Dr. JoAnne Owens-Nauslar - ND Roughrider Health Promotion

Dr. JoAnne Owens-Nauslar
Tuesday June 2nd, 2015
Opening Keynote 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
"Secure Your Own Mask First!"
"If Your Horse IS DEAD...DISMOUNT!" You will have a chance to laugh, learn, and share the many opportunities as
we "Move to Improve". We will explore the power of humor in health and coping, as we fire each participant up
for a new direction at “Roughrider Health Camp 2014.” You will leave the session with at least three manageable
life and coping strategies. We will better understand the role of high level wellness for staff and those they serve
each and every day. Don’t think you will sit back and relax in this session as Dr. Jo is going to dismount your life
routine in a new ever changing direction!
Tuesday June 2nd, 2015
Breakout Session #1 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Get your MBA: Movement Based Academics in this session will feature opportunities to "Move to the Music" You
will participate in activities that promote brain development and school success; and how to "Exercise Your
Smarts" You will find ways to laugh while you learn and work. There will be many opportunities to forget
problems we all face and think about new opportunities for engaging youth in your programs.
Breakout Session - #2 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Be Fit 2 Learn
This session will enable K-12 staff to better understand brain research and the benefits of activity during the day.
With our role in promoting school success, you will learn how to enable your students to become more physically
active in the classroom, on the playground, and throughout the school day. This session is designed for learning
classroom design to improve academic achievement by teach behavior and to create connections. Participants
will move to improve by integrating academics, physical activity, and music in a fun learning environment.
Lessons will include activities for nutrition education and physical activity during the school day. Participants will
be out of their seat and on their feet for some exciting activities that connect the brain and body with action!
Tuesday June 2nd, 2015
Breakout Session - #3 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Well….Well….. Well…..So What….Now What?
This inter-active session will keep you moving physically with actions and mentally with new ideas. You will be
introduced to new strategies you can incorporate into your action plan that follow the components of the
Coordinated School Health Initiative. Dr. Jo and Professor Mauch will keep you actively engaged in the learning
and leadership process. You will have no choice in this session but to increase your knowledge of high level
wellness education for the students and staff in your community.
Biography Dr. Jo Owens-Nausler:
JoAnne Owens-Nauslar has spent forty-three years promoting the benefits of healthy active living and is
considered one of the nation’s most vocal personalities on issues of physical activity and the need for physical
education in the critical core day. Passion, energy, and commitment are often used to describe Alliance President
JoAnne Owens-Nauslar. After 3 days at kindergarten she announced her career choice as teaching. During 4th
grade, she had decided what she wanted to teach. Thirty-three years after receiving her B.S. in health and physical
education, she has no plans for a career change. JoAnne has taught at all levels, served as the State Director for
Health and Physical Education for the Nebraska Department of Education for 19 years, and joined the staff of the
American School Health Association in January of 1996.
Dr. Jo has been described as Past President of almost everything , including the National Association for
Sport and Physical Education; the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance Dr. Jo
has taught at all levels and was the State Director for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education at the
Nebraska Department of Education (19 years); Director of Professional Development for the American School
Health Association for (9 years) and in 2004 joined corporate America. Dr. Owens-Nauslar has served of President
of Nebraska AAHPERD, Central District AAHPERD, and the National Association for Sport & Physical Education
(NASPE). Additional leadership opportunities include President of the On Deck Circle (Husker Softball) and the
Husker Athletic Fund at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Some of her honors and accomplishments include
Distinguished Alumni Awards from both Chadron State College and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; the
Nebraska, Central District and AAHPERD Honor Awards, the Mabel Lee Award, the R. Tait McKenzie Award, the
North American Society for Health, Physical Activity, and Sports. Healthy American Fitness Leader and the
Excellence in Advocacy Award from PE4Life. JoAnne was an AAHE Health Educator of the Year representing
Agencies, Dairy Council of the Central States Nutrition/Health Educator, and a Fellow-American School Health
Association (FASHA).
