REFOCUSED St Etheldreda’s Church with St Luke’s February 2015 letter to the parish from The Reverend Canon Richard Pyke on the gift of our children Dear friends, at the very beginning of February, the Season of Epiphany, we have celebrate the revelation of the significance of Jesus to the world. The season comes to a climax with the story of Mary and Joseph bringing Jesus as an infant to be presented to God in the temple setting in Jerusalem. The story of that visit includes encounters with two elderly and pious people Simeon and Anna. Both had been waiting for the coming of the Messiah and evidently saw in this tiny infant their hopes fulfilled. They foretold the kind of future that we would all wish to shield our children from, of a life complicated by suffering before the hopes that they and their nations longed for could be fulfilled. For those of us fortunate to be parents, there is a tension between wanting the best for our children and a desire to protect them from all pain and discomfort; to that of acknowledging the world is not an easy place to grow up in and providing the right nurture and support to help them learn and grow. Children are our theme for this month, we celebrate and rejoice in the many ways their presence among us enriches and enhances our church and community life. They are very much a valued and important part of our church congregation. Elsewhere in this edition of Refocused, you can read how at St Eth’s and St Luke’s we seek to en- courage them, and equally learn from them, what it means to be a Christian. It has long been my desire to encourage a practice now widely accepted in the Church of England—to allow children (over the age of 7) to receive Holy Communion. There will be a period of debate about this before our Parish Council Committee, I hope, makes a final decision to allow this supported by guidelines laid down by the Church of England and adopted for many years in our own Diocese. Jesus has much to say about encouraging children to come to him, rebuking his disciples on one occasion when they tried to prevent them getting near the Master. In my experience, more often children have a deeper spirituality and understanding of scripture that many adults. Also in faith matters it seems that all of us are children at times who have simply failed to grasp what the Good News of the Christian Gospel is all about. He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven”. Matthew 18 2-5 All to often in our society and culture, children continue to be marginalise and we continue to hear of shocking cases of abuse. My hope and dream is that the Church and in particular our local churches will not only be a place where children are safe and secure but one in which the rich gifts they have to offer may be stimulated and enjoyed. Perhaps my letter may awaken the child that is in you to seek afresh and revisit the christian story, or be prepared like a child to give it a go. Your friend and priest, Richard We are a church that seeks to ‘Love the Lord God with all our heart, mind and strength, and our neighbour as ourselves FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 2 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES Forthcoming Events REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S Contacts The Reverend Canon Richard Pyke 01707 262072— The Reverend Susan Marsh - St Luke’s 01707 329744— Reader John Barnard 01707 335074 Sunday 1 February , 6.30pm Epiphany & Candlemas Carol Service St Albans Cathedral Saturday 7 February 8am Men’s Breakfast—St Michael and All Angels Saturday 7 February 10.30am Ramble meeting—St Michael and All Angels Ash Wednesday 18 February Lent 2015 starts see page 4 ... Ash Wednesday 18 February 2015 8.00pm Choral Eucharist—St Albans Cathedral Ash Wednesday 18 February 8pm Ash Wednesday Service St Mary’s, North Mymms Sunday 22 February 2015, 6.30pm Taize Service—St Albans Cathedral Thursday 26 February 3.30pm-5.30pm Messy Church—St Michael and All Angels Sat, 28 February 2015 JS Bach - St John Passion—St Albans Cathedral Sunday 12 July 60th Anniversary Celebrations St Michael and All Angels Friday 11 - Sunday 13 September Parish Retreat Regular Services St Etheldreda’s Church Sunday: 8am Holy Communion 9.30am Holy Communion with Sunday School Wednesday: 9.15am Holy Communion Saturday: 5pm Evening Prayer 1st Sunday/month: 11.30 Family Service, Church Hall Bell Steeple Keeper Rob Goss 01438-718038 Child Protection Adviser Nicky Jackson 07745 630176 Choir Director & Organist Jill Knight 01707 894949 Churchwardens St Eth - Tom Ryan - 07793 019457 St Luke - Eve Lloyd - 01707 884981 Deputy Churchwardens Robin Aley - 07810 636786 Mark Jackson - 01707 885792 John Lavelle - 07850 971566 Church Hall Bookings Ruth Letton Communications Officer Linda Barnard Family Services in Church Hall Liz Lavelle Mother and Toddler Group Charlie Pisanski Refocused & Website Editor Mary Rathbone Team Office 01707 260800 Treasurer Mark Knight 01707 894949 FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 3 