Trade Lab - Ampersand World

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physical commodity trading, shipping, trade finance
and all related domains
Learn more about trading today
Trade Lab is a series of practical training workshops about Commodity Trading, Trade Finance
and Shipping, proposed by Ampersand World.
We selected the best speakers among all the experts who make the Commodity Trading World,
with one objective: providing valuable trainings to trading professionals, made by people from
the field. Trade Lab workshops are known for being operational and concrete; the subjects
we decided to treat are selected to bring expertise to professionals with a different level of
knowledge, from beginners to experts.
The courses
Our workshops are designed to provide a very precise and “from the field” overview
of the different professions composing the exciting world of commodity trading.
From front office to operations, risk management, shipping and trade finance, each
domain has its specific workshop.
A various choice of themes
Participants coming from various companies
Practical and operational workshops
Senior Speakers with high expertise
The right answer for individual training needs
28th jan, 2nd, 4th FEB 2015 from 6.15pm to 9.15PM
How to cover yourself to keep Risks
as Opportunities in the fast moving world
of Commodity Trading
Speaker: Christian THURY
Christian Thury has over 15 years of financial experience, including more than 8 years
in the domain of credit insurance.
Christian’s finance career began in 1995, when he was employed by the finance section
of Mercedes-Benz. Over the years he has held the position of Director for the French
part of Switzerland until halfway through 2007. During the last 7 years, Christian was
at the head of the Agency for Euler Hermes company. A company excelling at being the
worldwide leader in credit insurance.
Throughout his career, Christian has been able to take advantage from his significant experience. His
abilities were highly enriched through the ability to handle credit insurance negotiations for multinational
businesses and the development leverage businesses.
Christian is currently working for AXA insurances. He is now an important role in the company where he is
in charge of developing the international business area.
Table of Content
Each class will cover the core elements of trading. To ensure that the training
sessions are kept relevant and that candidates progress, our training sessions
also cover more in-depth aspects of trading to give attendees the richest possible learning experience.
Risk management is a daily task in a company, and is often considered as an opportunity in Commodity
The key to success does not lie in managing the revenue anymore, but in the best possible protection of
the company‘s money, reputation and endurance over long periods of time.
A so-called “good” risk can quickly become the source of other problems.
In this module adapted to Commodity Trading, we will show how to cover yourself from the most dangerous risks, how to identify and prevent the others, and we will provide a detailed focus on geopolitcal risks,
studying how to turn risks into business opportunities area by area.
+41(0)22 737 14 47
17th, 19th, 24th, 26th, FEBRuary 2015 from 6.15pm to 9.15PM
A global approach to the most famous
products/services offered by key players in
Trade Finance
Speaker: Simone WIRZ
Simone Wirz is an independent consultant with 10 years of banking experience in
Commodity Trade Finance. She was Member of the Management with Credit Suisse
and BNP Paribas in Geneva as well as with ABN Amro in New York. Simone held responsibilities in various positions in Commodity Trade Finance, such as Documentary
Credits, Relationship Management of commodity traders, Relationship Management
of correspondent banks (Banking Relations), Credit Risk Management and Syndications of Commodity Trade Finance risks. She is a regular speaker at banking conferences and seminars.
Simone holds a Masters of Arts in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International and
Development Studies in Geneva (2003) as well as a Certificate in Credit Risk Analysis from the New York
Institute of Finance (2012). Furthermore, she holds a Degree in Pedagogy from the Institute of Pedagogy
of Berne Canton (1998).
Table of Content
Each class will cover the core elements of trading. To ensure that the training
sessions are kept relevant and that candidates progress, our training sessions
also cover more in-depth aspects of trading to give attendees the richest possible learning experience.
Our Trade Finance training session will focus on the following points:
- Introduction and historic background
- General questions on the international trade transactions
- Financing types of international trade
- Payment instruments used in trade transactions
- Institutions playing a role in trade transactions
- Roles and connections of Trade Finance departments in banks
- Legal frameworks and rules
+41(0)22 737 14 47
3rd, 5th, 10th, 12th MARCH 2015 from 6.15pm to 9.15PM
Welcome to the world of Ocean Freight !
Speaker: David ALACID
David Alacid is a senior shipping operations manager with 25 years of commercial and
operational management practice covering all aspects of the dry cargo and tanker
markets from finance and commodity trade execution, to chartering , ship owning and
vessel operations.
His previous responsibilities included logistics, chartering, management of vessel
operations and procurement teams as well as continuous process improvement &
shipping system implementation at Cargill Geneva.
David held different international leadership positions within the Cargill Group.
