SOP FOR TIPPER ATTACHMENT SCHEME FOR WIDOWS, DEPENDANTS AND DISABLED EX-SERVICEMEN INTRODUCTION 1. The ESM Coal Loading and Transportation Scheme was formulated between the Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Defence in 1979 for having union free captive transport Companies in Coal Subsidiaries of Coal India Limited and for providing resettlement opportunity to ESM. The Tipper Attachment Scheme is a corollary with the ESM Coal Transportation Scheme. 2. The Scheme is for benefit of widows/dependants / disabled soldiers who are in desperate need of financial help. Under this Scheme, the widows/ dependants /ESM are sponsored to ESM Coal Loading and Transportation companies by DGR for attachment of a tipper truck. ESM Companies with enhanced fleet strength of Tippers will ensure that 6 Tippers are attached for widows / dependants /disabled ESM as sponsored by DGR and are provided financial assistance in terms with the Scheme. AIM 3. This SOP lays down the procedure for attachment of Tippers of widows, dependants and disabled ESM under the Tipper Attachment Scheme. PREVIEW 4. The SOP is laid out in the following Parts: (a) Part - I Eligibility criteria and Registration. (b) Part –II Sponsorship to operative ESM companies. (c) Part - III Action by ESM Companies. PART I: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA & REGISTRATION Eligibility Conditions 5. The eligibility conditions for Widows / Dependants / ESMs who can take part in Tipper Attachment Scheme are as follows: (a) Persons Eligible. (i) Widows (below 65 years of age) and disabled / medically boarded out service personnel in whose case the disability is more than 50% and is attributable to military service. (ii) Orphan children of Ex-servicemen represented by legal guardians and meeting the condition of being un-employed and under 25 yrs for boys; un-employed and unmarried in case of girls. (b) Conditions (i) Should not be presently employed / self-employed. (ii) Should not have remarried after death of husband in case of widows. (iii) Should not have availed of any other DGR scheme. (iv) Benefit of the Scheme should not have been availed by any other family member. Benefit will be extended to only one member of a family. Registration 6. Desirous widows of defence personnel, dependants of deceased serving personnel and disabled ESM may apply to the Directorate (Self Employment), DGR, MOD on the prescribed form as given in Appendix ‘A’. Hindi version of the application form is given at Appendix ‘B’. 7. Documents to be submitted by the applicant along with the application form shall be checked for correctness at the time of registration. Any shortcomings in same will be intimated to the applicant through registered post. The documents to be submitted are: (a) Copy of Death Certificate / Disability Certificate) (b) Affidavit to proof meeting of conditions of eligibility on Rs. 100/Non Judicial Stamp Paper duly attested by a First Class Magistrate) (c) Copy of ESM Identity Card issued by RSB/ZSB. (d) Copy of Pension Payment Order. (e) Proof of death / disability attributable to military service. (f) Proof of dependency in case of dependants 8. On receipt of application, details are entered in the Register and a Registration No assigned to the applicant. Seniority will be maintained in the Seniority Register as per the date of receipt of completed application form in the SE Dte. The Registration No. as assigned will be in a chronological sequence and will be intimated to the applicant . This will be endorsed on the application form as well as the Seniority Register. Specimen letter intimating the assigned Registration No. to the widow/ dependant /disabled