Life @ North Lake We are in the midst of a worship series called, “Living the Lifestyle.” Most simply, it’s all about identifying what God is doing so we can join Him in it. It is like surfers catching the vision of (the wave) of God’s purpose. February 2015 Inside this issue: One of the best “surfboards” available to us is a new brochure - “Life @ North Lake, Church Ministries.” Here are dozens of ways to grow and to serve. Remember - Vision isn’t about doing something and then asking God to bless it. If you don’t have a copy of “Life@North Lake, Church Ministries,” pick up a copy today so that we can all become more skilled at riding the wave of God’s purpose. We also want to introduce you to our new Vision & Mission Statements. Vision Statement: “To Grow the Community of Christ Followers.” Mission Statement: “Be Christ Followers who share Christ’s love with the community through our words and actions.” On Sunday, February 15, we will celebrate “Life @ North Lake” by offering our financial commitment card to God for all He is doing here at North Lake. Thanks for being part of our North Lake family. Pastor’s Letter 2 Pastor Mike’s Letter 3 FAB Tuesday 4 PW Circle Meetings 4 PW News 5 Christian Food Pantry 6 Youth 7 LOGOS 7 February Birthdays 8 Letter from Holly R. 9 Little Blessings 10 Stop Hunger 10 Flower Ministry Update 11 OHB 60’s Bash 12 Pictures 14 Military Prayers 14 Pastor Denny Behind the Scenes at NLPC - Church Staff Sallie Matteson Traditional Music Asst. Gerry and Sallie moved to Lady Lake in 1985 from Williamsville, NY, but lived most of their lives in Elmira, NY. Gerry was vicepresident of purchasing for a refrigeration company. Sallie had been a registered nurse and worked in the Emergency Room and then worked in a private doctor's office as an RN and also as an Office Manager. Wind Ensemble, North Lake Concert Orchestra and many other groups. Sallie also sings in the NLPC Chancel Choir. Sallie played flute in symphony orchestras, operas, chamber orchestras, musicals and wind ensembles and taught flute privately for 30 years and studied flute privately at Ithaca College for 25 years. She still performs here with the Villages Concert Band, Villages Philharmonic Orchestra, Jerry is an avid softball player. They joined NLPC in 2000 and Sallie has worked in the music department since that time. They have 2 daughters, 3 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren, who are a joy, but whom they do not get to see very often. Page 2 Good Newsletter The Pastor’s Letter An Update About My June 30 Retirement February 2015 Dear North Lake Members and Friends, It seems like yesterday that I announced my intention to retire as North Lake’s Senior Pastor on June 30, 2015. Yes, you could say that my fall in the Fellowship Hall (resulting in a complete shoulder replacement) and my diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease brought me to this point. I believe these made some impact on my decision, but mostly I feel it is the right time for Sandy and me and for North Lake. We are half way to the day I will retire. I feel North Lake is in a great position to move forward: financially strong, a dedicated, experienced, able staff and a wonderful new facility. We are blessed with many dynamic and effective ministries that impact our community daily. Our Senior Pastor Search Committee has completed their denominational paperwork and should be accepting resumes in February. Do you know a pastor who would be a good “fit” for North Lake? If so encourage that pastor to apply for our position. (Check our website at And finally pray for this search process, that we find just the person God has in store. Next month I will tell you the plans Sandy and I have for retirement. PASTOR DENNY Church Office News The submittal deadline for the March Newsletter is February 9th. Submit your articles to: For the latest information at NLPC, check out our website: Office Hours are: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 am. - Noon Joined the Church Triumphant Please pray for the families of: Mary Jane Wardle Lucy Palmer Betty Noyes Joan Dunton Marilyn Watts Bill Koontz Carol Spencer Chris Bunkoff Lou Nahrup Don Ament Page 3 February 2015 Letter from Associate Pastor Michael Smith Family, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”(1 Thessalonians 5:16). We have been blessed with immeasurable blessings from God. A country where we are free to worship our Lord and Savior. A state where you can do outdoor activities in January. A city that caters to one’s every need. A church where the joy of the Lord is present and the grace of God is active and flowing. When our time on this earth has come; then our merciful God promises us eternal life without pain, sorrow, frustration, mourning or sickness. An eternal life with friends and family. We have been given everything one could ever ask for or dream possible. We are a blessed people who serve a mighty God. May the year of 2015 be one of great rejoicing and thanksgiving for our abundant blessings in Christ. “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues to all generations”(Psalm 100: 4-5). All for Jesus, Pastor Mike Communication Card Ministry Toby’s Angels The Communication Card Ministry needs volunteers who can help to call visitors that sign the cards each Sunday. This should only take a few minutes each month. I would email you the names and you would probably need to call only 4 or 5 different people each month. It is very rewarding to talk to new people. If interested, please email me at or call 352-753-77622. Blessings to you, Gail Marineau. TOBY'S ANGELS is looking for a few good hearts to visit and share stories with residents of care facilities who often do not receive visitors. This is a very rewarding ministry, and these “angels” often receive more than they give. If you feel this is your calling, please contact Jean and Don Beckett at 352-259-3068. Page 4 Good Newsletter This Month’s F. A. B. TUESDAY Activities & Meals PW Circle Meetings ABIGAIL Wed., Feb. 11, 9:30 a.m. Faith Room Leader: Nancy Will (259-5714) February Activities February Menu Tuesday, February 3 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Bethel, OT & NT (Hope Room) 3:30 p.m. - Men’s Gathering (Faith Room) 6:00 p.m. - Debi Girald from the Sheriff Youth Ranch will be our guest speaker. Tuesday, February 3 Baked Pork Roast Stuffing w/Gravy Buttered Green Peas Roll & Butter Banana Pudding Tuesday, February 10 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Bethel, OT & NT (Hope Room) 3:30 p.m. - Men’s Gathering (Faith Room) 6:00 p.m. - Valentine Celebration with loved ones, family and friends. Hear some music and maybe even dance a little! Tuesday, February 10 Meat Loaf w/Sweet Tomato Topping Scalloped Potatoes Seasoned Green Beans Biscuit & Butter Apple Pie w/Whipped Topping Tuesday, February 17 - FAT Tuesday 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Bethel, OT & NT (Hope Room) 3:30 p.m. - Men’s Gathering (Faith Room) 6:00 p.m. - General Meeting of the Congregation. Tuesday, February 17 (Youth Dinner)* Pancakes Sausage Fruit Tuesday, February 24 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - Bethel, OT & NT (Hope Room) 3:30 p.m. - Men’s Gathering (Faith Room) 6:00 p.m. - Our guest speaker will be from the Guardian Ad Litem program. Tuesday, February 24 Roasted Beef w/Gravy Mashed Potatoes Oven Roasted Vegetables Dinner Roll & Butter Sugar-Sprinkled Cookies ***Activities are subject to change. *** *Dinner is being prepared by the Youth as a fund raiser for their mission trip. Tonight’s proceeds will go to the Youth. Note: Dinner served on Tuesdays from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. followed with activities. Child care is available at 6:00 p.m. (please register for child care when making reservations). Dinner: Adult $7.00, Child $3.50, family $20.00. Signup is in the lobby. ANNA Mon., Feb. 9, 6:30 p.m. Member’s Homes* Leader: Barbara Stickler (633-5821) DEBORAH Thur., Feb.12, 9:30 a.m. Faith Room Leader: Rose Gorman (753-2207) ELIZABETH Mon., Feb. 9, 7:00 p.m. Members Homes* Leader: Joyce Corso (751-1121) ESTHER Wed., Feb. 11, 1:00 p.m. Hope Room Leader: Dottie Salchak (307-3833) NAOMI RUTH Tues., Feb. 10, 9:00 a.m. Faith Room Leader: Merial Heldt (603-3972) PRISCILLA Thurs., Feb.12, 1:00 p.m. Faith Room Leader: Janet Kobar (753-5446) REBEKAH Mon., Feb. 9, 10:00 a.m. Faith Room Leader: Gail Marineau (753-7762) *Contact circle leaders for location. February 2015 Page 5 Presbyterian Women (PW) PW PURPOSE Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves; to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the Church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom. In December, 48 people attended the Christmas Festival in Gainesville, FL, sponsored by PW Women. More than 800 knit hats made by Presbyterian Women were sent to the children of the Ocala National Forest for Christmas. As we continue into the new year there are even more opportunities to serve others while enjoying the fellowship of other Christian Women by participating in the PW activities listed in this month's newsletter. CT MEETING The meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 3rd, at 10:00 a.m. in the Faith Room with Kay Kennedy, Moderator, presiding. MISSION WORSHOP The workshop will be held on Tuesday, February 3rd, at 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Faith Room. ALL Women at North Lake are encouraged and invited to attend. Workshops are held monthly on the 1st Tuesday of each month and will continue in February, March and April. We will be working on more of our Mission Projects making baby blankets, stuffed animals, pillowcases, dresses and hats. Donations