Victorian Inter-Club Challenge 2015 – 40k Player`s Pack

Victorian Inter-Club Challenge
2015 – 40k Player’s Pack
March 21-22, 2015
Welcome from the organisers
Welcome all to the 2015 Victorian Inter-Club Challenge! Every year we are encouraged by the
enthusiasm that was shown for the tournament the previous year and we are always excited to run
another event. Thanks for getting behind VICC.
Welcome from the organisers
Ethos of the tournament
Venue/How to get to VICC
Battle Points
Army Lists/Composition
The Overall Score
Thank you from the organisers
Ethos of the Tournament
In recent years, clubs have become more and more a part of the tournament scene and new clubs
are forming. People are proud of their clubs and are eager to bring glory to them. The aim of VICC is
to give clubs the chance to shine and to play out their rivalries.
Venue/How to get to VICC
VICC will be held in Glenn College, La Trobe University, Bundoora campus (Melways Map X873 G7).
VICC 40k will be held in the Airport Lounge, upstairs from the dining hall in the main building of
Glenn College. Catch Tram Route 86 (Burke Street) to stop 60 with a 15 minute walk to the Room.
Take Bus Route 250 (from Flinders Street) to La Trobe University and stop at the David Myers
Building (the first stop past the boom gates). Parking in Carpark 6 for those that drive, which is free
on the weekends.
The cost per team for VICC 2013 is $240 per club which is due on Monday March 16th 2015. If
payment is received before Monday March 9th, there will be an early bird rate of $200. This includes
your lunch for both days. Please let us know of any dietary requirements for your team members.
Lunch will be provided by Subway, so if there is anything we need to know (Gluten free bread, etc)
then for the God-Emperors’ sake, tell us well beforehand. (Yes, we’ve said this twice in a row, but
it’s really important!
Payment Details:
Account Name: Rohan J Cram
BSB: 063 157
Account Number: 10537466
As this is a wargaming tournament and proper wargaming requires terrain we ask that every team
try to bring at least one table’s worth of terrain to help cover the tables. Please notify us of how
many table’s worth of terrain you can bring. We do not need table-tops but if you have some you
want to bring, please feel free to bring them.
Teams will consist of 4 players from the Club with the option of a 5th Substitute (referred to as the
“Sub”). How you choose your teams is entirely up to you, be it by a small tournament, a vote, thumb
wars or cage fighting.
How the Sub works: There will only be 4 games per round, however which team member plays
which mission is entirely up to the team, so if an army or player suits a mission better, the team can
choose to put them on the table. Having the optional 5th Sub gives the team more choice as to
players and armies to fit the missions available. It also gives the team a chance to give a player a
rest, or if someone cannot make both days, to still field a full team. While this does mean that one
person on the team will not be playing at times there will be some entertained provided.
Saturday March 21st
9:ooam – Registration
9:15am – Welcome and Round 1 Briefing
9:30am – Round 1 begins
11:15pm – Round 1 ends, Lunch begins
12:45pm – Round 2 Briefing
1:00pm – Round 2 begins
3:30pm – Round 2 ends
3:45pm – Round 3 Briefing
4:00pm – Round 3 begins
6:45pm – Round 3 ends
Sunday March 22nd
9:00am – Round 4 Briefing
9:15am – Round 4 begins
12:45pm – Round 4 ends, Lunch begins
Beauty Pageant!
1:45pm – Round 5 Briefing
2:00pm – Round 5 begins
5:30pm – Round 5 ends, pack up begins
6:00pm – Awards Ceremony
Battle Points
VICC uses a simple system for Battle Points. A win will get you 3 points, a Draw 1 point and a Loss 0
points. The result is worked out by the overall success of your club against the opposing club over
the 4 games in a round.
Army Lists/Composition
This is a 1500 point Warhammer 40 000 7th Edition event. Armies must be Battleforged, no
Unbound armies will be allowed. Armies may only use 1 Combined Arms detachment. No
Dataslates will be allowed. Imperial Knights will not be allowed. Fortifications will be limited to 400
points per army. All codices current as of February 1st 2015 will be valid to use at VICC. Only one
Allied Detachment can be taken for each army. For all Psykers you must list which Disciplines they
may be using eg. Librarian (Telepathy, Pyromancy, Telekinesis).
Army lists are due at 11:59pm, Friday March 13th, 2015. Army Lists are to be sent to Please send all army lists from your team in one email together with your
dietary requirements. Please note that even if you only have 4 players in your team you may submit
5 army lists. If you wish to do so, then you must have 5 separate armies available for the
tournament, you may not have 1 set of models to use two different lists. Army lists must be
presented in either excel or word format. The formats of .txt, .rtf, html, etc will not be accepted and
will be sent back for re-submission.
Also note that if more than 2 lists from the same team come from the same Codex they must be
deemed sufficiently different from each other to provide a playstyle. We will not accept “Hi, we’re a
team of Chaos Armies, we all have 2 Helldrakes each!” Not only will we tell you to change them, you
may also get punched on the day.
