The Singareni Collieries Company Limited (A Government Company) Area Purchase Cell – Srirampur Phone: 08736 238211, Extn: 08736 238211 Fax: 08736-238222 08736 e-mail: mail: ________________________________________________________________ NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sub: - Security ecurity arrangement with foolproof system for Curbing Coal oal pilferage in SRP, BPA & MM areas under BOO concept for a period of 3 years - Reg. **** We shall be obliged if you will kindly quote your lowest price and time of delivery for supplying the material as per list attached herewith. Enquiry Number Last date for receipt of tender Tenders Opening Type of quotation EMD Amount : SR1 14 O 0183 : 25-02-2015 : 25-02-2015 : Three Part : Rs. 5.00 Lakhs Dt. 02-02-2015 02 Time at 12.00PM Time at 03.00PM Note: Tenders should be posted in sealed envelope clearly superscribed with the subject, enquiry number, last date of receipt of tender, tender date of opening of the tender and Vendor Code,, without which the covers will not be considered. Tender to be submitted to:to: Chief General Manager, Manager The Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd., Area CGM Office, SRP PO: Srirampur - Dist: Adilabad Pin: 504303 For and on behalf of The Singareni Collieries Company Limited Chief General Manager Srirampur Area Encl: List of items. General Terms & Conditions SCCL Tax Registration Nos. Service Tax Registration No. AAACT8873FST001 Central Excise Registration ation No. AAACT8873FEM001 TIN / CST No. 28150117915 1 1. Subject : SECURITY ARRANGEMENT WITH FOOL PROOF SYSTEM FOR CURBING COAL PILFERAGE IN SRP, BPA & MM AREAS Sl. No. 1 Description Qty Providing GPS/GPRS based Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) to monitor the coal transportation trucks movement to prevent en route pilferage of coal for SRP, MM and BPA Areas with Boom barriers, RFID and IP Cameras. The system should also prevent issue of coal to unauthorized vehicles – under BOO concept for a period of 3 years. Unit As per Quotation Format 2. SCOPE OF WORK: a. Providing GPS/GPRS based VTS to monitor the coal transportation trucks movement to prevent en-route pilferage of coal including prevention of issue of coal to unauthorized vehicles for SRP, MM and BPA Areas under BOO concept for a period of 3 years with Boom barriers, RFID, IP Cameras and desk top RFID Readers. The following is Area wise list of en-routes for transportation of coal from mines to various destinations for which geo-fences are to be prepared. Sl No. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Area From Place SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP SRP MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM SRP OC SRP OC UG IK-1A Incline UG RK-5 Incline UG RK-5B Incline UG RK-6 Incline UG RK-7 Incline UG RK-8 Incline UG RKNT UG RKNT UG 3&3A Incline UG SRP-1 Incline OC RKOC OC RKOC OC RKOC UG Kasipet Mine UG Kasipet Mine UG KK-1 Incline UG KK-1 Incline UG KK-5 Incline UG KK-5 Incline UG KK-5 Incline UG Shanti Khani UG Shanti Khani UG RK-1A Incline To Place MM RKP CSP SRP CSP SRP CSP SRP CSP SRP CSP SRP CSP SRP CSP SRP CSP MM RKP CSP SRP CSP SRP CSP SRP CSP MM RKP CSP SRP CSP RK WASHARY SRP CSP RG1 GDK1 CSP MM RKP CSP RG1 GDK1 CSP MM RKP CSP SRP CSP RK WASHARY MM RKP CSP RK WASHARY SRP CSP Distance in KMs 16 12 25 3 4 4 6 5 10 6 12 12 3 6 6 27 27 9 30 7 7 7 27 3 11 2 OC Dorli OCP-1 OC Dorli OCP-1 OC Dorli OCP-2 OC Dorli OCP-2 OC Khairaguda OCP OC Khairaguda OCP BPA OC-II BPA OC-II UG GLT 1&1A Incline MM RKP CSP SRP CSP MM RKP CSP SRP CSP MM RKP CSP SRP CSP MM RKP CSP SRP CSP SRP CSP 64 72 68 76 55 63 41 49 50 35 BPA BPA BPA BPA BPA BPA BPA BPA BPA BPA OC Dorli OCP-1 REBBANA SIDING 32 36 BPA OC Khairaguda OCP REBBANA SIDING 20 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 b. Most of the above mentioned en-routes are having common paths. New en-routes for transportation of coal may come during the BOO period of 3 years. The firm has to prepare geo-fences for the new en-routes as and when they are required. The defined en-routes may also change during the period. The en-routes master should be maintained for assigning the en-route to the coal admin trucks for GPS tracking. c. Recording of GPS coordinates with accuracy of minimum 10 meters plus or minus into SCCL central Oracle database server for every 2 minutes interval along with timestamp and consider shadow areas of GSM. VTS is not required for return trip. d. The Security System should provide for coal transportation trucks in BPA Region which are transporting coal internally under Coal Admittance System from one Area mines to CSP/CHPs of other Area or within the Area including Rebbana