REGISTRATION FORM Please Register the Following: (Reproduce as needed to submit a separate registration form for each participant) Name: Is this your first TXNAHRO Conference? YES NO Agency: Title: Address: City/State/Zip: _ Telephone: Fax: Email: REGISTRATION FEES Conference Registration (includes all events) : □ Early / Regular (Postmarked by March 20, 2015) □ Late / Onsite (Postmarked after March 20, 2015) □ PH & HCV Rent Calculation Certification Class Member □ PH & HCV Rent Calculation Exam Fee Testing Fee $250 $300 $0 Non-Member $300 $350 $0 $150 Spouse / Guest Event Tickets: □ Full Guest Registration – Includes all meals, exhibit hall activities and hospitality! $200 □ Luncheon - Monday $40 □ Lite Lunch w/ Exhibitors- Tuesday $50 □ Reception w/ Exhibitors – Tuesday $40 □ Scholarship Donation Every year Texas NAHRO awards scholarships to deserving students who live in public housing! Help us continue awarding these students by making a donation! $__________ Cancellation and Refunds: To receive a refund of your registration fees, written notice of cancellation must be received no later than March 20, 2015 a $50 cancellation fee will be assessed. Cancellations received after this date will not be refunded. The agency can send a substitute attendee if the original registrant can’t attend. No exceptions will be made. Mail or Fax this form to: Texas NAHRO, P.O. Box 416, Olney, TX 76374. Ph. 800-617-2900 / Fax 940-873-4397 Company Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________City, State, ZIP ______________________________________ Phone (____)_____________________________Fax (____)____________________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________________________ Opening Ceremony Luncheon OR Closing Awards / Scholarship Lunch Sponsor - $5,000 Two paid conference registrations for employees of your organization Recognition in conference program Prominent sign at conference Link on TX NAHRO website Exhibit booth – prime location (includes one booth, draped table, 2 chairs and a sign) PAYMENT METHOD: Check # ________ Charge ($5 transaction fee applies): MasterCard Visa Credit Card Number (TXNAHRO does not accept American Express) Reception w/ Exhibitors - $5,000 Two paid conference registrations for employees of your organization Recognition in conference program Prominent sign at conference Link on TX NAHRO website Exhibit booth – prime location (includes one booth, draped table, 2 chairs and a sign) _______________________________________ Exp. Date______________ 3 Digit Authorization Code_________ Name on Card Hospitality Suite Sponsor - $1,500 (two available) Two paid conference registrations for employees of your organization Recognition in conference program Prominent Sign at Refreshment breaks Tote Bag Sponsor - $4,000 Two paid conference registrations for employees of your organization Name/Logo on Tote Bag given to each attendee Recognition in conference program Link on TX NAHRO website Exhibit booth – prime location (includes one booth, draped table, 2 chairs and a sign) Badge Holder Sponsor - $2,500 Two paid conference registrations for employees of your organization Name/Logo on Badge Holder given to each attendee Recognition in conference program Link on TX NAHRO website Exhibit booth – prime location (includes one booth, draped table, 2 chairs and a sign) All Day Refreshment Break Sponsor $2,000 (two available) Two paid conference registrations for employees of your organization Recognition in conference program Prominent Sign at Refreshment breaks Scholarship Sponsor - $1,000 Sponsor a 2015 Scholarship to be presented in your company’s name. Scholarship recipients will be announced during lunch on Wednesday, April nd 22 . _______________________________________ Billing Address (if different from above) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Authorized Signature ______________________________________ GENERAL SPONSORSHIP Platinum - $1,000 One paid conference registration for employees of your organization Recognition in conference