Everything Vol. 90, No. 3 Emanuel January/February 2015 • Tevet/Sh’vat/Adar 5775 FROM THE RABBI Save the Date! Lessons from Jacob and Esau’s World Premiere T u Bishvat is the New Year of the Trees in the Jewish calendar. The almond tree is the emblematic tree of this special day. What sets the shkediah or almond tree apart is its inherent optimism. The almond tree sends forth its white blooms in the heart of winter. The opposite of the ‘late bloomer,” this “early bloomer” is a leader in restoring life to the sleeping winter land. This winter I am feeling a surge of hopefulness and joy as I have witnessed the continuing blooms of vitality in our Emanuel Family. I am encouraged by many “blooms” that foretell the continuing renewal of our kehillah. One of the most encouraging of these “shkediah moments” was the Jacob and Esau production written by Ben Engel and performed and produced by a fantastic team of Emanuel members and partners from around our Greater Hartford Jewish community. The production was attended by nearly four hundred people from all around the community and was very enthusiastically received. The most important aspects of this production as signs of vitality and renewal: 1) Grass Roots — it was a “grass roots” effort, supported and encouraged but almost entirely brought about by the efforts of lay leaders. 2) SynagogueBased — It emanated from the synagogue rather than from outside agencies. It engaged an inspired band of synagogue members from Emanuel and other congregations. 3) Excellence — It was excellent; the production values, the text and the performances were of very high quality. While many of us came to cheer on friends and loved ones who were part of the production, the work stands on its own merits. 4) Arts and Culture — The play is an expression of Jewish arts and culture, an important part of being Jewish. 5) Jewish Thought — The book posed profound philosophical, ethical and spiritual questions; this Judaism for grown-ups is a key to growing the engagement of our adult members and provides a level of challenge and sophistication that I find inspiring. 6) Building Community — Finally, Jacob and Esau was a community builder; it drew an audience from many corners of Jewish Greater Hartford, all coming together to learn, enjoy and be Our Director of Education, Judith T. Fox, will be retiring in June after more than 20 years of service to our religious school. Please join us on Sunday, May 3rd from 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. We will wish Judye well in her future adventures with a fun, family-friendly event. Event details and tribute opportunities will be coming soon. For more information or if you want to help us prepare for this fun event, contact Francene Weingast at franceneweingast@gmail.com or (860) 236-1275. challenged under the roof of the Emanuel Synagogue. This is a key mission of The Emanuel, to bring people together in a setting of friendship and acceptance to grow and embrace the joy and challenge of Jewish life together. I am inspired by the phenomenon of Jacob and Esau! Kudos to Ben Engel and the entire Jacob and Esau production team! I invite every caring member of our Emanuel Family to think about ways to further the dynamic revival of our Congregation. Please step forward and engage in the conversation and follow dialogue with action. — David J. Small Inside This Issue… Community of Prayer................................................. 2 Community of Learning............................................ 6 Sisterhood................................................................... 8 Community of Caring.............................................. 10 Community of Action.............................................. 12 Brotherhood............................................................. 14 Donations................................................................. 15 Service Times/Calendar of Events.....................19-20 www.emanuelsynagogue.org Community of PARTICIPATORY PRAYER / Tefilah PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE: On Turning 96… by Ira Henowitz A Bring your Friends to The Emanuel Invite your unaffiliated friends to meet us and experience The Emanuel community. If they try us, we think they fter a wonderful year of rejoicing in our Synagogue’s 95th anniversary, it’s now time to recognize that 2015 marks The Emanuel’s 96th year as a thriving center of Jewish life in Metro Hartford. We embark on our kehilla’s 96th year with a renewed spirit as a leading, energized, purpose-driven and sustainable congregation. I want to thank everyone in our Emanuel family for helping and supporting our mission. Your participation and support is vital as we build an ever stronger, multi-generational, egalitarian sacred community for the next 96 years. I wish you a happy and healthy 2015 and a year filled with many blessings for our 96-year-young Emanuel Synagogue community. will stay. Here is what we offer: • Engaging & Approachable Clergy • Diverse Community • Fabulous Religious School • Singing Together in Services • Commitment to Social Justice Open an Endowment Fund with as little as $1,000! For more information, please contact Myra Emrick, Synagogue Administrator, at The Emanuel Synagogue office at (860) 236-1275. Everything Emanuel The Emanuel Synagogue 160 Mohegan Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 Everything Emanuel (USPS 174-820) is published bi-monthly by The Emanuel Synagogue, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117. Periodicals Postage Paid at Hartford, CT. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Everything Emanuel, 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford, CT 06117. Business Office ..................................