JoAnne graduated from Chadron State College in 1970, BS in health and physical education. She received
a M.P.E. and an Ed.D. from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1976 and 1992 respectively. In addition to her
passion for the profession, the Wyoming loves her ranch life. The Big-E-Nuff near Lincoln, NE ranch is where
JoAnne and husband, Red raise Texas Longhorn Cattle, Quarter Horses, Paint Horses and llamas.
After winning the first Lincoln Marathon in 1978, JoAnne made a commitment to live in a peak
performance body. She runs daily and reminds everyone she encounters to have an incredibly awesome day and
don’t forget your workout. “If you intend to make a difference, you have to be fit to lead.”
You will have opportunities to laugh, learn, network, and share while being reminded of that critical core
and extended day learning connections are possible.
Lois Mauch (M.S.)
Biography Professor Lois Mauch:
Lois has her Master’s Degree from Virginia Tech in Health and Physical Education. She has published 2 books, and
various articles, being published in the National Journal for Sport and Physical Education, and Strategies. Recently
a publication draft has been submitted for Health/Physical Education and Model Technological Applications. This
is a Lois is our National Association for Sport and Physical Education Teacher of the Year both at the State Levels
for Elementary in 1990 and as the Middle School Teacher of the Year at the State and Central District Levels in
1998. Lois has been project coordinator for two North Dakota Foundation Grants that were awarded to the Fargo
School district which focuses on 4th grade obesity. Lois has been instrumental in the development and application
of standards, benchmarks, assessments and standard based report cards for her district. She has implemented
technology across the country and in foreign countries. Lois has been honored to present at five National
Conventions and several District and State conventions. Lois served as the PEP Project Director and Specialist for
the Fargo Public School District for their third PEP grant over the past 7 years. Fargo Public Schools were awarded
for the Progress for Physical Education Act (PEP) in three different grant applications for over a million dollars. Lois
was one of four writers to promote fitness in alternative schools as the Physical Education Specialist for Fargo
Schools and has now retired from the public school system and is working full time as an instructor at Minnesota
State University Moorhead teaching curriculum development courses along with methodologies and activity
courses. Lois has been honored with the Christa McAuliffe Fellowship Award. She is one of 5 Physical Education
Teachers in the National who have received this award for $24,000.00. Lois is a member of the National
Association for Health Physical Education and Dance, (AAHPERD) since 1988 and serves on the National Task Force
for written assessments. As a Physical Education Specialist, Lois is a leader in curriculum development,
assessment, fitness and technology.
Dr. Brad Strand
Wednesday June 3rd, 2015
Breakout Session #1 (9:30-10:30 a.m.)
Breakout Session #2 (10:45-11:45 a.m.)
Breakout Session #3 (3:00-4:00 p.m.)
Leadership from the Heart: The Importance of Emotional Intelligence:
Many discussions of quality leadership and solid work relationship focus on the importance of emotional
intelligence. Emotional intelligence is defined as the level of your ability to understand other people, what
motivates them, and how to work cooperatively with them. This session will provide ideas on how leaders can
show appreciation to those with whom they work. From this session attendees will leave with an understanding of
how to use the five languages of love in the work place to show appreciation to others. Specific examples for each
of the five languages will be shared.
Monday June 2nd, 2015
Personal Wellness Inventory: 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Tuesday June 3rd, 2015
Personal Wellness Inventory: 5:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m.
Fitness Assessment: The benefits of being fit apply to people of all ages, sizes, races and abilities, and so each
Roughrider participant will participate in the Tri-Fit health assessment and health risk appraisal. Each individual
will complete a set of basic exercises that will establish a baseline of aerobic, anaerobic, strength and flexibility.
The results will be entered into the state of the art Tri-Fit program. By understanding and incorporating fitness
into the classroom and our lives, we help to stimulate minds and encourage regular participation in activity.
Beneficial goals of participating in regular fitness programs include: improved cardiovascular endurance and
activity tolerance, increased muscular strength and improved flexibility, reduction of body fat and improved
weight control, improved self-image, reduced risk of disease and premature death, decreased stress and reduced
feeling of anxiety and depression, improved bone strength and an overall improved “sense of well-being”.