ESM, is given at Appendix ‘C’. All entries to the effect will be authenticated by the dealing Jt Dir and the Register preserved for five years post closure of same. Part II: SPONSORSHIP TO OPERATIVE ESM COMPANIES Criteria /Sponsorship Norms 9. A Board of Officers through the Administration & Coordination Branch, DGR on a quarterly basis will be constituted to scrutinize the applications for according seniority, checking of eligibility criteria and recommend eligible persons on their merit strictly as per the sponsorship norms on ‘First Come First Serve Basis’. 10. The Board of Officers will ensure correctness of the following aspects while giving their recommendations for applicants as covered on date of conduct of the Board of Officers: - (a) (b) Seniority as per the Register. Eligibility Criteria 11. Based on the vacancies available for attachment with various operative ESM companies, 6 widows/ dependants /disabled ESM will be attached with the ESM Companies for a period of five years strictly as per the seniority list of applications who have been cleared by the Board of Officers. No sponsorship of applicants will be done until the registered applicants have been scrutinized by the BOO for their seniority and eligibility. Time-Frame for Processing of Applications 12. SE Dte, DGR will ensure that duly completed applications with all supporting documents are processed and applicants and ESM Coal Coys informed accordingly, within 30 days of approval of the Board Proceedings by the DG(R). 13. Based on the vacancies available, SE Dte will issue a letter of sponsorship to concerned operative ESM Company with copy to the concerned widow as per letter attached at Appendix ‘D’ Re-sponsorship of Names 14. Widows / Disabled ESM who have enjoyed the benefits of the Tipper Schemes once, are not permitted to apply again. Extension of attachment period beyond the 5 years period will not be granted. Part III : ACTION BY ESM COMPANIES 15. Legal Agreement: An Agreement on Judicial Stamp Paper as per format at Appendix ‘E’ will be executed between the ESM Company and the widow / dependant / disabled ESM regarding terms of attachment under the Tipper Scheme, and a copy of same will be forwarded by the ESM Company to DGR. 16. Post signing of the Legal agreement between the ESM company and the widow / dependant / disabled ESM, the sponsored widows / dependants / disabled ESM would thereafter be informed by the ESM Coal Company to send DD for Rs 85,000/- directly to the concerned Company under intimation DGR. This would constitute towards the margin money required to be paid by the applicant for purchase of tipper truck; while balance of the earnest money would be paid by the concerned ESM Company. The Ex-servicemen Coal Loading and Transportation Company will bear all expenses towards the running, maintenance cost, payment to drivers and cleaners, payment of all taxes, i.e. income tax, road tax and insurance, bank installments, interest relating to the tipper truck and the like. 17. Commencement of Interest payments: The widow/dependant /disabled ESM / will be paid a sum of Rs 3000/- per month as fixed amount every month from the month after receipt of margin money. Towards this, the ESM company will issue post dated cheque for the said amount for a period of five years under intimation DGR, earliest but not later than 60 days of the deposit of the margin money. 