WELCOME TO THE FARNHAM ROAD PRACTICE Farnham Road Surgery 301 Farnham Road Slough SL2 1HD T: 01753 520917 W: www.farnhamroadpractice.co.uk Weekes Drive Surgery 100 Weekes Drive Cippenham Slough SL1 2YP This leaflet outlines the services offered by the GPs, Nurses and other staff at the Farnham Road Surgery. (There is a separate leaflet for Weekes Drive Surgery). For full Practice Information, please see our website at: www.farnhamroadpractice.co.uk We aim to provide a caring, professional and confidential service for our patients. Our GPs are: Dr Dr Dr Dr Jacqueline Bulger Chris Morris David Ward Jim O’Donnell Dr Farah Moiz Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Tsering Lama Georgia Allen Nithya Nanda Manj Tawana Mustafa Jiwanji Jas Deooray Lalitha Iyer Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Julius Parker Maria Easaw Libby Symmonds Bas Hernandez Muki Sritharan Sabina Shaik Amit Bajwala Javaria Jamil 1 MBChB 1987 MRCGP MBBS 1987 FRCGP DRCOG MBBS 1987 FRACGP 1994 Dip Sports Medicine MB BAO BCh 1978 MRCGP MICGP DCH DObs MFPM Dip.Phar.Med. MBBS 1986 MRCGP M.Sc (Nutrition) Dip. Internal Medicine MBBS 1999 MRCGP DFFP MBBS 1991 MRCGP MBBS 2000 MRCP MRCGP DRCOG MBBS BSc 2005 MRCGP DRCOG DFSRH MBBS 2004 BSc (Hons) MRCGP MBBS BSC 2006 MRCGP DRCOG DFSRH MBBS 1986 MD (OBS AND GYN) MRCOG MRCGP DFFP MBSCCP MBChB 1988 BA MRCGP DRCOG DPD DFFP LLB MBChB 1995 MRCP (UK) MRCGP DFFP MBChB 2003 MRCP (UK) MRCGP DRCOG LMS 1992 Universidad de Valencia MRCGP MBBS BSC 2006 MRCGP DRCOG DFSRH MBBS 2001 MRCGP DCH DFFSRH MBBS 1999 MS MRCGP DFSRH MBBS 2001 DFSRH MRCPG RCGP Nurse Manager: Practice Nurses: Health Care Assistant: Sheila Wellavise Alex Thompson Stephanie Lodge Julie Swinbourne Sam Watkins Indira Thakrar Joan Bradfield Esther Mwaura Barbara Asante Sharon Richardson Julie Roche Claudette Gumbs General Manager: Practice Manager: Deputy Practice Manager: Finance Manager: HR & Support Manager: Reception Supervisor: Administration Staff : RGN NVQ (level 3) Gary Edwards Sue Lyall Sonia Santinho Marion Fabia Sue Warner Emma Reynolds We have a number of receptionists/patient service team/ administration staff employed by the practice. Every day they attempt to match the requirements of patients with the availability of appointments and other services. In order to do this they may need to ask for personal information. Please rest assured that the rules of confidentiality apply equally to all practice staff. Help them to help you. PRACTICE AREA Please refer to the map at the end of this leaflet. SURGERY TIMES Monday - Friday – 7.30am-8.00pm Saturday & Sunday– 9.00am-5.00pm Once a month we close the surgery for an afternoon so that our staff can take part in a training programme, along with other GP surgeries in Slough. The date is advertised in advance in our reception area and on the door at the entrance to the building. East Berkshire Primary Care (out of hours service) provides care for patients who require emergency treatment (see “ when the surgery is closed” ). 2 TELEPHONE NUMBERS Our telephone system will give you options to select the right department to help you with your need. Tel: 01753 520917 For Prescription enquiries To make an appointment To cancel an appointment For enquiries regarding medical reports and insurance forms For all other enquiries including home visits Fax: District Nurses: Press Press Press Press Press 1 4 5 6 7 01753 550680 01753 517998 HOW TO REGISTER AS A PATIENT Firstly, please check that you reside within our practice area. To register you need to bring your completed medical card or, if this has been mislaid, complete a registration form (available at the practice). You will then be given an appointment for a health check. Once the health check has been completed you will be registered as a patient and be able to use the services of the practice. CHOICE OF DOCTOR For administrative purposes you will be registered with one named doctor but can express a preference for a male or female GP. You may not always be able to see your named doctor, but your continuity of care will not be affected as all GPs can see past consultations that have been carried out by other clinicians at the surgery. APPOINTMENTS An appointment is required for all consultations. An appointment can be made by telephone