February 2015 Newsletter - Faith Lutheran Church Dodge Center, MN

2015 volume 2
Faith Lutheran Church Monthly Newsletter
308 2nd St NW PO Box 358
Dodge Center, MN 55927
Lenten Worship Schedule
New Members
February 18th
Ash Wednesday
WAM otherwise known as
Worship, Arts and Music is
currently seeking
There will be a new member
gathering on
February 25th– March 25th
Lenten Services
Holy Week
Sunday, March 29th
Palm Sunday
8:00am and 10:00am
Wednesday, April 1st
VOLUNTEERS for what, you
may ask?
Be a part of an
Worship, Arts and Music meets
once a month.
(Last Sunday of the Month).
If you would like to learn more
about Worship, Arts and Music
or would like to join the team,
please contact the church
February 8th at 9:00 a.m.
If you are not currently a
member and would like to
become one, please join us. We
will be meeting in the library.
The New member gathering will
be a time to meet others who
are new, share stories, learn
about Faith Lutheran Church
and its mission, and learn how
to become a member.
If you are interested, please
contact the church office at
Thursday, April 2nd
Maundy Thursday
Friday, April 3rd
Good Friday
Confirmation mentoring
Sunday, April 5th
Easter Sunday
6:30am, 8:00am, 10:00am
February 18th @ 6:00pm.
We will continue each Wednesday
A note from Pastor Barb….
Greetings sisters and brothers in Christ!
December and January were busy months for us here at Faith Lutheran. December, of
course, brought our Advent Season, Christmas Season, and all those seasons bring.
January became was bustling with preparations for our Annual Meeting on the 25th, our
recent focus on Stewardship: Sharing our Financial Blessings, and getting back into our
Faith Christian Education routine.
We invite you to remember to take time to slow the pace of life down a bit, breath deep,
and enjoy some reflection time. I am really excited to share a couple of opportunities to
do just that in the month of February. Consider joining me as I also work to bring
moments of peace and reflection to my life.
Pastor Barb
Opportunity #1
Dodge Center Ministerial presents a Dodge Center Community Opportunity
What: World Premiere Showing of the movie Hoovey
When: Saturday, February 14th @ 7:00pm
Where: Dodge Center Seventh-day Adventist Church
Family Friendly! REGISTRATION INFORMATION coming soon!
Opportunity #2
Faith Lutheran Church presents a Bible Study Opportunity
What: Intriguing Characters, Scandalous Topic,
Inspiring Conversation
Jonah: Scandalous Grace
When: Thursdays during Lent 6:30-8:00pm
2/19, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12, 3/19, 3/26
Where: Faith Lutheran Church
Fellowship Hall
There is No Cost for supplies.
Call Pastor Barb to register (374-2174)
Service Volunteers
Happy Birthday to the following faith members in
Sunday, February 1st
Feb 1st– Ashley Robertson
Feb 2nd– Bill Feil, Brock Franko, Trinitee Pitts, Jackie Short,
Vanessa Haltvick
Feb 3rd– Allison Er ler , J ohn Gosse, Car ol J ohnson
Feb 6th– J ohn Chapin
Feb 7th– Carolyn Long
Feb 8th– Annie Har r is, Rick Wolf
Feb 9th– Tom Tweite
Feb 10th– Chad Andrist, Levi Pope
Feb 11th– Maya Matejcek
Feb 12th– Mar y Stoddar d
Feb 13th– Lorie Meier
Feb 15th- Dennis Ellingson
Feb 16th– Randy Langworthy
Feb 19th– Jim Jensen
Feb 20th– Amy Woxland
Feb 21st– Stacey Evans, Danielle Hallaway
Feb 22nd– Kate Henderson
Feb 23rd– Jalyn Fate, Michael Justice, Carter Keller
Feb 24th– Peter Evans
Feb 25th– Tom Fr edr ickson, Dennis Vang
Feb 26th– J ayce J ohnson
Feb 28th– Shirley Chapin
Dan Fredrickson
Judy Fredrickson
Bill Ketchum
Marian Ketchum
Sarah Erler
Darren Boeck
Melissa Boeck
Acolytes Christian Schrom
Isabella Selthun
Ashley Robertson
Litany Peterson
Kristyn Maixner
Deena Schley
Jacelyn Schley
Sunday, February 8th
Brandon Wolf
Grant Erler Jr.
Corey Woxland
Noah Woxland
Cecelia Kimber
Morgan Styndl
Sunday, February 15th
Grant Erler
Barb Erler
Rodney Myer
Wendy Myer
Rick Wolf
Lisa Wolf
Stacy Wolf
Malinda Quam
Stan Berge
Ellen Berge
Isaiah Selthun
Rhylan Peterson
Anna Ridenour
Corbin Geisler
Fellowship Grant and Sarah Erler
Sunday, February 22nd
Ray Spaulding
Gary Norstad
Litany Peterson
Stan Berge
Ellen Berge
Elyse Bestor
Is your birthday or loved one’s not listed? If you don’t see it here
please let the church office know. We are updating our records and
we would like to know when you were born so we can celebrate
with you!
Happy Anniversary!
February 16th– Harl and Carol Burzlaff
Is your anniversary not listed? If you do not see it here,
please let the church office know. We are updating our
records and would like to know when you were united in
marriage so we can celebrate with you!
Altar Care
Monica Keesling
Finding God in a Bag of Groceries
is a book we are encouraging all
members of our congregation to
read. We have purchased 15
books for which people can take
home, read, and return for the
next person. If you have a copy at
home and you are done reading it, please return
it ASAP so that others may enjoy the book as
Thank You!
