WITH LIVING IN Property Focus A Bigger, Better, Brighter Read Vol. 12 Issue 12 February 2015 Runnymede residents urged to remain vigilant to stop fraud offences The police are warning residents in Virginia Water and beyond to remain vigilant following a number of recent fraud offences where elderly and vulnerable residents have been targeted. In recent weeks Surrey Police has received a number of reports from residents who have received telephone calls from someone claiming to be a police officer or similar who then attempted to convince them to hand over large amounts of cash and bank cards. The offenders often claim that a victim's bank cards have been stolen or used fraudulently and will ask them to phone their bank to cancel the card and will offer to send a courier to collect the card or a sum of money. The fraudster then stays on the line and obtains the victim's bank details whilst they think they are phoning their bank. A courier then calls at the victim's address saying they have been sent by the police to collect a parcel - the envelope containing the card or money. Detective Constable Ben Kirby said: "We have seen an increase in reports of fraud offences across north Surrey since the start of 2015 and we are deploying additional officers and carrying out further patrols to tackle this issue. "These offences are a particularly despicable as the offenders often target innocent elderly and vulnerable members of our communities. "I can assure north Surrey residents that a lot of work is also going on behind FROM PAGE 12 www.livingwithin.com sums. "The message is simple, a police officer will never ask you for your bank security details or to withdraw money for them, it is a scam." Since the beginning of 2015, there have been five offences of this nature reported in Runnymede. Anyone who can assist officers with their investigation is urged to contact Surrey Police on 101 or 999 if a crime is currently in progress. Information can be passed to the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. the scenes involving officers from our CID, the Local Proactive Unit and the Action Fraud Team to establish who is responsible for these offences and bring them to justice. "We all have a part to play in preventing these offences and I would ask anyone who has contact with those who may fall victim to these fraudsters to take every opportunity they can to assist. "I would also urge any victims who have not yet come forward to do so, please do not feel ashamed or embarrassed, these offenders are extremely convincing and we need your help in catching them before they strike again. "Thankfully the majority of those who have been contacted by the fraudsters have heeded our advice and not handed over any bank cards or money but sadly there have been a number of incidents where residents have lost significant Increase in Surrey primary school applications The increase in the number of applications for primary school places in Surrey adds up to enough pupils for a multi-million pound school. Surrey County Council has received 466 more primary applications for next September than a year ago. That is the equivalent of filling a new twoform entry primary that would cost at least £6 million to build. More than 13,600 applications for places were submitted by last week’s closing date compared to just under 13,140 a year ago, early analysis of admissions figures reveal. The latest news comes after a record number of applications were submitted for Surrey secondary places in September. Since 2012, the council has created more than 8,500 school places. Surrey is facing a £215 million funding gap for the 13,000 places needed over the next five years. Linda Kemeny, Surrey County Council’s Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, said: “These figures show the continued strain being put on education in Surrey at a time when many of our schools are already full to bursting. "We need to find 13,000 extra places in our primaries and secondaries in the next five years to meet unprecedented demand but without adequate funding we’ll no longer be able to guarantee every pupil will get one." Council tax cuts proposed by Royal Borough for sixth consecutive year For the sixth consecutive year Royal Borough residents look set to benefit from a council tax reduction of 2.1% for 2015/16 budget proposals set to go before cabinet. This represents a reduction in council tax of 13.1% over six years. The latest reductions means that the rate for a Band D property will fall by almost £20 from £926.40 last financial year to £906.95. Efficiency savings of more than £5m have been identified including sharing and outsourcing services, increased income from the Parkwood leisure centre contract and other contract savings. Cllr Simon Dudley, cabinet member for finance, said: “We have yet again focussed on investing in frontline services while increasing our administrative efficiency and further reducing costs. “By ensuring we run a highly efficient council we are able to once again reduce the tax burden on residents while providing excellent value for money local services.” Cllr David Burbage, the leader of the council, said: “We are ensuring this council offers the best value for money for residents. “With our careful management of the council’s finances, we are able to retain the weekly bins collection, investment in roads and in flood prevention, and protecting vital services for adults and children alike.” Overview and scrutiny panels have been reviewing their respective budgets and proposals will be discussed by cabinet on Thursday 12 February. The final budget decision will be made by the council on Tuesday 24 February at the Town Hall, Maidenhead, starting at 7.30pm. INSIDE THIS ISSUE 6 Health & Fitness 5 Travel www.livingwithin.com 22 Food 8 - 11 Schools & Colleges – newsdesk@livingwithin.com – 01276 858750 7 Gardening 2 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 Estate planning - Protection for your family There are various ways to protect your family and estate on your death and/or in the event that you became mentally incapacitated. Well written Wills can afford you with the UHDVVXUDQFH WKDW \RXU IDPLO\ DUH ÀQDQFLDOO\ DQG HPRWLRQDOO\ protected. No Will? It is a common misconception that you do not need to make a Will if you are married. Depending upon how your assets Alexandra Milton, Associate, are held, those assets may not automatically pass to your Probate, Wills & Trusts surviving spouse and instead may pass in accordance with 01483 748560 the Intestacy Rules. If you are unmarried and cohabiting, then the Intestacy Rules do not provide anything from your estate for your partner. A Will is absolutely necessary in affording your partner protection DVZHOODVVDIHJXDUGLQJWKHLQKHULWDQFHIRUDQ\IXWXUHEHQHÀFLDULHV Will review Where you have a Will, it is vitally important to review your Will in line with changes to your circumstances, the value of your estate and legislation changes. 0LQRUEHQHÀFLDULHV/HJLVODWLRQLQWURGXFHGVLJQLÀFDQWFKDQJHVLQUHVSHFWRI PLQRUEHQHÀFLDULHVSURYLGHGIRUZLWKLQD:LOO'LIIHUHQW7UXVWVQRZDULVHGHSHQGLQJ RQWKHDJHFRQWLQJHQF\SODFHGLQWR\RXU:LOOIRUPLQRUEHQHÀFLDULHVZKLFKLQWXUQ depending upon the type of Trust can produce unfavourable tax implications. We would advise for you to review your Will to consider the position and possibly amend \RXU:LOOWRDPRUHIDYRXUDEOHWD[SRVLWLRQIRU\RXUPLQRUEHQHÀFLDULHV &DUH IHH PLWLJDWLRQ VHFRQG PDUULDJHV - You may want to consider protecting your assets for future generations. For example, if you are in a second marriage and want to safeguard your assets for your children but at the same time provide access to funds for your spouse so to maintain their standard of living. Or, do you want to protect your assets for your children against the potential care fees of your spouse? www.barlowrobbins.com Elizabeth Meatyard meets for tea with Samantha Cameron at No.10 Cook and writer Elizabeth Meatyard recently visited No.10 Downing Street for a reception hosted by Samantha Cameron. Elizabeth - who is well known as a Living Within contributor - has been responsible for inspirational work in the voluntary sector. Two years ago she set up an initiative for volunteers to provide practical support and companionship for older patients at mealtimes in hospital. Elizabeth said she was inspired to set up the scheme after visiting a friend in hospital who struggled to eat at meal times. After undertaking an intensive recruitment drive, more than 385 Dining Companion Volunteers comprised of public volunteers, non-clinical hospital staff and community groups now provide practical support and companionship to encourage older patients at mealtimes. The aim is to enable older patients to eat well and as independently as they are able to. As it is a volunteer led effort, it frees up clinical nursing staff to focus on the patients with the most complex needs. LIVING WITHIN 01276 858750 newsdesk@livingwithin.com D3B Fairoaks • Chobham Surrey GU24 8HU www.livingwithin.com February 2015 LIVING WITHIN Poll of Royal Borough residents reveals support for Gatwick expansion over plans for Heathrow Almost six in 10 (58 per cent) of residents believe that the number of flights at Heathrow Airport should remain the same as they currently are. A poll that the Royal Borough has carried out with its residents predictably shows support for the building of a new runway at Gatwick Airport. The poll was conducted by Ipsos MORI prior to the council responding to the Airports Commission regarding its long term capacity consultation by reaffirming its position that it is against expansion at Heathrow Airport. There are three proposals that the Airports