box 555, South Yarra Vic 3141 For distinguished service to the performing arts as an entertainer, through seminal contributions to Australian music, and as a supporter of a range of not-for-profit organisations. Founding Member, The Seekers, since 1962. Solo Artist, since 1960; including Colours of My Life Tour, 2012. Solo albums include Epiphany, 2011; Up Close and Personal, 2009; Advance Australia Fair, 2009; Hold onto Your Dream, 2001; and Mona Lisas. 1996. 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Tour and Recordings, 2012-2014. The Seekers have sold over fifty million records. Their song, I'll Never Find Another You is included in the Sounds of Australia register, National Film and Sound Archive, 2011. The Seekers have performed in various national ceremonies in Australia, including World Expo 88 in Brisbane and the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games. Silver Jubilee Tour, 25 Year Reunion Celebration - Live in Concert was the biggest selling music video in Australia, 1993. Record Holders, biggest concert crowd in the Southern Hemisphere (200,000 attendees), Guinness Book of Records, 1967. The Seekers had 6 top ten hits during the 1960s. Their song, The Carnival is Over is still in the top 50 best-selling singles in the United Kingdom. First Australian pop music group to achieve major chart and sales success in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Supporter of over 50 community organisations including: - Patron, Motor Neurone Disease Association, since 1994. - Patron, Georgina Josephine Foundation, since 2012. - Patron, Injured Nurses Association, since 2007. - Patron, Bonnie Babes Foundation. Awards/recognition include: Awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day 1995 Honours List for her services to the Australian music industry. Centenary Medal, 2001. The Ted Albert Award for Outstanding Services to Australian music, Australian Performing Rights Association, 2013. Joint Recipient, Keys to the City of Melbourne, City of Melbourne Council, 2006. Joint Inductee, Hall of Fame, Australian Recording Industry Association, 1995. Joint Recipient, Australian of the Year, Australia Day Council, 1967. Honoured with postage stamp, Australia Post, 2002 and 2012. 24 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Dr Alan Simon FINKEL AM, PO Box 254, Toorak Vic 3142 For distinguished service to science and engineering, and to tertiary education administration, as an advocate for the protection of children, and to philanthropy. Chancellor, Monash University, since 2008. Strategic leadership in computer redevelopment and rationalisation. Philanthropic support for medicine and engineering. Founded Cosmos magazine, 2004. Best Publisher, Bell Awards for Publishing Excellence, 2006 and 2009. Lord Mayor's Sustainability Award, City of Sydney, 2008. Patron, In2Science School mentoring program, Australian Science Media Centre, since 2013. Co-Founder, Stile Education Pty Ltd, 2012. Chair, Amalgamation Committee, Florey Neuroscience Institutes (amalgamation of Howard Florey Research Institute, Brain Research Institute and National Stroke Research Institute), 2006-2007; Board Director, 2007; Member, Commercialisation Committee. Chair, Management Committee, Australian Course in Advanced Neuroscience (ACAN), 2005-2012; Patron, ACAN, since 2013. President, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), since 2013; Chair, Communications Committee. Board Member, Clunies Ross Foundation (part of ATSE). Leading role in initiating the 'Science and Technology Education Leveraging Relevance' Project. Leading role and philanthropic donation to 'Extreme Science Experience'. Foundation Chair, Steering Committee, 'Securing Australia's Future' Project, Australian Council of Learned Academies, 2012-2013. Chair, ARC Centre for Excellence for All-Sky Astrophysics, since 2010. Chair, Victoria-Israel R&D Technology Fund, 2006. Chair, National Research Centre for the Prevention of Child Abuse, for 5 years. Chairman, Finkel Foundation, since 2001; philanthropic supporter of a wide range of organisations including Koori Heritage Museum; John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University; and the Royal Institution of Australia. Founder and CEO, Axon Instruments Inc, 1983-2004. Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, since 2006. Awards/recognition include: Appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day 2006 Honours List for his service to biomedical science, particularly through the design and manufacture of a range of electronic instruments, and to support for medical research and education. 25 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Paul Atherstone GRABOWSKY, 1 Brosa Avenue, Bentleigh East Vic 3165 For distinguished service to music as a performer, composer, educator and mentor, and through significant contributions to the arts as an administrator. Mr Grabowsky is a jazz pianist, composer and conductor and has been performing since the late 1970s with various jazz ensembles including The Wizards of Oz, Groovematics, and The Paul Grabowsky Trio. Founder and Founding Artistic Director, Australian Art Orchestra, 1994-2012; current Conductor and Pianist. Composer, Opening and Closing Ceremonies, Sydney 2000 Olympic Games; Musical Director, Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games Closing Ceremony. Composer for Film, Television and Theatre: Film scores include: The Eye of the Storm; Shiner; It Runs in the Family; Jungle Book 2; Innocence; Paperback Romance; Last Days of Chez; Nous; Georgia; A Woman's Tale; and Last Orders; Molokai: The Story of Father Damien. Theatrical Scores include: Ruby's Story (with Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter), 2004. Former musical director, Tonight Live with Steve Vizard. Head, Television Arts and Entertainment, Producer/Creator, Access All Areas, 1996-1997. Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 1997-1998; Chairman, Music Board, Australia Council, 1994-1995. Participant, Creative Australia, Australia 2020 Summit, 2008. Artistic Director, Hush Music Foundation, since 2004; the HUSH collection, a special compilation of soothing music designed to calm and relax people of all ages. Artistic Director, Adelaide Festival of the Arts, 2008-2012. Artistic Director, Queensland Music Festival, 2005-2008. Member, Melbourne International Jazz Festival, since 2003. Commissioner, Screen Australia (formerly Australian Film Commission), 2003-2007; Patron Sounds of Australia, 2007. Executive Director, Performing Arts, Academy of Performing Arts, Monash University, since 2012. Creative in Residence, Australian Institute of Music (Queensland and Northern Territory), since 2006. Mentor/Teacher, Remote Indigenous Music Program, School Creative Arts and Humanities, Charles Darwin University (Northern Territory), since 2004. Has received commissions from many organisations including Opera Australia; Melbourne Symphony Orchestra; and the Australian National Academy of Music. Has recorded many CDs including Tales of Time and Space, 2004; Love in the Age of Therapy, 2002; The Theft of Sita (Co-Creator), 2000; Passion, 1999; When Words Fail, 1996; Piano Concerto, 1996; and Ringing the Bells Backwards, 1994. Awards/recognition includes: Best Australian Jazz Composition of the Year, Australian Jazz Bell Awards, 2007; Australian Jazz Artist of the Year, 2006. Melbourne Prize for Music, Melbourne Prize Trust, 2007. Best Jazz Album, Before Time Could Change Us, Australian Recording Industry Awards, 2004; Best Australian Jazz Release, When Words Fail, 1996; Best Jazz Album, Six By Three, 1990; Best Jazz Album, Soundtrack, 1988. Excellence in Film and Theatrical Score, Deadly Awards, Ruby's Story, 2004. Sydney Myer Performing Artist of the Year, 2002. Best Original Score, The Theft of Sita, Helpmann Awards, 2001. Award for Phoenix, Australasian Performing Right Association Awards, 1993; Most Performed Australasian Jazz Work, Disappearing Shoreline, 1989. 26 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Dr Gwendolyn GRAY JAMIESON, 43 Glasgow Street, Hughes ACT 2605 For distinguished service to the community, particularly through better women's health outcomes, advocacy, and the development of public policy. Deputy Chair, Australian Women's Health Network, since 2012; National Convenor, 19952000 and 2005-2012; National Committee Member, since 1995. Contributed to the National Women's Health Policy, 1989; and the National Preventative Health Research Strategy (2012-2016), Australian National Preventative Health Agency. Established the Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander Talking Circle. Devised and convened National Women's Health Summit, 2008. Participated in the organisation of five national conferences, since 1996. Assisted with the establishment of organisation, mid 1980s-early 1990s. Author, Reaching for Health: The Australian Women's Health Movement and Public Policy, 2012. Current Visiting Senior Lecturer, School of Politics and International Relations, Australian National University; Academic Staff Member, since the 1980s. Board Member, Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT (formerly the ACT Family Planning Association), for many years; former President. 27 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Thomas Rhys (Tom) GRIFFITHS, O'Connor ACT 2602 For distinguished service to tertiary education, particularly social, cultural and environmental history, and through popular and academic contributions to Australian literature. Director, Centre for Environmental History, School of History, Australian National University (ANU), current; William Keith Hancock Professor of History, Research School of Social Sciences, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences, since 2011. Chair, Editorial Board, Australian Dictionary of Biography, since 2006; Member, since 2000; Chair, Commonwealth Working Party, 1999-2004. Current Professorial Affiliate, Research Centre, National Museum of Australia. Adjunct Professor of Climate Research, Humanities Faculty, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009-2013; Distinguished Visiting Professor of Australian Studies, 2008. Scholarly Residency, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy, 2010. Co-Convenor, Joint National Academies Forum on Climate and Culture in Australia, 2002. Deputy Head, Sir Robert Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, University of London, United Kingdom, 1995-1996. Co-Author, Living with Fire: People, Nature and History in Steels Creek, CSIRO Publishing, 2012; (with Christine Hansen and Tom Griffiths). Author, Slicing the Silence: Voyaging to Antarctica, University of NSW Press and Harvard University Press, 2007. Author, Forests of Ash: An Environmental History, Cambridge University Press, 2001. Author, Hunters and Collectors: The Antiquarian Imagination in Australia, Cambridge University Press, 1996. Author, Beechworth: An Australian Country Town and its Past, Greenhouse, Melbourne, 1987. Co-Editor, Frontier, Race, Nation: Henry Reynolds and Australian History, Australian Scholarly Publishing, Melbourne, 2009; (with Bain Attwood). Co-Editor, A Change in the Weather: Climate and Culture in Australia, NMA Press, Canberra, 2005; with Tim Sherratt and Libby Robin). Co-Editor, Words for Country: Landscape and Language in Australia, UNSW Press, Sydney, 2002; with Tim Bonyhady. Co-Editor, Ecology and Empire: Environmental History of Settler Societies, Keele University Press, Edinburgh, 1997; with Libby Robin. Co-Editor, Prehistory to Politics: John Mulvaney, the Humanities and the Public Intellectual, Melbourne University Press, 1996; (with Tim Bonyhady. Co-Editor, The Life and Adventures of Edward Snell, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1988; with Alan Platt. Fellow, Australian Academy of the Humanities, since 2000. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. Alfred Deakin Prize, for an Essay Advancing Public Debate Victorian Premier's Literary Awards, 2009; donated the prize money to help fund collaborative historical work with people recovering from the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria. Joint Winner, Prime Minister's Prize for Australian History, 2008. Douglas Stewart Prize for Non-Fiction, NSW Premier's Literary Awards, 2008; ‘Book of the Year’ award, 1996. Best Non-Fiction Book, Queensland Premier's Literary Awards, 2007. Max Crawford Award, Australian Academy of the Humanities, 1997. Antarctic Arts Fellowship, 2002-2003. 28 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mr Athol George GUY, Mount Macedon Vic 3441 For distinguished service to the performing arts as an entertainer, through seminal contributions to Australian music, and as a supporter of a range of not-for-profit organisations. Founding Member, The Seekers, since 1962. 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Tour and Recordings, 2012-2014. The Seekers have sold over fifty million records. Their song, I'll Never Find Another You is included in the Sounds of Australia register, National Film and Sound Archive, 2011. The Seekers have performed in various national ceremonies in Australia, including the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games. Silver Jubilee Tour, 25 Year Reunion Celebration - Live in Concert was the biggest selling music video in Australia, 1993. Record Holders, biggest concert crowd in the Southern Hemisphere (200,000 attendees), Guinness Book of Records, 1967. The Seekers had 6 top ten hits during the 1960s. Their song, The Carnival is Over is still in the top 50 best-selling singles in the United Kingdom. First Australian pop music group to achieve major chart and sales success in the United Kingdom, United States of America and internationally (20 countries). Supporter of a range of community organisations including: - Patron, Kids Under Cover. - Patron, Riding for the Disabled. - Patron, Relay for Life. - Founding Member, Children's Protection Society, 1983/1984. - Supporter, The Variety Club, for over 50 years. Business Development Consultant, St George Bank and AMP Financial, in the 1990s. Executive Director, Clemenger Harvie, 1982-1989. Partner, Hanging Rock Winery, since 1982. Member Legislative Assembly, Gisborne Electorate, Liberal Party, Parliament of Victoria, 1971-1979. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. The Ted Albert Award for Outstanding Services to Australian music, Australian Performing Rights Association, 2013. Joint Recipient, Keys to the City of Melbourne, City of Melbourne Council, 2006. Joint Inductee, Hall of Fame, Australian Recording Industry Association, 1995. Joint Recipient, Australian of the Year, Australia Day Council, 1967. Honoured with postage stamp, Australia Post, 2002 and 2012. Ambassador, Heart Kids, Royal Children's Hospital. 29 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Nicholas Johannes HOOGENRAAD, 460 Hildebrand Road, St Andrews Vic 3761 For distinguished service to science education and technological development, particularly in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. Current Executive Director, La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science; La Trobe University; Head, School of Molecular Sciences, since 1998; Professor, Department of Biochemistry, since 1991; Head, School of Biochemistry and Genetics, 1998-1999; Head, Biochemistry Department, 1990, 1991, 1994-2010 and 2014; Distinguished Professor, 2011; Biochemistry Lecturer, 1974-1975; Senior Lecturer, 1976-1983; Reader in Biochemistry, 1984-1991; Academic Board Representative, Personal Chairs Committee, 1994-2003. Member, Faculty Board, since 1995; Member, Academic Board, since 1994; Member, Research and Graduate Studies Committee, 1997-2001; Member, Small ARC Committee, 1995-1997; Member, Collaborative Research Committee, 1996-2000. President, Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), 1997-1998; Executive Member, 1996-1999; State Representative, 1976-1978; Life Member. Founder, Australian Biochemist, 1998; official magazine of the ASBMB. Chair, National Committee for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Australian Academy of Science, 1997-2002. Chair, Biochemistry Discipline Panel, National Health and Medical Research Council, 2007; Deputy Chair, 2006; Member, 2004-2005. Distinguished Visiting Scientist, Danish Science Academy, Aarhus University, 2010 and 2003. Member, Nominations Committee, International Union for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2000-2003. Scientific Advisory Board Member, Department of Plant Science, University of Adelaide, 1998-2002; Research School of Biological Science, Australian National University, 1999-2002; Murdoch Institute Melbourne, 2001-2005. Lecturer and Medallist, Barbara Ell Seminar Series, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, 2005. External Examiner, Medical Biochemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994-1996. Member, Promotions and Appointments Committee, Baker Medical Research Institute, 1994-1996. Member, Biological Sciences Discipline Panel, Australia Research Council (ARC), 1991-1994; ARC Representative, HIV/AIDS Research Evaluation Committee, 1992. Scientific Adviser, Research into Birth Defects, Murdoch Institute, 1987-1992. Scientific Consultant, International Atomic Energy Agency, for 3 months in 1992. Founding Member, Human Biology Program, Stanford University, United States of America, in the early 1970s; Assistant Professor, in the early 1970s. Member, National Characterisation Council, since 2010. Member, Victorian Biotechnology Strategic Development Plan Infrastructure Working Group, Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development, 2007-2009. Member, Board of Directors, Co-operative Research Centres for Vaccine Technologies, 2001-2003; Diagnostic Technologies, 1995-2001; and Diagnostics, 2001-2007. Member, Board of Directors, Trans Bio Ltd. Biosciences Panel Member, Excellence in Research Australia, ongoing. Founder and Chairman, Sir MacFarlane-Burnet Biomedical Research Scholarship Committee, Government of Victoria, 1982-1986. Chair, ANZ Trustees, 2005-2007; Member, 2000-2007. Member, Awards Committee, Victoria Prize, 1999. Editorial Board Member, International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Life, since 2008; Protein Engineering, Developments and Synthesis, since 2003; The Journal of Biochemistry (Tokyo), 2001-2006; Biological Chemistry, 2001-2006; and Today's Life Science, 1989-2003. Awards/recognition include: Charles La Trobe Professorship, La Trobe University, 2011. Dean's Medal, La Trobe University, 2010; for his outstanding service to science and engineering. Lemberg Medal, 2004; highest honour from Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Leach Medal and Lectureship, 22nd Annual ASBMB Protein Structure and Function Conference, 1997. AMRAD/Pharmacia-LKB Biotechnology Medal, 1994. Ambassador, Club Melbourne, since 2008. 30 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Heather Elizabeth JEFFERY, 28 Lower Boyle Street, Mosman NSW 2088 For distinguished service to medicine and tertiary education in the field of paediatrics, and to improved maternal and child health in rural and remote Australia and in developing countries. Clinical Academic Neonatologist, Department of Neonatal Medicine, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, since 2008; Head of Department, 1997-2008; Clinical Neonatologist, 1986-1996; Leader, clinical outreach programs on perinatal care for rural and remote New South Wales communities, for many years. Foundation Member, National Scientific Advisory Group, SIDS and Kids, since 2004. Current Member, Perinatal Mortality Group Steering Committee, Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand. Adviser, Child Death Review Team, New South Wales Ombudsman, since 2010. Author/Co-Author of over 100 scientific and research publications, reports and text book chapters, for many years. Co-Creator, educational method called SCORPIO (Structured Clinical Objective Referenced Problem orientated integrated Organised), now used by most large medical training institutions in Australia and South East Asia. Inaugural Chair, International Maternal and Child Health, School of Public Health, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, since 2008. Evaluation Lead, medical programs and Head of Evaluation, 2007-2011. Adviser, Medical Programs Curriculum Development and Implementation, 2007-2011. Supervisor and Mentor, medical students, ongoing for many years. University Representative, various international conferences and forums on maternal and child health, ongoing for many years. Leader, various multi-disciplinary maternal and child health teams, Vietnam, Hoc Mai Australia Vietnam Medical Foundation (non-profit university organisation to improve health outcomes through education and research in Vietnam), since 2004. Current Principal Chief Investigator (representing the University of Sydney), Sea-Urchin Project (South East Asia Using Research for Change in Hospital-Acquired Infections in Neonates), National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Chief Investigator, NHMRC trial to evaluate the impact of an early start to iron/folic acid supplementation in pregnancy on deaths of newborns in rural Bangladesh, ongoing. Current Adviser, Sea-Orchid project (South East Asia Optimising Reproductive and Child Health in Developing Countries). Paediatric Consultant, Universiti Sains Malaysia - University of Sydney educational and research program, since 1995; Paediatric Consultant, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 1986-1995; In-country Paediatric Consultant, Penang and Kota Bharu facilities, 1983-1985, initiated the first intensive care nurseries at the University’s hospital. Consultant and Team Leader, educational intervention to prevent neonatal and perinatal mortality, World Bank and the Ministry of Health, Macedonia, 1999-2003. Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, since 1994. Member, Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom, 1974. Mr Henry Alfred (Harry) JENKINS, Bundoora Vic 3083 For distinguished service to the Parliament of Australia, particularly as a presiding officer and through a range of outreach and inter-Parliamentary programs. Speaker, House of Representatives, Parliament of Australia, 2008-2011; Second Deputy Speaker, 1996-2007; Deputy Speaker, 1993-1996. Member for Scullin, 1986-2013; Member of several committees and Deputy Chair of Committees, 1990-1993. 