Participants will be able to list three benefits of fitness and the guidelines for fitness, and will learn fitness
activities they can incorporate in a class room setting for school aged children. As part of the fitness assessment
activity, each participant will step outside their comfort zone of working and associating only with people on their
own schools team. Participants will meet and greet other participants as they are randomly placed on a mini-golf
team. The mini-golf team will play eighteen holes of best ball score. The best ball format will ensure all members
work as a collaborative group for the final goal. The mini-golf team members will build dialogue and report early
in the week, resulting in collaboration on health reform in their communities at a much faster pace. This entire
fitness assessment event will start Roughrider “27” Conference off with a “Hole-In-One”.
Biography Dr. Brad Strand:
Dr. Brad Strand graduated with a BS in 1978 from Mayville State University, ND; MS in 1984 from North Dakota
State University, ND; and Ph.D. in 1988 from The University of New Mexico, NM. He is currently a professor in the
Department of Health, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences at North Dakota State University. He has conducted over
180 national, regional, and state presentations, workshops and demonstrations related to physical education,
fitness education, technology in physical education, sport specialization, ethics and sportsmanship, and
confrontations in sport. Dr. Stand is the lead author of three books: Assessing and Improving Fitness in
Elementary Physical Education, Fitness Education: Teaching Concepts-based Fitness in the Schools, and Assessing
Sports Skills, and the Co-author of two booklets on fitness education: Fitness Education: Ideas and Applications for
Secondary Schools and The Fitness Education Pyramid. Dr. Strand has published over 90 professional articles and
abstracts on physical education, fitness education, and technology in physical education, and has served on a
number of national boards: President, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance;
President, National Association for Sport and Physical Education; NASPE Nominating committee; NASPE Finance
committee; President for the North Dakota Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance; Vice
president for Sport and Physical for the Central District AAHPERD; Executive Committee of the College and
University Physical Education Council; Chairman of the National Council on Facilities and Equipment; Board of
Directors of the American Association for Active Lifestyles and Fitness; and planning committee for the National
Standards Conference. Dr. Strand has received a number of professional honors including: Scholar of the Year
Award for the Central District of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance;
twice awarded Exceptional Contributions to Scholarly Activity from the NDSU College of Human Development and
Education; twice named Teacher of the Year in the Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation at
Utah State University; received the Distinguished Alumni Award from my alma mater, Mayville State University.
Dr. Jake Schmitz
Wednesday June 3rd, 2015
Breakout Session #1 (9:30-10:30 a.m.)
Breakout Session #2 (10:45-11:45 a.m.)
Breakout Session #3 (3:00-4:00 p.m.)
“MaxT3 -Building Focus Through Fitness"
This session will instruct participants how to incorporate MaxT3 short burst/surge training to keep your students
brain fresh during your day in the classroom. Techniques for the classroom teacher will be shown and
demonstrated in how to fit this into a classroom routine for the learners in front of you. Adding MaxT3
instruction techniques to your curriculum each day will only takes 3 minutes with amazing results. The logistics of
the exercise and outcomes derived are going to help you with any teaching strategies you currently use. Students
will increase performance and attention span, decrease irritability of students (which will thus decrease the
teacher's irritability), and will also decrease the number of student discipline issues in class. The short burst
depletes the sugar out of the body, which is the main source for many students having trouble concentrating and
focusing over longer periods of time.
Biography Dr. Jake Schmitz:
Dr. Jake strives to help people achieve their full, God-given potential through the application of the 5 Essentials of
Maximized Living. The 5 Essentials are Maximized Mind, Maximized Nerve Supply, Maximized Nutrients,
Maximized Oxygen and Lean Muscle Mass, and Minimized Exposure to Toxins; through these 5 Essentials, health
is restored and lives are being reclaimed from a failing sick-care system that attacks health problems with drugs
and surgery. Dr. Jake has one of the largest pediatric practices in the state because he is passionate about
wellness care and preventing sickness and promoting health in our bodies from day one. Dr. Jake holds at least 2
workshops a month, and is consistently booked for health talks in the community because he is passionate about
changing health care and educating people so that they can make the best decision for their health. Dr. Jake host
a weekly radio show in Fargo each week and has become a well know spokesman for the health industry in the
Kori Messer
Wednesday June 3rd, 2015
Breakout Session #1 (9:30-10:30 a.m.)
