A FUN DATE NIGHT & RELATIONSHIP GAME-CHANGER FEBRUARY 14 6PM-8:30PM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT GOODFIGHTNIGHT.COM TODAY: PAPER GOODS // NEXT WEEK: COOKIES OR SNACKS THE KINGDOM LIFE EXPERIENCE ATLANTA LOBBY DAY 2015 // THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH Join Georgia Cares, Street Grace, Wellspring Living, and youthSpark to raise our collective voice in the fight to end Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. This year’s legislative agenda will include advocating for passage of a Safe Harbor Law and we need you to stand with us in support. Having this law in place will ensure that children who have been victimized by child sex trafficking are not charged as criminals but are provided with necessary services. To register for this event, visit http://ow/ly/FmwQ0. PORTUGAL SHORT TERM OPPORTUNITY FOR WOMEN (& TEEN DAUGHTERS) Project dates: July 16-25. Informational meetings on Tuesday, February 10th at 7PM in W2050 and Sunday, February 15th at 12:30PM in the WIC training room. For more info contact Bethany Cambron at cambronb@gmail.com. CANADA SHORT TERM MISSION OPPORTUNITY // JULY 4-11 Spaces still available for our annual mission trip to Rawdon, Quebec, Canada. We will be conducting Upward style basketball, cheerleading, and flag football camps. Team meeting on Feb. 22nd at 3pm in W-2051. Contact Rich Brodeur at rich.brodeur@cox.com. EXPERIENCE THE OPPORTUNITIES AT WOODSTOCKMISSIONS.COM HIS TITHES BUDGETED NEEDS FAITH PROMISE BUILDING FUND SILO *Giving since 10/1/2014 February 1 $355,927.18 $327,473.26 $11,958.40 $611.50 $2,839.00 Year to Date* $6,001,163.19 $5,894,518.68 $209,323.22 $13,384.28 To help our finance office credit contributions to the correct contributor, please make sure your check includes your current address. If you give via a pew envelope, please include your full name and address information on the envelope in the space provided. fbcw.org /firstbaptistwoodstock @fbcwoodstock 11905 Highway 92 Woodstock, GA 30188 9:30AM WORSHIP CENTER 770.926.4428 SERVICE ATTENDING: 9:30AM CHAPEL 11AM CHAPEL Thanks again for worshipping with us at Woodstock today! Please take a moment to fill out this card and bring it to the CONNECT CENTER to receive a free gift! guest info card welcome If you have any questions, please stop by the CONNECT CENTER in the foyer or look for a Guest Services team member. If we can help you in any way, please email us at info@fbcw.net. CONNECT CLASS We would like to help you get CONNECTED at First Baptist Woodstock! Connect is our one-time class for new members and those interested in finding out more about our church. The next class will meet March 1st in the World Impact Center from 9AM-12:15PM. RSVP online at fbcw.org/membership or by calling 678.494.2861. UPCOMING BAPTISM INFORMATION February 15th at 11AM in the Chapel and February 22nd at 9:30AM in the Worship Center. Please arrive one hour before your baptism time for a short class in the Altar Counseling Suite (Room W2060). Bring dark shorts or pants to wear with a shirt we provide. If you are planning on being baptized, email Linda.Eaton@fbcw.net or call 678.494.2656. COMEDIAN TIM HAWKINS LIVE IN CONCERT TONIGHT at 6PM! Go to TimHawkins.net for tickets and info. Proceeds benefit New Missions in Haiti. SUNDAY SCHOOL LEADERSHIP MEETING February 8th at 4PM. All meetings will take place in your age-division meeting rooms. If you are interested in Sunday School leadership, please feel free to join us! NEW CHRISTIANS CLASS Pastor Johnny’s class for new Christians meets every Sunday this month at 8AM in the W building Pastor’s Reception. JOB MINISTRY Need help learning how to find a job or need to hire someone to fill a role at your company? Our Job Ministry can help. We can teach you how to get hired in today’s very competitive job market. Call 678.494.2681 for more information and visit our site at jobs.fbcw.org. To post a job opening, please send your job description to jobs@fbcw.net. DR. JAMES DOBSON’S “BUILDING A FAMILY LEGACY” Join us for a video-based series led by Wes Cantrell. Wednesdays, 6:45-7:45PM in Room W2060 Altar Counseling Suites. This week’s topic - The Man Has Now Become Like One of Us. BLESSING LINE KIDS CONSIGNMENT SALE Registration has begun for The Blessing Line Kids Consignment Sale. The sale will be on Friday, March 6th and Saturday, March 7th. For more info please visit www.blessingline.com. WORSHIP CHOIR & ORCHESTRA Big night - BIG NEWS! All adults interested in joining the Worship Choir & Orchestra, plan to join Pastor Johnny and Scott White on March 11th at 6:30PM in the Magnolia Room for a HUGE announcement. For info call 678.494.2876. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Give the gift of life! The Blood Drive is next Sunday, February 15th from 8AM to 1PM at the 2nd floor of the W building Grand Foyer. Go to www.redcrossblood.org and put in FBCW as the Sponsor Code. Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are recommended. YOUNG ADULT COUPLES GETAWAY WEEKEND March 6-8 at WinShape Retreat Center in Rome, GA. Designed for couples 40 and under. For more info visit fbcw.org/couplesgetaway or contact Jean.Hartung@fbcw.net/678.494.2647. SURVIVING CANCER MINISTRY Our Surviving Cancer Ministry provides a Christ-centered environment for cancer patients, their caregivers, and families where they receive encouragement and advice about going through cancer. We invite you to join us every 2nd and 4th Monday night in Room A-140 at 7PM. GENEROSITY When you think of generosity, think Trinity...God the Father is the first generous giver, God the Son is the chief of generous givers, and God the Holy Spirit is the ongoing expression of God’s generosity in us. On your own your old nature of stinginess will always prevail, however when you allow the Spirit of God to direct and control your thoughts and life, generosity is who God is and He will lead you to be generous. We can be radical in our generosity as we are transformed by the grace of Almighty God. PRESCHOOL Parents serving parents - Take your turn in Preschool on Sunday mornings! Choose the age and the Sunday School hour that fits you best. Email Michelle.Reedy@fbcw.net or call 678.494.2710. Puggles and Cubbies will be having a Valentine’s Day party this Wednesday night. Teachers, please bring your cookies, and parents, please bring valentines for your child’s class. ELEMENTARY AWANA - Pajama & Parent Night! Come in your comfy pajamas and bring a parent or grandparent to share the love of Jesus! 1st & 2nd grades go to store, T&T has Skit Night. For more info call 678.494.2843. New Christian Class is next Sunday, Feb. 15 at 11AM in A266. A parent must attend with their child. Call 678.494.2638. Have you found a place to serve the Lord? We would love to talk with you about the Elementary ministry. For more info call 678.494.2638. KidZPlace - February’s focus is love! Come and learn how you can love others by loving God first. “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7 First Grade Bible Presentation is Sunday, March 1st at 5PM. Sign up in your child’s Sunday School classroom today. Every child will have their picture made with Pastor Johnny after the service. MIDDLE SCHOOL / HIGH SCHOOL Summer Camp Counselors Needed - student summer camp is June 1-5 at Daytona Beach and we need adult leaders to be counselors, security, meal servers, and more. For more info email Trace Dorner at dtdorner@gmail.com. Intern Housing - we are privileged each year to host college-age interns as they work in our ministry. If you would be willing to host a male or female intern this year, please contact Chris.Page@fbcw.net for more details. COLLEGE CONNECT: Sunday mornings at 9:30AM in the B-Building Basement. Breakfast is provided! KAIROS Collegiate Worship Gathering Tuesday nights at 8PM in The Warehouse. Be there! YOUNG SINGLES Join us for gospel-centered community on Sundays at 9:30AM in Room B220. LifeGroups are starting the week of February 16th. Groups meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Thursdays from 7-9PM. To sign up or get more info contact Cindy.Holder@fbcw.net. MATURE & SENIOR ADULTS Senior Adult Bible Study - Every Wednesday at 10AM in the Magnolia Room. We would love for you to join us! February 18: Brunch and sing along at 10AM in the Magnolia Room. Bring a brunch dish! Lancaster Show Trip & the Dutch Country: July 6-11. Price is $499 (based on double occupancy); $75 deposit due when registering. Contact Ken.Smith at 770.926.4428 or Tamara Trull at 770.855.1096. Our ministry staff & prayer team join together to pray for each request we receive throughout the week. It would be our honor to join you in prayer. Please let us know below how we can pray for you. A FUN DATE NIGHT & RELATIONSHIP GAME-CHANGER FEBRUARY 14 6PM-8:30PM TICKETS AVAILABLE AT GOODFIGHTNIGHT.COM TODAY: PAPER GOODS // NEXT WEEK: COOKIES OR SNACKS CANADA SHORT TERM MISSION OPPORTUNITY // JULY 4-11 Spaces still available for our annual mission trip to Rawdon, Quebec, Canada. We will be conducting Upward style basketball, cheerleading, and flag football camps. Team meeting on Feb. 22nd at 3pm in W-2051. Contact Rich Brodeur at rich.brodeur@cox.com. THE KINGDOM LIFE PORTUGAL SHORT TERM OPPORTUNITY FOR WOMEN (& TEEN DAUGHTERS) Project dates: July 16-25. Informational meetings on Tuesday, February 10th at 7PM in W2050 and Sunday, February 15th at 12:30PM in the WIC training room. For more info contact Bethany Cambron at cambronb@gmail.com. EXPERIENCE ATLANTA LOBBY DAY 2015 // THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH Join Georgia Cares, Street Grace, Wellspring Living, and youthSpark to raise our collective voice in the fight to end Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking. This year’s legislative agenda will include advocating for passage of a Safe Harbor Law and we need you to stand with us in support. Having this law in place will ensure that children who have been victimized by child sex trafficking are not charged as criminals but are provided with necessary services. To register for this event, visit http://ow/ly/FmwQ0. EXPERIENCE THE OPPORTUNITIES AT WOODSTOCKMISSIONS.COM HIS TITHES BUDGETED NEEDS FAITH PROMISE BUILDING FUND SILO *Giving since 10/1/2014 February 1 $355,927.18 $327,473.26 $11,958.40 $611.50 $2,839.00 Year to Date* $6,001,163.19 $5,894,518.68 $209,323.22 $13,384.28 To help our finance office credit contributions to the correct contributor, please make sure your check includes your current address. If you give via a pew envelope, please include your full name and address information on the envelope in the space provided. fbcw.org /firstbaptistwoodstock @fbcwoodstock 11905 Highway 92 Woodstock, GA 30188 SERVICE ATTENDING: 9:30AM CHAPEL 9:30AM WORSHIP CENTER 770.926.4428 11AM CHAPEL Thanks again for worshipping with us at Woodstock today! Please take a moment to fill out this card and bring it to the CONNECT CENTER to receive a free gift! guest info card
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