Jan 15 news - Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club

In d e x
Photo Credit
Ginger Wick
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Gold Diggings
President’s Message
Hello to all !! Being the new President is both an honor and a very humbling experience. We have so many board members and regular members that have such a wealth of knowledge about our dogs and the sports in which they par?cipate. I know I will be relying on that knowledge to help steer the club in the direc?on that is most beneficial to our members and the community. For those of you who do not know me -­‐-­‐ I started in Goldens the way a lot of folks did -­‐-­‐ with a rescue. A big, wonderful red golden named Rusty. He had been a family "pet" but kept in the backyard all the ?me with no toys and very liIle human interac?on. A proposed Change to the GRCA Code Of Ethics:
Action required
A proposal has been submiIed to the Board of Directors to amend the GRCA Code of Ethics as it pertains to non-­‐progressive, inherited cataracts (also called juvenile cataracts). The GRCA Board HAS NOT taken a posi?on on this proposal at this ?me, and is seeking membership input. For more informa?on about this proposal, please reference the ar?cle on Page 6 in the November-­‐December 2014 GRNews. Input is very important, and can be sent to: GRCAinput@aol.com -­‐-­‐ please include your thoughts and your vote. Have your voice heard !!
President’s Message
He was pining for a real family. I drove out to pick him up, opened the car door and Rusty bounded in and ensconced himself in the middle of the seat and my heart. He stayed with me for 13 years. When I lost him I could not stand the empty house so I started my search for a puppy and found Don and Vickie Carson and Leslie Dickerson. That got me my first show dog and got hooked on conforma?on. Now I am trying to get rally ?tles on my current dogs -­‐-­‐ Ben and Chai -­‐-­‐ but not very successful so far. I want to wish each of you a Happy New Year and the best year yet for MHGRC. Marcy Werner
graphic from GRR of the Rockies
Meeting Minutes
MHGRC MEETING-­‐ November 21, 2014 The mee?ng was called to order by President Sally Sjobeck at 8:00 p.m. following a presenta?on by Dr. David Espinosa of Peak Veterinary Specialists on canine oncology. The minutes of the Sept 2014 mee?ng were approved as they appeared in the last newsleIer. Guest Sheryl Bingham introduced herself. Vice-­‐President’s Report Bruce Evashevski reported that he has no applica?ons pending at this ?me. Treasurer’s Report Angela McLean reported that the current bank balance is $31,990.33. She expects that the final balance will be a liIle higher at the end of this year compared to last year. COMMITTEE REPORTS Obedience Monica Keracik reported that a few stewards are s?ll needed for the December Fun Match at Jeffco. All the judges have been lined up and include Francie Pusateri for Rally, Sherry O’Brien for U?lity, Nancy Ego for Open and Deb Quick for Novice. She plans to use gii cards as thank you presents for the judges. Agility Jim Gregory was not able to aIend the mee?ng. Field Keith Winch reported that the new format for the September Hunt test was a big success. In 2014, the club offered the Junior test in the spring and Senior/Master in the fall on a trial basis to see what the response might be. Keith reported that the events seemed more relaxed and that it was easier to find workers. The change in format did not hurt the results financially either. The dates will stay the same for 2015. He will try to avoid conflicts with other events in September but he also noted that S?llroven gets booked up early so there is a need to make a reserva?on soon. He reported that the AKC is proposing new rules for Hunt tests but nothing is final yet. The main proposal would allow clubs that hold 2 or less Hunt tests per year to hold just a Junior or a Senior test as standalone events. Right now the clubs need to offer at least two levels at any event. Discussions are s?ll going on about making changes for the Master Na?onal event. The entry numbers are gemng too big so there are 5 proposals for solving the problem which were wriIen up in the the last newsleIer. Please contact Keith if you have some feedback on this issue. Conforma(on Randy Watson reported that the conforma?on part of the upcoming Fun Match will be Spor?ng Dogs only. The leiover buckets and toys from the Specialty will be given out as awards. There is nothing planned for Sunday of the Fun Match weekend, but he is organizing a grooming seminar for March 16. OLD BUSINESS Sally reminded everyone about the club Xmas party on December 6 at the home of Bruce and Angela McLean. Senior dogs are invited but please RSVP if you are bringing your 10+ year old dog so we can have enough gii bags. There is a $20 gii limit. The newsleIer has the food assignments and the club will provide the main dish. The next mee?ng is tenta?vely scheduled for Jan 16 though the program and loca?on are TBD as Gander Mountain is remodeling the store and will no longer have a mee?ng room space. The minutes will con?nue on page 8. MHGRC Calendar
Jan 23 Membership Mee(ng. Greenwood Village Community Room 6060 South Quebec Street, Greenwood Village, CO 80111 Social hour a 6:30 and the mee(ng will start at 7:00 March 21 Goldens Only Conforma?on, Obedience and Rally Fun Match with Membership Mee?ng. Loca?on: JEFFCO Event Center. March 22 Seminar/Workshop – details to follow. Loca?on: JEFFCO Event Center. Contact: Randy Watson randallcwatson@aol.com April 3-­‐5 MHGRC Agility Trials. Loca?on: Douglas County Fairgrounds. Contact: Jim Gregory jtgregory@comcast.net April 26 MHGRC's Annual Awards Banquet Loca?on Maggiano's Contact Sally Sjobeck: sidus@aol.com or 303.522.8851 May 15 Membership Mee?ng. July 10-­‐12 MHGRC Agility Trials. Loca?on: Douglas County Fairgrounds. Contact: Jim Gregory jtgregory@comcast.net MHGRC's Annual Awards Banquet will be Sunday, April 26th at Maggiano's LiIle Italy star?ng at 11:30 am. Maggiano's LiIle Italy is located at 7401 South Clinton Street, Englewood (I-­‐25 and Dry Creek). $27 per person which includes a family style lunch, coffee or hot/cold tea, tax, ?p and, as always, great company. Please RSVP and send a check made out to Mile Hi Golden Retriever Club to: Sally Sjobeck, 10426 Winterflower Way, Parker, CO 80134 no later than April 17th. If you have ques?ons -­‐ sidus@aol.com or 303.522.8851.
