Newsletter ````` Western Primary School Newsletter – Friday 6th February 2015 Primary Masterchef Competition On Thursday 29th January, our chefs, Sassy Palfreman, Abigail Wilson, Rhinannon Lodato, Anya Nicholson led by the Head Chef Mrs McGovern, took to the kitchen at Harrogate Grammar School. The children worked hard to create their menu in what was a very tense environment with four other schools cooking too. The competition was close but unfortunately we were pipped at the post by another school. Although Miss Arkley who, as one of the judges, scored us 40 out of 40 and said our food was delicious!!! Thank you to Mrs McGovern for devoting so much of your time and effort, the children really appreciated the opportunity. Year Two Poetry Reading and Singing As part of their homework, the Year 2 children were asked to find a poem or a song related to our ‘Take the Plunge’ topic. The children rehearsed their poems at home and then had the opportunity to read or sing them in front of both classes. The children were fantastic and we had a range of amazing poems, tongue twisters and songs. Well done to all those children who presented their work. Miss Jones and Mrs Taylor were extremely impressed!! Master Chef Competition Primary Maths Competition On Friday 30th January, eight children from Y5/6 went to Harrogate Grammar School to compete in the Primary Maths Competition. We had to answer some maths questions and some logic questions. We had to work in teams to solve the problems. There were 24 teams from schools all over Harrogate. When the results were announced we were thrilled to find out that one Western team had come 9th and the other team had won! We were glad to be presented with a shield which is now being engraved with Western! Team 1 Tom Owen, Ruby Chan, Becky Owen, Jake Sandland Team 2 Roan Clawson, Eva Nelson, Poppy Mills, Miko Booth Information for Parents School Dinners The cost of school dinners for all Key Stage 2 school children is £2.10 per day, payable every half term. Please note that all school dinners must be paid for in advance. The cost of school dinners for this half term (until 13th February) is £60.90. Could you please pay online at Lend Me Your Literacy (Y5/6) Don’t forget to check this website each week to see if your child has become a published author! We will be posting 5 new pieces of writing each week. Whilst you are on the site, why not leave a comment on some of the writing our pupils have done? It will mean a great deal to them. Many thanks from everyone in Y5/6 Lost Property Currently in school, there is a large amount of lost property. Unfortunately, many of the lost items are not named which makes it difficult to return them to their rightful owners. Please could we emphasise the importance of labelling all your child’s school uniform, P.E kit and school coats. When writing names inside the clothes, it is advisable to use waterproof laundry pens and not biro pens as these run and make it difficult to read your child’s name. All unnamed lost property can be found in the lost property laundry bins. KS1: in the KS1 Library. KS2: in the 3/4 locker room. If you know that your child has lost something, could you please spend a few moments checking through the boxes. Any unclaimed items will be donated to charity on 13th February 2014. Thank you. Early Arrivals During the last few weeks, we have had a number of children arriving at school unaccompanied before 8.45am. There are no members of staff in the playground until 8.45am and so children are not allowed to be unaccompanied in the playground before this time. If you need to drop your children off earlier than 8.45am, ‘Kids at Heart’ run a before and after club at school. You can contact ‘Kids at Heart’ on 01423 862182. Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers Sainsbury’s are running the very successful Active Kids Vouchers Scheme again this year. These vouchers are being issued by Sainsbury’s until Tuesday 5th May and school can use them to obtain PE equipment. Please send your vouchers into school with your child or place them in the box in the school waiting area. Thank you. Swimming Year 2 Swimming Dates: Thursday 12th February 2015 – Mrs Taylor’s class Thursday 26th February 2015 – Miss Jones’ class Thursday 5th March 2015 – Mrs Taylor’s class Thursday 12th March 2015 – Miss Jones’ class Thursday 19th March 2015 – Mrs Taylor’s class Thursday 26th March 2015 – Miss Jones’ class Year 3/4 Swimming: Tuesday 16th December – Tuesday 14th April – Mr Fraser Smith’s class Tuesday 21st April – Tuesday 14th July – Mrs Collett’s and Ms Smith’s classes Awards House Point Winners: Askew House Key Stage 1 Awards Key Stage 2 Awards Ned Duffy Eleanor Moor William Valentine Ed Sherliker Julia Colaprico Liliana Isaac Lewis Jalal Freddie Ashworth