of fabric and yarn are needed. Even if you do not sew, we can use your help cutting patterns and assisting in other ways. This is a great opportunity to meet other women and enjoy fellowship together. be sold 1 for $5.00 or 3 for $10:00 beginning February 1st after Sunday services. The Quilt will be on display during this time. Proceeds from the raffle will be used for PW Mission Projects. PW ANNUAL LADIES TEA & FASHION SHOW The Fashion Show will be held on Friday, March 27th, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Plans for a " Mad Hatter Tea," this year's theme, are well underway under the direction of Vickie Ruddell and Emily Emigh. Fashions will be courtesy BELK. Cost $20.00. Get your tickets early before this event is sold out! PLANNING MEETING PWCFP BIBLE STUDY EVENT Will be on Monday, February 16th, at 3:00 p.m. in the Faith Room. QUILT RAFFLE MISSIONS MEETING A beautiful quilt has been donated to Presbyterian Women by the Central Florida Modern Quilting Guild in appreciation for using North Lake for their monthly meetings. Tickets will The meeting will be on Tues., February 24th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Faith Room. Jo Summers & Betty Lint, Co-Chairmen, will preside. Children’s Sunda y School Schedule This Year’s Theme: The Teaching Ministry of Jesus February: The Lord’s Prayer, Ash Wednesday, Beginning of Lent (Matthew 6:5-13) March: Jesus Washes the Disciples’ feet, Palm Sunday (John 13:1-17; Matthew 6:5-13) April: Easter, the Great Commission (Matthew 27:32-66; 28:1-10; Mark 15:21 thru 16:1-14; Luke 23:26 thru 24:12; Matthew 28:16-20) Teachers and helpers are always needed for Children’s Sunday School (ages 4 & 5 years, kindergarten through sixth grade). If you are interested, please call Judy Truscott (259-3371) Page 6 Good Newsletter Thank You From The Christian Food Pantry - Carrol Neal THANK YOU for your continuous support of the Christian Food Pantry, one of our many ministries at North Lake. With support from you and many other churches and organizations in the local community we were able to help 4,988 families for a total of 13,912 individuals in 2014. This compares to 4,275 families, 12,310 individuals in 2013. These families’ lives were lifted and some burdens were eased thanks to your generosity. About one third of our families also struggle to keep their family pet. These pets are the only companion for many of our elderly clients. Our pet ministry was able to provide pet food for those that needed it throughout the year. The pantry can only accomplish these works through the grace of God and the volunteer support from North Lake and other community residents. We have a total of 84 volunteers who work two hour shifts in the pantry doing things such as computer input, client interviews, sorting canned goods, and packaging food for clients; pick up and deliver donated items from Winn Dixie, Target, and Publix; take stale or very outdated items to local farms for animal consumption; and deliver donated items from NLPC the first Sunday of each month to the pantry. A big thank you to all of you volunteers, I am sure I don’t thank you enough, but know that we appreciate everything you do! We know there are many worthy causes and resources are limited. We appreciate your decision to support the Christian Food Pantry. We know that with wonderful people like you in our community, the Christian Food Pantry will be able to continue providing much needed, and appreciated services to our local residents in need. May God continue to bless you, our clients, volunteers and other donors. Thank you so much for your kindness. May you have a Happy and Blessed New Year! Food or Monetary Donations may be delivered or mailed to: 103 High Avenue, Lady Lake, FL 32159. Per Capita Apportionment In the box of stewardship (giving) envelopes you recently received, there is one labeled “ Per Capita Apportionment”. The donations received in those envelopes go directly to the Presbyterian denomination to help fund the expenses of the Central Florida Presbytery, the Synod and the General Assembly. This year’s per capita assessment has increased to $15.50 per member. We ask you to consider giving to support the work of the denomination. North Lake will host a healing service February 8, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. The program will include testimonials, inspirational music, communion and an opportunity for one-on-one healing prayer with pastors, elders and healing team members. Blood Pressure Checks Have your blood pressure checked by the Parish Nurses on the 3rd Sunday of the month between services. Page 7 February 2014 Youth - Chris Kao February is the romantic month of “Love”. February 10th The Youth are honored to celebrate FAB’s Valentine’s Day by decorating the Fellowship Hall. Over the past month they have been busy constructing