(860) 236-1275 • Egalitarian Daily Minyan Business Office Fax ............................(860) 231-8890 School Office .....................................(860) 233-2774 • Affordable Dues Internet Address:.......... www.emanuelsynagogue.org OFFICERS AND STAFF EMAIL VOICE MAIL EXT. Ira Henowitz.................................. President...... ihenowitz@comcast.net David J. Small......................................Rabbi...... rabbismall@emanuelsynagogue.org..... 115 Philip Lazowski...................Rabbi Emeritus...... jonahle@aol.com Gerald B. Zelermyer............Rabbi Emeritus Moshe Pinchover................. Ritual Director...... mpinch@emanuelsynagogue.org.......... 117 Please contact: Sanford Cohn....................................Cantor...... cantorcohn@emanuelsynagogue.org.... 114 Sheila Silverman, Membership VP (860) 561-5420 ssilverwoman@msn.com Tahisha Durham.................Rabbi’s Assistant...... tahisha@emanuelsynagogue.org........... 110 Judith T. Fox..................Education Director...... judyefox@emanuelsynagogue.org......... 122 Myra Emrick........Synagogue Administrator...... myra@emanuelsynagogue.org.............. 112 The Emanuel Synagogue is affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. 2 Adult Education News NOTES FROM THE CANTOR — A VIEW FROM THE OTHER SIDE, PART 2 Adult Education classes: by Hazzan Sanford Cohn Thursday Afternoon Study Group Starting January 8, 2015 The Book of Esther: Facilitator: Judith T. Fox. The class will meet on Thursday afternoons from 3:45-4:30 p.m. beginning January 8, 2015. The Book of Esther is different from all other books in the Bible. Here is a chance to learn all the parts they skipped in Hebrew School. For more information, please call Judith Fox at 860-233-2774 or email judyefox@ emanuelsynagogue.org. A bout 13thirteen and a half years ago, I wrote in this column what it felt like to be a Bar/Bat Mitzvah parent for the first time after many years of teaching and guiding families as our own daughter Shoshana prepared for her step into Jewish adulthood. In November, our family experienced profound grief and loss for the first time as we mourned the passing of my beloved fatherin-law, Eugene Polebaum, z”l. After many years of practicing kavod ha-met (honoring the dead) at funeral services and comforting mourners at shiva and beyond, I found myself in the dual role of mourner and clergy for Gene’s service. As one might expect, it was a very difficult — yet incredibly meaningful — experience to run the service for this cherished member of my family. The eulogies and expressions of love and respect were delivered by his three children and the full ensemble of his 10 grandchildren and spouses. When I chanted the same Psalms that I do at most funeral services, they took on a deeper dimension as I thought of this man who had been a part of my life for 35 years. Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Lazowski Starting January 13, 2015 Psalms: Facilitator: Rabbi Philip Lazowski. Lunch and Learn in Hartford on Tuesday afternoons from 12:00-1:00 p.m. from January 13, 2015-February 3, 2015. The class will meet at the offices of Laz Parking, 15 Lewis Street, 5th floor, Hartford. Free lunch & free parking. For more info at 860-522-7641, ext. 714 and speak to Kevin. He can also provide parking instructions Location: 15 Lewis Street, 5th floor, Hartford Ongoing classes: Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah Class Facilitator: Judith T. Fox. The class will meet on Monday evenings from 7:30-8:15 p.m. beginning October 17, 2014. Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a two-year course of study that includes Hebrew reading (beginners are welcome), trope, Torah study, the structure of the service and other aspects of Jewish knowledge. The entire professional staff participates. For more information, please call Judith Fox at 860-233-2774 or email judyefox@emanuelsynagogue.org. At the gravesite, I more fully understood why our tradition dictates that the loved ones fill in the grave. As painful as it is to participate in this important mitzvah, it helps us to begin to accept the finality that a part of us wants to deny. After two days of shiva in Boca Raton, where my inlaws have made their home for 36 years, Beth, her mother and I observed a day of shiva in our home in West Hartford. Even though the weather prohibited some people from coming, we felt well supported and comforted by the outpouring of people and food from our Emanuel community. Rabbi Small led a beautiful ma’ariv service that was a fitting tribute to Gene, and Beth spoke about her father and his legacy of love and suppport. Natalie Ziplow Study Group Facilitator: Rabbi David Small. This series meets on Thursday mornings from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in the Chapel Lobby. A Sisterhood study group which includes text study, current events and lively discussion. While officiating at funerals and shiva observances for family members of congregants, it is all too easy to take a distant view of the experience and think, “Well, this is all part of the process of life.” But when that loss is personal, one’s thoughts are on the individual who has left a void in our lives. We try to pick up the pieces of our shattered lives and slowly, cautiously move on. For more information, please or to register call Judith Fox at 860-233-2774 or email judyefox@emanuelsynagogue.org. Remember to Remember You may purchase a suitable Memorial Plaque or Yahrzeit Plaque to memorialize a loved one. Contact The Emanuel Synagogue Office at (860) 236-1275 for more information. Thank you to the Emanuel family for all of your support and comfort during this painful time. Future expressions of sympathy may take the form of donations to the synagogue’s Music Fund in order to hold a concert in Gene’s memory in the fall of 2015. 