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S Growing up by Rev’d Susan Marsh The lovely Nativity scene framed by the altar at St Luke’s, will be staying with us until the beginning of February. Then, as we celebrate the Presentation of Christ in the temple (also known as Candlemas), we put away the signs of Jesus as a baby. We allow him to grow up. The Bible tells us: “The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom and the favour of God was upon him.” (Luke 2.40). That is what we wish for all our children, as we help them to learn about the coming of Jesus and what it means for us as Christians. Our churches welcome children as we help them to grow up knowing Jesus. Local schools are expected to visit places of worship as part of the National Curriculum for Religious Education. This gives us an opportunity to provide an attractive introduction to what ‘church’ is about. Here at St Luke’s we welcome the Reception Class and Year 1 from Countess Anne School at the end of January. St Luke’s has the traditional fittings: organ (sadly silent), font, eagle lectern, altar and stained glass window, together with some interesting extras. We have a children’s guide to the church entitled “Strange Creatures at St Luke’s”. This does not refer to the clergy but to the natural and mythical beasts which have a special significance and which have to be discovered as the young people hunt around the building. As a result of this visit, we hope these children will know more about the church, when they join the whole school for their Easter Service on Maundy Thursday at the end of term. This service is always such an inspiration as we, the adults, learn from the children, who prepare prayers and poems and tableaux to take us on the journey to the cross and beyond. St Luke’s has developed a tradition of activities with local schools. There is of course the “Following the Star” experience about which I wrote in the last edition of Refocused. We also have the Scarecrow Festival for which local young people’s group construct scarecrows to represent Bible characters. On occasions the choir from Green Lanes School has come to sing for us and their parents at St Luke’s and we hope to extend this to Regular Services Thursday - 10.30 Holy Communion Sunday - 12 noon— 1st Sunday of Month BCP, all other Sundays Common Worship Saturday -5.00pm Family Service Contacts at St Luke’s Church The Rev’d Susan Marsh 01707 329744 Churchwarden Eve Lloyd 01707 884981 other schools as appropriate. Sometimes we are told that children are the ‘church of tomorrow’, but we should question this. Children are rather the church of today. In church they can learn to grow, but also help those around them to see God with their simplicity and trust. We pray that our children may be “filled with wisdom and the favour of God.” Strange Creatures at St Luke’s The Dragon The Eagle FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 4 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES What’s On at Hatfield House this year REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S Lent : An Old Story, A new Beginning by Jo R Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 18 February this Holt’s Auctioneers Valuation Day year. In Bible times when people repented of their sins Thursday, February 12 they covered their heads with ash and sometimes tore Holt’s tour the country ahead of each quarterly sale their clothes to show the depth of their repentance. holding free valuation days, rather in the manner of ‘The CS Lewis in his Narnia books gives a more draAntiques Roadshow’. The days are fairly informal and matic illustration. The book Voyage of the Dawn Treadhopefully informative, and are primarily intended as er begins : ‘There was a boy called Eustace Clarence points of consignment to the next sale. However, we are Stubbs, and he almost deserved it.’ Eustace was a also happy to carry out valuations for the sake of inter- selfish, self centred boy and an annoyance to his cousins est, together with insurance and probate requirements Peter and Lucy. One day Eustace discovers a dragon’s (a charge may be made for the last two services if relair full of treasure; but he doesn’t want to share these quired in writing). Should you wish to make an appointgoodies with anyone else. In his greed and selfishness ment then please telephone: 01485 542822 Eustace is transformed into a dragon. Now who likes a dragon? He realizes that unless he can change he will French Market die alone and unloved as a monster. He tries hard to be Sunday, April 05—10am - 4pm a good person but it is only through Aslan’s compassion that he is transformed into his non dragon self. Living Crafts I don’t know anyone who is in such a poor state Thursday, May 07 - Sunday, May 10 as Eustace, but I know many, including myself, who 10am to 5.30pm could do with a little more self-knowledge and maybe a Adventure 001 Helicopter Day few corners rubbing off. Lent is the time when the Saturday, May 23 church encourages us, not to give up chocolate – though you may need to do that