Friday Newsletter Goulburn Valley Grammar School Term 1, Week 1, 6 February 2015 From the Principal Around the School Welcome to 2015 The School welcomes all students and staff back for the 2015 calendar year. We hope the holiday time was one of refreshment and recreation. are particularly excited to welcome new members of our school community. This year we are We welcoming over 120 new students from Years 5 to 11. This is a particularly special and important time for We know that our returning students will grasp this opportunity to make them feel comfortable. them. We also are delighted to welcome the following new staff members to GVGS: New Staff - 2015 Mr Tim James – Year 6 Core teacher Ms Cassandra O’Keeffe – Teacher Aide Mrs Wendy Pomfret – Main Reception Mr Bryant Ruska - Nurse Mr James (Jim) Sheehan – Mathematics Teacher Ms Lauren Wood – Mathematics Teacher Mrs Christine Worsfold – Art Teacher Ms Mia Fallon – Trainee Ms Tamara Sinclair - Trainee We hope our new students and staff enjoy a very long, happy and rewarding association with GVGS. Student leadership plays a pivotal role in the culture and ethos of the school. During today’s assembly, we inducted our School Leaders for 2015. The examples modelled by our Year 12 students will provide a powerful influence for our younger students. We therefore induct each Year 12 student as a leader of the school and present them with their Year 12 badge and leaders tie. At this assembly, we also inducted those students with specific leadership portfolios such as our Prefects and House Captains. We wish all our student leaders every success in their roles this year. We thank Mrs Prue Dobson - Chair of the School Board, for making time to assist with the induction of leaders. House Captains Stuart Hart Samuel Nielsen Charmaine Morrissy Eugene Calandro Tahlia Rea Sarah Young Joe Waldron Adelle Connor Prefects Dexter Archibald Max Bayly Alex Cox Saibal Dutta Eliza Galbraith Zoe Kerwin Sarah Nethersole Samuel Press Emily Roe Isabelle Torriero Drew Tozer Jake Trounson Isaiah Wittingslow Sophie Worsfold Prefect – Music Prefect – Music Prefect – School Community Prefect – Social Justice Prefect – Social Justice Prefect – School Community Prefect - Sustainability Prefect - Sustainability Prefect – Leavers Fund Prefect - SRC Prefect – Leavers Fund Prefect – Sport Prefect - SRC Prefect - Sport Mithma Ekanayke Henry Fox School Captain School Captain Tuckshop staff Mrs Mary Wright, Mrs Marlene Rutherford and Mrs Sheryl White GVGS 2015 Trainees Mia Fallon and Tamara Sinclair Dunlop House Fairley House McLennan House Ryall House Main reception staff Ms Wendy Pomfret and Mrs Sarah Sciuto Student reception staff member Ms Heather McCann Ph: (03) 5821 8155 Semper Ulterius Mr Mark Torriero Principal If you would like to receive your Friday Newsletter via email please contact Teaching and Learning News School Community Events Maximising Learning in 2015 As we enter a new year of learning, it is a good idea for families to reflect on those key factors which can assist them to maximise success at school and make the most of the learning to come in the year ahead. Things to consider and discuss at home: Semester 1 Dates Date 12th Feb Be ready and organised with the tools that help you start: diary, books, stationery, uniform and good habits of mind. Reflect on last year and set some goals in areas that need improvement, extra practice or extension. Ensure these goals are manageable and discuss them with your tutor and teachers. Write the goals clearly in the front of your school diary. Revisit the goals at the end of each fortnight to make a selfassessment on progress. Re read last year’s reports and focus on any advice given by teachers. GVGS offers continuous reporting via the online parent portal for Years 5-12 via the school website so that feedback regarding progress in assessment tasks is available for parents throughout the semester. Please access this throughout each term, discuss results at home and maintain contact with tutors where there is any concern. Use your school diary to plan for meeting deadlines and to organise time so that tasks may be completed in a manageable and time efficient way. It is advisable for parents to check that diaries are being used and for any communication or notes from teachers. Always look to build good habits of mind: Persistence, managing distractions, listening with empathy and understanding, thinking flexibly, thinking about how you think, striving for accuracy, taking responsibility, preparedness to go further (near enough is not good enough), think positively and be open to new ideas and continuous learning. Students should ensure that their laptops are charged each night and that they maintain a good folder structure, always using the slipcase to transport and keep it safe. Date 9th Feb Eat a healthy brain boosting breakfast of protein eg. eggs. milk, whole grain cereal. lean beef, turkey and almonds have been found to contain the ingredients for real brain sustenance as snacks! 