3 4 5 Community of LEARNING / Talmud Torah SCHOOL NEWS by Judith T. Fox, Director of Education W e have introduced and enhanced several Shabbat mooring experiences for children this year: • ChallahPalooza for preschoolers and their families meets at 11:00 a.m. in the Early Childhood Center once each month. Challahpalooza is an interactive Shabbat playtime featuring songs, stories and Shabbat games. • MiniMinyan for grades K-2 meets once each month in the chapel at 10:30 a.m. with Debbie Mehlman. The service, designed for young children, features songs and stories. • Kidz Shabbat Club for grades 3-5 meets at 10:30 a.m. in the Chapel as scheduled. Facilitated by Karen Schlossberg the service is led by the children and includes a Shabbat story and Torah discussion. • Torah Club meets in the Chapel at 10:00 a.m. with Philip Gibbs. Children in grades 3-5 learn to read a sentence from the Torah and then read it from a Torah scroll at a special Torah service. • B’nai Mitzvah Club for grades 6 and 7 meets every Shabbat at 10:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary when school is in session with Philip Gibbs or Alina Bricklin Goldstein and aides Esther Schlossberg and Ilan Small. • The Shabbat Experience meets monthly giving students in grades K-7 the choice of prayer and study activities on Shabbat morning or school on Sunday morning. Family Services in January/February: January 10, 17 and February 28: 10:30 – Chapel – Kidz Shabbat Club with Karen Schlossberg for grades 3-5 January 31 and February 21 – 10:30 – Chapel – MiniMinyan with Debbie Mehlman for grades K-2 February 7, 21 and 28 – 10:00 – Chapel – Torah Club with Philip Gibbs for grades 3-5 January 10 and February 7 – 11:00 – Challahpalooza! – An interactive Shabbat playtime for Preschoolers featuring songs, stories, and Shabbat games – Early Childhood Center with Barbara Fink Family Programs in January/February: January 11, 2015 – Grade 6 & 7 Parents and children – Confronting Anti-Semitism with Heather Fiedler and Rabbi Small February 1, 2015 – Grade 6&7 Parents and children – World Wide Wrap February 22, 2015 – Grade 3 Parents and children meet for a special program to design covers for the siddurim the children will receive on March 21, 2015. The Shabbat Experience Saturday, January 24 from 9:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Religious school families, please choose: Come Saturday for a morning of prayer and study including age– appropriate activities for grades PreK-7, A Children’s Service, and Special Kiddush Or Come for regular religious school classes on Sunday, January 25, 2015 Or Come on both Saturday and Sunday Day School families are invited to join us on Shabbat morning. Please return this form to the school office by Wednesday, 1/21/2015 or email school@emanuelsynagogue.org and let us know your family’s choices: My child(ren): Child’s Name grade teacher Child’s Name grade teacher Child’s Name grade teacher will attend on Saturday, January 24, 2015 from 9:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. will attend on Sunday, January 25, 2015 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. will attend on both Saturday and Sunday 6 7 News from the Library News from the Sisterhood by Beth Katten by Bonnie Lasker I O hope that everyone had a wonderful Chanukah and are staying warm now that we are in the midst of winter. Thank you to Dori Weinstein, a children’s author, who in October spoke to the Hebrew School students, and presented the library with two books that she has written. The titles of these books are: Shaking in the Shack and Sliding into the New Year — they are 5th through 8th grade reading material. Please encourage your students in the Hebrew School to take a look at one of these books. They are highlighted on the top of the children’s reading book area in the Library. n Sunday November 9th Sisterhood Hosted Rebecca Frankel, daughter of our own Myer and Shelia Frankel, at a meet and greet book signing for her book War Dogs; Tales of Canine Heroism, History and Love. This wonderful event was attended and enjoyed by 130 people. On December 6th the Gertrude K. Clare Shabbat Review was hosted and reviewed by Sandra Myers Memories of New Britain Avenue by Natalie Lebovitz. Sisterhood Shabbat is scheduled for January 17, 2015 with Sisterhood running the entire service and sponsoring the Kiddush. A safe and warm winter to all. Shabbat Children’s Books In the beginning of January, I will be putting some children’s books in the sanctuary by the seats on the left side of the room. They will be mixed in with the prayer books in those sections. If you have young children, who may want some reading material, please look for those books. They will be mostly picture books pertaining to either an upcoming holiday, Shabbat or Bible stories. Judaica Shop News H appy New Year to everyone!!! To bring in 2015, we are offering a STOREWIDE discount for the months of January and February. Everything you purchase will be discounted 20%. We carry all of your Judaic needs for Shabbat, holidays, weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs and everyday use. Stop in on Sundays when your children are in religious school. You will find our prices are unbeatable. Remember your purchases benefit the synagogue. We accept mastercard and visa. If you need to place a special order, please call , Lisa, 860 232-1665. Also if you would like to make a purchase during the week, you can, when the synagogue office is open. We look forward to assisting you with your purchase. Borrow by E-mail! You can send your book requests to library@emanuelsynagogue.org. Include the title, author and your name, email address and phone number. If you are looking for