Quick Glance CBHCS • Sun. Feb. 1, 8, 22, 9:30am TU B’SHVAT SEDER • Tue. Feb. 3, 6:30pm (RJ/CCUCC) MEDITATION & MUSSAR • Fri. Feb. 6, 6:30pm (RJ/CCUCC) FULL COLD MOON SERVICE • Fri. Feb. 6, 7:30pm (GG/WR/CCUCC) Bat Mitzvah sOPHIE rEISS • Sat. Feb. 7, 9:30am (CCUCC) TOT SHABBAT • Fri. Feb. 13, 6:30pm (RJ/CCUCC) 2015 FEBRUARY SPOTLIGHT Kabbalat Shabbat, Potluck Dinner, & Speaker David Hooker The Spaces Our Stories Create: What happens when our stories clash? Friday Feb. 27 at 6:30pm at CCUCC Speaker David Hooker leads an interactive discussion about how we can use stories to shape our lives. Our lives are guided by stories and our identities exist within the stories we know and those we don’t know. What happens when our stories clash with other people’s stories of us? How we can use narratives to build the worlds we say that we want? David Anderson Hooker is a Sr. Fellow Community Engagement Strategist at J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development. RSVP for potluck dinner and speaker at congregationbethaverim.org FULL COLD MOON CD RELEASE & RECEPTION • Fri. Feb. 13, 6:00pm (WR/CCUCC) MERKAVAH ART ADULT PROGRAM • Fri. Feb.13 7:30pm (GG/CCUCC) BAR Mitzvah jEREMY BARNETT • Sat. Feb. 14, 9:30am (CCUCC) NO CBHCS • Sun. Feb.15 CHANT & MEDITATION • Mon. Feb. 16, 6:00pm (GG/CCUCC) jews of color SHABBAT Service • Fri Feb. 20, 7:30pm (RJ/CCUCC) KABBALAT SHABBAT, POTLUCK DINNER, & SPEAKER DAVID HOOKER •Fri. Feb. 27, 6:30pm BAR Mitzvah jOSH sILVERMAN • Sat. Feb. 28, 9:30am (CCUCC) SING N PLAY • Sat. Feb. 28, 10:00am (CCUCC) Full Cold Moon: Songs of Comfort and Reflection brings together songs and poetry reflecting the two sides of the inevitable universal passage through difficult times. Grief is the deep winter of our emotions, yet it’s also a time of seeking comfort and nurturing hope. The moon in Jewish tradition is a permanent reminder of the promise of restoration. Congregation Bet Haverim offers this collection to help illuminate the journey through loss and to provide a space for reflection on meaningful themes like those of the Yizkor service at Yom Kippur. This EP presents expressive choral arrangements sung by the CBH Chorus along with selections from the CBH String Ensemble, spoken word with Rabbi Joshua Lesser and a vocal duet by lay cantors Brad Davidorf and Gayanne Geurin. Full Cold Moon is the third release in the four-album Merkavah Project from CBH Music, produced by Will Robertson. Related events: Feb. 6 - 7:30pm Full Cold Moon Erev Shabbat Service with Gayanne Geurin, Will Robertson, and CBH Chorus Feb. 13 - 6:00pm-7:00 CD Release Reception (CCUCC) 7:30pm The Art of the Merkavah Project with artist Miriam Karp (CCUCC) Digital downloads available at CDbaby.com and itunes Congregation Bet Haverim • P.O.Box 29548, Atlanta, Ga 30359 • (404) 315-6446 DONATIONS HIGH HOLIDAY DONATIONS •Judith Friedman •Dara Anker •Garreth & Caroline Stover •Michele Casper & Alan Sokoloff •Bruce & Shelley Gaynes •Larry & Eileen Gold •Michele Golivesky •Mark Podhorzer & Terry Egdal •Beth Ann & Ruby-Beth Buitekant •Mark Homer •Nancy Miller •Rita Marokko •Alan & Emily Goldsmith •Lisa Heimann & Jeffrey Jones •Karen Rothschild •Jared Serwer •Deva Joy Gouss •Tova Baruch & Peter Knudsen •JoAnn & David Reiss •Dottie Cohen •Henry & Kim Siegelson •Meredith White •Dr. Jeri Breiner •Steven Baustin •Bryan Golson & Michael Gross •Esther Rechtman •Deborah Krotenberg •Lois & Steven Wolf •Jason Schneider •Camille Malina •Betty Signer •Shelley Rose •Joe Thomas & Michael Meyer •Ellen & Jeff Levine •Cori Diamond Defrancis •Lara Wertheimer •Teresa Lee •Lynne Kornhauser •Alayne Lesser •Nomi Traub GENERAL FUND •Alan Sugar, Tikkun Middot donation •Dawn Abeita, Tikkun Middot donation •Stephen Kay & Jennifer Weisman, in honor of Mark Gould’s 50th birthday •Kathy Strauss, in honor of Bryan Golson & Michael Gross •Ellen Steinberg, in honor of Bryan Golson & Michael Gross wedding •Lois & Steven Wolf, in honor of Hugo Wolf •Gail & Butch Medwed •Ilene Zeff & Eric Schulman •Tina Stern 2 congregation bet haverim • feb. 2015 •Ginette Schinazi, in memory of Serge Bernstein •Barnett Family •Jeri Kagel & Susan Levy, in honor of all the CBH marriages this year •Blair Cohen •Andrea Plotsky •Lisa Barrios, in honor of Charlotte’s bat mitzvah •Joann & David Reiss, in honor of Sophie Reiss’s bat mitzvah •Marilyn Berman •William Curns •Stephanie Schrag •Nancy Davis, in memory of Milton, Regina & Andy Miller •Walter Reeves, in honor of Will Robertson, Gayanne Geurin & CBH choir •Samuel & Elaine Strier, in honor of their granddaughter, Ruby M. Blair •Stan Cohen, in honor of Bernice, David, Nathan, Kobe Cohen •Bernard & Dolores Wax •Carol Rappaport •Lisa Anbild •Peter Strauss •Joen Fagan •Jan Levie, a siddur in honor of Bryan Golson & Michael Gross’s marriage •Steven Gold •John & Barb Perlmutter •David Propp & Susan Kolodkin •Herb & Evelyn Gershon, in memory of Al Smith •Jill Auerbach & Timothy Crimmins •Harriet Gold •Mark Podhorzer & Terry Egdal, in memory of Morris Podhorzer •Jennifer & Rebecca Stapel-Wax, in honor of Bob Schwartz, Marian Broida & Ruth Einstein and the Levie/Sprick family •Gayanne Geurin, in honor of the children’s choir & their parents •Jennifer Leson •Barbara Rosenblit •Jonah McDonald & Dana Goldman •Betsy Ami, a Tanakh for a b’nai mitzvah YAHRZEIT DONATIONS •Sandra Menes Ashe, in memory of Melvin Menes •Sylvia Gross, in memory of her father, Zoltan Smooke •Carole Schumer, in memory of Roslyn Schumer •Shoshana & Mark Ben-Yoar, in memory of Armand Ben-Yoar DONATIONS RABBI DISCRETIONARY FUND •Gedalia Genin •Marsha Genin •Michael Gross & Bryan Golson •Lisa Rosof & Louis Lovett •Lisa Barrios •Jill Jacobs & Donna Lewis •Sherri Kornfeld & David Huntington •Mark Sugarman •Eve Lackritz •Marta-Ines Castillejo •Paul Glickstein BUILDING FUND •Craig & Rita Gilbert •Sara Newman •Robin Shahar •Lauren Rich •Jeri Kagel & Susan Levy •Jody Steinberg & Roy Wagner , in honor of Arnie Schoenberg •Sheryl Thacker •Barry Roseman •Paul Glickstein •Doris Gordon •Eve Lackritz •Michael Gross & Bryan Golson •Lisa Heimann & Jeffrey Jones •Alayne Lesser in honor of Lauren Rich & Marian Meyer’s wedding •Elizabeth Goodstein, in honor of Bernard Goodstein •Jan Levie, in honor of Ellie McGraw •Leslie Kean •Harriet Gold •Doris Gordon •Marcia Rosenberg •Barry Roseman, in honor of Lauren Rich •Bonnie Palter •Tobi Ames •Sylvia Gross •Dara Merlin, in memory of Archie Merlin •Monica Rinkevich & Michael Pathi •Susan Kupferberg & Richard Mitchell •Mark Spieler & Peter Bjerkerot, wishing Sylvia Gross a speedy recovery •Peter & Irene Medovoy •Julie Fishman & Terry Pechacek, in honor of Abby Drue & Dan Arnold •Pam & Mark Gould, in honor of Steve Kay’s 50th birthday •Rebeca Quintana, in honor of Kellie Scheer (Finesilver Memorial Rabbinic Intern), Bill Witherspoon’s & Joe Chancey’s retirement, CBH Board, Staff, Chorus, & School •Rebeca Quintana, in memory of William Zeman, Amy Robertson’s grandfather •Debra Bourgeois, in honor of Nancy Miller’s 61st birthday •Nora Levesque & Mark Ravina, in honor of Steve Kay’s 50th birthday •Nora Levesque & Mark Ravina, in honor of Mark Gould’s 50th birthday •In honor of Bryan Golson & Michael Gross’s wedding Peter & Irene Medovoy Linda Gross & Dr. Shana Gross Debra Bourgeois Alayne Lesser Steve & Margie Osheroff Lee Korfin Beverly Korfin & Andrea Finn Zachary Koffler Lanny & Sandra Lesser Rebecca & Jennifer Stapel-Wax Margaret & Buddy Shainker Gayanne Geurin Deborah Krotenberg Bill & Debbie Namer Jane LaRoque Ruth Einstein & Marian Broida Shelley & Bruce Gaynes Cathy Abbott Sherry Treco-Jones & Robert Jones Shoshana & Mark Ben-Yoar David Gittelman & Tom Murphy Jennifer Waldman Mark Podhorzer & Terry Egdal Shawn Green Debra Sloss Jerone Smooke Avrum Weiss Marianna Kaufman & Diana Aleman Gayle & Ken Yeager Karen & Richard Jacobson Jackie Sherman & Nancy Miller Betty Signer Robert & Beth Nathan Ken & Gayle Yeager Carole Schumer Shelley Rose Cindy Solomon Betty Miller & Helene Reese Fay Schwartz Helen Gerson Judy Landey & Martin Kleinman Zona Castellano Carolyn Spector Andrew & Janice Vernon Al Endel & Derek Lowery Michael Loss & Ute Fischer Rebeca Quintana congregation bet haverim • feb. 2015 3 DONATIONS (cont.) PRESIDENT’S CAMPAIGN •Sybil McWilliams & David Schwartz •Casey Hall & Ariela Freedman •Paul Siegel •Barry Roseman •Stephen Kay & Jennifer Weissman •Mark Weinstein & Siciliana Delgado •Cindy Solomon •Julie Fishman & Terry Pechacek •David Borthwick & Sarah Zaslaw •Patrick Crabtree •Peggy Testa •Glenda & David Minkin •Kathi Frankel •Lynne & Neil Norton •Jonathan & Suzanne Sears •Nancy Davis •Carole Schumer •Linda Fishman •Julie Fishman & Terry Pechacek •Elaine Rubin END OF YEAR DONATION •Elaine Harris •Russell Gottschalk •Marianna Kaufman •Garreth & Caroline Stover •Rhonda Birenbaum •Hedy Caplan •Paul Plate •Sharon Sleeper •Joseph & Phyllis Arnold •Janna Zwerner •Rita Wuebbeler •Judy Blasé •Jason Chernock •Dr Allan Cetron •Herb & Evelyn Gershon •William & Judy Sloan in honor of Lee Sloan •Michael Glass •Mary Sabel HANUKKAH DONATIONS •David Gittelman & Tom Murphy •Aaron Alter •Daniel Shorr SHUL SHECKELS Marjory Greenbaum will donate $200 for each of her residential real estate closings now through 12/31/2015. For more information, Marjory can be reached at 678-386-6971 or marjory@originsgeorgia.com If you would like to know more about contributions through Shul Sheckels for your business, please contact the office at (404) 315-6446 HONORABLE MENSCHENS Our 2014 Board Members for their year of service: Charlie Chasen, Jeri Kagel, Julie Fishman, Linda Travers, Kim Goldsmith, Gina Gershon, Sandy Monett, Abby Drue, Terry Egdal, Shoshana Ben Yoar, Deborah Krotenberg, Avrum Weiss, Rachel Wallack, Abbie Fuksman Lavista clean up/landscaping: Jamie Collins, Charlie Chasen, Ulli Sprick, Kim Goldsmith, Ellie McGraw, Max Levie-Sprick, Jan Levi, Gina Gershon Jan 11 community meeting facilitators: McKenzie Wren, Robin Shahar, Theresa Prestwood, Gary Falcon, Paula Bloom, Jackie Sherman, Steve Kay Jan 11 school visioning facilitators: Rachel Wallack, Michele Walsh, Michele Casper, Dan Rice, Lisa Barrios Our unofficial Lavista building Shammes: Gina Gershon John Lewis visit coordination: Beth-Ann Buitekant Our Arts and Culture organizers: Melissa Pressman and Heather Kotler Medshare: Coordinator, Jane Diamond. Medshare volunteers: David Abeita, Dawn Abeita, Eli Abeita, Alia Adler, Asha Adler, Laurent Adler, Dan Arnold, Emily Arnold, Lila Arnold, Aaron Breitkopf, Richard Breitkopf, Isabella Cantor, Jane Diamond,Terry Egdal, Gary Falcon, Zoe Falcon, Julie Fishman, Lisa Heimann, Cornelia Huntington, David Huntington, Isaac Huntington, Jeff Jones, Miriam Karp, Sherri Kornfeld, Susan Kupferberg, Nancy Miller, Richard Mitchell, Sam Pechacek, Hannah Podhorzer, Mark Podhorzer, Theresa Prestwood, Christina Rokholm, Jackie Sherman, Paul Wolpe, Valerie Wolpe, Tillie Young, Debbie Young-Arnold. MLK March: Darcy Coty, Theresa Prestwood, Abby Drue, & the CBH Children’s choir for leading singing. Thank you to all of our Oneg Sponsors December & January! These people signed up and many more brought goodies to add to the festivities: Havi Shalit, Jane Diamond, Linda Travers, Erin Green, Michael Gross, Brian Golson, Irene Medovoy, Joe Chancey, Patrick Crabtree, Mark Spieler, Peter Bjerkerot, Kim Goldsmith, Patty Maziar, Susan J. Levy, Karen Callen, Rina Rosenberg and Bill Witherspoon. January Mailing help: Dara Our Saturday morning Shammes: Merlin Jean Heinsohn 4 congregation bet haverim • feb. 2015 YAHRZEITS NameDate Mourned By Lillian Katzewitch David Rosenzweig Steven Bloch Bruce Haller Florence Weissman Rachel Cohen Davis Dorothy Schnitman Richard Grossman Leo Burson George Shendelman Judy Adler Levine Dorothy Belle Smith Geurin Abraham Goodman Pauline Lucille Kombol Bill Wagstaff Elise Goodman-Lewis Mildred Morrow Edward Norton Sam Burson Stanley Adler Marshall Bedol Irving Schneider David Witherspoon Albert Gershman Jerome Gewirtz Alvin Korfin Louis Morrow Morty Birnbaum Michael Shure Lois Grill Celia Burson Feb. 2 Rebecca Leary Safon Feb. 3 Edward Rosenzweig Feb. 3 Susan Simon Feb. 4 Reuben Haller Feb. 4 Sybil McWilliams Feb. 5 Shoshana Ben-Yoar Feb. 5 Sheila Muldoon Feb. 6 Debbie Grossman Feb. 6 Henry Lewis Feb. 7 Henry Lewis Feb. 8 Marjorie Adler Feb. 8 Gayanne Geurin Feb. 8 Joy Goodman Feb. 8 Danica Kombol Feb. 8 Rebecca Leary Safon Feb. 9 Henry Lewis Feb. 9 Mitch Morrow Feb. 9 Neil Norton Feb. 11 Henry Lewis Feb. 13 Marjorie Adler Feb. 13 Gregg Bedol Feb. 14 Vickie Scheer Feb. 16 Bill Witherspoon Feb. 17 Mark Gershman Feb. 21 Andrew Gewirtz Feb. 21 Beverly Korfin Feb. 21 Mitch Morrow Feb. 22 Nancy Gerber Feb. 23 Jerry Shure Feb. 26 Susan Joss Feb. 28 Henry Lewis Congregation Bet Haverim is a reconstructionist synagogue founded by lesbians and gay men, embracing all Jews and loved ones. Weekly Erev Shabbat services are held at CCUCC: 2676 Clairmont Rd, Atl, GA 30329. Our new building, for meetings and small gatherings: 2074 Lavista Rd, Atlanta, GA 30329 CBH Community School is held at 862 S. Columbia Dr, Decatur, GA 30030. CBH Office 1777 Northeast Expressway NE, #160 Atlanta, GA 30329 For more information about CBH, including upcoming events and membership, please visit: www.congregationbethaverim.org or give us a call at 404.315. 6446. ANNIVERSARIES Elaine and David Taylor-Klaus Sybil McWilliams and David Schwartz Michael and Theresa Barnett Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 27 Full Cold Moon CD Coming February 13, 2015 congregation bet haverim • feb. 2015 5 BIRTHDAYS Alexandria Devyn Brooks-Alt Feb. 1 Carleton Vaughn Feb. 2 Jordan Walter Feb. 3 Cornelia Jaye Huntington Feb. 3 Terry Egdal Feb. 4 Kim Massell Feb. 4 Davi Pressman Feb. 5 Sylvia Gross Feb. 5 Miranda Lewis Feb. 6 Jane Dinerman Feb. 7 Danielle Drobbin Feb. 8 Linda Fishman Feb. 8 Amy Garnett Feb. 9 Aaron Greenbaum Feb. 9 Gabriel Greenbaum Feb. 9 Jeannie Heinsohn Feb. 9 Maya Baumeister Feb. 9 Viola Benshushan Feb. 10 Yael Toporek Feb. 10 Jason Martin Feb. 11 Susan Gerber Feb. 12 Leanne Rubenstein Feb. 12 David Abeita Feb. 14 Graham Hill Feb. 15 Cindy Solomon Feb. 16 Steve Bloom Feb. 16 Laina Martin Feb. 16 Sonia Mara Barrios Feb. 17 Ruthie Betan-Snook Feb. 18 David L. Osheroff Feb. 19 Lois Wolf Feb. 19 Rebecca Green Feb. 19 Eleanor Greenfield Feb. 19 Heather Greenfield Feb. 19 David Schwartz Feb. 20 Orli Slack Feb. 21 Benjamin Creath Feb. 22 Martin Cetron Feb. 23 Jacob Pechacek Feb. 23 Deborah Krotenberg Feb. 23 Marjorie Adler Feb. 25 Dylan Byers Feb. 25 Ethan Gould Feb. 25 Devon Jacob Haller Feb. 26 David Lubell Feb. 26 Stanley Wei Feb. 27 Peter Michelson Feb. 27 Nathan Weiss Feb. 28 Bernadette Bridges Feb. 28 PURIM BASKETS CBH is once again taking part in the Purim tradition called “mishloach manot” or giving gifts of food in celebration of the holiday. CBH will be making gift baskets, which you can purchase for your friends at CBH for just $5. Inside the bags are both edible goodies and some other surprises. Here’s how it works: You choose which CBH households you’d like to give a gift to. Each CBH household will receive ONE basket with a list attached to it that includes the names of everyone who sent their good wishes. So if 3 people send to one household, the recipient’s tag will have 3 names on the list. Baskets will be picked up or delivered before Purim. You may send to as many households as you wish with a maximum expenditure of $180. example: 10 bags = $50, 20 bags = $100, 30 bags = $180, 100 bags = $180 To send gifts: 1. Everyone will receive a code by email. Enter your code and last name as instructed at www.HappyPurim.com and click “Login.” 2. Click “Continue” to verify and/or modify your personal information. Click “Save & Continue” at the bottom of that page to proceed to the order page. 3. When you are finished making your selections, click the “Order” button to pay for your order. Reciprocity - If you want to make sure you send a bag to everyone who sends to you, check the “reciprocity” box when placing your order. *Please note: Your own name will not appear on your list when you login to your account. If you are not able to sign up online, please call the CBH office. 6 congregation bet haverim • feb. 2015 MIDDAH OF THE MONTH congregation bet haverim • feb. 2015 7 Feb.2015 Sun Mon 1 Congregation Bet Haverim Tue 2 9:30am CBHCS Wed 3 6:30pm Tu B’Shvat Seder 9 4 Fri Sat 5 7:30am Chanting 6 6:30pm Meditation & Mussar (RJ) 7:30pm Full Cold Moon Service (GG/CCUCC) Groundhog Day 8 Thu Feb.2015 10 11 12 7:30am Chanting 10am Yoga @CBHCS 13 6:30pm Tot Shabbat (RJ/CCUCC) 7:30pm Full Cold Moon / Merkavah Learning with Artist (GG/CCUCC) NO CBHCS 16 9:30am Bat Mitzvah Sophie Reiss (CCUCC) Tu B’Shvat 9:30am CBHCS 15 7 17 Meditation & Chant 6pm (GG/CCUCC) 18 19 7:30am Chanting 20 14 9:30am Bar Mitzvah Jeremy Barnett (CCUCC) Valentine’s Day 21 7:30pm Jews of Color Shabbat Service (RJ/CCUCC) President’s Day 9:30am CBHCS 22 23 24 25 7:30am Chanting 26 6:30pm 27 Kabbalat Shabbat, Potluck Dinner, 7:30pm Speaker David Hooker Purim Fiesta save the date: March 6,6:30pm Fiesta, 7:30pm Purim Spiel and service. Bring your maracas & make some noise as we read the Megillah. 28 9:30am Josh Silverman Bar Mitzvah (CCUCC) 10am Sing ‘n Play
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