18. Refund of Amount : Within one month of completion of five years of attachment, the Ex-servicemen Coal Transport Company will refund the initial amount, i.e. Rs 85,000/- to the widow/disabled ESM / dependant by crossed Cheque or DD payable at par and take charge of the vehicle on completion of the attachment period. A certificate will be rendered by the ESM Co to SE Dte, DGR that there are no dues pending and that the principal amount of Rs 85,000/- has been refunded to the widow/disabled soldier / dependant, along with a copy of Bank Draft as dispatched to the associated widow / dependant /disabled ESM. Default in Payment by ESM Coal Cos 19. Regular remittances / payment of dues to the widows will be reflected in the Bi-Annual /Annual Reports & Returns submitted by the ESM Cos to DGR. In the event of complaint / report received by DGR from widows /disabled ESM / dependants regarding non-payment of dues by the ESM coy, appropriate action including issue of Show Cause Notice by DGR to the ESM Coy will be taken and concerned Coal Subsidiary instructed to stop allocation of work and withhold payment of bills of the ESM company till the dues are settled to the beneficiaries of the Tipper scheme. In this connection, policy letter No 1784/DGR/SE-2/Coal/Tipper/Policy dated 09 Nov 2010, (Appendix ‘F’) issued by SE Dte, DGR refers. 20. The laid down norms will be strictly complied with. (Govind Singh) Col Dir Self-Employment Place: New Delhi Date: 15 Feb 2011 Distribution DGR Sectt Dir (SE) JD(IT) - for uploading on the website. APPENDIX ‘A’ (Refers to Para 6 of SOP) From : ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Paste Passport size photograph of applicant ____________________________ To Director (Self Employment) Directorate General Resettlement West Block IV, RK Puram New Delhi – 110066 APPLICATION FOR ATTACHMENT OF TIPPER TRUCK FOR COAL TRANSPORTATION Sir, 1. I wish to partake in the Coal Tipper Transport Scheme sponsored by DGR. My particulars are as follows:(a) Name of the applicant _____________________________________ (b) Name of the service personnel (c) Applicants relationship with service personnel_______________________ (d) In case of death, date and cause of death _________________________ (e) In case of disability of service personnel, Date of Medical Board out and percentage of disability_______________ (f) Any other reason making one eligible_____________________________ To partake in the scheme (g) Nature of pension drawn (h) Whether applicant employed or not ______________________________ (j) Other benefits through any schemes of DGR, Availed before or being availed by the applicant.____________________ ________________________________ _______________________ P.T.O. (k) Sl.No. Details of dependants of deceased or Disabled service personnel (Documentary evidence such as service particulars/ Ration Card etc. may attached as proof of dependency) Name Present Age Present Occupation & Income, if any 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Yours faithfully, Date: - CHECK LIST OF TIPPER ATTACHMENT 1. Application on the prescribed format. 2. Copy of PPO. 3. Discharge book/service particulars. 4. ESM Identity Card/Widow Identity Card issued by RSB/ZSB. 5. Affidavit from widow/dependant/disabled ESM that she/he is not employed anywhere. The widow must also state that she has not remarried after the death of her husband. 6. Documentary evidence, if any, regarding any other source of income. 