Current Bulletin - Hawthorne Gospel Church

A Week at a Glance
Sunday, February 8
10:00 AM Adult/Children/Youth Sunday School (Church/Ed./Chapel/BHL)
11:30 AM Children’s Church I (3-, 4-, & 5-year-olds; C-1)
5:00 PM Club 208 (Sanctuary)
7:00 PM Sr. High Youth Group (Y-401/TheLOFT)
Monday, February 9
6:00 AM Prayer Meeting (Conference Room)
1:30 PM Bone Strengthening (The Chapel)
7:00 PM Monday Evening Bible School Registration
and Classes (YMC and The Chapel)
7:00 PM Prayer for Leadership Team (Conference Room)
Tuesday, February 10
9:30 AM Women of the Word 2 (Bible House Lounge)
10:00 AM God’s Little Singers (Nursery)
10:30 AM Encore (The Chapel)
6:00 PM COMMUNITY Men’s Bible Study (HGC Library)
7:00 PM New Life AD Anonymous (Alcohol/Drugs; Y-118)
7:00 PM Ladies’ In-Touch Bible Study (The Chapel)
7:00 PM Legacy Group (Bible House Lounge)
Wednesday, February 11
9:15 AM The Amazing Collection (The Chapel)
1:00 PM Loving Yourself and Others Well (The Chapel)
6:45 PM Kids’ Klub (YMC; Lower Church Bldg.)
7:00 PM PRAYER MEETING (The Chapel)
7:00 PM Jr. High Bible Study (TheLOFT)
7:00 PM Moms in Prayer (HGC Library)
7:00 PM Adult Small Group Love for a Lifetime (Y-301)
7:00 PM Adult Small Group Galatians: Living Out Our Freedom (Y-307)
8:00 PM Sr. High Bible Study (TheLOFT)
8:30 PM COMMUNITY Women’s Bible Study (Ages: 18-27; Warren home)
8:30 PM COMMUNITY Men’s Bible Study (Ages: 18-27; Upper Room)
Thursday, February 12
7:00 AM Prayer Meeting (Pastor John’s office)
9:30 AM Daughters of the King (Bible House Lounge);
Deep Roots (The Chapel); Story Time and Nursery (C-5/6)
6:30 PM New Beginnings to Newark (Meets in church parking lot)
7:00 PM DivorceCare (BHL) and DivorceCare4Kids (Y-135)
7:00 PM Zumba Exercise Plus Class (New Gym)
7:30 PM Mom’s Night Out (The Chapel)
7:45 PM COMMUNITY (Ages 18-27; TheLOFT)
Friday, February 13
9:15 AM Serving Hands (The Chapel)
7:00 PM Jr. High Youth Group (TheLOFT)
7:30 PM Paving the Pathway Informational Meeting (The Chapel)
Saturday, February 14
6:00 PM H.E.A.R.T.S. (Homeschoolers) Basketball (New & Old Gyms)
Sunday, February 8, 2015
At 8:25, 9:55
& 11:25 AM
Pastor John W. Minnema
Continuing in the series in
the book of Daniel
At 5:00 PM
Pastor Jim Bushoven
Continuing in the
series on Abraham
The floral arrangement today is in loving memory of
Larry and Virginia Pohlman,
given by their daughter, Mrs. Carole Lovell.
Welcome to Hawthorne Gospel Church!
We are glad you are here to worship with
us. If you are new today, please fill out the
gold welcome card located in the back of the pew in front of you
and hand it to a Connector at the Discovery Center for some
helpful information about our community. Please join us
between services in the Pavilion for a time of fellowship and
coffee — you also will be able to obtain more information about
our upcoming events there!
Baby Dedication: At the 9:55 AM
service, Nicholas Nerses will be dedicated
to the Lord by his parents, Tro and Joelle
& Praise!
A Special Time has been set aside to pray for our Leadership Team. Come to the church office conference room
tomorrow at 7:00 PM and join others in lifting up our pastoral
staff in prayer! All are invited to attend. Questions? Please
call Cara Greene.