program Link on TX NAHRO website Business card ad in conference program Gold Level - $750 One paid conference registration for employees of your organization Recognition in conference program Link on TX NAHRO website Silver Level - $500 One paid conference registration for employees of your organization Recognition in conference program Bronze Level - $250 Recognition in conference program Mail: Send completed form and payment to: Texas NAHRO, P.O. Box 416, Olney, TX 76374 Fax: Form to 940-873-4397 Email: Phone: 800-617-2900 EXHIBIT /ADVERTISING ONLY CHOICE FORM Please complete company information as you wish it to be printed in the Final Program and on exhibitor signage. Company Name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Booth Rep. 1______________________________________Booth Rep. 2 ____________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone (____)___________________Fax (____)_______________________Email _____________________________________ Contact Person___________________________________________________________________________________________ Products to be displayed _______________________________________________ PAYMENT METHOD: Check # ________ EXHIBIT OR ADVERTISING ONLY Exhibit Only Package - $500 for Associate Members Charge ($5 transaction fee applies): MasterCard Visa Credit Card Number (TXNAHRO does not accept American Express) ________________________________________ Exhibit Only Package - $650 for NONAssociate Members Two paid conference registrations for employees of your organization One booth, Draped table, Two chairs, Sign & Link on TX NAHRO website Exp. Date__________3 Digit Authorization Code______ Name on Card ________________________________________ Advertising Package Full page - $250 (6-1/2” wide x 8-1/2” tall) Half page - $150 (6-1/2” wide x 4-1/4” tall) Billing Address (if different from above) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Authorized Signature ________________________________________ Quarter page or Business Card - $100 (3-1/2” wide x 2” tall) **All Advertisements must be submitted to in a JPEG or PDF format before March 25, 2015. Texas NAHRO 39th Annual Conference Agenda Monday, April 20, 2015 7:30 a.m. 5 p.m. Registration 8 - 9 am TXNAHRO Steering Committee Breakfast - 104 9:30 10:30 am Housing Committee - 104 10:30 11:30 am 11:30 12:30 pm Member Services (Scholarships & Awards) 107 Professional Development 108 Commissioners - 101 Budget and Finance - 107 Vendor Committee - 108 Small Agency Taskforce 101 12:30 1:30 pm Deli Style Lunch Buffet for all Committee / Board members - Salon D 1:30 - 3 pm Legislative Committee Meeting (open to all) - 104 4:30 - 6:30 pm Texas NAHRO Executive Board Meeting - Salon A 2 - 5 pm Exhibit Company Setup - Salon CDE 6 - 8 pm Exhibitors Move-In - Salon CDE CR&D - 202 Evening On Your Own Tuesday, April 21, 2015 7:30 a.m. 5 p.m. Registration 7 - 9 am Exhibitors Move-In - Salon CDE Opening Plenary Session - Salon AB Master of Ceremonies: Texas NAHRO President, Wayne Pollard, Jr., Tarrant County Housing Assistance Program Presentation of Colors: National Anthem: Invocation: Opening Ceremony Entertainment: 8:30 - 10 am Welcome: Michael Gerber or Carl Richie, Austin Housing Authority Welcome: Preston Prince, NAHRO President Welcome: HUD First Time Attendees Recognition: Hall of Fame Award Presentation: Nono Flores, Past President, Hall of Fame Committee Chairman Guest Speaker: NAHRO BECT, Ethics and Credentialing: Mark Thiele, Houston Housing Authority 10 - 10:30 am Refreshment Break with Exhibitors - Salon CDE Breakout Sessions 10:30 - 12 pm Certification Track - Classroom 108 Classroom 107 Classroom 104 Nan McKay Rent Calculation Combo (Both PH & HCV) - NMA Fair Housing & Site Selection Policy - Scott Marks Commissioners: Board Governance / Improving PHAS Score - Brian Nemeroff Moderator: Moderator: 12 - 1:30 pm HR / General Track Classroom 101 Maintenance - Classroom 202 Rental Assistance Preparing for REAC Demonstration (RAD) – Does Inspection: Quick and Easy it work for your