12th Feb Exercise regularly to boost positive brain chemistry 13th Feb 17th Feb 19th Feb 20th Feb Student Events Date 9th – 10th Feb 9th – 12th Feb 11th Feb 18th Feb Student News 2015 Year 12 Information Night, Tuesday 17th February There will be a Year 12 Information Night held in Founders Hall on Tuesday 17th February at 7:30pm. At this function we will be able to go over the year in detail with parents and discuss some tips for a successful year. Mr Mal Widdicombe will be available to address issues with regards to VCE, Mrs Deb Moore will speak on matters regarding how students can maximise their year and Mrs Deb Block will discuss how you can best support your child with regards to Careers and Pathways. I hope that you, along with your student/s, will be able to attend the evening, not only to get a clear idea of the year ahead, but it is also an opportunity to meet your child’s tutor and other parents. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at school via e-mail at or phone (03) 5821 8155. Mrs Chelsea Pohlner Year 12 Coordinator 2015 Year 12 Study Camp The Class of 2015 will be participating in a two day Study Camp at University College at The Melbourne University on Monday 9th February and Tuesday 10th February. Students will be departing GVGS at 6:15am on Monday on Shepparton Transit buses, with collection points at Harvey Norman, Wahring and the Hume Freeway Service Station at Seymour. There will be similar drop-off points on the return trip on Tuesday. Year 12 Tutors will be accompanying students on this trip. The programme for the two days will include sessions with guest speakers such as James Lynch (Interview Skills Coaching), Andrew Fuller (Clinical Psychologist) and Sonya Karras (Party Safe). Students are required to bring a notebook, pens and pencils for the sessions. All linen (including towels) will be provided by University College. Money will be required for students to purchase a Movie ticket on Monday evening. Students are permitted to wear casual clothes for this trip. Event Year 12 Study Camp OED Aquatics Camp SPSSA Tennis Trials Girton Summer Sports Cricket and Tennis Day Due Dates Please note that the following deadlines may not include ALL due dates for subject work. They are indicative only and may also change due to special circumstances. 13th Feb 16th Feb Mrs Debbie Moore Director of Teaching and Learning Event Year 7 Family BBQ Evening Year 12 Valentines Day Academic Assembly School Photographs Year 12 Parent Info Night Parents and Friends Meeting No Assembly House Swimming Carnival Event Yr 10 Psychology Test Research Methods PML Yr 11 Unit 1 Accounting Outcome 1 MLB Yr 12 Unit 3 Accounting Topic Test MLB Further Maths Chpt 2 Quiz GTT Industry and Enterprise – Structured Workplace learning Form LMC/JKG Economics Unit 3 SAC 1.1 JKG Economics Unit 1 Test JKG Specialist Math SAC 1 Test 4 & 6 MKW Tuckshop Monday 9th Feb Mandy Deveny Terri Cowley Michelle Burgess Tuesday 10th Feb Betty Cerasi Megan Lloyd Wednesday 11th Feb Donna Ford Kate Reid Thursday 12th Feb Jane Torriero Help needed x2 Friday 13th Feb Louise Phillips Sandra Winter-Irving Lisa Dean Welcome back and a big thank you to the new and existing parents who offered their assistance in the Tuck shop. If you have food that requires reheating or a salad and would like to put it in the fridge please drop it into the tuck shop before School or at recess in a micro wave dish no glass please. Please make sure it is clearly labelled with the student’s name. Please refer to the Year 12 Study Camp Letter for more detailed information or contact me at school via email or phone (03) 5821 8155. The Tuckshop is open from 8am every morning, students are welcome to come in and purchase drinks, toasted sandwich or fruit and can order their lunch. Mrs Chelsea Pohlner Year 12 Coordinator Mrs Marlene Rutherford Tuckshop Manager GVGS Friday Newsletter, 6 February 2015 Page 1 Property Matters The school has seen much activity over the holiday period with a range of building, maintenance and technology works being undertaken. The largest project is the $3.0 million music center. Steady progress has continued over January and the project remains on track for completion by the end of 2015. Stage one should be completed early in term two 2015 and students will be able to occupy this section of the building. Acoustic upgrades have also commenced in Founders Hall and these will greatly improve the venue as a music performance space. Other works have occurred outside the tuckshop, with a new lunch ordering area constructed. The Year 12 common room has been fully refurbished to allow greater numbers to prepare food. The oval has been top dressed and treated to ensure a high standard surface