hearts and roses and are looking forward to sharing their creative and artistic creations with you. We hope that you will join us on this special evening of romance with your special someone. February 17th North Lake Presbyterian Annual Meeting. The Youth are hosting Shrove Tuesday FAB Dinner and invite you to be their guest. LOGOS - Chris Kao The Lord has trusted North Lake to share His “Word” by bringing His children and youth to LOGOS. The enrollment is gradually increasing and there are happy children learning, sharing and having fun becoming a part of a family, God’s family. But with this blessing there is a need for more helpers. LOGOS needs are as follows: Shepherds –Simply escorting children from one place to another (2:30-5:30). Table Parents – Share dinner with a family of children and youth, engaging in conversation of love and concern, participate in a brief game and worship (5:10-7:10). Worship Leader – Someone that is called to direct worship (6:30-7:00). If you are able to share your gifts with the children and youth please contact Chris at Volunteer Opportunities We need a few volunteers to facilitate the 6-8 grade pre-teens in fellowship activities (board games inside, outside activities on church lawn) while being a positive adult in their lives. Please contact Pastor Mike by communication card, email or by calling the church office if you could help one or two Sunday’s a month between 11:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. On the Menu: Pancakes Sausage Fruit Cup Beverage February 28th at 3:30 p.m. Youth, let’s get ready for Worship as we take a bus ride to see “MERCY ME”. Mercy Me is an award winning Christian group with songs like “Beautiful” and “I Can Only Imagine” and the list goes on. We will meet in the Youth Area at 12:00 p.m. and return at 9:00 p.m. Your cost for the concert will be $10.00. Sign up in the Youth Area. For more information contact Ms. Chris at 352-408-4539. Getting To Know Your Youth….. Hailey Oquist is part of our youth who has been around the church since she was a youngster attending LOGOS as well as Sunday services with her family. Hailey is an active, fun loving teen that fills a room with her smile and laughter. Hailey currently enjoys studying Language Arts while attending middle school in the 8th grade. She would like to become either a doctor or develop her own clothing line. Fashion of shoes and jewelry is a great interest of Hailey’s with Bethany Mota being her favorite designer. She would like to travel to New York City or Paris one day. Her favorite colors are blue and pink. Her favorite food is Fruit Roll-Ups. She enjoys posting positive, inspiring quotes for others on her Instagram “to make them feel better about themselves.” Her favorite bible verse is Luke 17:3-4. If you see Hailey around, take a minute to “get to know her.” Page 8 Good Newsletter February Birthdays Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Feb. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 6 Gale Arent Anne Brown Shari Coklan Michael Goss Jane Kalins Margaret O’Donnell Larry Shafer Carol Vehling Joan Calhoun Blenda Littlejohn Geraldine Rutledge Adam Tilyou Ginny Wolff Glenn Dennison Beverly Koubek Dawn Ammon Joyce Ballard Cyndi Crutchfield Fran Faccone Gloria Glesne Margaret Wyks Brian Boyer Elizabeth Daum Phil Hammond Mary Hutchinson Charlene Wells Dennis Heasty Cheryl Hershberger Jean Lee Ruth List Bruce McClean Cheryl Reeder Joseph Ryu Feb. 7 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 Feb. 16 Feb. 17 Feb. 18 Patricia Bays Wanda Bolle William Clowes James Crutchfield Carolyn Longacre Ron Prehoda Linda Stene Renee Bash Ray Fischer Amanda Goldberg John Schneck Ronald Snare Rhiannon Logel Donna Arnott Ginny Evans Joan George Kjell Pedersen Elaine Silvia Lonnie Lerch Gerald Schafman Sue Patterson Louise Shuey Jean Connell Audrey Meagher Joe Myers Larry Noland Nancy Pedersen Dianne Damiano Don Miller Tom Rogers Cindy Mitchell Kathy Zehr Love INC The red gas cans located at the Missions Table (left side of the lobby) are for pocket change. The money collected is used to provide transportation for our clients for job interviews and doctor appointments. For more information, contact Betty Lint (7517185) or Char Zientara (750-9864). Feb. 19 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 Feb. 24 Feb. 26 Feb. 27 Feb. 28 Lyndsey Shatzer Karen Case Douglas Hughes Martha Jean Jones John Katsoulis Georgia Exner Judy Johnston Ted Klug Tricia Sutton Patricia Tschantz John C. Adams Desiree DePersia Nellie Inskeep Vickie Langkam Sallie Matteson Roger Mullinax Jeannie Gray Ellen Klug Gene Whitney Bob Wilkerson Kathleen Yuiska Charlotte Heasty Judy Kiley Tom Miller Stanley L. Neal Doris Radtke Mary Ruhl Joan Jones John Sotzing Men’s Breakfast The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 7:30 a.m. Please contact Elmer Wagner (753-0449) or ( for information on where they will be meeting. Page 9 February 2015 Travel Ministry/2015 Upcoming Trips My Community @ North Lake The Travel Ministry has many travel opportunities for 2015. As many of you heard or witnessed, God has blessed us all with the gift of community at North Lake. I would like to thank all of my North Lake family for letting me share, this holiday season, the message of community God had placed on my heart. 