7. Whether presently availing/already availed any benefit under any of the schemes of DGR. 8. Documentary evidence regarding dependency of family members. AFFIDAVIT (On a Rs 100/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper duly attested by a First Class Magistrate) I _______________________ S/o D/o W/o_________________ do hereby solemnly affirm and declare that (a) I am not presently employed/ self employed. (b) I have not remarried after the death of my husband (in case of widows) (c) I have not availed any other scheme of DGR (d) No other member of my family has availed the benefit of the scheme earlier. (e) All the information furnished in the application is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. izs’kd प रिश `ख` --------------------------------------------------------------------- कृ या यहाँ अपना पा पोट साइज का फ़ोटो िचपकाएँ ----------------------------------------------------------------------lsok esa] funs”kd ¼Lo&jkstxkj½ iquokZl egkfuns”kky;] पि मी [k.M&4] jk- d- iqje] ubZ fnYyh&110066- dks;yk ifjogu ds fy, ट पर &Vªd ds vVSpesaV gsrq vkosnu egksn;] 1C;ksjs eSa iquokZl egkfunsशky; }kjk izk;ksftr dks;yk ट पर ifjogu ;kstuk esa Hkkx ysuk pkgrk g¡wA esjs इस कार ह ¼d½ vkosnd dk uke व ज म ितिथ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼[k½ lSU; dkfeZd dk रक,uke व स वस न०-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¼x½ vkosnd dk lSU; dkfeZd ls laca/k---------------------------------------------------------------------¼?k½ e`R;q gksus ij] e`R;q dh rkjh[k और (च) या मृ यु िमिलटरी स वस के कारण है e`R;q dk dkj.k----------------------------------------हाँ/ नह ¼छ½ lSU; dkfeZd dh viaxrk dh fLFkfr esa esfMdy cksMZ ds cSBd dh rkjh[k vkSj viaxrk dh ितशतता................................................................................................. ...२.. &2& (ज) या आपक िव लांगता िमिलटरी स वस हाँ/ नह के कारण है ¼झ ½ vU; dksbZ dkj.k ftlls bl ;kstuk esa शािमल gksus ds fy, ik= gSa -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼ञ½ orZe ku esa izk Ir पशन का कार vkSj राशी] blesa e¡gxkbZ HkRrk Hkh शािमल fd;k tk, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼viax lSU; dkfeZd muds }kjk izkIr viaxrk पशन शािमल djsa½ ¼ट½ D;k vkosnu lsokjr gS vFkok ugha&-----------------------------------------------------------------¼ठ½ vkosnd }kjk iquokZl egkfunsशky; dh vU; fdlh ;kstuk ds rgr ykHk vxj iwoZ esa izkIr fd;k gks ;k izkIr dj jgk gks तो उनका िववरण ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------¼ड½ e`r dkfeZd ;k viax lSU; dkfeZd ds vkfJrksa ds C;ksjs ¼dkxth lk{; tSls fd lfoZl C;ksjs@ राशन dkMZ vkfn vkfJr gksus ds izek.k ds rkSj ij layXu fd, tk,a½ Ø- la- uke आवेदक के साथ र ता orZeku vk;q orZeku O;olk; o vk; ¼;fn dksbZ gks½ 123456Hkonh;] fnukad%& .....3..... &3& fVij vVSpesaV dh tk¡p lwph 1- fofgr izksQkekZ esa vkosnu 2- ih ih vks dh dkWih 3- fMLpktZ cqd@lsok C;ksjs 4- jkT; lSfud cksMZ@ftyk lSfud cksMZ }kjk tkjh HkwriwoZ lSfudksa dk igpku i=@fo/kok igpku i= 5- viax HkwriwoZ lSfud@fo/kok@vkfJr }kjk शiFk i= fu;qfDr ij ugha gSaA fo/kok dks bl आशय (िजसका ा प नीचे दया गया है) dh og कसी vU; dk dFku fd mlds ifr ds nsgkUr ds mijkUr iqu% fookg ugha fd;k nsuk gksxkA 6- vU; L=ksr ls vk; vxj dksbZ gks rks dkxth lk{; 7- D;k O;fDrxr :i ls iquokZl egkfuns”kky; dh vU; fdlh ;kstuk dk ykHk mBk चुके ह/ ykHk mBk jgs gSaA 8- ifjokj ds lnL;ksa ds vkfJr gksus ls 9. आवेदक क ज म ितिथ से स बंिधत स बंिधत dkxth lk{; dkxth lk{; ************************************************************* &4& (शपथ प का ा प 100 पये के नॉन यूडीिशअल टा प पेपर पर तथा फ ट लास मेि ज ेट ारा स यािपत ) eSa --------------------------------------------------------iq=@iq=h@fo/kok--------------------------------------------------------- ,r~~n }kjk lR; घोषणा djrk/करती g¡w fd ¼d½ eSa orZeku esa lsokjr ugha g¡w@Lo&jkstxkj ugha pyk jgk g¡wA ¼[k½ eSaus vius ifr ds nsgkUr ds mijkUr iqu% fookg ugha fd;k gSA ¼x½ vkosnu i= esa दये गए िववरण esjh tkudkjh o lwpuk ds vuqlkj lgh (घ) मने अभी तक डीजीआर क कसी भी योज़ना का लाभ नह उठाया है! (ङ) मेरे प रवार के कसी भी सद य ने इस योजना का लाभ नह उठाया है! ह िन ा ls Appendix ‘D’ (Refers to Para 13 (a)) Tele/Fax : 26192356 Government of India Ministry of Defence Dte Gen Resettlement West Block-IV, RK Puram New Delhi – 110066 1784/DGR/SE-2/Coal/ 2011 M/s PVT LTD Ex Servicemen Agency) ATTACHMENT OF TIPPER TRUCK_SMT/EX_________ 1. Smt/Ex is hereby sponsored to your company for attaching a tipper truck. Her /His documents are enclosed. 