February 4, 2015 Volume 71 Number 10 The Chimes Church of the Saviour United Methodist Lent Begins with Ash Wednesday Services Lenten Dinner & Deep Conversation The Christian world will begin the season of Lent on Ash Wednesday, February 18. On that day Church of the Saviour will offer two worship services: 12 noon – 12:45 p.m. in Myers Chapel and 7 – 8 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Dr. Yoost will begin the Lenten series, “Under Construction” by preaching at both services on the theme, “It’s Orange Barrel Season!” The Scriptural base will be Joel 2:1-2, 12-17, Psalm 51, II Corin. 5:20-6:10 and Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21. Following the sermon, worshipers will have the opportunity to receive ashes applied by the pastors to the forehead in the shape of a cross. The ashes are made from palm leaves saved from last year’s Palm Sunday services. They are burnt and mixed with oil. Ashes have always been used to symbolize a time of penance. Ashes seem worthless. We can’t make them pretty. They remind us of our failures. Yet on the other side of Ash Wednesday is Easter, often accompanied by the waters of baptism. The water of baptism symbolically washes away the dirt of the ashes as we are reminded again and again that grace is the final answer. Following the Imposition of Ashes, Holy Communion will be celebrated, symbolizing God’s offer of forgiveness and new life in Christ. Save the date for another night of dinner and conversation at Church of the Saviour. On Friday, February 20, beginning at 6:00 p.m., we will gather to enjoy Chef Eric Lewis’s delicious Lenten Dinner, followed by activities for everyone in the family. This dinner is open to our whole church family. Here’s the menu: pulled pork with a choice of sauces, baked potato bar, tossed salad, and dessert. Dinner will cost $6/adult, and $3/child or youth. Reservations may be made by contacting Renee Leonard at rleonard@chsaviour.org or 216-321-8880. After dinner, at 7:00, you are invited to the parlor for Faith: The Second Most Awkward Conversation to Have with Your Kids.* We want our kids and youth to grow up to have a faith that lasts. How can we help make that happen? Join us for our next parent conversation. Open to everyone. While the adults are in conversation, children preschool through 5th grade are invited to watch a movie. The kids will gather in Room 50 in the Children’s area at 7:00 p.m. Popcorn included! If your child is younger than three or would probably do better with toys than a movie, child care will be available in the Nursery beginning at 6:45 p.m. Youth groups will meet in their regular rooms starting at 7:00. —Renee Leonard, Director of Children’s Ministries *Those who choose may attend the Quink Concert at 7:30. See related article on page 3. “Hearts for Haiti” Cookie Sale Hello, I am Derek Yost. I am 12 years old, and I’m doing my Valentine’s Day Cookie sale for the 5th year in a row. Again, all sales will support the Methodist School in Dondon, Haiti. Last year, you helped me raise over $2,000. My goal for 2015 is at least $2,500. We will take cookie orders at church on February 1st between all services, during the Souper Bowl of Caring at 6:30 p.m., and on Sunday February 8. We will deliver the cookies and sell more at our table on February 15. Orders may be picked up in the church parlor on Valentine’s Day, February 14 from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. and on Sunday the 15th after all services. If you have any questions, you can email my mom, Tina, (tinadyost@gmail.com) or call us at home (216 – 991 – 0779). Please support the students in Dondon! Thanks. Derek Yost Worship Schedule FEBRUARY 8 - Sermon Series: Who is Jesus? Rev. Tobey Covault preaching at 8:30 a.m. in Myers Chapel, 9:30 a.m. in the Great Hall and 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary: Who Is Jesus? - A Healer (Mark 1:29-39). FEBRUARY 15 Dr. Yoost preaching at 8:30 a.m. in Myers Chapel, 9:30 a.m. in the Great Hall and 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary: Who is Jesus? - A Transformer FEBRUARY 18 - Sermon Series: Under Construction Dr. Yoost preaching at 12:00 in Myers Chapel & 7 p.m. in the Sanctuary: It’s Orange Barrel Season (Joel 2:1-2, 12-17; Psalm 51; II Corinthians 5:20-6:10; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21). Holy Communion and distribution of ashes at both services. FEBRUARY 22: Youth Sunday Jr & Sr Youth leading worship at 8:30 and 11 a.m. in the Sanctuary and at 9:30 a.m. in the Great Hall: (Mark 1:9-15). Join Rev. Marshall at 6:30 p.m. Sundays in the Great Hall for Catalyst Worship. Sermon series: Why Bother? Please join Rev. Tobey Covault for the monthly Taizé Service on Wednesday, February 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. FROM THE PASTOR’S PEN There is great excitement in the air as the congregation gears up for 90x40: ninety minutes of service during the forty days of Lent. This year we will focus our voluntary service in East Cleveland, as we seek inroads for new ministry there. Be sure to sign up, and plan to receive a blessing through