He worked in Geneva and Singapore as Vessel Operations manager and in Eastern Europe to lead the
development of new shipping operations offices.
In 2009 he obtained a Certificate from the School of Business, University of George Washington in Project
Management. After leaving Cargill, David joined DH Minerals Ltd. (Hanson group), a commodity trading
and investment company, responsible for operations, logistics and shipping.
David currently takes ICS examination to become a member of the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers and
also enjoys engaging in regatta sailing the Oslo fjord, participating in team cups in the summer.
Table of Content
Each class will cover the core elements of trading. To ensure that the training
sessions are kept relevant and that candidates progress, our training sessions
also cover more in-depth aspects of trading to give attendees the richest possible learning experience.
Our shipping training session will focus on the following points:
- Shipping in global commodity trading
- Ships types
- Cargoes , trade routes & freight markets
- Bills of lading
- Dry Cargo Chartering Contracts
- Important Financial Elements in Charterparties
- Voyage calculation (profit and loss)
+41(0)22 737 14 47
17th, 19th, 24th, 26th MARCH 2015 from 6.15pm to 9.15PM
The journey from contract to payment
Speaker: Eric GROLIMUND
Worked 10 years with SGS, the leading commodity inspection company, in inspection and commercial positions in Switzerland and South Korea. Also worked in Houston, U.S.A. as a field
inspector on shore and on ships in the Energy Product.
Worked 23 years with Cargill, a major multinational in the Agricultural, Sugar and Ethanol Business Units, as head of operations and contracts manager. He developed an audit program for
Sustainability issues relating to the Sugar Cane producers.
Held another position as Head of Operations for a Trading Company dealing with Ethanol, Biodiesel and Diesel Oil, in charge of monitoring operations and establishing contract terms and
Worked over a year for a procurement company, supplying various raw materials (sugar, soya beans, wheat, and
rapeseed) to their industrial counterparts in Bangladesh, as Head of Operations.
Was elected as an Arbitrator at the Sugar Association of London.
Table of Content
Each class will cover the core elements of trading. To ensure that the training sessions
are kept relevant and that candidates progress, our training sessions also cover more
in-depth aspects of trading to give attendees the richest possible learning experience.
Our operational training session will focus on the following points:
- Trading history and macro-economics: Understanding the context of the Trading Industry
- Contract: Ensure proper protection from the outset
- Insurance: Get the right cover for your specific transaction
- Inspection: Independent ‘eyes and ears’ to check your cargo
- Storage: Is your cargo in the right hands?
- Transport and shipping: The physical movement of your contract
- Trade Finance: The key to a secure and profitable performance
- Payment instruments: Did you choose the appropriate payment method for your transaction?
- Shipping documents: There are procedures and technicalities for each one, do you know them all?
- Dispute resolutions: Just like a marriage, you never think a contract can go wrong…
- Execution risks: The Road to Hell, if you are not careful
+41(0)22 737 14 47
14th, 16th, 21st APRIL 2015 from 6.15pm to 9.15PM
Discover all the professions composing
the exciting world of Commodity Trading!
A great overview of trading companies
Speaker: Massimo GUIDI
Massimo holds MSc in Commercial and Industrial Science, option Business Management and Finance, from the Geneva University. He has more than 19 years of professional experience, including 17 years in the International Trading Sector. He worked
mainly for Koch Supply and Trading, Cargill International SA and Fosdyke.
Massimo covered various positions and started as Trade accountant and Credit Analyst
within Cargill. He occupied also an Accounting Manager position within Fosdyke, before getting back to Cargill to take over the role of International Credit Manager for the
Energy Business Units (Petroleum Coal and Power) and for the Ocean Transportations
Business Unit.
In 2007 Massimo joined Koch Supply and Trading, and occupied till 2013 the role of Finance and Administrative Director. Massimo has significant experience in the implementation and development of various
trade support departments and structures in Switzerland and abroad.
Since October 2013 Massimo launched his own business as Co-Founder of G&G Trade Support, which
main goal is to provide Consulting and Support services for Middle and Back Office functions for Trading
Table of Content
Each class will cover the core elements of trading. To ensure that the training
sessions are kept relevant and that candidates progress, our training sessions
also cover more in-depth aspects of trading to give attendees the richest possible learning experience.
The aim of this course is to explain the functioning of a trading company through the transaction life cycle
of a trade.
We will respond to the following questions:
- What happens “Behind the scene”
- Who is “Behind the scene”
We will split the Life Cycle Course in 4 phases
1.Pre-trade : What needs to be done before signing a contract ?