Commission is currently looking at: • a proposal from Heathrow Airport Ltd for an additional runway to the north west of the existing northern runway at Heathrow Airport • a proposal from Heathrow Hub Ltd for an extension to the existing northern runway at Heathrow Airport to operate as two separate runways • a proposal from Gatwick Airport Ltd for an additional runway to the south of the existing runway at Gatwick Airport The poll also showed that 31 per cent of residents oppose (strongly oppose or tend to oppose) both options for Heathrow expansion this compares to 22 per cent in favour (strongly support or tend to support) putting support at negative 8 per cent. Almost six in 10 (58 per cent) of residents believe that the number of flights at Heathrow Airport should remain the same as they currently are. The poll shows that 50 per cent of residents support (strongly support or tend to support) the building of a new runway at Gatwick Airport with only 14 per cent against (strongly oppose or tend to oppose) building a new runway at Gatwick Airport, putting net support of the proposal at 35 per cent. A quota sample of 1,014 residents, aged 18 and over, were surveyed in the poll which took place by telephone between 8 and 11 January 2015. Survey data were weighted back to the true population proportions. The poll asked residents across the whole of the Royal Borough not just those currently affected by Heathrow Airport. Cllr George Bathurst, chairman of the aviation forum and cabinet member for policy and performance, said: "This poll shows that Royal Borough residents support our views and we will continue to support expansion at Gatwick Airport. "We are urging the Government and Airports Commission to take into account the unacceptable noise that our residents already suffer, particularly at night, and if Heathrow Airport was allowed to expand this would get dramatically worse. "There is also the massive threat to our green belt as there is a need for further development and approximately 70,000 homes being built in the surrounding area. Both Heathrow expansion options would cause substantial harm to our community. "There would also be substantial harm to our world famous heritage including Windsor Castle and Eton College, ironically destroying one of the reasons that many people visit the UK. "We are backing Gatwick Airport expansion for the stronger economic growth it would create. It is more practical, more politically deliverable and will give our residents and the UK more choice and competition. We want to see Heathrow Airport as a better not a bigger airport. "As a local authority we will be responding to the Airports Commission's consultation and we encourage residents to respond on an individual basis before 3 February." Appeal for witnesses after an attempted GBH in Ascot Thames Valley Police are appealing for witnesses after an attempted GBH in Ascot. The incident took place between 7.00pm and 7.30pm on Friday 16 January in Ascot train station car park off Station Hill Road. A fight broke out between two groups of teenage boys. Police would like to hear from anyone who may have seen the incident or a group of up to six teenage males, at this time. It is likely they approached Ascot train station from the Brockenhurst Road direction. Anyone with information about this incident should contact investigating officer PC Rory Pratt, of Maidenhead Police Station, via the 24-hour enquiry line 101. If you do not want to speak directly to the police you can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers (opens new window) anonymously on 0800 555 111. No personal details are taken, information is not traced or recorded and you will not go to court. Be Amazed... The Look Out Discovery Centre A Great Family Day Out, Whatever the Weather! Hands-on Science fun for all the family - over 90 exhibits to see, touch and explore. Toys in Trouble shows 17th January Open Daily 10am-5pm - 4th May 2015 school holidays. Bring this advert Show runs at weekends and Bracknell ing adult*. Valid until 4.5.15 to get one free child with one full pay *Terms and conditions apply. The Look Out Discovery Centre (Opposite Coral Reef) Nine Mile Ride, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 7QW Tel: 01344 354400 Email: TheLookOut@bracknell-forest.gov.uk www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/be www.facebook.com/thelookoutdiscovery Living within Ascot 3 4 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 Money Matters with Peter Sharratt Trusts Q. We are aware that Trusts can be used for Inheritance Tax Planning but have no idea what is involved in setting one up. Can you explain? A. There are a number of different types of Trusts and to cover them all in detail would not be practical, so I will provide some general information that would apply to most types of Trust. There are three parties to a Trust; the first is the ‘Settlor/s’. These are the individual/s that create the Trust having decided what asset or property they want to put in to it. The second is the ‘Trustees’. These are the individuals who are now the legal owners of the trust assets/property. They have the responsibility to administer the Trust for the third and final party to the Trust which is the ‘Beneficiaries’. These are the individual/s that are intended to benefit from the Trust and as such they are the beneficial owners. A beneficiary can be specifically named i.e. my daughter Madeleine or a class of people such as ‘my children equally’. If the beneficiary is named as per the first example and you subsequently had more children they may then not be able to benefit (depends on the Trust). If however you used the second wording any children in future would then automatically become beneficiaries. If you are using the Trust in conjunction with a Life Assurance Policy or an Investment, the provider will normally have a range of Standard Trusts that you can select from and use. You normally only need to add the details of the settlor, trustees and beneficiaries, and then get it signed and witnessed. A settlor can be, and indeed will usually also be, a trustee but additional trustees should also be appointed, ideally two more. Being a trustee is a responsible position and you need to make sure you appoint someone you know and of course trust. They also need to be in a position to fulfil their trustee duties and so ideally they should be located in the UK. A trustee can also be a beneficiary. The one exception to this is the settlor; they can be a trustee but NOT a beneficiary. A Trust does not generally need to be mentioned in a Will, as the Trust will typically apply to a specific asset or property. Also the Trust will take precedence over the Will so gifting the asset/ property in the Trust to someone else via the Will, will not have any affect. Send your queries to Peter Sharratt, Kirk Rice LLP, The Courtyard, High Street, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7HP Email peter.sharratt@kirkrice.co.uk Please note: answers are given for general guidance only and specific advice should be taken before acting on any of the suggestions made. Albert the police horse set to retire after a decade of work A police horse who has been an “absolute servant” during a decade of working on demonstrations, football matches and town centres is set to retire. Albert, an 18-year-old Irish draught cross thoroughbred, has been working for Thames Valley Police since April 2005. He has worked during animal rights marches, English Defence League (EDL) demonstrations, football matches, Oasis concerts, Royal Ascot events and in city centres across the Thames Valley on Friday and Saturday nights. His career was recognised last year when he was named as a runner up in the RSPCA and Daily Mirror’s Animal Hero Awards 2014. Later this year he will retire to The Horse Trust in Speen, Buckinghamshire, where he will meet visitors and live with other former police and military horses. PC Andy Barkus, of the mounted section, trained Albert for the first 12 months of his career and still remembers the day they first met. He said: "Across the other side of the common there was a lady who was exercising a race horse. Normally that would set other horses off, but Albert didn’t. "I thought, that is a good sign." PC Barkus added: "He is one of the only horses whose name we didn’t change. "Normally they get given god names – Odin, Thor, or Caesar. But we kept his name because we decided he looked like an Albert." Albert, who is currently the longest-serving horse in the Force, was originally owned by a woman who lived in Westhope Common in Herefordshire. He was the son of a racehorse and was originally named Westhope Albert. Albert went through six weeks of training before he began to go out on operations, firstly in Oxford City centre, then to an MK Dons football match, and then to a Green Day and Oasis concert at Milton Keynes Bowl. PC Barkus said: "Most people who meet and ride Albert like him because of his character. "When horses don’t like something their ears go back. Albert has never been like that. Generally his ears are forward when people come over to him." In November, Albert was named as a runner-up in the public sector category of the RSPCA and Daily Mirror Animal Hero Awards 2014. He was pipped by Fuzz, a Metropolitan Police German Shepherd. But Albert did receive a Chief Constable’s Commendation for his bravery during an EDL march in April 2012. PC Barkus said: "Albert has been an absolute servant – absolutely brilliant. For us to get a horse that has been at that level for 10 years is fantastic. "The feeling for me is that I am pleased for Albert, rather than missing him