Deerfield Lions Club and Deerfield Family Days Independence Day Parade Saturday, July 4, 2015 12:00 PM Parade Theme: to be determined Parade Application Group Name: Indicate the category that most closely describes your Group Commercial Entry Community Group Governmental Body Service Organization Elected Official Political Entry Other Number of persons in your entry: Float Number of vehicles Description of vehicles: (Y/N) Music (Y/N) Non-Profits Rate – Deerfield Based Non-Profits with no paid staff : No Charge All other Non-Profits: $50 per vehicle Community and service organizations: Entry fee is waived, but donations are accepted to help offset the cost of paid performers. All other parade entries: $125 per vehicle entry fee. Deerfield Family Days sponsors of $250.00 or more have their parade entry fee waived. Sponsorships of $1,500 or more may sponsor a marching band or bugle corps and have a banner with their company name. Please visit the Family Days website link at familydays or contact the parade chairman for details. Check one: $125 Regular Entry Fee (per vehicle) $50.00 Non-Profit (per vehicle) Parade Donation Make checks payable to “Deerfield Family Days.” Contact: Email: Address: City: _ State: Zip: _Business phone: Fax: Cell Phone: Home Phone: Please Return Form to: David Fitzgerald, Management Analyst c/o Deerfield Family Days (Parade) 850 Waukegan Road Deerfield, IL 60015 Questions?? (847) 719-7400 If you would like our parade announcer to make a statement about your group please provide a short narrative about your organization. No objects or water can be thrown from moving vehicles! Flyers, candy, or other items must be distributed only at the curb for reasons of safety!
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