DR. DANIEL KASSING, LL.M. Rechtsanwalt, Attorney Specialising in Insurance Law Counsel Practice Group Insurance & Reinsurance T +49 211 49986221 daniel.kassing @noerr.com Noerr LLP Speditionstraße 1 40221 Düsseldorf Germany Dr. Daniel Kassing is specialized on insurance law, foremost regarding financial lines (D&O, E&O, FI). Additionally, he advises on property (all risks) as well as business interruption insurance and has experience in the fields of litigation on behalf of insurers. Moreover, his practice includes dealing with major liability claims and advising on product development. COMPETENCES Insurance law Manager liability Litigation CAREER Legal studies at the universities of Bielefeld and Basel Research assistant at a chair of the University of Bielefeld focussing on insurance law Postgraduate studies in insurance law at the University of Münster Experience as a lawyer with a well known insurance law firm in Düsseldorf With Noerr since 2010 Admitted to the Düsseldorf Chamber of Lawyers LANGUAGES German (native language) English SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Kollision von Subsidiaritätsklauseln: Welcher Versicherer ist eintrittspflichtig? (with Dr. Henning Schaloske), in: PHi 5/2014, p. 174 Kommentierung der §§ 43 bis 48 VVG (Versicherung für fremde Rechnung), in: Staudinger/Halm/Wendt, Fachanwaltskommentar Versicherungsrecht, 2013, Verlag Luchterhand (with Dr. Tanja Schramm) We will gladly send you a complete list of publications involving a detailed record of lectures and seminars. If you are interested, please just send a brief e-mail to nicole.kurt@noerr.com.
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