a book on a specific subject matter, please email me that request too. If we do not have the book in our library, I can try to get it for you elsewhere. I will sign the book out to you and leave it for you on the library desk with your name on it for pick up at your convenience. I will answer emails when I am in the library which is usually Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday afternoons. We even have videos — VHS and DVD! Also, please send me an email if you have a book to recommend that we should purchase for the Library. We are always looking for good recommendations. Stay warm! — Lisa Tesser and Debbie Bettan News from the DCL Search Committee T he Emanuel’s search for a Director of Congregational Learning is underway! The committee began to meet this fall, and we have since posted the position in over a dozen places. We have received several applications from outstanding candidates from around the country! Committee co-chairs, Becky Azia and Regina Miller, have already had preliminary “getting to know you” phone chats with the applicants. We are very excited by, and impressed with, our pool of candidates! Soon, the DCL Committee will hold more extensive phone interviews with the strongest candidates. Then, in early 2015, we will invite a small handful of candidates to spend a weekend (all separate from each other) with us at The Emanuel. During this time, the candidates will spend time with congregants, clergy and our children and participate in a final round of interviews with the DCL Committee. Are you interested in helping during one or more of the weekend visits? We are seeking volunteers for hosting (overnight and/or for meals), transportation, and giving tours of the synagogue and community. Please let us know if you are willing! Feel free to contact either co-chair with any questions, or to express your interest in these opportunities; Becky Azia (beckyazia@gmail.com) & Regina Miller (remiller@hartford.edu). 8 9 Community of CARING / Chesed Emanuel’s B’nai Mitzvah Brotherhood Catering Services Available to cater your event for the coming year! Ethan Pinkes, son of Andrew and Suzanne, will become a Bar mitzvah on January 10, 2015. U nder the direction of master cook Saul Shemkovitz, we prepare the finest food delights for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Kiddush spreads and many other occasions. Our kugel, egg salad, and tuna salad are the most scrumptious tasting in West Hartford. Bookings for the coming year are going fast. If you have an event coming up, please send an email to Saul at sshemkov@gmail.com or call him at 860-280-1457 for menus and prices. All food preparation is done in-house. Proceeds to benefit the shul and other worthy Jewish causes. Lillian Schulman, daughter of Gary Schulman and Jessica Rubin, will become a Bat Mitzvah on February 28, 2015. Daniella Medvedovski, daughter of Alex and Bella, will become a Bat Mitzvah on February 21, 2015. Nehama We extend heartfelt condolences and support to the families of: Leatrice Hoffman Etelis, mother of Judith and Michael Farber and sister of Harriet Carpenos Sanford Kalb, brother of Gerald and Jeanette Kalb, uncle of Lisa and Barry Feigenbaum Eugene Polebaum, father of Beth Polebaum and Cantor Sanford Cohn Brett Berman, son of Evan and Lisa, will Become a Bar Mitzvah on January 31, 2015. Malcolm Robert Waxler, wife of Elaine Waxler Helen Rosenholtz, grandmother of Myra and Dan Emrick Abigail Azia, daughter of Jeff and Becky, will become a Bat Mitzvah on February 14, 2015. Bernard White 10 11 Community of ACTION / Tikkun Olam B’YADEYNU NEWS October Minyonaire Breakfast Sponsors by Risa Davidson and Janet Wallens, Co-Chairs Dr. Jay D. Smith, on the Yahrzeit of his mother Give Us Your Old Eyeglasses and Give the Gift of Sight! During January and February, bring your old eye glasses to one of the boxes at each synagogue entrance. The B’Yadeynu Committee will send them to the “Eyes of Hope” program, which will refurbish and distribute them to people who cannot afford glasses or who have no access to glasses. “Eyes of Hope” is a charitable program of VSP Global, a group of eye care companies that has provided free eye care and glasses to nearly a million people worldwide. Please do not bring any cases for the glasses. If you have questions, please contact Llyn Kaimowitz at (860) 231-9005 or kaimo@comcast.net. Hebrew Home Services Members of our synagogue will lead Friday night Shabbat services from 3:15-4:15 at the Hebrew Home on January 16th and February 20th. Emanuel Synagogue members of all ages, their friends and family are encouraged to participate in any of these warm-hearted and spirited services. There is opportunity to contribute creatively and in Hebrew or English. Everyone present is greatly appreciated at each service! For more info, contact The Emanuel Synagogue, (860) 236-1275, and they help you contact Pamela Garry. For more information about B’Yadeynu activities please contact Risa Davidson (risagdavidson@gmail.com or 860-236-8889) or Janet Wallans (Janetcw@sbcglobal.net or 860-278-4596). Renee Neikrie, on the Yahrzeit of father-in-law Benjamin Neikrie Emma Pahuskin, on the Yahrzeit of husband Lester Pahuskin Elizabeth & Jonathan Goodman, on the Bat Mitzvah of Natalie Goodman Schlossberg Family, on the Yahrzeit of Karen’s father Paul Alper Gloria Bein, on the Yahrzeit of her mother Fannie Greenberg Rena Miller, on the Yahrzeit of mother Elizabeth Harris Danielle and Ben Wu, on the Bat Mitzvah of Shoshana Wu November Minyonaire Breakfast Sponsors Syd Elkin, on the Yahrzeit of his mother and father, Ruth and Ben Elkin Meryl and Elliot Rosenberg, honoring Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Jocolyn Rosenberg Mark and Michalee Merritt, on the Bar Mitzvah of Benjamin