too – but to contemplate our Art in Clay relationship with God and how we express that in the Friday, July 03- Sunday, July 05 world. It is a period when we can set aside a special 10am to 5.30pm time for prayer, for Bible study or for reading that spiritual book that was recommended ages ago and has Adventure 001 Helicopter Day slipped out of mind. (See the notices about bible study Sunday, July 12, 2015 groups) Wonderfully, each year, Lent marks the breakBattle Proms ing of the earth by the green shoots which will blaze Saturday, July 18- 4:30pm gates open forth with gold for our Easter festival – another metaFolk By the Oak phor for our personal journey through this time. Sunday, July 19 Gates open 1.00pm Lent Prayer For More Information 01707 287010 Holy God Our lives are laid open before you rescue us from the chaos of sin and through the death of your son bring us healing and make us whole in Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 5 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S Childrens activities St Eth’s and St Luke’s Toddlers group run by Charlie Pisanski The St Etheldredas Church Hall Play Group is every Wednesday from 9.30 - 11am for 0- 5 year olds. It is £1.50 per family with free tea coffee and biscuits. We are a very friendly group and have a little baby corner set up with lots of toys out for toddlers including cars, kitchens, train sets etc. We also have an arts and craft table set up every week. The children have a lovely time whilst parents get some much needed adult conversation! To finish the group we always do some group singing of the children's favourite nursery rhymes. All are welcome and we look forward to mums, and dads, joining us with their little ones for a little bit of light relief. email: Family service in church hall Family service in St Eth’s St Luke’s ?? St Eth’s Toddler Group Weds 9.30am – 11am St Eth’s Church Hall 0-4 year olds - £1.50 per family e: FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 6 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES Countess Anne School A Church of England Academy by Jo R (School Governor) Although you will be reading this edition of Refocused in early February, as I write it is still early January and I am still in that New Year ‘looking back, looking forward’ mood. Endings and Beginnings are a constant rhythm of our lives. In the Countess Anne School Newsletter at the end of term, headmaster David Lodge wrote of the challenging first step that school starters had made in September and the visits to secondary schools that older pupils had made in preparation for the transition to their next stage of educational journey. Visiting the schools himself, David wrote of his pleasure and pride in seeing how ex Countess Anne pupils have been getting on : ‘It was with pride that I read the 6th form photos at Townsend and saw pictures of ex Countess Anne pupils who had gone off to University. I chatted with those who are still there and found that Libby Harper is now under 15 goalkeeper for England Womens’ football team. From Monks Walk earlier in the year – the outstanding success of Georgina Shaw in her A levels…..; Jasmine Sayers’ award for her ability in rock climbing from Hatfield Children’s Adventure Fund ….; from Onslow, Eleanor Bennett, spotted as Gifted and Talented in art and design (work is currently in hand to realise her winning design for the upgrade of the play area on St Albans Road East); James Cummings, gaining a scholarship to play basketball in Italy, and now knocking on the door of the England team’. These are just some of the variety of achievements that pupils, parents, school and staff can be proud of. But success comes in many forms. The distance between the starting and finishing points is not the same for everyone and the school is proud of all its pupils. The Christian teaching that counts every child as unique and special is the standard at Countess Anne. Remember in your prayers, this is our school, our church REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S school, our parish church school. In past Newsletters I have written about the close connection in olden times between St Etheldreda’s, the Salisbury family and the school. Let us keep that connection alive, this is a school to be proud of. Saint Agnes of Rome—Child Martyr (292 – 305) by Jo R Agnes is the patron saint of the meek but there was nothing meek about her. She was barely thirteen when she became one of Christianity’s greatest heroines. Born in Rome to a pagan family at a time when persecution of Christians was rife, it is thought that she was converted to Christianity by her, probably Greek, slave nurse. Betrayed by a would be suitor, in court she was asked ‘ My child, you are accused of the great crime of being a Christian. Do you persist in this state?’ She replied ‘Yes, I am a Christian. I have vowed my fidelity and my virginity to Christ’. In spite of persuasion she would not recant and was condemned to death. But Roman law did not allow a virgin to be put to death and she was stripped and dragged through the streets to a brothel. But here she was defended by an angel and eventually executed by beheading. Her story spread throughout the Christian world and she was honoured and revered as having gained a martyr’s crown. Although she was very young she is a great example of faith. She shows us that it is the quality of our lives, not the quantity, which matters. Her name in Latin means ‘lamb’ and in Greek, ‘chaste’. Small, defenceless, pure in heart, she held to the truth; and claimed the victory. Her festival is celebrated on 21st January. FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 7 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES Memories from the Hatfield boyhood of Alastair Cameron abbreviated version courtesy of Hatfield Local History Society Born in Lemsford ……., I lived for 5 years or so in Selwyn Avenue, off the St Albans Road close to Ellenbrook Lane. I went to Green Lanes Primary School. At the age of 5 I joined the choir of St Etheldreda’s, the lofty Parish Church of Hatfield and wanted to continue with it, mainly because of local friendships made, after we moved to Welham Green only a year or so later. This must have resulted in quite a lot of tedious taxi driving for my parents. I had a weekday evening choir practice, morning and evening Sunday services, plus weddings on some Saturdays. Eventually I was old enough to travel on my own by bus (between the ‘Rookery’ and ‘One Bell’ stops along the Great North Road) for two or three years. I was then equipped with a suitable bicycle - to ride on the little-used footpath alongside the Great North Road as far as Oxlease Bridge. At this point I would take to the informal path alongside the railway boundary fence to the edge of Old Hatfield and pedal up Church Lane by St Audrey’s Blind Home (as it was then known). I would enter the churchyard by the Church Street gate and pass by the Curate’s cottage on the left to arrive at the church. On leaving the church after choir practices, several of us young choristers would cycle out of the churchyard and (unless the Rector/Verger was in view) down Fore Street as fast as we dared! We latterly had our shoes fitted with steel heel tips to grind on the road surface enabling us to skid to a halt in small showers of sparks beside the car park of the One Bell pub. Any braking problems/misjudgement could prove painful, if not catastrophic, as we were standing on one pedal and hovering above our bikes’ crossbars…and the Great North Road at the foot of Fore Street then was quite a busy major road through Old Hatfield! Along with regular singing duties the choir brought some less predictable treats and extramural activities. One included Mr Tom Collins, our Organist and Choirmaster, who very occasionally ‘gave in’ to pleas from us during choir practice, to play the Dam REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S Busters March at full blast on the church organ – a just tremendous sound! Outside the church but very near by, we always sung Christmas carols for very appreciative blind residents in St Audrey’s, for which we were rewarded with mince pies and sweets. Thereafter a short procession up to Hatfield House, Alastair as choirboy c1956 where we also sang carols for Lord and Lady Salisbury’s family. We sang around the splendid, and huge, Christmas tree set in place on the impressive black and white marble floor of the Marble Hall. We were rewarded as at the blind home, with the addition of a suitable paperback novel for each of us. Further away from our church, we played Hatfield Choirs League football against the choristers of St Michael’s and St John’s – on pitches at The Breaks and beside Newtown School. We were strictly managed by a retired First Division professional football referee, who was considered— firm, but fair. He once pleased us all hugely by arranging for a coachload of us to go down to Highbury for a guided tour around Arsenal’s top notch facilities. We were even loaned a football to have a kick-about in the stadium’s small training area (behind the ‘Clock End’ Stand, for ‘old’ Arsenal fans!). I was eventually ‘elevated’ to Head Chorister status (alongside, or rather, in the choir pew opposite, senior school chum ‘PVH’ – you know who you are Pete, if you read this). I remained so until my voice ‘broke’ …. apparently irretrievably …. and I had to quit singing, and the choir! But I was still a member of the Youth Club which met in a modest upstairs room of the Old Palace with just enough space for a Billiard and Ping-Pong table. The club eventually moved to the old Countess Anne’s School building at the top of Church Street. Slightly older former fellow choristers, Colin Blunstone and Hugh Grundy rehearsed their very ‘un-churchy’ music there too. Eventually emerging as the group ‘The Zombies’ who produced the hit song ‘She’s Not There’ in 1964. FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 8 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S YES! (Young Eth’s Singers) patron Lady Salisbury It is now almost a