being here. "He has served the public for a decade and now he is getting the chance for a bit of a chill out and holiday – and we can always go and see him at The Horse Trust." PC Kev Simmons, of the mounted section, said: "Although he is one of our older horses, Albert still tends to be full of beans. "You take him out and he has still got that liveliness about him – his body is a bit older than his mind is now though." PC Simmons said the EDL demonstration in Slough was one of the most memorable events that he had worked with Albert on. PC Simmons said: "On that day he did everything that was asked of him and, with everything that was going on, he was brave – he is not the kind of horse that would spook and run away from it." Albert has been suffering from stiffness in his joints over the last month, which came to light just before a Christmas lights switch-on in Buckingham – forcing him to miss the event. Since then Albert has been resting and, although his condition has improved, the Force’s vet has said the stiffness, because of his age, is likely to only get worse. PC Simmons said: "We want to retire him at a point where he can go and enjoy life with The Horse Trust. "He has done a great job for us and we want to pay him back with a good retirement. He added: "I suppose it is a mixture of emotions for me. "Because you end up going into scary situations with the horses, you do form a bond with all of them. They have all got different characters and you do get attached. "It is sad that he is going, but also enjoyable knowing that he is going off to retirement and can enjoy life and chill out for the rest of his days." A date has not yet been set for Albert’s move, but it is likely to be at the end of February. February 2015 LIVING WITHIN Royal Borough plans spectacular river pageant for Magna Carta celebrations A 'spectacular' river pageant will be the highlight of the Royal Borough's 800th anniversary celebrations of the sealing of the Magna Carta. A flotilla of boats of all shapes and sizes will make its way downstream from Bisham Abbey to Wraysbury over the weekend of Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 June. Cllr Eileen Quick, cabinet member for leisure and libraries, said: "Magna Carta is the foundation of law and democracy in many parts of the world, not just here in the United Kingdom, and the world's eyes will be on us in June. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime anniversary and the river pageant will be a fabulous opportunity to celebrate it." Cllr Christine Bateson, cabinet member for community partnerships, added: "This will be a truly spectacular event that will be available for everyone to see from the riverbank. "The flotilla will be an added draw for British and international visitors travelling here to take part in the celebrations. So the borough benefits twice over - residents will be able to enjoy the procession down the river and there will be increased business opportunities." The pageant is being organised in partnership with Thames Alive - which helped to organise the Queen's Thames Diamond Jubilee Pageant in 2012 - and Runnymede Borough Council. Costs will be covered by sponsors and underwritten by the Royal Borough. Cllr Margaret Lenton, chairman of Wraysbury Parish Council and chairman of the Royal Borough MC800 stakeholders group, said: "While the main focus will inevitably be on Runnymede, the pageant and many other events will highlight the key role in the sealing of the Magna Carta of this side of the river, especially Ankerwycke in Wraysbury." An action-packed calendar of events, activities and exhibitions leading up to the river pageant is being organised by libraries, the Windsor & Royal Borough Museum, schools and community groups. In June 1215 English barons assembled at Runnymede to challenge the authority of King John and on the 15th the Magna Carta was authenticated by the Great Seal. Africa- Safari and much much more Holiday feature by Greenstar Travel and African Pride There is an old African proverb “Let him speak who has seen with his eyes” and reading these few wise words it could easily be extended to add….. “Heard with his ears, smelt with his nose and felt with his heart”, for anyone visiting Africa will have their senses stimulated more than anywhere else on earth. Africa is huge and offers a range of fabulous holiday choices- so where to start? The ‘safari region’ covers eastern and southern Africa. Let’s look at some of the common ‘safari’ questions we are frequently asked: Which country and when? Africa has around ten countries offering safari holidays, with each having its own attractions, wildlife experiences and accommodation, with different climates and seasons. LIVING WITHIN 01276 858750 www.livingwithin.com newsdesk@livingwithin.com 5 Which type of safari? There is a huge range from luxury lodges to mobile tented camps. Part of a small group or tailored to individual requirements? A longer stay in one place or a variety of locations? What is the cost? We will ask you to give us an idea of your budget. This enables us to use our knowledge and expertise to get the best options for that budget and we will advise you of how that fits in with your own ‘ideal’ holiday requirements. What might I be able to see? Is it large herds of elephants or leopards, or wild dogs? Whilst nothing can be guaranteed we work hard to try and maximize our client’s preferences to ensure the experience is all it is hoped to be. But Africa is not just safaris – It offers amazing scenery, beautiful coasts, ancient rock art and stunning accommodation. So check out the many African Pride holiday options by contacting Greenstar Travel and you too can “see with your own eyes”. Telephone 01372 462226 www.greenstartravel.co.uk Sunninghill Carpets & Flooring Ltd No-one does; soft, textured, varied, contemporary, beautiful flooring like us Suppliers & Installers: Bespoke Carpets Amtico Solid & Engineered Wood Vinyl Floorcovering Glade House, High Street, SUNNINGHILL Ascot, Berks SL5 9NP 25 years of reliable quality service www.sunninghillcarpets.com 01344 622022 Like our Facebook page and stay updated with our latest offers 6 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 TOBY’S Fitness Forum WANT TO RUN BUT DON’T KNOW HOW? START WITH SMALL STEPS Running is fun, sociable and does wonders for your fitness and with the London Marathon approaching runners seem to be everywhere. By following a simple programme and training with friends you will carry on burning excess Christmas calories. A Goal If you can find a goal of a 5km run scheduled for two or three months time it will give you plenty of time to prepare. Rushing your training can result in long term injuries so take it slowly. Stretching It is important to stretch the muscle groups of the legs before you try to run, particularly in cold weather. Rotate ankles, stretch your calves, hamstrings and quads for at least 5 minutes. Alternate jogging for 2 minutes and walking on the spot for 3 minutes until you are ready to start. When you have finished use this routine for your warm down. Mix running and walking Few people can run a mile at the first attempt so don’t even try. Instead mix running and walking, run for 30 seconds then walk for 90 seconds. Repeat this nine more times for a total of 20 minutes. When you can comfortably run/walk for 20 minutes 4 times a week change your run/walk ratio increasing the amount of running time in between each walk. Eventually you’ll be able to run for several minutes without walking at all. You should be able to speak without feeling out of breath. If not, slow down. It is good to mix running on different types of terraine as it not only strengthens the muscles but also challenges your balance and softer surfaces alleviate stresses and strains. Get set for the 2015 Kempton to Reading bike ride challenge Clothes It doesn’t matter what you wear as long as you invest in a decent pair of running shoes and some shops now even analyse your running gait for you before you buy a pair. Rewards Running rewards with weight loss, steady progress, less stress, more energy and a host of health benefits. Nutrition Keep well hydrated at all times and eat a balanced diet. When you progress to longer distances start taking on carbohydrates with a low glycemic index which will allow you to maintain energy levels for longer. Good luck. If you need any help, advice or motivation please don’t hesitate to contact me. Toby Garbett. @tobygarbett tg@tobygarbett.com www.tobygarbett.com Toby Garbett is an Olympian and two-time World Champion rower. He combines his own training regime with providing leading edge fitness training to private clients. The British Heart Foundation London to Reading Bike Ride is back for an amazing fourth year in March. The organisers describe the ride as a fantastic but achievable challenge. This is one of the first big rides of the year, so it’s the perfect excuse to rescue your bike from the back of the shed and show it some TLC. Setting off from Kempton Park Race course the 40 mile route will take you through the outer fringes of London into the beautiful countryside and open roads beyond. Until you reach Christchurch Meadows in the heart of the bustling town of Reading. London to Reading is ideal for those looking to get fit, training for another event or just wanting to get a bit more active in 2015. The entry fee is £15 for adults and £7.50 for under 18 year olds. Your entry fee covers the cost of running the event; it’s your sponsorship money that will help save lives. The event takes place Sunday 29 March. Riders can set off any time between 8.00am and 10.30am. The event finishes