and other Railway sidings. e. The foolproof system should allow pit head delivery (PHD) and rail cum road (RCR) vehicles to take coal from loading points. One time use RFID cards will be issued to PHD. f. All open stock yards will be covered with fencing or compound wall with single entry cum exit for fixing Boom Barrier. SCCL vehicles used for shifting of coal from bunker to stock yard, vice versa should be provided with permanent RFID tags. g. The operations of Boom barriers should be initiated by RFID Reader for authorized vehicles. The manual/remote operation of Boom barrier should be locked. In case of Boom barrier opened manually/remote, alert should be given and the same should be recorded including period of Boom barrier opening. Also, in case of power failure of any gadget, alert should be generated. h. To provide web based application to monitor and track the trucks carrying coal. i. The bidder may conduct physical survey and feasibility study in all the locations in BPA Region to ensure GPRS connectivity for assessing the requirement and appraise themselves fully on the site condition at their own cost. However, for establishing geo-fence for all en routes, SCCL survey personnel shall associate with the successful bidder. j. The successful bidder has to arrange for all valid SIMs with GPRS facilities from the mobile service providers, so as to minimize the GPRS shadow zones from coal loading point to the connected CSP/CHPs. SIMs are to be purchased in the name of the bidder and the bidder shall pay the monthly rentals. 3 k. The system shall help for real time tracking of vehicles fixed with GPSGPRS based GPS module for tracking along the en routes. l. To provide alerts on unauthorized stoppage and route deviation by vehicle etc. m. GPS modules are to be provided in a tamper proof casing and to be fitted in each vehicle. n. GPS units should be of proven design and able to function well in the environment of SCCL heat, humidity, dust, rain etc. o. GPS Module should have memory to store the data till it is transmitted to server. p. Any kind of tampering of the unit should be recorded & also to be informed by an alert SMS message to the cell phones of the identified personnel authorized by the project officers. q. Geo fence violation alerts are to be popped up in the control rooms automatically and the same are to be recorded and also provide facility to send SMS alerts. r. The firm should provide Boom barriers at the loading points and check posts to allow only authorized vehicles using customized RFID tags and readers. s. The firm should provide IP Cameras at check posts (both IN/OUT), loading (Pre-weigh bin/bunker/stock yards) points, weigh bridges and unloading (CSP/CHPs/RCR railway siding) point for taking snap shot of truck number and body top view. t. The system provided shall be of tamper proof and shall not allow manual entry of any data. u. The firm should provide location wise equipment as below: Location Check post IN Check post OUT Loading bunker Weigh bridge Pre-weigh bin Stock yard Dump yard Boom barrier Passive RFID Reader IP Cameras 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 The sites are having generally all the above locations. Some sites may not have some of locations mentioned above. The locations are site specific. Hence, events sequence is also site specific. v. Area-wise equipments and manpower requirement is as below (Approximately): 4 Area Wise requirement of Boom barriers, RFID, IP Cameras Resident Engineer Area GPS Modules Boom Barrier Passive RFID Readers Desk top RFID Readers Passive RFID Tags IP Cameras SRP 90 60 65 1 200 90 2 BPA 280 30 30 1 350 50 2 MM 35 28 30 1 100 50 2 2. CHECK POST IN/OUT: a. b. c. d. e. f. Only authorized vehicles should be allowed at check-post IN by opening BOOM Barriers. Vehicle should be stopped in case unloading is not done in the previous trip in case of coal admin trucks. Snap shots of authorized vehicle number and top view of the truck body are to be taken at both check-posts IN and OUT at Mine premises. Snap shots for capturing coal admittance truck number and top view should be taken at unloading check-post OUT after unloading the coal at the destinated CHP/CSP/RCR. At mine entry check-post, coal admittance truck should not be allowed, if snap shot is not taken at destinated CHP/CSP/RCR after unloading coal in the previous trip. BOOM barrier should not be opened and the alert is to be displayed in the computer including sending SMS alerts in such cases. Other vehicles like material transport vehicles, diesel tankers etc., should also be allowed to enter the mine premises for transportation material etc. 3. LOADING POINT: a. b. c. d. e. System should allow only authorized coal trucks assigned to loading bunker/pre-weigh bin through boom barrier for taking load of coal when there is no vehicle underneath the bunker. Also, the system should allow only authorized coal trucks through boom barrier for taking load of coal at stock yard. The coal loading bunkers/pre-weigh bins are to be codified for assigning with RFID tag for the purpose of providing authorization for taking coal into the trucks. System should capture with RFID Reader the event of loading zone entry. System should not allow any vehicle from the exit boom barrier for taking load of coal. Other vehicles like material transport vehicles, diesel tankers etc., should not be allowed for taking coal at bunkers/pre-weigh bin/stock yards. Such vehicles should be allowed only at check posts. The manual/remote operation of Boom barrier should be locked. In case of Boom barrier opened manually/remote, alert SMS should be given and the same should be recorded including period of Boom barrier opening. 5 f. g. Snap shots should be taken for capturing coal trucks number at entry Boom barrier and top view of the body at exit Boom barrier for both Admittance and PHD vehicles. Online video should be stored in the identified computer. 4. UNLOADING POINT: a. b. c. System should capture with RFID Reader the event of unloading zone entry at CSP/CHP/RCR siding of authorized Coal Admittance truck. Snap shots should be taken for capturing Coal Admittance truck number and top view of the body at unloading zone exit after unloading the coal. Online video should be stored in the identified computer. 5. COAL TRANSPORT VEHICLES : a. b. c. d. e. f. RFID, GPS and GSM systems are to be incorporated in a tamper proof casing and to be fitted in each vehicle. RFID technology for identification of the vehicle through readers provided at various points, GPS system to locate the trucks at regular intervals and GSM network to transfer the data to the central server located at Hyderabad. RFID permanent tags should also be fixed to RCR vehicles. RFID Tags are to be fixed to the other vehicles like material transport vehicles, diesel tankers etc. Any kind of tampering of the unit should be recorded and also to be informed by an alert SMS message to the cell phones of the identified personnel authorized by the project officer. GPS device should be IP 65 rated/grade or above. The on board units should have the data storage capacity which stores the data in shadow zones of GSM and to send the stored data to server as it comes to GSM coverage area. Geo-fence violation alerts are to be popped-up in the control room automatically and are to be recorded. In case of violation, the tuck should not be allowed for unloading until the in-charge officer allows with his password. The vehicle location is to be identified when it is out of geo-fence through google map services. SCCL will purchase necessary google map services. Analysis of halts in between the travel path is required. The trucks should not be allowed for weighment at CSP /CHP side if the delay is more than the prescribed limit and prescribed number of halts which will be identified by the project officer. 6. SOFTWARE: a. b. c. d. All the data should be stored in central oracle server located at Hyderabad. The position of the vehicles is to be displayed on web based software using Google map on internet client system. Provision to be incorporated for maintaining the event log sheet vehicle wise. SCCL will provide required computers, printers and network facility including power supply at plant and CHP/CSP sites. 6 e. f. g. h. i. j. Integration with Coal Admin software / pre-weigh bin software / RCR / SAP is to be done where ever required. The system should allow the PHD / RCR trucks with one time use RFID card for taking coal. The firm should do necessary integration with SAP. The firm should provide compatible specifications for one time use RFID cards. SCCL will procure required quantity of one time use RFID cards. Also, the firm should supply one desk top RFID reader per Area (three in total). Provision for data entry of delivery order details software using desk top RFID Reader for one time use RFID tags for PHD vehicles. The software must have authorization and access control features to view the data and features Area wise and role wise by authorized users. Snap shots taken with IP Cameras at all locations shall be stored in central server located at Hyderabad. All the events right from entry of vehicle at check post, taking tare weight and gross weight at weigh bridge, loading of coal, exit at check post, entry of check post at CSP/CHPs including Rebbana and