Merritt Elysa and Steven Gordon Wexler, on the Bat Mitzvah of Samara Gordon Wexler Jacob Zamstein, on the Yahrzeit of mother Helen Zamstein Scott and Rebecca Selig, on the Bnai Mitzvah of Nicole and Jillian Selig If you would like to sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush, please contact Myra Emrick at (860) 236-1275 or myra@ emanuelsynagogue.org 12 13 News From The BROTHERHOOD by Don Miller 14 DONATIONS FROM THOUGHTFUL PEOPLE ADULT EDUCATION FUND In Appreciation of ANDY MAGIN’s beautiful contributions to Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur services by Daniel & Ava Kordansky In Honor of BEN ENGEL, bravo on his play by Gail & Ray Weinstein ART FUND In Honor of DR. FRED GLADSTONE & DR. LAURA BERLIN upon MICHAEL’s marriage by Gail & Ray Weinstein BANKS FOUNDATION FUND In Memory of My beloved mother CECELIA BANKS by Marilyn Banks Hamilton LOUIS AND ETTA BECK FUND In Memory of ETTA BECK by Judy Goldberg SEYMOUR AND MARILYN BENSON FUND In Honor of SUSAN & PAUL GOLDBERG on the birth of their new granddaughter by Marilyn Benson SAUL PASTERNACK wishing you a happy and healthy birthday by Marilyn Benson In Memory of CECIL SCHATZ by Marilyn Benson JACK DOLINSKY by Marilyn Benson SUE AND BRUCE BERGMAN FUND In Honor of RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of grandson SPENCER REED LASKER by Bruce & Susan Bergman SUE & BRUCE BERGMAN by Shirley Gerstein BROTHERHOOD FUND In Appreciation of The EMANUEL SYNAGOGUE BROTHERHOOD by Emma Pahuskin CAMP RAMAH FUND In Appreciation of DREW’s YOM KIPPUR honor by Lori Gottlieb In Honor of JERRY & BARBARA SPERBER becoming grandparents to TALIA RUTH & CHANA RACHEL SPERBER by Philip & Karen Schlossberg HARRY & SYLVIA ROSENFELD on their anniversary by Jed, Sharon, Adam & Hanna Rosenfeld In Memory of All our loved ones at yizkor by Philip & Karen Schlossberg Beloved father & grandfather PAUL ALPER on his yahrzeit by Philip & Karen Schlossberg CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of CANTOR SANFORD COHN by David A. & Carolyn Topol CANTOR COHN for helping JARED prepare for his bar mitzvah & his support during the loss of DEBBIE’s mom by Matthew & Debbie Beatman CANTOR COHN for all of your help & support during our time of sorrow by Susan Goldberg, Haila Gladstone & Richard Rosenholtz In Honor of SAUL PASTERNACK’s special birthday by Ira & Barbara Levin KAREN SCHLOSSBERG on her new position as DIRECTOR of ADMISSIONS at the HEBREW ACADEMY of BLOOMFIELD by Linda Domentiz and Randy & Jared Schmidt ESTHER SCHLOSSBERG IN A LEADERSHIP ROLE WITH THE HAZAMIR CHORAL FOUNDATION by Linda Domentiz and Randy & Jared Schmidt In Memory of ABRAHAM LUIZ MITLAK by Beatrice Mitlak Beloved father LOUIS HABER by Brenda Sutter LOUIS MILIKOW by Edward Milikow FARROKH MOREL by Marco & Sarah Morel Beloved sister BARBARA BRADY by Orson & Dianne Rothkopf Beloved son LAWRENCE ROTHKOPF by Orson & Dianne Rothkopf CARING FUND In Appreciation of The CHESED COMMITTE by Harriet Carpenos In Honor of GAIL & JEFF ADLER on the birth of their granddaughter by Fay deHaas In Memory of Beloved parents FANNY ERTMAN & LOUIS ERTMAN by Evelyn Ertman SAMUEL H. AND PAULINE R. COHEN FUND In Honor of DONALD & IRIS ROSENBERG’s anniversary by Carol & Ken Kaplan IRIS ROSENBERG’s birthday by Carol & Ken Kaplan IRIS ROSENBERG’s special birthday by Janice & Robert Klein IRIS ROSENBERG’s 80th birthday by Sheldon & Linda Eisenberg 15 ELKIN FAMILY FUND In Honor of LORETTA & LARRY LEVY on the birth of their new grandson RYDER LEVY by Syd & Jan Elkin RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of grandson SPENCER REED LASKER by Syd & Jan Elkin MARTIN & LINDA STEIN on the birth of grandson FREDERICK MICHAEL STEIN by Syd & Jan Elkin In Memory of HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Syd & Jan Elkin HERBERT AND ELAINE EPSTEIN FUND In Memory of HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Elaine Epstein & Family JACK AND LEATRICE ETELIS FUND In Memory of LEATRICE ETELIS by Beatrice Priola & Family by Debbie Arslan by Diane & Gary Gaffield by Faye & Eugene Mussman by Helene Weller by Janice Krinsky, Stefan Tucker & Family by John Sommers & Talia Wheeler by Lillian Hochman by Linda A. Lewis by Lori Carpenos by Malcolm B. Olins by Marilyn Every by Michael Birnbaum by Rhoda & Seymour Kaplan by Rhoda Kurtzman by Sandra Perlman by Sylvia Pilver by Wilma Hoffman EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory of HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Sharon Lea Sperling by Joanne & Saul Pasternack DANIEL AND JOAN FINE FUND In Honor of DAN FINE’s retirement & special birthday by Sheila Marks FLOWER FUND In Honor of SUSAN & PAUL GOLDBERG on the birth of their granddaughter by Gail & Ray Weinstein FRIDAY NIGHT FUND In Appreciation of JUDY & SEYMOUR MELNICK by Sheri Rifkin In Honor of RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of their grandson by Judy & Seymour Melnick In Memory of HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Judy & Seymour Melnick GENERAL FUND In Appreciation of MYRA EMRICK by Larry & Arline Brick In Honor of The SPERBER family welcoming TALYA & CHANA refuah shelma to BUBBY BARBARA by Leon & Jean Chameides The 40th anniversary of LONNIE & LARRY BRICK by Lydia Klatsky by Roger Shapiro & Marge Weiner The 64th wedding anniversary of SYLVIA & ARKY ROSENFELD by Martin & Linda Stein The birth of our grandson FREDERICK MICHAEL by Martin & Linda Stein SAUL PASTERNACK’s 80th birthday by Martin & Linda Stein My aliyah on ROSH HOSHANA by Richard Welk Completing one more cycle of the Torah & in honor of our upcoming 20th wedding anniversary by Robert Baruch Teitelman & Reesa Fern Olins The publishing of REBECCA FRANKEL’s new book “War Dogs” by Stuart & Sheryl Kopel RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of