throughout 2015. Three new staff offices have been constructed to ensure all Year Level Coordinators are based close to the locker precincts of their respective students. Finally, a range of painting has been completed throughout the school, both indoors and outdoors. On the technology front, the focus has been on installing new touch-screens in a range of classrooms. These will continue to be rolled out during 2015 and provide students with the latest classroom teaching technology. Lap top computers have been prepared and distributed to all Year 7 students. With Year 10 students receiving lap tops late in 2014, this now means all secondary students have a lap top computer for their exclusive use. The school is extremely fortunately in having an outstanding team of property and technology staff who have worked tirelessly to ensure our site and facilities are ready for the return of students in 2015. In addition, we receive excellent support from a range of trades people, technicians and consultants. Our thanks to them all, in particular Mr Chris Atkins (Property Manager) and Mr Trevor Pye (Information Systems) for their leadership and planning. Mr Kim Stokie Business Manager Administration Staff Over recent weeks we have been pleased to welcome two new staff members to the school administration team. Mrs Wendy Pomfret has joined the Main Reception area and is working in areas such as bus administration, reception and staff support. Mr Bryant Ruska has joined our Health Centre staff as a nurse (Division One) on Thursdays and Fridays. We are thrilled to have both staff members join our team and both have outstanding professional backgrounds. Other movements have seen Mrs Danielle Cassidy (Main Reception) commence maternity leave, Mrs Sarah Sciuto (Main Reception) moves from part-time to full-time, Ms Heather McCann (Student Reception) moves from part-time to full-time and Mrs Jacque Birchall (accounts and payroll) increases from two days per week to three days per week. Mr Kim Stokie Business Manager School Photos 2015 As the new school year is underway I would like to welcome everyone and inform you of some of the library procedures: Library Staff: Ms Burns (Library Coordinator) Mrs Keady (Teacher/Librarian) Ms Dunham (Library Assistant) The Library opening hours are: Monday to Thursday: 8.15am – 4.45pm Friday: 8.15am – 4.15pm The number of items that can be borrowed are as follows: Primary students (Years 5 and 6) = 6 items Middle Years students (7, 8 and 9) = 6 items Year 10 students = 8 items VCE students (Years 11 and 12) = 10 items Generally the books are loaned for 2 weeks, though at times senior students, at the request of their teachers, can have an extended loan period. Books can be reborrowed for another 2 weeks, providing there isn’t a reservation for the item. DVDs can be borrowed for weekend viewing on Thursday and Friday only. There is a limit of one DVD per student and age restrictions apply. DVDs must be returned on the following Monday It would be appreciated if all items are returned by their due dates in order to avoid creating overdue notices. This year school photographs will be taken by Arthur Reed Photos on Tuesday 17th February 2015. Students have been given an information sheet that explains how to order the photographs. A copy of the information sheet has also been attached to the Newsletter. Orders are to be completed online or can be mailed to Arthur Reed Photos. The website is. and we have also provided a link from our website The online ordering code is GVS837. If you do not have web access or have difficulty ordering, you may use the order form provided on the information sheet and forward this directly to Arthur Reed Photos. As well as the individual and year level photographs, there is the opportunity for a family photograph. Family photographs may be ordered online, or as an alternative, envelopes are available from Cindi Tepper in Main Reception. Students need to return the family photo envelopes to either their Tutor or Student Reception no later than Monday 16th February. All family orders must be placed before photo day to ensure a photograph is taken. Families who have ordered and paid for their photo packages before Tuesday 17th February should receive their photos approximately four weeks after photo day. Packages may be ordered after photo day by forwarding payment directly to Arthur Reed Photos. An additional fee applies to orders placed more than 10 days after photo day. If you have any queries regarding school photographs please contact Arthur Reed Photos directly on 03 5243 4390 All students are required to wear their summer uniform with their blazers for the school photographs. Please note that the Pelican Shoppe does not have any loan blazers available for students. Mr Leon McLeod Deputy Principal GVGS Friday Newsletter, 6 February 2015 Library Bites Page 2 Every week