at 4.00pm Email events@bhf.org.uk. Visit www.bhf.org.uk Telephone 0845 130 8663 Runnymede Council launches all new tenancy strategy consultation Readers in Virginia Water will be interested to know that Runnymede Borough Council's Housing Business Centre is currently consulting on its Tenancy Strategy 2015-2017 Its first Tenancy Strategy 2012-15 was published in May 2012 as a requirement of the Localism Act 2011. The revised Tenancy Strategy 2015-17 will be used to help shape the Tenancy Policies of the Housing Associations who provide homes in our Borough. The draft strategy provides recommendations on the type of tenancies that should be offered As Runnymede is also a social landlord, its revised strategy also proposes changes to the type of tenancies it wants to offer. Runnymede's proposed changes look to address the best use of housing stock and to ensure accommodation is made available for those applicants in greatest housing need and give them every opportunity to access a home which suits their household. Runnymede is consulting with the public through www.rbc-homes.org/choice/home.aspx. Any interested party is invited to send comments to Joan Stephens by Monday 16 February 2015. The consulted Tenancy Strategy will go to Runnymede Borough Council Housing Committee for approval in March 2015, along with a summary of all comments received. Savill Garden visitors offered free entry until end of February Call today on: Telephone: 01483 820226 Mobile: 07939 688597 email: alexander_roofing@yahoo.co.uk Blow away those winter cobwebs and enjoy fantastic walks with vivid pockets of colour and scent around The Savill Garden, Windsor Great Park, which is free to visit throughout January and February (Normal car park charges apply). Mark Flanagan, Keeper of The Gardens, Windsor Great Park, said: "If your New Year's resolution is to have more exercise, why not come to The Savill Garden, enjoying as you go the national collection of Mahonias, the sweet scent and varied colour of witch hazel and the pockets of vibrant colours and intense perfume on show in the winter beds." The Queen Elizabeth Temperate House provides seasonal interest and a relaxing spot for cold and wet days. Hyacinths and scented narcissi fill the Temperate House with perfume through to January and February. Mark added: "The winter beds, with their concentration of bright colours and glorious scent, challenge the conventional view of January and February being a barren time in a garden. Whether it is the striking willows reflecting on the water's edge, the unashamed radiance of the dogwood stems or the clove-scented pink flowers of the Himalayan Daphne bholua 'Jacqueline Postill', there certainly is a lot to enjoy at this time of year." February 2015 LIVING WITHIN Linda Regel’s GreenFingers Useful Plants Choosing new plants for your garden can be an overwhelming decision. I liken it to being a child in a sweetshop, with row upon row of exciting and delicious confections, spread before your eyes. Garden centres will soon be full of row upon row of fresh new plants in a rainbow of colours, so how to do you begin to narrow down the selection? take a step back and choose a plant based on the function it needs to fulfil in the garden. Plants are jolly useful things. As well as providing colourful leaves and flowers, they can have a purpose in your life. For a start, they are great for providing all kinds of shelter, both large and small. If your garden is too hot, a tree can provide shade for a seating area. They 7 dissipate the effect of a windy site better than a fence, and they don’t blow over so easily. A single plant can also help to protect a more delicate neighbour, by providing a sheltered environment, in which it can flourish. Grow them big enough and they can screen out nosy neighbours and nasty views too. something, which provides winter berries for birds, then sit inside in the warm and watch them feasting. Butterflies are fun for children to watch in the summer, so choose some plants to attract them, and leave some more wild areas in the garden for small mammals to find shelter. For free entertainment in the garden, plant If you are concerned about security, pop in some spiky bushes around the house windows to deter people from leaning over and having a quick look inside. Can’t decide which new shrubs to add to an existing border? Check first that have something which is fulfilling the basic function of providing some evergreen structure. Evergreen structure plants may not be the most exciting plants in the garden, but they do give you something to look at in the winter, and act as a backdrop for the stars of the show in the summer. Plants are most obviously decorative additions to the garden, and this is often the basis upon which they are chosen. “That looks nice, I’ll buy it”, is one way of filling your basket quickly and easily. However, it is sometimes better to Finally if you are fed up with tradesmen taking a short cut over your lawn, plant something to impede their progress. A lawn is lovely to look at, and provides a useful open space, but it’s not much use at stopping delivery men in a hurry. Plant something that grows to above knee height along the edge of the path, to keep them on the straight and narrow. “ Butterflies are fun for children to watch in the summer, so choose some plants to attract them. Fun at The Look Out Discovery Centre The Look Out Discovery Centre is a fun place to visit with all the family. Taxing Times The centre is set in Swinley Forest, which has over 1,000 hectares of woodland. Plus outside is a popular adventure play area, orienteering course, walks and trails and picnic area. However, there is something for all ages! Can you really leave your shadow on the wall? Go and make a mini animation, fire up a hydrogen rocket, build an unfinished house, launch the hot air balloon or create circuits. Check out the website - www.bracknell-forest.gov. uk/thelookoutdiscoverycentre - for details of the current science show, which are on at weekends and Bracknell Forest school holidays. Open daily from 10.00am to 5.00pm. Admission charges The super saver ticket is just £19.05 for 2 adults and 2 children or 1 adult and 3 children (valid until 31 March 2015). Children aged 3 and under are free! Special parent and toddler rates for term time. There is a £2 parking charge for a 4 hour visit to The Look Out. However, visitors (adult and saver tickets only) to the hands-on science exhibition who pay on the day will be given a £2 discount (parking stub needs to be shown at time of purchase). with Graham Jennings PUBLIC SHOWS AT WEEKENDS AND BRACKNELL FOREST SCHOOL HOLIDAYS Show entry costs just £1.85* per person in addition to the main admission price to the handson science and nature exhibition. (*Valid until valid until 31 March 2015) Show times are at 11.00am, 12 noon, 2.00pm and 3.15pm, subject to minimum numbers. Shows run at weekends and Bracknell school holidays. The show is suitable for children who can sit down for up to 30 minutes. Toys in Trouble show Back by popular demand is an updated Toys show! This is a fun show with a light hearted look at the science behind your toys. The Look Out's mascot owl Eric has a very naughty sister called Erica and she has messed up all of Eric’s toys, will you help sort it out? Show ends Monday 4 May 2015. - Linda Regel Of course the higher rate (£41,865) and additional rate (£150,000) thresholds are also points where the rate increases, and consideration should be given to keeping income within the lower band. For taxpayers with income falling around these points it is crucial to consider what action can be taken to reduce exposure at the higher rate. In year pension contributions and gift aid contributions in the year or subsequent year will reduce the amount paid at these thresholds. The main attraction is inside with over 90 handson science and fun activities. The hands-on activities are mostly geared towards primary school and pre-school children. So decide if you need something big and shady, small and spiky or medium sized and flowery before you go the garden centre. Plants aren’t just a pretty face, they can earn their keep too! Q: My total income for the current tax year will be around £55,000. I am employed and so I assume there is very little I can do to save tax, any ideas? A: There are two critical thresholds of income that all tax payers need to be very aware of whether they are employed or self-employed. This is because the marginal rate of income tax can be very high once the threshold is breached. First, where a taxpayer is subject to the high income child benefit charge claw back with income between £50,000 and £60,000 this can lead to very high marginal rates where child benefit is claimed for a large number of children – for four children this is 72% and for eight children, 100%. The second critical threshold is taxable income between £100,000 and £120,000 where the £10,000 2015/15 personal allowance is abated at the rate of £1 for every £2 of income. If the income in question is non dividend income this gives a marginal rate of 60%. So for example, if you have two children aged 12 and 9 then in the current tax year you will receive child benefit of £1,770. Because your income is more than £50,000 (and I have assumed your spouse earns less than £50,000) then you would be required to repay £885 of the child benefit. However, if you instead decided to make pension contribution in the year (2014/15) of net £4,000 then you would not have to repay the child benefit. HMRC would add a further £1,000 to your pension pot to make a total £5,000 contribution so an added benefit. In summary a £5,000 