other railway sidings, unloading of coal, etc, should be captured. The list of events are as below. i. Entry of authorized vehicles at mine entry check post. ii. Taking tare weight at weigh bridge. iii. Loading of coal at pre-weigh bin / bunker at mines. iv. Taking gross weight at weigh bridge. v. Exit at mine check post. vi. Entry of authorized vehicles at unloading zone. vii. Unloading of coal at destinated CSP/CHP/RCR siding either in the bunkers or in the yard. viii. Any other events, if any will be specified. k. Truck movement events master is to be maintained for recording site wise defined sequence of the events. l. Any vehicle within the mine premises not moved as per the defined movement sequence, Boom barrier should not be opened where the vehicle is trying to pass through. Also, a message is to be flashed in the computer informing that the truck has not travelled through previous defined event location. m. The software should not allow unauthorized vehicles to enter in to the check post. n. The software should not allow unauthorized vehicles to enter into loading zone of coal from mine bunker/pre-weigh bin. o. GPS tracking should start from exit check post for coal admin trucks after taking coal at mines. The software should be integrated with SAP/Coal Admin system for accessing registered coal trucks to assign the en-route to coal truck for tracking the movement till it reaches the destinated CHP/CSP/RCR. p. GPS tracking is not required for the return trip for coal admin trucks after unloading the coal at destinated place. q. Provision should be made for shifting of coal from breakdown truck into another truck in en-route with the permission of the shift-in-charge. r. The system shall be integrated with the existing pre-weigh bin system / SAP to retrieve the required information like Truck No., Qty., Grade of coal/pre-weigh bin No., date and time etc. 7 7. REPORTS: Firm has to develop various reports as follows: a. Shift/Day wise Trip sheet. b. Shift wise, loading point wise report with snap shot of vehicle number taken from IP Cameras. c. Vehicle wise and Place wise Stoppage Report. d. Vehicle not deployed. e. Over speed Report. f. Trip not ended Report. g. Mine wise shift wise vehicles taken coal at bunkers with vehicle no as per RFID and actual vehicle no (snap shot taken). h. Generation of exceptional reports for anti coal theft squad at the end of shift at every mine to track the missing trucks if any immediately. i. Any other reports required by management time to time should be developed without any additional payment. 8. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: a. Bidder should be a GPS based Vehicle Tracking Solution Provider / Dealer/System Integrator/OEM and having the ability to handle such an installation and the supplier shall support for repair and maintenance of the system for a period of 03 years from the date of commissioning of the system. Consortium of the parties for bidding may be considered with prime bidder fulfilling the financial criteria. b. Bidder should be an IT/ITES company experienced in vehicle tracking system. Proof must be enclosed. Bidder must be ISO or CMM certified company. b. The bidder shall have a turnover of not less than Rs. 100 Lakhs in the last 3 years as a whole in vehicle tracking system and IT / ITES development together. Document proof is to be submitted. d. The firm should give the commitment to run the firm for 5 years. 9. ACCEPTANCE TEST: The firm should formulate acceptance procedures. The acceptance test will be carried by SCCL nominated personnel separately for each Area. Acceptance test will be carried out at SCCL site. On signing the acceptance test plan by both SCCL and the firm, the project is deemed accepted and the payment will be made from that day subject to terms and conditions. The acceptance test procedure is same for pilot site and other roll out sites of SRP, MM and BPA Areas. 8 10. STATUTORY RULES The firm should follow: a. b. c. d. All statutory rules, regulations, applicable laws etc., and statutory requirement related to government licenses, workmen compensation, insurance etc., including minimum wage act, for their personnel/ works. Should follow rules, if any, imposed by local/state/central authorities should also be complied with by the contractor(s). Should indemnify the company (SCCL) from any liability befalling on SCCL due to any commission/ omission by himself or by his representative or by his employee or by any third party in execution of contract. If the company (SCCL) is made liable for such claims by the court or authority, the same should be reimbursed to the company (SCCL) by the contractor(s), as if the