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NEW BOOKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
BACKLIST. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Careers, Business & Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Careers & Job Hunting 42 • Business & Finance 46 • College 48 • Writing & Reference 49
Cooking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Cooking Across America 52 • Global Cuisine 60 • Seafood 63 • Drinks & Entertaining 64 •
Barbecue & Grilling 66 • Baking, Desserts & Chocolate 67 • Fruits & Vegetables 70 •
Vegetarian Cooking 71 • Healthy Cooking 73 • General Cooking 75
Body, Mind & Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Health & Nutrition 83 • Healing & Herbal Medicine 86 • Energy Healing & Chakras 87 •
Eastern Thought 89 • Spirituality 89 • Magic & Wicca 91 • Astrology & Divination 92 •
Self-Help 93 • Inspiration 96
Family & Relationships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Pregnancy & Childbirth 98 • Parenting 98 • Parenting/Teens 100 • Women’s Studies 101 •
Sex & Relationships 102 • Gay/Lesbian 103 • Children’s 104
Pets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Gardening. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Mushrooms & Marijuana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Art & Photography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Travel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Home, Crafts & Creativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
The Great Outdoors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Pop Culture & Humor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
General Nonfiction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
AUTHOR INDEX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
TITLE INDEX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
ORDER INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
James Beard Award Winner:
Cookbook of the Year
James Beard Award Winner:
General category
IACP Cookbook of the Year
IACP Award Finalist: General category
H Library Journal
James Beard Award Winner:
Baking and Desserts category
James Beard Award Winner:
Cookbook of the Year and
Single Subject category
H Library Journal
James Beard Award Winner:
Baking and Desserts category
IACP Award Finalist:
Bread, Baking, and Sweets category
The Bread Baker’s
H Library Journal
by Peter Reinhart
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-268-6
1-58008-268-8 • Ten Speed
Crust and Crumb
The River Cottage
Meat Book
Peter Reinhart’s
Whole Grain Breads
by Peter Reinhart
$19.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-802-2
1-58008-802-3 • Ten Speed
by James Peterson
$40.00 hardcover (Can $44.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-789-6
1-58008-789-2 • Ten Speed
by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
$40.00 hardcover (NAXCan)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-843-5
1-58008-843-0 • Ten Speed
by Peter Reinhart
$35.00 hardcover (Can $42.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-759-9
1-58008-759-0 • Ten Speed
2 •
Gourmet Cookbook Club
Book Sense Top 20
IACP Award Winner:
American category
Gourmet Cookbook Club
H Publishers Weekly
James Beard Award Winner:
Outstanding Chef
(Grant Achatz of Alinea)
IACP Award Winner:
Distinguished Scholarship
The Pastry Queen
Home Cooking
with Charlie Trotter
by Rebecca Rather with
Alison Oresman
$32.50 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-790-2
1-58008-790-6 • Ten Speed
by Grant Achatz
$50.00 hardcover (Can $57.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-928-9
• Ten Speed/Achatz LLC
by Charlie Trotter
$25.00 paper with flaps
(Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-934-0
1-58008-934-8 • Ten Speed
by Nate Appleman and
Shelley Lindgren
83/4 x 10 inches, 288 pages, full color
$35.00 paper over board (Can $41.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-907-4
1-58008-907-0 • Ten Speed
by Elizabeth Andoh
$35.00 hardcover (Can $48.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-519-9
1-58008-519-9 • Ten Speed
• 3
What Color Is Your
by Richar d N . B olles
A companion workbook to
the best-selling job-hunting
book in the world, updated
■ Write-in worksheets and step-by-step exercises help
job-hunters map out their dream career, from salary
requirements and location to personal interests
and values.
■ Previous editions have sold 500,000 copies.
Career expert Richard Nelson Bolles presents the complete
job-hunter’s workbook based on his acclaimed PARACHUTE
tool, known as the Flower Exercise. Easy-to-use step-by-step
worksheets focus on translating personal interests into marketable job skills, while exploring often-ignored issues such
as emotional and spiritual fulfillment in the workplace.
When completed, the workbook presents job-seekers with a
complete picture of their ideal job or next career.
What ’s New for 2010?
with the core of last year’s edition, which focused on
the nitty-gritty issues for these times—the Best Ways
(and Worst Ways) to Look for a Job; Resumes and
Contacts; Dealing with Handicaps; Interviewing;
Salary Negotiation; Choosing a New Career; and
Starting Your Own Business—all of the things that
school never taught you about job-hunting.
But for 2010 much of this is rewritten, and for
the first time in the history of the book, it is all presented in question-and-answer format, so that readers can get specific answers to their most basic or
most complex job-hunting questions. The last third
of the book is devoted to people who need to find out
what their talents and gifts are, and what kind of job
or career these traits point to. Familiar titles still
remain: How to Find Your Mission in Life, the Parachute Workbook (reframed for this year), the Flower
Diagram, the Party Exercise, How to Get Unstuck,
and the elements in the Appendices, including help
for finding counselors and coaches. But there is also
newer, more helpful material this year.
What Color Is Your
Parachute? for Teens
Business/Careers/Job Hunting
8 x 10 inches, 48 pages, two color
20 line illustrations
$9.95 paper (Can $11.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-009-5
1-58008-009-X • Ten Speed
Replaces previous edition:
$14.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-713-1
1-58008-713-2 • Ten Speed
What Color Is Your
Parachute? for Retirement
$16.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-711-7
1-58091-711-6 • Ten Speed
Job-Hunting Online
$12.95 paper (Can $14.75)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-899-2
1-58008-899-6 • Ten Speed
What Color Is Your
Parachute? 2010
A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters
and Career-Changers
by Richar d N . B olles
The #1 job-hunting and career planning book of all time—
more than 10 million copies sold.
■ Revised and updated with the latest information for
dealing with the toughest job market in decades.
■ Honored by the Library of Congress as one of 25 books
that have shaped people’s lives down through history.
■ Used in 26 countries and translated into 20 languages.
■ The best resource—whether you’re concerned about
a current job-hunt, changing careers, starting your own
business, or looking for options for relocation.
There is no book that is more vital to job-hunting in this
has been honored and celebrated for nearly 40 years, but in
our current global recession, the reason why it is so popular
becomes painfully apparent: It works! People buy the book
because it really, really works! Every year it has more timely
and more helpful information than the year before, because
it is updated, and often dramatically rewritten, for the current job market. But it always brings with it decades of experience and a worldwide network of contacts.
In good times, people use this book because it helps
them find a new direction, change careers, and then move
on with life. But it is in hard times that the book’s true value
is revealed. It teaches ways to find jobs when supposedly
there are no jobs, and it provides a step-by-step plan (called
the Flower Exercise) that gives people the edge over other
job-hunters. Yes, in hard times like these, PARACHUTE
becomes a lifesaver and a survival guide.
“I think the job market has come back to him . . . if anything, his book just becomes more relevant in time.”
—Patrick Lencioni, author of
The Five Dysfuntions of a Team
R I C H A R D N . B O L L E S has been a leader
in the career development field for more than
35 years. He has been the keynote speaker at
hundreds of conferences. He lives in the San
Francisco Bay Area.
Visit www.jobhuntersbible.com
Business/Careers/Job Hunting
6 x 9 inches, 368 pages, two color
$18.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-987-6
1-58008-987-9 • Ten Speed
Replaces previous edition: 978-1-58008-930-2
$28.95 hardcover (Can $37.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-989-0
1-58008-989-5 • Ten Speed
Replaces previous edition:
new books • 5
by James P eterson
The definitive, highly illustrated, step-by-step instructional for making the best-loved basics plus new and
fresh versions of pies, tarts, cakes, cookies, pastries,
and breads.
■ Sequel to COOKING, which won the 2008 James
Beard Award for best general cookbook.
■ The most thorough step-by-step visual guide to baking
all the favorites.
■ Every recipe is illustrated with sequential how-to
James Peterson is the premiere go-to source for home cooks
of every level. His newest book and the second in a series of
instructional tomes, BAKING teaches all the essential
basics—how to make fail-proof tender pie dough, a fabulous birthday cake, sourdough starter that actually works,
legendary babka, and more. In more than 300 recipes, each
accompanied by handy instructional photos, Peterson
guides readers through the techniques for creating perfect
breads, cakes, cookies, pies, and pastries, each and every
time with confidence. Readers working their way through
the book will learn every fundamental of baking, and discover the recipes and nuances that ensure consistent,
impressive results.
$40.00 hardcover (Can $44.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-789-6
1-58008-789-2• Ten Speed
J ames P eterson is the author of 15
titles, including Sauces, his first book and a
1991 James Beard Cookbook of the Year
winner, and COOKING, a 2008 James Beard
Award winner. He has been one of the country’s most preeminent cooking instructors for more than
20 years and currently teaches at the Institute of Culinary
Education (formerly Peter Kump’s) in New York. He is revered
within the industry and highly regarded as a professional
resource. When chefs get stuck, they go to Peterson.
• A Book-of-the-Month Club main selection
91/2 x 11 inches, 384 pages, full color
2,000 full-color photos, 300 recipes
$40.00 hardcover (Can $51.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-991-3
1-58008-991-7 • Ten Speed
Photography by James Peterson
new books • 7
Pastry Queen Parties
Entertaining Friends and Family,
Texas Style
by Rebecca Rather with Alison Oresman
Pastry Queen Rebecca Rather’s 100+ hit recipes for
Texas-style parties and gatherings.
■ Rather’s previous two books have sold more than
80,000 copies, and PASTRY QUEEN CHRISTMAS won
the 2008 IACP cookbook award in the American
No one captures big-hearted, big-hatted Texas hospitality
like Rebecca Rather—a beloved Hill Country author, restaurateur, and hostess with a growing national reputation.
In PASTRY QUEEN PARTIES, Rebecca celebrates her state’s
culinary traditions, flavors, and ingredients with more than
100 savory and sweet recipes ranging from Honey-Lavender
Rack of Texas Lamb to Grilled Cajun Catfish Tacos, Fig Crostada to Peach Daiquiri Likkercicles. The book is divided into
six location-based party menus: a high society Houston
soiree, a West Texas artist and musicians’ bash, Tex Mex
dining in San Antonio, a Gulf Coast summer beach bonanza,
a small-town homecoming, and a sweet and sunny Hill
Country garden party. Sidebars with tips and secrets from
Rebecca and other great Texas hosts and hostesses, along
with more than 100 gorgeous scenic and food photos, make
for an irresistible invitation to do it up big, Lone Star style.
2008 IACP award-winning author R E B E CCA R AT H E R
is the chef-owner of Rather Sweet, a bakery café, and
Rebecca’s Table, a Zagat-rated restaurant—both main
street businesses based in the Texas Hill Country town of
Fredericksburg, Texas. This is her third book.
Alison O resman has worked as a journalist and restaurant critic for more than 20 years, writing and editing for
newspapers in Wyoming, Florida, and Washington State.
She lives in Bellevue, Washington.
The Pastry Queen
$32.50 hardcover (Can $41.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-562-5
1-58008-562-8 • Ten Speed
The Pastry Queen
$32.50 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-790-2
1-58008-790-6 • Ten Speed
8 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
100 full-color photos, 100 recipes
$32.50 hardcover (Can $42.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-990-6
1-58008-990-9 • Ten Speed
Photography by Laurie Smith
new books • 9
Lucid Food
Cooking for an Eco-Conscious Life
by Louisa S hafia
A stylish collection of healthy, eco-oriented recipes,
tips, and entertaining ideas, from the owner of New
York’s greenest catering company.
■ 80 seasonal recipes that make the principles of the
eco-foods movement accessible to urban home cooks.
■ Organic food sales are anticipated to increase an
average of 18 percent each year through 2010.
Words like “organic,” “seasonal,” and “local” are on everyone’s mind, but how do we integrate food politics into a
daily practice that is convenient, affordable, and delicious?
Sustainable chef and caterer Louisa Shafia shows ecoconscious home cooks how to green their cuisine by making
earth-friendly food choices, sourcing animal products ethically and responsibly, supporting local food, and reducing
one’s carbon footprint through urban gardening, preserving,
composting, and more. Promoting simple, delicious meals
and green lifestyle ideas, LUCID FOOD celebrates the pleasures of in-season cooking that is healthy, honest, pure, free
of additives, and transparently made, from farm to table.
A former editor of Fresh Air, LO U I S A S H A F I A is the
founder of Lucid Food, an eco-friendly fine catering company
based in New York City. She is a graduate of the Natural
Gourmet Institute and has worked at Millennium Restaurant and Roxanne’s in the San Francisco Bay Area and at
Aquavit and Pure Food and Wine in New York.
Visit www.lucidfood.com
Super Natural Cooking
$20.00 paper with flaps (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-275-6
1-58761-275-5 • Celestial Arts
7 x 10 inches, 208 pages, full color
40+ full-color photos, 80 recipes
$25.00 paper over board (Can $32.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-964-7
1-58008-964-X • Ten Speed
Photography by Jennifer Martiné
Author photo by Cory Pavitt
new books • 1 1
The Cancer-Fighting
Nourishing, Big-Flavor Recipes for
Cancer Treatment and Recovery
by R ebecca Katz with Mat Edelson
A cookbook for cancer patients with 150 specially
formulated recipes for their specific nutritional and
appetite needs.
■ First cookbook to feature a step-by-step guide to nutritionally preparing for chemotherapy and radiation, and
using powerhouse ingredients to create a symptomfighting culinary toolkit.
■ 15 million Americans have been diagnosed with cancer.
REBECCA KATZ is the founder of the Inner
Cook and senior chef at Commonweal Cancer
Help Program in Marin County, California.
Visit www.innercook.com
MAT EDEL SON is an award-winning magazine journalist
who lives in Baltimore, Maryland.
8 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
60 full-color photos, 150 recipes
$30.00 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-344-9
1-58761-344-1 • Celestial Arts
One Bite at a Time
$21.95 paper with flaps (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-327-2
1-58761-327-1 • Celestial Arts
$28.95 hardcover (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-333-3
1-58761-333-6 • Celestial Arts
As the executive chef-in-residence at one of the country’s
leading cancer wellness centers, Rebecca Katz knows that
cancer patients and their caretakers want science-based recipes that are tasty, healthful, and easy to prepare. This book
features whole-foods and big-flavor recipes designed to ease
symptoms along with customized menu plans specially formulated for all treatment phases, cancer types, side effects,
and flavor preferences. THE CANCER-FIGHTING KITCHEN
includes full nutritional analysis for each recipe and notes
that teach readers how to build a culinary cancer-fighting
“How wonderful that people with a cancer diagnosis . . . have
a fabulous new resource that will invigorate the taste buds
that chemotherapy and radiation often take away. In addition to being a practical guide for how to buy and prepare
nourishing and necessary foods, this is a book to savor and
treasure, for the words and wisdom found within its pages
give a much needed boost to the mind, body, and spirit.”
—Ellen Stovall, president and CEO of the
National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
and two-time cancer survivor
Peter Reinhart’s
Artisan Breads Fast
by Peter Reinhart
Master bread baker and innovator Peter Reinhart’s
answer to the artisan bread-in-no-time revolution,
with time-saving techniques for making extraordinary
loaves with speed and ease.
■ Features 50 recipes for bread, bagels, pizza, and
Reinhart’s first-ever pastry recipes.
■ Peter Reinhart’s books have sold more than
250,000 copies.
Renowned baking instructor Peter Reinhart distills his professional techniques down to the basics, delivering artisan
bread formulas that require minimal effort and time.
breakthrough methods of the past, the various preferment
methods, and the no-knead craze, and offers high-caliber
versions of classic breads using the best techniques to create
the highest quality loaves in a fast and convenient fashion.
A conscientious teacher, Reinhart coaches readers on shaping tricks, oven techniques, and methods for doing away
with expensive bakery tools.
Peter Reinhart’s
Whole Grain Breads
$35.00 hardcover (Can $42.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-759-9
1-58008-759-0 • Ten Speed
The Bread Baker’s
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-268-6
1-58008-268-8 • Ten Speed
Crust and Crumb
$19.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-802-2
1-58008-802-3 • Ten Speed
PETER REINHART is widely acknowledged
as one of the world’s leading authorities on
bread. He is the author of six books on bread
baking, including the 2008 James Beard
Award–winning WHOLE GRAIN BREADS; the
2002 James Beard and IACP Cookbook of the Year, THE
BREAD BAKER’S APPRENTICE; and the 1999 James Beard
Award–winning CRUST AND CRUMB. He is a full-time
baking instructor at Johnson and Wales University and the
owner of Pie Town restaurant in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Visit www.peterreinhart.typepad.com
8 x 10 inches, 208 pages, full color
75 full-color photos, 50 recipes
$27.95 paper over board (Can $36.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-998-2
1-58008-998-4 • Ten Speed
new books • 1 3
Laugh Lines Are
And Other Age-Defying Truths
by Leigh A nne Jasheway-Bryant
Fifty bold and brassy one-liners about midlife paired
with colorful graphics and humorous vintage
■ From the winner of the Erma Bombeck humor writing
competition (for an essay about catching her mammogram on fire).
■ The perfect gift for midlife women.
L E I G H A N N E JA S H E WAY- B RYA N T is a
humor writer, stand-up comic, comedy instructor, stress management coach, and former
radio host. She has written 15 books, including
She lives in Eugene, Oregon.
Visit www.accidentalcomic.com
7 x 6 inches, 112 pages, full color
35 full-color photos
$14.95 paper over board (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-314-2
1-58761-314-X • Celestial Arts
Not Guilty by Reason
of Menopause
$12.95 paper over board
(Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-326-5
1-58761-326-3 • Ten Speed
Taking on marriage, motherhood, mammograms, and Mick
Jagger, LAUGH LINES ARE BEAUTIFUL celebrates the joy
of growing older with grace and a healthy dose of kicking
and screaming. Following in the audacious footsteps of
collection of laugh-out-loud observations about the joys
and trials of midlife is sure to put a wry and proudly creased
smile on the face of any woman who’d sooner buy a Harley
motorcycle than get a facelift. So throw out the anti-aging
creams and break out the margaritas—having a midlife
crisis never felt so good.
• If Mick Jagger can be a sex symbol, so can you.
• A tight ponytail can take ten years off your face.
• If you were going to turn into your mother, you would
have done it by now.
“Any woman familiar with the exciting realities of
menopause—and the ways it can whack us upside
the head—will love this very funny book.”
—Jan Elliott, creator of the comic strip Stone Soup
Life’s Too F***Ing Short
A Guide to Getting What You
Want Out of Life without Wasting
Time, Effort, or Money
by Janet Street- P orter
A brash and irreverent manifesto of lifestyle advice—
dispensed without apology—for women who have HAD IT!
A bold package delivering candid commentary with
magazine chic.
Brazen Brit Janet Street-Porter proffers pithy pronouncements on everything from spa vacations (too f***ing sanitized) to climbing the corporate ladder (too f***ing dreary)
to designer face cream (too f***ing expensive). Undaunted
by industry experts (traitors), independent research (drivel),
or popular wisdom (twaddle), Street-Porter dishes on the
dictum that “more is never enough” and counters with
been-there-done-that advice on career advancement (it’s
not who you know), dating (it is who you know), interior
decor (less is more), diet (less is still more), exercise (more is
actually more), and personal ethics (if you don’t have any,
it’s time to get some). So wake up, ladies, and remember:
JA N E T ST R E E T- P O RT E R is a former columnist for London’s Daily Mail, Evening Standard, Observer, British Vogue and Marie
Claire. She is currently editor-at-large for the
Independent on Sunday, for which she was
nominated in 2007 as columnist of the year by the British
Press Awards. Street-Porter is also a BAFTA-winning television producer and former BBC executive who has made
numerous appearances on a wide variety of television shows,
some of which she co-created, including the Rough Guide
travel series. She has homes in a tiny village in Yorkshire,
England, and the somewhat larger city of London.
63 /4 x 93 /4 inches, 176 pages, full color
$15.95 paper with rounded corners
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-352-4
1-58761-352-2, NAXCan
• Celestial Arts
new books • 1 5
“FURRY LOGIC is filled with uplifting truisms that are a big hit with parents, teachers, and
kids of all ages. No one looks at this book without laughing . . . because it just hits home,
and it gives them an opportunity to laugh at themselves and others in an uplifting way.”
—Debbie Manning, owner of Petunia’s Place, Fresno, California
Furry Logic:
Don’t Worry!
by Jane S eabrook an d Ashleigh Brilliant
Inspirational watercolorist Jane Seabrook’s next FURRY
LOGIC book presents a new collection of adorable
animals who get tough—and get going—in the face
of troubled times.
■ The FURRY LOGIC series books have sold more than
600,000 copies combined.
A wise mouse once said, “One of my clever ways of fighting
back against the world is by boldly going to bed.” If you’ve
ever been so bold, you’re in good company with Jane Seabrook’s plucky menagerie. When the horizon is gray, a
bright parrot reminds itself (and you) that “A better time is
coming—its name is lunch.” How can your frown not turn
upside down when a tree frog wryly declares, “Please
excuse my occasional smiles—I’m recovering from an
attack of optimism”? So reach out your paw to a friend in
need and say, “Don’t worry, be furry!”
Purry Logic
$9.95 paper over board
(Can $11.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-904-3
1-58008-904-6 • Ten Speed
Furry Logic
$9.95 hardcover (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-569-4
1-58008-569-5 • Ten Speed
Furry Logic Parenthood
JANE S EAB RO O K is an artist known for her
paintings of wildlife. She lives in Auckland,
New Zealand, with her husband, two teenage
children, and her own furry menagerie.
A S H L E I G H B R I L L I A N T is an author and syndicated
cartoonist. The creator of Pot-Shots epigrams and the author
of 11 books, he lives in Santa Barbara, California.
5 7/8 x 5 7/8 inches, 64 pages, full color
26 full-color illustrations
$12.95 paper over board (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-819-0
1-58008-819-8 • Ten Speed
$9.95 hardcover (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-671-4
1-58008-671-3 • Ten Speed
The Pick of Furry Logic
$12.95 spiral hardcover with
slipcase (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-836-7
1-58008-836-8 • Ten Speed
new books • 1 7
Japanese Hot Pots
Comforting One-Pot Meals
by Tadashi Ono and Harris Salat
An introduction to Japan’s most beloved home cooking,
with recipes for 50 authentic regional favorites.
■ Includes a primer on hot pot culture, ingredients, condiments, and tools.
■ Hot pots are wholesome, economical, and easy to prepare midweek.
TA D A S H I O N O is the executive chef of
Matsuri in New York City. He has been featured in the New York Times, Gourmet, Food
& Wine, and other prestigious publications.
Shabu-shabu. Sukiyaki. Oden. Known as Japanese comfort
food, hot pot cooking satisfies the universal desire for steaming, gratifying, and hearty meals that the whole family can
enjoy. In JAPANESE HOT POTS, chef Tadashi Ono and food
journalist Harris Salat demystify this communal eating tradition for American home cooks with belly-warming hot
pots from all corners of Japan. Using savory broths and
healthy, easy-to-find ingredients such as seafood, poultry,
greens, roots, mushrooms, and noodles, these classic onepot dishes require minimal fuss and preparation—just an
earthenware crock, a portable burner, and a good appetite.
Visit www.themaritimehotel.com/matsuri.html
HARRIS SALAT writes about food and culture
for the New York Times, Gourmet, and Saveur.
He is the coauthor of TAKASHI’S NOODLES.
He lives in New York City.
Visit www.japanesefoodreport.com
9 x 91/2 inches, 192 pages, full color
30+ full-color photos, 50 recipes
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $32.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-981-4
1-58008-981-X • Ten Speed
Takashi’s Noodles
$24.95 paper with jacket
(Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-965-4
1-58008-965-8 • Ten Speed
Asian Dumplings
Mastering Gyoza, Spring Rolls,
Pot Stickers, and More
by An d rea N gu y en
The first and only cookbook on making authentic versions of the most popular East Asian, Southeast Asian,
and South Asian dumplings, including Chinese dim sum
■ Features more than 75 step-by-step line illustrations
and full-color styled food shots.
■ Andrea Nguyen’s first book, INTO THE VIETNAMESE
KITCHEN, demonstrated her unique ability to interpret
Asian cooking styles for American cooks.
Pot stickers, gyoza, spring rolls, samosas—whether wrapped
or rolled, steamed or fried, Asian dumplings are surprisingly
easy to prepare, as Andrea Nguyen demonstrates in ASIAN
DUMPLINGS. Her crystal-clear recipes for more than 75 of
Asia’s most popular savory and sweet parcels, pockets, packages, and pastries range from Spicy Potato Samosas to
Shanghai Wonton Soup. Organized according to type
(wheat pastas, skins, buns, and pastries; translucent wheat
and tapioca preparations; legumes and tubers; sweet dumplings), ASIAN DUMPLINGS also contains everything anyone
needs to know about equipment and ingredients; techniques for shaping, filling, and cooking; plating and serving;
and ordering in restaurants.
Into the Vietnamese Kitchen
$35.00 hardcover (Can $45.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-665-3
1-58008-665-9 • Ten Speed
AND REA NGU Y EN is a writer and cooking
teacher whose work appears in the Los Angeles
Times, San Jose Mercury News, and Saveur,
where she is also a contributing editor. She is
codirector of the Asian Culinary Forum, a
new annual symposium (see asianculinaryforum.org). She
lives in Santa Cruz, California.
Visit www.vietworldkitchen.com
71/4 x 103/4 inches, 240 pages, full color
75 full-color photos and line drawings, 75 recipes
$30.00 hardcover (Can $38.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-975-3
1-58008-975-5 • Ten Speed
new books • 1 9
Festive and Flavorful Mexican Appetizers
by Barbara Sibley and Margaritte Malfy
with Mary G oo dbo dy
Accessible yet authentic Mexican appetizers and drinks
from the chefs and owners of the popular East Village /
West Village La Palapa restaurants.
■ The only Mexican appetizers / small plates book on
the market.
■ Small plates and spicy foods remain popular food
trends according to the American Culinary Federation’s
2008 survey of chefs.
B A R B A R A S I B L E Y and M A RG A R I T T E M A L F Y are
co-owners and co-chefs of the two critically acclaimed,
Zagat-rated La Palapa restaurants in Manhattan (one in
the East Village, one in the West Village). Barbara is a native
of Mexico City. Both worked in New York City restaurants
for several years before opening the first La Palapa in 2000
and the second in 2003.
¿Cómo se dice “appetizers”? ANTOJITOS, of course. The
north-of-the-border love affair with Mexican food heats up
with this luscious collection of 75 authentic Mexican appetizers and drinks from two of Greenwich Village’s favorite
restaurateurs. Readers will be inspired to craft crunchy,
cheesy Chalupas, succulent Shrimp Ceviche, ruby-red Hibiscus Margaritas, and more. Sidebars on Mexican cooking
and entertaining, suggested menus for party themes from
cumpleaños (birthdays) to Cinco de Mayo, and a stylish
design filled with colorful Mexican folk art and food photographs round out this spicy treat of a book.
8 x 9 inches, 160 pages, full color
75 full-color photos and illustrations, 75 recipes
$22.95 paper over board (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-929-6
1-58008-929-1 • Ten Speed
Big Small Plates
$35.00 hardcover (Can $45.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-523-6
1-58008-523-7 • Ten Speed
The Cuisines of Spain
Exploring Regional
Home Cooking
Eat, Drink, Think
in Spanish
An English-Spanish/
by T eresa
Kitchen Companion
B arrenechea
by Lourdes Castro
An authentic and richly
illustrated exploration of
both the renowned and
lesser-known cuisines
of Spain.
The first comprehensive
bilingual guide to culinary
terms written specifically for
sophisticated food, wine,
and travel aficionados.
■ Features 150 full-color photographs from Barcelonabased photojournalist Jeff Koehler and prominent food
photographer Christopher Hirsheimer.
■ Features more than 2,000 entries divided into SpanishEnglish and English-Spanish, for easy cross-referencing.
■ According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the Latino population “comprises the largest race or ethnic minority in
the United States, and is the fastest growing demographic in the nation.”
The popularity of Spanish food continues to endure, and
THE CUISINES OF SPAIN is the most comprehensive, lavishly illustrated book on the country’s regional and classic
dishes. Barrenechea, one of Spain’s greatest culinary ambassadors, showcases her heritage with more than 250 recipes
from her personal repertoire as well as from friends and
fellow chefs. Without a doubt, this beautiful book remains
the definitive exploration of home cooking across Spain’s
varied and colorful regions.
T E R E S A B A R R E N E C H E A was born and raised in the
Basque country and moved to New York City as a press
attaché to the Spanish delegation of the United Nations.
She wrote the acclaimed Basque Table, which was awarded
the National Gastronomy Prize in Spain in 1998. She lives
in Madrid, Spain.
81/2 x 101/2 inches, 352 pages, full color
158 full-color photos, 250+ recipes
$27.95 paper with flaps (Can $36.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-835-0
1-58008-835-X • Ten Speed
Replaces previous edition:
Bilingual culinary expert Lourdes Castro deftly explains the
differences between south-of-the-border items in EAT,
DRINK, THINK IN SPANISH. Featuring pithy definitions of
ingredients, cooking methods, condiments, traditional dishes,
kitchen equipment, and beverages including wine and
spirits, EAT, DRINK, THINK IN SPANISH will help Anglos
break through the language barrier to interpret and understand food and drink terms from Spain and Latin America.
LOURDES CASTRO was born and raised in Miami, where
she is the director of the Biltmore Culinary Academy. A former associate of the James Beard Foundation, she is a regular contributor to the New York Social Diary’s dining section
and currently teaches food science at New York University.
She lives in New York City.
5 x 7 inches, 320 pages, two color
2,000+ entries
$18.95 paper with rounded corners (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-954-8
1-58008-954-2 • Ten Speed
new books • 2 1
Vintage Knits for
Modern Babies
by Ha d le y Fi e rli nger
25 timeless patterns for ages six months up to three
years, from the founder of the stylish baby knit label,
■ Features heirloom-quality patterns simplified for modern knitters, including caps, booties, blankets, mittens,
sweaters, layette sets, toys, and more.
■ Fierlinger’s baby knits have been purchased by celebrity
moms such as Sarah Jessica Parker and Julia Roberts.
From adorable bonnets and booties to blankies and cardigans, VINTAGE KNITS FOR MODERN BABIES presents
25 precious baby keepsakes that families will cherish for
years to come. Popular baby-wear designer Hadley Fierlinger
specializes in classic hand-knit designs that hearken back to
the styles of the 1940s and ’50s, combining period charm
with modern comfort and a love of organic and natural yarns.
Moms-to-be, friends, grandmas, and aunties will appreciate
Fierlinger’s contemporary twist on vintage aesthetics, making
this lovingly crafted pattern book a treasured collection for
beginning as well as experienced knitters.
Alt Fiber
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-915-9
1-58008-915-1 • Ten Speed
H ADLEY FIERLINGER has been designing
and selling baby knits since the launch of her
online knitwear boutique, Shescrafty, in 2002.
Her baby knits have been featured in InStyle,
Fit Pregnancy, and Junior. Hailing from San
Francisco, Hadley lives with her husband and two sons in
Wellington, New Zealand.
Visit www.shescrafty.com
9 x 8 inches, 112 pages, full color
40+ full-color photos, 25 projects
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-960-9
1-58008-960-7 • Ten Speed
Uncommon Crochet
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-858-9
1-58008-858-9 • Ten Speed
Photography by Angela Lang
new books • 23
The New Taste of
A Cultural and Natural History
of Cacao with Recipes
by Ma r icel E. P r esill a
The definitive illustrated reference on chocolate,
updated with new chapters on the environmental and
geo-political impact of cacao production and health
issues surrounding chocolate.
■ Chocolate tastes are becoming increasingly more
sophisticated—Hershey’s now produces several
“artisanal” chocolate bars.
■ Features 30 new and revised recipes, along with brand
new photography.
■ Chocolate is the #1 favorite flavor of Americans.
MARICEL E. PRESILLA is a culinary historian and chefowner of two restaurants. She has been nominated twice for
the James Beard Foundation Best Chef: Mid-Atlantic Award
and for best food writing. Her articles have appeared in
Saveur, Food & Wine, and Gourmet, and she recently
appeared on The Martha Stewart Show. She is the founderowner of Gran Cacao Company, a Latin American food
research and marketing company that specializes in the
sale of premium cacao beans from Latin America. She lives
in Weehawken, New Jersey.
Visit www.maricelpresilla.com
8 x 10 inches, 256 pages, full color
100+ full-color photos, 30+ recipes
$35.00 hardcover (Can $45.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-950-0
1-58008-950-X • Ten Speed
Replaces previous edition:
This lively and meticulously researched book on the history,
production, and global economic and environmental impact
of cacao makes it the preeminent go-to reference for anyone seeking a fascinating survey on the “food of the gods.”
Consumer interest in chocolate continues to grow as its
numerous health benefits become more widely acknowledged. Maricel E. Presilla is one of the world’s foremost
experts on chocolate and cacao, and her approach to the
subject is scholarly as well as passionate. Recipes both
savory and sweet round out the book, ensuring that chocolate lovers find inspiration as well as information in this
insightful look at one of the world’s most popular foods.
“Few people in the world know as much about chocolate
as Maricel Presilla, or write as passionately about it. Her
pioneering book, THE NEW TASTE OF CHOCOLATE, is
the first to document the fascinating diversity of cacao
varieties and their influence on chocolate quality.”
—Harold McGee, author of On Food and Cooking
The Story of Tea
$32.50 hardcover (Can $38.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-745-2
1-58008-745-0 • Ten Speed
The Grand Central
Baking Book
Home-Baked Pastries, Cookies,
Pies, and Family Favorites from the
Pacific Northwest ’s Beloved Bakery
by Pip e r Dav i s w i th El l en Jackson
85 recipes from the Pacific Northwest’s first
artisan bakery and now the region’s most popular
bakery chain.
■Named one of the top-10 bakeries in the country
by Bon Appétit.
■ The Grand Central Baking Company serves over
30,000 customers daily in its retail and wholesale
outlets, with 7,000 customers visiting the Seattle
and Portland cafés each day.
Pacific Northwesterners flock to the Grand Central Bakery
for their favorite baked goods: gooey jam-filled buttermilk
biscuits and hand-formed rustic breads baked in a hearthstyle oven, insanely flaky croissants, and flavor-packed whole
wheat cinnamon rolls. Now these much-loved recipes are
available to home bakers for the first time, accompanied by
easy-to-follow pointers on baking for breakfast and brunch,
cookies, fruit desserts, cakes, pies, and more. Piper Davis, the
daughter of Grand Central’s founder who grew up in Grand
Central Bakeries, generously lets home bakers in on all the
family secrets that have made Grand Central the first morning stop for locals for more than three decades.
Portland Monthly called the city’s collection of Grand
Central cafés “a local treasure” that “has become everyone’s home away from home.”
“Seattle has finally got a good loaf of bread, and restaurants throughout the city are clamoring for it.”
—New York Times
P I P ER DAV I S is the co-owner and cuisine manager of
the Grand Central Baking Company, which has been credited with reviving artisan bread and was called one of the
top-10 bakeries in the country by Bon Appétit. She lives in
Portland, Oregon.
ELLEN JACKSON is an award-winning pastry chef, food
writer, stylist, and judge for the James Beard Awards. She lives
in Portland, Oregon.
Visit www.grandcentralbakery.com
8 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
65 full-color photos, 85 recipes
$29.95 hardcover (Can $41.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-953-1
1-58008-953-4 • Ten Speed
Rustic Fruit Desserts
$22.00 hardcover (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-976-0
1-58008-976-3 • Ten Speed
new books • 25
The San Francisco
Cliff House
by M a ry G e rm a i n H ou ntal as
with S h a ro n S i lva
The shifting fortunes of San Francisco’s legendary
Cliff House, from gritty seaside roadhouse to Victorian
pleasure palace to world-class urban destination, are
celebrated in this one-of-a-kind illustrated history.
■ The Cliff House attracts more than 250,000 visitors
each year.
■ Features signature recipes from past and present.
■ Publication to coincide with the 2009 centenary
celebration of the current building and its recent
$20 million renovation.
The history of this fabled site spans 150 years, beginning in
the mid-1800s when the original building stood alone on
the edge of the Pacific. The next incarnation, built by the
visionary Adolph Sutro, was a gingerbread castle that
attracted Sarah Bernhardt, Buffalo Bill, and other celebrities
of the day. Sutro’s structure withstood the earthquake of
1906 but was razed by fire in 1907. Rebuilt in 1909, the
decades that followed saw the Cliff House go in and out of
fashion with the public. Today, the Cliff House has undergone yet another renaissance, boasting two popular restaurants. This colorful history, which parallels the irrepressible
spirit of San Francisco itself, is chronicled through colorful
visuals and an insider’s unique narrative.
The Santa Cruz
Beach Boardwalk
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-814-5
1-58008-814-7 • Ten Speed
$28.95 hardcover (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-815-2
1-58008-815-5 • Ten Speed
MARY Germain HOUNTALAS and her husband have
been operating the Cliff House since 1973. Over nearly four
decades, Hountalas has become a serious historian of the
Cliff House and a dedicated collector of countless artifacts
associated with it, including vintage photographs, postcards,
menus, and memorabilia from every era. She resides in
Sausalito, California.
S h aro n s ilva is a freelance editor and writer living in
San Francisco, California.
Regional History/Pop Culture
10 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
300 full-color photographs, 30 recipes
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-995-1
1-58008-995-X • Ten Speed
$30.00 hardcover (Can $40.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-996-8
1-58008-996-8 • Ten Speed
Ë|xHSLFSAy089 51zv;:#:/:*:&
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new books • 27
Chocolate Bliss
Sensuous Recipes,
Spa Treatments,
The Little Book of
and Other Divine
by Kath i Keville
by Su s i e Norri s
The updated and revised guide
to the most fragrant of healing
arts from a leading practitioner.
Better living through
chocolate: a stylish, feel-good gift book for any
woman who needs more chocolate in her life.
■ Chocolate is the food most commonly craved by women.
■ World consumption rises 3 percent per year and
chocolate production struggles to keep up within
this multi-billion dollar industry.
■Includes 25 to 30 recipes for must-have treats (Deepest
Darkest Fudge Brownies) and luxurious indulgences
(Salty Chocolate Body Scrub).
Chocolate is universally prized by serious foodies, healthminded dieters, discerning hedonists—and by every woman
who ever breathed. CHOCOLATE BLISS is a celebration of all
things chocolate: every type and flavor, its health and beauty
benefits, origins and ecological influences, and tasting, gifting, and baking. Recipes, resources, and luscious photos
entice readers to give in to their cravings without guilt.
S U S IE N O RRI S is an artisan chocolatier, pastry chef,
culinary school instructor, and TV producer. Her chocolate
business, Happy Chocolates, was featured on Food Network
and in More magazine and the New York Times Magazine.
She has served as associate chef/instructor at the California
School of Culinary Arts (Le Cordon Bleu Program). She
lives in Los Angeles, California, and the Berkshires,
Visit www.chocolateallthetime.com
61/2 x 61/2 inches, 144 pages, full color
15 full-color illustrations, 25 recipes
$14.95 hardcover (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-347-0
1-58761-347-6 • Celestial Arts
■Includes 50 formulas for skin
and hair care treatments,
medicinal remedies, alternatives to toxic household
cleaning products, plus more.
In this informative and portable guide, Kathi Keville presents a list of the best and most commonly used essential oils
and shares formulas for improving complexion, boosting
emotions, and healing a multitude of disorders. THE LITTLE
BOOK OF AROMATHERAPY is the perfect gift for anyone
who wants to harness the healing power of plants to
enhance beauty, health, and overall well-being.
KATHI KEVILLE is an internationally known
herbalist and aromatherapist. The author of
12 books and coauthor of AROMATHERAPY,
she has taught seminars for more than
40 years and is the director of the American
Herb Association in Nevada City, California.
Health & Fitness/Aromatherapy
5 x 7 inches, 176 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-195-5
1-58091-195-1 • Crossing
Replaces previous edition:
$19.95 paper (Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-189-4
1-58091-189-7 • Crossing
Scrubs, Rubs, Masks, and Bath Bombs
for You and Your Friends
by L au re n Cox wi th Jani ce Cox
100 fresh and eco-friendly projects for body, face, and
hair, from up-and-coming natural beauty expert, teenager Lauren Cox and her mother, leading home beauty
author Janice Cox.
