PROJECT INFORMATION MEMORANDUM AND/OR BUILDING CONSENT APPLICATION (BAM 002) Section 33 or section 45, Building Act 2004 (Only complete items within the shaded panels that are applicable to your project) FOR OFFICE USE Project No.: __________________________ Date Received: ________________________ This form is to be accompanied by the relevant office cover sheet. APPLICATION I request that you issue a Project Information Memorandum only (PIM) Building Consent only (for existing PIM No.____________ (attach a copy) Building Consent (including Project Information Memorandum) THE BUILDING Street Address: (Include Postal Code and/or Rapid Number if Number of Levels: Level/Unit No: Valuation Roll No.: Approx Year Building was First Constructed: Applicable): Legal Description: Lot No.: ______________ D.P. No._______________ Total Floor Area (all floors included): 2 2 Add _____________m Existing ______________m Current Lawfully Established Use: Building Name if Applicable: THE PROJECT Description of Building Work: ______________________________________ (eg. dwelling, commercial, farm shed, garage etc.) Will the building work result in a change of use of the building? Yes No (Refer to Building (Specified Systems, Change of Use, and Earthquake-prone Buildings) Regulations 2005 if in doubt) If “Yes”, provide details of the new intended use. ______________________________________ THE OWNER Intended life of the building: Indefinite but not less than 50 years or Specified as ________ years List Building Consents previously issued for this building (if any): (ie. is this project being constructed in stages? Is this consent for a relocated or transportable building?) ________________________________________ Estimated Value (incl. GST) $ __________________ (ie. the estimated aggregate of the values of all goods and services.) AGENT – APPLICANT Owner’s Name: Agent’s Name: Contact Person: Contact Person: Mailing Address: Mailing/Billing Address: E-mail Address: E-mail Address: Contact Numbers: Daytime: After Hours: Contact Numbers: Daytime: After Hours: Mobile: Fax: Evidence of ownership attached to this application: Certificate of Title Sale and Purchase Agreement (If title not in applicant’s name) Kaikoura Building Consent Authority Manual Mobile: Fax: Note – The Agent will be the first point of contact for communications with the Council/Building Consent Authority regarding this application/Building Work and will receive all correspondence including all invoices. Page 1 of 8 Application Forms – Section 3 BAM002 V1.1.14 KEY PERSONNEL Name of Builder: Phone Number: Mailing Address: Registration Number: E-mail Address: Name of Craftsman Plumber: Phone Number: Mailing Address: Registration Number: E-mail Address: Name of Registered Drainlayer: Phone Number: Mailing Address: Registration Number: E-mail Address: Name of Designer: Phone Number: Mailing Address: Registration Number: E-mail Address: Name of Engineer: Phone Number: Mailing Address: Registration Number: E-mail Address: CULTURAL OR HERITAGE SIGNIFICANCE/NATURAL HAZARD OR CONTAMINATION Does the building or site have any cultural or heritage significance? Yes No Don’t know (Consult a Council Officer) Is the site subject to natural or created hazards such as erosion, subsidence, flooding, slips, cut and fill or contamination? Yes (provide details) No Don’t know (Consult a Council Officer) RESTRICTED BUILDING WORK APPLIES FROM 1st MARCH 2012 Does application involve restricted building work Yes No N/A Certificate of Design Work included with application Yes No N/A Owner-builder exemption forms (Form 2B and Form 2C) Yes No N/A If yes, provide the following detail of all Licensed Building Practitioners who will be involved in carrying out or supervising the restricted building work. If their details are unknown at the time of the application, they must be supplied before the work begins – this is a requirement of the Building Act 2004, Section 87 failure to do so is an offence that may carry a fine. In accordance with the Building Acct 2004 Section 88 the following documentation will be required on completion of the project:- Record of Building Work (Form available from MBIE website Form 6A) or the following link Memorandum from licensed building practitioner: Record of building work Kaikoura Building Consent Authority Manual Page 2 of 8 Application Forms – Section 3 BAM002 V1.1.14 KEY PERSONNEL (Restricted Building Work) BUSINESS/NAME: DESIGNER OR ARCHITECT ADDRESS: REGISTRATION/QUALIFICATION: REGISTRATION/LBP NO: LANDLINE: LICENCE CLASS: MOBILE: FAX: EMAIL:BUSINESS/NAME: ENGINEER ADDRESS: REGISTRATION/QUALIFICATION: REGISTRATION/LBP NO: LANDLINE: LICENCE CLASS: MOBILE: FAX: EMAIL:BUSINESS/NAME: BUILDER ADDRESS: REGISTRATION/QUALIFICATION: REGISTRATION/LBP NO: LANDLINE: LICENCE CLASS: MOBILE: FAX: EMAIL:BUSINESS/NAME: PLUMBER ADDRESS: REGISTRATION/QUALIFICATION: REGISTRATION/LBP NO: LANDLINE: LICENCE CLASS: MOBILE: FAX: EMAIL:BUSINESS/NAME: DRAINLAYER ADDRESS: REGISTRATION/QUALIFICATION: REGISTRATION/LBP NO: LANDLINE: LICENCE CLASS: MOBILE: FAX: EMAIL:- Kaikoura Building Consent Authority Manual Page 3 of 8 Application Forms – Section 3 BAM002 V1.1.14 NOTES BY APPLICANT (Other notes or comments which you as the applicant may wish to add) SIGNATURE Signed by or for and on behalf of the owner: □ Owner □ Agent _________________________ Date: __________________________ Note: If acting “for and on behalf”, please read the following declaration before signing: “I hereby declare that I am authorised to act as agent of the owner and am aware of all responsibility including the implications associated with producer statements.” Note: All plans and specifications to be bound and indexed – application will be returned if not For Office Use Receipt Number: Pim Fee: Fees Paid: Sewerage Contribution or Fee: Date Received: PO Box 6, Kaikoura Water Contribution or Fee: Phone 319 5026 Fax 319 5308 Kaikoura Building Consent Authority Manual Website Page 4 of 8 Application Forms – Section 3 BAM002 V1.1.14 APPLICATION INFORMATION Building Consent processing time is stopped whenever further information is required and starts again when the information is received. Once the Building consent has been processed it will be sent to you by post unless you inform Council that you wish to collect it. Work must not start until all fees relating to the Building Consent are paid, the Building Consent is issued, and any Resource Consent requirements have been dealt with (e.g. amended plans have been provided to comply with the Resource Management Plan), or a Resource Consent has been granted. INSPECTIONS During the process of construction, inspection will be necessary to confirm all work complies with your approved Building Consent documentation. Please ring the Council on 319 5026 well in advance of requiring an inspection to ensure that a time can be arranged. The inspections required will be set out in the Building Consent documentation issued by the Building Consent Authority. The first inspection must be carried out within 12 months of the Building Consent being issued. Failure to have a prescribed inspection carried out and to be provided with confirmation that work has been approved may put the issue of the Code Compliance Certificate for the work at risk. CODE COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE A building consent is not completed until it has been issued with a Code Compliance Certificate. The Owner is required to complete a separate application form to apply for a Code Compliance Certificate as soon as practicable after the building work is completed. In any event no later than two (2) years after the granting of the building consent. Council is required to decide whether or not a Code compliance Certificate can be issued. PRIVACY ACT Pursuant to the Privacy Act 1991 the following information is brought to your attention. This document collects personal information about you and is collected pursuant to Section 33 and/or Section 45 of the Building Act 2004. Pursuant to Section 217 of the Building Act 2004, the information contained in the document is being collected and held by Kaikoura District Council. You do have the right of access to and correction of this information subject to the provisions of the Privacy Act 1993. Pursuant to Section 217 of the Building Act 2004 the building owner may request the plans and specifications to be marked confidential for the purposes of security. Such a request must be in writing and addressed to: Senior Building Control Officer, P O Box 6, Kaikoura. ATTACHMENTS – Office Use Only The following documents are required before Council can accept your application: Current Certificate of Title Evidence of ownership of property (if Title not in applicants name e.g. Sales & Purchase Agreement) Written authorization from owner for Agency acting on their behalf (use attached template) Plans and Specification for the Project (e.g. Site Plan, Floor Plan, Elevations (include daylight angles, construction details drainage cross section as follows:Two copies of all plans and installation detail plus an extra copy of site plan, floor plans and elevations. Schedule of New Zealand Building Code Assessment (Attached to this this application form) Site Plan including North Point and site levels Floor Plans Smoke alarms – If appropriate are these indicated on floor plan Installation Details of the fire and chimney (If appropriate as part of this application) Elevations Drainage Plans H1/AS1 Energy Value Schedule or R Values on Cross Sections Roof Truss – If appropriate are these included with applications Specification Supplied fully completed compliance schedule checklist (commercial applications only checklist on application) Producer Statement.- if part of this application check inclusion (Not a technical check of author competency or content) Restricted Building Work – Memoranda (Certificate of Design Work) attached. Are all sections of the application form completed particularly the section detailing the building i.e. year constructed and lawfully intended use etc. A ‘’ – Means that item has been provided, checked for completeness and application is acceptable for lodgement If box is “blank” or N/A inserted – Means that this item is not relevant for the particular submission. Received by KDC:____________________________________________ Date:-___________________________ Kaikoura Building Consent Authority Manual Page 5 of 8 Application Forms – Section 3 BAM002 V1.1.14 RESIDENTIAL PIM/BUILDING CONSENT APPLICATION CHECKLIST – (BAM 002-R) Council PIM N/A NB. The following is required on application in sufficient detail to show compliance with all aspects of the District Plan and the New Zealand Building Code. Please complete this checklist in FULL additional information may be requested during processing of the application. Supplied (in conjunction with form BAM 002) Application form COMPLETED & signed All information identified on the cover sheet Application fee $__________ GST Inclusive ( Accepted Methods of Payment: CASH - EFTPOS – CHEQUE) Certificate of Title: Recent search copy less than 6 months old, plus a sale & purchase agreement if not in the applicant’s name. A subdivision scheme plan is required for a new site where Title is not yet