THE WOLF HOWL Annie Lucy Williams Elementary School 3404 Fort Hamer Road Parrish, FL 34219 941-776-4040 941-776-4080 Important Dates… Tue, Feb 3rd ~ PTO/SAC Meeting 6:00 pm Media Center Thurs, Feb 5th ~ Spring/Class Pictures 8:30 am - 1:00 pm Mon, Feb 9th ~ Spirit Night Chick-Fil-A 5:00 – 8:00 pm Wed, Feb 11th ~ Early Release 1:15 pm Teacher In Service Sat, Feb 14th ~ HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY Mon, Feb 16th ~ No School Presidents Day Current Fundraiser’s Fri, Feb 20th ~ Valentine’s Day Dance 6:30 – 8:30 pm ~ Box Tops ~ Tyson Labels ~ Campbell Soup Labels ~ Shoparoo ~ Pasta for Pennies ~ Ferraro’s Night ~ Domino’s Night ~ Chick-Fil-A Night ~ Coke Rewards Have any questions or fundraising ideas, please come to a PTO meeting and voice your ideas or contact Alison Cooper in the main office. Thurs, Feb 26th ~ Parent Information Seminar - Do You Think Your Child is Gifted? 6:15 - 7:30 pm Part of Exceptional Student Education Parent Night and Agency Fair MTI Main Campus – Wagner Auditorium 6305 State Road 70 East, Bradenton, FL 34203 Click HERE for more information DO YOU WANT TO HELP YOUR SCHOOL IN A POSITIVE WAY? WE ARE CURRENTLY TAKING NOMINATIONS FOR 2015-2016 PTO BOARD. Wed, Mar 11th ~ Early Release 12:30 pm Teacher In Service Thurs, Feb 26th ~ For Families of Students with Disabilities. You are invited to Agency Fair and Parent Workshops 6:00 - 8:00 pm Manatee Technical Institute (MTI) 6305 State Road 70 East Bradenton, Florida 34203 Click HERE for more info Fri, Mar 27th ~ Record Day No School Mon, Mar 30 – Fri, Apr 3rd ~ Spring Break No School 1 THE WOLF HOWL FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Dear Williams’ Families, “Mrs. Dixon, how are things going up in the office?” was the question I was recently asked by a sweet 2nd grader traveling down the hallway. “Fabulous!”, was my response and he smiled and gave me a thumbs up! Kids are awesome! This quick conversation pretty much sums up my transition in serving the students and staff at Williams Elementary School—it is going very well and your support has been truly appreciated! It is so exciting to see students eager to learn, teachers truly caring about their instruction for the sake of students and parents who are incredibly committed and supportive as a member of our Williams’ team. Williams has all of the ingredients for the recipe of success! We are nearing official testing season and as many of you are aware, this year our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students will be formally assessed by the FSA, Florida State Assessment, beginning in early March. Our teachers and students have been working hard and this is a time for students to simply “show what they know”, and they know and have learned a lot!! Although we are discovering almost daily more about this test, should you want to know more about the FSA, please visit the following site: Florida State Assessment, FAQs. If you are interested in how to support your student, an excellent book is, Test Anxiety & What You Can Do About It. This book offers a practical approach for parents, educators and students about how to ward off the anxious feelings often associated with test taking. It was very helpful for me as a mom and a teacher. We will also be hosting an evening for “Test Talk” where we will have Mrs. Jeannine Mills, our District Test Coordinator come to answer questions and share facts about testing. This will be held on Tuesday, February 17th, from 6PM – 7PM in the Media Center. We hope you can join us! On another important note, according to our PTO by-laws, it is time to begin accepting nominations for our PTO Board for the 2015-2016 school year. Nomination forms will be available at our February 3rd PTO/SAC meeting, at the front office and on our PTO website. Please consider supporting our school in this capacity. Many events at our school have become a standing tradition and by working together, we can ensure that they continue to be enjoyed by the students, staff, and community. You are welcome to stop by and talk with me should you have any questions. Thank you for considering this service to our school and most importantly, to our students. Finally, Report Cards for the second quarter were sent home on January 29th. If your child is struggling and was marked “in danger of retention”, it is critical that you communicate and work closely with his/her teacher. Parents/Guardians should be familiar with the requirements for promotion at each grade level. Promotion requirements can be found at the following District site: Manatee County Student Progression Plan 14-15. As always, my door is open and I welcome your comments, concerns and suggestions as we strive for excellence, and then some, at Williams Elementary School. Until next month, Mrs. Dixon 2 THE WOLF HOWL FROM THE GUIDANCE COUNSELOR’S DESK Dear Parents/Guardians, I want to make you aware of some testing policies that