company (SCCL) has paid on their behalf. During the course of execution of the work, if any accident occurs whether major or minor, the successful tenderer(s) or his supervisory staff should inform the same immediately without any delay to the colliery manager/ project officer/ agent/general manager concerned to take steps in accordance with the mines act and other relevant laws,. otherwise, the successful tenderer(s) or his supervisory staff will be prosecuted for violation of the mines act and other relevant laws. 11. DELIVERY SCHEDULE: The material shall be supplied/placed within 6 to 8 weeks from date of receipt of Purchase Order for the pilot site. Installation to be completed within 6 to 8 weeks from the date of receipt of the material / complete of site preparation whichever is later for the pilot site. The Delivery schedule for the rolling-out for the remaining sites shall be three months from the date of completion of pilot site. 12. PAYMENT TERMS: Monthly rental charges will be paid for GPS Modules, Boom barriers, passive RFID Readers, desk top RFID readers, passive RFID Tags, IP Cameras and for resident engineers. The firm has to arrange two residence Engineers per Area available round the clock. The firm has to quote monthly rental charges item wise separately. The total amount of monthly rental charges will be arrived based on the population of the above the items deployed at each site. Area wise separate Purchase Orders will be released for SRP, MM and BPA Areas. 9 The system should be implemented at one identified site in SRP Area on pilot basis and tested for all the defined features. On successful implementation at pilot site, the system will be rolled out for all other sites in SRP Area and also in BPA and MM Areas in phased manner. The monthly charges will be paid by respective Areas for the sites completed. 13. PENALTY: The firm should maintain Area wise equipment placed as mentioned at para-9 and ensure working round the clock. The firm shall maintain sufficient stock of relevant materials at the site. It minimizes the loss of time for repair, replacement of the equipments/apparatus to be arranged by the firm. Penalties: The firm shall maintain 1 or 2 spare GPS Modules, RFID Card Readers and IP Cameras per Area. If any of the RFID Card reader is down, the same shall be repaired / replaced immediately. a. b. c. d. Penalty shall be levied per day down time of each Boom Barrier / Passive RFID card reader / IP Cameras @ 1% of the contract value of the payment month. Penalty shall be levied per day down time of each GPS Module / Desk top RFID Reader / Passive RFID Tag @ 1% of the monthly rental value of the equipment. The service engineers should not be absent without prior intimation to SCCL. Replacement for their absence due to normal leave, sick, etc should be done immediately. Penalty shall be levied for the absence of resident Engineer @ Rs.200.00 per working day for the first 5 days and Rs. 300.00 after 5 days. If the total system fails for more than two hours, no payment will be made for the day. All the above penalties are subject to Force majeure conditions. All the force majeure conditions should be recorded in site order register and should be signed by both the firms at the beginning and end of the force majeure. For physical damage/tampering of the equipment/gadgets shall be jointly inspected by the bidder and SCCL for assessing the damage for replacement/payment of equipment damaged. 14. FORCE MAJEURE CONDITIONS: The a. b. c. following shall be treated as force majeure conditions: Natural calamities War Public commotion 10 c. e. Fire Regulations of the Government authorities. 15. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: A) TECHNICAL a. The equipment / gadgets using various technologies shall be state of art technology available in the world. b. Getting and renewal of licenses for all the related systems like GPS/GSM/ RFID etc is the responsibility of the firm. c. The equipment / gadgets used shall not disturb / hamper any system or functionality of the transport vehicles. d. Only provision will be given to tap the power from the auto electrical circuit of the truck. e. Power tapping circuit should be in proper layout & should have separate fuse. The on board equipment should able to work with the available voltage f. in the truck. g. Transfer of on board equipment from one vehicle to another should be on free of cost. h. The problem in any of the equipment / gadgets should be solved within two hours from time of the report. Otherwise, delay will attract the penalty clause. Firm should maintain sufficient stocks of all the equipment / gadgets. i. j. The data transmitted