new books will be displayed on the stand as you enter the library, these may be borrowed or placed on reserve. Library Patrons are also invited to recommend new items to be purchased and the “Wish List” form that needs to be filled out is housed at the Loans Desk. Ms Janette Burns Library Coordinator SAM Art Works Art Department Art Students at SAM Three VCE Studio Arts students have recently had the honour of having artwork selected for inclusion in the Shepparton Art Museum’s “Self-Expression” exhibition. This event showcases high quality folio work created by VCE students from across the Goulburn Valley region. Sierra Weston and Monique Pankhurst, from the 2014 Year 12 Studio Arts class are exhibiting work from their final VCE folios. Sierra’s art installation “Once upon a Change” explores traditional fairy-tales and their relationship to modern society. Monique is exhibiting two artworks “We, The Hunted” and “Re-evolution” which use the techniques of digital photography and hand-painting to explore themes of role-reversal between humans and animals. Hannah Quick (Year 11 Studio Arts 2014) is exhibiting two digitally edited photographs in the Surrealist style. Also currently on display at SAM is “The Art Room”. This exhibition features work from junior students from a variety of schools; a number of GVGS students have etchings and line drawings on display. This work is displayed in the foyer area of the Eastbank centre and will be exhibited in the Fairley Gallery here at GVGS at the end of February. We are very proud that the creativity and artistic talents of our students has been highlighted in these two professionally curated exhibitions. James Worsfold The ‘Self-Expression” and “The Art Room” exhibitions are on display at Shepparton Art Museum until February 22nd, 2015. Ms Deidre Belleville Head of Art Co Curricular Netball News GVGS Gold netball team won the under 15 Div B Spring Twilight competition grand final on the 9th of December. This team consisted of Emma Jackson, Tannah Thorne, Azana Mackali Cerasi, Elizabeth Serra, Gemma Collins, Louisa Taylor, Chelsea Jones, Taryn Cameron and Marion Scanlan. Gemma Collins We congratulate these girls for their terrific achievement. Thanks to Toni Jones for looking after this team in the Spring competition. Andrea Hart Whilst on GVGS Netball, the 2015 season is looming. Our first meeting will take place soon and girls will receive a letter outlining the season ahead. One huge change is that VNA registrations will all be done on line. This can be done now. I will need a copy of the registration when forms are returned. VNA Registration payment is done on-line during this process The second major change is that payment for other expenses will be up-front this year, including the weekly court fees. I will pay them as a lump sum to the SNA to alleviate this time consuming practice every week. This will be included in the Introductory Letter. I implore parents to put their hand up to either Coach or Team Manage their daughter’s team. Mr Shane McDonald Netball Co-ordinator Daniel Lawson GVGS Friday Newsletter, 6 February 2015 Page 3 Krista Mitra Six Year 11 students, accompanied by Indonesian teacher, Mr Grant Findlay recently returned from an exchange to Krista Mitra school in Semarang and some further time in Yogyakarta, Central Java. The exchange is part of the on-going sister school relationship between Krista Mitra and GVGS. The group’s week at school started with a flag raising ceremony, typical of all Indonesian schools. This was an opportunity to be formally welcomed by Pak Iman, the principal, a chance for us each to make a short reply in Indonesian and then, to our surprise, shake hands with every student and staff member in the school. School began at 7am each morning, earlier than we were used to but the school day was over by 2:10. GVGS students and staff attended and participated in classes throughout the week. It was a great opportunity for them to observe differences and similarities in the teaching and learning between the two schools. Students visited a kampung in order to try their hand in the precise art of batik printing. On another excursion students got covered in mud in a rice field. It was actually the opportunity to harvest some rice a little further down the valley that took a local journalist’s eye. The image and story was subsequently published in two Central Javanese newspapers. GVGS participants all felt overwhelmed by the generosity and warmth of their host families and those they met at Krista Mitra. It was difficult saying goodbye at the end of the week but this was not before a final performance of angklung by the Krista Mitra staff and a rough version of Waltzing Matilda in response. On the way to Yogyakarta the group had the opportunity to visit Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple in Asia. Despite the rain