Feed the Need!
Did you have fun serving at Feed My Starving Children? If
so, and you’d love to do it again, you CAN! NJ CityServe has
found almost 8,000 volunteers statewide to help pack two
million meals for people of the Ebola-ravaged countries. Our
team is hosting this event at Southridge Community Church in
Clinton from February 18th-21st. Check out the opportunities
Pastor Jim has reserved for us below:
• 7 spots on Wednesday, February 18th, 12:30-2:30 PM. If you
want to make it a day, you may ride with Pastor Jim, leaving
HGC at 8:30 AM and returning at 4:00 PM.
• 12 spots on Friday, February 20th, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM. Time
estimate, including travel, is 8:30 AM-1:30 PM
• 12 spots on Saturday, February 21st, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM. Time
estimate, including travel, is 9:30 AM-2:30 PM
To jump in and get serving, please RSVP your choice to
Pastor Jim at Thank you!
Pastoral Leadership Team
John Minnema, Senior Pastor
Dave Andersen, Executive Pastor
Howard Van Dyk, Jr., Associate Pastor
T. James Richmond, Pastoral Care
Jim Bushoven, Pastor of Community Development
Jake Minnema, Pastor of Student Ministries
Scott Warren, Associate Pastor Student Ministries
Sandy Lynn Bober, Director of Children's Ministries
Colleen Savone, Director of Women’s Ministries
David Schuit, Pastor of Missions & Adult Education
Rommel Guingon, Director of Music & Worship
John Bandstra, Director of Media Ministries
Lawrence Olson, Church Administrator
David P. Seidman, Head of School
Kirk De Boer, Assistant Director of Student Ministries
James Jensen, Student Ministries Intern |
Sundays @ 5
Gospel Café
A team is needed on the fourth Sunday of every month
to run the Gospel Café. If you, your family, or you and
your friends wish to work together as a team, or
if you can help bake goodies for the fifth Sunday.
please contact Kelly Stephenson.
Home: William Albers; Miss Lauren Basso; Mrs.
Christine Cikutovich [back]; Mrs. Lois Claeys; Mrs.
Betty Cleveland; Ms. Jennifer D’Angelo; Mrs. Sharon
Eelman; Mrs. Peggy Eng; Mrs. Deborah Erickson;
Mrs. Ellen Forstrom; Mrs. Dale Froehner; Mrs. Sarah
Fuehring; Ms. Sherry Hofmann; George Ibach; Mrs. Paula Ibach; Frank
Koeller, Jr.; Al Langlois; Mrs. Carole Lovell; Ms. Lisa Lovell; Brennan
McCoy; Mrs. Lynn McLaughlin; Jim & Ruth Anne Mc Lean; Mrs. Kris
Miller; Mrs. Selma Milton; Mike Mummiani; Mrs. Diane Nagy; Mrs. Debbie
Nelson; Clark Paolini; Mrs. Luz Pring; Mrs. Alice Rascio; Mrs. Ruth Anne
Restivo [hip hairline fracture]; Mrs. Daisy Santana; Mrs. Caryn Seifer;
Dave Sweet; Tim Tileston; Norman Trass; Albert Urbanovich; Mrs.
Shirley Vali; Mrs. Lynn Wells; David Woods; Charles Zafonte; Don Zbieg
Pray for
the Sick
Hospitals & Rehabs: Miss Mayra Arias; John & Emily Auld; Ed
Bawarski; Mrs. Carmela Gimmi; Mrs. Dot Hazen; Mrs. Doris Mossige; Art
Paz; Emily Perey; Ron Poore (Cathi’s husband; stroke); Mrs. Jacinta Ruiz;
Mrs. Wilma Vander Hoven.
What would you say is the most
magnificent airport or train station
you have been in? In traveling back
and forth to Africa, I always have
enjoyed the airport in Amsterdam.