your participation. The forty days of Lent remind us of the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness before he began his ministry. These days were a time of testing and strengthening. Just as steel cannot be used until it has been through a refining and strengthening process, so our lives cannot be used by God most effectively until we have listened for God’s call, wrestled with God’s purposes for us, and committed ourselves to following where God leads. The pastors and worship team have chosen “Under Construction” as the theme for this year’s Lenten worship and sermon series. Following the hard winter, just as the roads will need patched and repaired, so most of our lives need some mending. If we are honest, we will have to admit that we have a long way to go in our journey of faith. Most of us are “under construction.” As new building projects begin in our community this spring, I would challenge you to ask, “What new thing is God trying to do in my life? In what areas of my life is God wanting to build something new?” As we meet together in classes and groups, I hope we will raise the question, “Where does God want new construction in our faith community? What is God calling us to do?” I believe that God is serious about the construction business! American author Annie Dillard once wrote, “It is madness to wear ladies’ straw hats and velvet hats to church; we should all be wearing crash helmets.” Are you ready for a challenge? Join us each week for the series which will culminate on Easter Sunday, April 5. See you in church! -Charles D. Yoost Save the Date! Dr. Yoost’s Retirement Celebration Saturday, June 20 Still Time to Register for Greece & Turkey Cruise If you have been thinking about joining Dr. Charles & Barbara Yoost for the 13-day cruise, there is still time! Registration is still open for “The Highlights of Paul’s Journey,” which will take you to the places where the Apostle Paul preached in the first century. The tour departs from Cleveland on October 10, 2015. An optional “Pre-Tour” of Istanbul, uniquely designed by Charlie & Barb, is available by leaving a day early (Oct. 9). Please call the church office for a brochure, or view this tour on line at http://www.eo.travelwithus.com/tours/ the-highlights-of-pauls-journey-with-drcharles-yoost#eotours Tour PS15 Date 101015 Code Y ID#=25103 Hillcrest Hospital President to Speak at Church of the Saviour The Health Ministry Team invites everyone to join us on Wednesday, February 11 at 7:30 pm in the church parlor to hear Brian Harte, MD. He will be talking about "Humor and Health." A member of Church of the Saviour, Brian is President of Hillcrest Hospital. UMW General Meeting Tuesday, February 10 at 10 a.m. You have probably heard that Church of the Saviour has a special ministry called the Breathe Respite Program. But do you know exactly what it is? Come to the parlor on Tuesday, February 10, at 10 a.m. for the United Methodist Women’s General Meeting. Renee Leonard, Director of Children’s Ministries, will speak about the Breathe Respite Program and its importance to the families of special needs children. All women of the church are welcome. If you wish to stay for lunch after the program, please call the church office (216-321-8880) by February 8 to RSVP. Lunch is $5. New Member Classes If you would like to learn more about Church of the Saviour, its history and beliefs, and opportunities for fellowship and involvement, plan to attend the New Member Classes led by the pastors that will be held on four Wednesday evenings (Feb. 25, March 4, 11 & 18) from 7 until 8:30 p.m. Call the church office to register. Child care is available upon request. How can 90 minutes of your time make a difference? You can help begin the process of Church of the Saviour connecting and building relationships with the people of East Cleveland by volunteering through one of the agencies at our annual 90x40 Expo. On Sunday, February 8, the hallway from the Great Hall lobby to the Cafe will be transformed into the 90x40 Expo. Here, you can talk with approximately 10 different agency representatives and sign up for a volunteer opportunity ideal for you. With the theme: “East Cleveland Connection,” all volunteer opportunities will be in East Cleveland or on a site connected to East Cleveland. Volunteer individually, with a group, or look for “Family Friendly” signs to make it easy to spot signups for your family. Need a babysitter? That can be arranged to help you complete your 90x40 commitment. If you are not in church on Feb. 8, the signup lists will be displayed Feb. 15 in the Great Hall hallway after the 8:30 and 9:30 services, and in the Tower Entrance after the 11:00 service. You can also independently sign up with an agency after these two dates by picking up a 90x40 Agency Directory in the church office, at the two welcome desks, or online at the church website. Just call the agency representative, tell them you’re from Church of the Saviour, and you’d like to volunteer! For those who are not able to venture out, sign up to be a prayer partner to an agency. Prayer requests will be available at