contribution to your pension pot would only cost you £3,115 (£4,000 less £885). Any reader interested in discussing this topic further can telephone Graham Jennings on 01344 875000. Send your taxation and accounting queries to Graham Jennings, Kirk Rice LLP, The Courtyard, High Street, Ascot SL5 7HP Email graham.jennings@kirkrice.co.uk. Please note: answers are given for general guidance only and specific advice should be taken before acting on any of the suggestions made. 8 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 TASIS in partnership with Samsung John Breidenstine, US Embassy Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs; Mr. McBrien, Headmaster; Jack Severino, grade 8; Lord Mayor Waddell; Savanna Bresenham, grade 12; and Andy Griffiths, President of Samsung UK & Ireland. The TASIS England Centre for Innovation, Inspiration, and Exploration is the latest development on campus that reflects the School’s commitment to forward thinking and visionary education. Created in partnership with Samsung, the Centre features cutting edge technology to support the Robotics programme and courses in Digital Design and Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS). Andy Griffiths, President of Samsung UK & Ireland joined Headmaster Michael McBrien, and Peter Waddell, Mayor of Runnymede for the launch. Students demonstrated the work they have accomplished with the new equipment in robotics, 3-D printing, and an exciting high altitude weather balloon launch project—where students track a camera-equipped balloon that is propelled into the atmosphere. The journey up to more than 100,000 feet will be documented by the video recorder strapped to the frame, along with its descent and final landing point in East Anglia. TASIS is the first school in Europe to feature a display wall, which allows students to share ideas and to collaborate on projects by using screen mirroring from tablet to television. Robotics students use Samsung Galaxy TabPRO tablets to program their robots, and Start on the right foot www.notredame.co.uk computer design classes are learning to create objects with the new 3-D printer as they experiment with product design. The printer will allow mathematics classes to take their work from the page to more visible dimensions. The partnership with the Samsung Corporation and donations from TASIS parents have made this exciting new learning environment possible. As part of its commitment to developing young talent and opening the world of technological innovation to young minds, Samsung facilitated the purchase of much of the technology equipment. Local company MPL Interiors designed the new space and thoughtfully planned how the new learning areas in the room may be utilised to their fullest capacity. The clean, high-tech decor in the transformed building energizes the space and gives it a new direction for the future. The new Centre for Innovation, Inspiration, and Exploration gives both teachers and students access to technologies that promote advanced levels of instruction and collaboration. By fueling creativity and supporting entrepreneurial initiatives, this stateof-the-art setting and its programmes will equip and empower TASIS students for success in a world where the ability to embrace change is vital. "#"! #!%"$ ! Open Mornings " #" $"" "# $ # $ "# $ # " "" Open Days - UG 0DUFK and 11th -XQH 201 Notre Dame School, Cobham 01932 869990 February 2015 LIVING WITHIN Culture of success at The Marist The Marist Schools are independent Catholic day schools for girls aged 2½ - 18 years. The Marist welcomes all Christians and those supporting the school’s ethos. Both schools are situated within 55 acres of woodland on a single campus in the village of Sunninghill in Berkshire. This enables pupils to enjoy their childhood in the company of the same teachers and friends as they progress from the Preparatory School through to Senior School. The Marist Preparatory School offers a high level of education within a broad balanced curriculum in an atmosphere that is positive, supportive and friendly. Great emphasis is placed on pastoral care which is excellent throughout the school and is judged as outstanding in the Nursery. The School nurtures each child as an individual. Exploration and creativity enable our Nursery girls to take those all-important first steps in their schooling. There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer which are age appropriate and facilities are available for after school care. At the Senior school, dedicated and highly qualified staff foster a respect for learning that enables Marist girls to achieve consistently high academic results in their public examinations, year on year. This culture of success and excellence puts The Marist amongst the highest ranking schools in the country and allows Sixth formers to progress on to higher education in Russell Group Universities, Universities abroad and within the UK. The schools also enjoy an outstanding reputation for sport, drama, music and the creative arts. Both school’s offer before and after school care and a generous sibling discount scheme. Scholarships are available for entry into Years 3, 7 & and the Sixth Form. For more information or to request a prospectus, please visit: www.themaristschools.com Royal Holloway attracts a record number of students Royal Holloway, University of London has received more than 16,000 undergraduate applications, competing for around 2,500 places available in the next academic year. The figures, released by UCAS, represent a record high for Royal Holloway with overall demand increasing by 14.7%, a much faster growth than the sector as a whole which is up by 2.3%. Professor Paul Layzell, Principal of Royal Holloway, said: "These figures are a testament to the hard work everyone across the College has made and to the excellence of our academic programmes, our superb campus environment and the closeknit nature of our community. We are pleased that our applications show we are succeeding in encouraging more bright students than ever before to apply to Royal Holloway and we look forward to welcoming them in September." These figures come in the wake of the Research Excellence Framework results confirming that Royal Holloway University sits within the top 25% of universities in the UK for research which is rated ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent'. Papplewick boys brave the freeze in Dorset All Year 8 students from Papplewick School, Ascot, recently travelled down to Dorset to collect data required for their Common Entrance projects. While studying the river from source to mouth, the students were expected to challenge the ‘Bradshaw model’ and see if the West Corfe River followed the ‘textbook’ characteristics expected. The boys measured the width and depth of the river as well as the velocity and cross-sectional area. One boy had to fish out rocks from the riverbed to SCHOOLS LIVING WITHIN measure the change in pebble size and angularity at the different sites along the river channel, while the others worked out complicated mathematical calculations of the Mean Discharge of the river. "Despite the freezing temperatures, the boys had smiles on their faces throughout, and were a real pleasure to be with," said Tom Bunbury, Headmaster. "They were professional while working in their groups and collecting their data, and we’re hoping that the projects reflect their clear enthusiasm and enjoyment." COLLEGES - SPECIAL REPORT For details on how to feature your school email claire@livingwithin.com Girls 3-11, Boys 3-7 Spring Term Open Morning Saturday 7th March 2015 10.00 am - 12.00 noon Tel: 01276 855707 www.coworthflexlands.co.uk 9 10 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 Talented young people congratulated at Royal Borough awards ceremony More than 200 young people were recently recognised and congratulated at an awards ceremony in Maidenhead. They were presented with their Bronze and Silver Duke of Edinburgh Awards as well as certificates from the Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network. The Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network is a curriculum development organisation and awarding body offering programmes and qualifications that develop skills for life and for learning and future employment. The youth service currently offers SCHOOLS programmes including volunteering, music, history, cake making and decorating, peer tutoring and expedition skills. The event was hosted by Cllr Phill Bicknell, cabinet member for children's services and David Scott, head of education, strategy and commissioning. The Mayor, Cllr Richard Kellaway presented the awards. Cllr Bicknell said: "The positives created by our young people, whether in educational achievement or volunteering successes make these awards extremely worthwhile indeed." COLLEGES LIVING WITHIN - SPECIAL REPORT For details on how to feature your school email claire@livingwithin.com Alan Carr and Linda Stacey head up new development team at Charters Linda Stacey, Martyn Parker, Alan Carr MBE and Richard Pilgrim (Co-Headteacher) Charters School in Sunningdale has announced the appointment of a Development Manager, Linda Stacey and a Development Ambassador Alan Carr, MBE, to build on the success of the school, to drive forward partnerships in the community and to pursue opportunities for fundraising. They will be looking at all aspects of development including the funding plans for a brand new community sports facility. Linda and Alan would love to hear from staff and parents with any ideas or comments. Linda said: "Charters is an outstanding school with great teachers and I am tremendously