■ More than 80 percent of American teens are concerned about the environment, and they want to
contribute to society through conscientious consumer
What’s the hippest way to be green? Making your own hair
conditioner, mouth rinse, lip gloss, and hand cream would
be a start. Natural beauty maven Lauren Cox is bringing
bath and body into the twenty-first century with easy, economical, and eco-friendly projects, featuring au courant
ingredients—hemp oil, red tea, soy milk, flax seed oil, and
goat’s milk—that are increasingly easy to find. Recycled
bottling and green gift-giving ideas round out this stylish
how-to manual for the DIY generation. So whether you’re a
crafty chica revitalizing your skin with an Espresso Yourself
Facial Mask, a penny-pinching diva rocking some simple
Green Tea Toner, or a study-break organizer promising
Chocolate Brownie Lip Gloss, ECOBEAUTY has a moneysaving, planet-loving, skin-pleasing project for you.
Alt Fiber
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-915-9
1-58008-915-1 • Ten Speed
LAUREN COX is a 19-year-old freshman at
UCLA. She has been making her own treatments and products for the past 10 years and
has done product testing for her mother’s
popular natural beauty books. She lives in Los
Angeles, California.
JANI C E COX is America’s leading natural
beauty and home beauty expert. She is the
author of three best-selling books on the subject and is a regular contributor to magazines
and newsletters, as well as a frequent guest
on television and radio programs. Her current focus is
organic DIY products, and she is a columnist for Herb Quarterly and Herb Companion. She lives in Medford, Oregon.
Visit www.janicecox.com
71/2 x 111/4 inches, 144 pages, full color
50+ full-color photos, 100 recipes
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-852-7
1-58008-852-X • Ten Speed
new books • 29
101 Toughest Interview
. . . And Answers That
Win the Job!
by Da n i e l P o rot and
Fr anc e s Bolle s H aynes
How to Get Any Job
Career Launch
and Re-Launch for
Everyone Under 30
(or How to Avoid
Living in Your Parent ’s
2nd Edition
An updated list of the most
frequently asked interview
questions—and the smartest
answers to help job seekers ace their interviews.
■ Packed with job-interviewing techniques and proven
strategies that work.
by Dona ld Asher
Combines the most innovative thinking on post-college
career launch with step-by-step preparation for aligning life goals with job opportunities.
■Asher’s books have sold more than 300,000 copies.
Nothing is as crucial to landing the perfect job as a stellar
performance in the interview, that nerve-wracking finish to
an arduous job search. This portable handbook prepares
job seekers for the 101 toughest and most commonly asked
questions and arms them with the kind of can’t-miss, surehire answers interviewers want to hear. Presented in a concise and accessible package, 101 TOUGHEST INTERVIEW
QUESTIONS will help everyone face even the most nailbiting interview with confidence.
DANIEL P O R OT is a leading career expert and the
author of more than 20 career books. He lives in Geneva,
Visit www.porot.com
FRANCES BOLLES HAYNES has worked in the field of
career development for more than 25 years. She lives in
Newport Beach, California.
Business & Economics/Careers
5 x 7 inches, 240 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-849-7
1-58008-849-X • Ten Speed
Replaces previous edition:
Stephen Colbert was a philosophy major; YouTube cofounder
Chad Hurley was an art major. If you think your college
major will determine your life path, think again. This streamlined edition refocuses the emphasis from job search to life
launch for readers under 30 who are more attracted to
achieving balanced life goals than career advancement. For
those who want more than just a job, this book provides
practical strategies for building a great and rewarding life.
D O NALD A S H ER is the author of 10 books on the subjects
of career, job search, and higher education. He is a contributing writer for the Wall Street Journal ’s CareerJournal.com
and CollegeJournal.com, Monster’s MonsterTRAK, National
Business Employment Weekly, Managing Your Career
Magazine, NACE Journal, WACE Spotlight, JobStar, WetFeet,
plus more. Also a featured speaker on college campuses
coast to coast, he divides his time between northern Nevada
and San Francisco, California.
6 x 9 inches, 288 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-947-0
ISBN-10: 1-58008-947-X • Ten Speed
Replaces previous edition:
5 16 9 5
The End of Work
As You Know It
8 Strategies to Redefine Work
in Your Own Terms
by M ilo S i n d e ll a nd Thu y Si nd el l , PhD
A radical career approach for employees who want
to make their jobs work for them instead of the other
way around.
■ For today’s new generation of employees eager to take
control of their careers and personal lives.
■According to a recent Gallup Poll, 73 percent of
employees feel disengaged from their jobs.
In today’s challenging job market, employees are looking for
ways to feel more engaged in their current jobs rather than
find the “perfect” position. In this unique book, Milo and
Thuy Sindell argue that making your job work for you is the
best route to career and personal satisfaction. Drawing on
their experience as leadership consultants, they provide
eight strategies to help employees at all levels connect their
personal goals and values to their professional objectives in
order to improve their work-life balance.
What Color Is Your
Parachute? 2010
$18.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-987-6
1-58008-987-9 • Ten Speed
$28.95 hardcover (Can $37.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-989-0
1-58008-989-5 • Ten Speed
S INDELL are leadership consultants and the authors of Sink
or Swim and Job Spa. Together,
they founded the employee performance software company Hit the Ground Running. They
have been featured in Fortune, CNN Money, Business
Week, Forbes, the Washington Post, and NBC News. They
live in Los Angeles, California.
Visit www.hitthegroundrunning.com
5 x 8 inches, 160 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-997-5
1-58008-997-6 • Ten Speed
new books • 31
Natural Menopause
Herbs, Nutrition
& Other Natural
The Gluten-Free
Almond Flour Cookbook
100 Recipes:
Breakfasts, Entrées,
and More
by Am a n da M cQ uad e
by El a na Amster da m
Cr awfo rd,
M NI MH R H ( A H G )
An on-trend revision focusing on herbs, nutrition, and other natural approaches
that offers a holistic plan for wellness during
■ More than 40 million women in the United States are
currently going through menopause or are postmenopausal.
■Updates include new research and findings on Black
Cohosh, HRT, and cancer risk.
NATURAL MENOPAUSE centers on the belief that menopause is a natural process not requiring medication. Thanks
to the growing availability of natural and holistic therapy
alternatives, more perimenopausal women are alleviating
symptoms of menopause with ingredients found in nature.
This updated edition offers an extensive list of herbal remedies that address hot flashes and night sweats, depression,
fibroids, osteoporosis, sexuality changes, HRT, and more.
AMANDA M cQUADE CRAWFORD earned her degree
in Phytotherapy (Herbal Medicine) from Britain’s College of
Phytotherapy. She was a founding member of the American
Herbalists Guild and has taught at hospitals and medical
schools across the United States. She is a consultant medical herbalist in Los Angeles, California.
Women’s Health/Naturopathy
81/2 x 10 inches, 240 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-196-2
1-58091-196-X • Crossing
Replaces previous edition:
A full-color collection of
100 no-gluten, lightly
sweetened, quick-andhealthy recipes made with
almond flour.
■Almonds are today’s superfood: high-protein,
low-glycemic, low-cholesterol, and full of fiber
and antioxidants.
■Author’s website on gluten-free cooking receives
25,000 hits per month.
It is estimated that three million Americans have celiac disease, which is one of the most under-diagnosed diseases in
the country. A gluten-free diet, while necessary for celiac
sufferers, also benefits those with diabetes, obesity, high
cholesterol, and IBS. With recipes ranging from breakfast
favorites to comfort entrées to baked goods, THE GLUTENFREE ALMOND FLOUR COOKBOOK offers delicious, nutritious, and whole-foods recipes that will benefit anyone, with
or without dietary restrictions.
ELANA A M ST ERDA M has been profiled in Fortune
Magazine and the Wall Street Journal for her business ventures. When she and her son were both diagnosed with celiac
disease, she was inspired to develop gluten-free recipes. She
now writes a monthly column on the politics of food for the
Boulder Daily Camera. She lives in Boulder, Colorado.
Visit www.elanaspantry.com
7 x 8 inches, 144 pages, full color
18 full-color photos, 100 recipes
$15.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-345-6
1-58761-345-X • Celestial Arts
The Allergen-Free
Baker’s Handbook
How to Bake without Gluten,
Wheat, Dairy, Eggs, Soy, Peanuts,
Tree Nuts, or Sesame
by Cyb e le Pa sca l
The first comprehensive multi-allergen-free baking
book, featuring 100 recipes for sweet and savory treats
and a foreword by Dr. Robert Eitches, UCLA School of
■ These unique recipes are free of gluten, wheat, dairy,
peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, soy, sesame, fish, and shellfish,
which account for 90 percent of all food allergies.
■ More than 12 million Americans have food allergies;
3 million of them are children.
With the number of cases of food allergies skyrocketing—
peanut allergies have doubled in the last five years—parents
are eager to find recipes for foods that are safe and appealing. ALLERGEN-FREE BAKER’S HANDBOOK offers detailed
explanations of alternative foodstuffs, advice about choosing safe products, and sources for buying them. Additionally, these recipes will appeal to vegans, people avoiding
refined sugar and artificial ingredients, and whole-foods
cooks interested in baking with gluten-free flours such as
amaranth and quinoa.
Praise for Cybele Pascal’s previous book :
“At a time when severe food allergies, including those that
are potentially life threatening, are increasing dramatically
and becoming a major public health problem, there is an
urgent need for a cookbook like this one.”
—Eric Chivan, MD, director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
C YBELE PA S C AL is the author of the award-winning
Whole Foods Allergy Cookbook. She has appeared on
The Martha Stewart Show, The Today Show, ABC News,
and the Food Network, and her unique recipes have been
featured in numerous national magazines. She lives in Los
Angeles with her husband and two sons, who both suffer
from food allergies.
Visit www.allergycookbook.blogspot.com
8 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
20 full-color photos, 100 recipes
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $32.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-348-7
1-58761-348-4 • Celestial Arts
Baking with Agave Nectar
$15.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-321-0
1-58761-321-2 • Celestial Arts
new books • 33
The Eleven Eternal
Reiki for Spiritual
by Ca rm e n H a rra , Ph D
by Br ett Bevell
The first book to describe all
11 eternal principles, or divine
laws, governing the universe:
totality, karma, wisdom, love,
harmony, abundance, attraction, evolution, manifestation,
destiny, and nonlocality.
A groundbreaking guide to
focusing the energy of Reiki—
traditionally used for healing
the body—towards healing
the spirit, from Reiki master
Brett Bevell.
■ Complex esoteric concepts
are presented accessibly with applications for daily life.
The success of books such as The Secret and A New Earth
shows that people desire to expand their consciousness on
a personal and planetary level. Harra’s message is uplifting
and comforting while offering readers a sense of interconnectedness and empowerment. This book is for the spiritual
seeker looking for grounded, practical principles to live by in
this lifetime.
DR . CAR M EN H ARRA is a clinical psychologist, metaphysical intuitive, and author of four books. Her background
includes cognitive and couple’s therapy, hypnotherapy,
numerology, astrology, and chromo- and sound therapy. A
recent guest on the national television show The View,
Harra is a highly sought-after psychic, offering her guidance
to everyone from Hollywood celebrities to eminent politicians. She divides her time between Queens, New York, and
Miami, Florida.
Visit www.carmenharra.com
Body, Mind & Spirit/Prophecy
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-197-9
1-58091-197-8 • Crossing
■Includes Reiki exercises for
accessing the angelic realm,
clearing past-life karma, and deepening your relationship with the Divine.
By introducing new Reiki symbols and techniques, Brett Bevell teaches laypeople and trained Reiki practitioners how to
use Reiki as a doorway to spiritual awakening. By showing
how to work with the Higher Self and send Reiki treatments
across many lifetimes, Bevell provides the tools for clearing
karmic and spiritual blocks at the moment they were created. Readers will be able to take ownership of their connection to the Divine and engage in real change in their lives.
BRE T T BEV ELL is a Reiki Master who teaches at Omega
Institute for Holistic Studies in New York and the Sanctuary
Resort in Thailand. The author of THE REIKI MAGIC GUIDE
TO SELF-ATTUNEMENT, his work has appeared on NPR’s
All Things Considered. He lives in Rhinebeck, New York.
Body, Mind & Spirit/Healing Energy
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages
10+ line drawings
$15.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-194-8
1-58091-194-3 • Crossing
The Reiki Magic Guide
to Self-Attunement
$14.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-184-9
1-58091-184-6 • Crossing
The New Holistic
Way for Dogs
& Cats
Dogs Can Sign, Too
The Stress-Health
Your Dog to
Communicate to You
by Paul McCutcheon, DVM,
by Sea n Senecha l
A Breakthrough
Method for Teaching
with S u s a n W e i n st ei n
This science-based guide
focuses on the role of stress in
the health of pets.
■According to a 2008 survey, 71.1 million U.S. households have at least one dog or cat.
Stress is a universal cause of both wellness and illness in our
companion animals. This book examines the health-stress
connection and offers a progressive approach to physical
and emotional care. Topics include feeding, vaccinations,
training, environment, and more. Dr. McCutcheon’s preventive approach to pet care embraces traditional and alternative health modalities in a complete holistic philosophy.
PAUL M cCUTCHEON, DVM, is the founder of Toronto’s
East York Animal Clinic, serving 5,000 clients. He wrote the
“Ask a Vet” column for Chatelaine and contributes articles
to Canadian Veterinary Journal and the Journal of the
International Institute of Stress. Dr. McCutcheon hosted the
television series People and Pets and the radio show Perfect
Pet People. He is a former director of the American Holistic
Veterinary Medical Association and the Human-Animal
Bond Association of Canada. He lives near Toronto with his
wife and five cats.
S U S AN W EIN ST EIN is a freelance writer who lives with
her human and animal family in Eastern Ontario.
6 x 9 inches, 272 pages
12 black-and-white illustrations
$18.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-343-2
1-58761-343-3 • Celestial Arts
The first book to offer the
K9Sign system, which teaches
dogs to communicate with
their human companions using a system of gestures.
35 illustrations demonstrate the basic gestural vocabulary upon which to build consistent, sophisticated
Most training guides teach dogs to respond to our commands, while “dog whisperers” interpret behavior and body
language. The K9Sign system teaches dogs to “speak” to
us—making it a first in any dog training book category.
Sample signs range from “food” to identifying a favorite
treat, from “play” to naming a particular toy or game, from
“door” to going out for a specific reason. So if you’ve ever
wondered what your pug was pondering—now she can
actually tell you!
S EAN S ENEC H AL is the founding director of the AnimalSign Center. She teaches physiology and animal behavior
and communication at several California colleges and is a
member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, the American
Behavior Society, and the American Association for the
Advancement of Science. Senechal has been featured on
Animal Planet and is a contributing expert to Raising Canine,
Simple Dog Training Secrets, and The Pooch Place. She
resides in Monterey County, California, where she has
been an AnimalSign educator for 10 years.
Pets/Animal Behavior
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
35 black-and-white illustrations
$16.95 paper (Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-353-1
1-58761-353-0 • Celestial Arts
new books • 35
Your Many Faces
The First Step to
Being Loved
by Virg i n i a S at i r
The American Book
of Living
and Dying
Lessons in Healing
Spiritual Pain
A classic about understanding
the many facets of your personality, with a new foreword by Mary
Ann Norfleet, PhD.
■ Satir was recently named one of the ten “most influential therapists of the past quarter-century” in a national
■ Satir’s books have sold more than 330,000 copies.
Every human being has a multitude of faces that compose
his or her character: anger, intelligence, love, jealousy, helplessness, and courage. We often judge these aspects as
either positive or negative, yet we fail to recognize that we
need each of them in order to be complete and balanced. In
a lively style, Satir demonstrates that the key to self-acceptance
and transformation lies in learning to acknowledge, appreciate, and ultimately take control of our “many faces.”
VIRGINIA SATIR (1916–1988) was a pioneering psychotherapist, lecturer, and author; she was internationally
renowned for her work, especially in the field of family therapy. Considered one of the most distinguished therapists in
recent history and selected to be on the boards of numerous
prestigious councils, Satir was also known for her Change
Process Model, still embraced today. Time magazine once
wrote of her, “She can fill any auditorium in the country.”
She cofounded the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto,
California, the first organization to establish a formal training program in family therapy.
Self-Help/Personal Growth
5 x 8 inches, 112 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-349-4
1-58761-349-2 • Celestial Arts
Replaces previous edition:
by Richa r d F. Grov es
a nd Henr iette Anne
Kl auser
Comforting, insightful advice for coping—spiritually and
emotionally—when caring for someone seriously or
terminally ill.
■ Features therapies, techniques, and rituals to ease pain
and strengthen interpersonal bonds.
■ 1.5 million people receive hospice care each year.
This nondenominational resource provides reassurance
and hope for the dying and their caregivers through archetypal stories illustrating common end-of-life concerns.
Groves and Klauser share timeless lessons while offering
guidance on helping a loved one navigate the aging process and the difficult passage from life to death.
Hospice chaplain RI C H ARD F. GROV E S is the founder
of the Sacred Art of Living and Dying educational series and
has attended the deaths of more than 500 people. Richard
and his wife, Mary, established the Sacred Art of Living
Center in Bend, Oregon 25 years ago.
Visit www.sacredartofliving.org
H ENRIE T T E ANNE K LAU S ER is a best-selling author
and the president of Writing Resources. She lives in Edmonds,
6 x 8 inches, 304 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-350-0
1-58761-350-6 • Celestial Arts
Replaces previous edition:
Shared Parenting
Raising Your Children Cooperatively
After Separation
by Jill B u rre tt and Mi chael Green
An accessible handbook for successful, cooperative
parenting after separation.
■An estimated 1 million children in the United States are
affected by divorce each year and 25 percent of children ages 16 and under live with a stepparent.
■Includes samples of plans for various versions of shared
Few changes in life are as emotionally taxing for families as
separation. In this practical book, two experts provide
straightforward advice to separated or divorced parents
who wish to focus on a shared parenting approach that is
in everyone’s best interest—especially the children’s. The
authors emphasize the importance of children having significant, even equal, time with both parents so they can
maintain meaningful relationships. The book steers parents
past their personal feelings toward tools such as weekly routines and communication tips to make a success of shared
A Parents’ Guide to the
Middle School Years
$14.95 paper (Can $17.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-341-8
1-58761-341-7 • Celestial Arts
J ILL BURRET T is a psychologist with more
than 30 years of experience helping parents
manage challenging family changes. She is
the author of Parenting After Separation.
M I C H AEL GREEN is a lawyer who runs a
private mediation practice specializing in family
conferencing, life skills programs, and dispute
resolution. He is the author of Fathers After
Divorce. They are based in Sydney, Australia.
51/4 x 81/2 inches, 192 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-346-3
1-58761-346-8, NA
• Celestial Arts
new books • 37
Let There Be Peace
On Earth
by Jill Jackso n and
Sy M il le r
Illust rat i o n s by
ABC’s of Rock
by Melissa Duke
Moo ney
Gr a ph ics by
P r int Ma fia
David D i a z
The enduring, classic song
of hope and peace, now
available for the first time as a picture book.
■ Features illustrations by a Caldecott Medal winner.
■Includes a 12-track CD featuring a previously
unreleased version of the song.
■Ideal holiday season gift.
“Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” That
simple statement has been inspiring people around the world
since 1955, when it was first put to paper by songwriters Jill
Jackson and Sy Miller. Since then, the song has been recorded
by more than 30 artists, including Nat King Cole, Gladys
Knight, and Mr. Rogers; sung at schools and community
gatherings; and performed for presidents and dignitaries.
Now memorialized in a picture book featuring symbols of
peace from 12 different regions of the world, this message
can live in the hearts and minds of generations to come.
JILL JACKSON and SY MILLER were a successful husband and wife songwriting team. Jill wrote the lyrics to “Let
There Be Peace on Earth” in 1955 and Sy worked with her
to write the melody to the song.
This rockin’ way to learn the
ABCs is an essential for fans
of the genre.
gift/purchase for fans of rock music.
an early appreciation and awareness
of rock music.
From AC/DC to ZZ Top, this graphic tour through 26 rock ‘n’
roll legends will have fans of all ages banging their heads.
M ELI SS A DU K E MO O NEY has been a publicist in the
film industry for the last 15 years and was happy to collaborate with Print Mafia on this project.
the duo behind Print Mafia, makers of rock posters since
1997 for bands such as The White Stripes, the Eagles, Tool,
and The Shins. They hand-pull each color of their silkscreened editions and create gritty and irreverent images
using X-Acto knives, copy machines, and an archive of
found images and illustrations.
Visit www.printmafia.net
Visit www.janleemusic.com
DAV ID DIAZ is best known for illustrating Smoky Night,
for which he won the Caldecott Medal in 1995. He has been
recognized by Parents’ Choice, American Illustration, Communication Arts, and the American Institute of Graphic
Arts. He lives in Carlsbad, California.
10 x 10 inches, 30 pages
full color, all ages
$18.99 hardcover (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-285-1
1-58246-285-2 • Tricycle
101/2 x 101/2 inches, 32 pages
full color, all ages
$16.99 hardcover (Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-293-6
1-58246-293-3 • Tricycle
Elegant Small Hotels
24th Edition
by Pa m e l a L a n i e r
central coast edition
A Connoisseur ’s Guide
by K . Reka Ba dg er a nd
The 24th edition of a classic
guidebook to boutique hotels,
featuring more than 200 handselected properties worldwide.
Cheryl Cr a btr ee
■ Previous editions have sold more than 100,000 copies.
A comprehensive, full-color
guide to California’s Central Coast wine country.
Now in its 24th year, this favorite of hotel connoisseurs presents the great boutique accommodations of the world. From
luxury hotels to affordable getaways, outstanding resorts to
country inns, each establishment has been hand-selected
for its special touches and exceptional features, making
ELEGANT SMALL HOTELS an intimate guide that no traveler should go without.
“. . . devoted to pleasing the most discriminating. The photos
put you on the scene while the text and side notes offer
explicit answers.” —Los Angeles Times
PA M ELA LANIER is a leading author in the boutique
accommodations field. In the past 20 years, she has become
a recognized travel expert and is especially well-known for
her contributions to the specialty travel industry. She was
named the “Lewis and Clark of modern travel” by the Tribune syndication. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Visit www.elegantsmallhotel.com
6 x 91/2 inches, 304 pages, color inserts
$19.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-799-5
1-58008-799-X • Lanier
The Complete Guide to Bed
& Breakfasts, Inns & Guesthouses
P hotog r a phs by Robert
Features more than 180 color photographs by
renowned travel photographer Robert Holmes.
■ The most recent book in a series with more than
125,000 copies in print.
as a guide, readers can explore world-famous Santa Barbara county, home to the landmark cellars of Santa Ynez
Valley, Santa Maria Valley, and Santa Rita Hills; meander
the scenic back roads of San Luis Obispo on the way to the
premier wineries of Edna Valley; and travel to rustic Paso
Robles. Featuring boutique tasting rooms, working ranches,
warehouse wineries, and family-owned vineyards, this is an
essential guide to destinations of charm and character.
K . REKA BADGER contributes to numerous publications.
She lives near Paso Robles, California. C H ERYL C RABT REE has coauthored several California Central Coast
guidebooks, including Fodor titles. She lives in Santa Barbara, California. RO BERT H O L ME S is a renowned photographer whose work has appeared in Departures,
National Geographic, Life, Time, and Travel & Leisure. He
lives in Marin County, California.
Wine & Spirits/Travel
71 /2 x 10 inches, 144 pages, full color
$19.95 hardcover (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9724993-0-9
• Wine House Press
$16.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-969-2
1-58008-969-0 • Lanier
new books • 39
b ack l ist
The Book of Tofu
The Village Baker
by Susur Lee with Jacob Richler
$50.00 two paper-over-board
volumes with magnetic
double-bind (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-730-8
1-58008-730-2, NA • Ten Speed
by William Shurtleff and
Akiko Aoyagi
$29.95 paper (Can $38.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-013-2
1-58008-013-8 • Ten Speed
by Joe Ortiz
$30.00 hardcover (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-956-2
1-58008-956-9 • Ten Speed
The Village Baker’s Wife
by Gayle and Joe Ortiz with
Louisa Beers
$30.00 hardcover (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-957-9
1-58008-957-7 • Ten Speed
• 40
Mollie Katzen was named
One of Five Women Who Changed
the Way We Eat by Health magazine.
Entertainment Weekly’s
Must List
You Say I’m a Diva
Like It’s a Bad Thing
by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
$12.95 spiral hardcover with slipcase
(Can $15.95)
1-58008-901-1 • Ten Speed
You Say I’m a Bitch
Like It’s a Bad Thing
by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
$12.95 spiral hardcover
with slipcase (Can $17.95)
1-58008-637-3 • Ten Speed
Give the Bitch
Her Chocolate
by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
$12.95 spiral hardcover
with slipcase (Can $17.95)
1-58008-974-7 • Ten Speed
I Bitch, Therefore I Am
by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
$12.95 spiral hardcover
with slipcase (Can $15.95)
1-58008-829-5 • Ten Speed
That’s Queen Bitch to You!
by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
$12.95 spiral hardcover
with slipcase (Can $16.95)
1-58008-748-5 • Ten Speed
Mollie Katzen’s Recipes:
by Mollie Katzen
$14.95 spiral hardcover
with slipcase (Can $16.95)
1-58008-879-1 • Ten Speed
Mollie Katzen’s Recipes:
by Mollie Katzen
$14.95 spiral hardcover
with slipcase (Can $17.95)
1-58008-877-5 • Ten Speed
Dirty Bow Wow
by Cheryl and Jeffrey Katz
$14.95 hardcover (Can $17.50)
1-58008-966-6 • Ten Speed
Purry Logic
by Jane Seabrook
$9.95 hardcover (Can $11.50)
1-58008-904-6, WorldXANZ
• Ten Speed
Mollie Katzen’s Recipes:
by Mollie Katzen
$14.95 spiral hardcover
with slipcase (Can $16.95)
1-58008-878-3 • Ten Speed
• 41
Careers & Job Hunting
the parachute library
See pages 4–5 for
How to Find Your
Mission in Life
The Career Counselor’s
by Richard Nelson Bolles
5 x 7 inches, 96 pages, two color
$7.95 paper (Can $10.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-705-6
1-58008-705-1 • Ten Speed
2nd Edition
by Howard Figler
and Richard Nelson Bolles
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-870-1
1-58008-870-8 • Ten Speed
What Color Is Your Parachute? for Retirement
Planning Now for the Life You Want
by Richard N. Bolles and John E. Nelson
“A useful, practical roadmap for anyone thinking about retirement.”
—USA Today
“Imagine the power of seeing the future you’d like to have decades
down the road and being shown ways to walk toward it. With the
kind of early planning the authors propose, it’s not just your later
years that will benefit. Your entire career may blossom in ways
you never anticipated. . . . I dare you to make it through even one
chapter without feeling the urge to set your imagination loose
and think of more fulfilling ways to spend retirement.”
—Better Investing
6 x 9 inches, 288 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-711-7
1-58008-711-6 • Ten Speed
What Color Is Your
Parachute? for Teens
Discovering Yourself,
Defining Your Future
by Richard Nelson Bolles
and Carol Christen
with Jean M. Blomquist
6 x 9 inches, 176 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-713-1
1-58008-713-2 • Ten Speed
Job-Hunting for the
So-Called Handicapped
Or People Who Have Disabilities
2nd Edition
by Richard Nelson Bolles and
Dale Susan Brown
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-195-5
1-58008-195-9 • Ten Speed
See page 30 for
Job-Hunting Online
by Mark Emery Bolles and
Richard Nelson Bolles
6 x 9 inches, 208 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $14.75)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-899-2
1-58008-899-6 • Ten Speed
42 • Ca r e e r S , B u s i n e ss & E d u cat i o n
The Three Boxes of Life
101 Salary Secrets
And How to Get Out of Them
by Richard Nelson Bolles
6 x 9 inches, 480 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $27.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-913668-58-0
0-913668-58-3 • Ten Speed
How to Negotiate Like a Pro
by Daniel Porot and
Frances Bolles Haynes
41/8 x 51/4 inches, 240 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-230-3
1-58008-230-0 • Ten Speed
Careers & Job Hunting
A Foot in the Door
Dynamic Cover Letters
Networking Your Way into
the Hidden Job Market
by Katharine Hansen, PhD
51/4 x 8 inches, 224 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-892-3
1-58008-892-9 • Ten Speed
How to Write the Letter
That Gets You the Job
by Katharine Hansen and
Randall S. Hansen, PhD
81/2 x 11 inches, 184 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-227-3
1-58008-227-0 • Ten Speed
Dynamic Cover Letters
for New Graduates
by Katharine Hansen
81/2 x 107/8 inches, 192 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-984-4
0-89815-984-9 • Ten Speed
by Donald Asher
81/2 x 11 inches, 600 pages
$32.50 paper (Can $52.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-856-4
0-89815-856-7 • Ten Speed
4th Edition
by Michael Landes
6 x 9 inches, 600 pages
$21.95 paper (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-669-1
1-58008-669-1 • Ten Speed
Negotiating Your Salary
How To Make $1000 A Minute
by Jack Chapman
This bible of salary negotiations has been radically revised
for increased negotiating power in today’s workplace.
6 x 9 inches, 220 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-968-5
1-58008-968-2 • Ten Speed
Asher’s Bible of
Executive Résumés
& How to Write Them
The Back Door Guide to
Short-Term Job Adventures
yana parker
The Damn Good
Resume Guide
A Crash Course in
Resume Writing
4th Edition
by Yana Parker
81/2 x 11 inches, 80 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $14.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-444-4
1-58008-444-3 • Ten Speed
The Resume Catalog
Resume Pro
200 Damn Good Examples
by Yana Parker
83/8 x 107/8 inches, 288 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-891-5
0-89815-891-5 • Ten Speed
Make Money Writing Resumes
by Yana Parker
81/2 x 11 inches, 416 pages
$24.95 paper (Can $37.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-466-5
0-89815-466-9 • Ten Speed
Ca r e e r S , B u s i n e ss & E d u cat i o n • 43
Careers & Job Hunting
Who Gets Promoted,
Who Doesn’t, and Why
10 Things You’d Better Do
If You Want to Get Ahead
by Donald Asher
51/4 x 8 inches, 176 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-820-6
1-58008-820-1 • Ten Speed
The Overnight Résumé
Strategies for Successful Career Change
Finding Your Very Best Next Work Life
by Martha E. Mangelsdorf
Written by a seasoned career journalist, this practical guide
helps prospective career changers develop a sound exit
strategy or take stock after a layoff, prepare for economic and
emotional challenges during the transition, and make strides
toward their next work life.
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-824-4
1-58008-824-4 • Ten Speed
The Career Guide
for Creative and
Unconventional People
by Carol Eikleberry, PhD
Foreword by Richard Nelson Bolles
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-841-1
1-58008-841-4 • Ten Speed
2nd Edition
by Donald Asher
81/2 x 11 inches, 164 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-041-5
1-58008-041-3 • Ten Speed
Proven Resumes
by Regina Pontow
81/2 x 11 inches, 320 pages
$21.95 paper (Can $32.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-080-4
1-58008-080-4 • Ten Speed
The World’s Greatest
by Robert Wm. Meier
83/8 x 107/8 inches, 192 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-677-6
1-58008-677-2 • Ten Speed
Smart Moves for
Liberal Arts Grads
Finding a Path to Your Perfect Career
by Sheila J. Curran and
Suzanne Greenwald
7 x 9 inches, 336 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-709-4
1-58008-709-4 • Ten Speed
culinary professionals
The New Job Security
Lessons in Wine Service
from Charlie Trotter
by Edmund O. Lawler
Foreword by Master Sommelier
Larry Stone
53/4 x 87/8 inches, 176 pages
$24.95 hardcover (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-905-0
1-58008-905-4 • Ten Speed
Lessons in Excellence
from Charlie Trotter
Lessons in Service
from Charlie Trotter
by Paul Clarke
53/4 x 87/8 inches, 208 pages
$24.95 hardcover (Can $32.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-908-0
0-89815-908-3 • Ten Speed
by Edmund Lawler
53/4 x 87/8 inches, 240 pages
$24.95 hardcover (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-315-7
1-58008-315-3 • Ten Speed
44 • Ca r e e r S , B u s i n e ss & E d u cat i o n
Five Strategies to Take
Control of Your Career
by Pam Lassiter
6 x 9 inches, 248 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-397-3
1-58008-397-8 • Ten Speed
Careers & Job Hunting
“Ernie Zelinski helps
others find the time
to live.”
—Boston Herald
Career Success
without a Real Job
The Career Book for
People Too Smart to
Work in Corporations
by Ernie J. Zelinski
63/4 x 93/4 inches, 240 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-967-8
1-58008-967-4, NA • Ten Speed
The Insider’s Guide to the Peace Corps
How to Retire Happy,
Wild, and Free
What to Know Before You Go
by Dillon Banerjee
“Dillon Banerjee has done a great service to anyone interested in becoming a
Peace Corps volunteer. He offers a wealth of practical information and realistic,
straightforward advice on key topics like foreign language competence, work
requirements and challenges, and housing. I highly recommend this book.”
—A. Peter Burleigh, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (1997–1999)
and Peace Corps Volunteer, Nepal (1963–1965)
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $17.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-970-8
1-58008-970-4 • Ten Speed
Diary of a Job Search
Lavender Road to Success
by Tim Johnston with
Laura Lorber and Perri Capell
6 x 9 inches, 208 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-545-8
1-58008-545-8 • Ten Speed
The Career Guide for
the Gay Community
by Kirk Snyder
6 x 9 inches, 208 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-496-3
1-58008-496-6 • Ten Speed
Amazon.com’s Top 10 Editors’ Pick
Finding the Open Road
by Roadtrip Nation
71/2 x 91/2 inches,
280 pages, two color
$17.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-721-6
1-58008-721-3 • Ten Speed
High-Tech Careers for
Low-Tech People
2nd Edition
by William A. Schaffer
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-039-2
1-58008-039-1 • Ten Speed
Nice Job!
The Guide to Cool, Odd,
Risky, and Gruesome Ways
to Make a Living
by Lookout Media
63/4 x 93/4 inches, 288 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-033-0
1-58008-033-2 • Ten Speed
Retirement Wisdom That
You Won’t Get from Your
Financial Advisor
by Ernie J. Zelinski
63/4 x 93/4 inches, 240 pages
$16.95 paper (NAXCan)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-578-6
1-58008-578-4 • Ten Speed
101 Really Important
Things You Already Know,
But Keep Forgetting
by Ernie J. Zelinski
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages
$15.97 paper (NAXCan)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-882-4
1-58008-882-1, WorldXAsia
• Ten Speed
The Joy of Not Working
A Book for the Retired,
Unemployed, and Overworked
21st-Century Edition
by Ernie J. Zelinski
63/4 x 93/4 inches, 240 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-552-6
1-58008-552-0 • Ten Speed
The Lazy Person’s
Guide to Success
How to Get What You Want
without Killing Yourself for It
by Ernie J. Zelinski
6 x 9 inches, 288 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-436-9
1-58008-436-2, NA • Ten Speed
Ca r e e r S , B u s i n e ss & E d u cat i o n • 45
Business & Finance
Common Sense Management
Quick Wisdom for Good Managers
by Roger Fulton
51/4 x 8 inches, 176 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-983-8
1-58008-983-6 • Ten Speed
Transformational Speaking
Birthing the Elephant
The Woman’s Go-for-It! Guide to
Overcoming the Big Challenges
of Launching a Business
by Karin Abarbanel and
Bruce Freeman
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-887-9
1-58008-887-2 • Ten Speed
101 Mission Statements
from Top Companies
by Jeffrey Abrahams
5 x 7 inches, 160 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-761-2
1-58008-761-2 • Ten Speed
If You Want to Change the World,
Tell a Better Story
by Gail Larsen
“[Gail Larsen’s] Real Speaking is
perfect for anyone who cares deeply
about their mission and wants to
express it with depth, clarity, and
passion. Gail is incisive, fierce, and
compassionate and does a brilliant
job of drawing out the best in each
—Nina Utne, former editor in chief
and CEO, Utne Reader
6 x 9 inches, 208 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-342-5
1-58761-342-5 • Celestial Arts
Hiring Smart!
How to Predict Winners & Losers
in the Incredibly Expensive
People-Reading Game
by Dr. Pierre Mornell
7 x 10 inches, 240 pages, two color
$19.95 paper (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-514-4
1-58008-514-8 • Ten Speed
How to Get Anyone
to Do Anything
by R. Philip Hanes
6 x 8 inches, 208 pages
$24.95 hardcover (Can $32.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-667-7
1-58008-667-5 • Ten Speed
The Consumer’s Guide to
Getting What You Paid For
by Ron Burley
5 x 8 inches, 240 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-762-9
1-58008-762-0 • Ten Speed
National columnist on consumer
issues for AARP: The Magazine
Games Companies Play
The Job Hunter’s Guide to
Playing Smart & Winning Big
in the High-Stakes Hiring Game
by Dr. Pierre Mornell
7 x 10 inches,
216 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-408-6
1-58008-408-7 • Ten Speed
The Elements of
Great Public Speaking
How to Be Calm, Confident,
and Compelling
by J. Lyman MacInnis
5 x 7 inches, 160 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-780-3
1-58008-780-9 • Ten Speed
46 • Ca r e e r S , B u s i n e ss & E d u cat i o n
Raising Financially Fit Kids
by Joline Godfrey
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages,
four 6-page gatefolds, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-536-6
1-58008-536-9 • Ten Speed
How Wal-Mart Is Destroying
America (and the World)
And What You Can Do About It
3rd Edition
by Bill Quinn
5 x 8 inches, 188 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$10.95 paper (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-668-4
1-58008-668-3 • Ten Speed
Business & Finance
How to Live Well without
Owning a Car
Save Money, Breathe Easier, and
Get More Mileage Out of Life
by Chris Balish
5 x 8 inches, 224 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$12.95 paper (Can $16.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-757-5
1-58008-757-4, NAXMex • Ten Speed
A Handbook of Creative-Thinking
2nd Edition
by Michael Michalko
73/8 x 91/8 inches, 416 pages, two color
$19.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-773-5
1-58008-773-6 • Ten Speed
The Little Black Book of
A Contrarian’s Guide to Succeeding
Where Others Have Failed
by Fernando Trías de Bes
5 x 8 inches, 152 pages, two color
$15.95 paper (Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-932-6
1-58008-932-1 • Ten Speed
The Bold Truth
about Investing
Ten Commandments
for Building Wealth
by Adam Bold
Nationally recognized investment
adviser and radio talk show host
Adam Bold helps novice and
seasoned investors take back control
of their financial investments.
Stock Market Knowledge
for All Ages
Answering Questions about
Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds
by Susie Vaccaro Hardeman
51/2 x 81/2 inches,
80 pages, full color
$9.95 paper (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-627-1
1-58008-627-6 • Ten Speed
A Brainstorming Card Deck
by Michael Michalko
31/2 x 5 inches, 56 cards with
64-page booklet, two color
$16.95 boxed cards (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-772-8
1-58008-772-8 • Ten Speed
Restaurant Success
by the Numbers
A Money-Guy’s Guide to Opening
the Next New Hot Spot
by Roger Fields, CPA
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-663-9
1-58008-663-2 • Ten Speed
Bags to Riches
by Linda Hollander
6 x 87/8 inches, 256 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-148-3
1-58761-148-1 • Celestial Arts
Cult of the Mouse
The Inventor’s Bible
How to Market and License
Your Brilliant Ideas
Revised and expanded
by Ronald Louis Docie Sr.
7 x 97/8 inches, 376 pages
$24.95 paper (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-566-3
1-58008-566-0 • Ten Speed
Cracking Creativity
The Secrets of Creative Genius
by Michael Michalko
71/2 x 91/4 inches, 320 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-311-9
1-58008-311-0 • Ten Speed
Can We Stop Corporate
Greed from Killing
Innovation in America?
by Henry M. Caroselli
6 x 9 inches, 200 pages
$24.95 hardcover (Can $36.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-633-2
1-58008-633-0 • Ten Speed
Shake Hands with the Devil
How to Master Life’s
Negotiations from Hell
by Frank L. Acuff
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-375-1
1-58008-375-7 • Ten Speed
6 x 9 inches, 144 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-988-3
1-58008-988-7 • Ten Speed
The Small Investor
A Beginner’s Guide to Stocks,
Bonds, and Mutual Funds
2nd Edition
by Jim Gard
6 x 9 inches, 304 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-386-7
1-58008-386-2 • Ten Speed
The Small Investor
Goes to Market
A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Stocks
by Jim Gard
6 x 9 inches, 344 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-981-3
0-89815-981-4 • Ten Speed
They Shoot Managers
Don’t They?
by Terry L. Paulson, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-429-0
0-89815-429-4 • Ten Speed
Wizard of Work
by Richard Gaither
91/2 x 10 inches, 96 pages
$8.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-639-3
0-89815-639-4 • Ten Speed
Ca r e e r S , B u s i n e ss & E d u cat i o n • 47
bears’ guides
Outsmarting the SAT®
An Expert Tutor Reveals Her
Proven Techniques, Strategies,
and Confidence-Building Exercises
That Will Maximize Your Score
by Elizabeth King
7 x 10 inches, 336 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $20.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-927-2
1-58008-927-5 • Ten Speed
SAT® is a registered trademark of the
College Entrance Examination Board,
which neither sponsors nor endorses
this product.