available. Copies of drawings as specified in the cover sheet 1 Site Plan – showing: − − − − All new & existing buildings, swimming pools Any heritage buildings / trees or archaeological site information known Legal & notional boundaries (existing & proposed), easements, waterways, shared access ways / other areas with building setbacks dimensioned Building & site areas (including floor areas (m²) for all floors) − − − − − − Vehicle access, crossing location, manoeuvre, and parking area Street trees, poles, sumps, manholes, traffic islands outside the property Any hard-standing (sealed or concrete) areas with proposed drainage Landscaped areas required by District Plan indicated Any significant trees on the site Retaining walls − − − − − − Fire rated walls, eaves All activities on a site indicated Proposed & existing site & floor levels Existing & proposed contours, drive gradients and building heights ( for hill or sloping sites) Intentions for the disposal of stormwater & sewer Storage location and capacity of Hazardous Substances (ie LPG, diesel, home heating oil etc) 1 Outline Floor Plans (for all floors) 1 Outline Elevations 1 Outline Cross Sections (if required) to show recession plane / daylight plane & height compliance) ----------------------------------- STOP HERE IF THIS IS A PIM ONLY APPLICATION ----------------------------------BUILDING CONSENT (in addition to the above) Project Information Memorandum (if already issued) plus all attached forms 2 Foundation Plans (timber or concrete slab) including all details 2 Drainage Plans - full design details including both Sewer & Stormwater and any disposal methods 2 Detailed Floor Plans - fully dimensioned and notated, including location of Smoke Alarms 2 Detailed Elevations - including door & window s showing opening sashes 2 Cross Sections - to show all relevant construction, especially through difficult areas of the building and changes in building form 2 Timber Treatment - the species, grading & treatment of all timber specific to the project is to be specified on the drawings, ideally on the cross section 2 Framing Details - including floor joist layout plans if applicable 2 Construction Details - with all materials, fixings etc noted 2 Weathertightness Details - including a risk assessment matrix for all walls & all flashings 2 Internal Waterproofing Details - including all wet areas & surface finishes 2 Plumbing Details - including layout plan / schematic & water supply details 2 Specifications - relevant to the project 2 Bracing Design – calculations, schedule and layout plans 2 Roof Truss Design – including layout plan, fixings and specific design for lintels where required 2 Ground Conditions Report - this will be either a report to show why it is assumed that the ground is “good ground” using Section 3 of NZS 3604:1999, or a specific ground assessment & foundation design by a suitably qualified & experienced engineer 2 Engineers Details & Producer Statement - where any specific design has been carried out (e.g. steel beams) 2 H1 Energy Compliance Schedule 2 Sediment Control Management Plan (if required by site location) 2 Restricted Building Work – Certificate of Design Work Note: All plans and specifications to be bound and indexed – application will be returned if not FOR OFFICE USE Project No.: __________________________ Date Received: ________________________ This form is to be accompanied by the relevant office cover sheet. Kaikoura Building Consent Authority Manual Page 6 of 8 Application Forms – Section 3 BAM002 V1.1.14 BUILDING CODE ASSESSMENT Means of Compliance (Note that a project may include both acceptable and alternative solutions) Acceptable Solution Building Code Clause B1 Structure B2 Durability C1 Objectives of clauses C1-C6 C2 Prevention of fire occurring C3 Fire affecting areas beyond the fire source C4 Movement to a place of safety. C5 Access and safety for firefighting operations C6 Structural stability. D1 Access Routes D2 Mechanical installations for access E1 Surface water E2 External moisture E3 Internal moisture F1 Hazardous agents on site F2 Hazardous building materials F3 Hazardous substances and processes F4 Safety from falling F5 Construction and demolition hazards F6 Lighting for emergency F7 Warning systems (smoke detectors) F8 Signs G1 Personal hygiene G2 Laundering G3 Food prep. And prevention of contamination G4 Ventilation G5 Interior environment G6 Airborne and impact sound G7 Natural light G8 Artificial light G9 Electricity G10 Piped services G11 Gas as an energy source G12 Water supplies G13 Foul water G14 Industrial liquid waste G15 Solid waste H1 Alternative Solution (Details verifying compliance are required) Waiver/Modification required? (Provide separate details for justification of acceptance if yes) Energy efficiency provisions Additional Notes: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kaikoura Building Consent Authority Manual Page 7 of 8 Application Forms – Section 3 BAM002 V1.1.14 STATUTORY DECLARATION BY OWNER APPOINTMENT OF AGENT TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THE OWNER I, (Name) Of (Physical Address/Place of abode) Authorize and appoint:(Name of Agent) Of:(Name of Company) As our agent during the building process of our project. Note:- The Agent will be the first point of contact for communications with the council/Building Consent Authority regarding this application/building work and will receive all correspondence including all invoices. Signature:- Kaikoura Building Consent Authority Manual Date:- Page 8 of 8 Application Forms – Section 3 BAM002 V1.1.14
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