Citizenship in the European Union

BSA Citizenship Study Group Launch Event:
Citizenship in the European Union
Monday 16th of February 2015
BSA Meeting Room, London
Keynote Speakers:
Prof Nira Yuval-Davis (UEL), Dr Michał Garapich (University of Roehampton) and Dr
Aaron Winter (UEL), Dr Nick Stevenson (University of Nottingham)
Recent immigration/citizenship policy restrictions and the prevalence of anti-immigration
sentiments are making an increased re-emergence across Europe and beyond. The 2014 European Election witnessed Euro-sceptic and right-wing nationalist parties making unprecedented gains in France, Denmark, Finland as well as the UK by running campaigns on populist anti-immigration and anti-EU policies. Of course, the growth in support for far-right, antiEuropean, anti-immigrant parties is nothing new in Europe and offers a chilling echo of the
Already, different sides of the political spectrum have started to predict the collapse of the
Euro and many are speculating about the lasting impact of the rise of far right parties on the
continent and what this mean for European citizenship. Some scholars argue that European
citizenship can be realised across national borders (see e.g. Friedman 2005), while others
would question this by focusing on the enduring power of the nation-state. The latter group
of scholars stress that intensified globalisation can result in a defensive return to ‘the local’
in the face of the uncertainties caused by, for instance, the global capitalist pursuit of multinational companies (see e.g. Geschiere 2009). The modern nation-state project of distinguishing citizens from non-citizens, or those perceived to be national ‘insiders’ from national
‘outsiders’, is witnessed in legal measures such as the clamping down on non-EU/EEA migrants with the introduction of a points-based migration system in the UK (Home Office
2008). However, even EU-migrants from certain nationalities have recently been affected by
restrictions in the British context (Fox et al. 2012), suggesting that the European social project is far from being realised. The prevailing political and media rhetoric in a specific country can further contribute to and reinforce a ‘hierarchy of citizenship’ and the division of
people into different categories that are bestowed unequal value and treatment (Statham
2003). The effect of this political/media rhetoric might, ultimately, be to legitimise or ‘naturalise’ anti-immigration sentiments and, in the process, ordinary people might be unaware of
the fact that by reproducing such rhetoric they run the risk of partaking in everyday forms of
racism (Essed 1991).
In an age when every person holding the nationality of an EU/EEA country is automatically a
citizen of the EU/EEA – giving every EU/EEA citizen the right to free movement within the
union – this event brings together scholars to debate European citizenship and why the far
right is gaining support across Europe.
10.15-10.45 Registration and Refreshments
10.45-11.00 Introduction
11.00-12.15 Keynote Speaker 1: Dr Michał Garapich
(Roehampton University) 'Race', diversity and political participation
in London: The Polish Experience
12.15-12.30 Refreshment Break
12.30-13.45 Keynote Speaker 2: Prof Nira Yuval-Davis (University of East
London) 'Everyday bordering as a technology of control of diversity
and discourses on diversity'
13.45-14.45 Lunch
14.45-16.00 Keynote Speaker 3: Dr Aaron Winter (University of East
London) 'Immigration, Securitization, Citizenship and the Far Right'
16.00-16.15 Refreshment Break
16.15-17.30 Keynote Speaker 4: Dr Nick Stevenson (University of Nottingham)
'Post-Citizenship, the New Left and the Democratic Commons'
17.30-17.40 Closing Remarks
This event costs £28 for BSA student members, £38 for BSA-members and £45 for
non-BSA members.
Refreshments and lunch are included.
Early booking is recommended, as we anticipate this to be a popular event. There
will be 35 places available.
Register online at:
The event will take place at the BSA meeting room in Imperial Wharf London.
For academic queries, please contact Dr Kristoffer Halvorsrud:
For further info contact: or (0191) 383 0839
For more info about the BSA Citizenship Study Group: