Horizon 2020

The overall task of Region Örebro county is to gather the county’s resources in regional politics into an effective,
democratically controlled organization. The purpose and task of the organization is to improve conditions for
sustainable growth and to contribute to the best possible quality of life throughout the whole of Örebro County.
The Council is in frequent contact/close collaboration with the different regional actors, and therefore in a key
position when it comes to connecting international partners with regional expertise.
Örebro County – The Heart of Sweden
In Örebro County (290 000 inhabitants) you can find many interesting enterprises, much knowledge and an
impressive infrastructure in form of good educations, University hospital with advanced health care and research,
good communications within an attractive geographical and demographical area, unique home environments that
provides quality of life and offers a spectacular nature.
In Örebro County there is the by far biggest marshalling yard in Scandinavia and a TEN-T Core Rail Road Terminal.
You can call it “The Heart of Scandinavian Rail Transports”. It is also the Swedish region where over the last years
the most new distribution centers with more than 10 000 sqm were established. In the 2014’s ranking for Best
Logistics Location in Sweden the region is on 2nd place. This is partly due to the excellent infrastructure system
around, the location right in the middle of the triangle Stockholm-Gothenburg-Oslo and Sweden’s 4th biggest
airport for freight. The demographic center of Sweden is located in the region and many companies choose to place
their distribution centers for Scandinavia here.
Örebro Regional Energy Agency – your partner in energy and climate in Central Sweden
Örebro Region Energy Agency is running a wide range of projects on energy and sustainability. Great emphasis is
generally placed on information, education and the support of new networks. Some projects are pure inquiry
commissions. Most of the funding comes from the Swedish Energy Agency, the Örebro Regional Development
Council and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
THEME 1 – Transport
Smart, green and integrated
transport challenge
MG.3.5-2014. Cooperative ITS for safe, congestion-free
and sustainable mobility
MG.5.4-2015. Strengthening the knowledge and capacities
of local authorities
MG.5.5-2015. Demonstrating and testing innovative
solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility
MG.6.3-2015. Common communication and navigation
platforms for pan-European logistics applications
MG.8.1-2014. Smarter design, construction and
MG.8.2-2014. Next generation transport infrastructure:
resource efficient, smarter and safer
MG 8.3-2015 Facilitating market take up of innovative
transport infrastructure solutions
MG.8.4-2015. Smart governance, network resilience and
streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation
MG.9.1-2015. Transport societal drivers
Contact details:
Fabian Ilgner
Project Manager
Forskarvägen 1
703 81, Örebro
THEME 2 – Energy
Secure, clean and efficient energy
EE4. Construction skills
EE 5. Increasing energy performance of existing buildings
through process and organization innovations and creating a
market for deep renovation
EE 7. Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan
and implement sustainable energy policies
EE 9. Empowering stakeholders to assist public authorities
in the definition and implementation of sustainable energy
policies and measures
EE 10. Consumer engagement for sust energy
EE 16. Organisational innovation to increase EE in industry
EE 20. Project development assistance for innovative
bankable and aggregated sustainable energy investments
schemes and projects
LCE 4. Market uptake of existing and emerging renewable
electricity, heating and cooling technologies
LCE 14. Market uptake of existing and emerging sustainable
Peter Åslund
Head of Department