St. Columbkille Catholic Church Wilmington, Ohio Holy Name Chapel Blanchester, Ohio FEBRUARY 8, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME VOCATION VIEW Proclaiming the gospel is our Christian mission. Jesus proclaimed the Good News and healed because He was rooted in prayer. Take Jesus’ lead - pray! FEBRUARY HNC WEDNESDAY COMMUNION SERVICES GIFTS THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 31/FEBRUARY 1, 2015 904 Registered Families 172 Sunday Identified Gifts Unidentified Gifts TOTAL SUNDAY COLLECTION TOTAL SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTION (FISCAL Y.T.D.) NEEDED FROM SUNDAY & HOLY DAY COLLECTION (FISCAL Y.T.D.) Poor & Needy: St. Vincent de Paul Hope Emergency Building Maintenance & Repair $ $ $ The 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Communion Services at HNC are cancelled February 11-February 25, 2015. They will resume Wednesday, March 4, 2015. 8,554.72 738.00 9,292.72 $ 287,737.94 $ 283,105.94 $ $ $ 399.00 139.20 330.00 2015 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL (CMA) – COMMITMENT WEEKEND Archbishop Schnurr sends his thanks to everyone from St. Columbkille who has pledged to the 2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal, including pledges made during last weekend’s Commitment Weekend. If you have not yet made your pledge, please consider doing so this week. These important local ministries depend on our help each year. You will find extra pledge envelopes in the pews for your convenience this weekend. To make a pledge securely online, please visit CatholicAppeal. net. Thank you! SERVERS LENTEN GUIDELINES Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of abstinence from meat and also days of fast, that is, limited to a single full meal. The other Fridays of the season of Lent are days of abstinence from meat. The law of abstinence binds all Catholics 14 years and older. The law of fasting binds all Catholics from their 18th birthday until their 59th birthday. ASH WEDNESDAY MASS TIMES February 18, 2015 • 12:00 Noon: At St. Columbkille Church in Wilmington • 5:30 p.m.: At Holy Name Chapel in Blanchester • 7:30 p.m.: At St. Columbkille Church in Wilmington THINKING AHEAD: Please feel free to bring in your old palms by February 15, 2015, for use on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015. At StC, the palm box is on the back radiator, St. Joseph side, and at HNC, the box is on the pamphlet table. Thank you. LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR FEBRUARY 14 & 15, 2015 LECTORS GREETERS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 4:00 p.m. Saturday StC Nicholas Spies, Molly Lynch (A) Jim Gumley, (B) Judy Morris Terry Looft, Bob Menker Bob Baker, Doris Pease, Dan Murtland, Arvil Hines, Carol Utrup 6:15 p.m. Saturday HNC Aaron Steward, William Rannells Carol Turner Jim Wiederhold, Tom Handra Nancy Harpster, Carol Bedinghaus, Volunteer Needed 8:15 a.m. Sunday StC James Stroebel, Erin Stroebel, Melissa Stroebel (A) Laurie Stroebel, (B) Carl Zaycosky Ben Germann, Joshua Germann Bob Baker, Carol Rack, John Romer, Hue Vu, Frank Kanyuck, (CL) Mary Gibson, (CL) Colleen Germann 11:00 a.m. Sunday StC John Ulmer, Caleb Fritz, Corin Norohna (A) Theresa Rembert, (B) David Ulmer Jesús Muñoz, Mike Cioca Joyce Noland Vincent Allgeier, Julie Umstead, Gretchen Myers, Deanna Liermann, (CL) Russell Madison, (CL) John Merling The first name for E.M. will have the host and the others will have the cups; the first name for CL will have the host. LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES • Tuesday, March 17, 2015 7:00 p.m. – St. Angelia Merici St. Patrick’s Chapel, Fayetteville • Wednesday, March 18, 2015 7:00 p.m. – St Columbkille Evening Mass Cancelled • Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:00 p.m. – St. George’s Georgetown, OH ST. COLUMBKILLE PARISH adorns the altars at St. Columbkille and Holy Name Chapel with beautiful potted lilies during the Easter Season. You are welcome to make a donation in memory of a loved one to help defray the cost of the flowers. Place cash or a check made out to St. Columbkille in an envelope marked “Easter Flowers,” along with the name(s) of your loved ones. You can place the envelope in the Sunday collection basket, or drop it by the parish office by March 22, 2015. Suggested donation is $13.00, but any amount is welcome. Thank you for your consideration. Questions?? Please call the parish office at 937-382-2236 or email colleengermann@stcolumbkille. org. Thank you. K OF C LENTEN FRIDAY FISH FRIES February 20th, 27th/March 6th, 20th and 27th 5:00-7:30 p.m. – St. Columbkille Parish Center Basement Meals are $8.00, and the menu includes: Fried Cod, Tilapia, Sides, Drinks, and Desserts. Extra Fish or Sides can be purchased a la carte. 