Ironside State School NEWSLETTER 5 February 2015 / Edition 1 2 Hawken Drive St Lucia QLD 4067 Telephone: 07 3258 3111 DATE CLAIMERS 5.2.15 Year 1 Teacher/Parent Session (4:00pm) 7.2.15 Welcome Back to School Bush Dance organised by The Chaplaincy Committee (4:00 -7:30pm) 10.2.15 P&C 2015 AGM (6:30pm) 11.2.15 Parent Rep Meeting (2:00pm) Year 2 Teacher/Parent Session ( 3:30pm) Year 3 Teacher/Parent Session (6:30pm) 16.2.15 Investiture Ceremony (2:30pm) Year 6 Teacher/Parent Session (6:00pm) 17.2.15 Year 5 Teacher/Parent Session (5:30pm) Year 4 Teacher/Parent Session (6:00pm) 18.2.15 Overseas and Australian Family Network Meeting (2:00pm) 24.2.15 First P&C General Meeting (6:30pm) 12.3.15 Prep - Year 6 Hands on Art Evening 19.6.15 International Breakfast and Concert (7:30am) 1 STUDENT ABSENCE LINE: 3258 3160 Facsimile: 07 3258 3100 Web: Dear Parents and Caregivers, At the beginning of each year we take time to reflect on our journey so far and plan for the year ahead. In 2015 “The Ironside Way” will remain our overarching philosophy that drives our school culture. The Ironside Way’ gives us a framework for the way we treat each other and approach our tasks to the best of our ability across all areas of school life. It gives us a common language of expectation and behaviour. Our Ironside Stars program is a positive reinforcement of these behaviours and expectations and will be evident to all who enter our school gates. Our explicit teaching and learning agenda in 2015 will be focused on the teaching of reading and writing as well as mathematical problem solving. We will also continue to deepen our knowledge and continue to work with International Consultant Lane Clark on Inquiry Based Learning. We will again implement our personalised education through the development of individual student goals and the creation of growth mindsets within and beyond our classrooms. I am looking forward to working with you again this year to make our great school even better! IRONSIDE WAY The beginning of the year is a good time to get organised. This means having all the school supplies needed to complete work, keeping a neat and tidy desk and school bag, listening carefully to teacher’s instructions before starting work, planning time to get things done and setting goals for what we want to achieve. It’s also a good time to meet and make new friends and remind ourselves that being kind to others and being inclusive is part of what ‘The Ironside Way’ is all about. Not only our students, but our whole Ironside Community prides itself on the positive way in which we interact with each other. Being kind to others is an easy goal to achieve – a smile and a happy greeting costs nothing and helps us to feel good at the same time! TUCKSHOP VOLUNTEERS The Tuckshop is currently very short on volunteers due to losing all the Year 6 & 7 parents who were regular volunteers at the end of last year. Currently we have a number of days with no volunteer helpers at all. On the days when there are no volunteers we will be forced to close for over the counter purchases for both first break and second break and only fill online orders - that means no orders through the classroom tuckshop boxes either. If you can spare some time it will be most appreciated. Please contact Gina Noble on 0405 064 132. Yours in Education Angela Douglas Principal NEWS FROM MS RUDDICK A warm welcome back to all returning families at Ironside and welcome to all the new families who have enrolled at Ironside. We have had an amazing start to the school year with the students all focussed and ready to learn. My role involves working closely with the Prep, Year 1 and 2 teachers, students and parents. I am also involved in the Arts which includes the Instrumental Music, Choral and Visual Arts Programmes. I will also be coordinating the 2015 Japan Study Tour. I am also looking forward to working with parents on a number of committees including the Overseas and Australian Family Network, Chaplaincy, Friends of the Arts and Parent Reps. It will be another very busy yet rewarding year at Ironside. Please note the following dates for your calendar: Saturday 7 February Welcome to 2015 Bush Dance from 4:00pm - 7:30pm at Ironside Wednesday 11 February Parent Rep Meeting at 2:00pm in the Staffroom Monday 16 February Investiture Ceremony in our Hall at 2:30pm to acknowledge our 2015 School Captains and Vice School Captains and the Semester One House Captains. Wednesday 18 February Overseas and Australian Family Network at 2:00pm in the EAL/D classroom above the canteen. The entrance is near the Staffroom in A Block. Thursday 12 March Prep - Year 6 Hands on Art Evening in the Hall Friday 19 June International Breakfast and Concert commencing at 7:30am 2015 JAPAN STUDY TOUR Expressions of Interest to participate in the 2015 Study Tour to Japan in the September School holidays will be sent home with all students in Years 5 and 6 next week. PREP- YEAR 2 TEACHER / PARENT SESSIONS Thank you to the parents who attended Tuesday Evening’s Prep session. I am looking forward to meeting with the Year 1 parents this afternoon at 4:00pm and the Year 2 parents at 3:30pm on Wednesday 11 February. All sessions will be held in the classrooms. BIRTHDAYS AT IRONSIDE It is important birthdays are recognised at school however class parties, large cakes and party bags are for outside of school hours at home or other venues. As part of the Smart Choices, healthy food and drink supply strategy, schools are committed to promoting healthy food choices. If you choose to send something to share, suitable food suggestions that are easy to hand out include cut up pieces of fruit, ice blocks, muffins cupcakes or biscuits. Please be aware that many students have food allergies. No nuts or food containing nuts should be brought to school. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. Former Year 1 Ironside Teacher, Mrs Mary Rose Boyd has officially retired from teaching. If any families who know Mrs Boyd would like to send her a card or any other message, I am happy to receive them and forward to her. We all wish Mrs Boyd a Happy Retirement. As a school community, we certainly miss her as a teacher and friend here at Ironside. Kind Regards Janice Ruddick Deputy Principal 2 NEWS FROM MR KNIGHTS WELCOME BACK The year is certainly off and running with all classrooms hives of activity. Walking around the school it is amazing to see how quickly our students have settled and are ready to learn. This year we welcome Year 4 into the ICALe Program. Also as a trial this term the Year 3 students are having lunch with the Year 4 to 6 students at 1:00 -1:30pm. I look forward to meeting you all this year and believe it will be a very productive year for all students. ICALe We have received all the computers and we are working hard to finalise the build and get them out. We are expecting that most computers will go out tomorrow. There maybe one to two classes that will go out Monday. Thank you for your patience in this matter. I would like to thank Mrs Leesa Behrens and Mr Nic Jones for their efforts. They work tirelessly in supporting our students and teachers in all their ICT needs. BEFORE SCHOOL If you arrive before the bell (8:15am onwards) then students are expected to go to a supervised area. For students in Prep - Year 2 you are required to go under G Block. For Students in Years 3 - 6, you are required to go to the Library Basement. YEARS 3-6 TEACHER/PARENT SESSIONS From next week you will have the opportunity to meet your class teachers and to hear from them their expectations, the current focus of teaching and learning and how you are able to assist. If you are unable to make the evening please contact your teacher to make another time for a short catch-up. Parent Information Evenings are planned as follows: Year 3 Wednesday 11 February 6:30pm Year 4 Tuesday 17 February 6:00pm Year 5 Tuesday 17 February 5:30pm Year 6 Monday 16 February 6:00pm INTERSCHOOL SPORT Mrs Walters is currently working on the Semester 1 sports program for Years 5 and 6. Preference letters will go out shortly. MOBILE MUSTER Its time to clear out the old phones from drawers and send them in for recycling. Drop them into the front office and they can be added to our cache. This year we are aiming for 10kg of phones. Adam Knights Deputy Principal 3 EAL/D PROGRAM NEWS We would like to welcome both our new and continuing families. We hope that 2015 (the year of the goat) will be both enjoyable and successful. At Ironside State School we offer an English as an Additional Language and/or Dialect (EAL/D) program to support the development of English language skills for children whose first or home language is not English. Within this program, we assist EAL/D children to not only learn English but also learn through English. EAL/D specialist teachers and EAL/D teacher aides work with identified EAL/D children through withdrawal and/or within the mainstream classroom when offering support. In 2015 we are delivering this program using three levels for support. Identified students are assessed on arrival to determine which level is appropriate. Students are then monitored throughout the year and support levels adjusted as their English language proficiency progresses. The three types of support are 1. Intensive English Classes - In 2015 there will be 2 levels of classes held in the EAL/D Centre and will be taught by experienced EAL/D specialists. These classes began on Monday 2 February in the EAL/D Room. The Level 1 Beginners Class (Years 1 & 2) will be held Monday to Thursday between 9:00am and 10:45am. The Level 1 Beginners Class (Years 3 to 6) will be held Monday to Thursday between 11:30am and 1:00pm. The Level 2 Beginners Class (Years 1 & 2) will be held on Monday and Tuesday between 9:00am and 10:45am. 2. EAL/D teacher / EAL/D Teacher Aide support - this may be individual or small group withdrawal. An EAL/D Teacher Aide may work with the students to improve reading, writing or numeracy skills. 