shall fit in to SCCL’s database structure where ever required. k. The cost of all On board equipment, Boom barrier, RFID card readers, cameras etc is on firm’s account. l. The replacements for these equipment during contract period is on firm’s account. m. Maintenance of all the above equipment is to be done by the firm with their manpower. B) GENERAL a. All the persons deployed by the firm shall be trained at SCCL training centers. The persons shall carry the identity card issued by the contractor. b. VTC, Medical Examination Certificates shall be produced to the Office of the Mine Manager. c. The safety of the persons deployed in the project site is the responsibility of the firm and shall produce indemnified bond. d. The firm shall identify one senior person as project manager till the completion of project, who is well versed with all the related technologies and shall take spot decisions and authorized to draw minutes of the meeting from time to time. e. SCCL provides all the civil and electrical works if any with power supply at free of cost. 11 f. Training is to be given to all the truck drivers, control centre staff & all the related persons at free of cost. g. The entire work of implementation should be completed within 6 months from date of release of firm order. h. The stay of the employees from firm side at project shall be the sole responsibility of the firm including their transportation for entire period of the project. i. The firm is not responsible for any physical or intentional damage of on board module and gadgets installed at various locations. The cost of the same will be reimbursed to the firm by SCCL. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Note: Tenderers are requested to submit their Offers as indicated hereunder on 3 Part Basis : Part A -Technical offer (in one cover) I. The items (MAKE) proposed to be supplied by the manufacturers / dealers II. Technical competence of the manufacturers/dealers III. Order copies for supplies made to reputed concerns or Govt. undertakings IV. Performance reports. V. ISO or other certificates along with other documents. VI. Guarantee/Warranty VII. Service support, Spares replacement to be made ( Whether OEM spares or alternate spares ) viii. Any other relevant technical details Part B -Commercial terms (in one cover) i) Validity, delivery period, applicability of taxes and duties, LD Penalty, warranty/ guarantee. ii) Specimen copy of Part C without prices. Part C -Price bid (in one cover) Basic price quoted, PVC formula, if any, duty, taxes and other commercial terms viz credit rebate etc. To avoid inadvertent opening of the cover, all the Three covers should be distinctly marked with the following on its left hand top corner: i) Enquiry Number & Date and name & address of the bidder ii) Cover No. i.e. Part A / Part B / Part C as the case may be and name & address of the bidder iii) Closing & opening date of the tender and name & address of the bidder All the Three covers are to be individually sealed and superscribed as mentioned above and shall be kept in another sealed cover superscribing enquiry No. due date of the submission of the tender and due date of opening of tender and name & address of the bidder alongwith Vendor Code. Without which the Offers will not be considered. Part -A & B shall be opened on the due date of the tender opening and Part-C shall be opened after completing technical & commercial evaluation & firming up with NIT conditions with advance intimation to qualified bidders. 12 2. Last date of receipt of tenders is 12.00 noon of the due date and the tenders will be opened on the date mentioned above during evening working hours. Tenders received after 12.00 noon on the closing date will not be accepted. Tenders received late for whatsoever reason will not be considered under any circumstances. 3. The Tenderers have to separately mention Excise Duty / Service tax, wherever leviable on the goods / services to be supplied / provided as “The dealer shall submit Excise Invoice / Tax Invoice”. 4. Quotations consisting of Tax - VAT / CST / TOT – Details will be considered. 5. Income Tax deduction will be regulated as per IT Act and relevant Section and as per rules announced by Government Authorities from time to time. Any other taxes, which are applicable, shall also be deducted as per rules in force without any prior intimation. 6. PRICE VARIATION CLAUSE: Prices are FIRM till complete execution of entire order. 