the Expo and on the 90x40 web posting. Your 90 minute volunteer commitment is to be completed between February 18 and April 5: the 40 days of Lent. For more information on the 90x40 program check the 90x40 bulletin board at the Reinberger Entrance, or at the church website. There’s a way for all to serve during the 90x40 campaign. Contact Juanita Taylor at 330-6592009 or jajuarez1@yahoo.com for help in finding the perfect volunteer oppor- COTS Youth A Note from the Youth Director Did you see the article in Christian Century? (www.christiancentury.org/article/201411/parents-no-1-influence-teens-remainingreligiously-active-young-adults) Holy smokes. Here’s a snippet quoting Christian Smith, director of the National Study on Youth and Religion (which everyone should look at sometime): “Nothing else “comes remotely close to matching the influence of parents on the religious faith and practices of youth,” Smith said in a recent talk about the findings at Yale Divinity School. “Parents just dominate.” That’s a strong statement from someone who has done a LOT of research on the topic. If you’re a parent and you just read that for the first time, you may be experiencing any combination of emotions: excitement, fear, joy, guilt, and pressure, among others. (Quick note: religious activity doesn’t equal faith in Jesus. But faith in Jesus usually results in religious activity, i.e., worship service attendance, prayer, reading scripture, serving others, etc.) So what do we do with that? First, when reading about the strong influence of parents, it’s SO easy to forget that it’s the HOLY SPIRIT who brings about the faith and life change that leads to a close relationship with Christ. And that person has to choose it as well. We can do a lot as parents, but ultimately, it’s not in our hands. Second, accepting that we can’t exert complete control, there are things we CAN do. This is a short column so here are some short ideas: As parents and adults, what do WE think and believe about God? Jesus? the Holy Spirit? None of us are Jesus, so we’ve probably got questions and doubts. That’s okay! What fertile soil for conversation! We can teach our kids the basic gospel message. It can be framed in so many ways. One I love from the authors of Sticky Faith is the 4 G’s Gospel. God created us Good. Our sin or Guilt separates us from God. Through God’s Grace God sent Jesus so we can be forgiven and have eternal life with God starting now, and accepting that grace we respond with Gratitude. Our lives are giant. Thank You to God for what God has done for us. Are your kids old, or young, or you’re not a parent? All of this still applies! It’s not too late or too early for your own children, and it’s helpful for young people who don’t even belong to you. Much more on all of this at the Feb. 20 parent discussion – join us! -Curt Campbell QUINK VOCAL ENSEMBLE FEBRUARY 20 at 7:30 p.m. $15/adults $5/students (18 and under) Tickets at the door are cash or check only. Advanced sale tickets online by credit card. With the resurgence in popularity of a cappella singing, this concert will truly delight audiences. The program will feature an eclectic combination of French Renaissance music, BiBaBo (a quirky, fun and engaging piece written for Quink), and an assortment of beautiful, twentieth-century settings by Barber, Finzi and Randall Thompson. The New York Times praised “Quink’s elegant phrasing, impeccable intonation and a purity of tone” while the Cleveland Plain Dealer wrote: “They delivered an astonishing array of music with expert vocal technique, a finely calibrated sense of ensemble balance and an infectious sense of musical fun... It was the seamless teamwork they showed that most impressed the audience.” Sponsored by Arts in the Cathedral New Spotlight Church of the Saviour has received a generous gift of $1,500 towards the replacement of our decades old spotlight with a used, professional-grade light that is more safe and much brighter. The spotlight is primarily used during Christmas Eve worship services, all day long for all Upward basketball games, and for theatrical works. We are seeking matching gifts totaling $1,500 to complete the purchase. Please contact the office if interested in donating. Women’s Retreat: Save The Date! March 20-22, 2015 Olmsted Manor, PA Friday, February 6 Jr Youth: Progressive Dinner, 7-9:30 p.m. Sr Youth: Sledding & Sprockets, 7-11 p.m. Friday, February 13 Jr & Sr Youth: Youth Sunday Rehearsal & Ice Cream Sundaes, 7-9 p.m. February 14-16 Sr Youth: Girls’ Chrysalis Flight at Camp Asbury (10th-12th grade) Created by God Parent Info Meeting An informational meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 8, at 12:15 pm in the Jr Youth Room (room 097) for those who'd like to learn more about the Created by God retreat for 5th & 6th graders and their parents. We believe it's important to offer our young people a program that puts sexuality into a faith context and challenges them to make their relationship with God a priority in their decision-making about sexuality now and in the longterm. The retreat celebrates how we are wonderfully created