MINISTRY OF LAND, HoUS|NG AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (MoLH&UD) . NAIROBII.iETROPOLITANDEVELOPMfNT(NMED)Country:Kenya Pmiece NAlRoBl ltETRoPoLrrAN sEtrlcE tt{PRovEMENT pRorEcr (Naiasp) Credit No.:lDA Credit No,: contract Titte: SUPPLY 5I 020-KE AND DELIYERY oF YEHtcLEs FoR Ncc pRoJEcr MANAGEMENT UNIT Contract No.:NCB/MoLH&UD/NMED/NaMSlpA/EH -ZSIZO I 4-2O I s Reference No:G007 in Procurement plan t. The Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development has received financing from the Wortd Bank toward the cost of the Nairobi _Metropolitan Service lmprovement Project. (l$aMSlp), 3l9.iT"1dt l?3le!y eart ol ttre proceeds toward payments under thscontract for Supply and'Delivery oi Vehicles for NCC Project Management Unit" Lot Description Lot I 4 x 4 Diesel Double Cab Pickups Quantity Location Delivery Period 1No. Nairobi Three(3) Months (240G3000cc); Lotz Diesel propelled 9 seabr microbus lNo. Naiiobi Tttree(3) Months (2400-2800cc) The Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Dwelopment now invkes sealed bids from eligible bidders for Vehicles as detailed below: Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedures as specified in theWorld |ant's Gudel,nes'Ptp.uemert of fus urder IERD Loons ond IDA O"drts &Gronrs bf i^/orfd Bonk Bonowers fror Procur'ement of Goods,Works and Non-Consulting Services issued in upa"t O in larwary,XU "na March 201 3 ("Procuremeffi Guidelines'), and is open to atl etfibh bidders as defined in the Frocure+nent G-uidellnes' ln addition, please reGr to paragraphs 1.6 and 1.7 setting forth theWortd Bank's policy on conflict of imerest. 4. lnterested efiible bidders may obaln further information from the address below and inspect the bidding documents d-uring office hours 0900 to I 700 hours during working days (Monday to Friday). A complete set o1 bidding documents in English.may be purchased by interested eligible bidders upon the submissiog of a written application to the address below and ,pon p"yrn"nt of a-nonrefundable'fue of KShs.l,000 Per set (or equivalent in a convertible currency).The method of payment will be cash or banker's cheque from a rePutable bank in Kenya.The Bidding Documents will be coileited from the address below upon production ofa purchase receipt Bids must be delivered on or before 1200 hours EastAfrica time on Friday,6s March 2015 to theTender Box located at 2fth floor,Ambank House, Universityway, Nairobi, Kenya.The packages should be clearly marked'jlyryly Oelivery ofVehiclej for NCC Project Management Uiit, "4 Contract No.:NCB/MoLH&UD/NMED/NaMSIP/YEH-25t2014-ZOtS".Eiectronic biaaing witt noi be permitted. Late bids will be relected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the biddErsi designated represenatives and anyone who choose to attend at 20th flooqAmbank House, Universitywf, Nairobi, Kenya, at I205 hours EastAfrica time on Friday,66 March 20 ! 5. 7. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security Lot l: Lot as follows: KShs. 40,000 (Kenya Shillings FortyThousand); and 2: KShs.S0,000 (Kenya Shillings FiftyThousand). For more than one Lolthe required bid security will be the sum of the bid securities of the respec- tive Lots, or equivalent amount in freely convertible curency. A Pre-Bid meeting shall take place on Friday, 136 February,20l5 at t0:00 a.m, on the 20th floor Boardroom,Ambank House, UniversityWay, Nairobi, Kenya. The address refurred to above is: Principal Secretary, Ministry of Land, Housing and Urban Development, Nairobi Metnopolitan Development, KICC Building,25th Floor, Room 2520, P.O.Box30l30-00100, Nairobi, Kenya. Email: procurement@lair.obimetro.go,ke or Tel: 254-20-317224135
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