2014 CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS The parish office has mailed the 2014 Contribution Statements. If you have not received yours, please contact the parish office as soon as possible so that a replacement will be mailed. STATIONS OF THE CROSS Stations of the Cross will be celebrated at 7:00 p.m. [StC] the following Fridays through Lent: February 20, February 27, March 6, March 20, and March 27. Stations of the Cross will be celebrated after the 6:15 p.m. HNC Mass the following Saturdays through Lent: February 21, February 28, March 7, and March 21. Fr. Mike will also be available for confessions during the Stations of the Cross at HNC. ATTENTION, ALL MARRIED COUPLES!! If you were married in • 1940 (75 years) • 1945 (70 years) • 1955 (60 years) • 1965 (50 years) • 1990 (25 years) Please notify the Parish Office by March 1, 2015, so that we can notify the Archdiocese for your scrolls. The 2015 Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass for couples celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary will be held on Saturday, May 2, 2015, at 2:00 p.m.; Bishop Joseph R. Binzer will be the principal celebrant at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, 325 W. 8th Street, Cincinnati. No tickets are available for the Mass, and due to the large number of attendees, there is no reception following the liturgy. Congratulations to all couples who are celebrating these and all wedding anniversaries. THE WEEK AHEAD Sunday, February 8 7:15 a.m. Folk Choir Practice (CL) 9:30 a.m. Symbolon Adult Ed. Class (PC CR 7/8) 11:15 a.m. Liturgy of the Word with Children (CU) 6:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Monday, February 9 Weekly Men’s Encounter (PC) AHG Meeting (PCB) Cub Scouts (PC) Boy Scouts (PC) CAN Meeting (PC) Tuesday, February 10 7:00 p.m. SVDP (PC) 7:00 p.m. Traditional Choir Practice (CL) Wednesday, February 11 7:30 p.m. Confessions (StC) 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Thursday, February 12 Women’s Encounter (PCL) K of C Council Meeting (CU) K of C 3D Ladies Auxiliary (CU) RCIA (PC) Symbolon Adult Ed. Class (PC CR 7/8) Friday, February 13 1:00 p.m. Blessed Margaret Homeschool Meeting (PCB) 5:00 p.m. AHG Girl Retreat (PC & PCB) 7:00 p.m. NA Meeting (CU) Saturday, February 14 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting (CU AND BEYOND… Sunday, February 15 – Faith Formation Presidents' Day Break (StC) Thursday, February 19 – Sacred Heart Sodality (PCB) Friday, February 20 – K of C Fish Fry (PCB) Saturday, February 21 – We Believe In Marriage Dinner (PCL) To visit our online calendar, please go to, scroll over Parish News tab, click on calendar. Reminder: CL=Choir Loft; CU=Church Undercroft; PC=Parish Ctr; PCL=Parish Center Library; PCB=Parish Ctr Basement; PC CR=Parish Center Classroom; HNCSH=Holy Name Chapel Social Hall We Believe In Marriage Dinner “The Marriage Feast of Cana” – Play performed by the 2016 World Youth Day Group of our parish. Saturday, February 21, 2015 5:00 p.m. – Gathering, 5:30 p.m. – Dinner St. Columbkille Parish Center Basement The cost is $25.00 per couple. If paying by check, please make it out to St. Columbkille. Registration forms are now available on the front/ back radiators at StC, or in the vestibule at HNC. Please return the forms to the parish office or in the collection basket by February 15, 2015. For more information, please contact Mark/Donna Steinmetz at (937) 382-5930 or (937) 527-8933. Thank you. YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE November 30, 2014 - February 2, 2016 World Day for Consecrated Life Please pray for all those who have made commitments in the consecrated life, and be sure to thank them on their special day. May they continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and respond generously to God’s gift of their vocation. Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life O God, throughout the ages You have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give You thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to You. Continue to enrich Your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. For more information, please visit: ministries-offices/religious/. THE BENEDICTINE ORDER OF CLEVELAND Single young men between the ages of 18 and 45, who are interested in discerning God’s will for their lives, are invited to participate in the “Living with Benedictine” monastic spirituality weekend at St. Andrew’s Benedictine Abbey in Cleveland (near University Circle) that will take place February 13-15, 2015. Contact Fr. Finbar at or at 216-721-5300, ext. 273. You can also visit The theme will be “The Spirit of Lent.” The next “Living with Benedictine” weekend will be June 12-14, 2015. Faith Formation News ALONG THE WAY—FAITH ENRICHMENT FOR ADULTS / YOUNG ADULTS: 2015 MEN’S LENTEN JOURNEY WITH CHRIST Tuesday, February 24, 2015 6:00 p.m. Arrival and greeting 6:15 p.m. Dinner by master chef Carl Zaykosky 6:45 p.m. Message and Group Discussion with Fr. Matthew Summe, LC 8:00 p.m. Adoration/Confession followed by Mass For more information, or to RSVP, please email or call 937-7252677. There is no cost, we are only asking for small donations for Fr Matthew’s travel expenses. PARISH LENT MISSION St. Columbkille, Patron Saint of Faith Formation Plans are underway for our annual Lenten Mission, when we invite a guest speaker to provide a stimulating, inspirational and educational series of presentations. Set aside March 1 and 2 for Apologetics of Extraordinary Love (Mr. Dan Burke’s conversion story from Judaism), What is Spiritual Direction and Spritual Theology?, and Spiritual Growth. The mission will start out with a Soup and Bread Dinner at 5:00 p.m. on March 1st in the PC basement; presentation will begin at 6:00 p.m. in the church. On March 2nd, Mr. Burke will discuss Spiritual Theology & Direction at 10:00 a.m. in the PC; the evening presentation will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the church. WEEKLY ENCOUNTER GROUPS The Men’s Group meets on Mondays at 6:30 a.m. The Women’s Group meets on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Join us for Scripture reflection, prayer. We are also discussing Fr. Barron’s new program, Priest, Prophet, King. Remember – men and women can drop in on any given Monday or Thursday in the Parish Center Library. All are welcome! PRE K THROUGH 12 FAITH FORMATION Margo Lewis – 937-382-1596 PRAYERS FOR OUR YOUTH Keep in your prayers the children and youth of our parish. In the next few months, there will be retreats and sacramental preparation taking place through the Faith Formation program. Pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire faith, hope, and a deeper love for Jesus and His Church in all those participating in the retreats. They will be held in the StC Parish Center Basement. FEBRUARY 21 – Grades 3 & 4: Walking with Jesus Retreat at 9:15-11:30 a.m. MARCH 14 – Grades 5 & 6: Lifting the Mind and Heart: How do we pray? This will be held from 9:15-11:30 a.m. APRIL 11 – Confirmation Rehearsal at St. Columbkille – Please remember that the sponsor or a parent must accompany the student. APRIL 12 – Confirmation Mass at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, 2:00 p.m., Cincinnati MAY 16 – Grade 2: Jesus Day Retreat begins at 9:15 a.m. Please remember that one parent of each child should also attend. MAY 17 – First Holy Communion Mass at 2:00 p.m., St. Columbkille CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION WINTER/SPRING MISSION DRIVE FOR INFANTS AND BABIES If parishioners would like to assist the children with the collection of infant and mommy care items, there is a crate in the vestibule of the church. This collection will benefit Mother Seraphina’s Rose Garden Center, Covington, KY and Wilmington’s New Life Clinic. BOOKS AND MEDIA FROM THE RESOURCE LIBRARY are typically signed out for 2 to 3 weeks. We now have over 50 books/DVDs which have been OUT of the library for 6-9 months. Please check your bookshelves for any items signed out from the St. Columbkille Library and return soon. NEWLY BAPTIZED Please welcome Nola Charlotte Bean, daughter of Jeffrey and Erin Bean, who was baptized at St. Columbkille on Saturday, January 31, 2015, by Deacon Bob Baker. Congratulations to the Godparents: Patrick and Angela Donnelly. Please welcome Leah Elisabeth Chesney, daughter of David and Melissa Chesney, who was baptized at St. Columbkille on Sunday, February 1, 2015, by Deacon Bob Meyer. Congratulations to the Godparents: Aaron and Denise Roberts. JP II Crew is an exciting, fun, and spiritually interactive Middle School youth group for grades 5-8. JP II Crew will hold its next regular meeting on Sunday, February 8, 2015, from 5:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center basement and dinner will be provided. Contact: Mrs. Amy Farr (937-728-9987; email THANK YOU, ST. COLUMBKILLE Dear Maryknoll Friends, Thank you for your $734.01 gift to our Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers. We