1. Avalon River Cruise August 9 21 from Budapest to Prague 2. Avalon River Cruise August 30 September 6 from Zurich to Amsterdam 3. Globus Italian Highlights September 3 - 10 from Milan to Milan 4. Cosmos Italian Lakes Sept. 10 17 From Milan to Milan All prices vary by cabin for River Cruises. Group rates available on all of these tours. Contact Gayle Erskine at 352-750-6756 if you have questions! Librar y New s - Cheryl Ritter I am currently evaluating the past donations made to the church library and would appreciate no donations in February. Also, please limit future donations to books that are two years old or newer. There are a lot of delightful fiction books for the lighthearted reader. A simple listing of resources-by-topic is located directly to the right, inside the library. Happy reading! Library Hours are: Tuesday: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - Noon Sunday: 8:15 a.m. - Noon I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to share God’s words with you – my family. God is so good in allowing us all to be together this season. Thank you for your patience, love and kind words as I shared all the ways that God has blessed us all with community, especially my own personal experiences with community. Thank you for being a community which always feels like home, no matter how long we have been apart. A special thank-you goes to Pastor Mike for encouraging me to preach, since this is not something I had the confidence to do on my own. I would also like to thank Pastor Mike and Pastor Dan for all their mentoring, suggestions, encouragement and help as I sought to deliver a message that was not only from the heart, but clear and concise. Their leadership has encouraged me as I tackle seminary and as I prepared for this message. Thank you again for all your love, prayers and kind words. God Bless You! Love, Holly Reimer Handyman Ministry Notice North Lake Presbyterian Church is a smoke-free campus. We appreciate your cooperation! This ministry offers minor home repairs free of charge to NLPC members and others who are not able to do the work themselves or cannot afford to hire someone. For more information, call Gene Blomquist (352-307-9739) or email him at: Page 10 Good Newsletter Little Blessings - Linda Brow n Time for Valentines already! Our children will be making and delivering valentines to our friends at Lady Lake Specialty Care. Also, they will make valentines for their parents and other special people. The kids really enjoy being allowed to be messy and creative. Our main hallway is almost always decorated with wonderful works of art lovingly created by the children. We go through lots of paint, glitter and glue around here! The messier the project the better the kids like it. You are welcome anytime to view our “art gallery hallway” here at Little Blessings. The children would love to be able to show off their work. National Gum Drop day is on February 15. We will give kids toothpicks and gum drops and see what kinds of structures they are able to create. It will be interesting to see, I’m sure. Who knows, we may have some budding engineers in our midst! This will be a great activity to develop fine muscle skills as well as stimulate creativity. Learning in an early childhood center is through play and happens all day long. When children play they are learning problem solving, time management and how to get along with a group of children. These are valuable skills for success not only in school but also in life. I guess there is some truth in the statement, “I learned everything I need to know in Kindergarten and Preschool.” Remember, our door is always open to come and volunteer here. We are always in need of extra hands, guest readers, huggers, etc. All that is required is a love of children and some spare time. Join us as we invest in the next generation of doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc. Until next month… Remember, God loves you! Linda Brown Stop Hunger Event Join us for the 2015 Stop Hunger Event, with other Presbyterian Churches in our cluster, on Feb. 28th at the Mount Dora Presbyterian Church, 222 West 6th Avenue (one street over toward the Lake from the main street). When we know how much food we will be packing (around the beginning of February), we will advise as to how many packing sessions there will be on the 28th. Also, consider donating money to this