Meriwether`s Got Talent! Auditions: February 3rd

Meriwether’s Got Talent!
Sponsored by MLS PTO
Friday, March 6th, 6 pm in the MLS gymnasium
February 3rd & 5th, 2:40 – 4:40 • Are you interested in being part of the MLS Talent Show? All talents welcome: in the past, students have sung, danced, recited poems, played instruments, performed skits or magic and done gymnastics! • You can only be in ONE act, each act can be no more than 2 ½ minutes in duration and your act must be ready at the time of audition. Bring your music, props, costumes, etc. and be rehearsed and ready! NOTES FOR PARENTS: • Auditions will be held February 3rd and 5th from 2:40-­‐4:40 pm. • Link for sign up:­‐mlstalent Note: If your child has the 2:40 slot, they can come straight to the gym after school, please pick up at 3:00. For all other slots, unless your child is in after school, please have them arrive at the start of their time slot and leave at the end of their time slot. Contact Kennon Ibbeken or Robyn Mattern, with any questions or for assistance signing up.