excited to be a part of its future. The development role is a relatively new concept in state schools and it’s great to see an important school like this taking the initiative and establishing plans to ensure it has the resources and partnerships it needs to succeed in the 21st Century." Alan said: "I am delighted to have been offered this unique opportunity as the Development Ambassador for Charters School which I see as the heart and future of our community. "I am looking forward to the enormous fundraising challenges ahead, especially fulfilling Charters’ aspirations of providing the Academy students and wider community with a £2,000,000 state of the art sports facility and inspiring its members to a healthier lifestyle." Martyn Parker, Co-Headteacher, explained: "Charters School is proud of our productive and enriching links with the local and wider community but, by adding Linda and Alan’s expertise to our Development Team, we now have the capacity to do even more in this area in the future." February 2015 LIVING WITHIN Outstanding success at Coworth Flexlands Coworth Flexlands is a small independent preparatory school that is co-educational from Nursery to Year 2, with girls only from Years 3 to 6. The school prides itself on excellent academic results. Coworth Flexlands' boys attain places at top prep schools and the girls secure the senior school of their choice at 11 years with many achieving recognition of excellence – in 2014 over half the Year 6 girls won a Scholarship or Award. Coworth Flexlands believes its outstanding success is borne out of dedication to a caring, stimulating and happy environment. As a small school, each pupil is treated as an individual. Through a safe, nurturing environment, with a strong Christian ethos, Coworth Flexlands promotes each child’s educational and pastoral needs. With specialist subject teachers throughout the school, and small class sizes, Coworth Flexlands ensures an inspiring approach from experts who are able to track every child’s progress, contributing to high achievement in academics, music, creative and performing arts. Coworth Flexlands, near Chobham, sits in over 13 acres. The Early Years have the opportunity to become outdoor explorers and the older children to succeed in sport. Coworth Flexlands is committed to developing independent, confident, creative thinkers who will continue to make significant contributions as future world citizens. For information please contact Sally Condie on 01276 855707 Valley End, Chobham, GU24 8TE www.coworthflexlands.co.uk 11 Developing skills for future success Access to the virtual world can be an effective educational tool, and TASIS The American School in England uses technology across its curriculum to enhance classroom learning. From the interactive learning wall and 3D printer in the school’s new Centre for Innovation, Inspiration, and Exploration, to the touch tables used in the Kindergarten, students of all ages regularly harness the power of technology. “It’s more than just encouraging academic ability, it’s about nurturing potential,” says Headmaster Michael McBrien. “Being able to offer the most advanced classroom facilities and equipment helps us to do that.” Small classes and an experienced faculty provide highly individualised attention, encouragement, and challenge. TASIS students thrive in an atmosphere that celebrates the school’s international population and encourages the ability to understand multiple perspectives. Academics are balanced by participation in a broad range of activities. The school’s focus on character development, communication skills, and the ability to challenge thinking produces rounded, confident, high-achieving students. In addition to a forward-thinking, broadbased American curriculum, TASIS offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma to qualified post-GCSE students. TASIS graduates gain acceptance to prestigious universities in the UK, the US, and worldwide. See www.tasisengland.org for more information 12 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 Luxury family living from Bewley Homes in South Ascot Set within perfectly manicured gated grounds, Glenmead and Byways are situated in one of the most desirable residential roads in Ascot, consisting of large architecturally varied family homes in generous plots. This is a prime part of the capital city's commuterland where large houses are routinely demolished to make way for even larger houses. Where one home with tennis court once stood on the south eastern side of Friary Road adjoining the junction with Monks Walk, Glenmead and Byways now stand in all their splendid Georgian-featured modern glory. The area is very well known for its variety and quality of schooling facilities, with Friary Road falling within the catchment of Charters Sports and Science college and private schools such as The Marist, Coworth Flexlands and TASIS all nearby. St Francis Catholic Primary School sits directly opposite Glenmead and Byways. While tucked away off the main road in a woodland setting, Glenmead and Byways are within strolling distance of South Ascot shops and Ascot railway station is just 1 mile away. Step inside Byways to a large hallway providing access to all the ground floor's main rooms, including a large study, drawing room, family room and kitchen perfectly styled with ornate mouldings, high skirting boards and deep sash windows. The kitchen and orangery - which features large bi-folidng doors to the garden - is perfect for family life. The tidy landscape garden features mature shrubs and trees and has the added bonus of a secret garden planted with spring bulbs. Spacious bedrooms 5, 6 and games room are all on the second floor. There's even a large area up there where the whole house ventilation system sits, that's perfect for storage. Glenmead and Byways have under floor heating to all floors, fully fitted security alarm systems, CAT 5E wiring - and stunning chandeliers in the entrance hallways. These properties are on the market at a guide price of £4.25 million. Contact Richard Cracknell at Edwards & Elliott 01344 623411. The kitchen features bespoke Charles Rennie Mackintosh painted in-frame shaker kitchen with composite stone worktops and upstands. The chef of the house can perform their magic on stainless steel finished appliances consisting of a Falcon Range Cooker and extractor hood, Miele multi-function Pyrolytic oven, steam oven, warming drawers and an integrated microwave combination oven. Other appliances include two fridge/freezers, wine cooler, coffee machine and Quooker boiling water tap. For the chief bottle washer there's an integrated dishwasher. Inside a large utility room / boot room there's a Miele washing machine, condensing tumble dryer and water softener. On the opposite side of the room a door leads to what must be one of the most stunning guest/staff suites we've ever seen, comprising a bed sitting room, en-suite and kitchenette. Back out in the entrance hallway, a sweeping staircase with architectural black decorative metal balustrade and chrome handrail leads the way to four bedrooms on the first floor. The master bedroom features a large dressing room, ensuite and access to a balcony. LAST TWO REMAINING Surpassing all expectations Ascot, one of the world’s most exclusive addresses. Enter Montrose and Kingsland Court and you’ll be in no doubt. A short walk to the vibrant high street, this is gracious living on a grand scale. These individually crafted apartments of distinction offer a lifestyle that simply surpasses all expectations. Large 2 bedroom apartments • Secure under croft parking with lift access • All have south facing patio garden or balcony • Close to Ascot Racecourse • Easy access to Heathrow Airport, M3, M25 and M4 LONDON ROAD | ASCOT | BERKSHIRE | SL5 7EQ Price guide: £895,000 to £975,000 Call 01344 623 662 Email ascot@bewley.co.uk or visit www.bewley.co.uk Land & New Homes February 2015 LIVING WITHIN NO STAMP DUTY Surpassing all expectations. 'LENMEADAND"YWAYSTWOOFTHEMOSTELEGANTGATEDPROPERTIESINTHEAFmUENT village of Ascot. Substantial in their size, exquisite in their style. This is the ultimate in sophisticated living. 3IXBEDROOMHOMESs)NTERNALSTUDIOmATs4RIPLEGARAGEs3UBSTANTIALLANDSCAPEDGARDENS Swift access to the M25 and M4 • Sunningdale and Wentworth Golf courses nearby FRIARY ROAD | ASCOT | BERKSHIRE | SL5 9HD Price: £4,250,000 Email: sales@bewley.co.uk Viewing by Appointment Only Please contact Edwards & Elliott Phone: 01344 623411 13 14 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 Sunningdale £1,975,000 An imposing & highly spacious detached family home enjoying lovely grounds of approximately three quarters of an acre, set in a very popular location. Reception Hall, Cloakroom, Four Reception Rooms, Kitchen/Breakfast Room, Conservatory, Utility Room, Two Bedroom Suites plus Two Further Double Bedrooms & Bathroom, Second Floor Double Bedroom with Dressing Room, Shower Room and Sitting Room, Triple Garage with Annexe Over, Gated In & Out Drive. EPC- D60. Thorpe Green £950,000 An exceptional newly refurbished home providing over 2,000 square feet of living accommodation, occupying a private plot of approximately 0.4 acres. Reception Hall, Sitting Room, Kitchen/Breakfast/Family Room, Master Bedroom with En Suite Shower Room, Three Further Double Bedrooms, Family Bathroom, Utility Room, Driveway accessed via Electronically Operated Gates, Large Private Mature Garden, Summerhouse. EPC- C75. Virginia Water £750,000 An attractive and immaculately presented detached family home enjoying private mature gardens, situated in a highly popular residential road. Entrance Hall, Cloakroom, Kitchen/Breakfast Room open to Dining Room/Drawing Room, Conservatory, Family/Games Room, Master Bedroom with En Suite Shower Room, Three Further Bedrooms, Family Bathroom, Single Garage, Off Street Parking, Private Rear Gardens. EPC- D62. 