Welcome to the Chillicothe Youth Soccer League! Coaches, Thank you for volunteering your time to the great game of soccer. You, the parents, players and other volunteers are what makes this league continue to grow and expand the knowledge of the game to players, parents and community. This packet is provided to give you as much information and knowledge to make your season more enjoyable. We have provided a checklist to help you get all necessary information together as soon as possible. 1. The Ohio South Youth Soccer Association requires the CYSL to have on file in our office code of ethics and disclosure forms by the start of the first game. That can be found here: 2. Recently, the State of Ohio has enacted legislation mandating that all coaches of youth sports complete a training course on concussion awareness. In order to comply with these regulations, it will be necessary for each CYSL coach to complete the free on-line NFHS course (Concussion in Sports--What You Need to Know) which can be found at http://www.nfhslearn.com/electiveDetail.aspx?courseID=38000. You will need to register on the site and complete the course prior to your first game. 3. We also need each adult involved in our program to complete "Risk Management" certification on the Ohio South Youth Soccer Association website. This only requires you to register on the site and complete a form. This certification can be found at https://secure.sportsaffinity.com/reg/Public/registration/login.aspx?domain=osysariskmanagement.sportsaffinity.com&sessionguid= Also included in this packet are specific CYSL rules, CYSL modified playing guidelines, Please do not hesitate to contact any of the board members listed if you should have any questions or need additional information. You play a very important role in the success of our program and an even greater role in the lives of the children you are about to encounter. Thank you for your willingness to volunteer your time and energy so that the children of our community can learn life lessons through soccer. Once again, thank you for taking the time to support the CYSL. Good luck and have fun with the season!!! Please direct any questions to Conrad Dana, CYSL Commissioner, at gocysl@gmail.com or Text 740-649-0701. Sincerely, Chillicothe Youth Soccer League Board CYSL Players Checklist 1. Appropriate size soccer ball. a. U6 Age Group uses size 3 b. Age Groups U8-U12 use size 4 c. Age Groups U13 and older use size 5 2. Soccer Shorts 3. Soccer Socks 4. Shin guards(mandatory) 5. Soccer cleats are recommended a. Cleats must be plastic or rubber b. No front cleat! 6. Water Bottle 7. Uniform notes: a. With the exception of the goalkeeper, players must wear the same colored uniform b. Players must wear the same color shorts and socks i. exception: this is recommended but not mandatory for U6 players c. No long pants or blue jeans will be allowed. d. Sweats can be worn if shorts are worn over the sweats pants and sweats match the uniform e. Soccer socks must be worn over the shin guards even under sweat pants. 8. No jewelry of any kind. No metal in hair bands, clips or barrettes. These rules will be enforced to ensure player safety and for team identification in games. If player is not in compliance he or she will not be permitted to play in the game. CYSL Weather Policy CYSL matches will be played as scheduled unless extreme weather conditions exist. Therefore all players must show up to the game fields unless notified by CYSL Officials that the matches have been cancelled. Conditions which may result in game cancellations include severe wet weather, extreme cold or snow. If unsafe conditions develop at the field either before or during a game or training session the referee(s) or coach shall stop play using the guidelines below CYSL GUIDELINES FOR LIGHTNING AND HAZARDOUS WEATHER CONDITIONS The protection of CYSL volunteers and participants is of paramount importance. Everyone should recognize the danger presented by lightning, tornados and other hazardous weather. The following items represent generally accepted principles regarding the dangers involved with lightning and tornados. LIGHTNING: • • • • • • All thunderstorms produce lightning and are dangerous. Lightning often strikes as far as 10 miles away from any rainfall. You are in danger from lightning if you can hear thunder. You are in danger if you can see lightning. Lightning injuries can lead to permanent disabilities or death. Look for dark cloud bases and increasing wind. Lightning can travel sideways for up to 10 miles and strike when skies are blue. Soccer fields are a dangerous place to be during a lightning storm. When lightning is seen or thunder is heard, or when dark threatening clouds are observed, quickly suspend the game and/or practice and move