Breakout Session #2 (10:45-11:45 a.m.)
Breakout Session #3 (3:00-4:00 p.m.)
“Digital Detox"
This session will present a learning opportunity involving three main inquires in understanding how you spend
your time in the digital world. We will ask ourselves what we wish we had more time for and how we can
implement new strategies into the classrooms week instruct that have the same technology overload. Upon
identifying the answers/solutions to each of these inquiries, you will have the tools to develop a digital detox in
and out of the classroom.
The goal is to create awareness of how we have come to a point in technological development, where we are
losing human interaction due to our heavy reliance on technology. This issue is getting passed on to our youth
and their coping and/or communication skills are suffering because of it. Therefore, via education and creation of
a tentative "digital detox" plan, we can implement this protocol in and out of the classroom to assist our youth in
developing verbal communication skills and coping skill as opposed to living in the fantasy world of "online
The primary objective is to have each participant engage in and "active" learning session where the audience and
presenter work together to create the rough draft of digital detox protocol that can be used both personally and
within the classroom setting.
The outcome of this session will involve educating the Roughrider educators by heightening their awareness of
how they spend their valuable time. Upon the awareness, we will be able to assist the youth we teach by
implementing the same general protocol we developed for ourselves and then scaling it to our students. The
hour session will only touch the surface of where you may want to go with your students or your own personal
life. More follow up information can be found at Kori’s website at www.resoulutionwellness.com
Thursday June 5th, 2015
Personal Wellness Inventory - 1 hour repeated
7:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m.
1:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Yoga Blend-"Make today's fitness DREAMS tomorrow's GOALS & next week’s ACHIEVEMENTS"
An introduction into the history of exercise and goal setting within wellness industry standards will begin this
session. Interaction with the audience will take place through general inquiry. Through this interaction the
audience will maintain audio and verbal involvement, which will heighten the awareness and cognitive skills
presented. The objective is to educate participants on becoming empowered by establishing a healthier life scene
for oneself, and thus setting a great example to those around us. The desired outcome is physical stimulation
through exercise (tai chi, yoga & pilates) in a group setting, with cognitive development through audio, visual, and
verbal cues. Statistical information from published medical research will be introduced as it relates to
improvement of physical activities for each person’s own healthy living. Participants will be shown proper
posture, muscle groups, and techniques in promoting self-efficiency and the reduction of common intrinsic risk
factors in our daily living. Participants will engage in a combination of three exercise formats (tai chi, yoga and
pilates) collectively referred to as "yoga blend". Tai chi will assist in warming the body up to encourage a safe
exercise environment and promote self-awareness. Yoga will allow an opportunity for education on strength and
muscle groups and Pilates will allow an opportunity for core strengthening. To finish the yoga blend session there
will be an adequate cool down comprised of both active and static stretching.
Biography Kori Messer:
Kori Messer and her husband Tyrel reside in New Salem ND. She is the founder of reSOULution wellness
(www.resoulutionwellness.com) a total wellness company: mind, body & soul, which currently offers personal
training, group fitness services and events/fundraisers, life coaching, goal setting and motivational speaking to
assist others in the achieving a life of total wellness. She is also employed by Sanford Health in Bismarck. Kori
loves sharing the gift of wellness and has been in the industry since 2009 thoroughly enjoying and assisting others
in pursuing a well-balanced, healthy and sustainable lifestyle. She works with all ages in using goal setting as a
tool to differentiate the "why" from the "how.” She believes when you know your "why" that you can work
together with others as an effective and efficient team in achieving and exceeding your goals and expectations.
Kori Messer is CPR certified and a certified personal trainer through the Aerobics & Fitness Association of America.
She completed her group fitness instructor certification through the National Exercisers Trainer Association. She
possesses specific credentials/certifications in Cycle, Zumba, Zumba Gold, Zumba toning, Aqua Zumba, Turbo Kick,
Pilates, Silver Sneakers Yoga, Silver Sneakers Muscular Strength and Range of Motion (MSROM), Insanity, and is a
Level 1 CrossFit Trainer. All inquiries can be sent to (support@resoulutionwellness.com)
Dr. Terry Eckmann
Thursday June 4th, 2015
Breakout Session #1 (9:00-10:00 a.m.)