grandson SPENCER REED by Rona Gollob BARBARA & JERRY SPERBER on the birth of their grandchildren by Janet Wallans In Memory of SOL YAZMER by Cheryl Korman SAM GOODMAN by Cookie Kerxton & Al Rosin by Edward Dubrow by Eleanor Caplan by John & Joan Gordon by John & Roxie Maljanian by Lois & Warren Stannard by Thea Wernick HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Lisa Behan by Janet Wallans by Lee & Monica Gold by Martin & Joyce Libbin by Leon & Jean Chameides by Barbara Reisner ILSE & MANFRED STEIN by Martin & Linda Stein SAMUEL BORIS by Rachel & Terry Marcus ABRAHAM GERLIS by Selma Gordon IRVING NOVA by Sheldon & Phyllis Nova SYLVIA KORDUNER by Shelley & Joel Spierer & Family, Sylvia Goldfarb ROBERT FISHMAN by Janet Wallans GEORGE SIMON by Ken & Pam Simon GRABER-LIPPERMAN FAMILY FUND In Honor of RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of grandson SPENCER REED by Elysa Graber-Lipperman Open an Endowment Fund with as little as $1,000! For more information, please contact Myra Emrick, Synagogue Administrator, at The Emanuel Synagogue office at (860) 236-1275. In Memory of HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Elysa Graber-Lipperman GREEN BUILDING FUND In Honor of JERRY & BARBARA SPERBER on the birth of their twin granddaughters by Michael & Carolyn Levine RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of their grandson by Michael & Carolyn Levine RABBI NATHAN AND LOTTE HERSHFIELD FUND In Memory of SAM GOODMAN by Celia Kavaler The yahrzeit of RABBI HERSHFIELD by Lotte Hershfield RACHEL GLASSMAN & HER DAD & SIBLINGS by Lotte Hershfield SYDNEY LIPPMAN by Lotte Hershfield DR. DAVID KAVALER by Mrs. Celia Kavaler KAIZER FAMILY FUND In Memory of SOPHIA S. GLEASON & A. GERTRUDE KAIZER by Jerry & Geri Kaizer MICHAEL AND MARCIA KRINSKY FUND In Honor of My family with gratitude for our many blessings by Ms. Dorothy Nadel MICHAEL S. AND CAROLYN W. LEVINE FUND Wishing Good Health to And happiness in your new home to MICHAEL & CAROLYN LEVINE by Peter & Deborah Mehlman LIBRARY FUND In Honor of BARBARA & ALLEN ZINBERG on the bar mitzvah of their grandson PETER by Marshall & Susan Seidman 16 NANCY KURSMAN’s grandson’s bar mitzvah by Marshall & Susan Seidman In Memory of Beloved husband HARRIS KAHN by Miriam Kahn LINDA NEWMAN by Sam, Susan, Joshua & Sarah Cohn MINYONAIRES FUND In Appreciation of MOSHE PINCHOVER by Elliott & Meryl Rosenberg RABBI LAZOWSKI by Robert & Joyce Flescher In Honor of RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of grandson SPENCER REED LASKER by Allen & Judith Kronick by David & Merle Harris by The Emanuel Synagogue Minyonaires by Faith Levy by Judd & Bella Fink by Sharon Lea Sperling by Joanne & Saul Pasternack SAUL PASTERNACK’s special birthday by Elliott & Meryl Rosenberg The bat mitzvah of SHOSHANA WU granddaughter of COOKIE & TONY MELITO by Elliott & Meryl Rosenberg LARRY & LONNIE BRICK on their anniversary by Elliott & Meryl Rosenberg DR. MICHAEL & CAROLYN LEVINE best wishes in your new home by Faith Levy MARTIN & LINDA STEIN on the birth of their grandson by Judd & Bella Fink RUDOLPH FAMILY with many thanks by Renee Neikrie My special birthday by Seymour Kaplan In Memory of HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Allen & Judith Kronick by David & Merle Harris SAMUEL BORIS by Allen & Judith Kronick SAM GOODMAN by Allen & Judith Kronick by The Emanuel Synagogue Minyonaires by Judd & Bella Fink by Renee Neikrie by Elliott & Louise Rosenberg ISIDORE MAGIN by Andrew Magin Beloved mother MARCY LEVIN by Ava Kordansky Our mother MYRTLE HIMELSTEIN by Elliott & Meryl Rosenberg DAVID LEVIN by Ira & Barbara Levin Beloved mother FAY FINK by Judd Fink Beloved brother JACK LEWIS WEINBERG by Leonard & Anne Goldman ROSE W. ABRAMSON by Marjorie A. Lindauer & Don R. Abramson Father JACOB LEBOVITZ, great grandfather SAMUEL TORCHINSKY, father DANIEL MYERS by Michael & Sandra Myers MRS. LEILA RUSTEIN by Sylvia Cohen Beloved brother IRVING T. RUTSTEIN by Sylvia Cohen Beloved brother DR. OSCAR RUTSTEIN by Sylvia Cohen ISADORE SCHLOSS by Sylvia Schloss Beloved brother in law PHILIP SCHLOSS by Sylvia Schloss Wishing Good Health to DR. JAY D. SMITH by The Emanuel Synagogue Minyonaires HAROLD AND GLADYS MONDSHEIN FUND In Honor of RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of grandson SPENCER REED by Gladys Mondshein In Memory of WILLIAM Z. GOLDSTEIN by Gladys Mondshein & Family Wishing Good Health to DR. JAY SMITH by Gladys Mondshein MUSIC FUND In Honor of DANNY FINE’s recent retirement & special birthday by Daniel & Ava Kordansky In Memory of BLANCHE WEINER by Myron E. & Ruth Frosh Weiner EDITH FROSH by Myron E. & Ruth Frosh Weiner HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Myron E. & Ruth Frosh Weiner HENRIETTA LEOPOLD by Joan & Len Glazier MAX LEOPOLD by Joan & Len Glazier LESTER J. AND EMMA PAHUSKIN FUND In Memory of LESTER J. PAHUSKIN & special prayers for MICHAEL PAHUSKIN,PAULETTE PAHUSKIN COHEN, RAQUEL SHEMESH PAHUSKIN,MAURICE & YVETTE GRAZI, CLAIRE GRAZI SHAMAH by Emma Pahuskin SAUL AND JOANNE PASTERNACK FUND In Honor of SAUL PASTERNACK’s 80th birthday by Albee & Jerry Guttman by Arlene Kaizer by Bill & Anita Mancoll by Emmy & Steve Fast by Faith Helene by Florence Shakun by Ira & Barbara Levin by Janice & Harold Rosenthal by Marshall & Laurie Shakun by Martin & Joyce Libbin by Michael & Cora Altschuler by Hedyth Fishman by Michael & Naomi Cohen by Mitchell & Beth Shakun by Myles & Suzanne Connell by Peter & Deborah Mehlman by Renee Neikrie by Rhea Gaer by Sandra and Marshall Rulnick by Sheila Marks by Stuart & Linda Geffner by Toby & Art Schuman by Gail & Ray Weinstein by Elaine & Howard Smith FAITH HELENE’s 80th birthday by Joanne & Saul Pasternack ELLIOTT AND EILEEN POLLACK FUND In Memory of