to a safe location. Avoid standing in an open area, near soccer goals, under a tent, near trees or in water. The safest place during a thunderstorm with or without visible lightning is in a car, but not a convertible. TORNADOS: • • • • • • Watch for rapidly darkening skies. The sound of an approaching tornado is often described as that of an approaching train. The funnel of a tornado does not have to touch down to cause extensive damage and injuries. Tornados can produce winds of 300 miles per hour or more. Most people who are hurt during a tornado are hurt when they are struck by flying debris. Seek safety in a solid structure, preferably in a basement or in an interior room. If no building is available, lay down in a ditch. GAME SUSPENSION REQUIREMENTS: In any of the circumstances outlined below occurs, the referee should immediately suspend the game. 1. If thunder is heard, the game should be suspended and the fields cleared. Everyone should immediately go to a safe shelter. 2. If lightning is seen, the game should be suspended and the fields cleared. Everyone should immediately go to a safe shelter. 3. If a thunderstorm is heard or seen coming or your hair stands on end, the game should be suspended and the fields cleared. Everyone should immediately go to a safe shelter. Do not wait until it rains. If the game official does not immediately suspend the game when any one of the points above have occurred, the head coach from each team can agree that one of the four criteria listed above have occurred they are to withdraw their teams from the field. If a parent requests their child leave the field because they are uncomfortable with the weather or field conditions the coach should honor the parent’s request to remove the child. No one should retake the field or re-start the game until all of the lightning and thunder or other hazardous weather has left the area. Specifically, no one should retake the filed for a minimum of 30 minutes after the last lightning is seen or thunder is heard, or the dangerously high winds have passed. CYSL MODIFIED PLAYING GUIDELINES U6 Law I – Field Of Play: • Field size will be a 20 yard by 30 yard field with a 4 yard goal arc from center of goal and no penalty box. Law II – The Ball: • Size three (3). Law III – Number of Players (Coed), Substitutions and Playing Time • • • Maximum number of players on the field at one time will be six (6). One of whom may be a goalkeeper. Recommend that players take turns at this position. Substitutions will be made at the coach’s discretion, injuries and at the start of each quarter. Each player shall play a minimum of 50% of the total playing time. Law IV – Equipment • Please refer to the CYSL’s Uniform and Equipment Policy in the coaches packet. Law V – Referees • Coaches will referee games. Law VI – Duration of the Game: • • The game shall be divided into four (4) seven (7) minute quarters. There will be a two minute break between quarters and a five minute halftime. Law VII – Offside • There shall be no offside. Law VIII – Fouls and Misconduct • • • All fouls will result in an INDIRECT FREE KICK with opponents five (5) yards away. Coaches explain ALL infractions to players. Coaches are encouraged to have players learn as a result of their play. Law IX – Free Kicks • All indirect. No goal can be scored off a free kick. Law X – Penalty Kicks • No penalty kicks shall be taken. Law XI – Throw-in’s • We will have kick-ins instead of throw-ins. Ball will be placed outside the touch line and kicked into play instead of a throw. Law XII – Goal Kick • Take kick inside goal area with opponents at least five (5) yards away. Law XIII – Corner Kick • There will be corner kicks Law XIV – Keeper • Keeper may play ball with hands in the goal arc only and may also play any part of the field as a regular players. U8 Law I – Field Of Play Field size will be a 40 yard by 60 yard field Law II – The Ball • Size 4 Law III – Number of Players (Coed), Substitutions and Playi ng Time • • • Maximum number of players on the field at one time will depend on number of players registered for each team (6v6 recommended). Substitutions will be made prior to a throw-in, in your favor, prior to a goal kick by either team, after a goal by either team, after an injury, by either team, when Referee stops play and between halves. Each player shall play a minimum of 50% of the total playing time. Law IV – Equipment • Please refer to the CYSL’s Uniform and Equipment Policy in the coach’s packet. Law V – Referees • Will be scheduled by the league. Law VI – Duration of the Game • • The game shall be divided into two equal twenty minute halves. There shall be a ten minute break at the halftime. Law VII – Offside • There shall be no offside. Law VIII – Fouls and Free Kicks • • The referee