are pleased to use it just as you all have asked for the Seedlings of Hope Project. “A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you,” says the prophet Ezekiel (Ezekiel 36:26). We can take much encouragement from these words. In God’s name, we begin a new year infused with the spirit of mission and love of our Catholic faith. With everyone’s help, our Fathers and Brothers will continue to work with the sick and those struggling against poverty. We will welcome the newly baptized and celebrate the sacraments as messengers of the Good News of Jesus Christ. With your entire parish beside us, so much good is possible. I will remember everyone at Mass, and when I pray the Rosary. May this year deepen our faith – and our love of the poor. Sincerely yours in Christ, Rev. Raymond J. Finch Dear Parishioners, Our gratitude to you who so generously donated to the Sacred Heart Sodality through the January envelope. You have helped replenish our coffers. Through your generosity we will be able to continue to support our parish by paying for the wine and hosts and many other parish needs. In Christ, Ladies of the Sacred Heart Sodality Dear Father Mike, Land of Peace Mission would like to express humble appreciation to you for allowing us to visit your church on the weekend of January 24/25, 2015. With your kindness and through the generosity of your parishioners, the sales of the olive wood carvings received through Jerusalem Christian Families totaled $2,695.00, and the donations for the Bethlehem Catholic Hospital are $140.00. It was really great excitement for us to observe so many kind people at your parish who are interested in our religious articles, and some expressed their intention to visit the Holy Land when peace prevails. Please remember that you and your parish members are included in our prayers. Thanks, again, and may you enjoy God’s many glorious blessings. Peace be with you, Noel Alshomali, Director FEASTS CELEBRATED THIS WEEK February 10 – St. Scholastica (487-547) St. Scholastica was the twin sister of St. Benedict, who founded and supervised a monastery of nuns near her brother’s monastery at Monte Casino. Once a year, the pair would meet somewhere between their two monasteries to pray and discuss spiritual matters. Just prior to her death, she met with her brother one more time. As the time came for Benedict to leave, she prayed that somehow his visit would be extended. All of a sudden, a violent thunderstorm broke forth from the heavens, preventing Benedict from leaving. Her prayers were answered – they spent the entire night pondering the deeper mysteries of life. February 11 – Our Lady of Lourdes World Day of the Sick We commemorate the Virgin Mary’s appearance to Bernadette Soubirous, a 14-year-old peasant girl. This created a stir in the town, and Bernadette was asked to recant her story by the local officials. The parish priest told her to ask the lady’s name. Bernadette returned and said, “I am the Immaculate Conception,” a title for Mary which Bernadette would not have known. The Blessed Mother asked for a chapel to be built on the site of her appearance, Lourdes, France. Please visit 2015 Sourcebook pgs. 85-86 ROSARY CORNER Information from the Pieta Prayer Book: It was the Cure of Ars who said, “A spiritual communion acts on the soul as blowing does on a cinder-covered fire which was about to go out. Whenever you feel your love of God growing cold, quickly make a spiritual communion.” By a rescript of November 24, 1922, the Sacred Congregation of indulgences approved the following formula for a spiritual communion: “O Jesus I turn toward the holy tabernacle where You live hidden for love of me. I love You, O my God. I cannot receive You in Holy Communion. Come nevertheless and visit me with Your grace. Come spiritually into my heart. Purify it. Sanctify it. Render it like unto Your own. Amen.” “Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” An indulgence of 500 days, if thrice repeated. (129 The Racoita 1944) On a side note, did you know Shrove Tuesday is February 17th this year? The Holy Face Alpha-Omega Novena begins Sunday, February 8th and ends on Shrove Tuesday. It is great way to prepare for Lent. For more information: http://www.holyface. K of C KEEP “CHRIST” IN CHRISTMAS POSTER CONTEST WINNERS SAVE THOSE BABIES!! SAVE THOSE BABIES!! Please feel free to keep the New Life Clinic baby bottles coming with anything that jingles, is green, or a check. Any type of contribution is definitely appreciated. Please bring the bottles back by Sunday, February 22, 2015. Thank you for your consideration. BULLETIN