Getting the Best
Out of College
A Professor, a Dean, and
a Student Tell You How to
Maximize Your Experience
by Peter Feaver, Sue Wasiolek,
and Anne Crossman
6 x 9 inches, 264 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-856-5
1-58008-856-2 • Ten Speed
Major in Success
Make College Easier, Fire Up Your
Dreams, and Get a Great Job
5th Edition
by Patrick Combs
73/8 x 91/8 inches, 208 pages,
$14.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-865-7
1-58008-865-1 • Ten Speed
Bear’s Guide to Earning
Degrees by Distance Learning
16th Edition
by Mariah P. Bear, MA,
with Thomas Nixon, MA
83/8 x 107/8 inches, 400 pages
$29.95 paper (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-653-0
1-58008-653-5 • Ten Speed
Bear’s Guide to College
Degrees by Mail & Internet
10th Edition
by Mariah P. Bear, MA
8 x 10 inches, 144 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-654-7
1-58008-654-3 • Ten Speed
Cool Colleges
Conquering the College
Admissions Essay in 10 Steps
Crafting a Winning Personal Statement
by Alan Gelb
5 x 7 inches, 208 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-910-4
1-58008-910-0 • Ten Speed
For the Hyper-Intelligent,
Self-Directed, Late Blooming,
and Just Plain Different
by Donald Asher
8 x 10 inches, 304 pages
$21.95 paper (Can $27.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-839-8
1-58008-839-2 • Ten Speed
10 Things Employers Want
You to Learn in College
The Know-How You
Need to Succeed
by Bill Coplin
6 x 9 inches, 272 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-524-3
1-58008-524-5 • Ten Speed
Bears’ Guide to Earning
High School Diplomas
by Thomas Nixon, MA
8 x 10 inches, 216 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-442-0
1-58008-442-7 • Ten Speed
Bears’ Guide to the Best
Computer Degrees by
Distance Learning
by John Bear, PhD, Mariah Bear, MA,
and Larry McQueary
8 x 10 inches, 160 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-221-1
1-58008-221-1 • Ten Speed
Bears’ Guide to the Best
Education Degrees by
Distance Learning
The New Country Index
Graduate Admissions Essays
College Rules!
How to Study, Survive,
and Succeed in College
by Sherrie Nist-Olejnik, PhD,
and Jodi Patrick Holschuh, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-838-1
1-58008-838-4 • Ten Speed
Write Your Way into the Graduate
School of Your Choice
by Donald Asher
8 x 10 inches, 256 pages
$21.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-872-5
1-58008-872-4 • Ten Speed
48 • Ca r e e r S , B u s i n e ss & E d u cat i o n
Making Sense of
International Credentials
by International Education
Research Foundation
81/2 x 11 inches, 432 pages
$125.00 hardcover (Can $150.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-570-0
1-58008-570-9 • Ten Speed
This is a short discount title.
For details, please contact our
customer service department
at (800) 841-2665.
by John Bear, PhD, Mariah Bear, MA,
Tom Head, MA, and Thomas Nixon, MA
8 x 10 inches, 160 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-333-1
1-58008-333-1 • Ten Speed
Bears’ Guide to the Best MBAs
by Distance Learning
by John Bear, PhD, and Mariah Bear, MA
8 x 10 inches, 160 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-220-4
1-58008-220-3 • Ten Speed
Writing & Reference
How to Write It
Nitty-Gritty Grammar
A Complete Guide to
Everything You’ll Ever Write
by Sandra E. Lamb
81/2 x 11 inches, 424 pages
$21.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-572-4
1-58008-572-5 • Ten Speed
A Not-So-Serious Guide to
Clear Communication
by Edith H. Fine and Judith P. Josephson
6 x 9 inches, 112 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-966-0
0-89815-966-0 • Ten Speed
Easing Your Depression
with Paper and Pen
by Elizabeth Maynard Schaefer, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-319-7
1-58761-319-0 • Celestial Arts
More Nitty-Gritty Grammar
Be Your Own Literary Agent
Another Not-So-Serious Guide
to Clear Communication
by Edith H. Fine and Judith P. Josephson
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-228-0
1-58008-228-9 • Ten Speed
The Ultimate Insider’s Guide
to Getting Published
3rd Edition
by Martin P. Levin
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $25.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-338-6
1-58008-338-2 • Ten Speed
Beyond Words
How to Make a Journal
of Your Life
Writing through
the Darkness
by Milly Sonneman
73/4 x 8 inches, 158 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-911-0
0-89815-911-3 • Ten Speed
by Dan Price
43/4 x 61/4 inches,
128 pages, two color
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-093-4
1-58008-093-6 • Ten Speed
The Internet for the
Typewriter Generation
by Daniel J. Fingerman
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 216 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-069-9
1-58008-069-3 • Ten Speed
Writing as a Sacred Path
A Practical Guide to Writing with
Passion and Purpose
by Jill Jepson
“Jill Jepson is a potent muse, a trailblazer who writes with passion and
authenticity. Monk, mystic, shaman,
and warrior, she is a shape-shifter
who calls us to our deepest selves.”
—Julia Cameron, author of
The Artist’s Way and
The Right to Write
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-325-8
1-58761-325-5 • Celestial Arts
Web Word Wizardry
A Guide to Writing for
the Web and Intranet
by Rachel McAlpine
51/2 x 8 inches, 288 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-223-5
1-58008-223-8 • Ten Speed
Rewrite Right!
Your Guide to Perfectly Polished Prose
2nd Edition
by Jan Venolia
53/8 x 7 inches, 200 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-239-6
1-58008-239-4 • Ten Speed
Words That Stick
A Guide to Short Writing
with Big Impact
by Rix Quinn
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 160 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $14.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-576-2
1-58008-576-8 • Ten Speed
Writing Creative Nonfiction
Fiction Techniques for
Crafting Great Nonfiction
by Theodore A. Rees Cheney
6 x 9 inches, 304 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-229-7
1-58008-229-7 • Ten Speed
jan venolia
The Right Letter!
Write Right!
A Desktop Digest of
Punctuation, Grammar,
and Style
4th Edition
by Jan Venolia
53/8 x 7 inches, 224 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-328-7
1-58008-328-5 • Ten Speed
How to Communicate
Effectively in a Busy World
by Jan Venolia
53/8 x 7 inches, 160 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-635-6
1-58008-635-7 • Ten Speed
The Right Word!
How to Say What You Really Mean
by Jan Venolia
53/8 x 7 inches, 176 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-507-6
1-58008-507-5 • Ten Speed
Kids Write Right!
What You Need to Be a
Writing Powerhouse
by Jan Venolia
6 x 9 inches, 156 pages, line drawings
$8.95 paper (Can $11.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-028-4
1-58246-028-0 • Tricycle
Ca r e e r S , B u s i n e ss & E d u cat i o n • 49
Book Sense Top 20
2008 IACP Award Winner
Mrs. Rowe’s Little Book
of Southern Pies
Rustic Fruit Desserts
Cindy Pawlcyn’s Appetizers
by Mollie Cox Bryan
$16.95 hardcover (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-980-7
1-58008-980-1 • Ten Speed
by Cory Schreiber and
Julie Richardson
$22.00 hardcover (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-976-0
1-58008-976-3 • Ten Speed
by Cindy Pawlcyn
$15.95 spiral hardcover
with slipcase (Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-979-1
1-58008-979-8 • Ten Speed
Zero-Proof Cocktails
Artisanal Cocktails
Simply Mexican
by Liz Scott
$16.95 hardcover (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-959-3
1-58008-959-3 • Ten Speed
by Scott Beattie
$24.95 hardcover (Can $29.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-921-0
1-58008-921-6 • Ten Speed
50 •
by Lourdes Castro
$24.95 hardcover (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-952-4
1-58008-952-6 • Ten Speed
The Pastry Queen
by Rebecca Rather with
Alison Oresman
$32.50 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-790-2
1-58008-790-6 • Ten Speed
Gourmet Cook Book Club
The River Cottage Family
by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
and Fizz Carr
$32.50 paper over board
(Can $36.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-925-8
1-58008-925-9, NA • Ten Speed
Wood-Fired Cooking
by Mary Karlin
$27.95 hardcover (Can $32.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-945-6
1-58008-945-3 • Ten Speed
by Gerald Hirigoyen with Lisa Weiss
$24.95 hardcover (Can $29.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-922-7
1-58008-922-4 • Ten Speed
Home Cooking with
Charlie Trotter
by Charlie Trotter
$25.00 paper with flaps (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-934-0
1-58008-934-8 • Ten Speed
Pure Simple Cooking
by Diana Henry
$21.95 paper with jacket
(Can $25.95)
1-58008-948-8 • Ten Speed
by Mark Miller
$21.95 paper with flaps (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-977-7
1-58008-977-1 • Ten Speed
• 51
| Cooking Across America
charlie trotter
Charlie Trotter’s
by Charlie Trotter
9 x 111/2 inches,
240 pages, full color
$50.00 hardcover (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-628-7
0-89815-628-9 • Ten Speed
Winner of 6 James Beard Awards!
Home Cooking with
Charlie Trotter
Lessons in Wine Service
from Charlie Trotter
by Charlie Trotter
8 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
$25.00 paper with flaps
(Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 1-58008-934-0
1-58008-934-8 • Ten Speed
Gourmet Cookbook Club Selection
by Edmund O. Lawler
Foreword by Master Sommelier
Larry Stone
5 3/4 x 8 7/8 inches, 176 pages
$24.95 hardcover (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-905-0
1-58008-905-4 • Ten Speed
Lessons in Excellence
from Charlie Trotter
by Charlie Trotter and
Roxanne Klein
9 x 11 inches, 216 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $30.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-834-3
1-58008-834-1 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 1-58008-470-3
1-58008-470-2 • Ten Speed
by Paul Clarke
5 3/4 x 8 7/8 inches, 208 pages
$24.95 hardcover (Can $32.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-908-0
0-89815-908-3 • Ten Speed
Lessons in Service
from Charlie Trotter
Charlie Trotter’s Desserts
by Charlie Trotter
9 x 111/2 inches,
240 pages, full color
$50.00 hardcover (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-815-1
0-89815-815-X • Ten Speed
1999 James Beard Award Winner
Charlie Trotter’s Seafood
by Charlie Trotter
9 x 111/2 inches,
240 pages, full color
$50.00 hardcover (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-898-4
0-89815-898-2 • Ten Speed
1998 James Beard Award Winner
by Edmund Lawler
5 3/4 x 8 7/8 inches, 240 pages
$24.95 hardcover (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-315-7
1-58008-315-3 • Ten Speed
The Kitchen Sessions
with Charlie Trotter
by Charlie Trotter
81/4 x 101/4 inches,
240 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $41.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-997-4
0-89815-997-0 • Ten Speed
2000 James Beard Award Winner
Cooking with Patrick Clark
Charlie Trotter’s
Meat & Game
by Charlie Trotter
9 x 111/2 inches,
240 pages, full color
$50.00 hardcover (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-238-9
1-58008-238-6 • Ten Speed
2002 James Beard Award Winner
52 • Co o k i n g
Charlie Trotter’s Vegetables
by Charlie Trotter
9 x 111/2 inches,
240 pages, full color
$50.00 hardcover (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-838-0
0-89815-838-9 • Ten Speed
by Charlie Trotter and friends
81/2 x 101/4 inches,
240 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-073-6
1-58008-073-1 • Ten Speed
Workin’ More Kitchen
Sessions with Charlie Trotter
by Charlie Trotter
9 x 11 inches, 224 pages, full color
$39.95 hardcover (Can $47.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-613-4
1-58008-613-6 • Ten Speed
| Cooking Across America
pacific northwest
Pike Place Public Market
Seafood Cookbook
The Paley’s Place Cookbook
Recipes and Stories from
the Pacific Northwest
by Vitaly Paley and Kimberly Paley
with Robert Reynolds
81/2 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $40.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-830-5
1-58008-830-9 • Ten Speed
Gift Edition
by Braiden Rex-Johnson
61/4 x 61/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-680-6
1-58008-680-2 • Ten Speed
by Grant Achatz
“Someone new has entered the arena. His name is Grant Achatz, and
he is redefining the American restaurant once again for an entirely new
generation . . . Alinea is in perpetual motion; having eaten here once,
you can’t wait to come back, to see what Achatz will come up with next.”
12 x 93/4 inches, 416 pages, full color
$50.00 hardcover (Can $57.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-928-9
1-58008-928-3 • Ten Speed/Achatz LLC
Cooking from the Source
in the Pacific Northwest
by Cory Schreiber
83/4 x 103/4 inches,
256 pages, full color
$39.95 hardcover (Can $53.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-142-9
1-58008-142-8 • Ten Speed
Named a “Best of the Best” by
Food & Wine magazine
Recipes from Seattle’s
Chef in the Hat
by Thierry Rautureau
and Cynthia Nims
87/8 x 107/8 inches,
240 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-479-6
1-58008-479-6 • Ten Speed
The Amish Cook
Recollections and Recipes from
an Old Order Amish Family
by Elizabeth Coblentz with
Kevin Williams
9 x 8 inches, 192 pages, full color
$27.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-214-3
1-58008-214-9 • Ten Speed
The Cooking Ladies’
Recipes from the Road
Caprial’s Desserts
by Caprial Pence and
Melissa Carey
9 x 9 inches, 272 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps
(Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-624-0
1-58008-624-1 • Ten Speed
Harley and Davidson
Family Recipes
Celebrating 100 Years
of Home Cooking
by Margo Manning and
Carol Lange
61/2 x 81/2 inches,
160 pages, two color
$19.95 spiral paper (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-622-6
1-58008-622-5 • Ten Speed
Stovetop Creations and
Travel Adventures
by Phyllis Hinz and
Lamont Mackay
71/2 x 9 inches, 232 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-672-1
1-58008-672-1 • Ten Speed
Co o k i n g • 53
| Cooking Across America
Family-Style Meals at the
Hali‘imaile General Store
by Beverly Gannon
with Joan Namkoong
9 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $40.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-951-7
1-58008-951-8 • Ten Speed
D.K.’s Sushi Chronicles
from Hawai’i
Recipes from Sansei Seafood
Restaurant & Sushi Bar
by Dave “D.K.” Kodama
with Bonnie Friedman
81/4 x 91/2 inches,
256 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps
(Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-963-0
1-58008-963-1 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-467-3
1-58008-467-2 • Ten Speed
Alan Wong’s New
Wave Luau
Recipes from Honolulu’s
Award-Winning Chef
by Alan Wong with
John Harrisson
87/8 x 107/8 inches,
224 pages, full color
$24.95 paper (Can $31.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-534-2
1-58008-534-2 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-963-9
0-89815-963-6 • Ten Speed
The Hali‘imaile General
Store Cookbook
by Beverly Gannon with
Bonnie Friedman
9 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-170-2
1-58008-170-3 • Ten Speed
54 • Co o k i n g
Roy’s Feasts from Hawaii
by Roy Yamaguchi and
John Harrisson
91/4 x 91/4 inches,
240 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps
(Can $31.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-848-0
1-58008-848-1 • Ten Speed
The Cookbook
by Nancy Oakes and Pamela
Mazzola with Lisa Weiss
81/2 x 113/4 inches,
256 pages, full color
$50.00 hardcover (Can $70.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-553-3
1-58008-553-9 • Ten Speed
Roy’s Fish and Seafood
The Cheese Board
Collective Works
Recipes from the Pacific Rim
by Roy Yamaguchi with
John Harrisson
8 x 101/2 inches,
248 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-482-6
1-58008-482-6 • Ten Speed
Bread, Pastry, Cheese, Pizza
by the Cheese Board Collective
Foreword by Alice Waters
81/2 x 91/2 inches,
240 pages, two color
$21.95 paper (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-419-2
1-58008-419-2 • Ten Speed
Keo’s Thai Cuisine
Tadich Grill
by Keo Sananikone
73/4 x 101/2 inches,
192 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-081-1
1-58008-081-2 • Ten Speed
The Story of San Francisco’s
Oldest Restaurant, with Recipes
by John Briscoe
8 x 10 inches, 200 pages, two color
$27.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-425-3
1-58008-425-7 • Ten Speed
Hawaii Cooks
Flavors from Roy’s
Pacific Rim Kitchen
by Roy Yamaguchi with
Joan Namkoong
81/4 x 91/2 inches,
176 pages, full color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $45.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-454-3
1-58008-454-0 • Ten Speed
Recipes and Reflections from Maui’s
Most Opinionated Restaurateur
by Robert Longhi and
Gabrielle Longhi
81/4 x 101/4 inches,
184 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-950-9
0-89815-950-4 • Ten Speed
| Cooking Across America
bay area & wine country
The Niman Ranch Cookbook
From Farm to Table with
America’s Finest Meat
by Bill Niman and Janet Fletcher
Foreword by Mark Bittman
91/2 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-918-0
1-58008-918-6 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $48.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-520-5
1-58008-520-2 • Ten Speed
Small Plates in the Basque Tradition
by Gerald Hirigoyen with Lisa Weiss
71/2 x 10 inches, 208 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $29.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-922-7
1-58008-922-4 • Ten Speed
Food + Wine
by Nate Appleman and Shelley Lindgren
with Kate Leahy
H “Fascinating reading for lovers of Italian food and wine.”
—Publishers Weekly, starred review
Doña Tomás
Cooking from the
Heart of Napa Valley
by Hiro Sone and Lissa Doumani
9 x 11 inches, 256 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-149-8
1-58008-149-5 • Ten Speed
Discovering Authentic
Mexican Cooking
by Thomas Schnetz and Dona Savitsky
with Mike Wille
Foreword by Richard Rodriguez
“A16 Food + Wine is a rich compendium of the history, anthropology, oenology, etymology, and gastronomy of Italy’s south,
as lovingly shared by folks who rejoice in its abundant pleasures.”
—Danny Meyer, author of Setting the Table and
coauthor of The Union Square Cafe Cookbook
83/4 x 10 inches, 288 pages, full color
$35.00 paper over board (Can $41.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-907-4
1-58008-907-0 • Ten Speed
Gourmet Cookbook Club Selection
“A knockout on every level.”
—Los Angeles Times
8 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $38.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-604-2
1-58008-604-7 • Ten Speed
The Casual Vineyard Table
The Stinking Rose
Restaurant Cookbook
Simply Elegant Soup
by George Morrone with
John Harrisson
83/4 x 93/4 inches,
112 pages, full color
$27.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-484-0
1-58008-484-2 • Ten Speed
by Andrea Froncillo with Jennifer Jeffrey
8 x 8 inches, 184 pages, full color
$19.95 hardcover (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-686-8
1-58008-686-1 • Ten Speed
From Wente Vineyards
by Carolyn Wente and Kimball Jones
81/4 x 101/4 inches, 128 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-485-7
1-58008-485-0 • Ten Speed
Sharing the Vineyard Table
A Celebration of Wine and Food from
the Wente Vineyards Restaurant
by Carolyn Wente and Kimball Jones
Foreword by Anthony Dias Blue
81/4 x 101/4 inches, 256 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-693-6
1-58008-693-4 • Ten Speed
Co o k i n g • 55
| Cooking Across America
bay area & wine country
Patricia Unterman’s
San Francisco Food
Lover’s Pocket Guide
by Patricia Unterman
51/8 x 71/8 inches, 208 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-962-3
1-58008-962-3 • Ten Speed
Cindy Pawlcyn’s Appetizers
by Cindy Pawlcyn
“Cindy’s cooking is a source of pure
joy—delicious, regional, creative,
reflecting her warm, happy
—Robert and Margrit Mondavi
6 x 71/4 inches, 112 pages, full color
$15.95 spiral hardcover with
slipcase (Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-979-1
1-58008-979-8 • Ten Speed
Elizabeth Falkner’s
Demolition Desserts
Recipes from Citizen Cake
by Elizabeth Falkner
81/2 x 103/4 inches,
224 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $42.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-781-0
1-58008-781-7 • Ten Speed
Big Small Plates
by Cindy Pawlcyn
with Pablo Jacinto and
Erasto Jacinto
71/2 x 9 inches, 384 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $45.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-523-6
1-58008-523-7 • Ten Speed
Wine Country Cooking
Recipes from a Tapas Bar
by Olivier Said and James Mellgren
with Maggie Pond
Foreword by Jackson Browne
8 x 9 inches, 224 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-483-3
1-58008-483-4 • Ten Speed
by Joanne Weir
71/2 x 10 inches,
240 pages, full color
$22.50 paper with flaps
(Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-938-8
1-58008-938-0 • Ten Speed
The Cakebread Cellars
Napa Valley Cookbook
Wine and Recipes to Celebrate
Every Season’s Harvest
by Dolores and Jack Cakebread
with resident chef Brian Streeter
81/4 x 101/4 inches,
256 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-508-3
1-58008-508-3 • Ten Speed
2003 Food & Wine Top 25
56 • Co o k i n g
Mustards Grill Napa
Valley Cookbook
by Cindy Pawlcyn
with Brigid Callinan
10 x 10 inches,
288 pages, full color
$39.95 hardcover (Can $53.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-045-3
1-58008-045-6 • Ten Speed
2002 James Beard Award Winner
Annie and Margrit
BayWolf Restaurant
by Michael Wild and Lauren Lyle
101/2 x 10 inches,
256 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-260-0
1-58008-260-2 • Ten Speed
Recipes and Stories from
the Robert Mondavi Kitchen
by Annie Roberts, Margrit Biever
Mondavi, and Victoria Wise
9 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-437-6
1-58008-437-0 • Ten Speed
| Cooking Across America
mark miller
Foods of the Americas
Cooking with
Cafe Pasqual’s
Recipes from Santa Fe’s
Renowned Corner Cafe
by Katharine Kagel
10 x 10 inches,
224 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $38.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-649-3
1-58008-649-7 • Ten Speed
Contemporary Southwest
The Café Terra Cotta Cookbook
by Donna Nordin
8 x 10 inches, 168 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-180-1
1-58008-180-0 • Ten Speed
Native Recipes and Traditions
by Fernando and Marlene Divina
and the Smithsonian National
Museum of the American Indian
87/8 x 107/8 inches,
240 pages, full color
$39.95 hardcover (Can $53.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-259-4
1-58008-259-9 • Ten Speed
2005 James Beard Award Winner
Foods of the Southwest
Indian Nations
by Lois Ellen Frank
Foreword by Mark Miller
71/2 x 10 inches,
208 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-398-0
1-58008-398-6 • Ten Speed
2003 James Beard Award Winner
Coyote Cafe
by Mark Miller
71/2 x 111/4 inches,
216 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-466-6
1-58008-466-4 • Ten Speed
Coyote’s Pantry
Southwest Seasonings and at
Home Flavoring Techniques
by Mark Miller and Mark Kiffin
with John Harrisson
71/8 x 11 inches,
144 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-930-1
0-89815-930-X • Ten Speed
$25.95 hardcover (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-494-8
0-89815-494-4 • Ten Speed
75 Authentic and Inspired Recipes
by Mark Miller
81/2 x 81/2 inches, 208 pages, full color
$21.95 paper with flaps (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-977-7
1-58008-977-1 • Ten Speed
The Great Chile Book
by Mark Miller with John Harrisson
Photography by Lois Ellen Frank
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-428-3
0-89815-428-6 • Ten Speed
Cool Coyote Cafe
Juice Drinks
Chevys Fresh Mex
by Chevys
8 x 9 inches, 128 pages, full color
$16.95 hardcover (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-191-7
1-58008-191-6 • Ten Speed
Fine Dining in Santa Fe
by Cliff Skoglund and Eric DiStefano
10 x 10 inches,
256 pages, full color
$50.00 hardcover (Can $70.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-491-8
1-58008-491-5 • Ten Speed
by Mark Miller and
Brett Kemmerer
with John Harrisson
5 x 81/2 inches,
128 pages, full color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-654-6
0-89815-654-8 • Ten Speed
Red Sage
Contemporary American Cuisine
by Mark Miller
9 x 11 inches, 248 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-759-8
0-89815-759-5 • Ten Speed
The Great Salsa Book
by Mark Miller with Mark Kiffin
and John Harrisson
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-517-4
0-89815-517-7 • Ten Speed
Co o k i n g • 57
| Cooking Across America
east coast
Il Viaggio di Vetri
The Pastry Queen Christmas
A Culinary Journey
by Marc Vetri with David Joachim
Wine Notes by Jeff Benjamin
Big-Hearted Holiday
Entertaining, Texas Style
by Rebecca Rather with
Alison Oresman
8 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-790-2
1-58008-790-6 • Ten Speed
Book Sense Top 20
2008 IACP Award Winner
“There’s a lot the restaurants Osteria
and Vetri don’t have in common.
There’s one very lucky thing they do.
Both are helmed by Marc Vetri,
whose enormous talents have brought
him a widespread, fervent regard.”
—Frank Bruni, New York Times
93/8 x 107/8 inches,
304 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-888-6
1-58008-888-0 • Ten Speed
Publishers Weekly, H starred review
Greetings from the
Finger Lakes
A Food and Wine Lover’s
by Michael Turback
6 x 9 inches, 208 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-607-3
1-58008-607-1 • Ten Speed
See page 9 for
Kinkead’s Cookbook
Arthur Schwartz’s
Jewish Home Cooking
Yiddish Recipes Revisited
by Arthur Schwartz
8 x 10 inches, 288 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-898-5
1-58008-898-8 • Ten Speed
Library Journal, H starred review
58 • Co o k i n g
Recipes from Washington D.C.’s
Premier Seafood Restaurant
by Bob Kinkead
Foreword by R. W. Apple
83/4 x 103/4 inches,
288 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-522-9
1-58008-522-9 • Ten Speed
The Pastry Queen
Royally Good Recipes from
the Texas Hill Country’s
Rather Sweet Bakery & Café
by Rebecca Rather with
Alison Oresman
8 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $41.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-562-5
1-58008-562-8 • Ten Speed
Fired Up!
The Soup Peddler’s
Slow & Difficult Soups
Recipes & Reveries
by David Ansel
8 x 8 inches, 192 pages, two color
$16.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-651-6
1-58008-651-9 • Ten Speed
More Adventures & Recipes
from Hudson’s on the Bend
by Jeff Blank with Sara Courington
81/2 x 11 inches,
200 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $48.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9766518-0-2
0-9766518-0-7 • Fearless Press
| Cooking Across America
the south
Legendary Texas Cuisine
by Mike Micallef
91/4 x 111/4 inches,
192 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $41.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-906-7
1-58008-906-2 • Ten Speed
White Trash Cooking
by Ernest Matthew Mickler
71/8 x 9 inches,
192 pages, color photos
$19.95 spiral paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-189-3
0-89815-189-9 • Ten Speed
Mrs. Rowe’s Little Book
of Southern Pies
by Mollie Cox Bryan
7 x 8 inches, 128 pages, full color
$16.95 hardcover (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-980-7
1-58008-980-1 • Ten Speed
Mrs. Rowe’s Restaurant
A Lifetime of Recipes from
the Shenandoah Valley
by Mollie Cox Bryan
8 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $31.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-734-6
1-58008-734-5 • Ten Speed
A Cowboy in the Kitchen
Recipes from Reata and
Texas West of the Pecos
by Grady Spears and Robb Walsh
81/4 x 101/4 inches,
224 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-004-0
1-58008-004-9 • Ten Speed
White Trash Cooking II
Recipes for Gatherins
by Ernest Matthew Mickler
71/8 x 9 inches,
160 pages, color photos
$19.95 spiral paper (Can $27.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-892-2
0-89815-892-3 • Ten Speed
White Trash Gatherings
From-Scratch Cooking for
Down-Home Entertaining
by Kendra Bailey Morris
71/8 x 9 inches, 176 pages,
12-page color insert
$19.95 spiral paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-774-2
1-58008-774-4 • Ten Speed
Cowboy Cocktails
Boot Scootin’ Beverages and
Tasty Vittles from the Wild West
by Grady Spears and Brigit Binns
6 x 8 inches, 144 pages, full color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-077-4
1-58008-077-4 • Ten Speed
New Orleans Seafood
by Andrew Jaeger and
John DeMers
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 224 pages
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-064-4
1-58008-064-2 • Ten Speed
Bon Appétit, Y’all
Recipes and Stories from Three
Generations of Southern Cooking
by Virginia Willis
8 x 10 inches, 320 pages, full color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $36.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-853-4
1-58008-853-8 • Ten Speed
The Heaven on Seven
Where It’s Mardi Gras
All the Time!
by Jimmy Bannos and
John DeMers
73/8 x 91/8 inches,
160 pages, full color
$18.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-828-2
1-58008-828-7 • Ten Speed
Mrs. Wilkes’ Boardinghouse
Recipes and Recollections
from Her Savannah Table
by Sema Wilkes with John T. Edge
8 x 10 inches, 176 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-257-0
1-58008-257-2 • Ten Speed
1999 James Beard Award Winner
Co o k i n g • 59
| Global Cuisine
The Story of Tea
Into the Vietnamese Kitchen
A Cultural History and
Drinking Guide
by Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J. Heiss
71/2 x 9 inches, 432 pages, full color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $38.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-745-2
1-58008-745-0 • Ten Speed
Library Journal, H starred review
Treasured Foodways, Modern Flavors
by Andrea Nguyen
9 x 91/2 inches, 352 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $45.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-665-3
1-58008-665-9 • Ten Speed
Takashi’s Noodles
by Takashi Yagihashi with Harris Salat
“Not too many chefs in America
can translate the passion and
knowledge of Japanese cuisine by
blending local ingredients with
traditional flavor and technique.
Takashi is one of these exemplary
chefs who can create beautiful
dishes and even make a bowl of
noodles a memorable experience.”
—Daniel Boulud, chef-owner
of Daniel and author of
Braise: A Journey through
International Cuisine
9 x 91/2 inches, 176 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with jacket
(Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-965-4
1-58008-965-8 • Ten Speed
Keo’s Thai Cuisine
Recipes from the
Japanese Home Kitchen
by Elizabeth Andoh
91/2 x 91/2 inches, 328 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $48.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-519-9
1-58008-519-9 • Ten Speed
2006 IACP Award Winner
The Seventh Daughter
My Culinary Journey from Beijing
to San Francisco
by Cecilia Chiang with Lisa Weiss
Foreword by Alice Waters
7 7/16 x 91/16 inches,
256 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $42.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-822-0
1-58008-822-8 • Ten Speed
by Keo Sananikone
73/4 x 101/2 inches,
192 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-081-1
1-58008-081-2 • Ten Speed
The Bombay Cafe
by Neela Paniz
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 272 pages, two color
$19.95 paper (Can $27.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-935-6
0-89815-935-0 • Ten Speed
Martin Yan’s Asian Favorites
A Culinary Life
by Susur Lee with Jacob Richler
73/8 x 10 inches,
256 pages, full color
$50.00 two paper-over-board
volumes with magnetic
double-bind (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-730-8
1-58008-730-2, NA • Ten Speed
60 • Co o k i n g
From Hong Kong, Taiwan,
and Thailand
by Martin Yan
81/2 x 91/2 inches, 272 pages, full color
$21.95 paper with flaps (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-370-6
1-58008-370-6 • Ten Speed
$29.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-371-3
1-58008-371-4 • Ten Speed
The Scent of Orange Blossoms
Sephardic Cuisine from Morocco
by Kitty Morse and Danielle Mamane
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 208 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $36.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-269-3
1-58008-269-6 • Ten Speed
Thai Food
Growing Up in a
Korean Kitchen
A Cookbook
by Hi Soo Shin Hepinstall
7 x 10 inches, 272 pages, two color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-281-5
1-58008-281-5 • Ten Speed
by David Thompson
65/8 x 91/2 inches,
688 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-462-8
1-58008-462-1, NA • Ten Speed
2003 James Beard Award Winner
2003 IACP Award Winner
| Global Cuisine
Hungry Planet
Man Eating Bugs
What the World Eats
by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio
Foreword by Marion Nestle
The Art and Science
of Eating Insects
by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio
71/2 x 101/2 inches,
192 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-022-4
1-58008-022-7 • Material World
$24.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-051-4
1-58008-051-0 • Material World
1999 James Beard Award Winner
“Illuminating, thought provoking, and
gloriously colorful.”
12 x 9 inches, 288 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-869-5
1-58008-869-4 • Material World
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-681-3
1-58008-681-0 • Material World
2006 James Beard Cookbook
of the Year
Small Plates in the Basque Tradition
by Gerald Hirigoyen with Lisa Weiss
“PINTXOS is simply one of the most
inspiring books of the year.”
—Eric Ripert, executive chef and
co-owner of Le Bernardin
71/2 x 10 inches, 208 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $29.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-922-7
1-58008-922-4 • Ten Speed
A Culinary Journey
by Marc Vetri with David Joachim
Wine Notes by Jeff Benjamin
93/8 x 107/8 inches, 304 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-888-6
1-58008-888-0 • Ten Speed
Publishers Weekly, H starred review
A Chef for All Seasons
What the World Eats
by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio
This juvenile edition of Hungry
Planet incorporates charts and
graphs to give readers a fascinating
look at how food is consumed around
the world.
11 x 91/2 inches, 160 pages, full color
$22.99 hardcover (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-246-2
1-58246-246-1 • Tricycle
Booklist and School Library Journal,
H starred reviews
by Gordon Ramsay with
Roz Denny
81/4 x 101/2 inches,
224 pages, full color
$27.95 paper (NAXCan)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-742-1
1-58008-742-6, NA • Ten Speed
A Culinary Journey in Gascony
by Kate Hill
7 x 8 inches, 200 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-567-0
1-58008-567-9 • Ten Speed
Death Warmed Over
See page 21 for
Il Viaggio di Vetri
Funeral Food, Rituals, and
Customs from Around the World
by Lisa Rogak
7 x 10 inches, 176 pages, two color
$19.95 paper (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-563-2
1-58008-563-6 • Ten Speed
Peter Gordon’s World Kitchen
by Peter Gordon
81/2 x 101/4 inches, 224 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $47.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-679-0
1-58008-679-9, NA • Ten Speed
The Food Lover’s Guide
to Florence
With Culinary Excursions
in Tuscany
by Emily Wise Miller
5 x 7 inches, 240 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-825-1
1-58008-825-2 • Ten Speed
Tradition & Innovation
in Tuscan Cooking
by Benedetta Vitali
Photography by Cary Wolinsky
91/2 x 91/2 inches, 248 pages, full color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $52.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-258-7
1-58008-258-0 • Ten Speed
2001 Food & Wine Top 25 Cookbook
From Tapas to Meze
Small Plates from
the Mediterranean
by Joanne Weir
71/2 x 111/4 inches, 272 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-586-1
1-58008-586-5 • Ten Speed
Co o k i n g • 61
| Global Cuisine
Simply Mexican
by Lourdes Castro
“With this book Lourdes Castro has
added a spark of creativity and
simplicity to Mexican food that up
until now had not yet been realized.
It gives me a huge sense of pride and
honor to know that this book exists,
as it will help a large audience
recreate these gems in a simple and
straightforward way.”
—Aarón Sánchez, chef-owner of
Paladar and chef-partner of
Centrico, author of La Comida
del Barrio, former cohost of
Food Network’s Melting Pot
7 / x 10 / inches, 144 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-952-4
1-58008-952-6 • Ten Speed
1 4
1 4
Doña Tomás
Discovering Authentic
Mexican Cooking
by Thomas Schnetz and Dona Savitsky
with Mike Wille
Foreword by Richard Rodriguez
8 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $38.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-604-2
1-58008-604-7 • Ten Speed
Food + Wine
by Nate Appleman and Shelley
Lindgren with Kate Leahy
83/4 x 10 inches, 288 pages, full color
$35.00 paper over board
(Can $41.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-907-4
1-58008-907-0 • Ten Speed
Publishers Weekly, H starred review
Gourmet Cookbook Club Selection
by Carlo Middione
61/4 x 61/4 inches, 112 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-900-5
1-58008-900-3 • Ten Speed
The Great Ceviche Book
by Douglas Rodriguez
Foreword by Calvin Trillin
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
176 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-325-6
1-58008-325-0 • Ten Speed
Pizza Napoletana!
by Carlo Middione
61/4 x 61/4 inches, 112 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-895-4
1-58008-895-3 • Ten Speed
by Pamela Sheldon Johns
83/4 x 8 inches, 112 pages, full color
$17.95 hardcover (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-085-9
1-58008-085-5 • Ten Speed
Douglas Rodriguez’s Latin
Flavors on the Grill
by Douglas Rodriguez and
Andrew DiCataldo
87/8 x 107/8 inches, 208 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $35.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-565-6
1-58008-565-2 • Ten Speed
The Top One Hundred
Pasta Sauces
Nuevo Latino
Tamales 101
A Beginner’s Guide to
Making Traditional Tamales
by Alice Guadalupe Tapp
8 x 8 inches, 208 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-428-4
1-58008-428-1 • Ten Speed
Recipes That Celebrate the
New Latin American Cuisine
by Douglas Rodriguez
87/8 x 107/8 inches,
176 pages, full color
$21.95 paper with flaps (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-380-5
1-58008-380-3 • Ten Speed
Latin Ladles
Fabulous Soups & Stews from the
King of Nuevo Latino Cuisine
by Douglas Rodriguez
75/8 x 87/8 inches, 144 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-851-9
0-89815-851-6 • Ten Speed
62 • Co o k i n g
Prosciutto, Pancetta,
by Pamela Sheldon Johns
83/4 x 8 inches, 112 pages, full color
$18.95 hardcover (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-617-2
1-58008-617-9 • Ten Speed
by Diane Seed
Illustrated by Robert Budwig
7 x 91/4 inches, 128 pages, full color
$14.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-232-6
0-89815-232-1, NA • Ten Speed
$19.95 hardcover (Can $31.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-257-9
0-89815-257-7, NA • Ten Speed
| Seafood
Rick Stein’s Complete Seafood
A Step-by-Step Reference
by Rick Stein
“Of the hundreds of excellent culinary
books published every year, only a
few speak to the cook in a certain
way. While some books say
‘delicious,’ some say ‘beautiful’ or
‘inspirational,’ it is the rare book that
says ‘you can depend on me.’”