We have now come through the quiet Holiday Season, (at least from a dog show perspec?ve!) and we are all gemng ready for the busy 1st quarter of the year. Among the many shows coming up over the next few months, the local shows taking place February 12-­‐16 at the Na?onal Western Complex here in Denver will be a great ?me to get your kids out for a five day run of very compe??ve shows. Just how compe??ve are these shows? Based on last years entries, there will be more Golden’s at each of these shows than any other AKC breed, and we are almost guaranteed to have five consecu?ve majors! What a great ?me to get your dog, be it a puppy or a special, out in an exci?ng and compe??ve environment. Also, don’t forget about the Golden’s Only Fun Match scheduled for Saturday, March 21st and the Grooming Seminar coming up on Sunday, March 22nd. Both events will be taking place at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds Event Center. We wish you all (you and your four legged kids) a great 2015!!! High Plains KC (UKC), Castle Rock November 16, 2014 (Show #2) Int Ch High Country Reigning Raylyn CGC Best of Breed & Spor?ng Group 1 Lynda & Mike Gehring Oklahoma Specialty, Norman OK November 15th, 2014 Starz Bugam “Sport” Best in Sweepstakes !!! Breeder/Owner/Handler Kathy Bourland Golden Grahams Hot Summer Nights At Timberbash “Savannah” Reserve Winners Bitch Angela & Bruce McLean GCH Cross Creek’s Timberbash Hot Shot “ Tanner” Select Dog Canada del Oro Kennel Club -­‐ November 9, 2014 Angela & Bruce McLean Council Bluffs KC -­‐ November 22, 2014 Golden Grahams Hot Summer Nights At Timberbash “Savannah” Winners Bitch Angela & Bruce McLean Central Oklahoma GRC Specialty -­‐ November 16 GCH Windsong’s Timberbash Powder King RN “Cooper” Select Dog from the 10+ Veteran Class Angela Berkheimer McLean and Dianne Barnes Palo Verde GRC Specialty -­‐ November 8, 2014 GCH Windsong’s Timberbash Powder King RN “Cooper” Best Veteran in Sweepstakes Angela Berkheimer McLean and Dianne Barnes Obedience & Agility
Brags: Richwood Sophie's Magic Moment UD, OMI, SH, WCX “PUK” earned 4 more UDX legs
and now has 8. He has also earned his OM1 title. And he earned a Master pass at the
National Specialty in Bristol, TN. Owner Leslie Anderson
Farm Fresh Gidiiup of Ocotilla “Gidii” earned her RAE 2 with a first in excellent rally B
and a second in advanced rally B. She is 12 1/2 and is now retired fromAKC obedience
and rally. On 10/12 NOSEWORK ORT Los Alamos, NM she passed passed her Clove
ORT owner Karen Lamb.
MACH BR's Never A Dull Moment UD JH MXB MJB WXC (Carbide)
Herb Herbert
Carbide earned two UDX legs at the Greater Lincoln Obedience Club trials in Lincoln,
NE on November 29th.
Farm Fresh BR Ride the Windy Trails CD RAE AX AXJ (Ranger)
Jean Herbert Ranger finished his RAE at the Greater Lincoln Obedience Club trial in
Lincoln, NE on November 29th. He did this with placements on both legs for his 9th and
10th RAE legs. He also earned the Rally High Combined award for two of the trials, on
November 29th and 30th.
Starz Unforgettable Fire AX AXJ BISS (Sophie) - SR67253404
Owner Kathy Bourland
JWW-MAS-REG - 20 Inch - Judge: Paula Ratoza
Distance: 162 yards - SCT: 43 seconds
Score: 100(Q) - Time: 40.79 seconds - MACH Pts: 2
STD-EX-REG - 20 Inch - Judge: Laura English
Distance: 178 yards - SCT: 62 seconds
Score: 100(Q) - Time: 50.62 seconds - 1st place Sophie AX!!!
