Arolwg Gofal Iechyd Victor Babu’s Healthcare Survey Victor Babu (01745) 826528 u b a B r o t c i V Dr Dr Victor Babunt, rescent, 4 Paradise Caenmawr Penm 6AR Co n wy L L 3 4 e Cresce 3 4 Paradis maenmawr Pen 4 6AR Co n wy L L 3 Annwyl Gyfaill, ter o bwys. fal iechyd yn fa yn y DU. go n ei ae m y, w ha n ymhlith yr uc Yma yn Abercon n preswylwyr hy ol. ei an nr ca ae M yd da yn hanfod Mae gofal iech i chyd sydd wed ol yn y maes ielaeth o wasanaethau yn si fe of pr r iw n rheo n Fel gweith feddyg ac mew am ddyfodol ei gweithio fel llaw rdal, mae gennyf bryderon iechyd yn ein ha chyd lleol. gwasanaeth ie u'r arolwg nudau i gwblha wodraeth fu o g di hy yc d Ly mry ui Pe baech yn cy gallu cyflwyno'r canlyniada a yn yn ym l n el w as gw bu yd n, ch ie hw dd dros gofal Cymru ac ymla Aberconwy. (01745) 826528 Dear Resident Published and promoted by C.Humphreys on behalf of V.Babu (Liberal Democrat) both at 4 Paradise Crescent, Penmaenmawr, Conwy LL34 6AR. Printed by D2P, Builders Street West Llandudno, Conwy LL30 1HH Victor Babu es in le of North Wal serve the peop Executive. As your to ge ile iv pr t It's a grea a Health ay, I want a Surgeon and my capacity as t Candidate in the election in M care lth ra ea oc H the Liberal Dem feedback about le ab lu va ur yo y. tituenc to gather Aberconwy cons Services in the le present the peop opportunity to re Health Board as e th d ha I , ly nt waladar Until rece on the Betsi Cad Chair of the e of North Wales th as d rsonal ember an an Associate M up but this survey and your pee ro m G lp 's er he ld ation to Stakeho me further inform stories will give the service impacts on you. understand how and I rtant to all of us po im lly ta vi is ical vice king in the med Our Health Ser perience of wor s in North Wales will help ex y m at th ow kn ar a number of ye profession over ctive voice in Westminster. fe me to be your ef Victor Babu 3) Ydych chi neu un o’ch teulu wedi bod i Uned Ddamwain ac Argyfwng neu man anafiadau yn ystod y ddwy flynedd diwethaf? Os do, lle? 1) Ydych chi wedi ymweld â’ch meddyg teulu yn ystod y ddwy flynedd diwethaf? Os do, pa mor fodlon oeddech chi â’r driniaeth gawsoch chi? Naddo Do Llandudno Do Naddo Yn fodlon iawn Yn anfodlon Yn fodlon Yn anfodlon iawn Naill ai n fodlon nac yn anfodlon 2) O’ch profiad chi, pa mor fodlon ydych chi gyda’r amser sy’n rhaid aros i weld eich meddyg teulu? Yn fodlon iawn Yn anfodlon Yn fodlon Yn anfodlon iawn Naill ai n fodlon nac yn anfodlon Glan Clwyd Bangor 4) Aethoch chi i’r Ysbyty mewn ambiwlans? Am faint oedd rhai i chi aros iddo gyrraedd? Do Naddo Ambiwlans Awyr Llai nac 8 munud 35-45 munud 8-15 munud 45-55 munud 15-25 munud Mwy na 55 munud 25-35 munud 5) Ydych chi neu aelod o ch teulu wedi bod mewn adran cleifion allanol yn ystod y ddwy flynedd diwethaf? Os do, pa mor hir oedd y rhestr aros? Do Naddo 1) Have you visited your GP in the last two years? If yes, how satisfied were you with your treatment? wythnos Yes No Very satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Dissatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 2) In your experience, how satisfied are you with waiting times to see your local GP? Very satisfied Dissatisfied Satisfied Very Dissatisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied 3) Have you or a member of your family Attended an Accident and Emergency or Minor Injuries unit in the past 2 years? If yes, where? No Yes Llandudno Glan Clwyd Bangor 4) Did you travel to Hospital in an ambulance? How long did did you have to wait for it to arrive? Yes No Air Ambulance Less than 8 minutes 35-45 minutes 8-15 minutes 45-55 minutes 15-25 minutes More than 55 minutes 25-35 minutes 5) Have you or a member of your family been an outpatient in the past two years? If yes, how long was the waiting list? Yes No Weeks 6) Were you allowed to choose where you received your treatment? Which hospital did you go to? 6) Gawsoch chi ddewis lle i gael eich triniaeth? I ba ysbyty aethoch