—James Beard Foundation
The Hog Island Oyster
Lover’s Cookbook
A Guide to Choosing & Savoring
Oysters, with 40 Recipes
by Jairemarie Pomo
8 x 8 inches, 176 pages, full color
$19.95 hardcover (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-735-3
1-58008-735-3 • Ten Speed
Roy’s Fish & Seafood
Recipes from the Pacific Rim
by Roy Yamaguchi with
John Harrisson
8 x 101/2 inches,
248 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-482-6
1-58008-482-6 • Ten Speed
93/4 x 11 inches, 264 pages, full color
$27.95 paper with flaps (Can $31.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-914-2
1-58008-914-3, NA • Ten Speed
2005 James Beard Cookbook
of the Year
Named one of 20 essential
cookbooks by the
James Beard Foundation
D.K.’s Sushi Chronicles
from Hawai’i
Recipes from Sansei Seafood
Restaurant & Sushi Bar
by Dave “D.K.” Kodama
with Bonnie Friedman
81/4 x 91/2 inches, 256 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-963-0
1-58008-963-1 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-467-3
1-58008-467-2 • Ten Speed
Kinkead’s Cookbook
Pike Place Public Market
Seafood Cookbook
New Orleans Seafood
Gift Edition
by Braiden Rex-Johnson
61/4 x 61/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-680-6
1-58008-680-2 • Ten Speed
by Andrew Jaeger and John DeMers
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 224 pages
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-064-4
1-58008-064-2 • Ten Speed
Recipes from Washington D.C.’s
Premier Seafood Restaurant
by Bob Kinkead
Foreword by R. W. Apple
83/4 x 103/4 inches, 288 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-522-9
1-58008-522-9 • Ten Speed
Fast Fish
by Hugh Carpenter and Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches, 112 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-648-6
1-58008-648-9 • Ten Speed
alan davidson
Buying, Cooking, Cracking
by Andrea Froncillo and Jennifer Jeffrey
61/4 x 61/4 inches, 128 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-860-2
1-58008-860-0 • Ten Speed
Bob Chinn’s Crab House
by Serena Joew Lucchesi with
Marilyn Chinn Le Tourneau
8 x 10 inches, 160 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-964-6
0-89815-964-4 • Ten Speed
The Great Ceviche Book
by Douglas Rodriguez
Foreword by Calvin Trillin
41/2 x 101/4 inches, 176 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-325-6
1-58008-325-0 • Ten Speed
North Atlantic Seafood
A Comprehensive Guide
with Recipes
2nd Edition
by Alan Davidson
65/8 x 97/8 inches, 432 pages
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-450-5
1-58008-450-8, NA & Asia
• Ten Speed
2002 James Beard Cookbook
Hall of Fame Inductee
Mediterranean Seafood
Seafood of South-East Asia
A Comprehensive Guide
with Recipes
3rd Edition
by Alan Davidson
65/8 x 97/8 inches, 512 pages
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-451-2
1-58008-451-6, NA & Asia
• Ten Speed
A Comprehensive Guide
with Recipes
2nd Edition
by Alan Davidson
65/8 x 97/8 inches, 368 pages
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-452-9
1-58008-452-4, NA & Asia
• Ten Speed
Co o k i n g • 63
| Drinks & Entertaining
The California Directory
of Fine Wineries
Passion for Pinot
A Journey through America’s
Pinot Noir Country
by Jordan Mackay
Photographed by Andrea Johnson
and Robert Holmes
93/4 x 11 inches, 160 pages, full color
$30.00 hardcover (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-986-9
1-58008-986-0 • Ten Speed
by Marty Olmstead
Photographs by Robert Holmes
71/2 x 10 inches, 160 pages, full color
$19.95 hardcover (Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9724993-4-7
0-9724993-4-2 • Wine House Press
Zero-Proof Cocktails
Alcohol-Free Beverages
for Every Occasion
by Liz Scott
6 x 8 inches, 144 pages, full color
$16.95 hardcover (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-959-3
1-58008-959-3 • Ten Speed
Artisanal Cocktails
Drinks Inspired by the Seasons
from the Bar at Cyrus
by Scott Beattie
8 x 9 inches, 160 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $29.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-921-0
1-58008-921-6 • Ten Speed
Cowboy Cocktails
Inspiring Thirst
The Wines of France
The Essential Guide for
Savvy Shoppers
by Jacqueline Friedrich
51/4 x 83/4 inches,
384 pages, two color
$19.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13 978-1-58008-688-2
1-58008-688-8 • Ten Speed
Vintage Selections from the
Kermit Lynch Wine Brochure
by Kermit Lynch
7 x 10 inches, 408 pages, two color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $57.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-636-3
1-58008-636-5 • Ten Speed
The Bar
A Spirited Guide to Cocktail Alchemy
by Olivier Said and James Mellgren
51/2 x 81/2 inches,
200 pages, two color
$16.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-682-0
1-58008-682-9 • Ten Speed
Boot Scootin’ Beverages and
Tasty Vittles from the Wild West
by Grady Spears and Brigit Binns
6 x 8 inches, 144 pages, full color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-077-4
1-58008-077-4 • Ten Speed
Big Easy Cocktails
Wine Across America
A Photographic Road Trip
Photographs by Charles O’Rear
Text by Daphne Larkin
9 x 111/4 inches, 224 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $42.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9625227-6-5
0-9625227-6-7 • Wineviews
64 • Co o k i n g
Recipes from a Tapas Bar
by Olivier Said and James Mellgren
with Maggie Pond
Foreword by Jackson Browne
8 x 9 inches, 224 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-483-3
1-58008-483-4 • Ten Speed
Jazzy Drinks and Savory Bites
from New Orleans
by Jimmy Bannos and John DeMers
6 x 8 inches, 144 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-719-3
1-58008-719-1 • Ten Speed
| Drinks & Entertaining
The Great Margarita Book
The Story of Tea
Coffee Drinks
A Handbook with Recipes
2nd Edition
by Al Lucero
Foreword by Robert Redford
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
152 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-585-4
1-58008-585-7 • Ten Speed
A Cultural History
and Drinking Guide
by Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J. Heiss
71/2 x 9 inches, 432 pages, full color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $38.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-745-2
1-58008-745-0 • Ten Speed
Library Journal, H starred review
by Michael Turback
61/4 x 71/4 inches, 112 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $17.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-926-5
1-58008-926-7 • Ten Speed
A Guide to Types, Flights,
Cocktails, and Bites
by Joanne Weir
Hot Chocolate
Hot Drinks
The Great Tiki Drink Book
by Jennifer Trainer Thompson
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
112 pages, full color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-405-5
1-58008-405-2 • Ten Speed
Cider, Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate,
Spiced Punch, Spirits
by Mary Lou Heiss and Robert J. Heiss
61/4 x 71/4 inches, 112 pages, full color
$16.95 hardcover (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-884-8
1-58008-884-8 • Ten Speed
by Michael Turback
61/4 x 61/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$9.95 paper (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-708-7
1-58008-708-6 • Ten Speed
Trader Vic’s Tiki Party!
Caribbean Cocktails
by Jennifer Trainer Thompson
6 x 8 inches, 144 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-364-5
1-58008-364-1 • Ten Speed
Cocktails & Food to
Share with Friends
by Steve Siegelman
Photography by Maren Caruso
8 x 8 inches, 192 pages, full color
$19.95 hardcover (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-556-4
1-58008-556-3 • Ten Speed
by Michael Turback
61/4 x 61/4 inches, 144 pages, full color
$9.95 paper (Can $12.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-861-9
1-58008-861-9 • Ten Speed
“A charming and lighthearted
celebration of the multiple delights
of tequila, including some wildly
creative bartender inventions and
exciting food for accompaniment.”
—Anthony Dias Blue, editor
in chief of The Tasting Panel
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 144 pages, full color
$16.95 hardcover (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-949-4
1-58008-949-6 • Ten Speed
by Lenny Rice and Brigid Callinan
61/4 x 61/4 inches, 128 pages, full color
$9.95 paper (Can $12.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-859-6
1-58008-859-7 • Ten Speed
Co o k i n g • 65
| Barbecue & Grilling
Dinosaur Bar-B-Que
An American Roadhouse
by John Stage and Nancy Radke
81/4 x 101/4 inches,
192 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-971-5
1-58008-971-2 • Ten Speed
$24.95 hardcover (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-265-5
1-58008-265-3 • Ten Speed
Wood-Fired Cooking
Techniques and Recipes for
the Grill, Backyard Oven,
Fireplace, and Campfire
by Mary Karlin
“In Wood-Fired Cooking, Mary
Karlin combines the romance of the
fire with practical information and
really delicious recipes that are
easy to prepare. A surefire hit.”
—Joyce Goldstein, chef and
author of Back to Square One
and Italian Slow and Savory
81/2 x 9 inches, 208 pages, full color
$27.95 hardcover (Can $32.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-945-6
1-58008-945-3 • Ten Speed
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches, 112 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-900-4
0-89815-900-8 • Ten Speed
The Great Wings Book
Mastering Barbecue
Tons of Recipes, Great Tips,
Neat Techniques, and
Indispensable Know-How
by Michael H. Stines
8 x 10 inches, 200 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-662-2
1-58008-662-4 • Ten Speed
Hot Barbecue
Jerk from Jamaica
Barbecue Caribbean Style
by Helen Willinsky
8 x 8 inches, 192 pages, full color
$18.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-842-8
1-58008-842-2 • Ten Speed
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-894-7
1-58008-894-5 • Ten Speed
The Great Ribs Book
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-071-2
1-58008-071-5 • Ten Speed
The Best Barbecue on Earth
Grilling Across 6 Continents and
25 Countries, with 170 Recipes
by Rick Browne
8 x 10 inches, 256 pages, full color
$22.95 paper with flaps
(Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-875-6
1-58008-875-9 • Ten Speed
2008 National Barbecue News
Award Winner: Barbecue Book
of the Year
66 • Co o k i n g
Marinades, Rubs, Brines,
Cures & Glazes
Revised and Expanded
by Jim Tarantino
8 x 10 inches, 360 pages
$21.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-614-1
1-58008-614-4 • Ten Speed
Smokestack Lightning
Adventures in the Heart of
Barbecue Country
by Lolis Eric Elie
Photographs by Frank Stewart
95/8 x 815/16 inches, 240 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $27.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-660-8
1-58008-660-8 • Ten Speed
The Great Steak Book
by Grady Spears with
Victoria Randall
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-215-0
1-58008-215-7 • Ten Speed
| Baking, Desserts & Chocolate
Build a Better Burger
Celebrating Sutter Home’s Annual
Search for America’s Best Burgers
by James McNair
10 x 81/2 inches,
208 pages, full color
$17.95 paper with flaps
(Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-720-9
1-58008-720-5 • Ten Speed
As seen on the Food Network
Teens Cook Dessert
by Megan and Jill Carle
with Judi Carle
71/2 x 111/4 inches,
176 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-752-0
1-58008-752-3 • Ten Speed
Secrets of a Jewish Baker
Recipes for 125 Breads
from around the World
by George Greenstein
8 x 10 inches, 336 pages
$29.95 hardcover (Can $37.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-844-2
1-58008-844-9 • Ten Speed
1994 James Beard Award Winner
The Best Little
Barbecue Cookbook
by Karen Adler
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-961-0
0-89087-961-3 • Celestial Arts
The Best Little
Marinades Cookbook
by Karen Adler
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-964-1
0-89087-964-8 • Celestial Arts
The Village Baker
Classic Sourdoughs
A Home Baker’s Handbook
by Ed Wood
73/8 x 91/8 inches,
224 pages, two color
$19.95 paper (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-344-7
1-58008-344-7 • Ten Speed
Bread Comes to Life
Classic Regional Breads
from Europe and America
by Joe Ortiz
73/8 x 91/4 inches,
320 pages, two color
$30.00 hardcover (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-956-2
1-58008-956-9 • Ten Speed
Beth Hensperger’s
Bread Made Easy
The Village Baker’s Wife
Bread for Breakfast
A Baker’s First Bread Book
by Beth Hensperger
9 x 9 inches, 128 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-112-2
1-58008-112-6 • Ten Speed
A Garden of Wheat
and a Loaf to Eat
by George Levenson
81/2 x 93/4 inches,
32 pages, full color
$15.95 hardcover (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-114-4
1-58246-114-7 • Tricycle
The Best Little
Grilling Cookbook
by Karen Adler
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-962-7
0-89087-962-1 • Celestial Arts
The Best Little
BBQ Sauces Cookbook
by Karen Adler
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-965-8
0-89087-965-6 • Celestial Arts
The Desserts and Pasteries That
Made Gayle’s Bakery Famous
by Gayle and Joe Ortiz with
Louisa Beers
73/8 x 91/4 inches,
336 pages, two color
$30.00 hardcover (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-957-9
1-58008-957-7 • Ten Speed
by Beth Hensperger
8 x 9 inches, 176 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-213-6
1-58008-213-0 • Ten Speed
The Twinkies® Cookbook
An Inventive and Unexpected
Recipe Collection
from Hostess®
“Joy of Cooking move over. There’s a
new book in town.”
—Renee Enna, Chicago Tribune
7 x 7 inches, 112 pages, full color
$12.95 paper over board
(Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-756-8
1-58008-756-6 • Ten Speed
Co o k i n g • 67
| Baking, Desserts & Chocolate
Italian Ice Creams, Sorbetti,
and Granite
by Pamela Sheldon Johns
8 3/4 x 8 inches, 112 pages, full color
$14.95 paper with flaps (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-923-4
1-58008-923-2 • Ten Speed
The Ghirardelli
Chocolate Cookbook
Recipes and History from America’s
Premier Chocolate Maker
by the Ghirardelli Chocolate Company
8 x 8 inches, 160 pages, full color
$18.95 hardcover (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-871-8
1-58008-871-6, WorldXAus
• Ten Speed
Rustic Fruit Desserts
Crumbles, Buckles, Cobblers, Pandowdies, and More
by Cory Schreiber and Julie Richardson
A collection of simple and satisfying recipes for crisps, slumps,
buckles, grunts, and other old-timey desserts by a beloved Portland
bakery owner in collaboration with one of the region’s top chefs.
7 x 8 inches, 176 pages, full color
$22.00 hardcover (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-976-0
1-58008-976-3 • Ten Speed
by Michael Turback
61/4 x 61/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$9.95 paper (Can $12.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-861-9
1-58008-861-9 • Ten Speed
Hot Chocolate
by Michael Turback
61/4 x 61/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$9.95 paper (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-708-7
1-58008-708-6 • Ten Speed
peter reinhart
American Pie
The Bread Baker’s Apprentice
My Search for the Perfect Pizza
by Peter Reinhart
7 x 9 inches, 272 pages, two color
$27.95 hardcover (Can $37.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-422-2
1-58008-422-2 • Ten Speed
Mastering the Art of
Extraordinary Bread
by Peter Reinhart
9 x 10 inches, 320 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-268-6
1-58008-268-8 • Ten Speed
2002 James Beard Cookbook
of the Year
2002 IACP Cookbook of the Year
See page 13 for
68 • Co o k i n g
Crust and Crumb
Master Formulas for
Serious Bread Bakers
by Peter Reinhart
8 x 97/8 inches, 224 pages, two color
$19.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-802-2
1-58008-802-3 • Ten Speed
1999 James Beard Award Winner
Peter Reinhart’s
Whole Grain Breads
New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor
by Peter Reinhart
9 x 10 inches, 320 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $42.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-759-9
1-58008-759-0 • Ten Speed
2008 James Beard Award Winner
Library Journal, H starred review
| Baking, Desserts & Chocolate
The Perfect Scoop
Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas,
and Sweet Accompaniments
by David Lebovitz
71/4 x 101/2 inches,
224 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $31.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-808-4
1-58008-808-2 • Ten Speed
Mrs . Rowe’s Little Book of
Southern Pies
by Mollie Cox Bryan
7 x 8 inches, 128 pages, full color
$16.95 hardcover (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-980-7
1-58008-980-1 • Ten Speed
Mollie Katzen’s Recipes: Desserts
by Mollie Katzen
From the best-selling author of the MOOSEWOOD COOKBOOK
comes this signature collection of 50 dessert recipes in an
appealing, compact easel format for easy reference.
Truffles, Candies & Confections
Techniques and Recipes
for Candymaking
by Carole Bloom
71/4 x 87/8 inches, 240 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-621-9
1-58008-621-7 • Ten Speed
The Pastry Queen
Royally Good Recipes from
the Texas Hill Country’s Rather
Sweet Bakery & Café
by Rebecca Rather with
Alison Oresman
8 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $41.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-562-5
1-58008-562-8 • Ten Speed
“Mollie Katzen’s cooking is exemplar of a healthful cooking style
that has no dogma and offers no apologies.”
—New York Times
6 x 6 inches, 120 pages, full color
$14.95 spiral hardcover with slipcase (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-879-4
1-58008-879-1• Ten Speed
Elizabeth Falkner’s
Demolition Desserts
Recipes from Citizen Cake
by Elizabeth Falkner
The Great Book of Chocolate
The Connoisseur’s Guide with Recipes
by David Lebovitz
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-495-6
1-58008-495-8 • Ten Speed
See page 24 for
The Pastry Queen Christmas
Big-Hearted Holiday Entertaining,
Texas Style
by Rebecca Rather
with Alison Oresman
8 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-790-2
1-58008-790-6 • Ten Speed
Book Sense Top 20
2008 IACP Award Winner
“This pastry chef’s desserts are not
only daring, hilarious, and
spectacular to behold, they’re
downright delicious.”
—Bon Appétit
8 / x 10 / inches,
224 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $42.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-781-0
1-58008-781-7 • Ten Speed
1 2
3 4
Soul Food Desserts & Memories
by Patty Pinner
7 x 10 inches, 176 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-798-8
1-58008-798-1 • Ten Speed
The Art of Cookies
Fast and Fun Cookie Decoration
by Noga Hitron and
Natasha Haimovich
81/2 x 8 inches, 128 pages, full color
$15.95 paper with flaps
(Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-632-5
1-58008-632-2 • Ten Speed
Co o k i n g • 69
| Fruits & Vegetables
An Apple Harvest
The Great Exotic Fruit Book
The Great Tomato Book
Recipes and Orchard Lore
by Frank Browning and Sharon Silva
83/4 x 8 inches, 160 pages, full color
$17.95 hardcover (Can $27.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-104-7
1-58008-104-5 • Ten Speed
A Handbook with Recipes
by Norman Van Aken with
John Harrisson
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-688-1
0-89815-688-2 • Ten Speed
by Gary Ibsen with Joan Nielsen
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-048-4
1-58008-048-0 • Ten Speed
Cooking with Olives
and Their Oils
by Ford Rogers
71/2 x 91/4 inches,
128 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-388-1
1-58008-388-9, NA • Ten Speed
The Great Citrus Book
A Guide with Recipes
by Allen Susser
Photography by Lois Ellen Frank
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-855-7
0-89815-855-9 • Ten Speed
The Olive in California
The Great Mango Book
A Guide with Recipes
by Allen Susser
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-204-4
1-58008-204-1 • Ten Speed
History of an Immigrant Tree
by Judith Taylor, MD
Foreword by Dr. Kevin Starr
73/8 x 91/8 inches, 256 pages, two color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $49.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-131-3
1-58008-131-2 • Ten Speed
Endorsed by the California
Historical Society
by Ann Kleinberg
8 x 71/4 inches, 112 pages, full color
$14.95 paper with flaps
(Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-631-8
1-58008-631-4 • Ten Speed
The Garlic Lovers’
The Garlic Lovers’
Cookbook: Volume II
New Edition
by the Gilroy Garlic Festival
8 x 77/8 inches, 276 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-129-2
1-58761-129-5 • Celestial Arts
by the Gilroy Garlic Festival
8 x 77/8 inches, 240 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-237-4
1-58761-237-2 • Celestial Arts
70 • Co o k i n g
The Great Garlic Book
A Guide with Recipes
by Chester Aaron
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-919-6
0-89815-919-9 • Ten Speed
Totally Garlic Cookbook
by Helene Siegel
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-725-8
0-89087-725-4 • Celestial Arts
mollie katzen
Mollie Katzen’s cookbooks have
sold more than 3 million copies!
All recipes are kosher.
Pretend Soup and
Other Real Recipes
A Cookbook for
Preschoolers & Up
by Mollie Katzen and
Ann Henderson
8 x 10 inches, 96 pages, full color
$17.95 hardcover (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-883672-06-5
1-883672-06-6 • Tricycle
by Mollie Katzen
6 x 6 inches, 120 pages, full color
$14.95 spiral hardcover with
slipcase (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-879-4
1-58008-879-1• Ten Speed
Mollie Katzen’s Recipes:
The New Moosewood
by Mollie Katzen
Mollie Katzen’s
Recipes: Salads
Honest Pretzels
And 64 Other Amazing Recipes
for Kids Ages 8 & Up
by Mollie Katzen
8 x 10 inches, 192 pages, full color
$17.99 paper (Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-305-6
1-58246-305-0 • Tricycle
Replaces hardcover edition:
by Mollie Katzen
6 x 6 inches, 120 pages, full color
$14.95 spiral hardcover with
slipcase (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-878-7
1-58008-878-3 • Ten Speed
“Original or updated, MOOSEWOOD COOKBOOK is a
treasured possession of the many
thousands who love it for proving
that meatless eating can be a
—James Beard Foundation
81/2 x 11 inches, 256 pages,
16-page color insert
$19.95 paper (Can $27.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-130-6
1-58008-130-4 • Ten Speed
2007 James Beard Cookbook
Hall of Fame Inductee
The New Enchanted
Broccoli Forest
by Mollie Katzen
81/2 x 11 inches,
320 pages, 16-page color insert
$19.95 paper (Can $27.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-126-9
1-58008-126-6 • Ten Speed
$27.95 hardcover (Can $45.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-136-8
1-58008-136-3 • Ten Speed
Mollie Katzen’s
Recipes: Soups
Salad People and
More Real Recipes
A New Cookbook for
Preschoolers & Up
by Mollie Katzen
8 x 10 inches, 96 pages, full color
$17.95 hardcover (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-141-0
1-58246-141-4 • Tricycle
Easel Edition
by Mollie Katzen
6 x 6 inches, 120 pages, full color
$14.95 spiral hardcover with
slipcase (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-877-0
1-58008-877-5 • Ten Speed
Still Life with Menu
by Mollie Katzen
81/2 x 11 inches,
256 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $27.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-669-0
0-89815-669-6 • Ten Speed
Mollie Katzen is listed by
the New York Times as
one of the best-selling
cookbook authors of all
time. Newsweek says
Katzen “helped bring
vegetarianism into the
Co o k i n g • 71
College Vegetarian Cooking
Feed Yourself and Your Friends
by Megan Carle and Jill Carle
The Moosewood Restaurant
Kitchen Garden
The Real Food Daily
Creative Gardening for
the Adventurous Cook
by David Hirsch
71/4 x 91/4 inches, 304 pages, two color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-666-0
1-58008-666-7 • Ten Speed
Really Fresh, Really Good,
Really Vegetarian
by Ann Gentry
8 x 9 inches, 240 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps
(Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-618-9
1-58008-618-7 • Ten Speed
The New Laurel’s Kitchen
by Laurel Robertson, Carol Flinders,
and Brian Ruppenthal
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 512 pages
$22.95 paper (Can $31.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-166-4
0-89815-166-X • Ten Speed
“Our recipes come from all over.
Mostly from things we think sound
good or things we’ve eaten somewhere else and we want to recreate
with our own twist.”
—Megan and Jill Carle, authors
71/2 x 111/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-982-1
1-58008-982-8 • Ten Speed
Laurel’s Kitchen Caring
New Recipes from
Moosewood Restaurant
New Edition
by the Moosewood Collective
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 320 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-148-1
1-58008-148-7 • Ten Speed
The Millennium Cookbook
Extraordinary Vegetarian Cuisine
by Eric Tucker and John Westerdahl
Dessert recipes by Sascha Weiss
81/4 x 101/4 inches,
272 pages, full color
$24.95 paper (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-899-1
0-89815-899-0 • Ten Speed
Recipes for Everyday
Home Caregiving
by Laurel Robertson with
Carol Lee Flinders and
Brian Ruppenthal, RD
73/8 x 9 inches, 160 pages, two color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-951-6
0-89815-951-2 • Ten Speed
Everyday Tofu
The Accidental Vegan
by Devra Gartenstein
6 x 8 inches, 240 pages, two color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-338-8
1-58761-338-7 • Celestial Arts
72 • Co o k i n g
by Gary Landgrebe
6 x 8 inches, 128 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-047-7
1-58091-047-5 • Crossing
The Book of Tofu
by William Shurtleff and
Akiko Aoyagi
81/2 x 11 inches,
336 pages, illustrated
$29.95 paper (Can $38.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-013-2
1-58008-013-8 • Ten Speed
The Artful Vegan
Fresh Flavors from the
Millennium Restaurant
by Eric Tucker with Bruce Enloe
Dessert recipes by Amy Pearce
81/4 x 101/4 inches,
240 pages, full color
$24.95 paper (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-207-5
1-58008-207-6 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-538-0
1-58008-538-5 • Ten Speed
by Charlie Trotter and Roxanne Klein
9 x 11 inches, 216 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $30.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-834-3
1-58008-834-1 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-470-3
1-58008-470-2 • Ten Speed
| Healthy Cooking
The Grassfed Gourmet
Healthy Cooking and Good Living
with Pasture-Raised Foods
by Shannon Hayes
71/4 x 91/4 inches, 266 pages
$25.00 paper (Can $29.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9673670-3-3
0-9673670-3-4 • Eating Fresh
One Bite at a Time
Nourishing Recipes for Cancer
Survivors and Their Friends
by Rebecca Katz with Mat Edelson
91/8 x 107/8 inches,
176 pages, full color
$21.95 paper with flaps (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-327-2
1-58761-327-1 • Celestial Arts
$28.95 hardcover (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-333-3
1-58761-333-6 • Celestial Arts
Simple Food for Busy Families
The Whole Life Nutrition Approach
by Jeannette Bessinger, CHHC, and
Tracee Yablon-Brenner, RD, CHHC
7 x 81 /2 inches, 256 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-335-7
1-58761-335-2 • Celestial Arts
$27.95 hardcover (Can $32.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-336-4
1-58761-336-0 • Celestial Arts
Almost Meatless
Recipes That Are Better for
Your Health and the Planet
by Joy Manning and
Tara Mataraza Desmond
For today’s health-, budget-, and
environment-conscious omnivores,
ALMOST MEATLESS offers more than
60 satisfying, easy-to-prepare recipes
that use meat as an enhancement,
rather than the centerpiece.
71/4 x 10 inches, 160 pages, full color
$22.50 paper with flaps (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-961-6
1-58008-961-5 • Ten Speed
Cooking Fresh from
the Bay Area
The Bay Area’s Best Recipes
for Eating Local, Organic Produce
at Its Seasonal Best
Edited by Fran McManus and
Wendy Rickard
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 178 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9673670-0-2
0-9673670-0-X • Eating Fresh
Vice Cream
Over 70 Sinfully Delicious
Dairy-Free Delights
by Jeff Rogers
6 x 8 inches, 128 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-199-5
1-58761-199-6 • Celestial Arts
Winner of the PETA Proggy Award
for Best New Dessert Book
New Good Food
Essential Ingredients for
Cooking and Eating Well
by Margaret M. Wittenberg
8 x 10 inches, two color, 296 pages
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-750-6
1-58008-750-7 • Ten Speed
Cooking Fresh from
the Mid-Atlantic
The Low-Carb Gourmet
Recipes for the New Lifestyle
by Brigit Binns
73/8 x 93/4 inches,
168 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps
(Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-630-1
1-58008-630-6 • Ten Speed
Tantalizing Recipes, Celebrated
Chefs, and Conversations on the
Essential Nature of Small-Scale
Edited by Fran McManus and
Wendy Rickard
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 240 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9673670-1-9
0-9673670-1-8 • Eating Fresh
How to Feed a Teenage Boy
Recipes and Strategies
by Georgia Orcutt
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-279-4
1-58761-279-8 • Celestial Arts
New Good Food
Shopper’s Pocket Guide
by Margaret M. Wittenberg
5 x 7 inches, 176 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $10.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-893-0
1-58008-893-7 • Ten Speed
Co o k i n g • 73
| Healthy Cooking
How Sweet It Is . . .
Without the Sugar
Super Natural Cooking
Five Ways to Incorporate Whole &
Natural Ingredients into Your Cooking
by Heidi Swanson
“Swanson . . . makes a strong case for
putting natural foods at the center
of an emerging, modern, global
cuisine. Her seductive recipes, like
lime-bathed peanut salad and an
updated (almost guilt-free) take
on the classic Girl Scout Thin Mint
cookie, reach out to cooks who want
to eat smart but still do it in style.”
7 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
$20.00 paper with flaps (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-275-6
1-58761-275-5 • Celestial Arts
Delicious Desserts for
Diabetics and Others
by Jean C. Wade
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 160 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-886-6
0-89087-886-2 • Celestial Arts
Baking with Agave Nectar
Over 100 Recipes Using Nature’s
Ultimate Sweetener
by Ania Catalano
7 x 8 inches, 144 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-321-0
1-58761-321-2 • Celestial Arts
The Raw Truth
The Art of Preparing Living Foods
by Jeremy A. Safron
7 x 9 inches, 192 pages,
4-page color insert
$18.95 paper (Can $27.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-172-8
1-58761-172-4 • Celestial Arts
The Raw Foods
Resource Guide
by Jeremy Safron
6 x 8 inches, 80 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-232-9
1-58761-232-1 • Celestial Arts
Recipes for Dairy-Free Living
by Denise Jardine
8 x 9 inches, 208 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-100-1
1-58761-100-7 • Celestial Arts
Wai Lana’s Favorite Juices
by Wai Lana
81/2 x 9 inches, 244 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $35.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9725618-5-3
0-9725618-5-4, NA
• Wai Lana Productions
elson m. haas, md
Staying Healthy
with Nutrition
The Complete Guide to Diet
and Nutritional Medicine
by Elson M. Haas, MD,
with Buck Levin, PhD, RD
83/8 x 107/8 inches, 944 pages
$39.95 paper (Can $54.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-179-7
1-58761-179-1 • Celestial Arts
$80.00 hardcover (Can $99.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-282-4
1-58761-282-8 • Celestial Arts
74 • Co o k i n g
Staying Healthy with
the Seasons
21st-Century Edition
by Elson M. Haas, MD
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 248 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-142-1
1-58761-142-2 • Celestial Arts
The New Detox Diet
The Complete Guide for
Lifelong Vitality with Recipes,
Menus & Detox Plans
by Elson Haas, MD, with
Daniella Chace, MS, CN
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 264 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-184-1
1-58761-184-8 • Celestial Arts
| General Cooking
The Niman Ranch Cookbook
How to Repair Food
From Farm to Table with
America’s Finest Meat
by Bill Niman and Janet Fletcher
91/2 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps
(Can $27.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-918-0
1-58008-918-6 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $48.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-520-5
1-58008-520-2 • Ten Speed
by Marina and John Bear
51/4 x 81/2 inches, 144 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-555-6
0-89815-555-X • Ten Speed
Pure Simple Cooking
Effortless Meals Every Day
by Diana Henry
The Magic of Fire
Bruce Aidells’ Complete
Sausage Book
Recipes from America’s
Premier Sausage Maker
by Bruce Aidells and Denis Kelly
73/8 x 91/8 inches, 336 pages
$21.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-159-7
1-58008-159-2 • Ten Speed
Hearth Cooking
by William Rubel
9 x 12 inches, 288 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-453-6
1-58008-453-2 • Ten Speed
The Wicca Cookbook
Festive Picnics
Recipes, Crafts & Decorations
for Outdoor Occasions
by Pamela Sheldon Johns and
Jennifer Barry
81/4 x 9 inches, 112 pages, full color
$16.95 paper with flaps
(Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-560-1
1-58008-560-1 • Ten Speed
Recipes, Ritual, and Lore
by Jamie Wood and Tara Seefeldt
9 x 9 inches, 208 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-995-5
0-89087-995-8 • Celestial Arts
given only a short time in the kitchen,
a person can plan on a beautiful
and nourishing meal any day of the
week—without resorting to dubious
tricks or takeout.”
—Deborah Madison,
author of Local Flavors
8 x 10 inches, 192 pages, full color
$21.95 paper with jacket
(Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-948-7
1-58008-948-8, NA • Ten Speed
The River Cottage Meat Book
by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Photography by Simon Wheeler
75/8 x 101/4 inches,
544 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (NAXCan)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-843-5
1-58008-843-0 • Ten Speed
2008 James Beard Cookbook
of the Year
Library Journal, H starred review
The River Cottage
Family Cookbook
by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
and Fizz Carr
Photography by Simon Wheeler
71/2 x 93/4 inches,
416 pages, full color
$32.50 paper over board
(Can $36.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-925-8
1-58008-925-9, NA • Ten Speed
The River Cottage Cookbook
by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Photography by Simon Wheeler
71/2 x 93/4 inches, 448 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-909-8
1-58008-909-7, NA • Ten Speed
Library Journal and Publishers Weekly,
H starred reviews
Co o k i n g • 75
| General Cooking
Teens Cook
How to Cook What
You Want to Eat
by Megan and Jill Carle
with Judi Carle
71/2 x 111/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-584-7
1-58008-584-9 • Ten Speed
College Vegetarian Cooking
Feed Yourself and Your Friends
by Megan Carle and Jill Carle
71/2 x 111/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-982-1
1-58008-982-8 • Ten Speed
by James Peterson
“[E]very recipe teaches you
something . . . Cooking is a great
choice for anyone who wants
to become a smarter cook.”
—O, The Oprah Magazine
91/2 x 11 inches,
560 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $44.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-789-6
1-58008-789-2 • Ten Speed
2008 James Beard Award Winner
Library Journal, H starred review
The Pancake Handbook
Specialties from Bette’s
Oceanview Diner
2nd edition
by Steve Siegelman, Bette Kroening,
and Sue Conley
6 x 8 inches, 128 pages, two color
$12.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-537-3
1-58008-537-7 • Ten Speed
Teens Cook Dessert
by Megan and Jill Carle
with Judi Carle
71/2 x 111/4 inches,
176 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-752-0
1-58008-752-3 • Ten Speed
by Lenny Rice and Brigid Callinan
61/4 x 61/4 inches,
128 pages, full color
$9.95 paper (Can $12.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-859-6
1-58008-859-7 • Ten Speed
The Oldways Table
Essays & Recipes from
the Culinary Think Tank
by K. Dun Gifford and
Sara Baer-Sinnott
8 x 10 inches, 288 pages, two color
$32.50 hardcover (Can $41.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-490-1
1-58008-490-7 • Ten Speed
76 • Co o k i n g
The New Steak
Morning Food
Breakfasts, Brunches & More for
Savoring the Best Part of the Day
by Margaret S. Fox and John B. Bear
81/4 x 9 inches, 208 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-782-7
1-58008-782-5 • Ten Speed
College Cooking
Feed Yourself and Your Friends
by Megan and Jill Carle
71/2 x 111/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-826-8
1-58008-826-0 • Ten Speed
Recipes for a Range of Cuts
plus Savory Sides
by Cree LeFavour
71/4 x 10 inches, 208 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-890-9
1-58008-890-2 • Ten Speed
| General Cooking
La Bonne Cuisine de
Madame E. Saint-Ange
The Original Companion
for French Home Cooking
by Madame E. Saint-Ange
Translated and with an introduction
by Paul Aratow
71/4 x 91/4 inches,
800 pages, two color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-605-9
1-58008-605-5 • Ten Speed
The Gourmet Slow Cooker
Simple and Sophisticated Meals
from around the World
by Lynn Alley
81/4 x 9 inches, 120 pages, full color
$18.95 paper with flaps
(Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-489-5
1-58008-489-3 • Ten Speed
Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It
And Other Cooking Projects
by Karen Solomon
This collection of 75 recipes for making artisan foods and
drinks at home includes recipes for olives, marshmallows,
pickles, mustard, and more.
9 x 8 inches, 176 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-958-6
1-58008-958-5 • Ten Speed
The French Menu Cookbook
by Richard Olney
Introduction by Paul Bertolli
6 x 91/8 inches,
456 pages, color inserts
$29.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-385-0
1-58008-385-4 • Ten Speed
The Gourmet Slow Cooker:
Volume II
Regional Comfort-Food Classics
by Lynn Alley
81/4 x 9 inches, 120 pages, full color
$18.95 paper with flaps (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-732-2
1-58008-732-9 • Ten Speed
The Gourmet Potluck
When French Women Cook
A Gastronomic Memoir
by Madeleine Kamman
Introduction by Shirley Corriher
6 x 9 inches, 392 pages
$24.95 hardcover (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-384-3
1-58008-384-6 • Ten Speed
Show-Stopping Recipes
for the Buffet Table
by Beth Hensperger
81/4 x 9 inches, 112 pages, full color
$18.95 paper with flaps
(Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-741-4
1-58008-741-8 • Ten Speed
The Gourmet Toaster Oven
Simple and Sophisticated Meals
for the Busy Cook
by Lynn Alley
81/4 x 9 inches, 128 pages, full color
$18.95 paper with flaps (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-659-2
1-58008-659-4 • Ten Speed
An Appreciation of a
Misunderstood Ingredient,
with Recipes
by Jennifer McLagan
8 x 10 inches, 256 pages, full color
$32.50 hardcover (NAXCan)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-935-7
1-58008-935-6 • Ten Speed
Publishers Weekly, H starred review
Co o k i n g • 77
| General Cooking
fast & hot books
The Heinz® Tomato
Ketchup Cookbook
by Paul Hartley
7 x 7 inches, 96 pages, full color
$12.95 paper over board (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-936-4
1-58008-936-4, NA • Ten Speed
Fast Appetizers
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches,
112 pages, full color
$18.95 paper with flaps
(Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-049-1
1-58008-049-9 • Ten Speed
Hot Barbecue
Hot Vegetables
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches,
112 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-900-4
0-89815-900-8 • Ten Speed
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches,
112 pages, full color
$17.95 paper with flaps
(Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-975-2
0-89815-975-X • Ten Speed
The Curiosities of Food
Or the Dainties and Delicacies
of Different Nations Obtained
from the Animal Kingdom
by Peter Lund Simmonds
Introduction by Alan Davidson
41/8 x 63/4 inches, 400 pages
$16.95 hardcover (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-297-6
1-58008-297-1 • Ten Speed
Fast Entrées
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches,
112 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-433-8
1-58008-433-8 • Ten Speed
The Wilder Shores of
20 Years of the Best Food Writing from
the Journal Petits Propos Culinaires
Edited by Alan Davidson
with Helen Saberi
“What a banquet of prose it is! . . .
Provides indispensable reading
for devoted foodies.”
6 x 9 inches, 528 pages
$27.95 hardcover (Can $37.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-417-8
1-58008-417-6 • Ten Speed
78 • Co o k i n g
Fast Fish
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches,
112 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-648-6
1-58008-648-9 • Ten Speed
Hot Chicken
Hot Wok
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches,
112 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-771-0
0-89815-771-4 • Ten Speed
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches,
112 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-678-2
0-89815-678-5 • Ten Speed
Hot Pasta
Wok Fast
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches,
112 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-857-1
0-89815-857-5 • Ten Speed
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
10 x 10 inches,
112 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-383-6
1-58008-383-8 • Ten Speed
Hugh Carpenter and Teri Sandison‘s books
have sold more than 500,000 copies!
| General Cooking
great books
The Great Chiles
Rellenos Book
by Janos Wilder
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-854-1
1-58008-854-6 • Ten Speed
The Great Margarita Book
2nd Edition
by Al Lucero
Foreword by Robert Redford
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
152 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-585-4
1-58008-585-7 • Ten Speed
The Great Salsa Book
The Great Wings Book
by Mark Miller with Mark Kiffin
and John Harrisson
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-517-4
0-89815-517-7 • Ten Speed
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-894-7
1-58008-894-5 • Ten Speed
The Great Hot Sauce Book
by Jennifer Trainer Thompson
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-783-3
0-89815-783-8 • Ten Speed
The Great Chile Book
by Mark Miller with John Harrisson
Photography by Lois Ellen Frank
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-428-3
0-89815-428-6 • Ten Speed
The Great Ceviche Book
The Great Mango Book
The Great Book
of Chocolate
by David Lebovitz
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-495-6
1-58008-495-8 • Ten Speed
by Allen Susser
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-204-4
1-58008-204-1 • Ten Speed
The Great Citrus Book
by Douglas Rodriguez
Foreword by Calvin Trillin
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
176 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-325-6
1-58008-325-0 • Ten Speed
by Allen Susser
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-855-7
0-89815-855-9 • Ten Speed
The Great Coffee Book
The Great Exotic Fruit Book
by Timothy J. Castle and
Joan Nielsen
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-122-1
1-58008-122-3 • Ten Speed
by Norman Van Aken with
John Harrisson
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-688-1
0-89815-688-2 • Ten Speed
The Great Tomato Book
The Great Garlic Book
by Gary Ibsen with Joan Nielsen
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-048-4
1-58008-048-0 • Ten Speed
by Chester Aaron
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-919-6
0-89815-919-9 • Ten Speed
The Great Steak Book
by Grady Spears with
Victoria Randall
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
144 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-215-0
1-58008-215-7 • Ten Speed
The Great Ribs Book
by Hugh Carpenter and
Teri Sandison
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-071-2
1-58008-071-5 • Ten Speed
The Great Tiki Drink Book
by Jennifer Trainer Thompson
41/2 x 101/4 inches,
112 pages, full color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-405-5
1-58008-405-2 • Ten Speed
Co o k i n g • 79
| General Cooking
The TOTALLY books
have sold more than
2.5 million copies!
by Helene Siegel
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
• Celestial Arts
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-757-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-727-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-823-1
Pancakes & Waffles
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-726-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-804-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-836-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-883-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-821-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-785-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-832-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-787-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-897-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-884-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-833-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-806-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-755-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-807-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-894-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-895-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-725-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-786-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-788-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-947-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-822-4
Chile Pepper
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-724-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-805-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-754-8
80 • Co o k i n g
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-756-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-824-8
Two-Tier Small Display
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-302-9
Totally 3 x 6-Copy
Display Shelf
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-272-5
| General Cooking
die-cut & mini cookbooks
The California Artichoke
from the California Artichoke
Advisory Board
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-855-2
0-89087-855-2 • Celestial Arts
The Pepper Pantry: Chipotle
Very Blueberry
Very Maple Syrup
by Dave DeWitt and Chuck Evans
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-828-6
0-89087-828-5 • Celestial Arts
by Jennifer Trainer Thompson
5 x 57/8 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-193-3
1-58761-193-7 • Celestial Arts
by Jennifer Trainer Thompson
5 x 57/8 inches, 88 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-181-0
1-58761-181-3 • Celestial Arts
Very Cranberry
Very Pesto
by Jennifer Trainer Thompson
5 x 57/8 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-180-3
1-58761-180-5 • Celestial Arts
by Dorothy Rankin
5 x 57/8 inches, 96 pages, two color
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-208-4
1-58761-208-9 • Celestial Arts
The Mauna Loa Macadamia
Very Salad Dressing
The Pepper Pantry: Habanero
by Dave DeWitt and Nancy Gerlach
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-827-9
0-89087-827-7 • Celestial Arts
The Asparagus Festival
by Jan Moore, Barbara Hafly, Glenda
Hushaw, and Jacqueline Zupo
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-174-2
1-58761-174-0 • Celestial Arts
The Great Little Pumpkin
by Michael Krondl
5 x 6 inches, 112 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-893-4
0-89087-893-5 • Celestial Arts
The Maui Onion Cookbook
by Barbara Santos
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-802-6
0-89087-802-1 • Celestial Arts
by Leslie Mansfield
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-879-8
0-89087-879-X • Celestial Arts
by Teresa Burns
5 x 57/8 inches, 96 pages, two color
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-209-1
1-58761-209-7 • Celestial Arts
by John DeMers and
Andrew Jaeger
5 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$5.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-869-9
0-89087-869-2 • Celestial Arts
Co o k i n g • 81
| General Cooking
The Breads of France
Flavored Butters
Lost Arts
by Bernard Clayton Jr.