Yahrzeit of parents MOLLIE G. POLLACK & SAMUEL B. POLLACK by Elliott B. Pollack PRAYER BOOK FUND In Appreciation of YOM KIPPUR honors by Michael & Sandra Myers RABBI LAZOWSKI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of My dear friend RABBI LAZOWSKI by Faith Helene RABBI LAZOWSKI by Louis & Trudi Brown The CATALYST AWARD given to RABBI LAZOWSKI from the Council of Churches by Marshall Cohn My mother TERRY MARCUS on her 84th birthday by Stuart Marcus Wishing good health to RUTH LAZOWSKI by Gail & Ray Weinstein In Memory of HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Louis & Trudi Brown by Meyer & Sheila Frankel ANNA LAZAROWITZ by Martin Lazarus HYMAN B. ORDER on his yahrzeit by Richard & Denise Order RABBI SMALL’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Appreciation of RABBI SMALL, thank you for all your comfort & kindness during our period of grief by Alan & Peggy Mendelson My honor ROSH HASHANA by Daniel & Ava Kordansky RABBI SMALL for the beautiful service performed for our uncle SAM, thank you for your warmth & compassion by Faith Helene & Joy Platt RABBI SMALL for helping JARED BEATMAN prepare for his bar mitzvah &providing support during the loss of DEBBIE’s mom by Matthew & Debbie Beatman My aliyah on ROSH HASHANA by Rhoda Steinberg RABBI SMALL for all of your help & support in our time of sorrow by Susan Goldberg & Haila Gladstone, Richard Rosenholtz In Honor of SAUL PASTERNACK’s special birthday by Ira & Barbara Levin SHEILA & MEYER FRANKEL on their daughter REBECCA having the book War Dogs published by Michael & Marsha Kamins 17 GAIL & JEFF ADLER becoming grandparents by Michael & Marsha Kamins The birth of our granddaughter ELLA ROSE NEWMAN by William & Joan Newman MICHAEL, JESSICA & ELLA NEWMAN’s new home in Trumbull, CT by William & Joan Newman JOSEPH FIERBERG’s debut in “Mary Poppins” by Renee Zetoff In Memory of HANNAH SEGAL by Beth Goldberg DAVID SUTTER by Brenda Sutter Beloved mother SARAH GELFAND MARKOWITZ by Gertrude Horowitz BURTON AZIA by Gloria Azia HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Harry & Roberta Berry by Lenora Rosenblum by Leonard Swade Yahrzeit of MARCUS KLEINMAN by Joel Kleinman Grandfather MORRIS BURGER by Marsha Kamins IRVING LAZAROWITZ by Martin Lazarus SYLVIA KORDUNER by Michael Cohan & Family HELEN NACHTIGAL by Moshe & Barbara Nachtigal LEATRICE ETELIS by Mr. Michael Cohan & Family Beloved father in law HYMAN PORISS by Muriel Poriss Beloved sister BARBARA BRADY & beloved son LAWRENCE ROTHKOPF by Orson & Dianne Rothkopf HYMAN B. ORDER on his yahrzeit by Richard & Denise Order LARRY TELLAR by Robert Tellar Beloved great grandfather AARON SUSSELMAN on his yahrzeit by Stan & Emily Lebovitz Miller Beloved father JACOB LEBOVITZ on his yahrzeit by Stan & Emily Lebovitz Miller HAROLD KATZ by Stuart & Sheryl Kopel Yahrzeit of LEAH KOPEL by Stuart & Sheryl Kopel Beloved father WILLIAM WELK by Toby Sidrane My beloved father MYRON SHAINESS by Wilma Hoffman RITUAL DIRECTOR COMPENSATION FUND In Memory of HILDA S. RIBACK by Moshe & Debbie Zwang RITUAL FUND “MOSHE’S DISCRETIONARY FUND” In Appreciation of MOSHE PINCHOVER with thanks for your helping with my Torah reading by Alison Rudolph My aliyah by Marco Morel TORAT HAYIM FUND In Honor of MICHAEL & CAROLYN LEVINE on their recent move by Daniel & Ava Kordansky JAMIE & MARK SELTZER on AMANDA’s engagement by Thomas & Lorraine Barber In Memory of SAM BORIS by Louis & Trudi Brown In Memory of LOUIS E. KEMLER by Kemler Family BRYAN LEOPOLD by Lee & Monica Gold TREE OF LIFE FUND In Honor of The birth of RYDER LEVY by Larry & Loretta Levy JEFFREY AND SUSAN RENERT FUND In Honor of BONNIE & RICHARD LASKER on the birth of their new grandson by Jeffrey Renert WALDMAN, KAYE & SAMUELS FAMILY FUND Wishing Good Health to RICHARD GOLDBERG by Karen Kaye JAY SMITH by Sidney Kaye ALAN AND BARBARA ROSENBERG FUND In Memory of AUNT JACKIE ROSENBERG by Donald & Iris Rosenberg RALPH AND HILDA SLIVKA ROSENBERG FUND In Memory of Beloved mother SARAH SLIVKA by Hilda Slivka SATURDAY KIDDUSH FUND In Honor of RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of their grandson by Marc & Sandra Needelman GERRY & BARBARA SPERBER on the birth of twin granddaughters TALIA & CHANA by Peter & Deborah Mehlman HOWARD SCHEINBLUM / SUSAN FIERBERG FUND YOUTH ACTIVITIES FUND In Memory of ORVILLE MILLER father of JUDY SILVER by Herbert & Judy Silver BEN SILVER father of HERB SILVER by Herbert & Judy Silver SISTERHOOD TRIBUTE FUND In Honor of RICK & BONNIE LASKER on the birth of their grandson SPENCER LASKER by Dan & Joni Fine In Memory of MILDRED BRODY by Harvey & Phyllis Silverman VIVIAN AND ROBERT SPIVAK FUND In Memory of Our beloved uncle, JOSEPH SPIVAK by Melton Spivak & Arlan Lieblick In Honor of The celebration of the bat mitzvah of SHOSHANA WU by Allen & Judith Kronick BARBARA & JERRY SPERBER on the birth of their new granddaughters by Susan & Paul Goldberg BONNIE & RICK LASKER on the birth of their new grandson by Susan & Paul Goldberg LINDA & MARTIN STEIN on the birth of their new grandson by Joanne & Saul Pasternack ZIPLOW FUND In Memory of WALTER SCHLOSS by Gail & Ray Weinstein In Memory of PAUL SCHEINBLUM by Judge Howard Scheinblum & Mrs. Susan Fierberg SCHOLASTIC AWARDS FUND In Appreciation of RABBI SMALL, CANTOR COHN & MOSHE PINCHOVER doing such a great job preparing NATALIE for her bar mitzvah by Jonathan Goodman Chavurah Tet by Marjorie Solomon In Memory of HELEN ROSENHOLTZ by Richard & Miriam Goldberg SAM BORIS by Richard & Miriam Goldberg FREDA HUTNER by Richard & Miriam Goldberg MAL WAXLER by Jay D. Smith SHARON BARSHAY MUSIC FUND In Memory of Yahrzeit of beloved uncle LOUIS MARKS by Gerald & Vivian Marks Selma and Barbara enjoy water aerobics. Engaging PEoPlE. ComfortablE living. CulturE of sErviCE. Rain or shine, SummerWood residents have a wealth of complimentary activities to choose from including programs and classes at the Mandell JCC. To learn more about this award-winning senior living community call 860-523-3808 or visit the website at www.hoffmansummerwood.org. HERBERT AND JUDY SILVER FUND In Appreciation of HERB’s ability to resume normal activities by Herb Silver 160 Simsbury Road, West Hartford www.hoffmansummerwood.org A member of the Hebrew Health Care family. 