31 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Graeme John KOEHNE, PO Box 216, North Adelaide SA 5006 For distinguished service to the performing arts as a composer of chamber, concert and ballet music, and through substantial contributions as an educator and arts administrator. Composer in Residence, South Australia, 1999-2001; Member, Performing Arts Advisory Committee, 1991-1993. Has been commissioned for a range of organisations including: Sydney Symphony Orchestra, 1998; pieces include High Art for Solo Trumpet and Orchestra, 2003; In-Flight Entertainment, 2000; and Elevator Music, 1997; Sydney Dance Company, Powerhouse, 1993; including The Selfish Giant, 1983; and Nearly Beloved, 1986. The Australian Ballet Company, 1988; first Composer to have a full evening work commissioned, this production toured Melbourne, Adelaide and Canberra and was recorded by Orchestra Victoria for the Australian Broadcasting Commission Classics, 1998. Also Tivoli (2000) Centenary of Federation commissioned by The Australian Ballet Company. The Queensland Ballet Company, 1988; including Once around the Sun. The Western Australian Ballet, 1988; including Rhythmic Birds of the Antipodes. The Sydney Olympics Committee, 1999; Fanfare for a New Millennium. Professor, Head of Composition, University of Adelaide, since 2005; Senior Lecturer in Music, Head of Composition, 1993-2004; Lecturer, Head of Composition, 1987-1992. Harkness Fellow and Research Affiliate, Yale University, United States of America, 1985-1987. Chair, Australian Council Music Board, 2002-2009; Councillor, 2002-2005; Chairman, Music Fund of the Council, 1996; Member, Music Committee, 1994-1996; Member, Composer Commissions Panel, 1989-1992. Chairman, Emerging Artist Panel, Arts South Australia, 2002-2005. Board Member and Deputy Chair, Adelaide Chamber Orchestra, 1990-1996. Member, Steering Committee, Federal Governments National Review School Music Education, 2004-2005; Adviser, Communications, Information Technology and the Arts Review, Australian National Academy and the Australian Youth Orchestra, 2004-2005. Awards/recognition include; Centenary Medal, 2001. Sir Bernard Heinze Medal, University of Melbourne, 2004. Doctorate of Music, University of Adelaide, 2002. Australian Composer Award, Adelaide Festival, 1982. Arts Ambassador, Arts South Australia, 1997-2002. 32 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Emeritus Professor Philip Spencer (Sam) LAKE, 23 Hume Street, Armadale Vic 3143 For distinguished service to conservation and the environment as an ecologist and freshwater scientist, and to research and professional organisations. Ecologist and Freshwater Scientist, specialising in limnology (the scientific study of inland waters), for over 45 years. Current Emeritus Professor, School of Biological Sciences, Monash University. Ecology Consultant, national and international, government and private sector, for many years. Member, Writing Team, Research Plan for Freshwater Biodiversity, National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, 2011. Chief Ecologist, Freshwater Ecology, Cooperative Research Centre, 1993-2003; Program Leader, 1994-1998. Co-Director, Co-operative Research Centre for Stream Ecology, Australian Water Resources Advisory Council, 1986-1989. Current Member, United States Society of Freshwater Science; Member, Hynes Award Committee, 1999-2001. Vice-President, Ecological Society of Australia, 1988-1993; Foundation Member, 1962; Tasmania Councillor, 1973-1975. President, Australian Society for Limnology, 1980-1981; Vice-President, 1979-1980; Executive Member, 1978-1982; Bulletin Editor, 1986-1989, current Member. Member of the International Society for Limnology, British Ecological Society and the Ecological Society of America, for many years. Chair, Fish Habitat Committee, Australian Society for Fish Biology, 1985-1988; Executive Member, 1985-1986. Member, Expert Committee, Australian Water Information Dictionary, Bureau of Meteorology, 2009-2011. Member of the Snowy River Benchmarking Project Steering Committee, Snowy Mountains Scheme, 1999-2008; Scientific Reference Panel for Lower Snowy Restoration Project, 2001-2009; and Snowy Scientific Committee, 2008-2012. Member, Aquatic Ecosystems Advisory Group, National Water Commission, 2006-2009. Member, Scientific Advisory Board, World Wildlife Fund, 2006-2009. Member, Scientific Advisory Committee for River Health, Department of Environment and Primary Industries Victoria, 2002-2013; Adviser to the Stream Condition Index; Victorian River Health Strategy; and the Victorian Waterways Strategy, 2002. Member, Advisory Panel for Environmental Auditors, Environment Protection Authority Victoria, 2006-2010. Editorial Board Memberships include: - Restoration Ecology, since 2008. - Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, since 2005; international publication. - Marine and Freshwater Research, 1988-1995 and 2008-2011. - Freshwater Biology, 2000-2008; international publication. Fellow, Australian Centre for Biodiversity, Monash University, 2009-2013. Awards/recognition include: Naumann-Thienemann Medal, International Society for Limnology, 2013; the highest honour that can be bestowed internationally for outstanding scientific contributions to limnology. Gold Medal, Ecological Society of Australia, 2006; awarded to an ecologist who has made a substantial contribution to the study of ecology in Australia) Award of Excellence United States Society of Freshwater Science, 2002; highest honour from the largest freshwater research society in the world. Joint Winner, Bicentennial Authority Heritage Award, 1988; for the book The Conservation of Australian Wetlands. Jolly Award, Australian Society for Limnology, 1980; for his significant contribution to limnology. 33 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mr Robert Burgess LEECE AM RFD, 18 Burran Avenue, Mosman NSW 2088 For distinguished service to the community of New South Wales through the development and guidance of major infrastructure projects. Trustee, Sydney Opera House; Chairman Trust Building Committee, since 2002. Non-Executive Director, Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation. Chairman, NSW Health Infrastructure, since 2007. Infrastructure Coordinator-General, NSW, 2009-2011; involving construction of school facilities and social housing. Appointed Fellow, University of Sydney Senate, 2011; Chair, University Building and Estimates Committee. Awards/recognition include: Appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day 2002 Honours List for his service to sport, particularly through the design, construction and delivery of Olympic and Paralympic sporting facilities, management of the transport system, and to the community. Reserve Force Decoration; long service award presented to officers in the Reserve elements of the Australian Defence Force. 34 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Conjoint Professor Gregory Ross LEIGH, Beecroft NSW 2119 For distinguished service to the deaf and hard of hearing community, particularly children, through education, research, public policy development, and specialist services. Director, Renwick Centre, Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children; current Chair, Academic Board. Conjoint Professor of Special Education and Disability Studies, University of Newcastle; current Deputy Director, Centre for Special Education and Disability Studies. Chair, Australasian Newborn Hearing Screening Committee, since 2005; Member, since 2003. Member, Ministerial Standing Committee on Hearing, NSW Department of Health, 20042013. Chair, International Committee, International Congress on Education to the Deaf, since 2005; Member, since 2000. Chair, International Steering Committee, Asia-Pacific Congress on Deafness, since 2006; Member, since 1998. Congress Chairman, 19th International Congress on Education of the Deaf and 7th Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness, 1995-2000; Chair, Sponsorship Committee, 1996-2000. National President, Education Commission for the World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf, 1998-1999. Current Consultant Expert on Education, Deaf Australia. Advisory Board Member, MARCS Auditory Research Centre, University of Western Sydney, 2002-2006. Member, Divisional Committee, NSW Division, ACROD, 2001-2002; Member, Service Development and Planning Sub-Committee, 2004-2006. Member, Literacy and Special Needs Advisory Committee, NSW Association of Independent Schools, 2001-2014. Invited Member, Greater Metropolitan Transition Task Force, Working Party on the Cochlear Implantation, NSW Department of Health, 2003-2004. Invited Member, Working Group on Neonatal Newborn Hearing Screening, Australian Population Health Development Principal Committee, Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council, 2009-2013. Fellow, Australian College of Educators. Awards/recognition include: Peter Howson Medal, Deafness Foundation, 2011. Inaugural recipient, Arts, Education and Law Alumnus of the Year Award, Griffith University, 2011. Inaugural recipient, School of Education Alumnus of the Year Award, Griffith University, 2011. Invited Orator, Libby Harricks Memorial Oration, Deafness Forum of Australia, 2010. 35 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Sandra LEVY, Redfern NSW 2016 For distinguished service to the arts as a film and television director and producer, and through strategic leadership and educational roles. Chief Executive Officer, Australian Film, Television and Radio School, since 2007. Drama Consultant, Zapruder's Other Films, 2006-2007. Executive Director for Development, Nine Network, 2005-2006. Director of Television, ABC, 2001-2005; Head of ABC Drama, 1986-1990; Director and Producer, Education, Features and Drama, 1971-1981. Producer and Company Director, Southern Star Sandra Levy, 1998-2001. Producer, Southern Star Xanadu, 1990-1998. Director, St James’ Ethics Centre, 2010-2012. Acting Chair, Deputy Chair and Board Member, Sydney Theatre Company, 2001-2011. Member, Prime Minister's 2020 Creative Australia Working Group; and Member, Minister for the Arts Advisory Panel on Cultural Policy, 2008-2010. Member, NSW Cultural Management Committee, 2003-2007. Member, Australian Film Finance Corporation, 1992-1996. Member, Australian Film Television and Radio School, 1990-1993. Member, Australian Film Commission, 1986-1989. Member, Australian Film Commission Women's Film Fund, 1982-1984. 36 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor David Bruce LINDENMAYER, Fenner School of Environment and Society, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 For distinguished service to conservation and the environment in the field of landscape ecology, to tertiary education, and to professional organisations. Research Professor, Conservation and Landscape Ecology, Fenner School of Environment and Society, College of Medicine, Biology and Environment, Australian National University (ANU), since 2007. Research Professor, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, 2004-2006; Senior Fellow, 1998-2004; Research Fellow, 1995-1997; Australian Research Council Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, 1994-1995; Research Associate, 1991. Fellow, Department of Geography, ANU, 1997-1998. Australian Laureate Fellowship, Australian Research Council, 2013; ANU Node Leader, Centre of Excellence, 2011. Member, Sectional Committee (SC10) - Selection of New Fellows in Ecology and Evolution, Australian Academy of Science, 2010-2011. Current Member, Executive Advisory Committee, Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network; current Science Director, Long-Term Ecological Research Network. Adjunct Professor, University of Melbourne, 2006-2010. Elected, New York Academy of Sciences, 2009. Member, Climate Change and Biodiversity Expert Advisory Group, Australian Greenhouse Office, 2007-2008. Bullard International Fellow, Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA, 2003. William Evans Visiting Fellow, University of Otago, New Zealand, 1993. Current Member, Ecological Society of Australia. Current Member, Society for Conservation Biology. Current Member, Australian Mammal Society. Current Member, Birds Australia. Current Member, Canberra Ornithologists Group. Member, Leadbeater's Possum Recovery Group, 2006-2012. Member, Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists, 2008-2010. Has published 495 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 36 books and more than 200 other publications. Author, On Borrowed Time: Australia's Environmental Crisis and What We Must Do About It, Penguin Books in association with CSIRO, 2007. Co-Author, Practical Conservation Biology, with Mark A Burgman, CSIRO Publishing, 2005. Foundation Editor, Environmental Evidence, since 2011. Foundation Member, Editorial Board, Conservation Letters, since 2008; Journal of the Society for Conservation Biology. Member, Journal Editorial Board, Biological Conservation, since 2003; Special Editor, Ecological Thresholds Special Section, 2004; international leading journal. Fellow, Australian Academy of Science, since 2008. Awards/recognition include: Recipient of 6 Whitley Awards Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales for his publications; Special Certificate of Commendation, 2012. Top Supervisor Award, Australian National University, 2012. Serventy Medal for Ornithology, Birds Australia, 2011. Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Environmental Research, 2010. Australian Ecology Research Award, Ecological Society of Australia, 2009. Land and Water Australia Senior Research Fellowship, 2009. Distinguished Service Award, Society for Conservation Biology International, 2008. Inaugural DaimlerChrysler Environmental Award, Banksia Environmental Awards, 2006. Gold Medallion, Australian Natural History, 2004. Leading Investigator, Earthwatch Institute, 2004. The Bulletin Prize for Australia's Top Environmental Science Thinker, 2003. Australian Museum Eureka Science Prize, 1999; with Professor Hugh Possingham. National Primary Science Teachers’ Award, 1988. 37 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Emeritus Professor John Miles LITTLE AM, Paddington NSW 2021 For distinguished service to medicine through the development and promotion of public policy on medical values, ethics and law. Founder and Director, Centre for Values, Ethics and the Law in Medicine, University of Sydney, 1995-2003; Director, Cancer Survivorship Project, since 2003; Emeritus Professor of Surgery, since 1995; Professor of Surgery, 1978-1995. Foundation Professor and Director of Surgery, Westmead Hospital, 1978-1995; initiated National Pancreas Transplant Program for patients with end-stage insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Board/Foundation Member, Westmead Hospital Research Institute, 1990-1996. Board/Foundation Member, Westmead Hospital Research Foundation, 1990-1996. Honorary Professor of Surgery, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, since 1987. Honorary Member, Australasian Association of Bioethics and Health Law, since 2012. Member, Editorial Board, Gastroenterology and Hepatology, since 1992. Member, Editorial Board, World Journal of Surgery, 1992-1998. Member, Editorial Board, Australasian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery, 1978-1996. Publications include: Author, Restoring Humane Values to Medicine: A Miles Little Reader, 2003. Author, Humane Medicine, 1995. Author, A better grounding for person-centered medicine, The American Journal of Bioethics, 2013. Author, On Agonising: Street Charity and First Ethics', Journal of BIoethical Inquiry, 2010. Co-Author, Meaning and value in medical school curricula, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2012. Co-Author, Enriching patient centred care in serious illness: a focus on patients' experience of agency, The Milbank Quarterly, 2011. Awards/recognition include: Appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day 1993 Honours List for his service to medicine, particularly in the fields of hepatic and vascular surgery. 38 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Winsome McPherson McCAUGHEY, PO Box 579, North Melbourne Vic 3051 For distinguished service to the community, particularly to local government and early childhood development, and through a broad range of charitable organisations. Lord Mayor, City of Melbourne, 1988-1989; Councillor, 1982-1991. Commissioner for African Nations, Melbourne 1996 Olympic Bid Committee, 1989-1992. Member, Warrenbayne Boho Land Protection Group, 1982-1995 Committee Member, Victorian Bushfire Appeals Fund, 2009. Senior Strategic Adviser (Partnerships), Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Innovation and Development), Melbourne University, since 2007; initiated a partnership between the University and IBM, and involved in the establishment of the Victorian Life-Sciences Computation Centre. Director, Seven Sisters Vineyard Pty Ltd, Strathbogie Ranges, since 1996; has set aside 100 acres to create a conservation zone, Commonwealth Biodiversity Fund. Founding Executive Director, Australia Business Arts Foundation (formerly the Australian Foundation of Culture and Humanities, now Creative Partnerships Australia), 1998-2005. Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Australia New Zealand Food Authority (now FSANZ), 1996-1998. Chief Executive Officer, Greening Australia Ltd, 1991-1995; Vice-Chair, Advisory Council, Local Government and the Environment; Member, CSIRO Soils Advisory Committee; Member, Committee of Review of Commonwealth-owned Heritage, 1994-1995; Member, Commonwealth Government National Plantation Advisory Committee, 1991. Founder and Chairperson, Melbourne Voters Action, 1980-1982. Member, North Melbourne (residents) Association, circa 1970s-1980s. Founder and National Director, Community Child Care Association, 1972-1979; drafted Australia's first Children's Services Policy, Australian Social Welfare Commission; Founded the national Community Child Care movement. Founding Member, Women's Electoral Lobby with responsibility for Child Care Portfolio, 1972-1975. Trustee, Helen Macpherson Smith Trust (HMST), since 2010; Non-Executive Director, 2009-2010; Founding Director, Macpherson Smith Rural Foundation Ltd (established by a grant from the HMST). Board Member, Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation (Melbourne), 2007-2009. Executive Director, Lance Reichstein Philanthropic Foundation, 1986-1989. Associate Director, KPMG, 1990-1991. Publications include: Building relationships and securing donations: a guide for the arts; McCaughey, Winsome, Mathews, Kirsten, editor, Gadd, Nick, Australian Business Arts Foundation, [Melbourne, Vic], 2005, 64 PP. Community child care: resource book for parents and those planning children's services; McCaughey, Winsome, Sebastian, Pat and staff of Community child care, Greenhouse Publications, Carlton, Vic, 1977, 247 pp. Co-Editor, Community child care: guidelines for establishing children's services; McCaughey, Winsome and Sebastian, Patricia (eds), 4 C's, Ivanhoe, Vic, 1974, 253 pp. Awards/recognition include: Vice-Chancellor's Outstanding Contribution Award, Melbourne University, 2011; in recognition of her central role in the research partnership between the University and IBM. Named as one of Australia's ‘Top Ten Rural Women of the Year', Australian Farm Journal, 1997. 39 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Emeritus Professor Anne Elizabeth MITCHELL, Richmond Vic 3121 For distinguished service to community health, particularly through sexual health research, policy development and program delivery to marginalised communities. Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, La Trobe University, Melbourne. Professor Emeritus, Australian Research Centre In Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS), La Trobe University, 2003; Founding staff member, in the early 1990s; Manager, Community Liaison and Education Unit. The ARCSHS is a centre for social research into sexuality, health, and the social dimensions of human relationships. It works collaboratively and in partnership with communities, community-based organisations, government and professionals in relevant fields to produce research that promotes positive change in policy, practice and people's lives. Inaugural Director, Gay and Lesbian Health Victoria, Department of Human Services, 2003-2012; Member, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Taskforce, 2009-2010. Involved in establishing the Victorian Ministerial Advisory Committee on Gay and Lesbian Health; Deputy Chair, 2000-2003 and 2004-2006; Committee Member, 2007-2010. Member, Research Team, Foundation for Young People, for 15 years. Member, Peer Review Panel for Centres of Research Excellence, National Health and Medical Research Council. Member, Gay and Lesbian Liaison Reference Group for Officers, Victorian Police. Member, Inquiry into prejudice motivated crime, Department of Justice. Member, Consumer Advisory Committee, Royal Women's Hospital. Member, Advisory Committee Member, Peter McCallum Cancer Institute. Developed national curriculum package and supping resources, Department of Education and Training, Victoria. Consultant, Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. Employed, HIV/AIDS Prevention Education and Policy Development, Victorian Health Department. Author, numerous publications, journals, papers and reports, since 1993. 40 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Michael Kerin MORGAN, Manly NSW 2095 For distinguished service to medicine as a neurovascular surgeon, researcher and educator, as an international leader and mentor, and to professional organisations. Vice-President, Health and Medical Development, Australian School of Advanced Medicine, Macquarie University, since 2013; Founding Dean, 2006-2010; Founding Cerebrovascular Neurosurgeon, Macquarie University Private Hospital, since 2006. Inaugural Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Sydney, 1998-2006; Associate Professor, 1992-1998; Senior Lecturer, 1989-1992. Inaugural Chairman, Division of Cerebrovascular Surgery, Walter E Dandy Neurological Society, 2013. Visiting Professor, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia, since 1996. Visiting Professor, Mayo Clinic, Minnesota USA, 2006. The Sally Harrington Goldwater Memorial Visiting Professor, Barrow Neurological Foundation, Phoenix USA, 2014. Senior Examiner, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, since 2013; Member, Board of Neurosurgery; Member, Court of Examiners. Member, Board of Neurosurgery, Neurological Society of Australasia. International Member, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, since 1994. Current Member, Cerebrovascular Section, American Association of Neurological Surgeons and Congress of Neurological Surgeons. International Member, American Academy of Neurological Surgery, since 1999. International Member, Congress of Neurological Surgery, 2003. Committee Member, Asian Conference of Neurological Surgeons, 2003; Plenary Speaker, 8th Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 2010. Member, Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica, since 2004; Asian Secretary, since 2013. Current Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. Current Member, Mayo Alumni Association. Keynote Speaker at more than 20 neurosurgery conferences worldwide and has published over 100 peer reviewed papers and several book chapters'. Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, since 1987. Awards/recognition include: Honorary Doctor of Philosophy Neurosurgery, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia, 2010; in recognition and appreciation of his contributions in the field of medicine. 