Introduction by Patricia Wells
7 x 10 inches, 288 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$27.95 hardcover (Can $37.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-389-8
1-58008-389-7 • Ten Speed
by Offerico Maoz
7 x 7 inches, 112 pages, full color
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-694-3
1-58008-694-2 • Ten Speed
by Tina Salter
81/4 x 9 inches, 128 pages, full color
$18.95 paper with flaps
(Can $27.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-623-3
1-58008-623-3 • Ten Speed
Revised and updated
by Lynn Alley
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 208 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-176-4
1-58008-176-2 • Ten Speed
Holiday Pumpkins
Lulu’s Provençal Table
by Georgeanne Brennan and
Jennifer Barry
81/4 x 9 inches, 112 pages, full color
$14.95 paper with flaps
(Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-535-9
1-58008-535-0 • Ten Speed
by Richard Olney
Introduction by John Thorne
71/8 x 91/16 inches,
384 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-400-0
1-58008-400-1 • Ten Speed
Café Beaujolais
by Margaret Fox and John Bear
73/8 x 91/8 inches, 256 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-134-3
0-89815-134-1 • Ten Speed
Fog City Diner Cookbook
by Cindy Pawlcyn
8 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
$21.95 paper (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-999-8
0-89815-999-7 • Ten Speed
Food for Friends
The Contented Poacher
by Elantu B. Veovode
6 x 9 inches, 272 pages
$24.95 hardcover (Can $35.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-554-0
1-58008-554-7 • Ten Speed
by Sally Pasley Vargas
83/4 x 9 inches, 176 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-056-9
1-58008-056-1 • Ten Speed
by Hubert Keller with John Harrisson
87/8 x 107/8 inches,
240 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-807-6
0-89815-807-9 • Ten Speed
82 • Co o k i n g
by Tina Salter
10 x 9 inches, 256 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $48.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-347-8
1-58008-347-1 • Ten Speed
The Great Barbecue
by Bruce Bjorkman
81/8 x 9 inches, 112 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-806-9
0-89594-806-0 • Crossing
The Cuisine of Hubert Keller
Indian Regional Classics
by Julie Sahni
61/2 x 93/16 inches,
208 pages, two color
$19.95 hardcover (Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-345-4
1-58008-345-5 • Ten Speed
The Lewis & Clark Cookbook
by Leslie Mansfield
71/4 x 93/8 inches, 176 pages
$17.95 paper with flaps
(Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-147-6
1-58761-147-3 • Celestial Arts
by Hans Röckenwagner
with Brigit Binns
81/4 x 101/4 inches, 208 pages
$29.95 hardcover (Can $41.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-875-5
0-89815-875-3 • Ten Speed
Vincent’s Cookbook
by Vincent Guerithault
with John Mariani
71/4 x 101/4 inches, 276 pages
$27.95 hardcover (Can $36.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-566-2
0-89815-566-5 • Ten Speed
The Walnut Cookbook
by Jean-Luc Toussaint
6 x 81/4 inches, 192 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-948-6
0-89815-948-2 • Ten Speed
| Health & Nutrition
elson m. haas, md
Elson M. Haas’s books
have sold more than
500,000 copies!
Staying Healthy with
the Seasons
Staying Healthy
with Nutrition
The Complete Guide to Diet
and Nutritional Medicine
by Elson M. Haas, MD,
with Buck Levin, PhD, RD
83/8 x 107/8 inches, 944 pages
$39.95 paper (Can $54.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-179-7
1-58761-179-1 • Celestial Arts
$80.00 hardcover (Can $99.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-282-4
1-58761-282-8 • Celestial Arts
21st-Century Edition
by Elson M. Haas, MD
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 248 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-142-1
1-58761-142-2 • Celestial Arts
Optimum Nutrition
for Your Child’s Mind
The New Optimum
Nutrition Bible
Maximize Your Child’s Potential
by Patrick Holford and
Deborah Colson
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $17.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-332-6
1-58761-332-8, NA • Celestial Arts
Revised and Updated
by Patrick Holford
6 x 9 inches, 576 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-167-2
1-58091-167-6, NA • Crossing
The Drinking Water Book
A Cookbook for All Seasons
A Healthy Eating Plan for Life
by Elson M. Haas, MD,
with Eleonora Manzolini
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 224 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-993-1
0-89087-993-1 • Celestial Arts
How to Eliminate Harmful
Toxins from Your Water
2nd Edition
by Colin Ingram
6 x 9 inches, 200 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-257-2
1-58761-257-7 • Celestial Arts
The Enlightened Diet
7 Weight-Loss Solutions That
Nourish Body, Mind, and Soul
by Deborah Kesten, MPH, and
Larry Scherwitz, PhD
53/4 x 81/2 inches, 224 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-311-1
1-58761-311-5 • Celestial Arts
The New Detox Diet
The Complete Guide for
Lifelong Vitality with Recipes,
Menus & Detox Plans
by Elson Haas, MD, with
Daniella Chace, MS, CN
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 264 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-184-1
1-58761-184-8 • Celestial Arts
The Fasting Handbook
The Staying Healthy
Shopper’s Guide
Feed Your Family Safely
by Elson M. Haas, MD
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 224 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-882-8
0-89087-882-X • Celestial Arts
Dining from an Empty Bowl
by Jeremy Safron
6 x 8 inches, 128 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-231-2
1-58761-231-3 • Celestial Arts
One Bite at a Time
Nourishing Recipes for Cancer
Survivors and Their Friends
by Rebecca Katz with Mat Edelson
91/8 x 107/8 inches,
176 pages, full color
$21.95 paper with flaps (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-327-2
1-58761-327-1 • Celestial Arts
$28.95 hardcover (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-333-3
1-58761-333-6 • Celestial Arts
B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t • 83
| Health & Nutrition
Wellness Workbook
How to Achieve Enduring
Health and Vitality
3rd Edition
by John W. Travis, MD, and
Regina Sara Ryan
8 x 10 inches, 384 pages
$27.95 paper (Can $37.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-213-8
1-58761-213-5 • Celestial Arts
The Piercing Bible
The Definitive Guide to
Safe Body Piercing
by Elayne Angel
“As a piercer, nurse, and educator, I
can say without a doubt that this is
the most complete book ever written
for all people in our industry.”
—David A. Vidra, founder and president of Health Educators, Inc.
Wellness Index
Live Free from Asthma
and Allergies
Use the BioSET System to Detoxify
and Desensitize Your Body
by Ellen W. Cutler, DC
6 x 9 inches, 304 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-301-2
1-58761-301-8 • Celestial Arts
How to Save on
Prescription Drugs
The Estrogen Decision
3rd edition
by Susan M. Lark, MD
81/2 x 81/2 inches, 312 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-776-0
0-89087-776-9 • Celestial Arts
84 • B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t
Health Is Your Birthright
Heavy Menstrual Flow
& Anemia
A Self-Assessment for
Health and Vitality
3rd Edition
by John W. Travis, MD,
and Regina Sara Ryan
8 x 10 inches, 24 pages
$6.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-222-0
1-58761-222-4 • Celestial Arts
Fibroid Tumors &
20 Cost-Saving Methods
by Edward Jardini, MD
5 x 7 inches, 176 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-331-9
1-58761-331-X • Celestial Arts
A Guidebook for Navigating
the Journey
by Judith Boice, ND, LAc
6 x 9 inches, 288 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-291-6
1-58761-291-7 • Celestial Arts
Library Journal, H starred review
How to Create the
Health You Deserve
by Ellen Tart-Jensen
6 x 9 inches, 352 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-273-2
1-58761-273-9 • Celestial Arts
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages
$20.00 paper (Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-193-1
1-58091-193-5 • Crossing
Menopause with
Science and Soul
Heal Your Heart with EECP
The Only Noninvasive Way to
Overcome Heart Disease
by Debra Braverman, MD
6 x 9 inches, 232 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-244-2
1-58761-244-5 • Celestial Arts
3rd edition
by Susan M. Lark, MD
81/2 x 81/2 inches, 174 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-774-6
0-89087-774-2 • Celestial Arts
Menstrual Cramps
3rd edition
by Susan M. Lark, MD
81/2 x 81/2 inches, 216 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-771-5
0-89087-771-8 • Celestial Arts
PMS Self-Help Book
3rd edition
by Susan M. Lark, MD
81/2 x 81/2 inches, 272 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-773-9
0-89087-773-4 • Celestial Arts
4th edition
by Susan M. Lark, MD
81/2 x 81/2 inches, 240 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-587-2
0-89087-587-1 • Celestial Arts
A Fresh Start
The Woman’s Guide
to Hysterectomy
by Susan Smith Jones, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 496 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-996-2
0-89087-996-6 • Celestial Arts
Guide to Stress Reduction
by L. John Mason, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 336 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-091-2
1-58761-091-4 • Celestial Arts
by Adelaide Haas, PhD, and
Susan L. Puretz, EdD
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-105-6
1-58761-105-8 • Celestial Arts
| Health & Nutrition
Recommended by
Dr. Mehmet C. Oz,
MD, FACS, author of
You: The Owner’s Manual
Alternative Medicine
The Definitive Guide
2nd Edition
from the editors of Alternative
Medicine magazine
83/8 x 107/8 inches, 1016 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$39.95 paper (Can $54.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-141-4
1-58761-141-4 • Celestial Arts
$59.95 hardcover (Can $80.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-140-7
1-58761-140-6 • Celestial Arts
2nd Edition
by Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, HNC,
and Eugene R. Zampieron,
6 x 9 inches, 464 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-258-9
1-58761-258-5 • Celestial Arts
Alternative Medicine
Magazine’s Definitive
Guide to Cancer
An Integrative Approach for
Prevention, Treatment, and Healing
by Lise Alschuler, ND, and
Karolyn A. Gazella
“The authors’ use of evidence-based
information, their explanation of
techniques for evaluating medical
data, and their encouragement of
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an outstanding resource.”
—Library Journal,
H starred review
6 x 9 inches, 576 pages
$39.95 paper over board (Can $49.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-280-0
1-58761-280-1 • Celestial Arts
Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia
& Lyme Disease
Allergy Free
51/4 x 81/4 inches, 416 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-887299-36-7
• Natural Solutions
The Enzyme Cure
5 / x 8 / inches, 304 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-887299-22-0
• Natural Solutions
1 4
1 4
6 x 9 inches, 528 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-887299-18-3
• Natural Solutions
Alternative Medicine
Magazine’s Definitive
Guide to Weight Loss
10 Healthy Ways to Permanently
Shed Unwanted Pounds
by Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, HNC
6 x 9 inches, 328 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-259-6
1-58761-259-3 • Celestial Arts
2nd Edition
by Burton Goldberg and
Larry Trivieri Jr.
6 x 9 inches, 464 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-191-9
1-58761-191-0 • Celestial Arts
51/4 x 81/4 inches, 448 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-887299-28-2
• Natural Solutions
The Supplement Shopper
51/4 x 81/4 inches, 512 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-887299-17-6
• Natural Solutions
Magnet Therapy
51/4 x 81/4 inches, 256 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-887299-21-3
• Natural Solutions
Women’s Health
Series 1 and 2
51/4 x 81/4 inches, 560 pages
$19.95 set of two paper volumes
(Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-887299-41-1
• Natural Solutions
Alternative Medicine
Magazine’s Definitive
Guide to Sleep Disorders
7 Smart Ways to Help You
Get a Good Night’s Rest
2nd Edition
by Herbert Ross, DC, with
Keri Brenner, LAc
6 x 9 inches, 272 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-263-3
1-58761-263-1 • Celestial Arts
B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t • 85
| Health & Nutrition
| Healing & Herbal Medicine
sandra cabot, md
The Herbal MedicineMaker’s Handbook
An Astrological Approach
to Health and Wellness
by Stephanie Gailing
51 /8 x 71 /8 inches,
240 pages, two color
$15.95 paper (Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-191-7
1-58091-191-9 • Crossing
A Home Manual
by James Green, Herbalist
Illustrated by Ajana Green
81/2 x 101/2 inches, 300 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$22.95 paper (Can $30.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-990-5
0-89594-990-3 • Crossing
The Male Herbal
Planetary Apothecary
The Liver Cleansing Diet
Love Your Liver and Live Longer!
by Sandra Cabot, MD
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 224 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9673983-6-5
0-9673983-6-3, NA • SCB
The Healthy Liver
& Bowel Book
by Sandra Cabot, MD
57/8 x 91/8 inches, 304 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9673983-0-3
0-9673983-0-4, NA • SCB
Can’t Lose Weight?
by Sandra Cabot, MD
51/4 x 81/2 inches, 352 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9673983-7-2
0-9673983-7-1, NA • SCB
A Complete Guide to the Healing Art
by Kathi Keville and Mindy Green
81/2 x 10 inches, 256 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-189-4
1-58091-189-7 • Crossing
La Dieta para la
Limpieza del Hígado
Proteja a su Hígado y Vivirá Más
by Sandra Cabot, MD
5 1 /2 x 81 /2 inches, 192 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9673983-3-4
0-9673983-3-9, NA • SCB
Hormone Replacement
by Sandra Cabot, MD
51/4 x 83/16 inches, 240 pages
$20.00 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9673983-1-0
0-9673983-1-2, NA • SCB
Floral Acupuncture
The Real Truth
by Dr. Sandra Cabot, with
Margaret Jasinka, ND
51/4 x 81/4 inches, 192 pages
$15.00 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9673983-2-7
0-9673983-2-0, NA • SCB
Raw Juices Can
Save Your Life!
by Sandra Cabot, MD
51/4 x 81/2 inches, 160 pages
$15.00 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9673983-8-9
0-9673983-8-X, NA • SCB
The Definitive Health Care Book
for Men & Boys
by James Green, Herbalist
6 x 9 inches, 352 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-175-7
1-58091-175-7 • Crossing
Applying the Flower Essences of
Dr. Bach to Acupuncture Sites
by Deborah Craydon, CFEP, and
Warren Bellows, LicAc
7 x 9 inches, 176 pages, full color
$18.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-169-6
1-58091-169-2 • Crossing
The Complete Home Guide
to Herbs, Natural Healing
& Nutrition
by Jill Rosemary Davies
6 x 9 inches, 312 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-145-0
1-58091-145-5, NA • Crossing
Healing with the Herbs of Life
by Lesley Tierra, LAc, AHG
Foreword by Michael Tierra,
81/2 x 11 inches, 400 pages
$24.95 paper (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-147-4
1-58091-147-1 • Crossing
See page 32 for
86 • B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t
| Energy Healing & Chakras
Chakras and Their
Uniting Energy Awareness
and Spritual Growth
by Ambika Wauters
7 x 9 inches, 162 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-891-5
0-89594-891-5, NA • Crossing
Eastern Body, Western Mind
Psychology and the Chakra System
as a Path to the Self
by Anodea Judith
6 x 9 inches, 504 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-225-1
1-58761-225-9 • Celestial Arts
The Reiki Magic Guide
to Self-Attunement
by Brett Bevell
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-184-9
1-58091-184-6 • Crossing
Advanced Chakra Healing
Energy Mapping on
the Four Pathways
by Cyndi Dale
7 x 10 inches, 448 pages
$21.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-161-0
1-58091-161-7 • Crossing
Advanced Chakra Healing:
The Four Pathways Approach
by Cyndi Dale
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 312 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-170-2
1-58091-170-6 • Crossing
Color and Crystals
A Journey through the Chakras
by Joy Gardner-Gordon
7 x 9 inches, 168 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-258-6
0-89594-258-5 • Crossing
Homeopathic Color
& Sound Remedies
by Ambika Wauters
51/2 x 8 inches, 192 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-183-2
1-58091-183-8 • Crossing
Life Changes with the
Energy of the Chakras
Vibrational Healing
through the Chakras
The Sevenfold Journey
Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit
through the Chakras
by Anodea Judith and Selene Vega
81/2 x 10 inches, 294 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-574-7
0-89594-574-6 • Crossing
by Joy Gardner
6 x 9 inches, 304 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-166-5
1-58091-166-8 • Crossing
Attracting Prosperity
through the Chakras
The Healing Energy
of Your Hands
by Michael Bradford
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-781-9
0-89594-781-1, NA • Crossing
by Cyndi Dale
51/2 x 8 inches, 160 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-162-7
1-58091-162-5 • Crossing
Advanced Chakra Healing:
Heart Disease
The Four Pathways Approach
by Cyndi Dale
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 272 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-171-9
1-58091-171-4 • Crossing
Attracting Your Perfect Body
through the Chakras
by Cyndi Dale
51/4 x 8 inches, 144 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $12.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-174-0
1-58091-174-9 • Crossing
by Ambika Wauters
6 x 8 inches, 208 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-020-0
1-58091-020-3 • Crossing
B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t • 87
| Energy Healing & Chakras
diane stein
Diane Stein’s books have sold
more than 600,000 copies!
Essential Reiki
A Complete Guide to
an Ancient Healing Art
by Diane Stein
81/2 x 10 inches, 158 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-736-9
0-89594-736-6 • Crossing
Healing Herbs A to Z
Gemstones A to Z
Pendulums and the Light
A Handy Reference to
Healing Crystals
by Diane Stein
5 x 7 inches, 288 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-187-0
1-58091-187-0 • Crossing
Communication with
the Goddess
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 184 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-163-4
1-58091-163-3 • Crossing
Essential Psychic Healing
The Women’s Book
of Healing
A Handy Reference
to Healing Plants
by Diane Stein
5 x 7 inches, 288 pages,
8-page color insert
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-192-4
1-58091-192-7 • Crossing
Essential Reiki
Teaching Manual
A Companion Guide
for Reiki Healers
by Diane Stein
81/2 x 10 inches, 160 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$18.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-181-8
1-58091-181-1 • Crossing
Diane Stein’s Essential
Reiki Workshop DVD
by Diane Stein
51/16 x 7 inches, 2 discs,
254 minutes running time
$35.00 DVD (Can $43.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-180-1
1-58091-180-3 • Crossing
Essential Energy Balancing
An Ascension Process
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 170 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-028-6
1-58091-028-9 • Crossing
Essential Energy Balancing II
Healing the Goddess
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-154-2
1-58091-154-4 • Crossing
Essential Energy Balancing III
All Women Are Healers
A Comprehensive Guide
to Natural Healing
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 292 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-409-2
0-89594-409-X • Crossing
88 • B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t
Living with the Goddess
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-177-1
1-58091-177-3 • Crossing
A Complete Guide to Healing
Yourself, Healing Others, and
Healing the Earth
by Diane Stein
81/2 x 10 inches, 200 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-173-3
1-58091-173-0 • Crossing
Diane Stein’s Guide to
Goddess Craft
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-091-0
1-58091-091-2 • Crossing
The Natural Remedy
Book for Women
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 348 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-525-9
0-89594-525-8 • Crossing
On Grief and Dying
by Diane Stein
6 x 73/4 inches, 116 pages
$15.00 hardcover (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-830-4
0-89594-830-3 • Crossing
We Are the Angels
by Diane Stein
6 x 8 inches, 160 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-878-6
0-89594-878-8 • Crossing
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 352 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-156-6
1-58091-156-0 • Crossing
All Women Are Psychics
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 360 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-979-0
0-89594-979-2 • Crossing
Prophetic Visions of
the Future
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-046-0
1-58091-046-7 • Crossing
Reliance on the Light
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-090-3
1-58091-090-4 • Crossing
A Woman’s I Ching
by Diane Stein
7 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-857-1
0-89594-857-5 • Crossing
| spirituality
| Eastern Thought
Stumbling toward
by Geri Larkin
6 x 9 inches, 232 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-329-6
1-58761-329-8 • Celestial Arts
Karmic Healing
Clearing Past-Life Blocks to
Present-Day Love, Health,
and Happiness
by Djuna Wojton
5 x 8 inches, 224 pages
$16.95 hardcover (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-178-8
1-58091-178-1 • Crossing
Gong Hee Fot Choy
Book of Fortune
A Fortune-Telling Game
by Margarete Ward
Fundamentals of
Tibetan Buddhism
All you need is a deck of playing cards
to go with the new Gong Hee game to
encourage fortune to smile upon you.
6 x 8 inches, 160 pages, two color,
folding pullout full-color game board
$15.95 paper over board
(Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-339-5
1-58761-339-5 • Celestial Arts
Gong Hee Fot Choy
Book of Dreams
A Book of Numerology,
Prophecy, a Planetary Guide,
and the Chinese Horoscope
by Margarete Ward
6 x 9 inches, 128 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-092-9
1-58761-092-2 • Celestial Arts
by Rebecca McClen Novick
51/2 x 8 inches, 216 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-953-0
0-89594-953-9 • Crossing
Living Feng Shui
Personal Stories
by Carole J. Hyder
5 x 61/4 inches, 170 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-115-3
1-58091-115-3 • Crossing
Fundamentals of
Hawaiian Mysticism
by Charlotte Berney
51/2 x 8 inches, 160 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-026-2
1-58091-026-2 • Crossing
Fundamentals of Jewish
Mysticism and Kabbalah
by Ron H. Feldman
51/2 x 8 inches, 152 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-049-1
1-58091-049-1 • Crossing
This Timeless Moment
by Laura Huxley
5 x 8 inches, 352 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-968-9
0-89087-968-0 • Celestial Arts
The Essential Crazy Wisdom
New Edition
by Wes “Scoop” Nisker
7 x 61/2 inches, 240 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-346-1
1-58008-346-3 • Ten Speed
Tai Ji
Embrace Tiger,
Return to Mountain
The Essence of Tai Ji
by Chungliang Al Huang
71/4 x 91/4 inches, 256 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-504-9
0-89087-504-9 • Celestial Arts
by Chungliang Al Huang
71/4 x 91/4 inches,
80 pages, full color
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-109-4
1-58761-109-0 • Celestial Arts
Finding Soul on
the Path of Orisa
A West African Spiritual Tradition
by Tobe Melora Correal
6 x 8 inches, 200 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-149-8
1-58091-149-8 • Crossing
B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t • 89
| Spirituality
Fire & Light
The Lens of Perception
The Gifts of God
Expressions of the Personal
Spiritual Experience
Edited by Mark L. Tompkins and
Jennifer McMahon
71/4 x 91/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$18.95 hardcover (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-277-0
1-58761-277-1 • Celestial Arts
An Off-Road Search for
the Spirit of God
by Jon Robertson
51/8 x 81/8 inches, 304 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $20.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-266-4
1-58761-266-6 • Celestial Arts
A User’s Guide to Higher
3rd Edition
by Hal Zina Bennett
6 x 8 inches, 192 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-316-6
1-58761-316-6 • Celestial Arts
Poems by the Scribe of
A Course in Miracles
by Helen Schucman
6 x 91/2 inches, 135 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-883360-27-6
1-883360-27-7 • FIP
Messages from Amma
The Poetry of Classic Hymns
Edited by Anna Marlis Burgard
Illustrated by Richard Krepel
Preface by Carl P. Daw Jr.
8 x 91/2 inches, 128 pages, full color
$19.95 hardcover (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-226-8
1-58761-226-7 • Celestial Arts
In the Language of the Heart
Edited by Janine Canan, MD
6 x 8 inches, 192 pages, full color
$17.95 hardcover (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-214-5
1-58761-214-3 • Celestial Arts
The Native American
Sweat Lodge
History and Legends
by Joseph Bruchac
6 x 9 inches, 146 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-636-2
0-89594-636-X • Crossing
Un curso de milagros
Texto, libro de ejercicios,
manual para el maestro
Published by the Foundation
for Inner Peace
6 x 9 inches, 1376 pages
$35.00 hardcover (Can $42.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9606388-5-7
0-9606388-5-7, NAXMex • FIP
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Miracle Prayer
Hunab Ku
77 Sacred Symbols for
Balancing Body and Spirit
by Karen Speerstra and
Joel Speerstra
6 x 8 inches, 352 pages, two color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-168-9
1-58091-168-4 • Crossing
90 • B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t
Nine Steps to Creating Prayers
That Get Results
by Susan Shumsky
6 x 8 inches, 320 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-256-5
1-58761-256-9 • Celestial Arts
Shamanism as a Spiritual
Practice for Daily Life
by Tom Cowan
6 x 8 inches, 228 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-838-0
0-89594-838-9 • Crossing
Journey without Distance
The Story Behind
A Course in Miracles
by Robert Skutch
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-108-7
1-58761-108-2 • Celestial Arts
A Course in Miracles
The History, Message, and Legacy
of a Spiritual Path for Today
by D. Patrick Miller
Foreword by Iyanla Vanzant
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-312-8
1-58761-312-3 • Celestial Arts
| Magic & Wicca
The Wicca Cookbook
Recipes, Ritual, and Lore
by Jamie Wood and
Tara Seefeldt
9 x 9 inches, 208 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-995-5
0-89087-995-8 • Celestial Arts
Sexual Ecstasy and
the Divine
by Yasmine Galenorn
6 x 8 inches, 288 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-113-9
1-58091-113-7 • Crossing
The Good Cat Spell Book
The Teen Spell Book
The Enchanted Diary
by Gillian Kemp
6 x 8 inches, 128 pages, two color
$15.95 paper over board
(Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-188-7
1-58091-188-9 • Crossing
Magick for Young Witches
by Jamie Wood
6 x 8 inches, 304 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-115-5
1-58761-115-5 • Celestial Arts
A Teen’s Guide to
Magick and Life
by Jamie Wood
6 x 8 inches, 216 pages,
two color with illustrations
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-245-9
1-58761-245-3 • Celestial Arts
Magic for Lovers
The Wiccan Way to
Lasting Romance
by Selene Silverwind
5 x 7 inches, 224 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-152-8
1-58091-152-8 • Crossing
d. j. conway
little books of magic
The Complete Craft
by D. J. Conway
7 x 9 inches, 460 pages
$24.95 paper (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-092-7
1-58091-092-0 • Crossing
The Ancient Art of
Faery Magick
by D. J. Conway
7 x 9 inches, 240 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-157-3
1-58091-157-9 • Crossing
A Little Book of
Candle Magic
A Little Book of
Pendulum Magic
by D. J. Conway
51/2 x 61/4 inches, 130 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-043-9
1-58091-043-2 • Crossing
by D. J. Conway
51/2 x 61/4 inches, 128 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-093-4
1-58091-093-9 • Crossing
Laying on of Stones
A Little Book of
Mirror Magick
Magick of the Gods
and Goddesses
A Little Book of
Healing Magic
by D. J. Conway
51/2 x 6 inches, 200 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-146-7
1-58091-146-3 • Crossing
A Little Book of Love Magic
by Patricia Telesco
51/2 x 61/4 inches, 184 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-887-8
0-89594-887-7 • Crossing
Meditations, Myths, Spells
by Patricia Telesco
51/2 x 61/4 inches, 208 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-144-3
1-58091-144-7 • Crossing
by D. J. Conway
5 x 7 inches, 96 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-029-3
1-58091-029-7 • Crossing
Crystal Enchantments
A Complete Guide to Stones and
Their Magical Properties
by D. J. Conway
6 x 9 inches, 352 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-010-1
1-58091-010-6 • Crossing
Invoking the Power of
the Ancient Gods
by D. J. Conway
7 x 10 inches, 448 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-153-5
1-58091-153-6 • Crossing
B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t • 91
| Magic & Wicca
| Astrology & Divination
Cakes and Ale for
the Pagan Soul
Ancient Rituals for Modern Payback
by Claudia R. Dillaire
Spells, Recipes, and
Reflections from Neopagan
Elders and Teachers
Edited by Patricia Telesco
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 240 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-164-1
1-58091-164-1 • Crossing
Egyptian Revenge Spells
Modern spells, rituals, and incantations based on ancient Egyptian
magic designed to help release
our revenge impulses.
5 x 8 inches, 192 pages, two color
$16.95 paper over board
(Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-190-0
1-58091-190-0 • Crossing
Planetary Apothecary
An Astrological Approach to
Health and Wellness
by Stephanie Gailing
Essential Wicca
Magical Meditations
Guided Imagery for
the Pagan Path
by Yasmine Galenorn
6 x 8 inches, 224 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-155-9
1-58091-155-2 • Crossing
by Paul Tuitéan and Estelle Daniels
81/2 x 10 inches, 350 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$24.95 paper (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-099-6
1-58091-099-8 • Crossing
a health and wellness program
designed for each sign of the zodiac,
with specific nutritional tips, spa
therapies, relaxation practices, yoga
poses, and more to soothe and
balance excesses while nurturing
harmony and well-being.
5 / x 7 / inches,
240 pages, two color
$15.95 paper (Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-191-7
1-58091-191-9 • Crossing
1 8
1 8
Numerology Demystified
by Alan Oken
6 x 8 inches, 128 pages
$10.95 paper (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-102-3
1-58091-102-1 • Crossing
Alchemy at Work
Crafting the Body Divine
Totem Magic
Dance of the Shapeshifter
by Yasmine Galenorn
6 x 8 inches, 224 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-116-0
1-58091-116-1 • Crossing
92 • B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t
Ritual, Movement, and Body Art
by Yasmine Galenorn
6 x 8 inches, 220 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-104-7
1-58091-104-8 • Crossing
Using the Ancient Arts to
Enhance Your Work Life
by Cassandra Eason
6 x 9 inches, 336 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-158-0
1-58091-158-7 • Crossing
The Complete Guide
to Divination
How to Foretell the Future
Using the Most Popular
Methods of Prediction
by Cassandra Eason
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-138-2
1-58091-138-2, NA • Crossing
Cards of Destiny
A Birthday Book and Daily
Divination Guide
by Sharon Jeffers
61/2 x 71/2 inches,
232 pages, full color
$16.95 paper over board
(Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-176-4
1-58091-176-5 • Crossing
The Complete Guide
to Labyrinths
Using the Sacred Spiral
for Power, Protection,
Transformation, and Healing
by Cassandra Eason
6 x 9 inches, 336 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-126-9
1-58091-126-9 • Crossing
The Complete Guide to
Psychic Development
100 Ways to Tap into
Your Psychic Potential
by Cassandra Eason
6 x 9 inches, 344 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-150-4
1-58091-150-1, NA • Crossing
| Self-Help
Healing the Addictive
Healing and Transformation
through Self-Guided Imagery
Freeing Yourself from Addictive
Patterns and Relationships
by Dr. Lee Jampolsky
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-315-9
1-58761-315-8 • Celestial Arts
by Leslie Davenport
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-324-1
1-58761-324-7 • Celestial Arts
Walking through Walls
by Lee Jampolsky, PhD
6 x 8 inches, 192 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-218-3
1-58761-218-6 • Celestial Arts
Transcending Post-Infidelity Stress Disorder (PISD)
The Six Stages of Healing
by Dennis Ortman, PhD
The Art of Changing
Your Path to a Better Life
by Susan Peabody
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 96 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-240-4
1-58761-240-2 • Celestial Arts
A psychologist uses post-traumatic stress disorder as a model
for the wounded partner to explore rage and emotional pain
and learn the secrets of recovery and emotional healing.
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-334-0
1-58761-334-4 • Celestial Arts
Love Is Letting Go of Fear
25th-Anniversary Edition
by Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD
Foreword by Hugh Prather
6 x 9 inches, 144 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-196-4
1-58761-196-1 • Celestial Arts
Shortcuts to God
Finding Peace Quickly through
Practical Spirituality
by Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD
Illustrated by Leslie Cabarga
Foreword by Hugh Prather
6 x 9 inches, 175 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-953-5
0-89087-953-2 • Celestial Arts
Addiction to Love
The Creative Dreamer
Using Your Dreams to
Unlock Your Creativity
by Veronica Tonay, PhD
6 x 8 inches, 192 pages
$14.95 paper with flaps (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-268-8
1-58761-268-2 • Celestial Arts
Overcoming Obsession and
Dependency in Relationships
3rd Edition
by Susan Peabody
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 216 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-239-8
1-58761-239-9 • Celestial Arts
Courage to Surrender
8 Contradictions on
the Spiritual Path
by Tommy Hellsten
5 x 8 inches, 160 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $14.75)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-320-3
1-58761-320-4, NA • Celestial Arts
Simple Thoughts That
Can Change Your Life
by Gerald G. Jampolsky, MD,
and Diane V. Cirincione, PhD
5 x 7 inches, 144 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-088-2
1-58761-088-4 • Celestial Arts
B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t • 93
| Self-Help
Angels and Companions
in Spirit
by Laeh Maggie Garfield and
Jack Grant
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 162 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-753-1
0-89087-753-X • Celestial Arts
Betrayal, Trust, and
Help Me Live
20 Things People with
Cancer Want You to Know
by Lori Hope
6 x 8 inches, 256 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-212-1
1-58761-212-7 • Celestial Arts
Choose Once Again
Edited by Julius J. Finegold and
William N. Thetford
5 x 8 inches, 112 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-413-4
0-89087-413-1 • Celestial Arts
On Life After Death
by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, MD
Foreword by Caroline Myss
Caretaking a New Soul
“[Elisabeth Kübler-Ross] took on a
cultural myth and cracked it right
in half—she took on death itself.
I consider her one of the heroines
of our age.”
—Caroline Myss
5 x 8 inches, 96 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-318-0
1-58761-318-2 • Celestial Arts
Getting from Retribution
to Reconciliation
by Beth Hedva, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 288 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-096-7
1-58761-096-5 • Celestial Arts
The Gift of Grief
Writing through
the Darkness
Easing Your Depression
with Paper and Pen
by Elizabeth Maynard Schaefer, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-319-7
1-58761-319-0 • Celestial Arts
Finding Peace, Transformation, and
Renewed Life after Great Sorrow
by Matthew D. Gewirtz
51/8 x 71/8 inches, 176 pages
$14.95 hardcover (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-313-5
1-58761-313-1 • Celestial Arts
Edited by Anne Carson
51/2 x 8 inches, 320 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-018-7
1-58091-018-1 • Crossing
Claiming Your Self-Esteem
by Carolyn Ball, MA
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 224 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-645-9
0-89087-645-2 • Celestial Arts
Healing and Holiness
by Sondra Ray
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 176 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-161-2
1-58761-161-9 • Celestial Arts
The Heart of the Circle
Understanding and
Overcoming Depression
The Loving Relationships
A Common Sense Approach
by Tony Bates
51/2 x 8 inches, 136 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-031-6
1-58091-031-9, NA • Crossing
by Sondra Ray
6 x 7 inches, 240 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-274-9
1-58761-274-7 • Celestial Arts
Deciphering Your Life Purpose
from Your Fingerprints
by Richard Unger
6 x 9 inches, 304 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-185-6
1-58091-185-4 • Crossing
See page 36 for
Overcoming Addiction
A Common Sense Approach
by Michael Hardiman
51/2 x 8 inches, 128 pages
$10.95 paper (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-013-2
1-58091-013-0, NA • Crossing
94 • B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t
by Holly Blue Hawkins
6 x 8 inches, 128 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-025-5
1-58091-025-4 • Crossing
Money as Sacrament
by Adele Azar-Rucquoi
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-137-7
1-58761-137-6 • Celestial Arts
9 Journeys Home
by Bob Mandel
6 x 9 inches, 168 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-203-9
1-58761-203-8 • Celestial Arts
| Self-Help
On the Wings of Self-Esteem
by Dr. Louise Hart
6 x 9 inches, 126 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-731-9
0-89087-731-9 • Celestial Arts
pocket guides
The Only Diet There Is
by Sondra Ray
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 156 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-321-2
0-89087-321-6 • Celestial Arts
Self Esteem
by Virginia Satir
53/4 x 51/4 inches,
64 pages, two color
$9.95 hardcover (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-094-3
1-58761-094-9 • Celestial Arts
Herbal Reference Guide
The 12 Steps
by Alan Oken
4 x 6 inches, 128 pages
$6.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-820-5
0-89594-820-6 • Crossing
by Debra St. Claire
95,000 copies SOLD
4 x 6 inches, 144 pages
$6.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-568-6
0-89594-568-1 • Crossing
by Kathleen S.
4 x 6 inches, 128 pages
$7.95 paper (Can $10.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-864-9
0-89594-864-8 • Crossing
Fortune Telling
by Ruth Appleby
4 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$6.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-012-5
1-58091-012-2, NA • Crossing
New Tools for Deep and
Lasting Transformation
by Adam Burke, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 176 pages
$14.95 paperback (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-136-8
1-58091-136-6 • Crossing
by Scott Cunningham
4 x 6 inches, 140 pages
$6.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-875-5
0-89594-875-3 • Crossing
Unlimit Your Life
by James Fadiman, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-562-9
0-89087-562-6 • Celestial Arts
by Joy Gardner-Gordon
4 x 6 inches, 112 pages
$7.95 paper (Can $10.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-949-3
0-89594-949-0 • Crossing
by Carl Ferré
4 x 6 inches, 140 pages
$7.95 paper (Can $10.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-848-9
0-89594-848-6 • Crossing
by Elisabeth Brooke
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 254 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-779-6
0-89594-779-X • Crossing
Words That Heal the Blues
by Douglas Bloch, MA
5 x 7 inches, 224 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-198-8
1-58761-198-8 • Celestial Arts
Stress Reduction
A Wisewoman’s Guide
Crystals & Gemstones
by Sirona Knight
4 x 6 inches, 96 pages
$7.95 paper (Can $10.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-947-9
0-89594-947-4 • Crossing
Midwifery Care
by Aviva Jill Romm
4 x 6 inches, 112 pages
$6.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-855-7
0-89594-855-9 • Crossing
7 Life Lessons
from Noah’s Ark
by Michael Levine
6 x 7 inches, 152 pages, two color
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-200-8
1-58761-200-3 • Celestial Arts
by Alan L. Pritz
4 x 6 inches, 112 pages
$6.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-886-1
0-89594-886-9 • Crossing
by Brenda O’Hanlon
4 x 6 inches, 128 pages
$6.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-011-8
1-58091-011-4, NA • Crossing
The Tarot
by Alan Oken
4 x 6 inches, 176 pages
$7.95 paper (Can $10.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-822-9
0-89594-822-2 • Crossing
by Helen Graham
4 x 6 inches, 144 pages
$6.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-885-4
0-89594-885-0, NA • Crossing
B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t • 95
| Inspiration
Furry Logic
A Guide to Life’s
Little Challenges
by Jane Seabrook
57/8 x 57/8 inches, 80 pages, full color
$9.95 hardcover (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-569-4
1-58008-569-5, WorldXANZ
• Ten Speed
Furry Logic Parenthood
by Jane Seabrook
57/8 x 57/8 inches,
72 pages, full color
$9.95 hardcover (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-671-4
1-58008-671-3, WorldXANZ
• Ten Speed
Purry Logic
by Jane Seabrook
An all-new, all-feline collection of
adorable illustrations, humorous
sayings, and unadulterated cattitude
from the creator of Furry Logic.