DEADLINE FOR PRESIDENTS' DAY WEEKEND Please note that Colleen will need articles for the February 15, 2015 bulletin by Wednesday, February 11, 2015 due to the parish office being closed on Monday, February 16, 2015. Please email articles to Thank you. P.S. Please feel free to email your suggestions/comments about the bulletin also. CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF SOUTHWESTERN OHIO SERVICE IS JOY February 12, 2015 6:30-8:30 p.m. Centennial Barn 100 Compton Road, Cincinnati, OH 45215 Visit: For 20s and 30s – All Are Welcome Share the Joy: • Enjoy appetizers, beverages, and $1.00 beer – $2.00 craft beer. • Get to know 20+ service organizations from across Cincinnati. • Help make 400+ sandwiches to feed the hungry. • Take advantage of the opportunity for social and service involvement with city-wide YA groups. For more information, please email or visit Please pray for the repose of the soul of Ronald L. Pirman, husband of Beatrice M. Boehm Pirman; father of Christopher K. (Kelly) Pirman of Shawnee, Kansas, and Gregory J. (Krysta) Pirman of Sabina, Ohio; two daughters, Michelle M. (Timothy) Boone of Valrico, Florida, and Elizabeth A. Pirman of Riverview, Florida. The Funeral Service was celebrated Saturday, January 31, 2015, at St. Columbkille, and the burial took place at the New Vienna I.O.O.F. Cemetery. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Patricia Gallagher, sister of Mike (Joan) Gallagher. God bless, Ronald and Patricia. May Christ bring peace and strength to the Pirman and Gallagher families. For 5-7 years old, Neji Cacas took first place. Owen Koch took second place. Among 8-10 years old, Carolyn Koch took first place. Josie Heys finished second and Shannon Spies took third. In the 1114 years-old division, Michael Daniel finished first, Geneva Ulmer finished second and Coretta Merling finished third. Certificates of participation were given to Samuel Ulmer, Nicholas Spies and Kristen Germann. Congratulations to the winners, and to all those who participated!! APRIL-JUNE 2014 LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULING Please notify the schedulers at liturgicalscheduling@ If you do not have Internet access, contact Carolyn Warner at 937-218-2195 (call or text) before March 8 if any of the following apply to you: • I no longer wish to serve in my ministry. • I need to change the Mass time that I will be serving in my ministry. • Please add my name to the ministry schedule. • I will not be available to serve on specific date(s). • I wish to change the ministry/ministries in which I serve. CAREGIVER RESOURCE CONNECTION Who is a caregiver? You are a caregiver whether you devote as little as 5 minutes a week or as much as 24 hours a day to provide or supervise the care for a loved one who is disabled, frail, or elderly. It can be both physically and emotionally demanding! Meet others who share your experience to discuss topics like maintaining balance as a caregiver, solving caregiving problems, the guilt/stress of caregiving, and learning to care for yourself. There is a group at St. Columbkille that meets every month on the 2nd Monday. This month’s meeting is February 9, 2015, from 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the Parish Center Library Room 3. This group is free and open to the public and is here for you! If you have questions about our groups or about caregiving in general, please call the Caregiver CAREline at (513) 869-4483 or visit for more information. MINISTRY TO SURVIVORS OF ABUSE (REPORTING) The Archdiocese of Cincinnati regards child abuse in all its forms as a serious matter. If you are or have been abused by an employee or volunteer of the Archdiocese, or are aware of abuse currently taking place, please contact Ms. Cherie Groman, Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse, at 513-263-6623, or 1-800-6862724, ext. 6623. This is a confidential, dedicated line to accept calls related to child abuse by employees or volunteers. In addition, be sure to notify the survivor’s secular legal authorities. Please take a few minutes to look at the 2015 edition of the sponsor page of this bulletin. It is through the generosity of our area sponsors that we get our bulletin printed free of charge to the parish. We ask you, our parish family and guests, to consider these advertisers as a source of future business. Please mention you saw their ads on our bulletin! We would like to thank our local advertisers for their support and encourage everyone to shop local to support our local economy.
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