and dozens of Indonesians wanting a photo with a foreigner, this was a great experience at one of the world’s most significant ancient monuments. Another impressive monument visited several days later was Pramaban, this one a series of Hindu temples, and an indication of the diversity within Indonesia’s past. Students enjoyed some independent time at Yogyakarta, taking plenty of becak rides down town from the very well-appointed colonial Hotel Pheonix. Bargaining skills came to the fore with some shopping on Jalan Maliolboro. Overall this was a great experience, recommended to all students of Indonesian but also to any GVGS student looking for a rich cultural experience. From March 15th to March 20th we will be hosting 5 students from Krista Mitra (Semarang) and 17 students from another of our sister schools in Indonesia; Bintang Mulia (Bandung). The visit to GVGS by students from these two schools is an annual event and provides a wonderful opportunity for the students from the three schools to interact. For our GVGS students, the additional benefit is to begin to develop a context for developing their Bahasa Indonesian language skills. If families are in a position to have 1 or 2 students from our Indonesian sister schools stay for the week in March then please contact Mr Leon McLeod (Deputy Principal) by phone on 58218155 or by email: Pelican Shoppe Welcome back to the new school year. Kerrie, Rika and I would like to thank all the parents and students who collected uniform during our holiday trading and we thank you for your patience during that busy time. We have resumed our regular Pelican Shoppe trading hours of: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8.30am to 11.30am 1pm to 4pm 1pm to 4pm 1pm to 5pm Closed These trading hours, our direct phone number and email address are available from the Goulburn Valley Grammar School website via the Uniform Tab. Via this tab you can also access the: Uniform Policy Price List Order Form Second hand Uniform Lodgement Instructions for the alteration of Blazer Sleeves. Students are welcome to purchase uniform at either recess on Monday or at lunchtime Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, during the school term. Payment is accepted by cash, cheque (payable to Noone Imagewear) EFTPOS or credit card. Should students require payment to be made by credit card we encourage the use of our order form on which credit card details may be authorised. Second Hand Uniform If you would like to lodge any second hand uniform for sale, please deliver these items to the Pelican Shoppe during our opening hours. In accordance with the terms and conditions, kilts and blazers must be dry cleaned and presented in the dry cleaning plastic. All other items must be freshly laundered and pressed. Bathers for Swimming Carnival Please note that the House Swimming Carnival will be held on Friday 20th February. Should you need new bathers, the navy racing style bathers for girls and navy jammer style bathers for boys are available for purchase from the Pelican Shoppe. Students at Krista Mitra If you have any queries regarding the purchase of uniform or the sale of second hand uniform please contact us by Phone 5821 9959 Email Mrs Sally Young, Ms Kerrie Sweeney, Mrs Rika Beeton Pelican Shoppe Hindu Temple of Prambanan GVGS Friday Newsletter, 6 February 2015 Page 4 Above and Beyond Health Asthma GVGS Student Shortlisted for the Joseph Furphy Commemorative Literary Prize Last year Mandhree Ekanayake entered a short story in the Youth Section of the 2014 Joseph Furphy Commemorative Literary Prize. As one of four entrants in the Youth Section whose work was shortlisted from 64 young writers, Mandhree was presented with a certificate at the awards presentation on Sunday 7th December. Mandhree’s entry was a reflective piece she composed in Year 10 English as part of a broader Context Study, ‘Journeys’. In her writing, ‘Graft’, Mandhree reflects on ideas presented in the class text, The Happiest Refugee by Anh Doh. She cleverly explores and expresses the challenges and rewards of making a physical journey from one home to another. Mandhree’s work has been included in the Youth Section of the 2014 Joseph Furphy Commemorative Prize Competition Short Story Collection which is held at the Goulburn Valley Regional Library. We congratulate Mandhree on her success in this competition. Community St Brendans PS Football Club Registration Day St Brendans football club would like to invite all parents to register their children to play football for the 2015 season. Date: 19th February 2015 Time: 3:15pm to 5:30pm Where: St Brendans Hall Contact: Jason Ritchie Mob 0407 160 195 or Craig Hoskin Mob 0458 274 367 2015 Wangaratta Marathon and Fun Runs More people moving more often. Marathon 10km 5km 2km and new fun run courses. Date: 22nd February 2015 Where: Wangaratta Showgrounds Contact: The National Asthma Council Australia report that students with asthma face a significant increase in the risk of asthma attacks and hospitalisation during the first few weeks of the school term. The ‘February Epidemic’ is well documented with asthma episodes spiking immediately after school returns. This is caused by increased exposure to cold and flu viruses as children return to classrooms and factors such as stress, a change of environment or allergens and less strict asthma management over the holidays. Avoiding asthma exacerbation at school Ensure your child resumes their asthma routine as prescribed. Has a reliever puffer and spacer packed in their school bag – check that the puffer isn’t empty or out of date. Check your child knows how to use their reliever puffer and spacer by themselves (if old enough) or feels comfortable to ask for help/tell their teacher if they are having asthma symptoms. Ensure that your child is always carrying their reliever medication (eg. Ventolin/Asmol) as well as a spacer Also ensure that you provide medication to the school if required. Ensure that you have provided the school with an updated Asthma Action Plan that has been signed by a medical practitioner. Tatura Netball Association Trial Information The Tatura Netball Association fields in the Shepparton Netball Association Saturday competition. Trials will be held for teams in the following 12 and under, 15 and under, 17 and under, 17-19 For further information, please contact the Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 645 130 or email Date: 17th, 19th, 24th, 26th February 2015 Time: 5:45pm to 7:00pm Where: Netball complex, Hastie Street Tatura Contact: Jodi Mutton Mob 0417 430 357 or SunSmart Hydration As the weather heats up again, students need to bring a drink bottle to school. Please encourage your child to maintain adequate hydration by drinking lots of water though out the school day. There are many refrigerated water fountains located throughout the school grounds and students are encouraged to use them. Students are reminded to: Drink 2 – 3 glasses of water ½ hr to 1 hr before a sporting activity Drink 1 – 2 glasses of water every 20 minutes during exercise Drink 2 – 3 glasses of water after exercise On hot sunny days stay in shade areas and avoid energetic out door games (, basketball) at lunch time Do not overdress, take your jumper off, wear a hat Avoid caffeine / energy drinks (e.g. Red Bull) as these act as a diuretic, increasing fluid loss. Water is best. Cool water (not cold) is absorbed more rapidly than warm water. Remember - If you are thirsty, then you are already mildly dehydrated. If you have lost your drink bottle or forgotten to bring one, bottled water is available for purchase from the tuckshop. Aussie Hoops Jump into Aussie Hoops Date: 12th February 2015 Time: 4:00pm on Thursdays Where: Shepparton Basketball Stadium Contact: Mrs Susanne Bennett Nurse GVGS Friday Newsletter, 6 February 2015 Page 5 Goulburn Valley Grammar School Calendar of Events - Semester 1, 2015 Term Dates 30 Jan 2 Feb 9 Mar 27 Mar 3 Apr 5 Apr 6 Apr 13 Apr 25 Apr 5 June 8 June 26 June Sports Calendar Years 5, 6 and 7 commence Years 8-12 commence Labour Day holiday End of Term 1 (2.20 finish) Good Friday Easter Sunday Easter Monday Term 2 Commences Anzac Day Assessment & Reporting Day (No Students) Queen’s Birthday End of Term 2 (2.20 finish) 18 Feb 5 Mar 7 May 18-19 Jun Out of Uniform Days 12 Feb Assembly Programme School Dates School Photographs Year 12 Information Night Immunisations - Years 7-10 Indonesian student visit (Bintang Mulia & Krista Mitra) TBC Scholarship Testing Indonesian student visit (Muhammadiyah) TBC Parent Teacher Interviews Immunisations - Year 7 Naplan Exams Years 9-11 Community Events 5 Feb 12 Feb 27 Feb 13 Mar 27 Mar 8 May 21-23 May Year 5 and 6 Family Evening Year 7 Family Evening Concert Under the Stars Open Day Easter Service Years 5 and 6 Mother’s Day Picnic Senior Production (The King and I) Music Calendar 5 May 27 May 11 June Autumn Concert Percussion Concert Strings Concert House Carnivals 20 Feb 19 Mar House Swimming Carnival House Athletics Carnival Valentines Day (Year 12’s only) Camps/Travel Assembly is held at 9am each Friday other than on those days listed below. Parents and guests are always welcome to attend our school assemblies. 