41 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor John Alexander MYBURGH, Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW 2000 For distinguished service to medicine as an intensive and critical care practitioner, educator and researcher, and as an international innovator in patient management. Director, Division of Clinical Care and Trauma, The George Institute for Global Health, University of Sydney, since 2006. Senior Intensive Care Physician, St George Private Medical Centre, since 2000. Intensive Care Physician, Royal Adelaide Hospital, 1988-1999. Professor of Critical Care Medicine, (St George and Sutherland Clinical School), University of New South Wales, since 2000. Honorary Adjunct Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Preventative Medicine, Monash University, since 2000. Honorary Professor of Medicine, University of Sydney, since 2006. President and involved in the establishment of the College of Intensive Care Medicine of Australia and New Zealand, 2010-2012; Vice-President, 2008-2010; Treasurer, 2006-2009; Board Member, 2001-2012; Examiner, 1998-2009. Board Member, Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society, 1996-1998 and 2005-2012; Research Board of Directors, 2006-2009. Foundation Member, Clinical Trials Group, 1994-2009; Chair, 2004-2008. Member, Council of the World Federation of Societies of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine, since 2013. Author of over 100 articles and papers. Fellow, Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists. Practitioner Fellowship, National Health and Medical Research Council, 2012. 42 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Barry William NINHAM, 18 Booth Crescent, Cook ACT 2614 For distinguished service to physical sciences through landmark theoretical and practical advances in colloids and surfaces, and as an academic, educator and mentor. Emeritus Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, Research School of Physical Sciences, Australian National University, since 2001; Founder and Head of Department, 1970-2000; Chair, ANU Staff Centre, for many years; Member, ANU Encyclopaedia Britannica Committee, for 10 years; Co-Founder, ANU Emeritus Faculty. Visiting Professor, many international universities. Director, Australian Enhanced Oil Recovery Program. Author of over 450 journal and conference papers, and six books; and numerous science citations. Foundation Member, World Commission on Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology, UNESCO, 1998-2002. Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of New South Wales, 1962-1970. Fellow, Australian Academy of Science, 1978. Awards/recognition includes: Centenary Medal, 2001 Ferroni Gold Medal, for his pioneering contributions to the development of the experimental and theoretical aspects of colloid and interface science, Enzo Ferroni Foundation, University of Florence, Italy 2013. Honorary Doctorates of Science and Engineering at the University of Western Australia, 2010; Lund University, 2001; and Chalmers University, Sweden, 1998. The Barry Ninham Chair was created in his honour, Australian National University, 2008. Craig Medal, Australian Academy of Science, 2006; Pawsey Medal for Physical Chemistry, 1971. Otswald Award, for Colloid and Surface Science, German Chemical Society, 2005. SIS Nestle-Mittal Award, 2004. Humboldt Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2004. Italian National Chair in Chemistry, Universities of Florence and Cagliari, 2003. Tag Erlander National Chair in Chemistry, Sweden, 1998; National Chair in Chemical Engineering, 1996. Inaugural Lectureship Award, Japan Chemical Society, 1995. Medal of the College de France, 1994. Rebinder Medal, USSR Academy of Science, 1990. 43 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Terence Michael NOLAN, Vic For distinguished service to medicine as a leader in the field of epidemiology and population health, to policy development and advisory roles in immunisation, and to education. Chair, Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, since 2005. Member, Strategic Advisory Group of Experts, World Health Organization, ongoing. Member, Scientific Influenza Advisory Group, Pandemic Expert Advisory Group and Pandemic Vaccine Advisory Group, Department of Health and Ageing, 2007-2010. Member, National Committee for Medicine, Australian Academy of Science, since 2010. Deputy Chair, Consultative Council on Maternal and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity, Victorian Department of Health, since 2009; Chair, Child and Infant Committee, since 2003. Member, Implementation Steering Committee, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing, since 2011. Board Member, Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre, 2001-2009. Chair, Assessment Panel of Public Health and Health Services, Research Quality Framework, 2007. Director, Centre for Eye Research Australia, since 2010. Member, Research Committee, National Health and Medical Research Council, 2003-2005. Chair, Indicators Development Group, Australian Research Council, 2009. Chair, Victorian Public Health Research and Education Council, 1999-2005. Board Member, Burnet Institute for Medical Research and Public Health, 1998-2006. Professorial Research Fellow, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, ongoing. Member, Editorial Board, Australia New Zealand Journal of Public Health, ongoing. Associate Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne, since 2001. Founding Director, School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, since 2001. Professor, Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, 1999-2000. Founding Director, Vaccine and Immunisation Research Group, University of Melbourne and Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, since 1993. Founding Director, Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit, Royal Children's Hospital, 1989-2001. Senior Staff Specialist, Department of General Medicine, Royal Children's Hospital, ongoing. 44 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Dr Daniel Thomas (Dan) NORTON, West Hobart Tas 7000 For distinguished service to business and finance, particularly in the area of infrastructure development, to the energy sector, and to medical research. Director, Trinitas Pty Ltd, since 1999; consultancy firm. Current Associate, Dandolopartners; information, insight and innovative advice for governments and private sector companies. Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Tasmania, 1993-1996. Deputy Secretary, Department of Treasury and Finance, Tasmania, 1991-1993. Board Secretary/Senior Manager Corporate Affairs, Australian Wheat Board, 1986-1991. Chairman, TasNetworks, since 2013; formed to merge Aurora's distribution business together with another state-owned entity, Transend Networks Pty Ltd. Deputy Chairman, Aurora Energy Pty Ltd, 2009-2013; Inaugural Chief Executive Officer, 1998. Deputy Chairman, TasWater, since 2013; amalgamation of the three Tasmanian Water and Sewerage Corporations namely Ben Lomond Water, Cradle Mountain Water, Southern Water and their service firm, Onstream. Director, Southern Water, 2009-2013. Director, Ben Lomond Water, 2008-2013. Director, Cradle Mountain Water, 2008-2013. Chairman, Tasmanian Ports Corporation - TasPorts, since 2005. Current Director, WINenergy; also serves as Chair, Audit and Risk Committee; provides turn-key solutions for the establishment and ongoing management of embedded networks to facilitate energy on-selling. Chairman, National Electricity Market Management Company, 2000-2009. Chairman, Cargo and Port Operation Logistics Pty Ltd, 2008-2010. Director, Freightlink Pty Ltd, 2003-2009. Chief Executive Officer, Hydro Tasmania (formerly Hydro-Electric Corporation), 1996-1998. Chairman, Menzies Research Institute Tasmania, University of Tasmania, 2004-2013. Director, National Trust Tasmania, 2012-2013. Member, Rhodes Scholarship Selection Committee, University of Tasmania, 2005-2009. Associate Director, TFG International Pty Ltd, 2001-2009; combination of former high-level chief executives from the private and public sectors and academia in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Fellow, Australian Institute of Company Directors. 45 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Dr Lewis William O'BRIEN, 5 Willimott Street, Ethelton SA 5015 For distinguished service to the Indigenous community of South Australia as an elder and educator, and to the promotion and protection of Indigenous culture and heritage. Welcome to Country, Kaurna and English, public and private events, Adelaide region, since 1989. Chair, State Council of Aboriginal Elders, 2007-2014. Member, Aboriginal Advisory Committee, South Australian Museum, since 2007. Member, Multicultural Education Committee, Department for Education and Child Development (South Australia), 2007-2011. Member, Reconciliation Committee, Adelaide City Council, 1997-2003. Chairperson, Kaurna Heritage Committee, 1990-1995. Founding Chairperson, Kura Yerlo (a community organisation), 1983-1992; Director, 1992-1995; Life Member, since 1995. Adviser, Adelaide City Council, for many years; advises on correct Kaurna place-names and walking trails in Adelaide city and the Adelaide plains region. Consultant and contributor to a range of arts projects in the region including: - Kaurna Pillars, Adelaide Railway Station, 2002. - Artwork at Festival Centre entrance, City of Adelaide Council, 2002. - Two Kaurna Shields, (artwork at Eastern Entrance of the city of Adelaide), 2000. Director, Kaurna Warra Karrpanthi, (supporting Kaurna Language), University of Adelaide, since 2013; Signatory to the first Reconciliation Statement, 2003. Founder and Member, Kaurna Warra Pintyanthi, (creating Kaurna language), since 2002. Founding Member, Wilto Yerlo, (learning, teaching, research, access and support centre for students who identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander), since 1996. Honorary Fellow, University of Adelaide, for many years. Adjunct Research Fellow, David Unaipon College of Indigenous Education and Research, University of South Australia, 2004. Chief Investigator, Indigenous Knowledge in Relation to Water Sustainability and Wildfire Mitigation (research grant from Australian Research Council), since 2010. Member, Advisory Committee, The Aborigines Advancement League Gift, since 1994. Visiting Elder, Student Support Program, Flinders University, for many years. Patron/Elder-in-Residence and panel member, Indigenous Preparation for Medicine Program (connecting Aboriginal experience and health outcomes), Faculty of Health Sciences, for many years. Autobiography, And the Clock Struck Thirteen, Co-Author Dr Mary-Anne Gale, 2007. Author and consultant to approximately 12 peer reviewed publications, journal articles and papers. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. Honorary Doctorate, Flinders University, 2011. 46 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mr Desmond Dominic PEARSON, South Melbourne Vic 3205 For distinguished service to public sector governance in the areas of public accountability and management, and to the development of innovative financial sustainability measures. Auditor-General, Victoria, 2006-2012. Auditor-General, Western Australia, 1991-2006. Commissioner of State Records, Commission of Western Australia, 2001-2006. Associate Director, ACT Institute of TAFE, Canberra (now CIT), 1988-1991. Senior Assistant Director, Australian Quarantine Inspection Service, 1987-1988. Assistant Secretary, Department of Primary Industry, 1982-1987. Director, Financial Management, 1979-1982. Chief Auditor, Northern Territory, Commonwealth Auditor-General's Officer (Darwin), 1976-1979; Audit Inspector (Canberra), 1971-1976; Cadet Auditor (Brisbane), 1970-1971. President, West Australian Division, Institute of Public Administration Australia, 1999-2001. Life Member, CPA Australia, since 2003; National President, 2001-2002; President, West Australian Division, 1997-1999, Member, since 1992. Founding and active Member, Australasian Council of Auditors-General, since 1993. President, West Australian Branch, Australian Institute of Management, 1996-1997; Director, 1992-1997; Member, since 1992. Founding Member, West Australian Integrity Coordination Group, in the 1990s. Fellow, Institute of Public Administration Australia. Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants. Fellow, Australian Institute of Management. 47 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mr Keith Leon POTGER, PO Box 889, Moss Vale NSW 2577 For distinguished service to the performing arts as an entertainer, through seminal contributions to Australian music, and as a supporter of a range of not-for-profit organisations. Founding Member, The Seekers, since 1962. 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Tour and Recordings, 2012-2014. The Seekers have sold over fifty million records. Their song, I'll Never Find Another You is included in the Sounds of Australia register, National Film and Sound Archive, 2011. The Seekers have performed in various national ceremonies in Australia, including World Expo 88 in Brisbane and the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games. Silver Jubilee Tour, 25 Year Reunion Celebration - Live in Concert was the biggest selling music video in Australia, 1993. Record Holders, biggest concert crowd in the Southern Hemisphere (200,000 attendees), Guinness Book of Records, 1967. The Seekers had 6 top ten hits during the 1960s. Their song, The Carnival is Over is still listed in the top 50 best-selling singles in the United Kingdom. First Australian pop music group to achieve major chart and sales success in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Founder, The New Seekers; hit songs included I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing; toured Australia and the United Kingdom, 1969-1974. Supporter of a range of organisations, including: - Patron, Motor Neurone Disease Association of Western Australia, since 2000. - Chair, Support Act Limited, 2007-2011. - Patron, The Variety Club, Western Australia, 1999-2008; various executive roles, 1968-1994. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. The Ted Albert Award for Outstanding Services to Australian music, Australian Performing Rights Association, 2013. Joint Recipient, Keys to the City of Melbourne, City of Melbourne Council, 2006. Joint Inductee, Hall of Fame, Australian Recording Industry Association, 1995. Joint Recipient, Australian of the Year, Australia Day Council, 1967. Honoured with postage stamp, Australia Post, 2002 and 2012. 48 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Emeritus Professor Ian Mackay RITCHIE, 11 Beatrice Road, Dalkeith WA 6009 For distinguished service to science in the field of chemistry and hydrometallurgy, as an academic and educator, and to fostering technical innovation in business and industry. Foundation Member, Western Australian Premier's Science Council, 2001. Member, Joint Minerals Council Tertiary Education Taskforce and AVCC Committee, 1998-1999. Member, Working Group, Western Australian Minerals and Petroleum Education Research Institute, 1997. Member, Physical Sciences Panel Selection Committee, Fourth Round Co-operative Research Centres, 1994. Member, Mining Industry Education Advisory Committee, 1987-1988. Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, WA Clean Air Council, 1975-1980. Bayliss Youth Lecturer in Chemistry, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, 1975 and 1983. Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, since 1993. Fellow, Australian Academy of Sciences, since 2001. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. New wing of the ChemCentre precinct was named in his honour, 2010. The Ian Ritchie Achievement Award and the Ritchie Early Career Award established in his honour, ChemCentre. Milton E Wadsworth Award, American Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2004. 49 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Alan ROSEN, PO Box 110, Balmain NSW 2041 For distinguished service to medicine in the field of mental health as a psychiatrist and clinician, to national health service reform, and to professional organisations. Professor/Honorary Professorial Fellow, Graduate School of Public Health, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, University of Wollongong, since 2008; Associate Professor/Honorary Principal Fellow, 1994-2008. Clinical Associate Professor, Brain and Mind Research Institute and Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Sydney, since 2009; Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Psychological Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sydney, 2005-2009; Clinical Senior Lecturer, 1992-2005. Deputy Commissioner, Mental Health Commission of New South Wales, since 2013. Current Visiting Consultant Psychiatrist, Centre for Rural and Remote Mental Health, University of Newcastle. Visiting Senior Fellow, Departments of Medical Anthropology and Social Medicine, Harvard University, Boston, 2006. Visiting Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin, 1990. Director of Clinical Services, Royal North Shore Hospital and Community Mental Health Services, 2004-2009; Director, 1991-2004; Senior Specialist Psychiatrist, 1985-2009; Specialist Psychiatrist, 1979-1985. Visiting Senior Consultant in Psychiatry, Far West Hospital Area Health Services, Broken Hill and Wilcannia, since 1985. Co-established, The Mental Health Services Conference, 1991; Member, Management Committee, since 1991; Deputy Chair; Secretary. Member, Project Management and Steering Group, Review of the Australian National Mental Health Standards, 2006-2009. Member, International Review of Recovery measures for Australian Health Ministers Advisory Council, Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, 2010-2011. Consultant, Australian Governments' Psychiatric Project to East Timor, 2000-2002. Member, National Mental Health Outcomes Measures Expert Committee, since 2002. Chair, National Clinical Reference Group, Australian Mental Health Classification and Casemix Service Costs Study, 1997-1998 Member, Early Prevention and Intervention National Project Committee, Mental Health Branch, Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, 1995-1996. Member, Ministerial Taskforce to form a Mental Health Commission in New South Wales, 2011. Chair, Early Prevention and Intervention in Psychosis Steering Group, 1996- 2004. Member, New South Wales Casemix Clinical Consultative Committee, 1996-2001. Expert Assessor, Civil Court Proceedings, General Insurance Office, Law Department of New South Wales, since 1998. Consultant Psychiatrist, Asylum Seekers' Professional Network, since 2005. Consultant, Australian Capital Territory Mental Health Services, 2005-2007. Member, Mental Health Outcomes and Assessment Training Steering Committee, Centre for Mental Health, 2002-2003. Member, NSW Mental Health Outcomes and Assessment Training Steering Committee, 2002. Executive Member, North Sydney Area Mental Health Services Steering Committee, since 1999; Member, 1994-1999. Consultant, Friesland Mental Health Services, Netherlands, 2001; Mental Health Center of Boulder, Colorado, USA, 1999; Mental Health Services Quality Assurance Taskforce, Department of Health , New Zealand, 1995; Swedish Psychiatric Research Institute, Stockholm, 1995; Centre for Mental Health Services Development, Kings College Institute of Health, University of London, 1992-1994. Member, Quality Improvement Committee, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 2003-2007; Member, Board of Community Relations, 2008-2011. Independent Expert Consultant, Framework for Community Pharmacists in Mental Health, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, 2011-2012. Chair, working party on psychiatric clinical indicators, Australian Council of Healthcare Standards, 2005-2009. Member, Schizophrenia Fellowship of New South Wales, since 1982. Author and Co-Author of more than 120 scientific reports, articles and chapters including: The Independent Hospital Pricing Authority and mental health services: it is not a case of “one size fits all”, Medical Journal of Australia, 2012. If the land is sick, we're sick: The impact of prolonged drought on the social and emotional well-being of Aboriginal Communities in NSW, Australian Journal of Rural Health, 2011. Mental Health Commissions: making the critical difference to the development and reform of mental health services, Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 2010. Australian Psychiatry: coming of age?, International Psychiatry, 2005. De-institutionalisation for long-term mental illness; a 6 year follow up, Australia and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2001. National Mental Health Standards, 1997. Area Integrated Mental Health Service (AIMHS) Standards , 1993 and 1995. Life Skills Profile, 1988. Delivered over 150 papers at international, national and state conferences. Awards/recognition include: Ian Simpson Award, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, 1994; acknowledges most outstanding contributions to clinical psychiatry. 50 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Dr Stewart Francis ROUTLEDGE, 45 Dickson Terrace, Hamilton Qld 4007 For distinguished service to veterinary science, particularly the provision of technical assistance in developing countries, and to business through promoting Australian interests internationally. Founder, Chair, KYEEMA Foundation, since 2002; supported research programs to reduce the effects of Konzo in Africa. Director, Board of Directors, International Rural Poultry Centre, a subsidiary of the KYEEMA Foundation, since 2004. AusAID provides funding for KYEEMA projects in Newcastle Disease control with 1-2 vaccination(s). Member, Board of Trustees, University of Wollongong-Dubai Campus, 2009-2013. Member, Board of Directors, ITC Group, University of Wollongong, 2008-2012. Member, Board of Directors, University of Wollongong Enterprises, since 2013. Project Director, AusAID Bangladesh Cattle Development Project, for 5+ years; involved with AusAID in South Africa, Zimbabwe and India in capacity building programs, for 10 years. Assisted in the establishment of the Bangladesh Rural Mothers and Babies Clinic, Bangladesh, 1980. Has organised Australia Day, Australian Business/trade functions in remote areas where there are no other celebrations, eg Oman, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, for 30 years. Has provided education, agricultural/livestock expertise and national livestock disease control programs in Indian Sub-Continent, Central Asia, Middle East and Africa, 1977-2014. Specialist Consultant, Stewart Routledge & Associates, Dubai, since 2009. Employer, Public and Private Veterinarians, internationally, for 30 years. Provided specialist veterinary expertise internationally, for 34 years; including in Bangladesh, for 5+ years; Oman, for 16 years; and Africa, Middle East and Central Asia, for 20 years. Involved with trade deals and the promotion of Australian goods, for 30 years. Facilitated food security investment into Australian agriculture/livestock, for 8 years. Has arranged funding for research into trading and marketing of Australian livestock products, 2002-2014. Member, Australian Veterinary Association, until 2010. Executive Director, GRM International, 1995-2008. Executive Director, Australian Rural Exports, 1995-2008. 