01344 845050 6 Station Approach, Virginia Water Surrey GU25 4DL buckinghams.com February 2015 LIVING WITHIN Wentworth Estate 15 £3,795,000 A beautifully appointed brand new Runnymede Homes built residence offering exceptional accommodation over three storeys, with grounds approaching half an acre in a lovely tree lined setting. Grand Reception Hall, Cloakroom, Drawing Room, Dining Room, Study, Kitchen/Breakfast Room open to Family Room, Utility Room, Stunning Master Bedroom Suite with Sitting Room, Dressing Area and Excellent Bath & Shower Room, Four Further Bedroom Suites, Au Pair Suite above Double Garage. EPC- B83. Wentworth Estate £3,950,000 A stunning brand new three storey residence having been completed to an excellent specification and finish, situated conveniently close to the heart of Virginia Water village. Reception Hall, Cloakroom, Drawing Room, Dining Room, Study, Wonderful Kitchen/Breakfast/Family Room, Utility with 2nd Cloakroom, Exquisite Master Bedroom Suite, Five Further Bedroom Suites, Top Floor Laundry Room, Double Garage with Annexe Suite over, Easterly facing Gardens of approaching Half an Acre. EPC-C80. 01344 845050 6 Station Approach, Virginia Water Surrey GU25 4DL buckinghams.com 16 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 Wentworth Estate £4,600,000 A brand new Georgian style residence built by award winning developer Bridgewater New Homes Ltd, offering superbly finished accommodation and enjoying landscaped South Westerly facing grounds of one acre. Reception Hall, Cloakroom, Study, Drawing Room, Dining Room, Kitchen/Breakfast/Family Room, Cinema Room, Sitting Room & Games Room opening out to Private Courtyard, Utility Room, Four Full Bedroom Suites plus large Guest/Staff Bedroom Suite, Detached Triple Garage. EPC- B82. Sunninghill Guide £3,000,000 An intelligently designed and extremely spacious brand new home constructed by the highly regarded developers Belvedere, enjoying South Westerly facing rear gardens in a superb private road location. Grand Reception Hall, Cloakroom, Drawing Room, Dining Room, Study, Kitchen/Breakfast Room open to Family Room, Utility Room, Boot Room & 2nd Cloakroom, Four Full Bedroom Suites, Fifth Double Bedroom, Media Room/Bedroom Six, Bath/Shower Room, Annexe/Games Room over Double Garage. EPC- B87. 01344 845050 6 Station Approach, Virginia Water Surrey GU25 4DL buckinghams.com February 2015 LIVING WITHIN Wentworth Estate 17 £6,500,000 An imposing Tarrant built home providing superb family accommodation & enjoying wonderful private grounds approaching two acres in an excellent location. Grand Reception Hall leading to Library Area, Cloakroom, Drawing Room, Dining Room, Family/Cinema Room, Study, Kitchen/Breakfast Room, Utility Room, Master Bedroom Suite with Spacious Bathroom, Two Dressing Rooms & Balcony, Guest Bedroom Suite with Balcony, Four Further Bedrooms (Three En Suite), Shower Room, Detached Single Storey One Bedroom Annexe, Triple Garage. EPC- D68. Wentworth Estate £6,000,000 A truly unique bespoke residence constructed in a 17th Century farmhouse style using reclaimed materials, complemented by beautifully manicured grounds in excess of one and a quarter acres and enjoying panoramic views across Wentworth Golf Course. Grand Reception Hall with Vaulted Ceiling, Cloakroom, Triple Aspect Drawing Room, Dining Room, Study/Library, Superb Open Plan Kitchen/Breakfast/Family Room, Conservatory, Utility Room, Master Bedroom Suite with Balcony, Two Guest Suites, Two Further Bedrooms, Bathroom, Triple Garage with large Annexe over, Landscaped South Easterly Facing Grounds, Direct Access Onto Wentworth Golf Course. EPC- D65. 01344 845050 6 Station Approach, Virginia Water Surrey GU25 4DL buckinghams.com 18 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 Residential Sales & Lettings A G E N T S O PE N H O U SE E S T A T E 7 High Street, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7JF t: 01344 876666 e: sales@carr.co.uk lettings@carr.co.uk w: www.carr.co.uk SOUTH ASCOT £368,000 JENNETTS PARK £475,000 WINKFIELD VILLAGE £825,000 A superbly presented modernised and extended three bedroom family home with beautiful Applewood kitchen/breakfast room within excellent school catchment and mainline station. Tel 01344 876666 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 31ST JANUARY 12pm – 1.00 pm A well presented four bedroom three storey detached home set within this sought after development close to excellent primary school. Tel 01344 876666 A superbly presented and well proportioned four bedroom detached home with modern kitchen/breakfast room. Three/four reception rooms, enclosed southerly aspect gardens great school catchments. Band C. Tel 01344 876666 TO LE T TO TO LE T ASCOT £990,000 Detached family home in exclusive residential road within excellent school catchments and with potential to enlarge and improve the accommodation and driveway. Offered with vacant possession. Tel 01344 876666 LE T ASC0T £650,000 A well presented and modernised four bedroom detached home having been extended to offer superb ground floor family accommodation. Set in this private quiet cul-de-sac. Band D. Tel 01344 876666 SUNNINGHILL £1,395 PCM SOUTH ASCOT £1,500 PCM ASCOT £1,900 PCM A 2 double bedroom 2 bathroom apartment with re-fitted kitchen. Set in communal grounds with garage & parking in the heart of Sunninghill. Available part furnished 17th February. Tel 01344 876666 A 3 bedroom 2 reception semi detached home with bath & shower rooms, kitchen & utility room. Driveway parking and enclosed rear garden. Available furnished 1st February. Tel 01344 876666 A 4 bedroom 2 reception/2 bathroom detached property with kitchen/ diner with bi-fold doors leading to garden. Set in this small quiet cul-de-sac near local schools. Available immediately unfurnished. Tel 01344 8876666 Hugh Williams Alan Carr Connor Osborough Lynda Campling 01344 876666 Pat Howard Debbie Lewis February 2015 LIVING WITHIN 19 Wentworth Estate £10,950 pcm A magnificent house of about 6,500 sq ft on the renowned Wentworth Estate just a short walk from the varied local shops, restaurants and railway station. Fitted with a mixture of wood flooring, ceramic tiling and high quality carpets as well as lavishly appointed interior designed curtains / blinds. EPC Rating D65. 7 beds Virginia Water 5 baths 6 2 receptions garage 0.6 acres £5,600 pcm A superb end of terrace town house on this luxury development with 24 hour security and fabulous leisure facilities for the sole use of the residents and their guests including an indoor swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna and gym as well as two outdoor tennis court. Refurbished to include a new kitchen/breakfast room, new bathrooms and carpets. EPC Rating: D63. 5 beds swimming pool 3 baths gym 4 receptions 2 garage Virginia Water £3,500 pcm Situated in a most convenient position, a few hundred yards from the pretty shopping parades of Virginia Water with its excellent shops for day to day needs, restaurants and mainline railway station with a fast service of trains to Waterloo in 42 minutes. Available for a 6 month rental. EPC Rating: D68. 4 beds 2 baths 6 2 receptions garage 0.33 acre approx The Estate Office - Wentworth - Virginia Water - Surrey - GU25 4DL. UK T: +44(0)1344 843000 - W: bartonwyatt.co.uk 20 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 Tel: 01372 471111 Email: sales@catco.co.uk CLAYGATE £625,000 Web: www.catco.co.uk Email: lettings@catco.co.uk CLAYGATE £710,000 Rarely available; an immaculately presented ground floor luxury apartment with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The property has the advantage of it’s own private garden and 2 private parking spaces. Situated in this sought after location within easy reach of Claygate’s shops and railway station. A beautifully presented and deceptively spacious three bedroom character cottage approximately half a mile from the station. Fabulous open plan kitchen/family area with bi-fold doors leading onto a superb West facing garden. Must be seen! CLAYGATE HINCHLEY WOOD £600,000 £1,295,000 Traditional semi detached home located in this favoured road offering excellent extension potential subject to the usual consents. The property benefits from three bedrooms and good size rear garden. Viewing recommended! Fabulous family home with excellent well planned family accommodation imaginatively designed with a wonderful rear garden. Conveniently situated for all of the amenities of Hinchley Wood. Early viewing recommended! CLAYGATE CLAYGATE £449,000 Superb 3 bedroom family home located opposite a central green and offering well planned accommodation which is very well presented throughout. Excellent rear garden and to the front off street parking. Internal viewing highly recommended! £2,650 PCM A very spacious four bedroom detached house with a lovely south facing garden ideally located in this small select cul-de-sac literally within a few minute’s walk of the village, K3 bus route and main line station. Available immediately. February 2015 LIVING WITHIN CLAYGATE Situated in one of the most popular roads in Claygate is this beautiful detached family home of approximately 2788 sq ft. This fantastic home is ideally situated for local schools, the village centre, and Claygate train station giving access to London Waterloo. Energy rating C. MASTER BEDROOM WITH EN SUITE, 4 FURTHER BEDROOMS, 3 RECEPTION ROOMS, BATHROOM, KITCHEN, GARAGE, GARDEN 21 