Form No. TM JRS TUTORIALS A Premier Coaching Institute for IIT- JEE (Main & Advanced) and NEET-PMT JRS Bhavan, Durgakund, Varanasi -z2toos Ph. No. (0542) 2311777, 2311922, 3290510 Registration Form For Oflice Use Only Candidate's Name: Course Enrollment No. I.D. No. Fee deposited Rs. on Balance (if any) Rs. to be paid on Candidate's Name Aflix mml-l-|-tl Date of Birth cEN! Crtegory oBcI Sex: M/T r.n latest passpon Size Photograph .tn Father's Name Occupation Mother's Name Permanent Address st"t"l-__-l Code : Correspondence Addrest : Ph. No. with STD Dtutrict Parents Mob, No. st"t"l-___l : Local Ph. No. with STD Code : Mob. website : e-mail : ,l' Where from you came to know about JRS : L News Paper: Dainik Jagran Hindustan Times of 2. rv fI India 3. Friend [-l [ Hindustan Times +. ex-tns Student f] Amar Ujala ! Rastriya Sahara Aaj n Dainik Bhaskar fl 5. Any other Details of Examinations Passed / Appeared : of Name Name of Board Errmination Year Name ofthe Institution (with complete address) 70 of Marks obtained in 7o Marks in (Aggregrtc) Instt. Name ",r1,;;1"" Instt. Nam€ lntermediate Physics .....,,..,,.,, (+2) chemistry ,....,.,... Maths,rBio .......,.,, Distt. Others l. Admission right is reserved with Director of the Institute and admission is done on the basis of performance in admission test. drawn in favour of .JRS Tutorials', payable at varanasi. 2. All drafts and cheques should J. Fees once deposited shall depositing the fee. A Any act of indiscipline, misconduct or misbehavior on part of student will attract punishment and it may also result in cancellation ofregistration. In such case no refund of fee will be admissible. ). Stud.ents are required be not be refunded in any casc, You are requested to satisfy yourself before to bring the ldentity card while coming to institute. students without ldentity card will not be allowed to attend the class. 6. All disputes are subject to Varanasi Court Jurisdiction. hereby declare that informations given by me in this apptication form are correct. I further declare that I will follow all the rules and regulations of the Institute. Signature ofthe Parent / Guardian Signature of the Candidate Date: ........... Place: .,..,..,..., Enclosures: (i) Six passport size photographs (ii) Copy of mark sheeUcertilicate of examinations passed JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanas
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