between the hours of 8.00 am to 6.30 pm. Alternatively, you may come into the surgery (8.00 am to 6.30pm). A range of appointment times are available throughout the day. If you need urgent medical attention during the day please telephone or visit the surgery. You will be assessed by a nurse who will give you advice or arrange for you to see a doctor – this is the practice triage system. WALK-IN CENTRE Slough NHS Walk-in Centre provides medical treatment and health advice. No appointment is necessary, however, they will not see children under the age of 2. Opening Times: 7.00am to 8.00pm Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm Saturday & Sunday Address: Upton Hospital, Albert Street, Slough, Berks SL1 2BJ Telephone: 01753 635505 NHS DIRECT A nurse-led telephone service offering confidential healthcare advice and information 24 hours a day. Telephone: Website: HOME VISITS Please call the surgery before 10.30am if you think you need a Doctor to visit either yourself or a member of your family at home. Home visits are only offered to patients housebound for medical reasons and are undertaken at the Doctors’ discretion. Patients may be asked to come to the surgery if this is felt to be more appropriate. Unfortunately, lack of transport does not constitute being housebound. WHEN THE SURGERY IS CLOSED When the surgery is closed you will hear a recorded message with the telephone number of our out of hours service (111). This is provided by East Berkshire Primary Care (out of hours service) and cover is provided from 6.30pm to 8.00am (Mon-Fri) and all day Saturday/Sunday and Bank holidays. Many problems can be dealt with over the telephone or you may be asked to attend a local surgery. Only housebound patients will be visited at home. 4 3 0845 46 47 www.nhsdirect.nhs.uk REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES TO US These may be obtained by ordering by our online website; personal request; fax or by post (with an s.a.e. if you wish this to be returned by post) and will be available 2 working days following the request (not counting the day of submission). Please let us know if you change your name, address or telephone number. Prescriptions may be collected by your local pharmacy with prior arrangement. Telephone requests are not accepted because of the potential for error. SPECIALIST CLINICS As well as dealing with acute illnesses we also manage chronic, long term conditions and promote the prevention of disease and ill health. The following clinics are operated on various days during the month – please ask at reception for days/times: Diabetes/ Asthma / Baby immunisations/ Cervical Smears/ Blood Pressure/ CHD/ COPD/ Travel Vaccinations/ Minor Surgery/ Acupuncture TEACHING PRACTICE We are a teaching practice where medical students, doctors and nurses are in training. To help with this some consultations will be videotaped with the written consent of the patient. This is vital to training and your co-operation is appreciated. Please keep your appointment or advise us as soon as possible if you are unable to make it. Patients who persistently fail to attend appointments without cancelling may be asked to register with another surgery. Please keep your telephone call brief and avoid calling during peak morning time for nonurgent matters. Please treat the doctors and practice staff with courtesy and respect. You have the right to leave our list and register with another Practice if you are unhappy with our services. ZERO TOLERANCE AGAINST VIOLENCE The practice supports the Government’s NHS zero tolerance campaign. Violence against staff working in the NHS is a crime and employers are working with the police locally to prevent it. FACILITIES FOR DISABLED PATIENTS The surgery has three separate parking bays for use by the disabled and a ramp to gain access to the surgery. There is a disabled toilet on the ground floor with assistance alarm fitted. There is a lift to gain access to the first floor. OUR RESPONSIBILITIES TO YOU We aim to provide the best care for every patient, regardless of age, ethnic origin or state of health. You will be treated with courtesy and respect and your treatment will remain confidential. You will be able to see/speak to either a doctor or a nurse within 48 hours of