agency Shortcuts - Brad Kothmann Ron Kowal Moderator: Moderator: Moderator: HR / General Track Classroom 101 Maintenance - Classroom 202 Lite Lunch with Exhibitors - Salon CDE Certification Track - Classroom 108 Classroom 107 Classroom 104 Texas NAHRO 39th Annual Conference Agenda 1:30 - 3 pm Nan McKay Rent Calculation Combo (Both PH & HCV) - NMA HUD - OIG - Laura Cantu Moderator: Moderator: Moderator: “Technology for the Maintenance Professional” Software: HA Innovation /Improving PHAS Scores/ Time Management: "ED wants me to do this but I have to do that" - Matt Gilson Moderator: Moderator: HR / General Track Classroom 101 Maintenance - Classroom 202 Refreshment Break with Exhibitors - Salon CDE Door Prize Drawings - Must Be Present to Win 3 - 3:30 p.m. Certification Track - Classroom 108 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Earn and Maintain a High Commissioners & Performance Rating through Management: Housing Compliance and Outcome Authorities Ability to Expand Tracking - Pilar Sanchez, Inventory - Terri Attaway Austin Housing Authority Classroom 107 Classroom 104 Procurement: HUDDealing with the Media, How Commissioners & compliant Best Value to Repair Negative Image, Nan McKay Rent Calculation Management: Current Legal Services Procurements: Maximize Media Combo (Both PH & HCV) - NMA Issues Facing PHAs - James Focus on a Legal Services Relationships - Shane Ewbank RFP - Mike Gifford, HAPA Griffith Moderator: Moderator: Moderator: VA101 - Luis Paulino Moderator: Moderator: HR / General Track Classroom 101 Maintenance - Classroom 202 Exhibitor Reception & Recognition - Salon CDE 5:30 - 7 pm Member Services Games / Fundraisers 8 - 10 p.m. Hospitality Suite Wednesday, April 22, 2015 7:30 - 3 pm Registration 8 - 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast with Exhibitors - Salon CDE Certification Track - Classroom 108 8:30 -10 am Nan McKay Rent Calculation Combo (Both PH & HCV) - NMA Moderator: 10 - 10:30 a.m. Classroom 104 Help From Neighbors / Large Commissioners & Finance: Strategic Planning - Michael PHA's: Partnering for HUD: Budgeting and Gerber, Austin Housing inspections on Project financial management / Keys Authority Based Voucher Units to a fiscally healthy agency Moderator: Moderator: HD Supply Moderator: Moderator: HR / General Track Classroom 101 Maintenance - Classroom 202 Refreshment Break with Exhibitors - Salon CDE Certification Track - Classroom 108 10:30 - 12 pm Classroom 107 Nan McKay Rent Calculation Combo (Both PH & HCV) - NMA Classroom 107 Accessibility Classroom 104 Commissioners & Management: HUD: Streamlining public housing portfolios / Consortia / Combining RAD with LIHTC Management agreements/ Merging programs and agencies HD Supply 10:30 - 12 pm Texas NAHRO 39th Annual Conference Agenda Moderator: 12 - 1:30 p.m. Moderator: Moderator: HR / General Track Classroom 101 Maintenance - Classroom 202 Lite Lunch with Exhibitors - Salon CDE Certification Track - Classroom 108 1:30 - 3 pm Moderator: Moderator: Classroom 107 Nan McKay Rent Calculation Combo (Both PH & HCV) - NMA HUD: HCV administrative management / Financial viability without violating cost allocation principles Moderator: Moderator: Classroom 104 Commissioners & Management: HUD: Staff Customizing the Blueprint development / Succession for Ending Homelessness in planning / Developing the your Community - Mandy next generation of leaders in Chapman Semple the affordable housing industry Moderator: Refreshment Break 3 - 3:15 pm Texas NAHRO Closing Plenary Session - Salon AB Award Presentations Scholarship Presentations 3:15 - 5 pm Annual Business Meeting Grand Prize Drawings Conference Concludes 5 pm Thursday, April 23, 2015 8:30 - 12 Certification Track - Classroom 108 Classroom 107 Nan McKay Rent Calculation Combo (Both PH & HCV) - NMA X 10 - 10:15 a.m. 1 - 5 pm Refreshment Break Certification Track - Classroom 108 Classroom 107 Nan McKay Rent Calculation Combo (Both PH & HCV) - NMA X Moderator: HD Supply Moderator:
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