Once again, there is a Composition component of VICC this year. All the army lists will be screened
by a panel of 3 judges before the tournament and marked out of 5, 1 for a tough list, 3 for a
balanced list and 5 for a soft list. The composition score will be the average of all judges for all lists
for the team (giving one score out of 5). The scoring will be weighted to provide more points to
softer lists than just the “5” or “4”, etc that the list will be given. A “5” list will be worth 30 points, a
“4” 25 points, “3” 20 points, “2” 5 points and “1” list will be worth 0 points.
In addition to the panel we also have the “Bastard Clause.” We want people to bring lists they
would take to a friendly club day. As such, on the bottom of the Sportsmanship Forms there is a
Bastard Clause box. If an army receives 2 votes for the Bastard Clause we will look at the list. If we
agree the list is over the top, then your team Captain will be notified. If that army receives another
Bastard Clause vote then the team will lose 2 Battle Points.
If army lists are submitted after March 13th then the team will lose 1 Battle Point for each working
day they are late.
Sportsmanship is an important part of the hobby and an important part of playing in club, if you’re a
douchebag, no one will want to play with you. As such we expect attendees will play in a civilised
and social manner and have as much fun playing the game as they did last year. We will be using a
simple Sportsmanship scoring system to rate the particular opponent you played.
2 points – This opponent was a good sport. Rules disputes we settled quickly, with little
argument at the table. They were engaging and in good spirits
1 point – This opponent was a poor sport. They were very nit-picky with the rules or often
played them badly, rubber-rulered or wasted time. They were in poor spirits and would get
overly upset often.
0 points – What a douchebag! I hope I never have to see this person again. Blatantly
cheated. Up there with the worst games I’ve ever played, if not the worst.
The results from all 4 tables will be combined for a sportsmanship score for the club that round. This
will affect the overall score.
Painting will not be a marked component of VICC 2014, however all models must be fully-assembled,
with at least 3 colours of paint on the models and the bases at the very least flocked and painted.
Should the TOs notice or be notified of models not meeting these criteria the models will be
removed from the table and you'll have to play without that unit.
There will be a separate Painting award that will be judged on the presentation of the team as a
whole. There is also an overall Best Presentation of Armies which each team within VICC 2014 will
have a chance to win, more details can be found in the Prizes section.
The Overall Score:
The Overall score for the club consists of a combination of the Battle Points, Sports Points and
Composition Scores for the club. Battle points are worth 60% of the score, Composition 30% and
Sports 10%.
As we have mentioned you are free to put any player and army list on any mission the team chooses.
Your team will be given 15 minutes to read through the missions on offer and decide which players
and armies best suit which missions. There will be no Maelstrom of War missions. Please note that
while there are Battle Missions (Attacker and Defender) in VICC, all lists will be required to fit the
standard force organisation chart. Also note that in 2 vs 2 missions special the Allies matrix and rules
from the Warhammer 40 000 Rulebook will only be used if neither of the two armies partnered have
an allied detachment. Friendly Armies will be treated as Allies of Convenience if either army has an
Allied detachment.
Remember that in the Battle Missions (Attacker/Defender), if it seems like a mission is unfairly
balanced towards your opponent, remember that one of your team-mates is going to have that
same advantage. In those rounds it is the player that breaks the pattern that will stitch up the
round for their team.
First Place 40k Overall – the best club in Victoria
Second Place 40k Overall
Third Place 40k Overall
Most Sporting Club 40k – The popular system of voting for your favourite club will be done at the
end of the tournament for use as a tie-breaker.
Best Presentation of Armies 40k - As above, the popular system of voting for your favourite club will
be done during the beauty pageant at Lunch Day 2
Best Presentation of Armies (across all 3 systems) – Judged by Craig Clarke on all armies from a team
for an overall best presented club. Each team from a club will be judged separately.
The Best Wargaming Club in Victoria: This prize is awarded to the club that performs the best across
all 3 systems being used at VICC 2014. This uses a Formula One Championship style points system:
10 points for a 1st Place
6 points for a 2nd Place
4 points for a 3rd Place
3 points for a 4th Place
2 points for a 5th Place
1 point for a 6th Place
The club that scores the most points will be awarded the title of Best Wargaming Club in Victoria!
Thank You from the Organisers
The support for this event is always amazing. Now that we’re in our 6th year we feel we’ve hit our
stride and look to continue improving the event and give gamers the experience they really want.
It’s been a great ride so far and we always look towards what we can do to make next year even
better! 40k is the crux of the Victorian tournament scene and is the main game played at most
clubs, which is why we love running it, it’s a game we know and love and we love to share it with all
of you lovely people.
Thanks must go to our sponsors D6 Gaming, CNC Workshop Miniature Scenery and Bunker Games
and of course the guys at WGoL, for once again stepping aside from the competition to make sure
VICC runs smoothly and that not one has to have a bye round. As you should know by now the
venue is run by WGoL and they will continue to be our home base for as long as we run VICC.
We hope you’ll have a good time and that you’ll bring the kind of attitude this tournament is all
about, getting together with your friends and playing some fun games against another group of
friends. We look forward to seeing you again in 2016!
David Carter, Rohan Cram & Matt McAninly
WarGamers of La Trobe
Rohan Cram
Rojo on Wargamer AU
0400 910 309
David Carter
mad_monkey on WargamerAU
Matt McAninly
Moon Runner on WargamerAU