Breakout Session #2 (10:15-11:15 a.m.)
Breakout Session #3 (12:15-1:15 p.m.)
Brain Boosters To Go:
Help your students to grow dendrites and neurons with 10 easy-to-use research-based Brain Booster
“Minute Movers” and “Minute Minders”. You will teach your students how to live a brain healthy
lifestyle, while providing them with easy to remember brain facts. These Brain Boosters are simple to
integrate into your daily classroom schedule to engage your students and get them in “ready to learn”
mode. Each participant will receive free Terry’s popular book “101 Brain Booster” compliments of the
North Dakota Department of Health.
Biography Dr. Terry Ferebee Eckmann:
Terry Ferebee Eckmann, Ph.D., is a professor at Minot State University. Terry presents internationally
and writes for a variety of health/fitness publications. She has been active in the fitness industry for 30
years. She has received the NDAHPERD Honors Award, NDAHPERD University Instructor of the Year
Award, MSU Regents Award for Research and Scholarship, ND Picture of Health Award, IDEA Make
Fitness Happen Award, and the Industry Enhancement Award from Club Industry. Eckmann serves on
the advisory board of the International Council on Active Aging. She hosts KXMC TV Eye on Fitness, a
fitness segment on the noon show for the Minot viewing region.
Don Moseman
Thursday June 4th, 2015
Breakout Session #1 (9:00-10:00 a.m.)
Breakout Session #2 (10:15-11:15 a.m.)
Breakout Session #3 (12:15-1:15 p.m.)
Anti-Bullying Seminar- “No More”
Bullying has become a national call-to-action for our society. Facts show that many anti-bullying "programs" have
not made a substantial impact. Schools can spend thousands of dollars on one of many programs available, but
have very little to show for the effort. The NDSC consulted with school resource officers whom have decades of
experience working in our schools. These are the people, in most cases, who have dealt with the bullies in our
schools one-on-one and their guardians. They have suggested that parents model bully-type behavior in many of
these cases. Therefore, unless the parent's behavior can be changed, there is likely to be no change in the
behavior of the bully at school. So what can we do to impact this epidemic? These officers have first-hand
knowledge and ideas on how to approach this problem. Based on their suggestions and our own experience, we
developed our anti-bullying seminar entitled, No More. This is not a "program". This is an educational seminar for
school staff. Our seminar has a unique focus. Instead of trying to change the behavior of students, which in many
cases is unsuccessful, we educate your staff on ways and ideas for accomplishing two vitally important tasks. First,
PROTECT THE CHILDREN IN YOUR SCHOOL. We show you how to substantially reduce the opportunities students
use in order to intimidate, or in some cases, assault other children. Secondly, we will make suggestions on how to
have an effective policy to deal with students in your school. We believe our children deserve to feel safe at
school and that bullying must be stopped. Let us help your staff and children today!
Biography Don Moseman:
Don, his wife Angie, and their daughter Annabelle, are originally from Rapid City, South Dakota and he holds a
Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice. After serving in the U.S. Air Force, He was employed as a State Trooper for
20 years. He had many duties for the state including accident reconstruction expert and the state training director
for defensive driving programs. In 2003, he was recognized as the Law Enforcement Education Officer of the Year
for the United States by the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) for his work in educating young
people. He served the National Safety Council for 2 years as the Director of Government Programs. He has been
teaching young drivers in the Alive at 25 Program for 17 years. He has been a certified instructor in more than 20
state, federal and National Safety Council programs. In total, he has taught more than 1,000 law enforcement and
safety courses to more than 20,000 people. He came to the North Dakota Safety Council in February of 2013.
Pete Seljevold (M.S.)
Thursday June 4th, 2015
Breakout Session #1 (9:00-10:00 a.m.)
Breakout Session #2 (10:15-11:15 a.m.)
Breakout Session #3 (12:15-1:15 p.m.)
Making Wellness Work – Creating a Culture of Health
Worksite wellness is a buzzword we hear a lot lately, this session will help participants find out what it really is
and how the concepts can be applied to your personal wellness journey and your workplace. Discover how small
changes in your lifestyle and work environment can make a huge impact in your health and well-being.