It is beautifully designed with great shops, good places to eat, and
even a Van Gogh gallery! I also have heard a lot about the
beauty of Union Station in Washington, DC. They say that it has
marble walls, polished brass, bright lights, art work, and great
places to shop and eat. Each year, thousands of tourists visit Union Station just to enjoy its magnificence. These airports and
train stations, even though they are a place of transition, have
been designed in such a way that you want to stay rather than
move on.
In many ways, our churches in America can remind us of
Union Station! Our churches can be very beautiful and comfortable places for us to visit, listen to good speakers, enjoy the
songs, and have our needs met by its many programs.
Sometimes we do not want to leave!
But just as the train station is not a place to stay but a place to
move out from, so the church exists for us to move out as salt
and light in our communities and in the world. It is often more
comfortable to stay in the station and enjoy what it has to offer
us. It is safe being salt in contact with other salt – to stay in the
salt shaker. But Jesus did not say that we are salt of the church,
but of the world!
Let’s move out from the station!
Pastor David A. Schuit
HGC Library Hours!
Sunday: 9:30 to 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Bible House Bookstore Hours!
Sunday: 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM  Wednesday: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Saturday: 9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
Located across the parking lot on the lower level of The Chapel
Call: 973-427-6961
Also, shop anytime, from anywhere at
Monday through Saturday: 12:00 Noon to 3:30 PM
Located upper level of The Chapel 973-427-6960, extension 130.
In need of spiritual encouragement or prayer? The
Board member on call this week is Mark Schaefer.
on Call
All Adults!
Encore will meet on Tuesday, February 10th, at 10:30 AM in
The Chapel. The Hawthorne Christian Academy will be
represented by David Seidman, Head of School, and the
Servants of the King. Bring a bag lunch and a friend; dessert
and beverage will be provided by the committee.
Sign Up
Today in the
Pavilion for . . .
The Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, February 28th, 2015, at 8:00 AM
in the HGC Pavilion
Guest speaker
Dan Trolaro
Then, why not join Serving Hands on Friday, February 13th,
from 9:15 to 11:15 AM in The Chapel? Tony and Mary Ann
Loeffler of Solid Rock Ministry will give a report via SKYPE on
what the Lord is doing in Cuba and in the prisons in Florida.
Join other women who pray and work on projects for our
missionaries . . . and bring a friend!
Many people gamble, whether playing the lottery,
betting on horses, or playing the casinos, either online or in person.
Come, learn more about this invisible addiction, ask questions,
identify the warning signs, and find where there is hope and help for
the compulsive gambler and their family members.
Dan also will share his own experience, faith, and hope
on this devastating addiction.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings for Men:
Legacy Group
an encouragement/support group meeting
on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month from 7:00 to 9:00 PM
in the Bible House Lounge
Legacy Builders Bible Studies
Lil’ Hearts
Next Sunday, February 15th, hundreds of little hearts will be
hanging from the foyer ceiling. Each heart contains the name of
a child loved every week by his/her Sunday School teacher or
Club 208 leader. We encourage our church family members to
take a heart home and continually pray for the child and his/her
family throughout the year! It’s a great way to be a blessing to
others . . . and in turn be blessed!
meet on the first, third, and fifth Saturday of each month
from 7:30 to 9:00 AM in TheLOFT
Four great studies are available from which to choose:
Counterfeit Gods: Based on Tim Keller’s book
taught by Nick Savone and Christian Kim
Romans 12: A verse-by-verse study
taught by Frank Tirrito, Brian Murray, and Tom Mullikin
Radical: Based on David Platt’s book
taught by Bob Falconieri and Tony Robertson
Pilgrim’s Progress: The classic story by John Bunyan
taught by Sanjiv Kattekola and Sal Cusmano
Contact Wally Eng at or
Pastor Howie at 973-427-6960, extension 115.
Sr. High
Snow Camp ’15
At Camp-of-the-Woods, Speculator, NY
Friday-Sunday, March 13th-15th, 2015
Want to get away from real life in NJ for a fun time with friends
and, most importantly, to be challenged in your faith in God?
Then sign up at NOW . . . space is limited!