2.Trade is signed : Who steps in now ?
3.Trade execution : Who executes the trade ?
4.Trade Settlement : What are the remaining steps?
In explaining how each department of the front, middle and back office is intervening at each phase of the
process and their interaction between each other.
+41(0)22 737 14 47
23th, 28th, 30th APRIL 2015 from 6.15pm to 9.15PM
FRONT OFFICE energy trading
discover how traders supply worldwide demand
Speaker: John KEANE
John Keane has over 25 years’ general trading experience, including 10 years in top-level
management. John’s career trajectory has included positions in Shipping, Trading Operations
and Trade Finance, in the field of oil products trading.
John’s trading career began in earnest in 1985 as a Traffic Controller at Tradax. Over the years
he has held positions as a trader, Vice President Trade Finance Officer and Managing Director
for international trading company such as Vitol, Sahara Energy, Sempra Oil and Mercuria
Throughout his career, John has been able to draw on his banking experience to handle key
finance negotiations and leverage business development.
Key to John’s success are vertical career moves, i.e. to similar, yet more senior positions. This has enabled
John to enjoy a linear trajectory; the various positions held and skills required all complement each other
and can be harnessed time and time again.
Over time, John deepened his knowledge in three core fields: banking, trading and West African petroleum
Table of Content
Each class will cover the core elements of trading. To ensure that the training
sessions are kept relevant and that candidates progress, our training sessions
also cover more in-depth aspects of trading to give attendees the richest possible learning experience.
Our commercial training session will focus on the following points:
- Introduction to the global oil market­: origin of oil and its derivatives, historical uses (bitumen) - the role
of oil as an energy
- Market - wealth for companies in exploration, exploitation and marketing – crude oil, necessary but a
limited commodity (known as black gold)
- Main Trading Market: world needs – origins of crude oil - Upstream - Downsteam - Refineries - Stocks
- Market players: Majors – traders - oil product specifications - shipping companies
- Strategy – defining supply and demand - determining product according to optimal conditions and regional/global specifications– shipping issues – identifying key market players and applicable pricing
- Commercial steps: introducing and registering a company to market players - financial information
assessment for potential clients - respecting the KYC principle – collecting economic data to understand
transaction opportunity and possibility – negotiating lead terms and risk hedging – closing transactions
- Strategies for defining, measuring and managing commercial, financial and operational risk from contract negotiation to payment
+41(0)22 737 14 47
19th, 21th, 28th MAY 2015 from 6.15pm to 9.15PM
How to identify, assess and prioritize risks and
act to limit them at best.
Speaker: Massimo GUIDI
Massimo holds MSc in Commercial and Industrial Science, option Business Management and Finance, from the Geneva University. He has more than 19 years of professional experience, including 17 years in the International Trading Sector. He worked
mainly for Koch Supply and Trading, Cargill International SA and Fosdyke.
Massimo covered various positions and started as Trade accountant and Credit Analyst
within Cargill. He occupied also an Accounting Manager position within Fosdyke, before getting back to Cargill to take over the role of International Credit Manager for the
Energy Business Units (Petroleum Coal and Power) and for the Ocean Transportations
Business Unit.
In 2007 Massimo joined Koch Supply and Trading, and occupied till 2013 the role of Finance and Administrative Director. Massimo has significant experience in the implementation and development of various
trade support departments and structures in Switzerland and abroad.
Since October 2013 Massimo launched his own business as Co-Founder of G&G Trade Support, which
main goal is to provide Consulting and Support services for Middle and Back Office functions for Trading
Table of Content
Each class will cover the core elements of trading. To ensure that the training
sessions are kept relevant and that candidates progress, our training sessions
also cover more in-depth aspects of trading to give attendees the richest possible learning experience.
Our Risk module will focus on how to identify, assess and prioritize risks and select appropriate control or
counter measures to limit each risk.
Trading companies are faced everyday with various risks, which can lead to catastrophic events if not
understood, monitored, measured and controlled properly.
Due to the wide scope and complexity of this topic, we will provide you with a practical and realistic overview
of those risks. We will identify, and categorize them in 3 main groups:
- Credit Risk
- Market Risk
- Operational Risks
The Module will cover the following:
- Define “Risk”
- Categorize risks in todays trading environment
- How are those risks identified
- What kind of controls and measures can be implemented to minimize those risks
+41(0)22 737 14 47
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Trade Lab
Training in Commodity Trading
For further information,
please contact
Trade Lab Team
+41(0)22 737 14 47
Ampersand World SA
Rue de Lausanne 36
1201 Geneva