6 Feb Prefect Induction 20 Feb No Assembly (due to Swimming Carnival) 27 Feb Primary and Middle Years Leaders Badge Presentations 13 Mar No Assembly (due to Open Day) 27 Mar No Assembly (due to Easter Service) 24 Apr No Assembly (due to Anzac Day Service) 19 June No Assembly (due to Athletics Carnival) 17 Feb 17 Feb 11 Mar 16-20 Mar 21 Mar 21-27 Mar 22/28/30 Apr 25 May 12-14 May 1-4 June Summer Sports (Girton) Hosted locally ICCES Swimming Carnival ICCES Athletics ICCES Winter Tour (Shepparton) TBC 9-10 Feb 23-27 Feb 24-26 Mar 24-27 Mar 14-17 Apr 20-24 Apr 4-19 June 27 June-11 July Year 12 Study Camp Year 8 Camp - Merricks Year 5 Camp - Sovereign Hill Year 6 Camp - Narmbool Year 7 Camp - Anglesea Year 10 OEG Camp ICOS Europe Trip Clubs and Activities Photomedia Club meet every Thursday fullflight committee meet as needed. Science Club meet each week except 1st and last week of term Peer Support Programme and Buddys Programme take place on various days during Term 1. Further information on clubs and activities will be presented during tute. Library opening hours Monday to Thursday 8:15am – 4:45pm Friday 8:15am – 4:15pm Semester 2 Dates 21 July Term 3 Commences 15 Aug Presentation Ball 20-22 AugMiddle Years Production (The Little Mermaid) 4 Sept Years 5 and 6 Father’s Day Breakfast 11 Sept Mothers Club Luncheon 18 Sept Eisteddfod 18 Sept End of Term 3 (2.20 finish) 5 Oct Term 4 Commences 22 Oct Valedictory Dinner 2 Nov Mid Term Break (No students) 3 Nov Melbourne Cup Day (No Students) 13 Nov Assessment & Reporting Day (No Students) 16 Nov Change Over Day (No Students) 17 Nov Early Commencement Programme (ECP) Commences 26 Nov Grandparents Day 27 Nov Year 5 Christmas Present Making Day 2 Dec Year 6 Graduation 8 Dec Year 5 and 7 Orientation Day (for 2016) (No students) TBC 9 Dec Presentation Night Regional Visits 21 April 27 April 12 May 19 May 26 May 16 June 28 July Yarrawonga Region, The Lake Café, Corner Belmore Street & Irvine Parade, Yarrawonga. Echuca Region, Coriander Functions, Northern Highway, Echuca. Euroa Region, Alberts Café, 44 Binney Street, Euroa. Kyabram Region, Morocco Café, 165 Allen Street, Kyabram. Cobram, Tocumwal, Finley Region, Cobram Hotel, Crn Station & Main Street, Cobram. Benalla Region, North Eastern Hotel, 1-3 Nunn Street, Benalla. Nagambie, Seymour, Murchison Region, venue to be confirmed. Parent Involvement Mothers Club The first Mothers Club meeting will be held at 10am on 27th February in the Founders Hall Foyer. P&F The first P & F meeting will be held at 7pm on 19th February in the Founders Hall Foyer. Friends of Music The first Friends of Music meeting will be held at 2pm on 17th March in the Founders Hall Foyer. Costume Committee The costume committee meet most Friday mornings. Members of our community are always welcome to attend our various committees. For further enquiries contact Mrs Pam Pogue on (03)5821 8155 or Tuckshop Tuckshop volunteers are always welcome to join the wonderful team of helpers. Please contact Tuckshop Manager, Mrs Marlene Rutherford on 0403 473 448 or ring the school on 5821 8155. Suggested times for Tuckshop duty are: Monday to Friday 9:30am – 1:30pm The tuckshop is open from 8am – 3.45pm Monday to Friday Pelican Shoppe The Pelican Shoppe regular trading hours are: Monday 8:30am – 11:30am Tuesday 1:00pm – 4:00pm Wednesday 1:00pm – 4:00pm Thursday 1:00pm – 5:00pm Friday Closed Note: Please consult the newsletter or website for additional trading hours during holidays and Parent Teacher Interviews. Alternatively call (03) 5821 9959 or email Verney Road, PO Box 757, Shepparton 3632, Victoria, Australia. Facsimile: 03 5821 9337 Email: Telephone: 03 5821 8155 Due to unforseen circumstances dates may need to change. Dates can be confirmed via the website or newsletter. GOULBURN VALLEY GRAMMAR SCHOOL TUCKSHOP ROSTER TERM 1 - 2015 WEEK No. 1 2 MONDAY TUESDAY 4 2nd Feb (all students) 9th Feb Mandy Deveny Terri Cowley Michelle Burgess 16th Feb Karene Dickson Help needed 5 3rd Feb 10th Feb 17th Feb Lisa Bolton Bernadette Brooks Jane Tozer 18th Feb Cath Pell Wanda Hacon Lyndal Humphris 6 24th Feb Kerrie Sweeney 9 19th Feb Mary Gilberto Jenny/Judy Jones Helen Bruce Yasmin Bhat Dy Dillon Kelly Kennedy Tejaswini Deware 3rd Mar Di Brock Jenni Sorraghan 9th Mar 4th Mar Donna Ford Melinda Fitzsimmons 10th Mar 16th Mar Liz Grogan Karene Dickson Jane Marriott Kelly Kennedy 17th Mar Vikki Asquith Darren Asquith 23rd Mar Kate Eaton Melinda Lawley 24th Mar Kerrie Sweeney Lisa Bolton Sue Thiel Kim Bertolus 20th Feb Alana Kimberlin (Swimmimg sports) Ayako Mizushima ( Morning only ) Erin York 27th Feb Lisa Menhenett Jane Wines Tonya Eishold 5th Mar Jodie Fleming Cathy O'Brian 11th Mar Fiona Cameron Jane Thorn 13th Feb Louise Phillips Sandra Winter-Irving Lisa Dean 26th Feb Michelle Smith LABOUR DAY 8 Jane Torriero Genivieve Nielsen 25th Feb 6th Feb Alana Adams Jeannie Furphy Ross Musolino 12th Feb Sue Theil 2nd Mar Wendy Brewer Terri Cowley 5th Feb 11th Feb Donna Ford Kate Reid 30th Jan 5,6,7 only Amy DePaola Leiticia Harmer Betty Cerasi Megan Lloyd FRIDAY 29th Jan 4th Feb Jane Marriott 23rd Feb Chantel Fiore 7 THURSDAY 28th Jan Staff Commence Sue Thiel 3 WEDNESDAY 6th Mar Report Writing 12th Mar 13th Mar Susan Ukich Chris Dainton Carolyn Gale Erin York Kim Bertolus 18th Mar 19th Mar Sue Chessells Bernadette Brooks 20th Mar Louise Phillips (Lynda Harcoan Emerg) Megan Lloyd Annette Jakobs 25th Mar 26th Mar Leiticia