C LD ST SO Guide Price: £1,350,000 CLAYGATE Old Point is an attractive and substantial, five bedroom, two bathroom, traditional tile hung detached family home enviably located in the heart of the Ruxley Heights estate. Ruxley Heights is perfectly located in the charming Surrey village of Claygate with its fine variety of local shops and main line station offering fast and frequent links to London Waterloo. Energy rating D. MASTER BEDROOM WITH DRESSING ROOM AND EN SUITE, 4 FURTHER BEDROOMS, BATHROOM, 2 RECEPTION ROOMS, KITCHEN/BREAKFAST ROOM, 2 UTILITY ROOMS, STUDY, CONSERVATORY, GARAGE, GARDEN. E R FO L A S Guide Price: £1,350,000 There is a lack of property currently available and we have applicants looking across all price ranges. Call us now for a confidential market appraisal to discuss this further. Doug Parks Branch Manager ESHER 01372 462211 esher@johndwood.co.uk www.johndwood.co.uk 22 LIVING WITHIN February 2015 Tarragon Chicken Poach the chicken pieces in a roasting tray, covered with water, few lemon wedges and a pinch of salt. Oven at 160c, this will probably take 30mins or so. Remove to a plate to cool, and then put into the fridge to chill. Allow the chicken to get cold before taking from the fridge and slicing quite thinly. This is a really delicious dish which is quick to prepare. Hope you enjoy. YOU WILL NEED Serves 4 - 6 People 4 skinless chicken fillets 1 pack fresh tarragon 1 200g jar Hellmann’s mayonnaise 1 medium pot sour cream About 6 sun-dried tomatoes sliced thinly Seasoning Juice and zest of 1 lemon 1 lemon for poaching chicken The sauce is very easy simple beat the sour cream into the mayonnaise to a smooth mixture, add the zest and juice of a lemon. Chop the tarragon quite finely and add to the sauce along with seasoning to taste. Now mix the chicken into the sauce and turn out onto your favourite serving plate. Finally decorate with the strips of sundried tomato. Lovely with a green salad and new potatoes with chopped mint. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• When she’s not writing, Elizabeth runs her own catering business. She has also set up an initiative with volunteers who help feed patients at Kingston Hospital at meal times. Looking for something NICE FOR MUM this Mother’s Day? FOR TOP GIFTS, RESTAURANTS AND MUCH MORE READ OUR SPECIAL MOTHER’S DAY EDITION NEXT MONTH Advertisers - Email claire@livingwithin.com St Valentine, the patron saint of lovers, celebrated for centuries on 14 February each year in spite of there being no clear single identity for him or striking reason why he has become associated quite so completely with romantic love. Nevertheless, the name Valentine is very much associated with hearts and flowers and all things pertaining to lovers and his Feast day is documented as being so connected as far back as the late 1300s when Chaucer made reference to St Valentine’s day in his poem The Parliament of Fowls; the birds of the air gather on this particular day in this particular poem to plead for and choose their mates (some, it must be said, more successfully than others). Modern day St Valentine sentiment may be considered to have become a little formulaic and lacking in imagination. There is attached to Valentine’s day, as with so many other religious days of observance, a bit of an industry, and cards and gifts may tend toward the cheesy and the more general rather than the personal. An anonymous card sent to the object of one’s affection may suffice for the young and the young at heart but, assuming that, like me, you are past the stage of furtive cards and mystery admirers, how best might one push the boat out and show that you care this St Valentine’s Feast? You could book a table at a restaurant and let someone else do the cooking. You will, of course, have to sit with other Valentine couples trying hard to find a little personal romantic space in a public setting, and you will probably need to have planned well ahead good restaurants will be busy - but there is no doubt that good food cooked by an expert can be a treat. But to avoid the cliché, not to mention the slight awkwardness of attempting romance against all the odds in a crowded room, you could stay home instead and cook for your beloved. It is probably best to Invest in something a little special ingredient-wise, chill a bottle of bubbles, with no need to worry about who is going to be noble and drive home afterwards, and do make a dessert. I would avoid, however, going in for anything that is going to take hours of work or likely to be in any way a disappointment in terms of reaction gained against time spent or from over ambitious menu planning. As the old dictum has it “Faites Simple”. While a little luxury is unlikely to go amiss and pains should be taken to avoid the humdrum for this particular week night supper, this doesn’t have to mean a multicoursed extravaganza either. Choose what you will, a good steak or something roasted if you like, but some shellfish I think would be perfect; lobster, perhaps, if your wallet runs to it, but, if not maybe some clams or prawns. Mixing any of these with a little pasta will stretch them to a filling supper with a touch of the exotic about them and they couldn’t be easier or faster to cook. Clams require scrubbing when you bring them home, individually, under clear, cool, running water; any open ones that don’t close up when they are tapped should be discarded before cooking, and conversely, any that don’t open up when cooked should be discarded after. Once washed, leave them covered with a cool damp cloth (or newspaper) in a cool place (the salad compartment of the fridge is probably best) until you are ready to cook them. When you are ready to eat, place a large pan of water on to boil for the pasta (linguine or spaghetti would be good), and, when it is boiling, salt it well. In the meantime, heat a wide, shallow, heavy-based pan, one for which you have a lid and one in which the clams will sit comfortably in one layer, add a little oil and a clove or two of garlic, sliced or chopped, and, as soon as the garlic starts to cook (and well before it starts to burn) add a generous splash of white wine, and/or a few diced, skinned and seeded fresh tomatoes. When, all is good and hot, throw in the clams, clamp on the lid and time for about 3 minutes, cooking all the time over a fairly high heat and shaking the pan a couple of times during cooking. Check after 3 minutes and, if the majority of the clams are open wide and looking plumply ready, turn off the heat, sprinkle the whole with some chopped fresh parsley, check and adjust the seasoning (ie add salt and/or ground black pepper to taste) and give a quick stir. Leave, uncovered, to one side until the pasta is done. If you are feeling perfectionistic, you can remove about two thirds of the clams from their shells, leaving a few with shells intact to look decorative, and you can strain off the sauce and reduce it a little to concentrate the flavour (before seasoning) but neither step is strictly necessary. While the clams are cooking, cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packet but set your timer for a minute less than those instructions say that it will take to cook. When time is up (bar that minute), test the pasta for doneness - it should retain a little hardness at its core but be almost cooked through. Remove the pasta from its boiling water (using tongs, a spaghetti fork or a large slotted spoon or spider) and put it into the pan with the clams; turn the heat back on under the pan. Toss the pasta with the clams until it is well coated with the sauce that the clams have given off and serve immediately (sprinkled with a gesture of olive oil and more chopped parsley if you like). From start to finish, the whole thing can be made in just a little longer than the time it has taken for you to cook the pasta. Lobster can be added to pasta in similar fashion; if it is already cooked (as I am assuming is likely) you can warm chopped lobster flesh (with or without shell attached) with similar ingredients used as a base to those that I have suggested for the clams (you will not need a fiercely high heat this time - cooked lobster requires only gentle warming, not further cooking). You may want to soften some finely chopped fennel in a pan and add a small splash of pastis and a scant sprinkling of chopped tarragon as substitutes for the garlic, white wine and parsley (allow the fennel to cook gently until it is nice and soft before adding the lobster) - these gently sweet aniseed flavours, if not overdone and overpowering, can complement lobster very well. Tomato gives additional colour and flavour, but is, as for the clams, entirely optional. Given that it is Valentine’s day, whether you choose to stare doe-eyed at each other across a shared dish of noodles, like that famous scene from Disney’s “Lady and The Tramp”, is your affair entirely and I shall not make any further suggestions except to say that I would add a simple dessert - a crème brulée, a melting chocolate fondant, or perhaps a pink tinged cake of some sort - and to wish you all a Happy St Valentine’s Day. Erica x www.acookinthekitchen.co.uk www.acooksblog.com “Spice a dish with love and it pleases every palate” ~Plautus marketplace monthly February 2015 LIVING WITHIN 23 to advertise phone 01276 858750 Innovative business solutions – Offering a wide portfolio of Accounting, financial & business outsourcing services with a personal touch. Added value – The figures in the accounts are just the starting point, our job is to help our clients become more profitable as a business, for less effort. 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