Participants will understand the rationale to start a program, personal steps to enhance their wellness level and
10 things to implement at their worksite to create a culture of health.
Biography Pete Seljvold:
Since 2009 Pete has served as the Director of the Healthy North Dakota Worksite wellness initiative. The initiative
is collaboration between Blue Cross/Blue Shield of ND, Dakota Medical Foundation and the ND State Health
Department. The goal of the initiative is to improve the health status of employees, employers and families in
North Dakota by creating worksites that encourage and support healthy behaviors and to provide support,
guidance and resources to North Dakota businesses offering wellness programs and health promotion activities at
their worksites. Pete received his undergraduate degree from Concordia College and Master’s Degree in exercise
science from St. Cloud State University and a Masters in business management from the University of Mary. Pete
has over 25 years’ experience in the fitness and wellness arena; ranging from adult fitness programming, cardiac
rehab, athletic enhancement training, strength and conditioning, community health programming and worksite
wellness. Pete is married and the proud father of three active daughters and one not so bright golden retriever.
Bill Lucas (M.S.)
Thursday June 4th, 2015
Personal Wellness Inventory - 1 hour repeated
7:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m.
1:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Let's get "Fired Up.
When Bill Lucas shares his workshop with you it is more like an "explosion" of laughter, living, and exploring how
to "burn up that box" ,that all of us find our thinking and actions in from time to time. When you are moving,
laughing, sharing, and just plain having a "blast" during this workshop you will think you are in the Billy Joel song,
"We Didn't Start the Fire". Through each activity you will get a chance to explore ways to start a "fire" in yourself
and your community which will burn forever. Bill has written, produced, directed and acted in television, movies,
commercials, live theatre, and has owned a comedy company. From these activities, along with teaching for 29
years, Bill has a unique (okay, most people say quirky--He prefers unique :) way of looking at the world which you
will experience through physical activities, mental exercises, and laughter until your stomach hurts. This
workshop is for everyone with a "burning desire" to achieve better health through movement, mental
exercise, and laughter.
Biography Bill Lucas:
Bill holds a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and retired last spring after 30 years of teaching. He
has coached football and taught martial arts for during that 30 years. As a Judo black belt holder he has
competed on an international level, including being the ND Judo Champion 1987. Bill was part of the Fulbright
Program to Japan in 1996 where he worked with Japanese students in judo, and was chosen to speak to the
Japanese delegation of Educators. As an educator Bill “works” to bring laughter into every class, workshop, and
seminar he leads. He understands and believes in the benefits of “laughter” for a healthier, happier, and more
prosperous society. Bill has been a professional performer for over 30 years having done over 600 shows and has
led seminars all over the United States. Bill is now full time with his entertaining production company
aaaacreations. His company specializes in workshops for educators and the corporate world. Because Bill will no
longer be busy teaching, he will be available year round to perform for you, in leading seminars and/or
performing for you and your company. Last, but not least, Bill is a dedicated Harley rider.
Rod Volk (M.S.)
Tuesday June 2nd, 2015 (8:30:-10:00 a.m.)
Opening Ceremony’s: To set the energetic tone for Roughrider Conference 29 “Fire Up For Health Camp 2015”
Rod will go over all the week’s attractions, requirements and guidelines. Rod will cover in detail the Roughrider
mission and the trends that make the mission so valid 29 years after it was adopted. The past, present, and future
of the North Dakota Roughrider Health Promotion Association will be brought to a new light for participants in a
super-fast paced opening.
Tuesday June 2rd, 2015 (2:00-3:00 pm)
Wednesday June 3rd, 2015 (2:00-3:00 pm)
Thursday June 4th, 2015 (4:00-6:00 pm)
Friday June 5th, 2015 (8:00-8:30 am)
Team Meetings for Action Plans: In preparation for the 2013 Roughrider “29” Health Promotion Conference,
all schools should be prepared to develop an action plan including goals and objectives for their team’s focus at
school during the 2015-2016 school year. To prepare for the assembly of this action plan, school teams are
encouraged to review their present schools documents and data to determine the best focus of their time and
efforts for action. This document has been prepared to assist schools in identifying key documents that could
assist schools in recognizing their school’s focus and needs for inclusion in the plan. Your school administration,
counselor, and/or business office staff should be able to direct your team to these documents.