57/8 x 57/8 inches, 72 pages, full color
$9.95 paper over board
(Can $11.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-904-3
1-58008-904-6, WorldXANZ
• Ten Speed
See page 17 for
Furry Logic Wild Wisdom
by Jane Seabrook
57/8 x 57/8 inches, 72 pages, full color
$9.95 hardcover (Can $12.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-816-9
1-58008-816-3 • Ten Speed
Furry Logic 6-Copy
Counter Display
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-603-5
1-58008-603-9 • Ten Speed
The Pick of
Furry Logic
by Jane Seabrook
6 x 5 inches, 104 pages, full color
$12.95 spiral hardcover
with slipcase (Can $16.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-836-7
1-58008-836-8 • Ten Speed
karen salmansohn
How to Be Happy, Dammit
A Cynic’s Guide to
Spiritual Happiness
by Karen Salmansohn
6 x 7 inches, 240 pages, full color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-119-3
1-58761-119-8 • Celestial Arts
96 • B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t
Enough, Dammit
The 7 Lively Sins
A Cynic’s Guide to Finally
Getting What You Want
Out of Life
by Karen Salmansohn
6 x 7 inches, 240 pages, full color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-220-6
1-58761-220-8 • Celestial Arts
How to Enjoy Your
Life, Dammit
by Karen Salmansohn
6 x 7 inches, 216 pages, full color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-173-5
1-58761-173-2 • Celestial Arts
| Inspiration
SARK has more than
2 million books in print!
A Woman of Wisdom
The Poetry of Classic Hymns
Edited by Anna Marlis Burgard
Illustrated by Richard Krepel
Preface by Carl P. Daw Jr.
8 x 91/2 inches, 128 pages, full color
$19.95 hardcover (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-226-8
1-58761-226-7 • Celestial Arts
Honoring & Celebrating
Who You Are
by Caroline Joy Adams
73/8 x 91/4 inches,
176 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-874-3
0-89087-874-9 • Celestial Arts
Inspiration Sandwich
Stories to Inspire Our
Creative Freedom
8 x 71/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-678-7
0-89087-678-9 • Celestial Arts
SARK’s New Creative
Ways to Free Your
Creative Spirit
81/4 x 91/4 inches,
96 pages, full color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-234-3
1-58761-234-8 • Celestial Arts
Chocolate Therapy
Dare to Discover Your Inner Center!
by Murray Langham
7 x 5 inches, 56 pages, full color
$6.95 paper (Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-108-5
1-58008-108-8, NA • Ten Speed
Be Your Own Angel
Snippets for Tough Cookies
(Breast Cancer Soldiers)
by Nancy Swan Drew
51/2 x 81/2 inches,
112 pages, two color
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-251-0
1-58761-251-8 • Celestial Arts
Living Juicy
Daily Morsels for
Your Creative Soul
7 x 5 inches, 380 pages, full color
$15.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-703-6
0-89087-703-3 • Celestial Arts
Love Pearls
Better Than Chocolate
50 Proven Ways to Feel Happier
by Siimon Reynolds
Illustrations by Jenny Kostecki
6 x 7 inches, 112 pages, full color
$12.95 paper over board
(Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-657-8
1-58008-657-8, NA • Ten Speed
From a Mother to Her Daughter
by Nancy Swan Drew
51/2 x 81/2 inches,
112 pages, full color
$12.95 hardcover (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-983-2
0-89087-983-4 • Celestial Arts
SARK’s Journal and
The Magic Cottage
Address Book
63/4 x 8 inches, 128 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-778-4
0-89087-778-5 • Celestial Arts
A Place to Dream while Awake
81/2 x 11 inches,
176 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-702-9
0-89087-702-5 • Celestial Arts
B o dy, M i n d & S p i r i t • 97
| Pregnancy & Childbirth
My Baby Journal
by Cheryl and Jeffrey Katz
Photography by Hornick/Rivlin
8 x 8 inches, 112 pages, full color
$17.95 paper-over-board covered
spiral with bellyband (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-933-3
1-58008-933-X • Ten Speed
Gentle Birth,
Gentle Mothering
A Doctor’s Guide to
Natural Childbirth and
Early Parenting Choices
by Sarah Buckley, MD
Foreword by Ina May Gaskin
6 x 9 inches, 304 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-322-7
1-58761-322-0, WorldXAU
• Celestial Arts
| Parenting
Heart & Hands
A Midwife’s Guide to
Pregnancy and Birth
4th Edition
by Elizabeth Davis
8 x 10 inches, 320 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$32.50 paper (Can $40.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-221-3
1-58761-221-6 • Celestial Arts
Mother Rising
The Blessingway Journey
into Motherhood
by Yana Cortlund, Barb Lucke,
and Donna Miller Watelet
8 x 8 inches, 176 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-267-1
1-58761-267-4 • Celestial Arts
The Joy of Family
A Season-by-Season Companion
to Celebrations, Holidays, and
Special Occasions
by Jennifer Trainer Thompson
7 x 7 inches, 272 pages, full color
$16.95 paper with flaps
(Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-114-8
1-58761-114-7 • Celestial Arts
Mommy Yoga
Eating for Two
Recipes for Pregnant and
Breastfeeding Women
by Robin Lim
71/4 x 91/4 inches, 256 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-182-7
1-58761-182-1 • Celestial Arts
A Bun in the Oven
How to Breastfeed Your Baby
3rd Edition
by Mary Renfrew, Chloe Fisher,
and Suzanne Arms
7 x 9 inches, 272 pages
$18.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-195-7
1-58761-195-3 • Celestial Arts
The 50 Stretches of
by Julie Tilsner
Illustrations by Susan McKenna
57/8 x 57/8 inches,
112 pages, full color
$12.95 hardcover (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-254-1
1-58761-254-2 • Celestial Arts
The Real Guide to Pregnancy
by Kaz Cooke
6 x 9 inches, 480 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-531-1
1-58008-531-8, NA • Ten Speed
After the Baby’s Birth
A Complete Guide for
Postpartum Women
by Robin Lim
71/4 x 91/4 inches, 384 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-110-0
1-58761-110-4 • Celestial Arts
Immaculate Deception II
Myth, Magic & Birth
by Suzanne Arms
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 302 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$22.95 paper (Can $30.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-633-6
0-89087-633-9 • Celestial Arts
98 • Fa m i ly & R e l at i o n s h i p s
Naturally Healthy Babies
and Children
The Natural Pregnancy Book
Herbs, Nutrition, and
Other Holistic Choices
by Aviva Jill Romm
71/4 x 91/4 inches, 336 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-178-0
1-58761-178-3 • Celestial Arts
A Commonsense Guide to Herbal
Remedies, Nutrition, and Health
by Aviva Jill Romm
Foreword by William Sears, MD
6 x 9 inches, 448 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-192-6
1-58761-192-9 • Celestial Arts
| Parenting
Calm and Compassionate
A Handbook
by Susan Usha Dermond
5 x 8 inches, 240 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-276-3
1-58761-276-3 • Celestial Arts
Raising Boys
Raising Girls
Why Boys Are Different—
and How to Help Them Become
Happy and Well-Balanced Men
by Steve Biddulph
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 224 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-328-9
1-58761-328-X, NA • Celestial Arts
Why Girls Are Different—
and How to Help Them
Grow Up Happy and Strong
by Gisela Preuschoff
Foreword by Steve Biddulph
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 192 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-255-8
1-58761-255-0, NA • Celestial Arts
Helping Baby Sleep
The Science and Practice of
Gentle Nighttime Parenting
by Anni Gethin and Beth Macgregor
“This is a beautiful book, rich with
empathy for babies and parents,
and also practical and down-toearth.”
—Sheila Kitzinger, author of
Understanding Your Crying Baby
Optimum Nutrition for
Your Child’s Mind
Maximize Your Child’s Potential
by Patrick Holford and
Deborah Colson
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $17.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-332-6
1-58761-332-8, NA • Celestial Arts
Raising Financially Fit Kids
Divorce Is Not the
End of the World
Zoe’s and Evan’s Coping
Guide for Kids
by Zoe and Evan Stern
with Ellen Sue Stern
6 x 9 inches, 96 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $11.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-241-7
1-58246-241-0 • Tricycle
Feeding Baby
Everyday Recipes for Healthy
Infants and Toddlers
by Joachim Splichal and
Christine Splichal
8 x 8 inches, 144 pages, full color
$14.95 paper with flaps
(Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-317-3
1-58761-317-4 • Celestial Arts
by Joline Godfrey
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages,
four 6-page gatefolds, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-536-6
1-58008-536-9 • Ten Speed
The Real Guide to Caring for
Babies, Toddlers, and Little Kids
by Kaz Cooke
6 x 9 inches, 784 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-557-1
1-58008-557-1, NA • Ten Speed
Graceful Parenting
Simple Advice for Raising a
Gentle and Loving Child
by Eve M. Dreyfus, MD
71/4 x 71/4 inches, 64 pages, full color
$12.95 hardcover (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-132-2
1-58761-132-5 • Celestial Arts
The Harmonious Child
Every Parent’s Guide to Musical
Instruments, Teachers, and Lessons
by Beth Luey and Stella Saperstein
6 x 9 inches, 176 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-171-1
1-58761-171-6 • Celestial Arts
You Are Your Child’s
First Teacher
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-340-1
1-58761-340-9, NA • Celestial Arts
What Parents Can Do with
and for Their Children from
Birth to Age Six
Revised and updated
by Rahima Baldwin Dancy
6 x 91/4 inches, 400 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-967-2
0-89087-967-2 • Celestial Arts
The Winning Family
by Dr. Louise Hart
6 x 9 inches, 264 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-689-3
0-89087-689-4 • Celestial Arts
Fa m i ly & R e l at i o n s h i p s • 99
What Color Is Your
Parachute? for Teens
Girl Director
Discovering Yourself,
Defining Your Future
by Richard Nelson Bolles and
Carol Christen with Jean M. Blomquist
6 x 9 inches, 176 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-713-1
1-58008-713-2 • Ten Speed
A How-To Guide for the First-Time,
Flat-Broke Film and Video Maker
by Andrea Richards
Foreword by Allison Anders
93/8 x 91/2 inches,
128 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-675-2
1-58008-675-6 • Ten Speed
The Teen Spell Book
The Enchanted Diary
Magick for Young Witches
by Jamie Wood
6 x 8 inches, 304 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-115-5
1-58761-115-5 • Celestial Arts
A Teen’s Guide to Magick and Life
by Jamie Wood
6 x 8 inches, 128 pages,
two color with illustrations
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-245-9
1-58761-245-3 • Celestial Arts
Uncommon Sense for
Parents with Teenagers
by Michael Riera, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-224-4
1-58761-224-0 • Celestial Arts
A Parents’ Guide to the
Middle School Years
by Joe Bruzzese
This comprehensive handbook helps
parents navigate the challenges and
opportunities that arise when their
children attend middle school.
5 x 8 inches, 176 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $17.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-341-8
1-58761-341-7 • Celestial Arts
The Elium’s books have sold more than 490,000 copies!
Surviving High School
Making the Most of
the High School Years
by Michael Riera
7 x 91/4 inches, 160 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-825-5
0-89087-825-0 • Celestial Arts
jeanne & don elium
Raising a Daughter
Raising a Son
Raising a Family
Raising a Teenager
Parents and the Awakening
of a Healthy Woman
by Jeanne Elium and Don Elium
6 x 9 inches, 400 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-176-6
1-58761-176-7 • Celestial Arts
3rd Edition
by Don Elium and Jeanne Elium
140,000 copies sold
6 x 9 inches, 352 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-194-0
1-58761-194-5 • Celestial Arts
Living on Planet Parenthood
by Jeanne Elium and Don Elium
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-818-7
0-89087-818-8 • Celestial Arts
Parents and the Nurturing
of a Responsible Teen
by Jeanne Elium and Don Elium
6 x 9 inches, 220 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-898-9
0-89087-898-6 • Celestial Arts
100 • Fa m i ly & R e l at i o n s h i p s
| parenting / teens
| Women's Studies
How to Feed a Teenage Boy
Sister Outsider
Recipes and Strategies
by Georgia Orcutt
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-279-4
1-58761-279-8 • Celestial Arts
Essays & Speeches
Commemorative Edition
by Audre Lorde
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-186-3
1-58091-186-2, NA • Crossing
College Vegetarian Cooking
Feed Yourself and Your Friends
by Megan Carle and Jill Carle
71 /2 x 111 /4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-982-1
1-58008-982-8 • Ten Speed
Girls Speak Out
College Cooking
Feed Yourself and
Your Friends
by Megan and Jill Carle
71/2 x 111/4 inches,
160 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-826-8
1-58008-826-0 • Ten Speed
Finding Your True Self
2nd edition
by Andrea Johnston
Foreword by Gloria Steinem
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 256 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-241-1
1-58761-241-0 • Celestial Arts
Essays in Feminist Theory
by Marilyn Frye
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 176 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-099-5
0-89594-099-X • Crossing
The Circle of Life
Thirteen Archetypes for
Every Woman
by Elizabeth Davis and
Carol Leonard
51/2 x 73/4 inches, 280 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-160-5
1-58761-160-0 • Celestial Arts
Teens Cook
How to Cook What
You Want to Eat
by Megan and Jill Carle
with Judi Carle
71/2 x 111/4 inches,
176 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-584-7
1-58008-584-9 • Ten Speed
The Politics of Reality
On Women Turning Forty
Teens Cook Dessert
by Megan and Jill Carle
with Judi Carle
71/2 x 111/4 inches,
176 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps (Can $25.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-752-0
1-58008-752-3 • Ten Speed
A Book by and for Young Women
about Relationships, Rights,
Futures, Bodies, Minds, and Souls
A GirlSource Production
71/2 x 10 inches, 96 pages, two color
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-555-7
1-58008-555-5, NA • Ten Speed
Coming into Our Fullness
by Cathleen Rountree
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 214 pages
$16.00 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-517-4
0-89594-517-7 • Crossing
Soul Proprietor
101 Lessons from a
Lifestyle Entrepreneur
by Jane Pollak
6 x 8 inches, 200 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-108-5
1-58091-108-0 • Crossing
Fa m i ly & R e l at i o n s h i p s • 101
| Sex & Relationships
Urban Tantra
Sacred Sex for the
Twenty-First Century
by Barbara Carrellas
Foreword by Annie Sprinkle
71/2 x 9 inches, 304 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$17.95 paper (Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-290-9
1-58761-290-9 • Celestial Arts
The Long-Distance
Relationship Survival Guide
Secrets and Strategies from
Successful Couples Who Have
Gone the Distance
by Chris Bell and Kate Brauer-Bell
51/8 x 71/8 inches, 208 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-714-8
1-58008-714-0 • Ten Speed
The Ethical Slut
A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open
Relationships, and Other Adventures
by Dossie Easton and Janet W. Hardy
“This book is the definitive guide to having your marriage
and eating other people too. The Ethical Slut made
me the ethical slut I am today, and I am so proud!”
—Margaret Cho
6 x 9 inches, 296 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-337-1
1-58761-337-9 • Celestial Arts
I Can’t Believe I’m
Buying This Book
A Commonsense Guide to
Successful Internet Dating
by Evan Marc Katz
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
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ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-571-7
1-58008-571-7 • Ten Speed
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Told You Yet
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about Stuff That Matters
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51/4 x 7 inches, 384 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-886-2
1-58008-886-4, NA • Ten Speed
Library Journal, H starred review
The Happy Hook-Up
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51/8 x 71/8 inches,
312 pages, two color
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-609-7
1-58008-609-8 • Ten Speed
102 • Fa m i ly & R e l at i o n s h i p s
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A Guide to Essential Manners,
Savvy & Vice
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51/8 x 71/8 inches, 356 pages, two color
$15.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-430-7
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Forever Afters
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5 x 63/8 inches, 224 pages, full color
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ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-330-2
1-58761-330-1 • Celestial Arts
Ladies’ Own Erotica
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King & King
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$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-395-9
1-58008-395-1 • Ten Speed
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6 x 8 inches, 176 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-089-7
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32 pages, full color
$15.99 hardcover (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-061-1
1-58246-061-2, NA • Tricycle
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Commemorative Edition
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6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-186-3
1-58091-186-2, NA • Crossing
Library Journal, H starred review
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Erotica Society
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-394-2
1-58008-394-3 • Ten Speed
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6 x 9 inches, 284 pages
$21.95 hardcover (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-319-5
1-58008-319-6 • Ten Speed
King & King & Family
by Linda de Haan and
Stern Nijland
97/8 x 97/8 inches,
32 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-113-7
1-58246-113-9 • Tricycle
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$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-122-0
0-89594-122-8 • Crossing
Fa m i ly & R e l at i o n s h i p s • 103
Pretend Soup and
Other Real Recipes
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$17.95 hardcover (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-883672-06-5
1-883672-06-6 • Tricycle
School Library Journal,
H starred review
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Illustrations by Christian Slade
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Photography by Lisa and Mike Husar
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Booklist, H starred review
School Library Journal,
H starred review
104 •
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ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-016-1
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ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-246-2
1-58246-246-1 • Tricycle
2008 Best Book of the Year,
Children’s Nonfiction,
Publishers Weekly
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School Library Journal
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Illustrations by Nathalie Dion
$6.95 board (Can $7.95)
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1-58246-222-4 • Tricycle
First Book of Sushi
$6.95 board (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-050-5
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$6.95 board (Can $9.95)
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1-58246-072-8 • Tricycle
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$6.95 board (Can $9.95)
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$6.95 board (Can $9.95)
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A Little Bit of Soul Food
$6.95 board (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-109-0
1-58246-109-0 • Tricycle
Where in the Wild?
by David M. Schwartz and Yael Schy
Photographs by Dwight Kuhn
“Likely to inspire young readers.”
—New York Times Book Review
$15.95 hardcover (Can $20.75)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-207-3
1-58246-207-0 • Tricycle
2008 SB&F Prize for Excellence
in Science Books
Editor’s Choice, Booklist
Where Else in the Wild?
by David M. Schwartz and Yael Schy
Photographs by Dwight Kuhn
$16.99 hardcover (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-283-7
1-58246-283-6 • Tricycle
• 105
Purry Logic
People I Sleep With
Four Paws, Five Directions
by Jill Fineberg
9 x 9 inches, 144 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$19.95 hardcover (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-634-9
1-58008-634-9 • Ten Speed
A Guide to Chinese Medicine
for Cats and Dogs
by Cheryl Schwartz, DVM
81/2 x 81/2 inches, 412 pages,
24-page color insert
$29.95 paper (Can $37.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-790-6
0-89087-790-4 • Celestial Arts
by Jane Seabrook
“A collection of 30 adorable watercolor illustrations with humorous,
irresistible sayings guaranteed to put a smile on your face.”
—Cat Fancy
5 7/8 x 5 7/8 inches, 72 pages, full color
$9.95 paper over board (Can $11.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-904-3
1-58008-904-6, WorldXANZ
• Ten Speed
The Complete Holistic
Dog Book
Psycho Kitty
A Pony in the Picture
Vintage Portraits of
Children and Ponies
by Victoria Randall
8 x 8 inches, 128 pages, full color
$14.95 paper over board
(Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-881-7
1-58008-881-3 • Ten Speed
Tips for Solving Your
Cat’s “Crazy” Behavior
by Pam Johnson-Bennett
51/2 x 71/4 inches,
128 pages, full color
$12.95 paper with flaps
(Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-323-4
1-58761-323-9 • Celestial Arts
Home Health Care for
Our Canine Companions
by Jan Allegretti and
Katy Sommers, DVM
81/2 x 10 inches, 384 pages,
black-and-white illustrations
$24.95 paper (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-144-5
1-58761-144-9 • Celestial Arts
Vintage Portraits of
Children and Their Dogs
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8 x 8 inches, 128 pages, full color
$14.95 paper over board (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-840-4
1-58008-840-6 • Ten Speed
106 • P e t s
Twisted Whiskers
Solving Your Cat’s
Behavior Problems
by Pam Johnson
7 x 9 inches, 178 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-710-9
0-89594-710-2 • Crossing
The Silent Meow
by Martha Sacks
Illustrated by Jack E. Davis
81/2 x 87/8 inches, 64 pages, full color
$12.95 paper (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-780-2
0-89815-780-3 • Ten Speed
Male Menopaws
by Marty Sacks
Illustrated by Jack E. Davis
81/2 x 83/4 inches, 64 pages, full color
$10.95 paper (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-945-5
0-89815-945-8 • Ten Speed
The Holistic Puppy
The Best Dog in the World
How to Have a Happy, Healthy Dog
by Diane Stein
7 x 9 inches, 160 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-946-2
0-89594-946-6 • Crossing
The Whole Pet Diet
The Good Cat Spell Book
Eight Weeks to Great Health
for Dogs and Cats
by Andi Brown
Foreword by Richard Pitcairn, DVM
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $21.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-271-8
1-58761-271-2 • Celestial Arts
by Gillian Kemp
6 x 8 inches, 128 pages, two color
$15.95 paper over board
(Can $18.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58091-188-7
1-58091-188-9 • Crossing
Dirty Bow Wow
Natural Healing for
Dogs & Cats
by Diane Stein
81/2 x 10 inches, 190 pages
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-614-0
0-89594-614-9 • Crossing
277 Secrets Your Cat
Wants You to Know
by Paulette Cooper and Paul Noble
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 256 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-952-3
0-89815-952-0 • Ten Speed
A Tribute to Dogs and the
Objects of Their Affection
by Cheryl and Jeffrey Katz
Photography by Hornick/Rivlin
Dirty Bow Wow presents our best
friends with their little friends—and is
sure to resonate with dog lovers and
those who love them.
6 x 8 inches, 112 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $17.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-966-1
1-58008-966-6 • Ten Speed
The Natural Remedy Book
for Dogs & Cats
by Diane Stein
6 x 9 inches, 341 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89594-686-7
0-89594-686-6 • Crossing
Why Cats Paint
A Theory of Feline Aesthetics
by Heather Busch and Burton Silver
91/2 x 11 inches, 96 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-612-6
0-89815-612-2 • Ten Speed
Rover, Don’t Roll Over
A Compassionate Training Guide
for Dogs and Their People
by Jody Rosengarten
6 x 9 inches, 144 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-564-9
1-58008-564-4 • Ten Speed
Dog Works
The Meaning and Magic of
Canine Constructions
by Vicki Mathison
Photographs by Tim Dodgshun
and Trudy Nicholson
91/2 x 11 inches, 96 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-244-0
1-58008-244-0 • Ten Speed
277 Secrets Your Dog
Wants You to Know
2nd Edition
by Paulette Cooper and Paul Noble
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 208 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-014-9
1-58008-014-6 • Ten Speed
277 Secrets Your Snake (and
Lizard) Wants You to Know
by Paulette Cooper
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 192 pages
$8.95 paper (Can $11.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-035-4
1-58008-035-9 • Ten Speed
Why Paint Cats
The Ethics of Feline Aesthetics
by Burton Silver and Heather Busch
91/2 x 11 inches, 96 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-271-6
1-58008-271-8 • Ten Speed
$24.95 hardcover (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-472-7
1-58008-472-9 • Ten Speed
Why Cats Paint
Pocket Edition
A Theory of Feline Aesthetics
by Heather Busch and Burton Silver
41/4 x 5 inches, 144 pages, full color
$9.95 hardcover (Can $12.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-793-3
1-58008-793-0 • Ten Speed
P ETS • 107
How to Grow More
Than You Ever Thought
Possible on Less Land
than You Can Imagine
7th Edition
by John Jeavons
Foreword by Alice Waters
81/2 x 11 inches, 288 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-796-4
1-58008-796-5 • Ten Speed
Dead Snails Leave No Trails
Allergy-Free Gardening
Natural Pest Control for
Home and Garden
by Loren Nancarrow and
Janet Hogan Taylor
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-852-6
0-89815-852-4 • Ten Speed
The Revolutionary Guide to
Healthy Landscaping
by Thomas Leo Ogren
71/2 x 9 inches, 288 pages,
two color with illustrations,
56-page color insert
$29.95 paper (Can $41.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-166-5
1-58008-166-5 • Ten Speed
Dead Daisies Make Me Crazy
Garden Solutions without
Chemical Pollution
by Loren Nancarrow and
Janet Hogan Taylor
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages, illustrated
$11.95 paper (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-156-6
1-58008-156-8 • Ten Speed
The Sustainable
Vegetable Garden
A Backyard Guide to Healthy
Soil and Higher Yields
by John Jeavons and Carol Cox
73/8 x 91/2 inches, 128 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-016-3
1-58008-016-2 • Ten Speed
The Worm Book
The Complete Guide to Gardening
and Composting with Worms
by Loren Nancarrow and
Janet Hogan Taylor
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-994-3
0-89815-994-6 • Ten Speed
108 • G a r d e n i n g
Field Guide to North
American Truffles
Hunting, Identifying, and Enjoying
the World’s Most Prized Fungi
by Matt Trappe, Frank Evans, and
James Trappe
4 x 7 inches, 144 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-862-6
1-58008-862-7 • Ten Speed
Pumpkin Circle
The Savage Garden
The Story of a Garden
by George Levenson
Photographs by Schmuel Thaler
81/2 x 9 3/4 inches, 40 pages, full color
$7.99 paper (Can $10.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-078-9
1-58246-078-7 • Tricycle
$15.95 hardcover (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58246-004-8
1-58246-004-3 • Tricycle
2000 NSTA/CBC Outstanding
Science Trade Book for Children—
Selector’s Choice
100 Best Titles for Reading and
Sharing, New York Public Library
Top Ten Science Books for Youth,
Cultivating Carnivorous Plants
by Peter D’Amato
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages, full color
$24.95 paper (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-915-8
0-89815-915-6 • Ten Speed
1999 American Horticultural Society
Book Award Winner
Safe Sex in the Garden
by Thomas Leo Ogren
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-314-0
1-58008-314-5 • Ten Speed
Toads and Toadstools
The Natural History, Folklore,
and Cultural Oddities of a
Strange Association
by Adrian Morgan
11 x 81/2 inches, 208 pages
$24.95 paper (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-777-7
0-89087-777-7 • Celestial Arts
Mushrooms Demystified
Mycelium Running
by David Arora
6 x 9 inches, 1020 pages,
80 pages in full color
$39.95 paper (Can $53.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-169-5
0-89815-169-4 • Ten Speed
How Mushrooms Can
Help Save the World
by Paul Stamets
73/8 x 9 inches, 356 pages, full color
$35.00 paper with flaps
(Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-579-3
1-58008-579-2 • Ten Speed
Roll the 35 Greatest Joints of All Time
by Chris Stone
An illustrated guide to making origamiinspired, conversation-piece joints,
including the Flaming Fork, Bemused
Triangle, and Wheel of Fire.
81/2 x 54/5 inches, 128 pages, full color
$12.95 paper with flaps (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-937-1
1-58008-937-2 • Ten Speed
Mushrooms of Hawai‘i
All That the Rain Promises,
and More . . .
A Hip Pocket Guide to
Western Mushrooms
by David Arora
4 x 7 inches, 256 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-388-0
0-89815-388-3 • Ten Speed
Psilocybin Mushrooms
of the World
An Identification Guide
by Paul Stamets
6 x 9 inches, 244 pages
$32.50 paper (Can $44.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-839-7
0-89815-839-7 • Ten Speed
“Chock-full of mouthwatering pot shots and significant
essays . . . unique photography and savvy ideas.”
An Identification Guide
by Dennis E. Desjardin, PhD,
and Don E. Hemmes, PhD
71/2 x 10 inches,
224 pages, full color
$39.95 paper (Can $64.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-339-3
1-58008-339-0 • Ten Speed
Growing Gourmet and
Medicinal Mushrooms
3rd edition
by Paul Stamets
73/8 x 9 inches,
596 pages, color insert
$45.00 paper (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-175-7
1-58008-175-4 • Ten Speed
Warning! Some mushrooms are lethal if ingested.
jason king
—High Times
The Cannabible Collection
by Jason King
61/2 x 61/2 inches, 384 pages, full color
$24.95 three volumes, paper with
slipcase (Can $31.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-837-4
1-58008-837-6 • Ten Speed
The Cannabible
The Cannabible 2
The Cannabible 3
by Jason King
10 x 10 inches, 200 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-208-2
1-58008-208-4 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-361-4
1-58008-361-7 • Ten Speed
by Jason King
10 x 10 inches, 200 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-516-8
1-58008-516-4 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-517-5
1-58008-517-2 • Ten Speed
by Jason King
10 x 10 inches, 200 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $31.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-784-1
1-58008-784-1 • Ten Speed
$35.00 hardcover (Can $44.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-786-5
1-58008-786-8 • Ten Speed
Cannabible Deluxe
Boxed Set
by Jason King
10 x 10 inches,
624 pages, full color
$105.00 three volumes, hardcover
with slipcase (Can $130.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-863-3
1-58008-863-5 • Ten Speed
Mu s h ro om s & M a r i j ua n a • 109
| Art & Photography
100 American Flags
The Art of Gaman
Berkeley Rocks
A Unique Collection of
Old Glory Memorabilia
by Kit Hinrichs, Delphine Hirasuna,
and Terry Heffernan
9 x 9 inches, 112 pages, full color
$19.95 hardcover (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-920-3
1-58008-920-8 • Ten Speed
Arts and Crafts from the Japanese
American Internment Camps,
by Delphine Hirasuna
9 x 12 inches, 128 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $48.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-689-9
1-58008-689-6 • Ten Speed
Building with Nature
by Jonathan Chester
10 x 10 inches, 176 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $45.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-486-4
1-58008-486-9 • Ten Speed
An Eye-Popping Collection
of Chinese Firework Art
by Warren Dotz, Jack Mingo,
and George Moyer
61/4 x 61/4 inches,
112 pages, full color
$14.95 paper over board
(Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-903-6
1-58008-903-8 • Ten Speed
The Desert Southwest
100 Baseball Icons
The Art of S. Clay Wilson
From the National Baseball
Hall of Fame and Museum Archives
by Terry Heffernan, Kit Hinrichs, and
Delphine Hirasuna
9 x 9 inches, 112 pages, full color
$19.95 hardcover (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-916-6
1-58008-916-X • Ten Speed
by S. Clay Wilson
Introduction by R. Crumb
9 x 12 inches,
176 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $45.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-753-7
1-58008-753-1 • Ten Speed
Four Thousand Years of Life and Art
by Allan Hayes and Carol Hayes
Photography by John Blom
101/2 x 91/2 inches,
208 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $45.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-769-8
1-58008-769-8 • Ten Speed
$24.95 paper (Can $32.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-767-4
1-58008-767-1 • Ten Speed
The Art & History
by Warren Dotz, Jack Mingo, and
George Moyer
10 x 10 inches, 144 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-151-1
1-58008-151-7 • Ten Speed
The Murals of John Pugh
African Kings
by Daniel Lainé
11 x 11 inches, 160 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-224-2
1-58008-224-6 • Ten Speed
Beyond Trompe l’Oeil
by Kevin Bruce
12 x 9 inches, 168 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $49.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-722-3
1-58008-722-1 • Ten Speed
$150.00 limited slipcase edition
(Can $195.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-775-9
1-58008-775-2 • Ten Speed
110 • a rt & p h oto g r a p h y
A Grand Tour of Asia—1910
Festa Veneziana a Ca’Toga
The Imaginative World of a
Venetian Artist in Napa Valley
by Carlo Marchiori
91/4 x 111/4 inches,
192 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $50.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-402-4
1-58008-402-8 • Ten Speed
by Hania Tallmadge with
Beverley Jackson
101/4 x 7 inches, 128 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $32.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-434-5
1-58008-434-6 • Ten Speed
| Art & Photography
Large Art in Small Places
Discovering the California
Mural Towns
by Kevin Bruce
101 /2 x 71 /4 inches,
192 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $29.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-880-0
1-58008-880-5 • Ten Speed
Light of India
A Conflagration of
Indian Matchbox Art
by Warren Dotz
81/4 x 51/4 inches, 144 pages, full color
$16.95 paper with slipcase
(Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-857-2
1-58008-857-0 • Ten Speed
Hollywood, Beverly Hills,
and Other Perversities
Pop Culture of the 1970s and 1980s
by George Rose
83/4 x 12 inches,
192 pages, three color
$30.00 hardcover (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-924-1
1-58008-924-0 • Ten Speed
Ad Boy
Vintage Advertising with Character
by Warren Dotz and Masud Husain
A vibrant, vintage collection of American ad characters and industry icons
from the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s.
Great American Billboards
100 Years of History by
the Side of the Road
by Fred E. Basten
—American Way
11 x 61/2 inches, 224 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-658-5
1-58008-658-6 • Ten Speed
7 x 83 /4 inches, 176 pages, full color
$16.95 paper with flaps
(Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-984-5
1-58008-984-4 • Ten Speed
Hungry Planet
What the World Eats
by Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio
Foreword by Marion Nestle
12 x 9 inches, 288 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-869-5
1-58008-869-4 • Material World
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-681-3
1-58008-681-0 • Material World
2006 James Beard Cookbook
of the Year
Famous Ford V-8s
by Lorin Sorensen
10 x 11 inches, 248 pages, full color
$49.95 hardcover (Can $70.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-426-0
1-58008-426-5 • Ten Speed
Famous Ford Woodies
by Lorin Sorensen
10 x 11 inches, 248 pages, full color
$49.95 hardcover (Can $70.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-548-9
1-58008-548-2 • Ten Speed
Ford’s Golden Fifties
by Lorin Sorensen
10 x 11 inches, 208 pages, full color
$49.95 hardcover (Can $70.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-550-2
1-58008-550-4 • Ten Speed
J. Garcia
Paintings, Drawings, and Sketches
Edited by David Hinds
Foreword by Roberta Weir
81/2 x 11 inches, 96 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $27.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-230-5
1-58761-230-5 • Celestial Arts
Now available! Extremely limited stock
of the original slipcased, hardcover
issue of the first edition, signed by
Jerry Garcia in 1992. Price available
on request.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-682-4
0-89087-682-7 • Celestial Arts
Man Eating Bugs
Long May She Wave
A Graphic History of
the American Flag
by Kit Hinrichs and
Delphine Hirasuna
Foreword by Gerard C. Wertkin
11 x 14 inches, 224 pages, full color
$60.00 hardcover (Can $80.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-240-2
1-58008-240-8 • Ten Speed
$150.00 limited slipcase edition
(Can $200.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-312-6
1-58008-312-9 • Ten Speed
The Art and Science of
Eating Insects
by Peter Menzel and
Faith D’Aluisio
71/2 x 101/2 inches,
192 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-022-4
1-58008-022-7 • Material World
$24.95 hardcover (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-051-4
1-58008-051-0 • Material World
1999 James Beard Award Winner
a rt & p h oto g r a p h y • 111
| Art & Photography
Passion for Pinot
A Journey through America’s
Pinot Noir Country
by Jordan Mackay
Photographed by Andrea Johnson
and Robert Holmes
93 /4 x 11 inches, 160 pages, full color
$30.00 hardcover (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-986-9
1-58008-986-0 • Ten Speed
Passing Gas
San Francisco Architecture
Maxfield Parrish
And Other Towns Along
the American Highway
by Gary Gladstone
9 x 9 inches, 144 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-456-7
1-58008-456-7 • Ten Speed
Revised Edition
by Sally B. Woodbridge,
John M. Woodbridge, FAIA,
and Chuck Byrne
6 x 9 inches, 340 pages, two color
$24.95 paper (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-674-5
• Woodbridge & Byrne
The Landscapes
by Alma Gilbert
81/2 x 11 inches,
144 pages, full color
$39.95 hardcover (Can $53.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-587-7
0-89815-587-8 • Ten Speed
Reaching Climax
And Other Towns Along
the American Highway
by Gary Gladstone
9 x 9 inches, 144 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-710-0
1-58008-710-8 • Ten Speed
Maxfield Parrish
Tao of Photography
Wine Across America
A Photographic Road Trip
Photographs by Charles O’Rear
Text by Daphne Larkin
9 x 111/4 inches, 224 pages, full color
$35.00 hardcover (Can $42.00)
ISBN-13: 978-0-9625227-6-5
0-9625227-6-7 • Wineviews
Beautiful Gardens of
the Wine Country
by Robert Holmes with
Mimi Luebbermann
61/2 x 61/2 inches, 128 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-638-7
1-58008-638-1 • Ten Speed
Beautiful Wineries of
the Wine Country
by Charles O’Rear with Thom Elkjer
61/2 x 61/2 inches, 128 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-640-0
1-58008-640-3 • Ten Speed
Women of Hawai’i
by Pegge Hopper
10 x 10 inches, 128 pages, full color
$27.95 paper with flaps
(Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-439-0
1-58008-439-7 • Ten Speed
Seeing Beyond Seeing
by Philippe L. Gross, PhD, and
S. I. Shapiro, PhD
10 x 10 inches,
144 pages, 71 duotones
$24.95 paper with flaps
(Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-194-8
1-58008-194-0 • Ten Speed
The Masterworks
3rd Edition
by Alma Gilbert
10 x 121/2 inches,
248 pages, full color
$85.00 hardcover (Can $135.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-329-4
1-58008-329-3 • Ten Speed
The Make-Believe World
of Maxfield Parrish
by Alma Gilbert
81/2 x 11 inches, 86 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-936-3
0-89815-936-9 • Ten Speed
To Honolulu in Five Days
A Place of Beauty
Cruising Aboard
Matson’s S.S. Lurline
by Lynn Blocker Krantz,
Nick Krantz, and Mary Thiele Fobian
9 x 9 inches, 160 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-232-7
1-58008-232-7 • Ten Speed
The Artists & Gardens of
the Cornish Colony
by Alma M. Gilbert and
Judith B. Tankard
81/2 x 11 inches,
144 pages, full color
$29.95 hardcover (Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-129-0
1-58008-129-0 • Ten Speed
2001 Quill & Trowel Award Winner
Sculpture, Form, and
The Notebooks of
Alexander G. Weygers
by Alexander G. Weygers
81/2 x 12 inches, 152 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-458-1
1-58008-458-3 • Ten Speed
112 • a rt & p h oto g r a p h y
Visions and Voices of Haiti
by Phyllis Galembo
Introduction by Gèrdes Fleurant
10 x 10 inches, 160 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps
(Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-676-9
1-58008-676-4 • Ten Speed
| Art & Photography
asian art
The Story of Imari
The Symbols and Mysteries of
Antique Japanese Porcelain
by Goro Shimura
10 x 10 inches, 208 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $45.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-896-1
1-58008-896-1 • Ten Speed
Ladder to the Clouds
Blanc de Chine
Splendid Slippers
Intrigue and Tradition in
Chinese Rank
by Beverley Jackson and
David Hugus, PhD
10 x 10 inches, 320 pages, full color
$29.95 paper with flaps (Can $41.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-020-0
1-58008-020-0 • Ten Speed
$75.00 hardcover (Can $100.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-127-6
1-58008-127-4 • Ten Speed
The Great Porcelain of Dehua
by Robert H. Blumenfield
10 x 10 inches, 248 pages, full color
$75.00 hardcover (Can $100.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-293-8
1-58008-293-9 • Ten Speed
A Thousand Years of
an Erotic Tradition
by Beverley Jackson
10 x 10 inches, 192 pages, full color
$24.95 paper with flaps
(Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-957-8
0-89815-957-1 • Ten Speed
$45.00 hardcover (Can $60.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-256-3
1-58008-256-4 • Ten Speed
Story Cloths of Bali
Imperial Wardrobe
by Gary Dickinson and
Linda Wigglesworth
91/4 x 12 inches, 208 pages, full color
$75.00 hardcover (Can $100.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-188-7
1-58008-188-6 • Ten Speed
Ming Furniture in the Light
of Chinese Architecture
by Joseph Fischer
10 x 10 inches, 160 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-487-1
1-58008-487-7 • Ten Speed
Chinese Costumes and Textiles
by John E. Vollmer
81/4 x 117/16 inches,
152 pages, full color
$60.00 paper with flaps
(Can $80.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-590-8
1-58008-590-3 • Ten Speed
by Sarah Handler
10 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
$50.00 hardcover (Can $70.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-559-5
1-58008-559-8 • Ten Speed
Kingfisher Blue
Treasures of an Ancient Chinese Art
by Beverley Jackson
10 x 10 inches, 240 pages, full color
$49.95 hardcover (Can $70.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-261-7
1-58008-261-0 • Ten Speed
Shanghai Girl Gets
All Dressed Up
Radiant Stones
Archaic Chinese Jades
by Filippo Salviati, PhD
81/4 x 117/16 inches, 152 pages, full color
$60.00 paper with flaps (Can $80.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-588-5
1-58008-588-1 • Ten Speed
The Language of Adornment
Chinese Ornaments of Jade,
Crystal, Amber, and Glass
by Filippo Salviati, PhD
81/4 x 117/16 inches, 152 pages, full color
$60.00 paper with flaps (Can $80.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-587-8
1-58008-587-3 • Ten Speed
Silks for Thrones and Altars
Ruling from the
Dragon Throne
Costume of the Qing Dynasty
by John E. Vollmer
10 x 10 inches, 176 pages, full color
$40.00 hardcover (Can $55.00)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-307-2
1-58008-307-2 • Ten Speed
by Beverley Jackson
10 x 10 inches, 160 pages, full color
$29.95 paper with flaps (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-367-6
1-58008-367-6 • Ten Speed
Symbols and Rebuses
in Chinese Art
Figures, Bugs, Beasts, and Flowers
by Fang Jing Pei
10 x 10 inches, 224 pages, full color
$27.95 paper with flaps
(Can $37.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-551-9
1-58008-551-2 • Ten Speed
a rt & p h oto g r a p h y • 113
| Travel
Travel Journal
5 x 8 inches, 160 pages
$9.95 paper, plastic jacket (NAXCan)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-647-8
0-89815-647-5 • Ten Speed
The Grown-Up’s Guide to
Running Away from Home
Making a New Life Abroad
by Rosanne Knorr
6 x 9 inches, 208 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-873-2
1-58008-873-2 • Ten Speed
The Grown-Up’s Guide
to Retiring Abroad
by Rosanne Knorr
6 x 9 inches, 352 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-353-9
1-58008-353-6 • Ten Speed
Everywoman’s Travel Journal
Newly redesigned for the savvy
adventurer, this journal combines
lined pages for writing with handy
information tailored for female
travelers such as packing lists and
international etiquette tips.