are enforced during standardized testing. At this time, I have not received a manual for the 2015 FSA, however, this is the last newsletter article that will be out before the March FSA writing test. The following was taken from the 2014 FCAT manual: Electronic Devices Policy—If students are found with ANY electronic devices, including, but not limited to, cell phones and smartphones, during testing OR during breaks, their tests will be invalidated. The best practice would be for students to leave devices at home on testing days. Leaving Campus—If students leave campus before completing the test (for lunch, an appointment, or illness, etc.), they WILL NOT be allowed to complete the test. Students and parents/guardians should be made aware of this policy. If a student does not feel well on the day of testing, it may be best for the student to wait and be tested on the make-up day. Please make sure parents/guardians are aware of the test administration schedule and understand that appointments should not be scheduled on the testing day. Testing Rules Acknowledgment—Prior to testing, students will sign below a Testing Rules Acknowledgment on the back of the planning sheet that reads: “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my test score may be invalidated.” Discussing Test Content after Testing—The last portion of the testing rules read to students before they sign below the acknowledgment reads, “After the test, you may not discuss the Writing prompt with anyone. This includes any type of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting online, for example, on websites like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you are found sharing information about the Writing prompt, even without the intent to cheat, your test will be invalidated.” Please make sure that students understand this policy prior to testing and remind them that “discussing” the prompt includes any kind of electronic communication, such as texting, emailing, or posting to blogs or social media websites, etc. The March FSA ELA English Language Arts (writing) test is scheduled for March 3, 2015. Students in 4th and 5th grade will take this test. If you have questions about make-up testing, please contact Jennifer Carriker, Testing Coordinator at 776-4040 x2004. Students should be on time and have a good breakfast every day, this is especially important on testing days. We ask students to do their best, but we do not want any student to feel stress related to testing. I always tell students that feel anxious to use relaxation strategies such as deep breathing and positive self-talk. (For example: I can do it! OR I just need to relax and do my best.) I know that our families do a great job of providing words of encouragement to our students. I have been so impressed with the confidence that many of our students have so thank you for building that at home. Last year many of our primary students provided great messages of encouragement to their older peers during the testing weeks. The intermediate classrooms (grades 3-5) really appreciated the notes of encouragement that our primary (K-2) classrooms provided on their doors. Thank you! Maureen Jennings Counselor 776-4040 x2010 3 THE WOLF HOWL HELP EARN A POSSIBLE COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP FOR ONE OF OUR 5TH GRADERS!!! Join the "Wolf Pack" on Sunday, March 1st! Williams Elementary is forming a team to participate in the 6th Annual Take Stock 5k/10k/Fun Run on Sunday, March 1st. You can walk, run, skip, crab walk, or however else you can think to finish 3.1 miles. Anyone can sign up for the "Wolf Pack", so get the whole family involved! The race will take place on Main Street in Lakewood Ranch starting at 7:30am and there will be a post-race party with food, entertainment, raffles, awards, and kids’ activities. The best part is we could help one of our own students with a college education! The two elementary schools with the highest number of registered participants will earn a 4-year college scholarship for one of their current fifth graders. Register for the Take Stock 10K/5K/Fun Run at and designate Williams Elementary at the end of the registration. You can also register as a virtual runner. District Employees - $20, General & Virtual Runners - $30, Students - $15 Please contact Laura Senkow (ext.2031) or Laura Human (ext.2023) if you have any questions. Kindergarten students in Mrs. Josey's class received a "Chicken Nugget Party" for having the most families attend Williams Chick-Fil-A “Spirit Night” Fundraiser. Our next Spirit Night Fundraiser with Chick-Fil-A is Monday, February 9th from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. Click HERE for a copy of the flyer….make sure to put your child’s teacher on the name on the flyer. Thank you Chick-Fil-A and Williams’ families for supporting our school! 4 THE WOLF HOWL FROM YOUR SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKER SHARON HANSEN MSW Dealing with Test Anxiety Almost everyone experiences some anxiety. But some students find that their anxiety interferes with their learning and test taking to such an extent that their grades are affected. What can be done about it? There are plenty of things you can do to keep anxiety from interfering with your performance. First, realize you don’t want to eliminate it entirely. It helps you to prepare and take tests seriously. You just want to reduce the anxiety to a manageable level. Being prepared for a test is more than half the battle. Keep up with your work, have a regular homework/study schedule, take good notes, make flashcards, ask yourself “what is the important information”, join a study group, seek out extra assistance from the teacher or a tutor if needed. In general, organized, self-confident students with efficient study habits may actually spend less time studying than those who receive lower grades. How do you get to be self-confident? Research shows that the self-talk of anxious students tends to be negative and self-defeating. Become aware of what you say to yourself. Try disrupting each negative thought with a positive statement. Encourage yourself as you would a friend. Repeating positive statements to yourself will help reprogram your mind for success instead of failure. • Other Techniques • Visualize yourself achieving your goal. • Try not to compare yourself to others. • Be aware of what is going well and what you can do to improve. • Reward yourself when you’re done studying instead of getting involved in avoidance behaviors. Practice relaxing so that it becomes an automatic. Then aim for a state of relaxed concentration so that you can focus on your work and not waste time on worrying. • Take care of yourself by eating well, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly. Test Taking Strategies Before the test: if possible take a practice test, review your summary sheets, get enough sleep, encourage yourself, give yourself time to feel composed, avoid anxious classmates. During the test: read the directions, plan your approach, budget your time, focus your attention on the test, don’t waste time and energy worrying, and if you need to, use your relaxation techniques. After the test: reward yourself for doing your best. -From the University of Florida Counseling Center 5 THE WOLF HOWL 2nd Quarter PBS Assembly Williams Elementary held its 2nd Quarter PBS (Positive Behavior Support) Assembly on Friday, January 16th. This quarter's theme was Sports Day. Students who "paid" 10 wolf howls had the opportunity to participate in games such as soccer, pitching machine, tug of war, basketball, jump ropes, hula hoops and music. Students can earn wolf howls by demonstrating our school behavior expectations of honesty, responsibility, respectfulness, kindness and safety. Congratulations to those students who attended! Special Thank You to Mrs. Fetzner for her hard work planning this for our kids and to our wonderful Parent Volunteers for providing the activities and supervision for a fun filled day enjoyed by everyone! 6 THE WOLF HOWL Business Partner Information Thank you to our new Business Partners. Heatbusters (Bronze Partner) Rustic Rose (Bronze Partner) Ellenton Pediatrics (Gold Partner) At Home Computer Repair (Bronze Partner) Jay Elkins Construction (Silver Partner) Sude Bounce (Silver Partner) We appreciate our Business Partners and all they do for our school. The money we receive from our Business Partners goes towards our PBS assemblies and end of the year giveaways for students. We are always looking for new businesses to partner with and if you need any information, please call the office. If you are interested in becoming a Williams Elementary Business Partner, please see your options below. You may contact Alison Cooper in the main office at 941-776-4040 Ext 2003 for more information. Thank you for your support of Williams Elementary!! THE WOLF HOWL GOLD PLUS Partnership- $700 or donation • Company name on the back of our walk-a-thon shirts • Company banner for our fence area in parking lot • Company logo and link on our Williams website • Company name on our Marquee for one week • Company name on our announcements screen • Company name listed in Media Release to Community as a school business partner • Company name listed in Williams’ newsletter GOLD Partnership- $500-$699 • Company name on the back of our walk-a-thon shirts • Company logo and link on our Williams website • Company name on our Marquee for one week • Company name on our announcements screen • Company name listed in Media Release to Community as a school business partner • Company name listed in Williams’ newsletter SILVER Partnership- $300- $499 • Company name on the back of our walk-a-thon shirts • Company logo and link on our Williams website • Company name on our announcements screen • Company name listed in Media Release to Community as a school business partner • Company name listed in Williams’ newsletter BRONZE Partnership- $150-$299 • Company name on the back of our walk-a-thon shirts • Company logo and link on our Williams website • Company name on our announcements screen • Company name listed in Williams’ newsletter WOLF Partnership• Company logo and link on our Williams website • Company name on our announcements screen 7 THE WOLF HOWL PASTA FOR PENNIES Pasta for Pennies: February 2nd - 6th Pasta for Pennies is a campaign aimed at raising funds and awareness for leukemia. Williams Elementary has had amazing success in the past. In 2013, we raised $2,394 and in 2014, we raised $4,652 which placed our school in 3rd place for the Suncoast area. This year, we are hoping to do even better! Students will bring home a collection box on January 30th and have until February 6th to fill them up with change. The class that raises the most money will be treated to lunch catered by The Olive Garden! For more details, please contact 2nd grade teacher, Laura Human at (941) 776-4040 ext. 2023. We need volunteers too!! Please contact us if you are interested in donating or volunteering! As always thank you for your support of Williams Elementary! 8 THE WOLF HOWL AT HOME TRAINING FOR THE NEW FCAT FSA by AIR (new FCAT) Students can practice at home by going to the following link: a) Students and Parent Resources – gives lots of information concerning the tests and schedules for when the test is given b) Training Tests – Combine sample items for different grade levels and subject areas… Grades 4-5 Writing Grades 3, 4, 5 – Reading, Language and Listening Grades 3-4 and Grades 5-6 – Mathematics c) Training Test Guide – explains many symbols and the layout of the test d) Take the Training Test – sample tests e) Training Test Answer Keys – look at after the test as it explains the answers to the questions NEWS FROM THE MEDIA CENTER Time is moving so fast! We have been busy in the Media Center! Kindergarten is now checking out!!! They have learned how to use the check in and check out computers. They have also been taught how to search for a book on the shelves and help keep them neat. It is up to the individual teacher if the books go home, so please contact your child’s teacher if you have question about that. Kindergarten, along with first and second grade started learning about Florida Reading Association (F.R.A.) books. These are 8 different books we will be reading and doing activities with. At the end of the unit, each child will vote on his/her favorite. Our school vote goes to Tallahassee to help select the F.R.A. book of the year. Our third graders are learning about non-fiction text features. They have created their own charts and they are hanging in the hallway. Next they will be reviewing reference books. Fourth grade is busy writing their own fractured fairy tales. We will be narrating them soon to the class. Fifth grade has just finished a unit on Internet safety. This month they will be talking about biographies and doing a research project on the presidents. We also have independent check out every day from 9:20-11:30 and 12:30-2:30. This is when students can come down to the Media Center on their own. They can check in or out, do research for a project or spend some quiet time reading. Mrs. Clayton 9 THE WOLF HOWL NEWS FROM THE ART DEPARTMENT THE MANATEE COUNTY FAIR, held this past month in Palmetto, showcased artwork by Manatee County School’s students. Representing Williams Elementary School were Hailey Lingle, Emily Greeff, Trang Nguyen, Samantha Tucker, Payton Kranz, Austin Reeder, Jadon Pacuraw, Natalie Cruz, Yazmeen Anderson, and Adalyn Labor. Each student will receive a Certificate of Appreciation. Thanks for representing Williams with a wonderful variety of artwork! THE 15TH ANNUAL PLANTATION FESTIVAL, February 7th and 8th, at the Gamble Plantation Historic State Park, will host a student art show of local schools. From Williams will be artwork by Victoria Young, Ewa March, Brock Ramos, Julia Hume, Ethan Herron, Madison Malanowicz, Ava Mohler, Kailey Holden, Angelina Toombs, Ava Doederlein, Thiego Vega, Tessa Riehs, Madison Koutsoudis, Luke Kraus, Jadon Pacuraw, and Natalia Madrid. We look forward to seeing Williams art work, and choosing the peoples favorite. Try to come out and G explore the history of our local State Park!! Admittance and parking is free, February 7th, 8th, 10-4 each day! THE WOLF HOWL WE ARE SO PROUD OF OUR Art Students!! 10 THE WOLF HOWL News from the 4th Grade Hallway 4th Grade students in Mrs. Sinphay's class created First Responder Appreciations Cards for our local firefighters, law enforcement, and EMTs. Some of the students made cards for special people in their own lives who are First Responders. Our students are grateful for these brave men and women who help keep us safe and wanted them to know how much they are appreciated. IT’S BINGO TIME…. Teacher Aide, Mrs. Brenda Dixon plays Letter Bingo which helps practice letters and sounds with Kindergarten students Cristal Hernandez, Joslynn Champlain, Kayda Richey, Ryland Lewis and Anthony Hernandez. 11 THE WOLF HOWL NEWS FROM THE 3RD GRADE HALLWAY Mr. Rowley’s third grade class received a better understanding of the American Court System by conducting a trial in their classroom. In the children's classic, The Three Little Pigs, the wolf in the story does some pretty awful things. However, in another version of the story, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, the wolf claims it was all a big misunderstanding. Students spent time reading several different fiction and nonfiction texts about pigs and wolves. Their research was converted into evidence which was used to bring the case to trial in order to find out the truth. Mrs. Panico, a lawyer and parent of third grade student Reagan Panico visited the classroom to discuss the purpose of the court system and the proper sequence of events as they occur in an actual trial. As a culminating activity, the students conducted a trial with our Principal, Mrs. Dixon residing as the judge. The final verdict-the Wolf was innocent! NEWS FROM THE CAFETERIA STAFF 1st grader, Izzabelle Wilson and 4th grader Carson Wagner won the free movie ticket raffle sponsored by Cafeteria Manager Billie Brinn. 12 THE WOLF HOWL NEWS FROM THE CLINIC THE FACTS OF LICE - Quit Nits answers some questions that might be bugging you. What are head lice? Lice are teeny, tiny bugs that live in people’s hair. They are no fun, but they cannot hurt you. Okay, lice are bugs. What are nits? Oh, now you’re nit picking!!!!! The eggs that lice lay are called nits. I wash my hair every day. There is no way I could get head lice. Not true! Head lice crawl from one person’s head to another. Sometimes people can pass them by sharing brushes, combs, hats, or scarves. People get lice from dogs, right? Doggone wrong! Only people can get lice. How can I stay lice-free? Just remember, keep your head to yourself. If you are having a bad hair day, use your own brush or comb. I have head lice. Now what? No big deal. It happens to lots of kids. An adult will give you a treatment that will kill the lice and nits. You and your wild child friends will be playing again by tomorrow. THE WOLF HOWL School board policy allows children to stay in school with nits!!! No live lice. Also, if your child has been treated for head lice, please bring them to the clinic prior to returning to class. NEWS FROM THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT The Fourth Grade morning music groups will be performing for parents and friends on Friday, March 20, 2015 at 8:00 am in the music room. The students have been working extremely hard and will have an exciting performance for visitors. NEWS FROM THE 1ST GRADE HALLWAY 13 THE WOLF HOWL GOLD CARD CREW Congratulations to our 4th and 5th grade Quarter 2 Gold Card students! Gold Cards held by 4th and 5th grade students are used to keep track of behavior and homework assignments. Those students who had a "clean" Gold Card celebrated by participating in a tailgate party. Mrs. Dixon, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Carriker grilled hot dogs and served chips and drinks to these well deserving students. The weather was beautiful, the food was great and the music was enjoyed by everyone staff and students alike! Way to go 4th and 5th Graders! G THE WOLF HOWL GOLD CARD CREW! WE ARE SO PROUD OF OUR 14 Manatee County Public Schools 2015-16 VPK School Choice Fair SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28, 2015 9:00-3:00 pm ROGERS GARDEN ELEMENTARY 515 13th Avenue West Bradenton, FL 34205 VPK is a FREE prekindergarten readiness program that prepares children physically, emotionally, socially and academically for a successful transition into kindergarten. Children, who are 4 years old by 9/01/15, are eligible for FREE VPK. At the Fair families will be able to: Participate in the VPK Choice application process Participate in child developmental screenings Tour VPK classrooms and speak with Early Learning Specialists. Learn about family community services VPK Choice Application Period will continue March 2-6, 2015, 8-3:30PM Office of Student Assignment 1400 1st Avenue East, Palmetto, FL (behind Lincoln MS) Contact the Dept. of Early Learning for more information or directions 941-209-7540, ext. 2111. What to bring to the Fair: Your Child VPK Certificate of Eligibilityissued by the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County. or 941-757-2900 Child’s Birth Certificate Two forms of verifying residency VPK Choice Applicationavailable online at or by contacting MCPS Dept. of Early Learning at 209-7540 ext.2111 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT MCPS DEPARTMENT OF EARLY LEARNING AT 941-209-7540, EXT. 2111 15
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