James Pacey Sarah Johnson Gus Short Arthur Mitchell Micah Aficial Ned Vallance Rosa Gording Lincoln Melichar Isla Marlow Lunchtime Awards 1st Place – Wallbank House 2nd Place – Askew House 3rd Place – Croft House 4th Place – Lupton House The House winners will be announced next week. A very special treat is organized for the week after half term. Well done everyone! Dates for your Diary: Wednesday 11th February – Y2 trip to Sea Life Centre Tuesday 24th February – Y6 Parents’ information evening reSATs and East Barnby Wednesday 25th February – Reception (FS2) Valley Gardens spring walk Wednesday 4th March – Y3/4 Mrs Collett’s and Mrs Coatesworth’s classes trip to Drax Wednesday 18th March – Nursery and Reception (FS1 & FS2) Easter Fun at Valley Gardens Thursday 19th March – Y5/6 Space Invasion event for parents 2.00-3.00pm Monday 23rd March – Y2 Under the Sea show for parents 2.00pm Monday 23rd – Friday 27th March – Y6 residential to East Barnby Thursday 26th March – Y1 Under the Sea show for parents 2.00pm Friday 27th March – Nursery and Reception (FS1 & FS2) Easter Bonnet Parade 9.20am & 1.30pm Wednesday 6th – Friday 8th May – Y4 residential to Beweley Park School Holidays Spring Half-Term Holiday: School Closes: Friday 13th February at 3.15pm Return to School: Monday 23rd February at 8.55am Easter Holiday: School Closes: Friday 27th March at 2.30pm Return to School: Tuesday 14th April at 8.55am Summer Half-Term Holiday: School Closes: Friday 22nd May at 3.15pm Return to School: Tuesday 2nd June at 8.55am Summer Holiday: School Closes: Friday 17th July at 2.30pm PTA News! School Disco – Friday 27th February Get your dancing shoes on and come to the Western School disco! Venue: School Hall Infant disco* (FS1/2, Y1/2): 4:00-5:00pm Junior disco (Y3-6): 5:15-6:15pm * one parent per family must stay at the infant disco Tickets are £2.50 each, and include admission to the disco, a glowing gift and water / squash. Bring pocket money for sweetie bags (30p) and icepops (20p). Tickets will be on sale in the front playground every day after school next week, from Monday 9th February until all tickets are sold. Numbers are limited so don’t miss out! Pancakes – Friday 13th February It’s nearly pancake day! As Shrove Tuesday falls during half term, there will be a pop-up pancake stall in place of the usual cake bake next Friday. Come along and satisfy your appetite with some yummy pancakes! School uniform sale – Tuesday 24th February We will be holding a second-hand uniform sale after school on Tuesday 24th February. If your children have outgrown their current uniform, please leave any good-condition, washed clothing under the pergola on Monday 23rd February (am or pm) or Tuesday 24th Feb (am). At the sale, most items will cost just £1 an item, so come and grab yourself a bargain! Bags2School – Wednesday 25th February. Bags2School bags will be sent home with your children next week. Please take the opportunity over half term to have a clear out of any good-condition unwanted clothing*, paired shoes, handbags, jewellery, belts and soft toys! Please leave any donations behind the car park gates by 9am on the morning of Wednesday 25 th February. Our collection last time raised £195 for the school. Can we beat that total this term? *please note, school uniform is not accepted by Bags2School. Family & Friends (PTA) Meetings & Fundraising ideas Thank you to those who attended our PTA meeting last week, in the relaxed environment of the SO! Bar meeting room. We are hoping to have our next meeting at the same venue next half-term, date to be confirmed. If you have any fundraising or social event ideas in the meantime, or are unable to attend the meetings, please feel free to email us on Cake Bake Dates: When it is your child’s class cake bake, please leave cakes under the pergola on Friday morning, ready for the cake bake after school. Thank You! Friday 6th February Y3/4 Ms Smith Friday 13th February WHOLE SCHOOL PANCAKE STALL HALF TERM Friday 27th February Y3/4 Mrs Collett th Friday 6 March Y5/6 Mr Frost Friday 13th March WHOLE SCHOOL CAKE BAKE - CHILDREN IN NEED th Friday 20 March Reception Mrs Magill th Friday 27 March 2.30pm finish – NO CAKE BAKE Well done to Mrs Coatesworth’s class who raised £53.40 last week! You are invited to the Western School PTA “INDEPENDENCE DAY” Summer Ball Please find a booking form attached to this email CAN YOU HELP? The organising committee will be holding a charity raffle on the night to raise funds for Western’s PTA. Could your business or employer or someone you know offer us a raffle prize? If so, please contact Sally on 07930 401251 or The raffle is one of the single biggest fundraisers for the PTA. Please help us raise as much as we can for the school, thank you!
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