year since we started YES! and I am delighted that we now have eleven Young Eth’s Singers who meet every Wednesday during term time between 6.00-7.15pm in church. In September Lady Salisbury kindly agreed to become our patron and recently we have been given an award from Welwyn Hatfield Council (through the support of Cllr. Bernard Sarsens) to purchase more training materials, medals and music for YES! Having started wearing YES! T-shirts, another local church kindly donated some children’s choir robes so now the children are not only a little warmer when they sing on Sunday mornings, but also feel part of the main choir. As well as singing at the family service at St. Eth’s on the third Sunday in every month, YES! has performed at several other events; most recently at a service of choral evensong for Epiphany at the chapel in Hatfield House (where they sang particularly beautifully) and earlier in December, at the Farmyard Nativity. We have also sung at St. Mary’s, North Mymms and St. Michael’s as well as at a Coffee Morning hosted by Lady Salisbury in Stableyard earlier in the year. YES! Bowling trip Christmas 2014 lilac ribbon and medal. Andrew, Yasmin and Catriona have already progressed to the light-blue ribbon level and are now working towards their dark blue ribbons. These awards represent stages in their vocal, musical and Christian development and understanding, with workbooks for each level to supplement the teaching and guidance they receive during rehearsals. All the children in YES! are expected to work together as a team, helping each other to achieve their best to the glory of God. If this all sounds like a lot of work, we also have great fun. The rehearsals always start with some listening games and fun-warm-ups, and as well as the music we sing for services, we learn some “fun” songs too. . Last summer we presented a concert which included music from “Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat”, followed by a picnic and games in the churchyard. This year’s summer concert will feature “Jonah-man Jazz”. YES! is sometimes requested to sing at weddings in the church, for which each singer receives a small payment based on their experience and commitment. If you know someone who is between 6-12 The whole choir at Hatfield House January 2015 years old and loves singing, this could be for them. The young people in Y.E.S! are taught how to sing well There is no audition or fee. The most important considtogether and use their voices correctly to achieve a good quality sound. They receive basic musical training erations are enthusiasm and commitment. Please contact us or come along to one of our rehearsals on and vocal coaching. There is also the opportunity to Wednesdays to see what we do. Our adult choir is also train for the RSCM (Royal School of Church Music) award scheme, and eventually become a Dean’s or Bish- keen to welcome new singers too! op’s Chorister. After 6 weeks of regular attendance, they Jill Knight, Organist and Choir Director E mail: Tel. 01707 894949 are admitted into the choir and given a probationer’s FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 9 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S Dog show stable yard YES! At St Mary’s 2015 Free fire alarm services from Fire Brigade A reader asked us to mention a free service direct from the Fire Brigade. We are told that a Fire Safety Visit can be arranged and includes the following: 1. 2. 3. Two quality fire alarms fitted within your home by them free of charge. If you are hard of hearing, they fit an alarm near your pillow which vibrates instead of bleeping. They will discuss with you escape routes from your property in the event of a fire. They discuss with you the common causes of fires to increase awareness. To find out more call: Hatfield Fire Station on 01707 346900 Soul [food] We hope that you enjoy reading this edition of Refocused Would you like to find out more more about Christianity? Soul [food] offers you seven related bite-sized thoughts sent straight to your mobile or email over the next week. (You won’t be spammed and you can unsubscribe at any point) Subscribe for FREE for more information TEXT (SMS) ‘FOOD F6’ to 88802 Or visit New group starts in January Something to keep you busy in the winter evenings. Making knitted or crocheted remembrance poppies . The poppies will be sold to raise money 50/50 for the Royal British Legion and St Eth’s Church. Using very basic techniques and so open to adults and children alike. We will meet once per month to compare our work. Anticipate first meeting on 13th January at 2pm. Call Sue 07434 973223 for more details. FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 10 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S Hatfield House liasons Two OHRA subgroups meet with GCE (Hatfield House) to discuss development plans and events. The events Carols pulled in a crowd group is especially aware of the problems caused by the The third annual songs and carols event was held on Eastern Electric event last summer, and