Ch Jema’s Last Of The Mohicans RE AX AXJ OF MXP2 MXPB MJP2 OFP CCA CGC
“Hawkeye” owned by Michele Janowiak and Jennifer Grossnickle.
12-14-2-14 Palmer Divide Agility Club
earned his Bronze Master of Agility in Preferred Standard classes
At the same show, on the same day,
Hawkeye also earned his Masters Jumpers Preferred 2, MJP2. MILE HI GOLDEN RETRIEVER CLUB
2015 Membership Renewal
New members voted in after 09/01/2014 are considered paid through
Dues are due 12/31/2014 and will be accepted through
01/31/2015. If your renewal is received AFTER 01/31/2015 your
membership will lapse and you MUST REAPPLY. Renewal of
your club membership includes your agreement to abide by the
GRCA Code of Ethics.
Please send THIS FORM along with YOUR CHECK made PAYABLE TO MHGRC
Pamela Biard 275 Skylane Drive Erie, CO 80516
City: ______________________________ State: ___ Zip code:_______
Telephone: ____________________________
Family Membership ($30) ______ Single Membership ($25)
____ Conformation
____ Rally
____ Grooming
____ Breeding
____ Tracking
____ Fun Matches
____ Agility
____ Hunt Tests
____ Website
____ Health Clinics
____ Education (seminars etc)
____ Obedience
Meeting Minutes
Deb Ascher will take over as the administrator of the website and will coordinate that with Deb Dorband. The website s?ll needs a members only sec?on but can be accessed now for general info. Kathy Bourland will con?nue as the newsleIer editor. Please send your submissions and photos to her. Kathy Frizell men?oned that the club is s?ll missing the box with the leiover dangle tags and other items needed for the awards banquet. She suggested that folks who took home the trophies should check their packing boxes to see if maybe this stuff got placed in one of those boxes by mistake. UPDATE-­‐ these have been located-­‐ yeah!! NEW BUSINESS Possible charitable dona(ons were discussed. A summary of possibili?es was distributed at the mee?ng. President Sally Sjobeck pointed out that four contribu?ons have already taken place, which include our annual contribu?on to the BisseIe Scholarship, dona?ons for the Na?onal Specialty and two small amounts to the Deb Funk (agility judge) Fund Raiser and the Mile Hi Spor?ng Dog Fanciers organiza?on. Treasurer Angela McLean reported that there are funds available for addi?onal dona?ons due to a buildup of funds from previous years. Vicky Carson moved to contribute $500. to Morris Animal Founda?on, $500. to the Golden Retriever Founda?on and $500. to CSU Cancer Research. Seconded by Lauren Relay. Passed. Beth Olson moved to contribute $300. to Golden Retriever Freedom Rescue. Seconded by Lauren Relay. Passed Marcy Werner moved to contribute $330. to Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies. Seconded by Kathy Frizell. Passed. Linda Stranahan moved to make a one ?me addi?onal contribu?on to the Anne BisseIe Scholarship of $500. in recogni?on of Anne’s passing this year, and to increase the annual contribu?on amount to $1500 (currently $1000.) going forward. Seconded by Vicky Carson. Passed. It was also men?oned that individuals can donate to the scholarship fund at the CSU website. The slate of candidates for the annual Elec(on was presented in the last newsleIer and no addi?onal candidates have been submiIed. Angela McLean moved to accept the slate as presented. Seconded by Bruce McLean. Passed. Here is the list of new and con?nuing officers. President-­‐ Marcy Werner Vice-­‐Pres-­‐ Pam Baind Secretary-­‐ Mardee Kayser Treasurer-­‐ Kathy Janda Obedience Rep-­‐ Francie Pusateri Meeting Minutes
Agility Rep-­‐ Jim Gregory Field Rep-­‐ Susan Faulkner Conforma?on Rep-­‐ Randy Watson President Sally Sjobeck offered kudos to all outgoing board members for a great job this past year and expressed apprecia?on to them for serving the club. Incoming Obedience Rep Francie Pusateri men?oned that the August Specialty s?ll needs judges. Most of the local judges have already judged for us in recent years, so please email sugges?ons to her at fmp1@comcast.net. Angela McLean reported that Kathy Bourland has agreed to chair a Western Regional Specialty in 2016 but will need to facilitate a WCX to get approval from GRCA. Anyone that can help with that, please contact Kathy at starz@frii.com Vicky Carson reported that the issue of mixed breeds at our agility trials was never presented to GRCA. Incoming President Marcy Werner will follow up on this. Vicky Carson raised the issue of the need for permanent trophy boxes, which has been discussed before. The boxes do not need to be shipping quality but do need to be customized for some of the more fragile trophies. Marcy will discuss this with Jean Herbert and report about it at a future mee?ng. The mee?ng was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.