your request (excluding weekends and bank holidays). We have the right to remove patients from our lists if there is a breakdown in the relationship, or if patients are verbally/physically abusive to the doctors or staff. If you move out of our practice area you will be asked to re-register with a local GP. 5 6 If a patient becomes violent, the police will be notified immediately by the NHS. The patient will be given a warning letter issued by the Thames Valley Primary Care Agency. This letter will formally notify the patient that should another violent incident occur, they will be placed on the Violent Patient Register and it is likely that future General Practice treatment may be provided within a secure unit, i.e. local Police Station. DATA PROTECTION STAFF ATTACHED TO THE PRACTICE The information gathered includes such items as your: i. Name ii. Sex (M/F) iii. Date of birth iv. Address v. Home telephone number(s), including mobile if applicable vi. Email address vii. NHS number viii. Medical history The purposes that the information is used for, includes, but is not limited to: a) Help in your medical treatment. b) Provide statistical data. c) Help improve patient services. All of the applications above (a-c) are only accessible from within the NHS environment and are not made public. District Nurses Our District Nurse team visit and care for patients confined to their own homes. They can be contacted on 01753 517998. Midwives The midwife, in conjunction with your GP, provides ante and post natal care. You must make an appointment to see your Doctor to arrange maternity care. Counsellors Available at the Practice by GP referral only. Dieticians Available at the Practice by GP referral only. NON NHS SERVICES/SICK NOTES Some services are not a National Health Service and a fee will be payable. These include examinations for employers, solicitors, insurance companies, PSV, HGV and elderly driving licenses, completion of passport/holiday cancellation forms and insurance certificates etc. The fee charged is in line with the fee recommended by the British Medical Association. Further details can be obtained from Reception. Doctors are not obliged to issue sick notes for periods of absence from work of less than seven days including weekends. After three days absence you should obtain a self certificate form from your employer. If your employer insists on a “private certificate” then either he or you must be prepared to pay a fee for this. Your personal data which you provide to the National Health Service (NHS) via this practice as part of your treatment may also be used by the NHS for other purposes which are detailed below. This information may be disclosed to other organisations, such as: The Primary Care Trust The Department of Health All purposes for which data are processed are compliant with the Data Protection Act 1998 and are notified to the Information Commissioners Office, a copy of the Practice notification can be viewed at: http://forms.informationcommissioner.gov.uk/search.html Should you require any future information on how or why your personal data is processed, please contact the Deputy Practice Manager. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 Our Publication Scheme can be found at : www.foi.nhs.uk 8 7 SUGGESTIONS & COMPLAINTS Feedback from our patients is always welcome. The Deputy Practice Manager is responsible for handling comments/complaints and suggestions about any service provided by the practice. Please write to her at the practice address. A copy of the Practice Complaints procedure is available upon request. SLOUGH CCG The Practice provides primary medical services on behalf of Slough CCG. Details of Doctors and medical services within Slough can be obtained from: Slough CCG King Edwards VII Hospital St Leonard's Road Windsor SL4 3DP Telephone: 01753 860441 THAMES VALLEY PRIMARY CARE AGENCY The Practice is covered by Thames Valley Primary Care Agency. They are responsible for allocating patients to practices and for ensuring that a Doctor has the correct qualifications to practice. They can be contacted as follows: Thames Valley Primary Care Agency 7/9 Cremyll Road Reading Berks RG1 8NQ Telephone: 01189 183333 9 PRACTICE AREA
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