51 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Ingrid Eileen SCHEFFER, University of Melbourne, Florey Institute, Heidelberg Vic 3084 For distinguished service to medicine in the field of paediatric neurology as a clinician, academic and mentor, and to research into the identification of epilepsy syndromes and genes. Director of Paediatrics, Neurologist and Epilepsy Specialist, Austin Health and Royal Children's Hospital. Chair of Paediatric Neurology Research, Departments of Medicine and Paediatrics, the University of Melbourne, since 2005. Senior Principal Research Fellow, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, since 2010. Chair, Commission for Classification and Terminology of the Epilepsies, International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), 2009-2013; Member, 2005-2009 and 2013-2017. Member, ILAE Genetics Commission, 2005-2009 and 2009-2013. Member, Research Committee, International Child Neurology Association, 2010-2014. Invited lecturer/Chair of numerous national and international professional fora and conventions. Fellow, Australian Academy of Science, 2014. Awards/recognition include: L'Oréal UNESCO Women in Science Laureate for the Asia-Pacific region, 2012. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Award for Research Excellence, 2013. Ambassador for Epilepsy, International Bureau for Epilepsy and the International League Against Epilepsy, 2013. Eric Susman Prize, Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 2009. Epilepsy Research Recognition Award for Clinical Research, American Epilepsy Society, 2007. Chancellor's Prize, the University of Melbourne. 1999. 52 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mrs Winifred (Win) SCHUBERT, PO Box 988, Main Beach Qld 4217 For distinguished service to the community as a supporter and benefactor of a range of not-for-profit organisations, Australian artists and galleries. Owner/Director, Art Galleries Schubert, Gold Coast, 1985-2009. Major Benefactor, Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art. Life Benefactor, Gold Coast City Art Gallery. Donated art works, University of Queensland Art Museum. Established, The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Foundation for the Arts, 1997. Established, The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Diversity Foundation, 2003. Sponsor, The Josephine Ulrick and Win Schubert Foundation for the Arts Photography Award hosted by Gold Coast City Art Gallery. Sponsor, The Josephine Ulrick Poetry Prize, since 1997; annual prize administered by Griffith University until 2012. Sponsor, The Josephine Ulrick Literature Prize, since 2002; annual prize administered by Griffith University until 2012. Funded training of two guide dogs, Guide Dogs Queensland, at a cost of $25,000 for each dog. Funded secondary education for an Indigenous young female at boarding school, for 5 years; now in her final year at Yalari. Awards/recognition include: The Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art named a suite of galleries in her honour and in honour of her deceased friend Josephine Ulrick, 2012. 53 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Martin SILINK AM, 8 Kanowar Avenue, East Killara NSW 2071 For distinguished service to medicine in the field of paediatric endocrinology as a clinician, researcher and administrator, and to international leadership in diabetes care and advocacy. Professor, Paediatric Endocrinology, Institute of Endocrinology and Diabetes, University of Sydney, since 1986. Senior Staff Physician, Children's Hospital Westmead, since 1979. Staff Physician, 1975-1979. President, International Diabetes Federation (IDF), Belgium, 2006-2009, President Elect, 2003-2006; Vice-President, 2000-2003; Established and current Chairman, the 'Life for a Child Program', since 2001; Chairman, Consultative Section on Childhood and Adolescent Diabetes, 1997-2006. Co-Chair, IDF - World Health Organization Committee on Diabetes, 2006-2009. President, International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes, 1999-2002. Current Member, Australian Diabetes Society; Life Member, since 2006. Secretary, Rotarian Action Group for Diabetes, 2009-2012. Past President, Rotary Club of Lane Cove, 2011-2012. Chair, Rotary District 9685 Peace Fellowship Committee. Awards/recognition include: Appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia in the Australia Day 2002 Honours List for his service to medicine, particularly clinical practice in the fields of paediatric endocrinology and juvenile diabetes, and through professional and community organisations that support research, education and advocacy for children with diabetes. 54 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mrs Philippa Aird SMITH, PO Box 153, Terrey Hills NSW 2084 For distinguished service to the community, particularly as a benefactor to a range of charitable organisations, and as a contributor to the social, environmental and cultural landscape of Australia. Mrs Smith has made substantial contributions and has provided ongoing support to a range of organisations. Not-for-profit organisations include: - Variety Australia. - Life Education Australia. - Surf Life Saving Australia. - Australian War Memorial Vietnam Veterans display. - The Slim Dusty Foundation. Environment and conservation organisations include: - National Parks and Wildlife (Tasmania). - Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary. - Lord Howe Island Program. - Wildlife Warriors International. - Clean Up Australia Foundation. Youth organisations include: - Girl Guides Association of Australia. Charities include: - The Wayside Chapel. Medical Research organisations include: - Health Psychology Research Unit, University of Technology Sydney. Arts organisations include: - National Museum of Australia. - Ballet Australia. Co-Founder, Dick Smith Foods, 1999; since the commencement of Dick Smith Foods all profits have been donated to charity and community organisations. 55 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mr John Chun Sai SO, Melbourne Vic 3000 For distinguished service to local government and community relations, as an ambassador for cultural diversity, and to the promotion of Melbourne as a tourist and investment destination. Lord Mayor, City of Melbourne, 2001-2008; also served as District Councillor, since 1996; Central Ward Councillor, 1991-1993; President, Lord Mayor's Charitable Fund. Trustee, Shine of Remembrance. Member, Ministerial Crime Prevention Council. Director, Melbourne Water Corporation, 2001-2003. Commissioner, Victorian Ethnic Affairs Commission, 1991-1993. Honorary Secretary, Victorian Chinese Welfare Association. Chairman, Chinese Community Charitable Variety Show. Vice-Chairman, Melbourne International Chinese Arts Festival. Principal, Melbourne Chinese Academy. Inaugural Member, Lee Kuan Yew World City Prize Council. Chair, Global Business Council. Member, World Mayors Council on Climate Change. Justice of the Peace. 56 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Dr Zygmunt Edward (Ziggy) SWITKOWSKI, Melbourne Vic 3000 For distinguished service to the community, particularly to tertiary education administration, scientific organisations and the telecommunications sector, to business, and to the arts. Chancellor, RMIT University, since 2011; current Member, University Chancellor's Council. Chairman, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, 2007-2010. Director, 2006-2010. Chairman, Prime Ministerial Task Force, Review of Uranium Mining Processing and Nuclear Energy in Australia, 2006. Chief Executive Officer, Telstra Corporation, 1999-2005. Chief Executive Officer, Optus Communications Pty Ltd, 1996-1997. Chairman, Optus Vision, 1996-1997. Chairman, Opera Australia, 2008-2013; Director, 2005-2013. President, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, 2006-2007. Head, Review Panel, Essendon Football Club, 2013. Director, Tabcorp Holdings, since 2006. Director, Oil Search Ltd, since 2010. Chairman, Suncorp-Metway Ltd, since 2010. Chairman, Kodak Australasia, 1992-1996. Chairman, NBN Co. 57 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Marjorie Anne TRIPP, St Agnes SA 5097 For distinguished service to the Indigenous community through the promotion of improved aged care and health outcomes and recognition of Indigenous Australians in the armed forces. Chair and Founding Member, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander War Memorial Committee, since 2006. Past Chair, Aboriginal Ex Service Members and Dependants Project, circa 2006-2012. Member, Veterans Health Advisory Council SA, circa 2007-2010. Member, Seniors Voice Policy Committee, Council of the Ageing South Australia, 2009. Project Officer, Council of Aboriginal Elders South Australia, 2007-2008; Founding Member, since 1964; Ngarrindjeri Elder, for many years. Councillor, Kaurna Ward (Adelaide), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, 1993-2002. Chair, National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) South Australia, 1983-1987; Member, Aged Care Advisory Committee. Member, Aboriginal Community Centre Board, circa 1970s-1980s. Involved in establishing the Tandanya National Cultural Institute in Adelaide. Current Member, 'Grannies Group', Adelaide peer support group. Board Member, Njinkali Aboriginal Corporation. Member, Australian Association of Gerontology, since 1980s; Supporter, Speaker and Facilitator; Inaugural Aboriginal Honorary Membership Award, 2012; Orator, David Wallace Address, 2007. Supporter, Alzheimer's Australia SA, since 2008; contributor, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Dementia specific resource 'The Fading Moon - we need your memories', circa 2010. Team Leader, Aboriginal Aged Care, Office for the Ageing, Department for Families and Communities (SA), circa 2001-2005. Senior Project Officer, Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care (SA Division), prior to 2001. Has worked in Aboriginal Affairs for over 40 years in administration and initiatives concerning Aboriginal Aged Care. Involved in establishing the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Home and Community Care; and the Torres Strait Islander Reference Group, 1992. Believed to be the 'First Indigenous Member', Women's Royal Australian Navy, approximately 1963-1970. 58 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mr Carl VINE, Sydney NSW 2000 For distinguished service to the performing arts as a composer, conductor, academic and artistic director, and to the support and mentoring of emerging performers. Artistic Director, Musica Viva Australia, since 2000. Co-founder, pianist, composer, conductor and director, Flederman (Contemporary Music Ensemble), 1979-1989. Resident Composer, University of Western Australia, 1989; Australian Chamber Orchestra, 1987; New South Wales State Conservatorium, 1985; London Contemporary Dance Theatre, 1979; Sydney Dance Company, 1978. Musical Director, Australia and New Zealand Choreographic School, Melbourne, 1984. Lecturer, Electronic Music Composition, Queensland Conservatorium of Music, 1980-1982. Pianist, Western Australia Symphony Orchestra, 1973-1975. Artistic Director, Huntington Estate Music Festival, since 2006. Deputy Chairman, Australia Council for the Arts, 1992-1995. Pro-bono work, Tall Poppies Records (Australian recording company), for over 20 years. Composer of contemporary classical music including: - Piano Concert No 2, 2012; for the Sydney Symphony. - The Tree Man, 2013; for the Australian Chamber Orchestra. - Symphony No 7, 2008; for the West Australian Symphony Orchestra. - Piano Sonata No 3, 2007. - Choral Symphony No 6, 1996; for the West Australian Symphony Orchestra. - Poppy, 1978; for the Sydney Dance Company. Commissions include works for the Sydney Dance Company, Australian Youth Orchestra, Sydney Symphony Orchestra and West Australian Symphony Orchestra. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. 