must explain ALL infractions to offending player. Goalkeeper may go to penalty box for throw or kick. U10 Law I – Field Of Play • Field size will be a 40 yard by 60 yard field Law II – The Ball • Size 4 Law III – Number of Players (Coed), Substitutions and Playing Time • • • Maximum number of players on the field at one time will depend on number of players registered for each team (6v6 recommended). Substitutions will be made prior to a throw-in, in your favor, prior to a goal kick by either team, after a goal by either team, after an injury, by either team, when Referee stops play and between halves. Each player shall play a minimum of 50% of the total playing time. Law IV – Equipment • Please refer to the CYSL’s Uniform and Equipment Policy in the coach’s packet. Law V – Referees • Will be scheduled by the league. Law VI – Duration of the Game • • • The game shall be divided into two equal twenty-five minute halves. There shall be a five minute break at the halftime. Halves will end 25 minutes after the hour and half hour, regardless of start time unless there are delays due to weather. This is intended to keep games on-time due to the tight timeframes. Law VIII – Fouls and Free Kicks • The referee must explain ALL infractions to offending player. 17 Tips to Be a Better Spectator 1. I will not force my child to participate. 2. I will remember that kids play to have fun and the game is for youth not adults. 3. I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or others. 4. I will learn the rules of the game and the league policies. 5. I, and my guests, will be a positive role model and encourage sportsmanship. 6. I, and my guests, will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct. 7. I will not encourage anything that wou ld endanger athletes. 8. I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts peacefully. 9. I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect. 10. I will teach my child that doing one’s best is more impor tant than winning. 11. I will offer praise for competing fairly and trying hard. 12. I will never ridicule or yell at my child or others for making a mistake or losing. 13. I will emphasize skill development and practice and deemphasize games and competition in the lower age groups. 14. I will promote the emotional and physical well -being of the athletes. 15. I will respect the officials and their authority and the coaches for their decisions. 16. I will demand a sports environment that is free from drugs, tobacco and alcohol. 17. I will refrain from coaching (unless I am one) my child or others during games and practices. CHILLICOTHE YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE PLAYER CODE OF ETHICS Every coach is hereby instructed to make all players aware and knowledgeable of the following Code of Ethics and their penalties. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Abusive language to an official, player, coach or spectator – EJECTION Foul language to an official, player or spectator – CAUTION / EJECTION Threatening actions or words towards officials, players or spectators – EJECTION Aggressive physical contact with referee (i.e. grabbing the arm, turning the individual around, poking, throwing the ball at – CAUTION / EJECTION Aggressive physical contact with players (i.e. grabbing the arm, turning the individual around, poking, throwing the ball at – CAUTION / EJECTION Striking an official – EJECTION AND EXPULSION FOR SEASON Striking or kicking a player – EJECTION / 2ND OFFENSE SEASON SUSPENSION Refusal to leave the playing field after an ejection – ONE GAME SUSPENSION Any player observed using or under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol before or during a game – EJECTION PLUS ONE GAME SUSPENSION TO EXPULSION IMPORTANT NOTICE: All registered soccer players in the Chillicothe Youth Soccer League program are required to explain to everyone attending their games the following: It shall be against the rules of the Chillicothe Youth Soccer League for a spectator, coach or player to threaten, harass or intimidate soccer officials in any way. This includes before, during or after all games sanctioned by CYSL Soccer. Spectators are not allowed on the same side of the field as the players and coaches. Failure to comply with the above rules could mean immediate expulsion from the game and field area (i.e. in sight of or in earshot of the official) and or loss of the game by judgment of the CYSL board. Any physical contact with a soccer official could mean legal action by the association. All ejections will be reported to the commissioners or league officials. Team Name: _________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________ Player:_________________________________
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