5 x 8 inches, 160 pages,
interior pocket
$12.95 flexible paper over board
(Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-973-9
1-58008-973-9 • Ten Speed
San Francisco Architecture
An Illustrated Guide to the
Outstanding Buildings,
Public Artworks, and Parks
in the Bay Area of California
Revised Edition
by Sally B. Woodbridge,
John M. Woodbridge, FAIA,
and Chuck Byrne
6 x 9 inches, 340 pages, two color
$24.95 paper (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-674-5
• Woodbridge & Byrne
The Packing Book
Secrets of the Carry-On Traveler
4th Edition
by Judith Gilford
51/2 x 8 inches, 288 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $16.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-783-4
1-58008-783-3 • Ten Speed
The Grown-Up’s Guide
to Living in France
by Rosanne Knorr
6 x 9 inches, 224 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-145-0
1-58008-145-2 • Ten Speed
The Wordless Travel Book
Point at These Pictures to
Communicate with Anyone
by Jonathan Meader
35/8 x 6 inches, 18 pages, full color
$5.95 paper, plastic jacket
(Can $8.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-809-0
0-89815-809-5 • Ten Speed
lanier guides
All-Suite Hotel Guide
The Complete Guide to
Bed & Breakfasts, Inns
& Guesthouses
by Pamela Lanier
5 1/2 x 8 inches, 800 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-969-2
1-58008-969-0 • Lanier
114 • t r av e l
Cinnamon Mornings
& Savory Nights
Romantic Recipes from
America’s Inns
by Pamela Lanier
8 x 81/2 inches, 160 pages, two color
$19.95 paper (Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-940-1
1-58008-940-2 • Lanier
The Definitive Directory
10th Edition
by Pamela Lanier
5 x 8 inches, 336 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-090-3
1-58008-090-1 • Ten Speed
Bed & Breakfast:
Australia’s Best
2nd Edition
by Jane Schonberger and
George Morency
6 x 9 inches, 308 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-196-2
1-58008-196-7 • Ten Speed
The Complete Guide
to Condo Vacations
7th Edition
by Pamela Lanier
5 x 8 inches, 504 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-986-8
0-89815-986-5 • Ten Speed
Family Travel & Resorts
5th Edition
by Pamela Lanier
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 352 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-407-9
1-58008-407-9 • Ten Speed
| Home, Crafts & Creativity
Fantastic Flight
The Food Lover’s
Guide to Florence
With Culinary Excursions in Tuscany
by Emily Wise Miller
5 x 7 inches, 240 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-825-1
1-58008-825-2 • Ten Speed
Bay Area by Design
An Insider’s Guide to a
San Francisco Decorator’s
Secret Sources
by Kay Evans
41/2 x 81/2 inches, 144 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-746-9
1-58008-746-9 • Ten Speed
by John M. Collins
91/4 x 73/8 inches, 176 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-577-9
1-58008-577-6 • Ten Speed
Girl Director
A How-To Guide for the First-Time,
Flat-Broke Film and Video Maker
by Andrea Richards
Foreword by Allison Anders
93/8 x 91/2 inches, 128 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-675-2
1-58008-675-6 • Ten Speed
A Romantic’s Guide to Italy
Intimate Travel, Weddings,
Honeymoons, and Other
Special Occasions
by Gina Podesta
5 x 7 inches, 440 pages, two color
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-469-7
1-58008-469-9 • Ten Speed
The Gliding Flight
The Complete Modern
by Alexander G. Weygers
73/4 x 11 inches, 304 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-896-0
0-89815-896-6 • Ten Speed
by John M. Collins
91/4 x 73/8 inches, 160 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-726-1
1-58008-726-4 • Ten Speed
Building Your Own House
Greetings from
the Finger Lakes
by Michael Turback
6 x 9 inches, 208 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-607-3
1-58008-607-1 • Ten Speed
The Fearless Flier’s
by Debbie Seaman
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-029-3
1-58008-029-4 • Ten Speed
by Robert Roskind
81/2 x 11 inches, 656 pages
$35.00 paper (Can $46.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-178-8
1-58008-178-9 • Ten Speed
A Community Approach
to Independent Living
by Charles Durrett
81/2 x 91/2 inches, 268 pages
$29.95 paper (Can $38.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-945929-30-7
0-945929-30-7 • Habitat Press
Crafts, Keepsakes, Gifts
by Jennifer and Leslie Barry
Photographs by Caroline Kopp
8 x 8 inches, 112 pages, full color
$15.95 paper with flaps
(Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-641-7
1-58008-641-1 • Ten Speed
The Creative Dreamer
Using Your Dreams to
Unlock Your Creativity
by Veronica Tonay, PhD
6 x 8 inches, 192 pages
$14.95 paper with flaps
(Can $19.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-268-8
1-58761-268-2 • Celestial Arts
Senior Cohousing
Fun with Family Photos
Holiday Pumpkins
A Collection of Inspired Recipes,
Gifts, and Decorations
by Georgeanne Brennan and
Jennifer Barry
81/4 x 9 inches, 112 pages, full color
$14.95 paper with flaps (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-535-9
1-58008-535-0 • Ten Speed
H om e , C r a f t s & C r e at i v i t y • 115
| Home, Crafts & Creativity
The Knitting Man(ual)
What the World Needs Now
20+ Projects for Guys
by Kristin Spurkland
8 x 9 inches, 128 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover (Can $29.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-845-9
1-58008-845-7 • Ten Speed
by Steven M. Johnson
75/8 x 91/4 inches,
169 pages, illustrated
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-309-6
1-58008-309-9 • Ten Speed
Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It
And Other Cooking Projects
by Karen Solomon
9 x 8 inches, 176 pages, full color
$24.95 hardcover
(Can $28.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-958-6
1-58008-958-5 • Ten Speed
Alt Fiber
Knitter’s Lib
25+ Projects for Knitting Green with
Bamboo, Soy, Hemp, and More
by Shannon Okey
9 x 8 inches, 128 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-915-9
1-58008-915-1 • Ten Speed
2008 PETA Proggy Award Winner:
Most Animal Friendly Craft Book
The Craftster Guide
to Nifty, Thrifty, and
Kitschy Crafts
Fifty Fabulous Projects from
the Fifties and Sixties
by Leah Kramer
8 x 8 inches, 184 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $23.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-747-6
1-58008-747-7 • Ten Speed
How to Make a Journal
of Your Life
by Dan Price
43/4 x 61/4 inches, 128 pages, two color
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-093-4
1-58008-093-6 • Ten Speed
Learn to Knit, Crochet, and Free
Yourself from Pattern Dependency
by Lena Maikon
81/2 x 8 inches, 184 pages, full color
$17.95 paper (Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-695-0
1-58008-695-0 • Ten Speed
Festive Picnics
Uncommon Crochet
Twenty-five Projects Made
from Natural Yarns
and Alternative Fibers
by Julie Armstrong Holetz
9 x 8 inches, 168 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $22.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-858-9
1-58008-858-9 • Ten Speed
116 • H om e , C r a f t s & C r e at i v i t y
The Moonlight Chronicles
A Wandering Artist’s Journal
by Dan Price
51/8 x 67/8 inches,
160 pages, full color
$12.95 paper with flaps
(Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-171-9
1-58008-171-1 • Ten Speed
Recipes, Crafts & Decorations
for Outdoor Occasions
by Pamela Sheldon Johns and
Jennifer Barry
81/4 x 9 inches, 112 pages, full color
$16.95 paper with flaps
(Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-560-1
1-58008-560-1 • Ten Speed
| The Great Outdoors
Let’s Get Primitive
Anybody’s Bike Book
The Urban Girl’s Guide to Camping
by Heather Menicucci
51/8 x 71/8 inches,
224 pages, two color
$14.95 paper (Can $18.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-788-9
1-58008-788-4 • Ten Speed
A Comprehensive Manual
of Bike Repairs
by Tom Cuthbertson
6 x 9 inches, 256 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-996-7
0-89815-996-2 • Ten Speed
The Ardent Birder
On the Craft of Birdwatching
by Todd Newberry and Gene Holtan
5 x 81/2 inches, 224 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-715-5
1-58008-715-9 • Ten Speed
What Bird Did That?
A Driver’s Guide to Some Common
Birds of North America
by Peter Hansard and Burton Silver
5 x 81/2 inches, 64 pages, full color
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-427-6
0-89815-427-8, NA • Ten Speed
The 2 Oz. Backpacker
A Problem Solving Manual
for Use in the Wilds
by Robert S. Wood
4 x 61/2 inches, 128 pages
$6.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-070-4
0-89815-070-1 • Ten Speed
by Buck Peterson
51/2 x 81/2 inches, 64 pages
$7.95 paper (Can $9.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-200-5
0-89815-200-3 • Ten Speed
Buck Peterson’s Complete
Guide to Deer Hunting
by Buck Peterson
6 x 8 inches, 176 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-738-4
1-58008-738-8 • Ten Speed
What Shat That?
A Pocket Guide to Poop Identity
by Matt Pagett
41/2 x 71/2 inches,
112 pages, full color
$12.95 paper (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-885-5
1-58008-885-6, NA • Ten Speed
How to Shit in the Woods
2nd Edition, Revised
by Kathleen Meyer
5 x 81/2 inches, 128 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $12.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-627-0
0-89815-627-0, NA • Ten Speed
Buck Peterson’s Complete
Guide to Bird Hunting
Or How to Avoid Sitting-Duck
Syndrome While Cleaning and
Eating Birds of a Feather
by Buck Peterson
6 x 8 inches, 192 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $14.75)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-739-1
1-58008-739-6 • Ten Speed
Flattened Fauna
A Field Guide to Common Animals of
Roads, Streets, and Highways
by Roger M. Knutson
5 x 81/2 inches, 96 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $12.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-755-1
1-58008-755-8 • Ten Speed
The Original Road Kill
Buck Peterson’s Complete
Guide to Fishing
Nature Calls
The History, Lore, and
Charm of Outhouses
by Dottie Booth
8 x 8 inches, 96 pages, full color
$12.95 paper (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-990-5
0-89815-990-3 • Ten Speed
by Buck Peterson
6 x 8 inches, 208 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $16.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-736-0
1-58008-736-1 • Ten Speed
Up Shit Creek
A Collection of Horrifyingly
True Wilderness Toilet Misadventures
by Joe Lindsay
5 x 81/2 inches, 96 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $12.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-939-4
0-89815-939-3 • Ten Speed
T h e G r e at O u t d o o r s • 117
| Pop Culture & Humor
The Santa Cruz
Beach Boardwalk
A Century by the Sea
by the Santa Cruz Seaside Company
10 x 10 inches, 176 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $23.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-814-5
1-58008-814-7 • Ten Speed
$28.95 hardcover (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-815-2
1-58008-815-5 • Ten Speed
Blame It on the Dog
A Modern History of the Fart
by Jim Dawson
6 x 9 inches, 176 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $12.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-751-3
1-58008-751-5 • Ten Speed
Dirty Bow Wow
A Tribute to Dogs and the
Objects of Their Affection
by Cheryl and Jeffrey Katz
Photography by Hornick/Rivlin
6 x 8 inches, 112 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $17.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-966-1
1-58008-966-6 • Ten Speed
Who Cut the Cheese?
Coney Island
Dirty Wow Wow and
Other Love Stories
A Tribute to the Threadbare
Companions of Childhood
by Cheryl and Jeffrey Katz
6 x 8 inches, 112 pages, full color
$12.95 hardcover (Can $16.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-832-9
1-58008-832-5 • Ten Speed
Lost and Found
by Charles Denson
8 x 10 inches, 304 pages, full-color
and black-and-white photographs
$29.95 paper with flaps
(Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-455-0
1-58008-455-9 • Ten Speed
2002 New York Book of the Year
A Cultural History of the Fart
by Jim Dawson
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-011-8
1-58008-011-1 • Ten Speed
Odd Jobs
Portraits of Unusual Occupations
by Nancy Rica Schiff
7 x 7 inches, 144 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$16.95 hardcover (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-457-4
1-58008-457-5 • Ten Speed
Kids Say the Darndest Things!
Odder Jobs
More Portraits of
Unusual Occupations
by Nancy Rica Schiff
7 x 7 inches, 144 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$16.95 hardcover (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-749-0
1-58008-749-3 • Ten Speed
Because You Don’t Have
to Apologize for Your Size!
by Marilyn Wann
7 x 81/2 inches, 192 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $21.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-995-0
0-89815-995-4 • Ten Speed
118 • P o p C u lt u r e & H umo r
Field Guide to the
North American Bird
by Adam Blank with Lauren Blank
Illustrations by Michael Moore
5 x 81/2 inches, 112 pages, two color
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-574-8
1-58008-574-1 • Ten Speed
by Art Linkletter
Introduction by Bill Cosby
Illustrated by Charles M. Schultz
53/8 x 8 inches, 216 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-249-7
1-58761-249-6 • Celestial Arts
Dr. Generic Will
See You Now
by Oscar London, MD, WBD
6 x 9 inches, 134 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-816-8
0-89815-816-8 • Ten Speed
| Pop Culture & Humor
Kill as Few Patients
As Possible
And Fifty-Six Other Essays on
How to Be the World’s Best Doctor
by Oscar London, MD
51/8 x 71/8, 120 pages
$14.95 hardcover (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-917-3
1-58008-917-8 • Ten Speed
Not Guilty by Reason
of Menopause
by Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant
7 x 6 inches, 112 pages, full color
$12.95 paper over board
(Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-326-5
1-58761-326-3 • Celestial Arts
Give the Bitch Her Chocolate
The Feisty Foodie Edition
by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
Give the Bitch Her Chocolate
is the ultimate validation for a favorite
foodie, churlish chocoholic, or domestic dominatrix, because bitchiness
isn’t just an attitude—it’s a lifestyle.
The Museum of Bad Art
The Surfin’ary
A Dictionary of Surfing
Terms and Surfspeak
by Trevor Cralle
71/4 x 87/8 inches,
384 pages, two color
$24.95 paper (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-193-1
1-58008-193-2 • Ten Speed
by Michael Frank and
Louise Reilly Sacco
6 x 8 inches, 128 pages, full color
$14.95 hardcover (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-911-1
1-58008-911-9 • Ten Speed
A Cultural Encyclopedia of
the 1960s and 1970s
Revised and Expanded
by John Bassett McCleary
6 x 9 inches, 720 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-547-2
1-58008-547-4 • Ten Speed
You Say I’m a Bitch Like
It’s a Bad Thing
by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
6 x 4 inches, 128 pages, full color
$12.95 spiral hardcover with
slipcase (Can $17.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-637-0
1-58008-637-3 • Ten Speed
You Say I’m a Diva Like
It’s a Bad Thing
That’s Queen Bitch to You!
Passing Gas
Hippie Dictionary
6 x 4 inches, 128 pages, full color
$12.95 spiral hardcover with
slipcase (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-974-6
1-58008-974-7 • Ten Speed
And Other Towns Along
the American Highway
by Gary Gladstone
9 x 9 inches, 144 pages, full color
$19.95 paper with flaps
(Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-456-7
1-58008-456-7 • Ten Speed
Reaching Climax
And Other Towns Along
the American Highway
by Gary Gladstone
9 x 9 inches, 144 pages, full color
$19.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-710-0
1-58008-710-8 • Ten Speed
by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
6 x 4 inches, 128 pages, full color
$12.95 spiral hardcover with
slipcase (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-748-3
1-58008-748-5 • Ten Speed
by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
6 x 4 inches, 128 pages, full color
$12.95 spiral hardcover with
slipcase (Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-901-2
1-58008-901-1 • Ten Speed
I Bitch, Therefore I Am
by Ed Polish and Darren Wotz
6 x 4 inches, 128 pages, full color
$12.95 spiral hardcover with
slipcase (Can $16.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-829-9
1-58008-829-5 • Ten Speed
P o p C u lt u r e & H umo r • 119
| Pop Culture & Humor
| General Nonfiction
The Twinkies® Cookbook
An Inventive and Unexpected
Recipe Collection
from Hostess®
7 x 7 inches, 112 pages, full color
$12.95 paper over board
(Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-756-8
1-58008-756-6 • Ten Speed
The Wonder® Bread
An Inventive and Unexpected
Recipe Collection
from Wonder®
7 x 7 inches, 112 pages, full color
$12.95 paper over board (NAXCan)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-807-7
1-58008-807-4 • Ten Speed
That’s Disgusting!
Escape from Alcatraz
An Adult Guide to What’s Gross,
Tasteless, Rude, Crude, and Lewd
by Greta Garbage
6 x 9 inches, 192 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $16.50)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-094-1
1-58008-094-4 • Ten Speed
by J. Campbell Bruce
6 x 9 inches, 240 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-678-3
1-58008-678-0 • Ten Speed
Greta Garbage’s Outrageous
Bathroom Book
by Greta Garbage
6 x 9 inches, 280 pages
$12.95 paper (Can $16.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-286-0
1-58008-286-6 • Ten Speed
Guardian of the Golden Gate
by John Arturo Martini
7 x 10 inches, 160 pages
$15.95 paper (Can $20.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-626-4
1-58008-626-8 • Ten Speed
Dr. Generic Will See You Now
Abby and Her Sisters
by Oscar London, MD, WBD
6 x 9 inches, 134 pages
$11.95 paper (Can $15.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-816-8
0-89815-816-8 • Ten Speed
by Melanie Bellah
6 x 9 inches, 288 pages
$14.95 paper (Can $19.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58761-117-9
1-58761-117-1 • Celestial Arts
The Eat-a-Bug Cookbook
by David George Gordon
73/8 x 91/4 inches, 136 pages
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-977-6
0-89815-977-6 • Ten Speed
A Russian Soldier’s Story
by Vladislav Tamarov
71/4 x 91/4 inches, 192 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-416-1
1-58008-416-8 • Ten Speed
The Heinz® Tomato
Ketchup Cookbook
by Paul Hartley
7 x 7 inches, 96 pages, full color
$12.95 paper over board
(Can $14.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-936-4
1-58008-936-4, NA • Ten Speed
Fortress Alcatraz
The Lives and Loves of
Daisy and Violet Hilton
A True Story of Conjoined Twins
by Dean Jensen
“A poignant biography.”
6 x 9 inches, 432 pages,
black-and-white photographs
$19.95 paper (Can $24.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-758-2
1-58008-758-2 • Ten Speed
The Free Speech Movement
by David Lance Goines
61/2 x 91/2 inches, 768 pages
$27.95 hardcover (Can $37.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-535-8
0-89815-535-5 • Ten Speed
In the Land of the
by Edward S. Curtis
51/4 x 81/4 inches, 128 pages
$7.95 paper (Can $10.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-421-4
0-89815-421-9 • Ten Speed
The Other Side of Haight
by James Fadiman
6 x 9 inches, 320 pages
$25.95 hardcover (Can $34.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89087-984-9
0-89087-984-2 • Celestial Arts
Performance Enhancing
Adornments for the
Adventurous Man
by Burton Silver and Heather Busch
83/8 x 11 inches, 64 pages, full color
$16.95 paper (Can $22.95)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58008-245-7
1-58008-245-9 • Ten Speed
125 Years of Ocean Madness
by Vicki Gold Levi and
Lee Eisenberg
81/2 x 11 inches, 214 pages
$24.95 paper (Can $33.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-613-3
0-89815-613-0 • Ten Speed
by Brad Matson and Ray Troll
10 x 91/2 inches, 144 pages
$29.95 paper (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-778-9
0-89815-778-1 • Ten Speed
That Gunk on Your Car
David Lance Goines Posters
Through the Tiger’s Eyes
A Unique Guide to Insects
of North America
by Mark Hostetler, PhD
6 x 9 inches, 144 pages,
24-page color insert
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-961-5
0-89815-961-X • Ten Speed
by David Lance Goines
8 x 11 inches, 120 pages
$19.95 paper (Can $26.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-651-5
0-89815-651-3 • Ten Speed
120 • G e n e r a l N o nfic t i o n
Atlantic City
Dr. Sunshine
by Leo Wolf
6 x 9 inches, 160 pages
$9.95 paper (Can $13.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-526-6
0-89815-526-6 • Ten Speed
Planet Ocean
by Stanley Breeden and
Belinda Wright
91/2 x 10 inches,
208 pages, full color
$24.95 paper (Can $39.95)
ISBN-13: 978-0-89815-847-2
0-89815-847-8 • Ten Speed
| Author Index
Aaron, Chester, 70, 79
Abarbanel, Karin, 46
Abrahams, Jeffrey, 46
Achatz, Grant, 53
Acuff, Frank L., 47
Adams, Caroline Joy, 97
Adler, Karen, 67
Aidells, Bruce, 75
Allegretti, Jan, 106
Alley, Lynn, 77, 82
Alschuler, Lise, 85
Alternative Medicine, 85
Amsterdam, Elana, 32
Andoh, Elizabeth, 60
Angel, Elayne, 84
Ansel, David, 58
Aoyagi, Akiko, 72
Appleby, Ruth, 95
Appleman, Nate, 55, 62
Aratow, Paul, 77
Arms, Suzanne, 98
Arora, David, 109
Asher, Donald, 30, 43, 44, 48
Azar-Rucquoi, Adele, 94
Badger, K. Reka, 39
Baer-Sinnott, Sara, 76
Balish, Chris, 47
Ball, Carolyn, 94
Banerjee, Dillon, 45
Bannos, Jimmy, 59, 64
Barrenechea, Teresa, 21
Barry, Jennifer, 75, 82, 115, 116
Barry, Leslie, 115
Basten, Fred E., 111
Bates, Tony, 94
Bear, John, 48, 75, 76, 82
Bear, Mariah P., 48
Bear, Marina, 75
Beattie, Scott, 64
Bell, Chris, 102
Bellah, Melanie, 120
Bellows, Warren, 86
Bennett, Hal Zina, 90
Berney, Charlotte, 89
Bessinger, Jeannette, 73
Bevell, Brett, 34, 87
Biddulph, Steve, 99
Binns, Brigit, 59, 64, 73
Bjorkman, Bruce, 82
Blank, Adam, 118
Blank, Jeff, 58
Bloch, Douglas, 95
Bloom, Carole, 69
Blumenfield, Robert H., 113
Boice, Judith, 84
Bold, Adam, 47
Bolles, Mark Emery, 42
Bolles, Richard N., 4, 5, 42, 100
Booth, Dottie, 117
Bradford, Michael, 87
Brandt, Judith E., 103
Brauer-Bell, Kate, 102
Braverman, Debra, 84
Breeden, Stanley, 120
Brennan, Georgeanne, 82, 115
Brilliant, Ashleigh, 17
Briscoe, John, 54
Brooke, Elisabeth, 95
Brown, Andi, 107
Brown, Dale Susan, 42
Browne, Rick, 66
Browning, Frank, 70
Bruce, J. Campbell, 120
Bruce, Kevin, 110, 111
Bruchac, Joseph, 90
Bruzzese, Joe, 100
Bryan, Mollie Cox, 59, 69
Buckley, Sarah, 98
Burgard, Anna Marlis, 90, 97
Burke, Adam, 95
Burley, Ron, 46
Burns, Teresa, 81
Burrett, Jill, 37
Busch, Heather, 107, 120
Byrne, Chuck, 112, 114
Cabot, Sandra, 86
Cakebread, Dolores and Jack, 56
California Artichoke
Advisory Board, 81
Callinan, Brigid, 65, 76
Canan, Janine, 90
Carey, Melissa, 53
Carle, Jill, 67, 72, 76, 101
Carle, Megan, 67, 72, 76, 101
Caroselli, Henry M., 47
Carpenter, Hugh, 63, 66, 78, 79
Carr, Fizz, 75
Carrellas, Barbara, 102
Carson, Anne, 94
Castle, Timothy J., 79
Castro, Lourdes, 21, 62
Catalano, Ania, 74
Chaddock, Katherine E., 102
Chapman, Jack, 43
Cheese Board Collective, 54
Cheney, Theodore A. Rees, 49
Chester, Jonathan, 110
Chevys, 57
Chiang, Cecilia, 60
Christen, Carol, 42, 100
Cirincione, Diane V., 93
Clark, Don, 103
Clarke, Paul, 44, 52
Clayton, Bernard, 82
Coblentz, Elizabeth, 53
Collins, John M., 115
Colman, Michelle Sinclair, 105
Colson, Deborah, 83, 99
Combs, Patrick, 48
Conley, Sue, 76
Conway, D.J., 91
Cooke, Kaz, 98, 99
Cooper, Paulette, 107
Coplin, Bill, 48
Correal, Tobe Melora, 89
Cortlund, Yana, 98
Cowan, Tom, 90
Cox, Carol, 108
Cox, Lauren, 29
Crabtree, Cheryl, 39
Cralle, Trevor, 119
Crawford, Amanda McQuade, 32
Craydon, Deborah, 86
Crossman, Anne, 48
Cunningham, Scott, 95
Curran, Sheila J., 44
Curtis, Edward S., 120
Cuthbertson, Tom, 117
Cutler, Ellen W., 84
Dale, Cyndi, 87
D’Aluisio, Faith, 61, 105, 111
D’Amato, Peter, 108
Dancy, Rahima Baldwin, 99
Daniels, Estelle, 92
Davenport, Leslie, 93
Davidson, Alan, 63, 78
Davies, Jill Rosemary, 86
Davis, Elizabeth, 98, 101
Davis, Piper, 25
Dawson, Jim, 118
de Haan, Linda, 103
DeMers, John, 59, 63, 64, 81
Denson, Charles, 118
Dermond, Susan Usha, 99
Desjardin, Dennis E., 109
Desmond, Tara Mataraza, 73
Diaz, David, 38
DiCataldo, Andrew, 62
Dickinson, Gary, 113
Dillaire, Claudia R., 92
DiStefano, Eric, 57
Divina, Fernando and Marlene, 57
Docie, Ronald Louis, 47
Dotz, Warren, 110, 111
Doumani, Lissa, 55
Drew, Nancy Swan, 97
Dreyfus, Eve M., 99
Durrett, Charles, 115
Eason, Cassandra, 92
Easton, Dossie, 102
Egan, Emilie Chaddock, 102
Eikleberry, Carol, 44
Eisenberg, Lee, 120
Elie, Lolis Eric, 66
Elium, Don, 100
Elium, Jeanne, 100
Evans, Chuck, 81
Evans, Frank, 108
Evans, Kay, 115
Fadiman, James, 95, 120
Falkner, Elizabeth, 56, 69
Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh, 75
Feaver, Peter, 48
Feldman, Ron H., 89
Ferré, Carl, 95
Fields, Roger, 47
Fierlinger, Hadley, 23
Figler, Howard, 42
Fine, Edith H., 49
Fineberg, Jill, 106
Finegold, Julius J., 94
Fingerman, Daniel J., 49
Fischer, Joseph, 113
Fisher, Chloe, 98
Fletcher, Janet, 55, 75
Flinders, Carol, 72
Fobian, Mary Thiele, 112
Foundation for Inner Peace, 90
Fox, Margaret S., 76, 82
Frank, Lois Ellen, 57
Frank, Michael, 119
Freeman, Bruce, 46
Friedrich, Jacqueline, 64
Froncillo, Andrea, 55, 63
Frye, Marilyn, 101
Fulton, Roger, 46
Gailing, Stephanie, 86, 92
Gaither, Richard, 47
Galembo, Phyllis, 112
Galenorn, Yasmine, 91, 92
Gannon, Beverly, 54
Garbage, Greta, 120
Gard, Jim, 47
Gardner, Joy, 87
Gardner-Gordon, Joy, 87, 95
Garfield, Laeh Maggie, 94
Gartenstein, Devra, 72
Gazella, Karolyn A., 85
Gelb, Alan, 48
Gentry, Ann, 72
Gethin, Anni, 99
Gewirtz, Matthew, 94
Ghirardelli Chocolate Company, 68
Gifford, K. Dun, 76
Gilbert, Alma M., 112
Gilford, Judith, 114
Gilroy Garlic Festival
Association, 70
GirlSource, 101
Gladstone, Gary, 112, 119
Godfrey, Joline, 46, 99
Goines, David Lance, 120
Goldberg, Burton, 85
Gordon, David George, 120
Gordon, Peter, 61
Graham, Helen, 95
Grant, Jack, 94
Green, James, 86
Green, Michael, 37
Green, Mindy, 86
Greenstein, George, 67
Greenwald, Suzanne, 44
Grever, Carol, 103
Gross, Philippe L., 112
Groves, Richard F., 36
Guerithault, Vincent, 82
Au t h o r I nd e x • 121
| Author Index
Haas, Adelaide, 84
Haas, Elson M., 74, 83
Hafly, Barbara, 81
Haimovich, Natasha, 69
Handler, Sarah, 113
Hanes, R. Philip, 46
Hansard, Peter, 117
Hansen, Katharine, 43
Hansen, Randall S., 43
Hardeman, Susie Vaccaro, 47
Hardiman, Michael, 94
Hardy, Janet W., 102
Harra, Carmen, 34
Harrisson, John, 54
Hart, Louise, 95, 99
Hartley, Paul, 78, 120
Hawkins, Holly Blue, 94
Hayes, Allan, 110
Hayes, Carol, 110
Hayes, Shannon, 73
Haynes, Frances Bolles, 30, 42
Head, Tom, 48
Hedva, Beth, 94
Heffernan, Terry, 110
Heiss, Mary Lou, 60, 65
Heiss, Robert J., 60, 65
Hellsten, Tommy, 93
Hemmes, Don E., 109
Henderson, Ann, 71, 104
Henry, Diana, 75
Hensperger, Beth, 67, 77
Hepinstall, Hi Soo Shin, 60
Hill, Kate, 61
Hinds, David, 111
Hinrichs, Kit, 110, 111
Hinz, Phyllis, 53
Hirasuna, Delphine, 110, 111
Hirigoyen, Gerald, 55, 61
Hirsch, David, 72
Hitron, Noga, 69
Holetz, Julie Armstrong, 116
Holford, Patrick, 83, 99
Hollander, Linda, 47
Holmes, Robert, 39, 64, 112
Holschuh, Jodi Patrick, 48
Holtan, Gene, 117
Hope, Lori, 94
Hopper, Pegge, 112
Hostess, 67, 120
Hostetler, Mark, 120
Hountalas, Mary Germain, 27
Huang, Chungliang Al, 89
Hugus, David, 113
Husain, Masud, 111
Hushaw, Glenda, 81
Huxley, Laura, 89
Hyder, Carole J., 89
I, J
Ibsen, Gary, 70, 79
Ingram, Colin, 83
International Education
Research Foundation, 48
122 • Au t h o r I nd e x
Jackson, Beverley, 113
Jackson, Jill, 38
Jaeger, Andrew, 59, 63, 81
Jampolsky, Gerald G., 93
Jampolsky, Lee, 93
Jardine, Denise, 74
Jardini, Edward, 84
Jasheway-Bryant, Leigh
Anne, 14, 119
Jeavons, John, 108
Jeffers, Sharon, 92
Jeffrey, Jennifer, 63
Jensen, Dean, 120
Jepson, Jill, 49
Johns, Pamela Sheldon,
62, 68, 75, 116
Johnson, Andrea, 64, 112
Johnson, Pam, 106
Johnson, Steven M., 116
Johnson-Bennett, Pam, 106
Johnston, Andrea, 101
Johnston, Tim, 45
Jones, Kimball, 55
Jones, Susan Smith, 84
Josephson, Judith P., 49
Judith, Anodea, 87
Kagel, Katharine, 57
Kamhi, Ellen, 85
Kamman, Madeleine, 77
Karlin, Mary, 66
Katz, Cheryl and Jeffrey,
98, 107, 118
Katz, Evan Marc, 102
Katz, Rebecca, 12, 73, 83
Katzen, Mollie, 69, 71, 104
Keller, Hubert, 82
Kelly, Denis, 75
Kemmerer, Brett, 57
Kemp, Gillian, 91, 107
Kensington Ladies’ Erotica
Society, 103
Kesten, Deborah, 83
Keville, Kathi, 28, 86
Kiffin, Mark, 57
King, Elizabeth, 48
King, Jason, 109
Kinkead, Bob, 58, 63
Klauser, Henriette Anne, 36
Klein, Roxanne, 52, 72
Kleinberg, Ann, 70
Knight, Sirona, 95
Knorr, Rosanne, 114
Knutson, Roger M., 117
Kodama, Dave “D.K.,” 54, 63
Kramer, Leah, 116
Krantz, Lynn Blocker, 112
Krantz, Nick, 112
Kroening, Bette, 76
Krondl, Michael, 81
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 94
Lainé, Daniel, 110
Lamb, Sandra E., 49
Lana, Wai, 74
Landes, Michael, 43
Landgrebe, Gary, 72
Lange, Carol, 53
Langham, Murray, 97
Lanier, Pamela, 39, 114
Lark, Susan M., 84
Larkin, Daphne, 64, 112
Larkin, Geri, 89
Larsen, Gail, 46
Lassiter, Pam, 44
Lawler, Edmund O., 44, 52
Lebovitz, David, 69, 79
Lee, Susur, 60
LeFavour, Cree, 76
Leonard, Carol, 101
Levenson, George, 67, 108
Levi, Vicki Gold, 120
Levin, Martin P., 49
Levine, Michael, 95
Lim, Robin, 98
Lindgren, Shelley, 55, 62
Lindsay, Joe, 117
Linkletter, Art, 118
London, Oscar, 118, 119, 120
Long, Donna, 106
Longhi, Gabrielle, 54
Longhi, Robert, 54
Lookout Media, 45
Lorde, Audre, 101, 103
Lucchesi, Serena Joew, 63
Lucero, Al, 65, 79
Lucke, Barb, 98
Luey, Beth, 99
Lyle, Lauren, 56
Lynch, Kermit, 64
Macgregor, Beth, 99
MacInnis, J. Lyman, 46
Mackay, Jordan, 64, 112
Mackay, Lamont, 53
Maikon, Lena, 116
Malfy, Margaritte, 20
Mamane, Danielle, 60
Mandel, Bob, 94
Mangelsdorf, Martha E., 44
Manning, Joy, 73
Manning, Margo, 53
Mansfield, Leslie, 81, 82
Maoz, Offerico, 82
Marchiori, Carlo, 110
Martini, John Arturo, 120
Mason, L. John, 84
Mathison, Vicki, 107
Matson, Brad, 120
Mazzola, Pamela, 54
McAlpine, Rachel, 49
McCleary, John Bassett, 119
McCutcheon, Paul, 35
McKenna, Sharon, 102
McLagan, Jennifer, 77
McMahon, Jennifer, 90
McManus, Fran, 73
McNair, James, 67
McQueary, Larry, 48
Meader, Jonathan, 114
Meier, Robert Wm., 44
Mellgren, James, 56, 64
Menicucci, Heather, 117
Menzel, Peter, 61, 105, 111
Meyer, Kathleen, 117
Micallef, Mike, 59
Michalko, Michael, 47
Mickler, Ernest Matthew, 59
Middione, Carlo, 62
Miller, D. Patrick, 90
Miller, Emily Wise, 61, 115
Miller, Mark, 57, 79
Miller, Sy, 38
Mingo, Jack, 110
Mollod, Phineas, 102
Mondavi, Margrit Biever, 56
Mooney, Melissa Duke, 38
Moore, Jan, 81
Moosewood Collective, 72
Morency, George, 114
Morgan, Adrian, 108
Mornell, Pierre, 46
Morris, Kendra Bailey, 59
Morrone, George, 55
Morse, Kitty, 60
Moyer, George, 110
Nancarrow, Loren, 108
Nelson, John E., 42
Newberry, Todd, 117
Nguyen, Andrea, 19, 60
Nielsen, Joan, 79
Niepold, Mil, 104
Nijland, Stern, 103
Niman, Bill, 55, 75
Nims, Cynthia, 53
Nisker, Wes “Scoop,” 89
Nist-Olejnik, Sherrie, 48
Nixon, Thomas, 48
Noble, Paul, 107
Nordin, Donna, 57
Norris, Susie, 28
Novick, Rebecca McClen, 89
Oakes, Nancy, 54
O’Connor, Martin, 102
Ogren, Thomas Leo, 108
O’Hanlon, Brenda, 95
Oken, Alan, 92, 95
Okey, Shannon, 116
Olmstead, Marty, 64
Olney, Richard, 77, 82
Ono, Tadashi, 18
Orcutt, Georgia, 73, 101
O’Rear, Charles, 64, 112
Ortiz, Gayle, 67
Ortiz, Joe, 67
Ortman, Dennis, 93
| Author Index
Pagett, Matt, 117
Paley, Kimberly, 53
Paley, Vitaly, 53
Paniz, Neela, 60
Parker, Yana, 43
Pascal, Cybele, 33