2. Please forward a copy of agreement to this Dte Gen for our record by _________ 3. Please acknowledge. ( ) Joint Director (SE) For Dir Gen Resettlement Encl : As above Copy to :Smt /Ex - For info please Appendix ‘E’ (Refers to Para 15) AGREEMENT This agreement is made on ________ day of ___ 2011 between M/s ______________ __________________ an ESM Coal Loading and Transportation Company represented through their Board of Director viz___________, ____________and ______________having its Registered Office at _____________________ hereinafter called the “Company” and Smt/Miss/Shri/ESM_________ _________ wife of/son of/_____________ here in called the “Second Party”. Whereas the Second Party proposes to approach for attachment of a tipper truck under the Tipper Attachment Scheme of the DGR with M/s _________ for transportation of coal and the said Company has been assigned work at ________________, shall operate the said tipper under the signed name and liable for all encumbrance as accruing out of the same. Now therefore, the parties to this agreement witnesseth as follows :1. The said Company shall do the transportation work on behalf of the Second Party and will be responsible for arranging loan under the arrangements of the Company and return the same to the financer / bank in stipulated time. 2. Margin money, loan processing fee, insurance, road tax, for the first year and cost of transportation of tipping truck to the work side will be borne by the Company. However, an amount of Rs. 85,000/- (Rupees eighty five thousand only) will be paid by the Second Party as part of the earnest money. 3. The said Company will bear all expenses including the running, maintenance cost, payment to drivers and cleaners payment of all taxes, i.e. road tax and insurance, bank installments and interest relating to the tipping truck and the like with no liability being presented to the Second Party. 4. In case of accident or major repairs, all liabilities will be borne by the Company only and will not involve the Second Party in what so ever form. 5. The Second Party will be paid Rs. 3000/- (Rupees Three thousand only) by the Company per month as fixed amount on the first of every month (in case of delay in payment an interest of 10% p.a. shall be paid to the Second Party). The ESM Company will issue post dated monthly cheques for the said amount of RS 3000/- for a period of five years under intimation DGR, earliest but not later than 60 days of the deposit of the margin money. Failing this, action as per provision of the MoU are liable to be initiated against the Company. 6. On completion of 5 (five) years, the Company will refund the money stipulated in Para No 2 to the Second Party within one month and take charge of the vehicle, failing this, action as per provision of the MoU are liable to be initiated against the Company by DGR. In case of non payment of the amount to Second Party, it will be the continued responsibility of the First Party ‘Company’ to pay the monthly remuneration of Rs. 3000/per month till the time the earnest money is refunded to the Second Party. 7. The Second Party as a partaker of the Welfare Scheme will be only responsible for giving the earnest money as mentioned in Para 2 and will not be responsible in what so ever manner for any other financial liability as may otherwise accrue from this attachment. 