by God and are called to responsible living as sexual beings. It also opens the lines of communication between parent and child on what can be a difficult topic to discuss. The retreat is scheduled for March 6-7, and is held every other year. Gifts and Talent Inventory The Church of the Saviour Gifts and Talent Inventory is now on our website! Whether you are new to our congregation or have been attending for years, there may be a way in which you can become involved! Click GIVE on the menu across the top. You will see that VOLUNTEER is now part of the drop-down menu. If you go there, the form is live on the site, and your responses will go directly to the office. A member of the Leadership Development Committee will be back in touch! We Have This Treasure… Join us for a new take on this and other related passages through prayer, fellowship, and worship. This is a contemplative retreat with time for reflection and prayer. We will conclude the weekend with Sunday worship. Led by Liz Nau and Sue Palmer Questions? Contact Molly Ritts (mollymritts@wowway.com) or Karen Murgiano (kmurgiano@ameritech.net) www.chsaviour.org catalystchanging.org Radio Ministry Sunday morning: 6:30 a.m. on WDOK Radio 102.1 FM 10:00 a.m. WHKW Radio 1220 AM Ministry Team Charles D. Yoost, Senior Pastor Erik Marshall, Pastor of Global & Community Outreach Dianne Tobey Covault, Pastor of Discipleship & Spiritual Growth Lois Annich, Pastoral Counselor Judith Higbee, Director of Music Jonathan Short, Contemporary Worship Leader Robert Day, Organist Curt Campbell, Youth Director Renee Leonard, Director of Children’s Ministries Brian Smart, Director of New Ministries Carol Broadbent, Business Manager Cris Hicks, Administrative Assistant Deborah Johnson, Administrative Assistant Meghan Schoening, Newsletter Editor & Wedding Coordinator Loretta Dahlstrom, Bookkeeper The Website and Podcasting Chimes Church of the Saviour Church of the Saviour United Methodist United Methodist 2537 Lee Road 2537 Lee Road Cleveland, OH 44118-4198 Cleveland, OH 44118-4198 (216)321-8880 FAX(216)321-3019 (216)321-8880 FAX(216)321-3019 www.chsaviour.org Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Cleveland, Ohio Permit No. 862 Mailed on Tuesday, February 3. WCLV Radio, 104.9 FM - Sunday, 8 a.m. ADDRESS SERVICE WHK Radio, 1220 AMREQUESTED - Sunday, 10 a.m. Adelphia Cable Channel 21 Sunday - 9 a.m., Tuesday - 8 p.m. Printed by Brothers Printing THE CHIMES is published bi-weekly by Church of the Saviour (United Methodist), 2537 Lee Road, Cleveland, OH 44118-4198. Postage paid at Cleveland, OH. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE CHIMES, Church of the Saviour, 2537 Lee Rd., Cleveland, OH 44118-4198. OUR CHURCH FAMILY’S BULLETIN BOARD HOSPITAL: Jack Chapman REHAB: Shirley Nixon, Lynne Seese, Willie Thomas, Parthenia McClain, Herman Leggon HOME FOLLOWING HOSPITALIZATION: Steve Harris CONGRATULATIONS Gus and Padmini Draviam Kriaris welcomed Niam Samuel Kriaris on January 25. Niam weighed 6.5 lbs. Richard and Sheila Draviam are the proud grandparents. NEXT CHIMES DEADLINE Monday, February 9 Please send newsletter information to chimes@chsaviour.org or drop it off in the Chimes mailbox in the office. NOTES OF GRATITUDE My brother, Kenneth and I wish to thank everyone for their prayers, cards and contributions to our mother, Harriet's memorial fund. -Kathleen Szabo On behalf of our Board of staff, and the families we serve, I would like to thank you very much for your generous donation of holiday gifts in support of Family Promise of Greater Cleveland and our Holiday Program for families. Your generosity put smiles on the faces of hundreds of children on Christmas morning, and gave parents the pleasure of sharing in those smiles. You and the members of the Church of the Saviour made the holiday special for over 100 families! Sincerely, Joan D. Maser, Executive Director On behalf of the Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland and the people we serve, I want to thank you for your ongoing contributions totaling $9,294.40 in 2014. Your gift helped directly feed approximately 60,00 people per month in our community, half of whom are children. We deeply appreciate your support. Sincerely, Dana Irribarren, Executive Director Library News Please browse the library’s selection of books written by Marcus Borg, Jesus and biblical scholar who died on January 21. Unlike many Jesus scholars, he was sympathetic to the spiritual and the miraculous and saw Jesus as a mediator of the sacred, offering an alternative vision of God and reality. He was instrumental in bringing many liberal, lapsed Christians back to the fold. Audiovisual Volunteers Needed for Worship Services (No Experience Needed) Would you like to learn how to run the sound board, MediaShout program, or learn how to edit worship broadcasts? On Sunday, Feb. 15 after worship, please go to the sound booth in the Great Hall or Sanctuary to find out more details. Contact: Leslie Myers for the 9:30 service or Daran Kiefer for the 11:00 service. All are welcome, including teenagers!
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