the traffic probDecember 20th, and for the first time it didn’t rain. A lems caused by the Frost Fair this year, and we will be group of singers and musicians performed in St Audreys, trying to minimise the impact of these events on resiDee’s house, and Archway House, followed by the main dents. event of about 150 residents singing under the tree in If you have any particular issues you wish us to Salisbury Square (will it still be there next year?), foltake up, please get in touch. Email OHRA at lowed by a move into Checkers for mince pies, mulled or phone 01707 265213 wine and more songs and good cheer. We collected £387.68 for Herts Young Homeless, and the OHRA would particularly like to thank Simmons for the mincepies and gingerbread, and RSA for the wine and the use of Checkers. A1000 development We are in close contact with Herts Highways and Walker Construction on their plans and progress, which were presented at York House on November 11th. The first phase is to change the road layout south of the station to make space for a taxi rank outside the old southern Happy Valentines Day News from the Old Hatfield Residents Association Did you know that Jesus loves YOU ? car park. We are particularly aware of the problems for pedestrians crossing from Old Hatfield to the station, and we aim to keep people informed on progress and problems by email. Come and visit us at St Eth’s or St Luke’s to find out more FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 11 Letter from the Rectory of St James the Least On the peculiarities of ordination candidates FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S ground I asked him if he had ever preached. He was slightly apologetic to admit that he had done so very rarely, as he found it took such a long time to write an hour-long sermon. When I mentioned that I did not think I had ever exceeded eight minutes in my entire life, he gave me such a look of withering astonishment that with heroic Christian charity, I did not beat him over the head with the Bible he was carrying. Your loving uncle, Eustace My dear Nephew Darren I was quite happy to see the young person from your IT HEAVEN church whom you are encouraging to get ordained – even though we did not entirely see eye to eye. When I answered the door to someone dressed in T-shirt, jeans and trainers, I naturally assumed he was the gardener; it was only after I had given him the wheelbarrow and shown him where the spades were, that I found out who he really was. His assurance that this is how Jesus would dress, were he to visit in person again, jarred somewhat. I think that a three-piece suit and stout pair of brogues would be far more likely. We agreed to differ. I moved on to ask him about the Sunday Services he attended and was interested to hear that he was a church musician. Wanting to know if he sang tenor or bass, or even played the organ, he told me that he was the drummer in the worship band and provided backing vocals. I felt obliged to comment that I was not sure how that would fit in with Mattins, but he told me that he had never heard of that Service and only attended Mega Rock Praise. Since I suspected it would not have been written by Cranmer, we moved on. I had hoped we may have been on safer ground when I asked him whether he preferred early perpendicular or Victorian gothic, but as he had apparently only ever worshipped in your converted cinema, he was unable to offer any opinion. His reaction to my offer to show him round our late Norman church, prompted him to tell me that he believed all churches should be closed and people should gather in each other’s homes, like the early Christians. In a last despairing attempt to find common FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 12 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S process described above by swapping first all of the bells and then the middle pairs in turn the full sequence It was a bit of a struggle to get ringers over the Christis this: mas period with many of us away or visiting friends/ If you study the table to the left carefully relatives and so there were just six of us for the carol 123456 you’ll note that each bell follow essenservice and six for the Christmas morning service. We 214365 tially a straight line and we call this ‘Plain had to rely on ringers from Essendon, Wheathampstead 2 4 1 6 3 5 Hunting’ because the each bell ‘hunts’ its and Lemsford to ring for the wedding on the 27th De426153 way through the changes. I’ve highlightcember. 462513 ed in bold the path of the Treble (1). Practice nights however have been really well 645231 We can ring other ‘Methods and attended with 12-15 people most Thursdays. We have one which has been around since the four new recruits (three of them aged 12) and they are 6 5 4 3 2 1 early 1700’s is Stedman Doubles (based learning fast to handle a bell. They are on the Bell Ring- 5 6 3 4 1 2 on five bells). This ‘Method’ is named 536142 ers Sherborne Learning Scheme and if they complete after Fabius Stedman who first comthe course they’ll go from; 351624 posed it and this is still rung very widely Ambitious Apprentice….to 315264 throughout Great Britain and indeed Happy Hunter… 132546 worldwide. Champion Campanologist The ringers don’t need to learn every ‘Change’ – They have a card to colour in as they reach each we just learn the pattern that each bell follows. This stage of learning to ring and they earn a badge. They takes a bit of practice but is not too difficult once you can also use bellringing as credits/points towards The get the ‘knack!’. Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award and Guides/Scouts Contacts: Mary and Rob Goss (01438-718038) badges. The ‘Happy Hunter’ badge is achieved when they can ring their bell to Plain Hunt. In Plain Hunt we change the order of the bells at each stroke of the bell so we start of in ‘Rounds’ 123456 And then we change the order by swapping each pair of bells over; 214365 Now if we were to swap the pairs over again we’d end up back at ‘rounds’ so we keep the first place bell and the last place bell in the same place and swap the middle pairs over: 241635 Each of the above three rows is called a ‘Change’ and two of the rules of ‘Change Ringing’ is that a bell can’t move more than one place at a time and no “The vicar really is taking all of two ‘Changes’ must be the same. So we ‘Ring the January off to recuperate then” Changes’ by trying to find a way of changing the order of Tail End…..News from the Bellringers the bells without repeating a change. If we continue the FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 13 Cleaning company FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES Readers stories Do you have any interesting stories that our readers might enjoy? Anything to do with Hatfield history or modern day stories would be warmly welcome by the editorial team. Local schools, churches and youth groups as well might have something to say. Vacancy for Photographer LRS Plastering St Eth’s is looking for an enthusiastic photographer (does not need to be David Bailey standard) to help record our important events. Hours: 3-4 per month Payment: received in heaven If you can help please email The Eight Bells Public House Park Street, Old Hatfield Home cooked food Tues—Fri 12-8pm / Sat & Sun 12-4pm Sunday Roast Dinners: Adults £7.50 Children (under 10) £3.50 A selection of Cask Ales available Live Music—Open Mic Nights—Quiz Nights—Beer garden at rear Parish Team Office 12 Fore Street –01707 260800 Vestry hour Saturdays 9am10am for wedding and baptism arrangements Receive Refocused by email Trading for 30+ years Ceilings, coving, walls, artex covering Internal and External—no job too big or too small Call Lee on 07976 623148 REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S Can you recycle Refocused? We hope you like our magazine, and find it useful all you’ve seen. When you are done and all is read, don’t dump RF in the shed. Please leave it in a waiting room, doctors, dentists or Horse & Groom Let others read the local news, and then discuss the current views. Neil Tagg Electrician 30 years trading Tel 07973 757342 8 Hill End Lane St Albans, Herts AL4 0TY MEDALS WANTED Local collector and researcher pays highest prices for all medals; civil or military, groups or single items. Also buying other militaria, and civil aviation items. t: 01438-811657 Want to play ukulele? Get started on a 5 week Beginners’ Course led by Jill Knight at Wyllyotts Theatre, Potters Bar Mondays 7.30-9.15pm March 2nd - 30th 2015 See: www.jillknightmusic. ukulele-courses or Tel. 01707 894949 Stable Yard Music Music shop, music school and recording studio in Hatfield Sheet music, instrument hire and repairs. Music lessons from £12 Open Weds-Sun 10-5pm 01707 264868 FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 14 An extensive range of new and used shotguns, good quality country clothing, best leather goods and shooting accessories as well as gun workshop. FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES R Takeaway Chinese food Salisbury Square, Old Hatfield Landscapes & Garden Maintenance 01438 211848 / 077877 62822 Caring Cuts Phase 2 Hairdresser & Training Academy Beauty/Health Treatments Mens Hair Cutting, Home visits Models needed for Training Academy. Weds is pensioners day. Orders by phone 01707 275479 Free deliver on local orders over £10 Open: Tues—Sun Time: 5—11pm TGM Allison Garden construction | Water Features | Turfing Pergolas | Topiary Decking | Tree Surgery Patios | Driveways |Fencing |Brickwork Also other garden services as required Stable Yard, Hatfield Park Email: Tel: 01707 709372 Ming Garden Tom’s General Maintenance Kitchen & Bathroom fitter Floor & Wall Tiling specialist General maintenance Domestic & commercial 07882 738922 01438 814978 Stripe Interiors Upholstery - Soft Furnishings Lampshades - Fabrics Bespoke, traditional or modern pieces for your home. Let us bring your rooms to life! C/O The Dutch Nursery, Great North Road, Brookmans Park, Herts AL9 6ND T: 07713 401097 REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S 