8. In case of insolvency of the Company and the winding up of the Company on the directions of the Court, the widow/dependant /disabled ESM would be given first preference to recover her /his earnest money to the fullest extent than any other liabilities of the Company. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THE PARTIES HERETO HAVE SET THEIR HANDS AT______ DATE AND MONTH AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. M/s_______ Witness Smt/Shri/Miss/Ex djkj ifjf'k”V *bZ* ¼iSjk 15 ds lanHkZ ;g djkj fnukad+ + o”kZ+ + dks esllZ+ + + + + iwoZ lSfud dks;yk ynku vkSj ifjogu dEiuh ftldk izfrfuf/kRo mlds cksMZ vkWQ MkW;jsDVj uker%++ + + vkSj+ + +d j jgsa gS] ftldk iathd`r dk;kZy; + + + + + + +esa gSA blds i'pkr~ bls *dEiuh* dgk tk,xk vkSj Jherh@dqekjh@Jh@iwoZ lSfud++ + + + + + tks fd + + + + dh iRuh@iq= gS] bls blds i'pkr~ *nwljh ikVhZ* dgk tk,xkA tcfd *nwljh ikVhZ* iquokZl egkfuns’kky; dh fVIij ,VSpesaV ;kstuk ds vUrxZr esllZ+ + + + +dks dks;yk ifjogu ds fy, fVIij Vªd ds ,VSpesaV gsrq lEidZ djus dk izLrko j[krh gS vkSj rFkkdfFkr dEiuh dks + + esa dk;Z lkSaik x;k gSA og gLrk{kfjr uke ls fVIij dk izpkyu djsxh vkSj bl ij O;; gksus okys [kpZ dk ogu djsxhA blds i{kdkjksa }kjk fuEufyf[kr djkj fd;k tkrk gS vkSj ;g foys[k bldk lk{kh gSA 1rFkkdfFkr dEiuh nwljh ikVhZ dh vksj ls ifjogu dk;Z lEiUu djsxh vkSj dEiuh dh O;oLFkk esa _.k dh O;oLFkk djsxh vkSj QkbusUlj@cSad dks _.k vuqcaf/kr le;&lhek esa okil djsxhA 2igys o”kZ ds fy, ekftZu euh] _.k lalk/ku ‘kqYd] chek] lM+d dj vkSj fVfIiax Vªd dks dk;Z LFky rd ifjogu dk [kpZ dEiuh }kjk ogu fd;k tk,xkA ijUrq] nwljh ikVhZ }kjk :0 85000 dh jkf’k c;kuk ds rkSj ij nh tk,xhA 3rFkkdfFkr dEiuh lHkh [kpksZa dk tSls fd izpkyu vkSj j[k&j[kko dh ykxr] Mªkboj vkSj Dyhuj dks Hkqxrku] lHkh djksa dk Hkqxrku] lM+d dj] chek] fVfIiax Vªd dh cSad dh fd’rsa] vkSj C;kt vkSj ,sls gh vU; [kpksZa dk ogu djsxhA nwljh ikVhZ dks bu [kpksZa dh ns;rk ugha nh tk,xhA 4nq?kZVukvksa vkSj izeq[k ejEer dk;Z dh ns;rk dsoy dEiuh }kjk ogu dh tk,xh vkSj nwljh ikVhZ dks fdlh Hkh :Ik esa bl ekeys esa my>k;k ugha tk,xkA 5nwljh ikVhZ dks dEiuh }kjk izfrekg 3000 :i;s ¼dsoy rhu gtkj :i;s½ fu;r jkf’k izR;sd ekg ds igys fnu Hkqxrku dh tk,xhA ¼Hkqxrku esa foyEc gksus ij 10 izfr’kr izfr o”kZ C;kt dh jkf’k nwljh ikVhZ dks nh tk,xh½ iwoZ lSfud dEiuh rFkkdfFkr 3000 :i;s dh jkf’k ds i'p&fnukafdr psd ikap o”kZ dh vof/k ds fy, iquokZl egkfuns’kky; dks lwpuk nsrs gq, ;Fkk’kh?kz tkjh djsxkA ijUrq psd tkjh djus dh vof/k ekftZu euh ds tek djus dh vof/k ls 60 fnu ls Åij ugha gksxhA bl ij visf{kr dkjZokbZ u gksus ij dEiuh ds fo:) djkj Kkiu ds izko/kkuksa ds vuq: i dk;Zokgh dh tk ldrh gSA 6ik¡p o”kZ dh vof/k dh iw.kZrk ij dEiuh iSjk 2 esa vuqcaf/kr jkf’k dk nwljh ikVhZ dks ,d ekg ds Hkhrj iquHkZqxrku djsxh vkSj okgu dks viuh lqiqnZxh esa ysxhA visf{kr dkjZokbZ u fd, tkus ij iquokZl egkfuns’kky; }kjk djkj Kkiu ds izko/kkuksa ds vuq:i dEiuh ds fo:) dkjZokbZ dh tk,xhA nwljh ikVhZ dks jkf’k dk Hkqxrku u fd, tkus ij igyh ikVhZ *dEiuh* dh nwljh ikVhZ dks ekfld esgurkus dh 3000 :i;s dh jkf’k dk Hkqxrku fn, tkus dh ns;rk rc rd tkjh jgsxh] tc rd c;kuk jkf’k nwljh ikVhZ dks ykSVk ugha nh tkrhA 7nwljh ikVhZ tks fd dY;k.k ;kst uk dh lk>snkj gS mldh ns;rk iSjk 2 esa mYysf[kr c;kuk jkf’k nsus rd lhfer gS rFkk og fdlh Hkh :i esa bl ,VSpesaV ij izksnH~ kqr gksus okyh foÙkh; ns;rk ds fy, mÙkjnk;h ugha gksxkA 8dEiuh fnokfy;k gksus dh fLFkfr vkSj dksVZ ds funsZ’kksa ij blds lekiu gksus ij dEiuh dh vU; ns;rkvksa ds Hkqxrku ls iwoZ fo/kok@vkfJr@viax iwoZ lSfud dks viuh c;kuk jkf’k dks iw.kZr;k olwy djus ds fy, ojh;rk nh tk,xhA blds lk{;Lo:i ikfVZ;ksa us iwoZ esa Åij fyf[kr + fnukad + ekg++ o”kZ dks bl ij vius gLrk{kj dj fn;s gSaA esllZ+ + + + xokg Jh@Jhefr@dqekjh@iwoZ lSfud APPENDIX ‘F’ (Refers to Para 19 of SOP)
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