ministry. Remember, the more money donated means the more mixture of dried food that can be purchased and packed. Donations can be made to NLPC with STOP HUNGER in the memo line. We will be accepting donations until February 8. If you need more information, contact Becky Bros (352-7509217). Picture from the Stop Hunger Event in 2014 Page 11 February 2015 101 Class Ash Wednesday Service February 18, 2015 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Join us for our Ash Wednesday service. This is a service for the imposition of ashes and the remembrance of baptism based on the sermon’s assurance that though we are dust, we are baptized dust, and that makes all the difference. NLPC receives members at our 101 Class by profession of faith, transfer of membership or by reaffirmation of faith. The next 101 Seminar: Introduction to our Church Family will be on Sunday, April 12, 2015, from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Dinner will be provided. To receive more information or to register, please contact the church office (352-753-8484). Please note: The 201, 301, & 401 Seminars will also be held on the same date and time. Flow er Ministry Update from Debbie Doran Things are going well here in Mexico. The orphanage is finally done. They have only one child at the moment hoping to get more. The orphanage can hold 12 girls and 12 boys. They are trying to complete the first floor of the new clinic. There is mainly the inside to do. There are a lot of great new additions coming along so we can accommodate more people in need. I am finally able to speak some Spanish. I can understand more than I can speak, but understanding always come first. Learning and understanding a language can be challenging but like anything else if you press through it, you can do it. I just want to leave you with this scripture: “But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31 Dios le bendiga, Debbie Doran After meetings with the flower ministry ladies and Worship Elder, we have decided to change our flower dedication procedure. Beginning now, you can dedicate flowers for your loved one for $20 each. Just fill out the form on the 2015 flower calendar (located near the men’s restroom) and give the form, along with your check, to Loma Oliver in the office. Make the checks payable to NLPC with “flower dedication” noted on the memo line. A lovely fresh bouquet of flowers will be placed on the communion table in the Sanctuary in their honor on the date you requested. You may take these flowers home after the service you attend, but please leave the vases for future use. We trust you will find this a pleasing way to memorialize your loved ones. The flower ministry is seeking gifted people who can assist Ellen Klug and Betty Senter in arranging and displaying fresh and silk flowers in and around the Sanctuary. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry, please contact Rose Gorman,, phone 753-2207 or fill out the communication card indicating you are interested in assisting in the flower ministry. Page 12 Good Newsletter Operation Homebound Presents The Great American 60’s Bash processional. During the musical breaks there will be a costume contest for the best Woodstock get-ups. So get your groove on and come dressed to impress! Throughout the evening a photo booth will be available so you and members of your group will be able to have historic confirmation that you really did dress like hippies! Operation Homebound presents The Great American 60s Bash! Please join us at the Savannah Center in the theatre on Sunday, April 19, from 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. as we have fun and also raise funds for the program. The band, The Sixties, has graciously offered to play the event at no charge. If you haven’t heard them on one of the squares, try to, they are really wonderful! The event plans to have a “Vehicle Drive-In” that evening in the Savannah Center parking lot to include vintage cars, motorcycles, corvettes, etc. Attendees will vote for the top three entries and the Operation Homebound first People’s Choice Awards will be born! To begin the festivities in the theatre, the Vietnam Veteran’s Color Guard will present the American flag and 2nd Debut (twirlers) will follow the Heavy snacks will be provided; please BYOB (Note: Session approved beer and wine if you would like to bring those). In an effort to be inclusive to our “sister” organizations, The Christian Pantry will be collecting canned goods: canned soup, peanut butter, canned fruit, for those less fortunate and Love, INC will be auctioning off beautiful baskets. If you know of businesses that might want to sponsor the event (Gold, Silver, Bronze and Individual sponsorships are available) or have a table in the Rhett Butler room, please contact Vickie Ruddell at 352-753-8484 or 352-409-0562. The Savannah Center