7. RISK PURCHASE CLAUSE: In case the Firm/Contractor fails to execute the work as per the terms & conditions mentioned in the order, and SCCL if forced to get the job done by any other firm/contractor at a higher price, the different amount will be recovered from the defaulted firm/Contractor including liquidated damages from pending bills anywhere at SCCL. 8. PRICE FALL CLAUSE: The Firm /Contractor shall pass on the benefit to the SCCL, in case the firm/Contractor executes similar work to a public or private concern within a period of 6 months from the date of receipt of order at price less than the price offered to SCCL. 9. All damages, losses such as theft, damage to the equipment, loss of equipment at the site incurred during the execution of the work shall be to Contractor’s account. 10. Financial liabilities towards wages of employees, Provident Fund, accommodation, medical assistance, local transport, handling of equipment etc., shall have to be looked after by the contractor at his own cost. 11. Not withstanding any thing mentioned above / herein, the Company (SCCL) reserves the right to terminate the contract, with immediate effect without assigning any reasons, if the Company (SCCL) is of the opinion that the works are not being conducted/carried out to its satisfaction and the Company (SCCL) will be the sole judge in this regard. Due to imposition of any law/change in law by the government/court decision, if the work is to be stopped the work will be terminated and payments will be made only for the portion of the works executed on the principle of quantum merit. No payments will be made for shifting of equipment or personnel. 12. As the time is the essence of the contract, in case the firm/Contractor lags behind in your work, to keep up the schedules, the company (SCCL) reserves the right of awarding the residual work either in whole or part to any other contractor(s) and difference in value will be recovered. 13. The terms and conditions if any, that will be stipulated from time to time by authorities concerned, including the office of Inspectorate, Hyderabad, will be binding on the contractor. 14. If the tenderer does not mention in writing regarding acceptance of terms and conditions as per the enquiry, SCCL assumes that Tenderer has accepted for these terms as per enquiry. 15. Quotation should be kept valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of opening the tenders. 16. The Company does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender or assign any reason for non acceptance. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard with suppliers. 13 17. The SCCL being Government owned body is entitled for the rates applicable to DGS & D/QUASI Government and Public Sector Undertaking when the tenderer is on Rate Contract, they are requested to quote the DGS & D rates with supporting copies of R.C. 18. In all case of disputes the decision of Company shall be final. Failing this, the matter will be referred to Arbitration in accordance with the Indian Arbitration Act. Any dispute or difference or any matter arising out of contract or purchase order on incidental there to under this enquiry shall be subject to jurisdiction of a competent court in Andhra Pradesh alone and not at other places. 19. CGM, SRP is the authority to determine whether there is any failure on the part of contractor regarding execution of the work / supply of material. An appeal against GM’s decision shall lie with Director (Operations) / Director (P&P), Kgm and his decision will be final and binding. In all cases of disputes the decision of the company shall be final. However, in case of any unresolved disputes the same can be resolved in the court of Mancherial, dist. Adilabad in the state of Telangana having jurisdiction to deal with and decide whatsoever arising out this work. 20. The company does not bind itself to place order for the entire quantity enquired for and reserves the right to distribute the orders for any or all of the items on more than one firm. 21. If the due date of opening of the tender is postponed for any reasons, if any bidder has submitted revised / subsequent quotation with different / revised rates, terms and conditions, the revised / latest quotation of that bidder will only be considered. 9. The following copies should be enclosed with offer in case of quotations submitted first time by new vendors only. a) b) c) d) e) VAT registration copy with TIN Number PAN card Number with copy Latest Income Tax returns Service Tax registration Authorized Dealership / Partnership certificates with manufacturers. 31. If your firm is registered under Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act 2006, please submit copy of the same. 32. The quantities indicated in the enquiry are tentative and may increase or decrease at the time of placement of order. 