25 Park Street, Old Hatfield 01707 229669 + 07852 825559 CARE VISITS AT HOME Visits from 30 minutes to 24/7 Live In Care, Tailored care plans Over 185 offices in UK Free initial meeting 35 Salisbury Square 01707 263723 John Spinks Painter & DECORATOR Internal / Exterior Dulux Network Member Speciality Wallpaper Hanging 45 years trading Tel: 01707 266118 Jaipur Restaurant & Takeaway 23 Park Street Old Hatfield Herts AL9 5AT 01707 258888 01707 263399 Open: 6pm - 11.30pm Simmons Bakers Baking since 1838 Wholesale | Catering Snack Vans | Retail Peta Shaw Ladies fashion & accessories 38 Fore Street Old Hatfield 01707 262238 Mon-Fri 2-5.00. Closed Thurs Sat 11.30-1.00pm We thank all the advertised businesses for their support, but the inclusion of their advertisements does not constitute FEBRUARY 2015 PAGE 15 FEEL FREE TO JOIN US IN ANY/ALL OF OUR ACTIVITIES ACW Carpentry All aspects of carpentry & building work. Specialising in managing kitchen refits Domestic: Carpets-Windows-End of Tenancy Commercial: tradesmen as required Andrew Watt Nursery-Windows 0777 186 1135 01707 881334 01707 259624 GJ Locksmiths Master Locksmiths Security Engineers 9 The Broadway, Old Hatfield 07774 866333 / 01707 515510 Shop open 9-12, Mon—Sat At other times call for availability Hair & Beauty Boutique Relax and be Pampered 5 The Broadway Old Hatfield 01707 260646 Under new management Paul Kelley Plumbing, Heating, Gas Gas Safe Installer bringing in other qualified Office-Carpets-Care Home-School- REFOCUSED ST ETHELDREDA’S CHURCH WITH ST LUKE’S PETER SQUIRE Repairs to washing machines, tumble dryers etc. 40 years experience 01707 265095 PDG DesignConstruct Paul Grigg General Gardener and Landscaper All types of fencing undertaken. Repairs or replace. Custom & bespoke commissions Garden advice & fruit tree pruning. Free quotes and Estimates. T: 01707 269966 M: 07500 934083 Email: 5 New Road Woolmer Green Knebworth Herts 07815 858488 01438 817012 A warm welcome awaits you at The Oak Room * Free gift wrapping * Earlybird Tea /Coffee * Biscuits for canine friends Stable Yard, Hatfield House, 01707 257175 Tues—Sun 10–5.30 Ayers Furniture Service Furniture Repairs Gluing Dining Chairs, Restoring, Polishing, Heat marks removed, Leather restoration, Broken settee/chair seat springs replaced. 01707 261317/ 07768 848604 Welwyn garden alarms ltd For Sellers, Buyers, Landlords + Tenants 7 The Broadway Old Hatfield 01707 271450 Open: M-F: 9-6; S: 10-4 w; e; Intruder Alarms Fire Alarms Access Control CCTV Automated Gates Integrated Systems 01707 266306 Tudor Gems Jewellery . Gifts . Silverware Specialists in clock & jewellery repairs Cash for gold & silver Valuations Stable Yard, Hatfield House 01707 269275 Open Weds-Sun 11-4.30pm recommendation of any goods or services. If you use the services of one of our advertisers, please mention Refocused A joyful Christmas 2014 at St Eth’s and St Luke’s Richard Pyke It seems a long time ago now, but around 200 people turned out on a chilly Sunday last December, for a nativity play performed (courtesy of Lord Salisbury) in the magical setting of Hatfield Park Farm. It was quite unique as the actors were all adults performing for children's entertainWith Lord Salisbury ment - on a real farm with live animals in our Patron surrounding fields! The weather was kind and provided a glorious winter sunset to backlight the set. John Barnard, the director, and two narrators led the audience from point to point on the farm singing Even the donkeys joined in! carols and listening to snippets of the nativity story. Young Eth's Singers (YES!) gave a lively performance, including dancing with lighted wands, at the Bethlehem Inn. After the three wise men arrived, from afar, a glorious star appeared in the sky and glided over to a barn - where the baby Jesus had just been born. The audience gathered around it for the completion of the play - there were even two donkeys in attendance! As dusk settled, a chilly but happy crowd, descended upon St Etheldreda's Church Hall for cakes and hot chocolate - all agreed the play marked a joyful start to Christmas. In addition to this happy event we had record numbers turn out for our Crib Service and Midnight Mass, on Christmas Eve, as well as the ’Follow the Star’ event at St Luke’s (photos on our website I would like to invite all those that joined us over the Christmas period to look at the various events that we now The Nativity in the Altar at St Luke’s have on offer and come and join in more of what we are doing. Are you able to help us with our website? The Dutch Nursery Your local garden centre on the Great North Road Brookmans Park 01707 653372 We would like to redevelop it so that we can show more photographs. If you have website experience and a few spare hours we would welcome your input. Please contact; Parish of Bishop’s Hatfield St Etheldreda with St Luke : Registered Charity No.1152011 Printed by STEPS 07973 469849 : St Etheldreda’s Church, Fore Street, Old Hatfield, Hertfordshire AL9 5AN
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