Wednesday June 3rd, 2015 7:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Personal Wellness Inventory
“Teddy Hill” Presidential Challenge Fitness Walk: As part of the wonderful tradition of the Roughrider
Conference, all participants will use the entrance of Theodore Roosevelt National Park for the “Teddy Walk” as
part of their fitness results used for their personal wellness inventory assessment. This assessment is done by
using some of the most current state of the art computer generated program software to formulate individual
results entered from a physical health history and a personal family health risk appraisal.
Wednesday June 3rd, 2015 (12:30-2:00 p.m.) Personal Wellness Inventory
Heart Rate Scavenger Hunt: Participants will be on a one hour fast paced walk around the town of Medora
looking for fitness items, while they collaborate with team members from other school district. Each participant
will start out with their base resting heart rate. At the conclusion of the exercise session the participants will be
able to calculate a target heart rate zone and identify and use a target heart rate zone that will meet their
personal fitness goals.
Thursday June 4th, 2015 Personal Wellness Inventory - 1 hour repeated
7:00 a.m.-8:15 a.m.
1:30 p.m.-2:45 p.m.
2:45 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
High Card Team Walk: Participants will interact with new conference members from outside their own district
team. The fitness activity will section off the city blocks directly adjacent to the Rough Riders Hotel and
Conference center. The four quadrants will be used as the course. Each pre-set team will be given a playing card
each time they finish as a group going around one of the four quadrants. The participants are not allowed to
leave any member of their teams side during the activity. The outcome is to bond with other members of the
conference to make the collaboration process easier when working on the action plans.
Friday June 6th, 2015 (10:30-11:30 a.m.) Closing Ceremony’s
Closing Ceremony’s: After a week of fun fast pace engaged learning, Rod will wrap up the week in review with
final paperwork, awards, and the traditional closing video of all participants. This time will reflect on how so
much positive energy was captured in what seemed like just moments ago the start. Before we exit we will unveil
with the traditional participant skit unveiling the theme for Roughrider “30” 2016 Our Diamond Anniversary.
Biography Rod Volk:
Rod is a lifelong North Dakotan growing up in Lisbon and graduating from Mayville State University with a
degree’s in both elementary education and physical education. Rod received his master’s degree from North
Dakota State University in Educational Administration. Rod wrestled and ran track for the comets as a four year
letter winner. This is his 23rd year teaching where he is currently a middle school science and language arts
teacher in Fargo. His teaching career started in Casselton as a 6th grade classroom teacher, and was also a
physical education teacher and athletic director/coach. Rod has been a head varsity football, wrestling, and track
coach over the years. Rod has been involved with the Roughrider Conference for 23 years as a team member,
facilitator, planning committee member, board member, and is currently the president of the Roughrider. He
feels the Roughrider Conference information to educators is the best thing going for North Dakota's future in
health education.
Tonya Stende
Friday June 5th, 2015
Keynote 8:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Creating an Engaged Workforce
Whether you are in the private sector or public sector such as a school system- organizations with engaged
employees outperform others by 47% to 202%. Creating an environment of teamwork builds alignment and
engagement. Employees who enjoy coming to work bring an energy that has a ripple effect on students and on
creating a culture where innovation and creativity thrive. This environment promotes focus, direction and action.
Engagement matters….we will show you steps to create engagement in your classroom, team centers, schools
buildings and districts!
Biography Tonya Stende:
Tonya Stende, CPA is President of the Dale Carnegie Business Group of North Dakota. The Dale Carnegie Business
Group of ND team are performance consultants who align business strategies and people practices to drive
results. Tonya also brings over 20 years of business, leadership and sales experience to her facilitation. Tonya is
passionate about helping her clients create a culture of high engagement which leads to a more productive
workforce and increased bottom line results. Tonya lives in Fargo with husband, Dave, her two step kids, Thomas
and Hannah and two wiener dogs, Lillie and Bernie. In her spare time she enjoys spending time at the lakes,
reading, running and visiting Las Vegas (especially when she wins!)