Cost: $140 on or before March 1st; $150 after March 1st
Price includes housing in a beautiful lodge, transportation by Coach bus,
all meals, all events for the weekend . . . AND a long-sleeve T-shirt!
Bus departs HGC parking lot at 3:30 PM on the 13th
ETA back at HGC is 5:30 PM on the 15th!
Questions? Contact Jake at
or 973-427-6960, extension 174.
Open Enrollment
Why not begin 2015 by serving with the Worship Community? There are opportunities to be a part of one of our
growing music ministries! You may join our Choir, Praise
Team, Special Ensembles or use your instrumental talents in
the HGC Band, Orchestra, Brass Ensemble, String Quartet,
or Woodwind Quintet. The Sound and Stage Team also
needs volunteers.
If you would prefer to participate on a short-term basis,
you are welcome to join any of these ministries as well. Rehearsals will begin soon for Palm Sunday and Easter services.
To join, or for more information, call 973-427-6960,
extension 145, or e-mail
“Early Bird” Registration
starts February 22nd in the Pavilion for our
Ladies’ Spring Event with Mary DeMuth!
Complete details to follow.
Wednesday Prayer Meeting, February 11th, 2015 at 7:00 PM in The Chapel
Pastor David Schuit
February 15th, 2015
AM Services
February 15th, 2015
PM Service
Pastor John W. Minnema
“The Furnace of Affliction”
Continuing in the series
in the book of Daniel
Pastor David A. Schuit
“Asking God”
Continuing in the series
on Abraham
Wednesday Prayer Meeting, February 18th, 2015 at 7:00 PM in The Chapel
Pastor John W. Minnema
February 22nd, 2015
AM Services
February 22nd, 2015
PM Service
Pastor John W. Minnema
“Are You Listening to God?”
Continuing in the series
in the book of Daniel
Pastor Jim Bushoven
“Isaac: Promise Delivered”
Continuing in the series
on Abraham
Wednesday Prayer Meeting, February 25th, 2015 at 7:00 PM in The Chapel
Pastor Dave Andersen
March 1st, 2015
AM Services
March 1st, 2015
PM Service
We will gather around the
Lord’s Table to remember
His sacrifice for us.
Pastor Jim Bushoven
“The Sacrifice”
Continuing in the series
on Abraham and Communion
Wednesday Prayer Meeting, March 4th, 2015 at 7:00 PM in The Chapel
Pastor Scott Warren
Paving the
Three opportunities to learn about HCA!
Visitation Week
February 17th—20th, 2015
Interested students will attend classes
and share the HCA experience.
For an appointment, please call
Victoria Grant 973-423-3331, extension 206
Navigating High School
Tuesday, February 17th, at 7:00 PM
in room Y-301
Parents & students,
discover the HCA advantage
Reserve your spot now by calling
Victoria Grant at 973-423-3331, extension 206.
Kindergarten, Here I Come
Thursday, February 19th, from 1:45 to 2:45 PM
Parents will learn about kindergarten readiness
and the benefits of HCA’s program.
RSVP by February 13th to Mrs. Pfeiffer
at 973-423-3331, extension 372.
A Vision for the Generations
Our leadership team has been evaluating the needs of
our church so we can continue the ministry of
Developing Fully Devoted Followers
of Jesus Christ!
In doing so, we have identified several specific needs
required to bring our facilities up to date and allow us to
continue to minister to the generations to follow.
SECURITY - Main entry and children’s area
HANDICAP ACCESSIBILITY - Bathrooms and elevator
CONNECTING - Foyer space
CLASSROOMS - for Sunday School and HCA
NURSERY - Location, security, convenience
MAIN ENTRY TERRACE AREA - Code-compliant steps
In preparation for
our Annual Congregational Business Meeting
on Sunday, March 22nd, 2015,
we will have at least
in The Chapel
designed to answer your questions and receive your input
about the needs mentioned above.
Friday, February 13th, at 7:30 PM
Wednesday, February 25th, at 8:15 PM
Please plan to attend one of these meetings!