3. EAL/D Teacher Aide support within the classroom. An EAL/D Teacher Aide may support small groups of students during classroom activities. The EAL/D Room is now located in E Block opposite the Staffroom. This room is staffed by EAL/D Coordinator/ Teacher – Miss Kylie Sommerfeld, EAL/D Teacher - Mrs Kerry Powell. EAL/D Teacher Aides – Mrs Lucy Paul, Mrs Dilani Peiris and Mrs Nidhi Tanna will also be using this area when supporting individual and small groups of students. Mrs Rachel McWilliam will be supporting EAL/D students during Fly In Squad sessions in Years 1-3. In 2014 we were very fortunate to have had such fantastic support from volunteers, many of whom were able to assist bilingually, who helped during the Intensive Classes as well as reading with students. We look forward to welcoming volunteers again in 2015 who would like to assist us during the Intensive Classes or by just reading and speaking with the students. We have already been approached by a number of parents for which we would like to say a big welcome and thank you! It is these partnerships in education that help to enhance the learning experiences for every student. It is going to be an exciting year ahead for the program. Some highlights to look forward to will be Harmony Day in March, the International Breakfast in June and the school Fete later in the year. If you have any questions or would like to discuss ideas for developing English skills at home, please feel free to contact us through email - or simply pop into the EAL/D Room. Kylie Sommerfeld EAL/D Coordinator/ Teacher 4 P&C News P&C would like to remind all parents and citizens of our annual General Meeting which will be held on Tuesday 10 February at 6:30pm in the Staffroom. At this meeting, current memberships will lapse and new members and renewals will be approved. We will also be electing office bearers for 2015. Please join us and we would love to see you there. Sincerely, Stephen Dowdle President - Ironside State School P&C Association MUSIC NEWS BAND STUDENTS – Woodwind, Brass & Percussion SENIOR CONCERT BAND REHEARSAL (continuing & advanced students) Rehearsals commence on Wednesday 11 February at 7:30am in the Hall. We look forward to seeing all band students who are continuing on from 2014 at this first rehearsal for the year. CONTINUING STUDENTS Lessons for all instrumental music students continuing on from 2014 will commence in Week 3 of Term 1. Timetables will be emailed to parents and distributed to students this week. If you have not received a copy by email please contact Ms Lee Long ( YEAR 4 & 5 BEGINNER BAND STUDENTS All Year 4 & 5 students should have received their jumpstart lessons this week. The timetable for the remainder of Term 1 will have been distributed to all students by Friday and emailed to parents. From Week 3, all students have been timetabled for a half-hour lesson during class time each week. ADULT STARTER PROGRAM Positions are still available for parents to enrol in the Adult Starter Program which begins on Wednesday 11 February from 7:00pm-8:30pm in the Indooroopilly State School Hall. Please contact Mr John Grainger ( for more information. This program is available to all Indooroopilly State School parents/guardians and friends. Happy music-making! Ms Janelle Lee Long & Mr John Grainger Instrumental Music Teachers - Band 5 TUCKSHOP NEWS Term 1: Week 3 Date Tuckshop Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 09/02 10/02 11/02 12/02 13/02 Date Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Homebake 09/02 Morag Pilleris, 2 volunteers required 10/02 Thilini de Silva, Natalie Hillcoat , 1 volunteer required 11/02 Cynthia Griffs, 2 volunteers required 12/02 Cindy Davies, 2 volunteers required 13/02 Julie Crowe, 2 volunteers required 3 volunteers required 3 volunteers required Linda Culkin, Irene Winter, 2 volunteers required Sarah Henry, 3 volunteers required Behnaz Behi, Eileen Hayes, 1 volunteers required Term 1: Week 4 Date Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Date Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Tuckshop 16/02 17/02 18/02 19/02 20/02 Audrey Joubert, 2 volunteers required Mevis Tee, Penny Garnett, 1 volunteer required Michaela Sargent, Leanne Lau, 2 volunteers required Akiko Shirakawa, Yukie Ishioka, Naomi Yagi, Akiko Tanabe Behnaz Behi, Audrey Joubert, 1 volunteer required Homebake 16/02 17/02 18/02 19/02 20/02 Connie Fuchs, Thao Nguyen, 1 volunteer required Nadia Fernandez, 2 volunteers required Isobel Khursandi, 2 volunteers required Fiona Himstedt, 2 volunteers required 3 volunteers required TUCKSHOP AND HOMEBAKE VOLUNTEERS FOR 2015 We urgently require more volunteers for the 2015 roster. Forms were sent home with all students last week. If you are able to help out one day each month in the Tuckshop we would love to hear from you! Either complete the form and send back to us via the Tuckshop box in your child’s classroom or send an email to Iana or Gina. If you were volunteering in 2014 and would like to go on this year, please, re-register using details below. Iana Golitsyna (0407 893 711) Gina Noble (0405 064 132) Tuckshop Conveners 6 7 8 9 Due to the change in regulations which now allows for children being born in July to apply for early entry into Prep Campus Kindy now has a couple of vacancies in our Kindergarten room for children who are 3 years 5 months+. If you would like to find out any further information please give us a call on 3365 3894. JUNIOR FOOTBALL at TARINGA ROVERS Looking to play football; new to Brisbane; want a new challenge ! Taringa Rovers FC are looking for Junior Male & Female players for 2015 – all ages (3 to 18) and ability levels catered for. Contact Kelvin 0412 085 388 or Email Chess Coaching Ironside State School Lessons will commence on Monday 9th February at 7:40am – 8:40am in the Computer Room and the cost is $91.00 per term. All ages and abilities are welcome and lots of fun learning is had by all. To enrol please go to and click on the ‘Parents’ icon. Please call Gardiner Chess on 5522 7221 if you have any queries. Happy Chessing! Gardiner Chess 10 11
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