theatre holds 410 people; so please ask your clubs, neighborhood groups, friends and family to join us. We will have a rockin’ good time! Tickets will be available following services beginning March 1 and in the North Lake kitchen during the week. Come by and see us! Christian Food Pantry The Food Pantry appreciates any food donations you make, but they are especially in need of the following items: Beans - Canned or Dry Cake Mix Canned Tomatoes Canned Tuna, Chicken and Salmon Canned Vegetables Cereal Meals in a Box—Hamburger Helper Grits Jelly Mac & Cheese Fruit Pancake Mix Peanut Butter Soup Spaghetti Sauce Toilet Paper Please place items in the shopping cart located in the Church Lobby. February 2015 Page 13 Volunteer Spotlight Prison Ministry New s A huge thank you to: The North Lake Prison Ministry is part of the Crossroads Bible Institute, an International Mission that ministers to incarcerated people. Through the snail mail and email, we share our Faith in the life changing Grace of Jesus Christ. We also share Fellowship with inmates who are separated from Christian support. Please pray about joining this rewarding ministry. Sue Patterson Sue places the offering envelopes in mailboxes every December. New NLPC Members Please welcome these new members: Beverly Ament, Sandy Bonomi, Margo Brown, Lillian Campagnola, Dolly Carter, Diane Crilley, Debbie & Dennis Davison, Allie DeBenedittis, Glenn & Laurie Dennison, Mickey Drummond, Karen Felder, Daniel & Elizabeth Hall, Kathy & Mark Harshman, Mark & Laurie Jacques, Chuck Keith, Martin & Sandra Kiely, Joan & Milton Kirby, Muriel Littler, Linda Maddy, David & Sharon Mayfield, Catherine O’Neill, Dave & Nita Phillips, Clarence & Joan Poole, Carol Remic, Ethel & Tom Rogers, Mary Spurlock, Brenda & Ron Thompson, Katherine Tulloss, and Carol & Richard Vehling Also, the entire Criminal Justice System (CJS) needs prayer. Since 1970, there has been over a 700% increase in prison populations. Most of the increase results from the "War on Drugs". Attitudes and Laws are changing. There are several directions the CJS can go. To discuss being part of this ministry, call Ed Jones 430 -1062. Cancer Support Group The next meeting for a non-denominational cancer support group will be on Wed., Feb. 4 at 9:30 a.m. at St. Timothy's Catholic Church, Parish Hall, Rm. 3. All cancer patients, survivors, care-givers and friends are welcome. For additional information call Dr. Hector Morales (430-2120), Michele Brady (566-7160) Betty Anderson (753-4068), or Ray Glaz (352-7503825). Annual Meeting The annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 17th, at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. At that time members will be asked to elect elders and approve the pastors’ compensation for 2015. Please remember to sign up if you intend to eat with us prior to the meeting. Six Week Bible Study Being Offered What is The Hole in Our Gospel Six-Week Quest? The compelling true story of a corporate CEO who set aside world success for something far more significant and discovered the full power of the whole gospel. Richard Stearns, CEO of World Vision, tells the story of how he faced his own struggle to obey God. The Six-Week Study guides us to another level of discipleship in understanding What Does God Expect of Us? Sign up and order the Study Kit ($10) at the Discipleship Table or contact Barbara Stickler at or 352-633-5821. The SixWeek Quest is every Tuesday, beginning 2/17 thru March 24 at 3:30 p.m. in the Mercy Room. Page 14 Good Newsletter One of the projects undertaken by the Presbyterian Women at NLPC in 2014 was knitting hats for babies and children. The three triplets shown are wearing some of the hats donated. “Minute To Win It” activities played by the Youth. These knitted hats that were donated as follows: 400 donated to Leesburg Hospital 200 donated to the Mission Field (pictured here) 200 donated to Winnie Palmer Hospital 807 donated to the Ocala Forest Operation Prayer Shield Military Persons of the Month Join us in prayer for members of our Armed Services, remembering especially members of NLPC and their loved ones. Capt. Joseph Gouryeb U.S. Army Grandson-in-law of Peggy Holdsworth Lance Cpl. John Brown IV U.S. Marine Reserve Grandson of Jack & Theo Brown, Jr. Capt. Nick Bilotta U.S. Army Grandson of Robert Fox Tech Sgt. Joseph Sieh U.S. Air Force Grandson of Kay Kennedy Please note: To update the Operation Prayer Shield bulletin board, notify Barbara Lindsley at 352-751-0225 / or Nancy Richards at 750-0017 / . North Lake Presbyterian Church 975 Rolling Acres Road Lady Lake, FL 32159 (352) 753-8484 phone (352) 753-3982 fax Sunda y Worship Join us for our Sunday Worship: Traditional: 8:30 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. Sanctuary Contemporary: 9:45 a.m. Fellowship Hall
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