Paulson, Terry L., 47
Pawlcyn, Cindy, 56, 82
Peabody, Susan, 93
Pearce, Amy, 72
Pei, Fang Jing, 113
Pence, Caprial, 53
Peterson, Buck, 117
Peterson, James, 7, 76
Pinner, Patty, 69
Podesta, Gina, 115
Polish, Ed, 119
Pollak, Jane, 101
Pomo, Jairemarie, 63
Pontow, Regina, 44
Porot, Daniel, 30, 42
Presilla, Maricel E., 24
Preuschoff, Gisela, 99
Price, Dan, 49, 116
Pritz, Alan L., 95
Puretz, Susan L., 84
Q, R
Quinn, Bill, 46
Quinn, Rix, 49
Radke, Nancy, 66
Ramsay, Gordon, 61
Randall, Victoria, 106
Rankin, Dorothy, 81
Rather, Rebecca, 9, 58, 69
Rautureau, Thierry, 53
Ray, Sondra, 94, 95
Reinhart, Peter, 13, 68
Renfrew, Mary, 98
Rex-Johnson, Braiden, 53, 63
Reynolds, Siimon, 97
Rice, Lenny, 65, 76
Richards, Andrea, 100, 115
Richardson, Julie, 68
Rickard, Wendy, 73
Riera, Michael, 100
Roadtrip Nation, 45
Roberts, Annie, 56
Robertson, Jon, 90
Robertson, Laurel, 72
Röckenwagner, Hans, 82
Rodriguez, Douglas, 62, 63, 79
Rogak, Lisa, 61
Rogers, Ford, 70
Rogers, Jeff, 73
Romm, Aviva Jill, 95, 98
Rose, George, 111
Rosengarten, Jody, 107
Roskind, Robert, 115
Ross, Herbert, 85
Rountree, Cathleen, 101
Rowe Family Restaurant, 59
Rubel, William, 75
Ruppenthal, Brian, 72
Ryan, Regina Sara, 84
S., Kathleen, 95
Sacco, Louise Reilly, 119
Sacks, Martha, 106
Sacks, Marty, 106
Safron, Jeremy A., 74, 83
Sahni, Julie, 82
Said, Olivier, 56, 64
Saint-Ange, Evelyn, 77
Salat, Harris, 18
Salmansohn, Karen, 96, 104
Salter, Tina, 82
Salviati, Filippo, 113
Sananikone, Keo, 54, 60
Sandison, Teri, 63, 66, 78, 79
Sanger, Amy Wilson, 105
Santa Cruz Seaside Company, 118
Santos, Barbara, 81
Saperstein, Stella, 99
SARK, 97
Satir, Virginia, 36, 95
Savitsky, Dona, 55, 62
Schaefer, Elizabeth
Maynard, 49, 94
Schaffer, William A., 45
Schell, Jude, 103
Scherwitz, Larry, 83
Schiff, Nancy Rica, 118
Schindel, John, 104
Schnetz, Thomas, 55, 62
Schonberger, Jane, 114
Schreiber, Cory, 53, 68
Schucman, Helen, 90
Schultz, Charles M., 118
Schwartz, Arthur, 58
Schwartz, Cheryl, 106
Schwartz, David M., 105
Schy, Yael, 105
Scott, Liz, 64
Seabrook, Jane, 17, 96, 106
Seaman, Debbie, 115
Seed, Diane, 62
Seefeldt, Tara, 75, 91
Senechal, Sean, 35
Shafia, Louisa, 11
Shapiro, S. I., 112
Sherman, Alexa Joy, 102
Shimura, Goro, 113
Shumsky, Susan, 90
Shurtleff, William, 72
Sibley, Barbara, 20
Siegel, Helene, 70, 80
Siegelman, Steve, 65, 76
Silva, Sharon, 70
Silver, Burton, 102, 107, 117, 120
Silverwind, Selene, 91
Simmonds, Peter Lund, 78
Sindell, Milo, 31
Sindell, Thuy, 31
Skoglund, Cliff, 57
Skutch, Robert, 90, 103
Smithsonian National Museum
of the American Indian, 57
Snyder, Kirk, 45
Solomon, Karen, 77, 116
Sommers, Katy, 106
Sone, Hiro, 55
Sonneman, Milly, 49
Sorensen, Lorin, 111
Spears, Grady, 59, 64, 66, 79
Speerstra, Joel, 90
Speerstra, Karen, 90
Splichal, Christine, 99
Splichal, Joachim, 99
Spurkland, Kristin, 116
St. Claire, Debra, 95
Stage, John, 66
Stamets, Paul, 109
Stein, Diane, 88, 106, 107
Stein, Rick, 63
Stern, Zoe and Evan, 99
Stines, Michael H., 66
Stone, Chris, 109
Street-Porter, Janet, 15
Susser, Allen, 70, 79
Swanson, Heidi, 74
Tallmadge, Hania, 110
Tamarov, Vladislav, 120
Tankard, Judith B., 112
Tapp, Alice Guadalupe, 62
Tarantino, Jim, 66
Tart-Jensen, Ellen, 84
Taylor, Janet Hogan, 108
Taylor, Judith, 70
Telesco, Patricia, 91, 92
Tesauro, Jason, 102
Thetford, William N., 94
Thompson, David, 60
Thompson, Jennifer Trainer,
65, 79, 81, 98
Tierra, Lesley, 86
Tilsner, Julie, 98
Tocantins, Nicole, 102
Tompkins, Mark L., 90
Tonay, Veronica, 93, 115
Toussaint, Jean-Luc, 82
Trappe, James, 108
Trappe, Matt, 108
Travis, John W., 84
Tr’as de Bes, Fernando, 47
Trivieri, Larry, 85
Troll, Ray, 120
Trotter, Charlie, 52, 72
Tucker, Eric, 72
Tuitéan, Paul, 92
Turback, Michael, 58, 65, 68, 115
Veovode, Elantu B., 82
Verdu, Jeanyves, 104
Vetri, Marc, 58, 61
Vitali, Benedetta, 61
Vollmer, John E., 113
Wade, Jean C., 74
Walsh, Robb, 59
Wann, Marilyn, 118
Ward, Margarete, 89
Wasiolek, Sue, 48
Watelet, Donna Miller, 98
Wauters, Ambika, 87
Weinstein, Susan, 35
Weir, Joanne, 56, 61, 65
Weiss, Sascha, 72
Wente, Carolyn, 55
Westerdahl, John, 72
Weygers, Alexander G., 112, 115
Wharton, Kate, 104
Wigglesworth, Linda, 113
Wild, Michael, 56
Wilder, Janos, 79
Wilkes, Sema, 59
Willinsky, Helen, 66
Willis, Virginia, 59
Wilson, S. Clay, 110
Wise, Victoria, 56
Wittenberg, Margaret M., 73
Wojton, Djuna, 89
Wolf, Leo, 120
Wonder, 120
Wong, Alan, 54
Wood, Ed, 67
Wood, Jamie, 75, 91, 100
Wood, Robert S., 117
Woodbridge, John M., 112, 114
Woodbridge, Sally B., 112, 114
Wotz, Darren, 119
Wright, Belinda, 120
Y, Z
Yablon-Brenner, Tracee, 73
Yagihashi, Takashi, 60
Yamaguchi, Roy, 54, 63
Yan, Martin, 60
Zampieron, Eugene R., 85
Zelinski, Ernie J., 45
Zupo, Jacqueline, 81
U, V
Unger, Richard, 94
Unterman, Patricia, 56
Van Aken, Norman, 70, 79
Vargas, Sally Pasley, 82
Vega, Selene, 87
Venolia, Jan, 49
Au t h o r I nd e x • 123
| Title Index
A16, 55, 62
Abby and Her Sisters, 120
ABC’s of Rock, 38
Accidental Vegan, 72
Ad Boy, 111
Addiction to Love, 93
Advanced Chakra Healing, 87
Advanced Chakra Healing:
Cancer, 87
Advanced Chakra Healing:
Heart Disease, 87
Afghanistan, 120
African Kings, 110
After the Baby’s Birth, 98
Alan Wong’s New Wave Luau, 54
Alchemy at Work, 92
Alinea, 53
Allergen-Free Baker’s
Handbook, 33
Allergy Free, 85
Allergy-Free Gardening, 108
All-Suite Hotel Guide, 114
All That the Rain Promises,
and More..., 109
All Women Are Healers, 88
All Women Are Psychics, 88
Almost Meatless, 73
Alternative Medicine, 85
Alternative Medicine Magazine’s
Definitive Guide to Cancer, 85
Alternative Medicine
Magazine’s Definitive Guide
to Sleep Disorders, 85
Alternative Medicine
Magazine’s Definitive Guide
to Weight Loss, 85
Alt Fiber, 116
American Book of Living
and Dying, 36
American Pie, 68
Amish Cook, 53
Ancient Art of Faery Magick, 91
Angels and Companions
in Spirit, 94
Annie and Margrit, 56
Antojitos, 20
Anybody’s Bike Book, 117
Apple Harvest, 70
Ardent Birder, 117
Aromatherapy, 86
Artful Vegan, 72
Arthritis, 85
Arthur Schwartz’s Jewish
Home Cooking, 58
Artisanal Cocktails, 64
Art of Changing, 93
Art of Cookies, 69
Art of Gaman, 110
Art of S. Clay Wilson, 110
Asher’s Bible of Executive Résumés
& How to Write Them, 43
Asian Dumplings, 19
Asparagus Festival Cookbook, 81
Atlantic City, 120
124 • Ti t l e I nd e x
Attracting Prosperity through
the Chakras, 87
Attracting Your Perfect Body
through the Chakras, 87
Back Door Guide to ShortTerm Job Adventures, 43
Bags to Riches, 47
Baking, 7
Baking with Agave Nectar, 74
Bar, 64
Bay Area by Design, 115
BayWolf Restaurant Cookbook, 56
Beach Babies Wear Shades, 105
Bear’s Guide to College Degrees
by Mail & Internet, 48
Bear’s Guide to Earning Degrees
by Distance Learning, 48
Bears’ Guide to Earning
High School Diplomas
Nontraditionally, 48
Bears’ Guide to the Best
Computer Degrees by
Distance Learning, 48
Bears’ Guide to the Best
Education Degrees by
Distance Learning, 48
Bears’ Guide to the Best MBAs
by Distance Learning, 48
Beautiful Gardens of the
Wine Country, 112
Beautiful Wineries of the
Wine Country, 112
Bed & Breakfast: Australia’s
Best, 114
Berkeley Rocks, 110
Best Barbecue on Earth, 66
Best Dog in the World, 106
Bestfeeding, 98
Best Little Barbecue Cookbook, 67
Best Little BBQ Sauces
Cookbook, 67
Best Little Grilling Cookbook, 67
Best Little Marinades
Cookbook, 67
Beth Hensperger’s Bread
Made Easy, 67
Betrayal, Trust, and Forgiveness, 94
Better Than Chocolate, 97
Beyond Words, 49
Be Your Own Angel, 97
Be Your Own Literary Agent, 49
Big Easy Cocktails, 64
Big Small Plates, 56
Birthing the Elephant, 46
Blame It on the Dog, 118
Blanc de Chine, 113
Bob Chinn’s Crab House
Cookbook, 63
Bold Truth about Investing, 47
Bombay Cafe, 60
Bon Appétit, Y’all, 59
Bonne Cuisine de Madame
E. Saint-Ange, 77
Book of Tofu, 72
Boulevard, 54
Bread Baker’s Apprentice, 68
Bread Comes to Life, 67
Bread for Breakfast, 67
Bread Made Easy, 67
Breads of France, 82
Bruce Aidells’ Complete
Sausage Book, 75
Buck Peterson’s Complete Guide
to Bird Hunting, 117
Buck Peterson’s Complete Guide
to Deer Hunting, 117
Buck Peterson’s Complete
Guide to Fishing, 117
Build a Better Burger, 67
Building Your Own House, 115
Bun in the Oven, 98
Busy Barnyard, 104
Busy Bear Cubs, 104
Busy Bunnies, 104
Busy Chickens, 104
Busy Doggies, 104
Busy Horsies, 104
Busy Kitties, 104
Busy Monkeys, 104
Busy Pandas, 104
Busy Penguins, 104
Busy Piggies, 104
Café Beaujolais, 82
Cakebread Cellars Napa
Valley Cookbook, 56
Cakes and Ale for the
Pagan Soul, 92
California Artichoke Cookbook, 81
California Directory of
Fine Wineries (Central
Coast Edition), 39
California Directory of Fine
Wineries (4th Edition), 64
Calm and Compassionate
Children, 99
Cancer-Fighting Kitchen, 12
Cannabible, 109
Cannabible Collection, 109
Cannabible Deluxe, 109
Cannabible 2, 109
Cannabible 3, 109
Can’t Lose Weight?, 86
Caprial’s Desserts, 53
Cards of Destiny, 92
Career Counselor’s Handbook, 42
Career Guide for Creative and
Unconventional People, 44
Career Success without
a Real Job, 45
Caretaking a New Soul, 94
Caribbean Cocktails, 65
Casual Vineyard Table, 55
César, 56, 64
Chaat & Sweets, 105
Chakras and Their Archetypes, 87
Charlie Trotter’s, 52
Charlie Trotter’s Desserts, 52
Charlie Trotter’s Meat & Game, 52
Charlie Trotter’s Seafood, 52
Charlie Trotter’s Vegetables, 52
Cheese Board Collective Works, 54
Chef for All Seasons, 61
Chevys Fresh Mex Cookbook, 57
Chocolate Bliss, 28
Chocolate Therapy, 97
Cholesterol, 86
Choose Once Again, 94
Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia
& Lyme Disease, 85
Cindy Pawlcyn’s Appetizers, 56
Cinnamon Mornings and
Savory Nights, 114
Circle of Life, 101
Claiming Your Self-Esteem, 94
Classic Sourdoughs, 67
Coffee Drinks, 65
College Cooking, 76, 101
College Rules!, 48
College Vegetarian Cooking,
72, 76, 101
Color and Crystals, 87
Common Sense Management, 46
Complete Guide to Bed
& Breakfasts, Inns &
Guesthouses, 114
Complete Guide to Condo
Vacations, 114
Complete Guide to Divination, 92
Complete Guide to Labyrinths, 92
Complete Guide to Psychic
Development, 92
Complete Holistic Dog Book, 106
Complete Home Guide to Herbs,
Natural Healing & Nutrition, 86
Complete Modern Blacksmith, 115
Coney Island, 118
Conquering the College
Admissions Essay in
10 Steps, 48
Contemporary Southwest, 57
Contented Poacher, 82
Cookbook for All Seasons, 83
Cooking, 76
Cooking Fresh from the
Bay Area, 73
Cooking Fresh from the
Mid-Atlantic, 73
Cooking Ladies’ Recipes
from the Road, 53
Cooking with Café Pasqual’s, 57
Cooking with Patrick Clark, 52
Cool Colleges, 48
Cool Coyote Cafe Juice Drinks, 57
Country Babies Wear Plaid, 105
Courage to Surrender, 93
Cowboy Cocktails, 59, 64
Cowboy in the Kitchen, 59
Coyote Cafe, 57
Coyote’s Pantry, 57
Crab, 63
Cracking Creativity, 47
| Title Index
Crafting the Body Divine, 92
Craftster Guide to Nifty, Thrifty,
and Kitschy Crafts, 116
Creative Dreamer, 93, 115
Crust and Crumb, 68
Crystal Enchantments, 91
Cuisine of Hubert Keller, 82
Cuisines of Spain, 21
Culinary Journey in Gascony, 61
Cult of the Mouse, 47
Curiosities of Food, 78
Curso de milagros, 90
Damn Good Resume Guide, 43
David Lance Goines Posters, 120
Dead Daisies Make Me Crazy, 108
Dead Snails Leave No Trails, 108
Death Warmed Over, 61
Demolition Desserts, 56, 69
Desert Southwest, 110
Diane Stein’s Essential Reiki
Workshop DVD, 88
Diane Stein’s Guide to
Goddess Craft, 88
Diary of a Job Search, 45
Dieta para la Limpieza
del H’gado, 86
Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 66
Dirty Bow Wow, 107, 118
Dirty Wow Wow and Other
Love Stories, 118
Divorce Is Not the End
of the World, 99
D.K.’s Sushi Chronicles
from Hawai’i, 54, 63
Dogs Can Sign, Too, 35
Dog Works, 107
Doña Tomás, 55, 62
Douglas Rodriguez’s Latin
Flavors on the Grill, 62
Dr. Generic Will See You
Now, 118, 120
Drinking Water Book, 83
Dr. Sunshine, 120
Dynamic Cover Letters, 43
Dynamic Cover Letters for
New Graduates, 43
Eastern Body, Western Mind, 87
Eat-a-Bug Cookbook, 120
Eat, Drink, Think in Spanish, 21
Eating for Two, 98
Eco Babies Wear Green, 105
EcoBeauty, 29
Egyptian Revenge Spells, 92
Elegant Small Hotels, 39
Elements of Great Public
Speaking, 46
Eleven Eternal Principles, 34
Elizabeth Falkner’s Demolition
Desserts, 56, 69
Embrace Tiger, Return
to Mountain, 89
Enchanted Broccoli Forest, 71
Enchanted Diary, 91, 100
End of Work as You Know It, 31
Enlightened Diet, 83
Enough, Dammit, 96
Enzyme Cure, 85
Escape from Alcatraz, 120
Essential Crazy Wisdom, 89
Essential Energy Balancing, 88
Essential Energy Balancing II, 88
Essential Energy Balancing III, 88
Essential Psychic Healing, 88
Essential Reiki, 88
Essential Reiki Teaching
Manual, 88
Essential Reiki Workshop DVD, 88
Essential Wicca, 92
Estrogen Decision, 84
Ethical Slut, 102
Everyday Tofu, 72
Everything He Hasn’t
Told You Yet, 102
Everywoman’s Travel Journal, 114
Family-Style Meals at the
Hali’imaile General Store, 54
Family Travel & Resorts, 114
Famous Ford V-8s, 111
Famous Ford Woodies, 111
Fantastic Flight, 115
Fast Appetizers, 78
Fast Entrées, 78
Fast Fish, 63, 78
Fasting Handbook, 83
Fat, 77
FAT!SO?, 118
Fearless Flier’s Handbook, 115
Feeding Baby, 99
Festa Veneziana a Ca’Toga, 110
Festive Picnics, 75, 116
Fibroid Tumors & Endometriosis, 84
Field Guide to North
American Truffles, 108
Field Guide to the North
American Bird, 118
50-Mile Rule, 103
Finding Soul on the Path
of Orisa, 89
Finding the Open Road, 45
Fire & Light, 90
Firecrackers, 110
Firecrackers! Gift Edition, 110
Fired Up!, 58
First Book of Sushi, 105
Flattened Fauna, 117
Flavored Butters, 82
Flings, Frolics, and Forever
Afters, 102
Floral Acupuncture, 86
Fog City Diner Cookbook, 82
Fondue, 65, 76
Food for Friends, 82
Foodie Babies Wear Bibs, 105
Food Lover’s Guide to
Florence, 61, 115
Foods of the Americas, 57
Foods of the Southwest
Indian Nations, 57
Foot in the Door, 43
Ford’s Golden Fifties, 111
Fortress Alcatraz, 120
Four Paws, Five Directions, 106
Free Speech Movement, 120
French Menu Cookbook, 77
Fresh Start, 84
From Tapas to Meze, 61
Fundamentals of Hawaiian
Mysticism, 89
Fundamentals of Jewish
Mysticism and Kabbalah, 89
Fundamentals of Tibetan
Buddhism, 89
Fun with Family Photos, 115
Furry Logic, 96
Furry Logic: Don’t Worry!, 17
Furry Logic Parenthood, 96
Furry Logic Wild Wisdom, 96
Games Companies Play, 46
Garlic Lovers’ Cookbook, 70
Garlic Lovers’ Cookbook:
Volume II, 70
Gelato!, 68
Gemstones A to Z, 88
Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering, 98
Geronimo, 57
Getting the Best Out of College, 48
Ghirardelli Chocolate
Cookbook, 68
Gift of Grief, 94
Gifts of God, 90
Girl Director, 100, 115
GirlSource, 101
Girls Speak Out, 101
Give the Bitch Her Chocolate, 119
Gliding Flight, 115
Gluten-Free Almond Flour
Cookbook, 32
Gong Hee Fot Choy Book
of Dreams, 89
Gong Hee Fot Choy Book
of Fortune, 89
Good Cat Spell Book, 91, 107
Gourmet Potluck, 77
Gourmet Slow Cooker, 77
Gourmet Slow Cooker:
Volume II, 77
Gourmet Toaster Oven, 77
Graceful Parenting, 99
Graduate Admissions Essays, 48
Grand Central Baking Book, 25
Grand Tour of Asia, 110
Grassfed Gourmet Cookbook, 73
Gratins, 82
Great American Billboards, 111
Great Barbecue Companion, 82
Great Book of Chocolate, 69, 79
Great Ceviche Book, 62, 63, 79
Great Chile Book, 57, 79
Great Chiles Rellenos Book, 79
Great Citrus Book, 70, 79
Great Coffee Book, 79
Great Exotic Fruit Book, 70, 79
Great Garlic Book, 70, 79
Great Hot Sauce Book, 79
Great Little Pumpkin Cookbook, 81
Great Mango Book, 70, 79
Great Margarita Book, 65, 79
Great Ribs Book, 66, 79
Great Salsa Book, 57, 79
Great Steak Book, 66, 79
Great Tiki Drink Book, 65, 79
Great Tomato Book, 70, 79
Great Wings Book, 66, 79
Greetings from the Finger
Lakes, 58, 115
Greta Garbage’s Outrageous
Bathroom Book, 120
Growing Gourmet and Medicinal
Mushrooms, 109
Growing Up in a Korean
Kitchen, 60
Grown-Up’s Guide to Living
in France, 114
Grown-Up’s Guide to
Retiring Abroad, 114
Grown-Up’s Guide to Running
Away from Home, 114
Guide to Stress Reduction, 84
Hali’imaile General Store
Cookbook, 54
Hallelujah, 90, 97
Happy Hook-Up, 102
Harley and Davidson
Family Recipes, 53
Harmonious Child, 99
Hawaii Cooks, 54
Headaches, 85
Healing and Holiness, 94
Healing and Transformation
through Self-Guided
Imagery, 93
Healing Energy of Your Hands, 87
Healing Herbs A to Z, 88
Healing the Addictive
Personality, 93
Healing with the Herbs of Life, 86
Health Is Your Birthright, 84
Healthy Liver & Bowel Book, 86
Heal Your Heart with EECP, 84
Heart & Hands, 98
Heart of the Circle, 94
Heaven on Seven Cookbook, 59
Heavy Menstrual Flow
& Anemia, 84
Heinz Tomato Ketchup
Cookbook, 78, 120
Helping Baby Sleep, 99
Help Me Live, 94
Ti t l e I nd e x • 125
| Title Index
Herbal Medicine-Maker’s
Handbook, 86
High-Tech Careers for LowTech People, 45
Hippie Dictionary, 119
Hiring Smart!, 46
Hog Island Oyster Lover’s
Cookbook, 63
¡Hola! Jalapeño, 105
Holiday Pumpkins, 82, 115
Holistic Puppy, 106
Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and
Other Perversities, 111
Home Cooking with
Charlie Trotter, 52
Homeopathic Color and
Sound Remedies, 87
Honest Pretzels, 71, 104
Hormone Replacement, 86
Hot Barbecue, 66, 78
Hot Chicken, 78
Hot Chocolate, 65, 68
Hot Drinks, 65
Hot Pasta, 78
Hot Vegetables, 78
Hot Wok, 78
How Sweet It Is...Without
the Sugar, 74
How to Be Happy, Dammit, 96
How to Feed a Teenage
Boy, 73, 101
How to Find Your Mission
in Life, 42
How to Get Any Job, 30
How to Get Anyone to
Do Anything, 46
How to Grow More
Vegetables, 108
How to Live Well without
Owning a Car, 47
How to Make a Journal of
Your Life, 49, 116
How to Repair Food, 75
How to Retire Happy,
Wild, and Free, 45
How to Save on Prescription
Drugs, 84
How to Shit in the Woods, 117
How to Write It, 49
How Wal-Mart Is Destroying
America (and the World), 46
Hunab Ku, 90
Hungry Planet, 61, 111
I Bitch, Therefore I Am, 119
I Can’t Believe I’m Buying
This Book, 102
Illuminations, 90
Il Viaggio di Vetri, 58, 61
Immaculate Deception II, 98
Imperial Wardrobe, 113
Indian Regional Classics, 82
Insider’s Guide to the
Peace Corps, 45
126 • Ti t l e I nd e x
Inspiration Sandwich, 97
Inspiring Thirst, 64
Internet for the Typewriter
Generation, 49
In the Land of the HeadHunters, 120
Into the Vietnamese Kitchen, 60
Inventor’s Bible, 47
Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It, 77, 116
Japanese Hot Pots, 18
Jerk from Jamaica, 66
Jet-Set Babies Wear Wings, 105
Jewish Home Cooking, 58
J. Garcia, 111
Job-Hunting for the So-Called
Handicapped, 42
Job-Hunting Online, 42
Journey Without Distance, 90
Joy of Family Traditions, 98
Joy of Not Working, 45
Karmic Healing, 89
Keo’s Thai Cuisine, 54, 60
Kids Say the Darndest Things!, 118
Kids Write Right!, 49
Kidwrangling, 99
Kill as Few Patients as
Possible, 119
King & King, 103
King & King & Family, 103
Kingfisher Blue, 113
Kinkead’s Cookbook, 58, 63
Kitchen Sessions with
Charlie Trotter, 52
Knitter’s Lib, 116
Knitting Man(ual), 116
Kokigami, 120
La Bonne Cuisine de Madame
E. Saint-Ange, 77
Ladder to the Clouds, 113
Ladies’ Own Erotica, 103
La Dieta para la Limpieza
del H’gado, 86
Language of Adornment, 113
Large Art in Small Places, 111
Latin Ladles, 62
Laugh Lines Are Beautiful, 14
Laurel’s Kitchen Caring, 72
Lavender Road to Success, 45
Laying on of Stones, 91
Lazy Person’s Guide to Success, 45
Lens of Perception, 90
Lesbian Sex, 103
Lessons in Excellence from
Charlie Trotter, 44, 52
Lessons in Service from
Charlie Trotter, 44, 52
Lessons in Wine Service from
Charlie Trotter, 44, 52
Let’s Get Primitive, 117
Let’s Nosh!, 105
Let There Be Peace on Earth, 38
Lewis & Clark Cookbook, 82
Life Changes with the Energy
of the Chakras, 87
LifePrints, 94
Life’s Too F***ing Short, 15
Light of India, 111
Little Bit of Soul Food, 105
Little Black Book of
Entrepreneurship, 47
Little Book of Aromatherapy, 28
Little Book of Candle Magic, 91
Little Book of Healing Magic, 91
Little Book of Love Magic, 91
Little Book of Mirror Magick, 91
Little Book of Pendulum Magic, 91
Live Free from Asthma
and Allergies, 84
Liver Cleansing Diet, 86
Lives and Loves of Daisy
and Violet Hilton, 120
Living Feng Shui, 89
Living Juicy, 97
Long-Distance Relationship
Survival Guide, 102
Longevity, 85
Longhi’s, 54
Long May She Wave, 111
Look Homeward Erotica, 103
Lost Arts, 82
Love Is Letting Go of Fear, 93
Love Pearls, 97
Loving Relationships Treasury, 94
Loving Someone Gay, 103
Low-Carb Gourmet, 73
Lucid Food, 11
Lulu’s Provençal Table, 82
Magical Meditations, 92
Magic Cottage Address Book, 97
Magic for Lovers, 91
Magick of the Gods and
Goddesses, 91
Magic of Fire, 75
Magnet Therapy, 85
Major in Success, 48
Make-Believe World of
Maxfield Parrish, 112
Male Herbal, 86
Male Menopaws, 106
Man Eating Bugs, 61, 111
Mangia! Mangia!, 105
Marinades, Rubs, Brines,
Cures & Glazes, 66
Martin Yan’s Asian Favorites, 60
Mastering Barbecue, 66
Maui Onion Cookbook, 81
Mauna Loa Macadamia
Cookbook, 81
Maxfield Parrish: The
Landscapes, 112
Maxfield Parrish: The
Masterworks, 112
Mediterranean Seafood, 63
Menopause with Science
and Soul, 84
Menopaws, 106
Menstrual Cramps, 84
Messages from Amma, 90
Millennium Cookbook, 72
Ming Furniture in the Light of
Chinese Architecture, 113
Miracle Prayer, 90
Mocha, 65, 68
Modern Gentleman, 102
Mollie Katzen’s Recipes:
Desserts, 69, 71
Mollie Katzen’s Recipes: Salads, 71
Mollie Katzen’s Recipes: Soups, 71
Mommy Yoga, 98
Money as Sacrament, 94
Moonlight Chronicles, 116
Moosewood Cookbook, 71
Moosewood Restaurant
Kitchen Garden, 72
More Nitty-Gritty Grammar, 49
Morning Food, 76
Mother Rising, 98
Mrs. Rowe’s Little Book of
Southern Pies, 59, 69
Mrs. Rowe’s Restaurant
Cookbook, 59
Mrs. Wilkes’ Boardinghouse
Cookbook, 59
Murals of John Pugh, 110
Museum of Bad Art, 119
Mushrooms Demystified, 109
Mushrooms of Hawai’i, 109
Mustards Grill Napa Valley
Cookbook, 56
My Baby Journal, 98
Mycelium Running, 109
My Husband Is Gay, 103
Native American Sweat Lodge, 90
Natural Healing for Dogs
& Cats, 107
Naturally Healthy Babies
and Children, 98
Natural Menopause, 32
Natural Pregnancy Book, 98
Natural Remedy Book for
Dogs & Cats, 107
Natural Remedy Book
for Women, 88
Nature Calls, 117
Negotiating Your Salary, 43
New Baby’s Baby Journal, 105
New Country Index, 48
New Detox Diet, 74, 83
New Enchanted Broccoli Forest, 71
New Good Food, 73
New Good Food Shopper’s
Pocket Guide, 73
New Holistic Way for
Dogs and Cats, 35
New Job Security, 44
| Title Index
New Laurel’s Kitchen, 72
New Moosewood Cookbook, 71
New Optimum Nutrition Bible, 83
New Orleans Seafood
Cookbook, 59, 63
New Recipes from Moosewood
Restaurant, 72
New Steak, 76
New Taste of Chocolate, 24
Nice Job!, 45
Niman Ranch Cookbook, 55, 75
9 Journeys Home, 94
Nitty-Gritty Grammar, 49
North Atlantic Seafood, 63
Not Guilty by Reason of
Menopause, 119
Nuevo Latino, 62
Numerology Demystified, 92
Nuts, 82
Odder Jobs, 118
Odd Jobs, 118
Oldways Table, 76
Olive in California, 70
Olives, 70
One Bite at a Time, 73, 83
100 American Flags, 110
100 Baseball Icons, 110
101 Mission Statements from
Top Companies, 46
101 Really Important Things
You Already Know, But
Keep Forgetting, 45
101 Salary Secrets, 42
101 Toughest Interview
Questions, 30
On Grief and Dying, 88
On Life After Death, 94
Only Diet There Is, 95
On the Wings of Self-Esteem, 95
On Women Turning Forty, 101
Oooh! Matisse, 104
Oooh! Picasso, 104
Optimum Nutrition for Your
Child’s Mind, 83, 99
Original Road Kill Cookbook, 117
Other Side of Haight, 120
Outsmarting the SAT, 48
Overcoming Addiction, 94
Overnight Résumé, 44
Oysters, 81
Packing Book, 114
Paley’s Place Cookbook, 53
Pancake Handbook, 76
Panini, 62
Parents’ Guide to the Middle
School Years, 100
Passing Gas, 112, 119
Passion for Pinot, 64, 112
Pasta, 62
Pastry Queen, 58, 69
Pastry Queen Christmas, 58, 69
Pastry Queen Parties, 9
Patricia Unterman’s San Francisco
Food Lover’s Pocket Guide, 56
Pendulums and the Light, 88
People I Sleep With, 106
Pepper Pantry: Chipotle, 81
Pepper Pantry: Habanero, 81
Perfect Scoop, 69
Peter Gordon’s World Kitchen, 61
Peter Reinhart’s Artisan
Breads Fast, 13
Peter Reinhart’s Whole
Grain Breads, 68
Petit Connoisseur: Art, 104
Petit Connoisseur: Fashion, 104
Pick of Furry Logic, 96
Piercing Bible, 84
Pike Place Public Market
Seafood Cookbook, 53, 63
Pintxos, 55, 61
Pizza Napoletana!, 62
Place of Beauty, 112
Planetary Apothecary, 86, 92
Planet Ocean, 120
PMS Self-Help Book, 84
Pocket Guide to Astrology, 95
Pocket Guide to Chakras, 95
Pocket Guide to Crystals
& Gemstones, 95
Pocket Guide to Fortune Telling, 95
Pocket Guide to Macrobiotics, 95
Pocket Guide to Meditation, 95
Pocket Guide to Menopause, 95
Pocket Guide to Midwifery Care, 95
Pocket Guide to Stress
Reduction, 95
Pocket Guide to the Tarot, 95
Pocket Guide to the 12 Steps, 95
Pocket Guide to Visualization, 95
Pocket Herbal Reference Guide, 95
Politics of Reality, 101
Pomegranates, 70
Pony in the Picture, 106
Pretend Soup and Other
Real Recipes, 71, 104
Prophetic Visions of the Future, 88
Prosciutto, Pancetta, Salame, 62
Proven Resumes, 44
Psilocybin Mushrooms
of the World, 109
Psycho Kitty, 106
Pumpkin Circle, 108
Pure Simple Cooking, 75
Purry Logic, 96, 106
Radiant Stones, 113
Raising a Daughter, 100
Raising a Family, 100
Raising a Son, 100
Raising a Teenager, 100
Raising Boys, 99
Raising Financially Fit Kids, 46, 99
Raising Girls, 99
Raw, 52, 72
Raw Foods Resource Guide, 74
Raw Juices Can Save Your Life!, 86
Raw Truth, 74
Reaching Climax, 112, 119
Real Food Daily Cookbook, 72
Reata, 59
Recipes for Dairy-Free Living, 74
Red Sage, 57
Reiki for Spiritual Healing, 34
Reiki Magic Guide to SelfAttunement, 87
Reliance on the Light, 88
Restaurant Success by
the Numbers, 47
Resume Catalog, 43
Resume Pro, 43
Rewrite Right!, 49
Rick Stein’s Complete Seafood, 63
Right Letter!, 49
Right Word!, 49
River Cottage Cookbook, 75
River Cottage Family Cookbook, 75
River Cottage Meat Book, 75
Röckenwagner, 82
Rocker Babies Wear Jeans, 105
Romantic’s Guide to Italy, 115
Rover, Don’t Roll Over, 107
Rover’s, 53
Roy’s Feasts from Hawaii, 54
Roy’s Fish and Seafood, 54, 63
Ruling from the Dragon
Throne, 113
Rustic Fruit Desserts, 68
Safe Sex in the Garden, 108
Salad People and More
Real Recipes, 71, 104
San Francisco Architecture,
112, 114
San Francisco Cliff House, 27
San Francisco Food Lover’s
Pocket Guide, 56
Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, 118
SARK’s Journal and Play!Book, 97
SARK’s New Creative
Companion, 97
Savage Garden, 108
Scent of Orange Blossoms, 60
Sculpture, Form, and
Philosophy, 112
Seafood of South-East Asia, 63
Secrets of a Jewish Baker, 67
Self Esteem, 95
Self-Hypnosis, 95
Senior Cohousing, 115
Sevenfold Journey, 87
7 Life Lessons from Noah’s Ark, 95
7 Lively Sins, 96
Seventh Daughter, 60
Sex and the Single Mom, 102
Sex, Death & Other
Distractions, 103
Sexual Ecstasy and the Divine, 91
Shake Hands with the Devil, 47
Shamanism as a Spiritual
Practice for Daily Life, 90
Shanghai Girl Gets All
Dressed Up, 113
Shared Parenting, 37
Sharing the Vineyard Table, 55
Shortcuts to God, 93
Silks for Thrones and Altars, 113
Simple Food for Busy Families, 73
Simple Thoughts That Can
Change Your Life, 93
Simply Elegant Soup, 55
Simply Mexican, 62
Sister Outsider, 101, 103
Small Investor, 47
Small Investor Goes to Market, 47
Smart Moves for Liberal
Arts Grads, 44
Smokestack Lightning, 66
Soffritto, 61
Soul Proprietor, 101
Soup Peddler’s Slow &
Difficult Soups, 58
Splendid Slippers, 113
Spliffigami, 109
Staying Healthy Shopper’s
Guide, 83
Staying Healthy with
Nutrition, 74, 83
Staying Healthy with the
Seasons, 74, 83
Still Life with Menu Cookbook, 71
Stinking Rose Restaurant
Cookbook, 55
Stock Market Knowledge
for All Ages, 47
Story Cloths of Bali, 113
Story of Imari, 113
Story of Tea, 60, 65
Strategies for Successful
Career Change, 44
Stumbling toward
Enlightenment, 89
Super Natural Cooking, 74
Supplement Shopper, 85
Surfin’ary, 119
Surviving High School, 100
Sustainable Vegetable
Garden, 108
Susur, 60
Sweets, 69
Symbols and Rebuses in
Chinese Art, 113
Tacos, 57
Tadich Grill, 54
Tai Ji, 89
Takashi’s Noodles, 60
Tamales 101, 62
Tao of Photography, 112
Teens Cook, 76, 101
Teens Cook Dessert, 67, 76, 101
Teen Spell Book, 91, 100
Ti t l e I nd e x • 127
| Title Index
10 Things Employers Want You
to Learn in College, 48
Tequila, 65
Terra, 55
Thai Food, 60
That Gunk on Your Car, 120
That’s Disgusting!, 120
That’s Queen Bitch to You!, 119
They Shoot Managers
Don’t They?, 47
Thinkertoys, 47
Thinkpak, 47
This Timeless Moment, 89
Three Boxes of Life, 42
Through the Tiger’s Eyes, 120
Toads and Toadstools, 108
To Honolulu in Five Days, 112
Top One Hundred Pasta
Sauces, 62
Totally Apples, 80
Totally Bagel, 80
Totally Bread, 80
Totally Burgers, 80
Totally Camping, 80
Totally Cheese, 80
Totally Chile Pepper, 80
Totally Chocolate, 80
Totally Coffee, 80
Totally Cookies, 80
Totally Corn, 80
Totally Crab, 80
Totally Eggplant, 80
Totally Eggs, 80
Totally Garlic, 70, 80
Totally Lobster, 80
Totally Muffins, 80
Totally Mushroom, 80
Totally Pancakes & Waffles, 80
Totally Picnic, 80
Totally Pies, 80
Totally Pizza, 80
Totally Potato, 80
Totally Salmon, 80
Totally Shrimp, 80
Totally Steak, 80
Totally Strawberries, 80
Totally Teatime, 80
Totally Tomato, 80
Totem Magic, 92
Trader Vic’s Tiki Party!, 65
Transcending Post-Infidelity
Stress Disorder (PISD), 93
Transformational Speaking, 46
Travel Journal, 114
Truffles, Candies & Confections, 69
Twinkies Cookbook, 67, 120
Twisted Whiskers, 106
2 Oz. Backpacker, 117
277 Secrets Your Cat Wants
You to Know, 107
277 Secrets Your Dog Wants
You to Know, 107
277 Secrets Your Snake (and
Lizard) Wants You to Know, 107
Uncommon Crochet, 116
Uncommon Sense for Parents
with Teenagers, 100
Un curso de milagros, 90
Understanding A Course
in Miracles, 90
Understanding and Overcoming
Depression, 94
Unlimit Your Life, 95
Unscrewed, 46
Up Shit Creek, 117
Urban Babies Wear Black, 105
Urban Tantra, 102
Very Blueberry, 81
Very Cranberry, 81
Very Maple Syrup, 81
Very Pesto, 81
Very Salad Dressing, 81
Viaggio di Vetri, 58
Vibrational Healing through
the Chakras, 87
Vice Cream, 73
Village Baker, 67
Village Baker’s Wife, 67
Vincent’s Cookbook, 82
Vintage Knits for Modern
Babies, 23
Vodou, 112
Wai Lana’s Favorite Juices, 74
Walking through Walls, 93
Walnut Cookbook, 82
Washoku, 60
We Are the Angels, 88
Web Word Wizardry, 49
Wellness Index, 84
Wellness Workbook, 84
What Bird Did That?, 117
What Color Is Your Parachute?, 5
What Color Is Your Parachute?
for Retirement, 42
What Color Is Your Parachute?
for Teens, 42, 100
What Color Is Your Parachute?
Job-Hunter’s Workbook, 4
What Does Mrs. Claus Do?, 104
What Shat That?, 117
What the World Eats, 61, 105
What the World Needs Now, 116
When French Women Cook, 77
Where Else in the Wild?, 105
Where in the Wild?, 105
White Trash Cooking, 59
White Trash Cooking II, 59
White Trash Gatherings, 59
Who Cut the Cheese?, 118
Who Gets Promoted, Who
Doesn’t, and Why, 44
Whole Grain Breads, 68
Whole Pet Diet, 107
Who’s in a Family?, 103
Why Cats Paint, 107
Why Cats Paint Pocket Edition, 107
Why Paint Cats, 107
Wicca, 91
Wicca Cookbook, 75, 91
Wilder Shores of Gastronomy, 78
Wildwood, 53
Wine Across America, 64, 112
Wine Country Cooking, 56
Wines of France, 64
Winning Family, 99
Winter Babies Wear Layers, 105
Wisewoman’s Guide, 95
Wizard of Work, 47
Wok Fast, 78
Woman of Wisdom, 97
Woman’s Guide to
Hysterectomy, 84
Woman’s I Ching, 88
Women of Hawai’i, 112
Women’s Book of Healing, 88
Women’s Health, 85
Wonder Bread Cookbook, 120
Wood-Fired Cooking, 66
Wordless Travel Book, 114
Words That Heal the Blues, 95
Words That Stick, 49
Workin’ More Kitchen Sessions
with Charlie Trotter, 52
World’s Greatest Resumes, 44
Worm Book, 108
Write Right!, 49
Writing as a Sacred Path, 49
Writing Creative Nonfiction, 49
Writing through the
Darkness, 49, 94
You Are Your Child’s
First Teacher, 99
Your Many Faces, 36
You Say I’m a Bitch Like It’s
a Bad Thing, 119
You Say I’m a Diva Like It’s
a Bad Thing, 119
Yum Yum Dim Sum, 105
Zami: A New Spelling of
My Name, 103
Zero-Proof Cocktails, 64
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