59 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Ms Maureen WHEELER, Melbourne Vic 3000 For distinguished service to business and commerce as a publisher of travel guides, and as a benefactor to a range of Australian arts and aid organisations. Co-Founder, Lonely Planet Publications, 1973. Co-Founder, The Planet Wheeler Foundation, since 2007; the Foundation supports international development, and arts and culture development in Australia. Co-Owner, The Text Publishing Company, since 2011. Supporter, The Melbourne Ring Cycle, since 2011; Committee Member, ongoing. Supporter, Wheeler Centre for Books, Writing and Ideas, since 2008. Current Patron, Opera Australia; current Director, Council of Governors. Director, Northern Territory Tourism, 2006. Director, Tourism Tasmania, 2000-2006. Adjunct Professor, Department of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty of Law and Management, La Trobe University, since 2005. Honorary Fellowship, London Business School, 2011. Awards/recognition include: Honorary Doctorate of Letters, University of Dublin, 2001. Mr Tony WHEELER, Melbourne Vic 3000 For distinguished service to business and commerce as a publisher of travel guides, and as a benefactor to a range of Australian arts and aid organisations. Co-Founder, Lonely Planet Publications, 1973. Co-Founder, The Planet Wheeler Foundation, since 2007; the Foundation supports international development, and arts and culture development in Australia. Co-Owner, The Text Publishing Company, since 2011. Supporter, The Melbourne Ring Cycle, since 2011. Supporter, Wheeler Centre for Books, Writing and Ideas, since 2008. Director, Global Heritage Fund, since 2013. 60 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Hugh John WHITE, Reid ACT 2612 For distinguished service to international affairs, through strategic defence studies as an analyst, academic and adviser to government, and to public administration. Current Professor of Strategic Studies, Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University College of Asia and the Pacific; Head, 2004-2011. Inaugural Director, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2000-2004. Deputy Secretary, Strategy and Intelligence, Department of Defence, 1995-2000; involved in the 2000 Defence White Paper. Head of Strategic Analysis, Office of National Assessments, 1992-1993. Senior International Affairs Adviser to The Honourable R J L Hawke AC, (then) Prime Minister, 1990-1991. Senior Adviser to The Honourable K C Beazley AC, (then) Minister for Defence, 1984-1990. Visiting Fellow, Lowy Institute for International Policy, 2004-2012. Fellow, Australian Institute of International Affairs, since 2011. Publications include: China Choice - Why America Should Share Power, 2012. Power Shift: Australia’s Future between Washington and Beijing, 2010. A Focused Face: Australia’s Defence Priority in the Asian Century, 2009. 61 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mrs Rhonda Mary WHITE, 23 Morgan Street, Ascot Qld 4007 For distinguished service to the pharmacy profession, particularly through contributions to education and retail management practices, and as a role model for women in business. Director, TWC Group Investments Ltd (TWC GIL), since 2009; the Terry White Chemists Group franchise network has grown to its current position of 168 pharmacies in all states, employing over 4,500 staff with a turnover of $1 billion. TWC GIL is the parent entity for the group of companies which own and operate the Terry White Chemists pharmacy franchise. Co-Founder and Director, Terry White Management Pty Ltd, since 1986. Managing Director, White Retail Group Pty Ltd, since 2002. Pharmacist, since 1963; with registration in Queensland, NSW and Victoria. Mrs White opened her first pharmacy in Clontarf, Queensland, 1964; and has current ownership interests in six pharmacies. Director, Energex Retail Pty Ltd, 1999-2003. Governor-in-Council, Griffith University Council, 2013. Member, Board of Trustees, Queensland Performing Arts Centre, since 2007. Founding Director/Board of Management Member, Nudgee College Foundation, 1984-2002. Foundation Chair, Volunteer Steering Committee, Queensland Cancer Fund, 1982-1985; (now Cancer Council Queensland). Fellow, Australian College of Pharmacy. Awards/recognition include: Inducted into the Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame, 2011. Awarded ‘Doctor of the University’, Griffith University. 62 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Her Honour Chief Judge Patricia Mary WOLFE, St Lucia Qld 4067 For distinguished service to the judiciary, to the law through legal education reform, and as a mentor and role model for women. Chief Judge, District Court of Queensland, since 1999 (the first woman appointed to head the District Court of Queensland); Judge, 1995-1999. Current Ex-Officio Member, Supreme Court Library Committee. Former Vice-President, International Council of Jurists in Queensland, in the mid 1990s. Commissioner, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, 1993-1995. Chair, Queensland Women's Consultative Council, 1992-1994. Chair, Queensland Review into Land Policy and Administration, 1990. Deputy Commissioner, Commission of Inquiry into Official Corruption - Fitzgerald Inquiry, 1988-1989. Member, Key Centre Ethics Law, Justice and Governance, 1999-2002. Member, National Institute Law Ethics and Public Affairs, 1992-1997. Member, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration. Member, Judicial Conference of Australia. Private Practice, Queensland Bar, 1983-1995. Barrister, Feez Ruthning Solicitors, 1981-1982. Barrister, Supreme Court of Queensland, since 1978. Council Member, Griffith University, 1989-2003; Member, Visiting Committee, Law School, 1991-1997; Member, Legislation Committee, for 10 years; Member, Advisory Board, National Institute for Law, Ethics and Public Affairs, 1994; Member, Key Centre for Ethics Law and Governance, 1999. Senior Tutor, University of Queensland Law School, 1978-1980. Council Member, Stuartholme School, 1986-1999. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. 63 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Mr Bruce William WOODLEY, PO Box 555, South Yarra Vic 3141 For distinguished service to the performing arts as an entertainer, through seminal contributions to Australian music, and as a supporter of a range of not-for-profit organisations. Founding Member and singer/songwriter, The Seekers, since 1962. Co-Composed the song I Am Australian for the Bicentenary in 1988; added two extra verses in 2009 relating to the Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria, and performed the song at the National Day of Mourning for fire victims at Kinglake; also produced an ANZAC themed version of the song called The ANZAC Song in 2005. 50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Tour and Recordings, 2012-2014. The Seekers have sold over fifty million records. Their song, I'll Never Find Another You is included in the Sounds of Australia register, National Film and Sound Archive, 2011. The Seekers have performed in various national ceremonies in Australia, including World Expo 88 in Brisbane and the Paralympics in Sydney in 2000. Silver Jubilee Tour, 25 Year Reunion Celebration - Live in Concert was the biggest selling music video in Australia, 1993. Record Holders, biggest concert crowd in the Southern Hemisphere (200,000 attendees), Guinness Book of Records, 1967. The Seekers had 6 top ten hits during the 1960s. Their song, The Carnival is Over is still in the top 50 best-selling singles in the United Kingdom. First Australian pop music group to achieve major chart and sales success in the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Public speaker, Saxton Speakers Bureau. Patron, National Institute of Youth Performing Arts Australia. Ambassador, TLC for Kids, since 2005. Former Chairman, Variety, The Children's Charity Victoria, circa 2003. Supporter, The Australian Youth Choir. Awards/recognition include: Centenary Medal, 2001. The Ted Albert Award for Outstanding Services to Australian music, Australian Performing Rights Association, 2013. Joint Recipient, Keys to the City of Melbourne, City of Melbourne Council, 2006. Joint Inductee, Hall of Fame, Australian Recording Industry Association, 1995. Joint Recipient, Australian of the Year, Australia Day Council, 1967. Honoured with postage stamp, Australia Post, 2002 and 2012. 64 OFFICER (AO) IN THE GENERAL DIVISION OF THE ORDER OF AUSTRALIA Professor Ian WRONSKI, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences, James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811 For distinguished service to tertiary education, particularly through leadership and research roles in Indigenous, rural and remote health, and to medicine in the field of tropical health. Pro Vice-Chancellor and Executive Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences, James Cook University, since 1997. Co-Founder, Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine. Assisted in formation of Queensland Tropical Health Alliance, in collaboration with Queensland Institute of Medical Research, Griffith University, Queensland University of Technology, and the University of Queensland, 2009. Established Indigenous Health Careers Access Program, 2005. Established Indigenous Health Unit, 2003. Led the foundation of the School of Medicine, 1999. Assisted and supervised development of School of Indigenous Australian Studies, 1998. Director, Anton Breinl Centre, Australian Institute of Tropical Medicine, 1992-1997; Developer, Public Health and Tropical Medicine Training Program, 1992. Led the establishment of relationships with the Fiji School of Medicine. Chair, Australian Council of Pro Vice-Chancellors and Deans of Health Sciences, since 2005. Chair, Queensland Clinical Education and Training Council, since 2011. Member, Standing Advisory Committee for Higher Education and Training, Health Workforce Australia, since 2011. Member, Clinical Advisory Group, Universities Australia, 2009. President, Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine, 2000-2003; Immediate Past President, 2004-2005; Foundation Fellow, since 1997. Councillor, Australasian College of Tropical Medicine, 1993-1998. Former Committee Member, Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal Australasian College of Physicians. Inaugural Board Member, Townsville Hospital and Health Board, since 2012. Board Member, Life Sciences Innovation Forum, Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation, since 2011; Contributor, for some years. Current Board Member, Greater Northern Australian Regional Training Network. Member, National Health Workforce Taskforce Expert Reference Group, 2009. Member, Health Services Advisory Committee, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, 2002-2006. Liaison Member, Forster Review into the Future of Queensland's Health System, 2005. Director of Health Services, Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council, 1986-1992; Assisted with foundation, in the mid 1980s; assisted with development of AIDS/STD Control Policy in conjunction with Department of Aboriginal Affairs, National Advisory Committee on AIDS, and the Commonwealth Department of Health, 1987. Medical Director, Broome Regional Aboriginal Medical Service, 1979-1986. Ethics Committee Member, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 1998-2010. Fellow, Australasian College of Physicians. Fellow, Australasian College of Tropical Medicine. Life Fellow, Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. Awards/recognition include: Surgeon-General John White Medal, 2008. 65
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