If you are the parent or guardian of a Marion County Schools student, please take time to complete the Georgia Parent Survey. Data from the survey will be used to calculate the School Climate Star Rating within the CCRPI to determine a correlation between the Student Health Survey and Personnel Survey. The survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. Survey responses are anonymous and will be submitted directly to GADOE. The link to the Georgia Parent Survey is posted below. After you click on the link, a drop-down menu will appear and you will use the drop-down menu to select Marion County and your son/daughter’s school. Georgia Parent Survey: http://apps.gadoe.org/schoolclimate/parents. nsf/Survey.xsp Thanks for participating in the GA Parent Survey. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2014-2015 USHERS/MARSHALS! MARSHALS: Haley Hynes, Matthew Sims USHERS: Deseray Cannon, Trent Davis, Lavonia Dixon, Jayla Edmonds, Keyla Flores Delgado, Molly Fuller, Leslie Hernandez, Raven Jones, Kelly Keyt, Kristina Kimbrel, Savannah Kirkpatrick, Joseph Long, Bense Medders, Hollie Mitchell, Michael Morales, Jordan Moses, Jessica Pickren, Mercedes Sowders 8th GRADE PARENT MEETING Thursday, February 19th – 6 p.m. Informational meeting about transition to 9th grade! Congratulations to MELANIE RIGSBY, Marion County Middle/High School’s STAR STUDENT! Melanie chose MRS. LAURENE OWENS as her STAR TEACHER. CONGRATULATIONS, MELANIE! Follow us on Twitter @MarionCoHigh MISSION STATEMENT: To provide all students with a quality education in a safe, nurturing, and challenging learning environment. CONGRATULATIONS, ROSA BORJA MARTINEZ! Rosa has been chosen as one of the 20 youth leader recipients for the 2015 Georgia Youth Leadership Awards. Si tiene alguna dificultad para entender esta información en inglés o desea cualquier parte de este documento traducido, por favor póngase en contacto con la Mrs. Porter en la escuela en 229.649.7520. Marion County Middle/High School has been placed on the 2015 Rewards List as deemed by the Georgia State Department of Education, and has been designated as a “High-Progress School.” This title is given to the top 10% of Title I schools in the State that are making the most progress in improving the performance of the “all students” group over three years on the statewide assessments. INTERESTED IN PURCHASING A LETTER JACKET? (Grades 9 – 12) Pick up a form in the office. Deadline to order is March 3rd. WE VALUE YOUR INPUT AS A PARENT. If you would like, you may offer your suggestions, recommendations, and/or concerns using our Parent Involvement Input Form found under Federal Programs on the district’s webpage. GHSWT (GEORGIA HIGH SCHOOL WRITING TEST) for those students needing to retest February 25th VALENTINE’S DAY DELIVERIES MCMHS will accept Valentine deliveries on Friday, February 13th. It will be very helpful if the name of the 6th period teacher (grades 6-8) or the 4th block teacher (grades 9-12) of the student receiving the flowers is listed on the card. Remember if the student receiving the gift is not at school, we can not be responsible for the delivery. NO LARGE BALLOONS CAN BE TRANSPORTED ON THE BUSES DUE TO SAFETY CONCERNS. CONGRATULATIONS JULIANNE MOON! Julianne was recently appointed to the State School Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council.
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