18 February 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY Sh’vat/Adar 5775 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1234567 12 Sh’vat 13 Sh’vat 14 Sh’vat 15 Sh’vat 16 Sh’vat 17 Sh’vat 18 Sh’vat Shaharit 9:30am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Parashat Yitro World Wide Wrap 9am Minha/Maariv 5pm Brotherhood Board Meeting 6:30pm Minha/Maariv 5pm Ritual Committee Mtg 7:30pm Tu B’Shvat Minha/Maariv 5pm Minha/Maariv 5pm Ziplow Study Group 10am Executive Comm. Mtg. 7:30pm Pizmon Services 9am Candles 4:54pm Minha/Maariv 5pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Havdalah 5:53pm Minha/Maariv 5pm Maariv 5pm 9 1011121314 8 19 Sh’vat 20 Sh’vat 21 Sh’vat 22 Sh’vat 23 Sh’vat 24 Sh’vat 25 Sh’vat Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:30pm Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Ziplow Study Group 10am Shaharit 7am Parashat Mishpatim Services 9am Bat Mitzvah of Abigail Azia Candles 5:03pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Minha/Maariv 5:15pm Maariv 5:15pm inha/Maariv 5:15pm Minha/Maariv 5:15pm Minha/Maariv 5:15pm Minha/Maariv 5:15pm Minha/Maariv 5:15pm M Havdalah 6:02pm 15161718192021 26 Sh’vat 27 Sh’vat 28 Sh’vat 29 Sh’vat 30 Sh’vat 1 Adar 2 Adar Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Board of Trustees 7:30pm Shaharit 7am Rosh Chosesh Adar Ziplow Study Group 10am Shaharit 7am Parashat Terumah Rosh Chosesh Adar Shabbat Dinner w/ UHart Hebrew Home Shabbat Services 3:15pm Services 9am Bat Mitzvah of Daniella Medvedovski Candles 5:12pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Minha/Maariv 5:15pm inha/Maariv 5:15pm Minha/Maariv 5:15pm Minha/Maariv 5:15pm Minha/Maariv 5:15pm Minha/Maariv 5:15pm M Havdalah 6:11pm Maariv 5:15pm 22232425262728 3 Adar 4 Adar 5 Adar 6 Adar 7 Adar 8 Adar 9 Adar Shaharit 8am Siddur Covers Program Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Ziplow Study Group 10am Dinner and Movie with Rabbi 6pm Shaharit 7am Parashat Tetzaveh Services 9am Bat Mitzvah of Lillian Schulman Shabbat Zachor Candles 5:20pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Maariv 5:30pm Havdalah 6:19pm inha/Maariv 5:30pm Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Minha/Maariv 5:30pm Minha/Maariv 5:30pm M Are you receiving our weekly Tuesday email that lists all the goings-on at The Emanuel Synagogue and many community events as well? If you are not receiving this, please contact the synagogue office at (860) 236-1275. Support the Emanuel by Buying Gift Cards! Before you buy, remember to contact The Emanuel Synagogue to see if the store you have selected for your purchase is a member of our Great Lakes Gift Card program. It’s really that easy! For More information, contact the Synagogue Office at 860-236-1275 19 Everything Emanuel Periodical Postage PAID 160 Mohegan Drive West Hartford, CT 06117 Hartford Connecticut January 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY Tevet/Sh’vat 5775 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 10 Tevet 11 Tevet 12 Tevet Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Parashat Vayechi Executive Comm. Mtg. 7:30pm Services 9am Candles 4:13pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Minha/Maariv 4:15pm Havdalah 5:12pm Minha/Maariv 4:15pm Maariv 4:15pm 45678910 13 Tevet 14 Tevet 15 Tevet 16 Tevet 17 Tevet 18 Tevet 19 Tevet Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Parashat Shemot Brotherhood Board Meeting 6:30pm Ritual Committee Meeting 7:30pm Ziplow Study Group 10am Executive Comm. Mtg. 7:30pm Services 9am Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Pinkes Candles 4:20pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Minha/Maariv 4:30pm Havdalah 5:19pm Minha/Maariv 4:30pm Minha/Maariv 4:30pm Minha/Maariv 4:30pm Minha/Maariv 4:30pm Minha/Maariv 4:30pm Maariv 4:30pm 11121314151617 20 Tevet 21 Tevet 22 Tevet 23 Tevet 24 Tevet 25 Tevet 26 Tevet Shaharit 8am Brotherhood Breakfast 9am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Sisterhood Mtg. 7:30pm Shaharit 7am Ziplow Study Group 10am Shaharit 7am Hebrew Home Shabbat Services 3:15pm ECC Shabbat Dinner Parashat Vaera Services 9am Sisterhood Shabbat Candles 4:28pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Havdalah 5:27pm Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Maariv 4:45pm 18192021222324 27 Tevet 28 Tevet 29 Tevet 1 Sh’vat 2 Sh’vat 3 Sh’vat 4 Sh’vat Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Board of Trustees Mtg 7:30pm Shaharit 7am Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat Shaharit 7am Ziplow Study Group 10am Cemetery Committee Meeting 7pm Shaharit 7am Parashat Bo Services 9am Challahpalooza Candles 4:36pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Maariv 4:45pm Havdalah 5:35pm Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Minha/Maariv 4:45pm Minha/Maariv 4:45pm 25262728293031 5 Sh’vat 6 Sh’vat 7 Sh’vat 8 Sh’vat 9 Sh’vat 10 Sh’vat Shaharit 8am Shaharit 7am Shaharit 7am Minha/Maariv 5pm Minha/Maariv 5pm Minha/Maariv 5pm Shaharit 7am Minha/Maariv 5pm Shaharit 7am Ziplow Study Group 10am Shaharit 7am 11 Sh’vat Parashat Beshalach Services 9am Bar Mitzvah of Brett Berman Candles 4:04pm Minha/Kabalat Shabbat/ Minha/Maariv 5pm Maariv 4:15pm Minha/Maariv 5pm Havdalah 5:44pm
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