chi? Naddo Do Yes Ysbyty: Naddo Ysbyty: 9) Oedd gennych unrhyw gwynion am eich triniaeth? Oedd Nac oedd Oeddech chi'n hapus efo'r ymateb i'ch cwynion? Oeddwn Nac oeddwn 10) Oedd gennych unrhyw bryderon am heintiau (fel MRSA neu Clostridium Difficile) yn ystod eich ymweliad? Oedd Nac oedd 11) Oeddech chi’n gwybod mai Llywodraeth Lafur Cymru sy’n gyfrifol am ein Gwasanaeth Iechyd? Yes “Rwyf yn adnabod Victor ers nifer o flynyddoedd. Mae ganddo wybodaeth drylwyr o'n Gwasanaeth Iechyd a'r heriau mae yn ei wynebu dros y blynyddoedd nesa. Buasai'n gwneud Aelod Seneddol ardderchog.” Aled Roberts AC “I’ve known Victor for a number of years. He has an in-depth knowledge of our Health Service and the challenges it faces over the next few years. He would make an excellent MP” Aled Roberts AM Eich barn Ar raddfa o 1 (lleiaf) i 5 (mwyaf), pa mor debygol ydych chi o bleidleisio dros y pleidiau canlynol? Y Ceidwadwyr 1 2 3 4 5 Llafur Do Victor has been a doctor for over 25 years and has been a Surgeon in Glan Clwyd Hospital for 11 years. 7) Have you or a member of your family been an inpatient within the past two years? If yes, how long was the waiting list? wythnos Naddo 8) Gawsoch chi ddewis lle i gael eich triniaeth? I ba ysbyty aethoch chi? Do No Hospital: 7) Ydych chi neu aelod o ch teulu wedi bod yn yr ysbyty am noson neu fwy yn ystod y ddwy flynedd diwethaf? Os do, pa mor hir oedd y rhestr aros? Do ABOUT VICTOR BABU Naddo 12) Defnyddiwch yr adran hon i sôn am eich profiadau gyda’ n gwasanaeth iechyd lleol. Defnyddiwch ddarn arall o bapur os oes angen. 1 2 3 4 5 Y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol 1 2 3 4 5 Plaid Cymru 1 2 3 4 5 Mae’n bosib y bydd y Democratiaid Rhyddfrydol a’u cynrychiolwyr etholedig yn defnyddio’r wybodaeth hon i gysylltu â chi am faterion a allai fod o ddiddordeb i chi. Fe all hyn ddigwydd yn awtomatig. Cysylltwch â ni ar unrhyw adeg os nad oes arnoch chi eisiau clywed gennym ni am rai pethau, neu yn wir, os nad oes arnoch chi eisiau clywed gennym ni o gwbl. No Weeks 8) Were you allowed to choose where you received your treatment? Which hospital did you go to? Yes No Hospital: 9) Did you have any complaints about your treatment? Yes No Were you happy with the way they were dealt with? Yes No 10) Did you have any concerns about infections (such as MRSA or Clostridium Difficile) during your visit? Yes No 11) Were you aware that the NHS is run by the Welsh Labour Government? Yes No 12) Use this space to tell us about your experiences with our local health service. Attach another piece of paper if necessary. Your views On a scale of 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest), how likely are you to vote for the following parties? Conservative 1 2 3 4 5 Labour 1 2 3 4 5 Liberal Democrat 1 2 3 4 5 Plaid Cymru 1 2 3 4 5 Other___________1 2 3 Enw: Name: Cyfeiriad: Address: Cod Post: Postcode: Ebost: Email: Ffôn: To return, put the survey in an envelope and send it to: Lib Dems, FREEPOST RTLX-LLXCUJGS, 4 Paradise Crescent, Penmaenmawr LL34 6AR 4 5 The Lib Dems and their elected representatives may use the information you provide to contact you about issues you may find of interest. Some of these contacts may be automated. You can opt out of some or all contacts at any time by contacting us. If you feel at any time that your views have changed, please get in touch to let us know. Your details Eich manylion I ddychwelyd y daflen hon rhowch mewn amlen a'i anfon i: Democratiad Rhyddfrydol, POST RHAD RTLX-LLXC-UJGS, 4 Paradise Crescent, Penmaenmawr LL34 6AR He lives with his wife and family in Colwyn Bay. He represented the people of North Wales on the Health Board of the Betsi Cadwalader University Health Board, which runs hospitals in North Wales, for many years. He is also a Surgery Examiner for the Royal Medical Colleges, A General Medical Council Performance Assessor and a Keele University Visiting Speaker. Phone:
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