33. Earnest money deposit: a. Submission of EMD: The EMD shall be Rs.5,00,000.00 Lakhs (Rupees Five Lakhs only). Tenderer shall submit bid along with EMD, unless exempted. Bid submitted without EMD will be summarily rejected. The EMD shall be paid in the form of DD / Pay Order, drawn in favour of “The Singareni Collieries Co. Ltd”, payable at SBH, Srirampur / Mancherial or Andhra Bank, CCC. i) No interest will be paid on the EMD. ii) EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded within 3 months from the date of opening of price bid or immediately after the expiry of the offer validity, whichever is earlier. iii) EMD of successful bidder will be refunded after faithful execution of the order. iv) EMD paid against earlier enquiry (ies) will not be adjusted for the current enquiry. 14 b. Exemption for submission of EMD: The following are exempted from submission of EMD: i) All Government Undertakings. ii) Firms registered under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act for enquired items. iii) Ancillary Units / Subsidiaries of SCCL. The Bidder exempted from submission of EMD shall indicate as “Eligible for Exemption” in the quotation format against “EMD payment details” column and submit documentary proof. Otherwise, the offer is liable for rejection. c. Forfeiture of EMD: EMD of the Bidder will be forfeited in the following circumstances: i) Withdraws the offer during validity / extended validity period. ii) Changes the terms and conditions of the offer during validity / extended validity period. iii) Does not accept the LOI / order placed within the offer validity period / extended validity period, in accordance with terms & conditions of NIT, offer & negotiations. iv) Breach of contract during execution. v) The information/documents submitted by the bidder proved to be false/ incorrect. vi) In case the bidder submits revised bid or more than one bid, the lowest will only be considered unless the bidder clearly specifies which bid is to be considered. After considering the lowest bid as above by SCCL, if the bidder insists for consideration of any other bid submitted by him, the EMD will be forfeited. 34. Performance Bank Guarantee: 2.5% value from the monthly bills against the order towards Bank Guarantee will be deducted till end of the contract period and will be refunded after faithful execution of the order. 35. Price evaluation: Technically & Commercially qualified bids shall be evaluated on the total file value. for Chief General Manager, Srirampur Area Signature of the tenderer with name date & office seal. Tenderers are requeted to quote their rates in the following “QUOTATION FORMAT”. 15 QUOTATION FORMAT (to be filled and submitted by the tenderer on letter head only) Ref.No:___________________ Dt_____________ To The Chief General Manager, Singareni collieries Company Limited, Srirampur, 504 303 Dear Sir, Sub: - Security arrangement with foolproof system for Curbing Coal pilferage in SRP, BPA & MM areas - Reg. Ref: Enquiry No. SR114O0183, dtd. 02-02-2015. ***** With reference to the above, we hereunder furnish the rates for the above subjected service. For SRP Area Item SlNo Details of Equipment / material required Quantity Unit 1 GPS Modules 90 NOS 2 Boom Barrier 60 NOS 65 NOS 1 NOS 3 4 Passive RFID Readers Desk top RFID Readers 5 Passive RFID Tags 200 NOS 6 IP Cameras 90 NOS Quantity Unit Rental Charges per month per Unit Rs. Ps. For MM Area Item SlNo Details of Equipment / material required 1 GPS Modules 35 NOS 2 Boom Barrier 28 NOS 30 NOS 1 NOS 3 4 Passive RFID Readers Desk top RFID Readers 5 Passive RFID Tags 100 NOS 6 IP Cameras 50 NOS Rental Charges per month per Unit Rs. Ps. 16 For BPA Area Item SlNo Details of Equipment / material required Quantity Unit 1 GPS Modules 280 NOS 2 Boom Barrier 30 NOS 3 4 Passive RFID Readers Desk top RFID Readers Rental Charges per month per Unit Rs. Ps. NOS 30 NOS 1 5 Passive RFID Tags 350 NOS 6 IP Cameras 50 NOS Service tax extra, if applicable. Tenderers are requested to quote rates exclusive of service tax. 1. I / We am/are in possession of the necessary equipment to carry out the above work. 2. I/we have gone through the terms and conditions enclosed herewith and submit this tender. 3. I/we abide to the terms and conditions and agree for any amendments made from time to time during the period of contract. 4. I/we further agree to sign an agreement bond within two weeks from the date of receipt of LOI / Order. Details of E.M.D: Rs. 5.00 lakhs paid vide D.D. / Pay order NO. ____________, dtd. ___________ drawn on S.B.H., SRP / MNCL or Andhra Bank, C.C.C. Phone No. Yours faithfully, (Signature of the Tenderer) Address: 17
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