Faith Lutheran Outreach Team
Wednesdays @ Faith
Pantry of Faith
Lenten Schedule Change
The Pantry of Faith
Donations of the Month
As we move into our Lenten season our
Wednesday schedule will have a slight
adjustment to accommodate our Lenten worship
opportunities. Our Lenten schedule is as follows:
3:30-5:40pm WACKY
(grades 2-5)
Canned Fruit
Hand Soap/ Hand Sanitizer
If you are able to help, please drop
off the items at the church office.
Thank you so much for your
donations and support.
5:15-6:15pm Community Meal
6:00-6:40pm Faith Christian Education
(all age groups including confirmation)
Life and Growth
6:45-7:30 Lenten Worship
Life and Growth is in need of people to
prepare and serve fellowship treats.
Fellowship is simply a time to get to know
one another. It is for EVERYONE! ALL
7:30-8:30pm Middle/High School Group
Our Lenten Schedule will run from
February 18-March 25
Fellowship begins at 9:00am every
Sunday. Fellowship time is just that, a
time to be in fellowship with one another.
It’s a wonderful opportunity to catch-up
with old friends and to meet new friends.
Wednesday Kitchen Help
Serving fellowship is very simple. You
can serve donuts, cakes, cookies, bars,
etc. We want everyone to feel like they
are able to serve. Coffee will be provided.
On Wednesday evenings Paul is
looking for help serving our
community meal and cleaning up.
We need volunteers to help from
4:45pm to 7:00pm ( or until clean up
is finished.)
If you are interested in serving fellowship
with your family or with a group, please
sign up in the fellowship hall or contact
the church office for more information @
374-2174 or faithdcmn@gmail.com
If you can help, or know someone
that would like to help, please
contact the church office at
A note from Our President….
Dear friends,
“Just pray.”
My 13-year-old daughter looked at me and asked a question I
hope I’ll never hear again. “Mom, are we going to die?” As
parents, we all do everything possible to protect our children
from harm, but at this moment, John and I had no control over
the situation. All I could respond was, “I don’t know. We’re all
together and it’s in God’s hands. Just pray.”
We were 15 minutes into our plane ride flying home from Los
Angeles after a great long weekend. We’ve always placed a
priority on traveling with our kids and exploring different places. They both were on their first plane rides at two weeks
(Caroline) and three months (Jude) and never have feared air
travel. But on Delta 2116 January 13th, the airplane’s autopilot
malfunctioned and the pilot lost control of the plane. The flight attendant announced we were in an
emergency situation and to get into the crash/brace position. People around us called their loved ones
saying their last goodbyes as the flight attendant came frantically announcing we had seven minutes left.
The back of the plane fishtailed and the overhead chimes rang repeatedly like they were stuck.
The plane continued to circle the ocean for 45 minutes (we later learned burning fuel so they could land
back at LAX). The flight attendant was giving emergency instructions to those seated in the exit rows.
And the Gosse’s were praying.
Finally the pilot came on and said we’d been cleared to land. We looked out the windows and there
were fire trucks and ambulances waiting for us. The experienced pilot was able to manually land the
plane and the entire plane wept with relief and clapped. Later we found out that NBC programming had
been interrupted as they were following the plane live. My aunt had been watching.
I thank God that He had us in His hands that day. And that I have a strong faith to rely on in times of
fear. I hope my children learned that when there’s nothing else left to do: “Just pray.”
Jaci Gosse, Church Council President
Our February Family Movie Night is Dolphin Tale 2 on Friday, February 28 at 6:30 pm. Treats will
be served!! We encourage everyone to come in their PJ’s, bring a favorite blanket and or pillow and
enjoy the evening together with others from our community. This is a free evening and everyone is
All our 3rd grade students will be receiving a Bible from Faith Lutheran along with a
Blessing during worship on Sunday, February 8 at the 8:00 or 10:00am worship service.
Students along with their parents are invited to attend the Bible introduction led by Missy at 9:00
am in the Sunday school wing. Coffee and treats will be served.
If you have any questions, you can give me a call at the church at 374-2174 or e-mail me at
We will be having a meeting for students with parents of our 8th grade confirmation students on
Wednesday, February 11 at 6:30 pm. This a service night for confirmation so we will get the service
project started at 6:15 and then meet in the Sanctuary at 6:30 pm. We will be talking about what is
coming up during the next couple of months before confirmation including the upcoming required
retreat, March 21-22.
We will again be attending Confirmation camp at Sugar Creek Bible Camp in Ferryville, Wisconsin
this summer. Confirmation camp is from Sunday, July 26 - Friday, July 31, 2015 for students who
have completed grades 6-8. Total cost for camp is $385. A non-refundable deposit of $100 and
registration form is due to Missy by Wednesday, February 25. You can get registration forms from the
youth booth or on our website at www.faithdc.org. There are opportunities for participation in
upcoming fundraising and scholarships are available. Contact Missy in the church office at 374-2174 or
missytjosaas@gmail.com if you have questions.
Faith Lutheran Church
308 2nd St NW
P.O. Box 358
Dodge Center, MN 55927
(507) 374-2174
Return Service Requested
“Partner Church with
Worship Schedule
Castillo Fuerte in Bogota, Colombia”
308 2nd Street NW—PO Box 358
8:00am………..Traditional Worship
Dodge Center, MN 55927
9:10am……….…………..Grace Notes
(507) 374-2174—www.faithdc.org
10:00am ….Contemporary Worship
Lead Pastor—Pastor Barb Streed
Wednesdays (note change during Lent)
Director of Youth & Family Ministries—Missy Tjosaas
5:15pm………... .Community Meal
Secretary—Sarah Erler
Music—Nadine Langworthy
8:00pm………..……….Band Practice
Custodian—Missy Pflaum
6:15pm………..Christian Education
8:00pm……………..….Youth Group