Harmer Amy DePaola 27th Mar Amanda Lukies Jenny Connelly Megan Lloyd 10 SUGGESTED TIMES FOR HELPING IN THE TUCKSHOP ARE 9:30am to 2:00pm. IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND PLEASE CONTACT MARLENE AT THE TUCKSHOP ON 58218155 OR 0403 473 448 6/02/2015 Arthur Reed Photos Pty. Ltd. A.B.N 48 528 494 590 148-154 Marshalltown Road, Grovedale, VIC 3216 Post: PO Box 272, Belmont, VIC 3216 | Telephone: (03) 5243 4390 Email: | Web: School Photographs How to order Dear Parent, Go online to or scan the QR code shown below to go to our mobile friendly ordering site. Photographs will be taken at Goulburn Valley Grammar School on February 17, 2015. School photographs provide a unique opportunity to record these special times for years to come and we look forward to providing them to your family. New for 2015 are our ‘Wish’ packages. For every ‘Wish’ pack purchased, $1 will be donated to Make-A-Wish® Australia to help grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions. When ordering school photos online you may also purchase a high resolution, digital copy of your child’s image. Enter your online ordering code, then follow the instructions to place your order. A receipt will be issued to you once payment through our secure payment facility has been completed. Order your school photos NOW and up to 10 days after photo day but remember, orders for family portraits must be placed by midnight the day BEFORE photo day. Online ordering is convenient and easy so order your school photos today. Family portraits will be available as in past years, however all orders for family photographs need to be made by midnight, the day BEFORE photo day. Your package of school photographs will be delivered to the school approximately four weeks after photography is completed. ONLINE ORDERING CODE GVS837 Arthur Reed Photos Pty. Ltd. Important information LATE ORDERS Orders placed more than 10 days after photo day will cost an extra $15 to cover special handling requirements and must be accompanied by a statutory declaration. For late orders, please download the required forms from our website. FAMILY DISCOUNT Families with 3 or more children attending THE SAME SCHOOL can benefit from our family discount. The first two children pay full price for their photo packages while other siblings attending THE SAME SCHOOL can receive their photographs for HALF the normal price. When ordering school photos for your children online and at the same time, the discount will automatically be calculated for you. When ordering using this order form: 1. Select the photo package you would like to order and mark this on the order form. The same package will be provided for all siblings. 2. Complete student details for EACH CHILD. 3. Calculate the required payment for ALL packages and include with order. Not able to order online? Please complete the order details on the other side of this form and return it directly to Arthur Reed Photos before the ten day cut off time. Orders placed after this time will be considered as late orders and will incur additional costs as outlined above. Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee You will receive a full refund if you are not completely satisfied with your photographs - just return your complete photo package directly to us, within 10 days and a refund will be sent to you. (Please keep evidence and date of return). Wish PACKAGES Goulburn Valley Grammar School In 2015 Arthur Reed Photos is partnering with Make-A-Wish Australia who grant the cherished wishes of seriously ill children. PHOTO ORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS Student’s Name $1 from the purchase of each ‘Wish’ package will be donated to help bring the healing power of a wish to children with life-threatening medical conditions. Wish PACKAGE A - $44 Wish PACKAGE B - $40 1 - Personalised photobook 1 - Larger size 25 x 18 cm portrait 1 - 18 x 13 cm B&W portrait 4 - 18 x 13 cm portraits 1 - Display mount 3 - 8 x 5 cm portraits 4 - 4 x 2.5 cm portraits 1 - Group photo 1 - Personalised photobook 3 - 18 x 13 cm portraits 1 - Display mount 3 - 8 x 5 cm portraits 4 - 4 x 2.5 cm portraits 1 - Group photo Class/Homeroom Student’s Name Class/Homeroom Student’s Name Class/Homeroom PARENT/GUARDIAN DETAILS Parent/Guardian Name Mobile or Contact Phone Number FREE digital +image when GROUP PHOTO format is chosen by your school & may not be the style shown here. GROUP PHOTO format is chosen by your school & may not be the style shown here. photos ordered online. (Tablet not included). PACKAGE CHOICE WHEN ORDERING PACKAGES B, C OR D ONLINE, YOU MAY ALSO PURCHASE A HIGH QUALITY DIGITAL COPY OF YOUR CHILD’S SCHOOL PORTRAIT FOR ONLY $7 PER IMAGE. PHOTOBOOK PACKAGE C - $35 STANDARD PACKAGE D - $31 1 - Personalised photobook 2 - 18 x 13 cm portraits 1 - Display mount 3 - 18 x 13 cm portraits 1 - Display mount 3 - 8 x 5 cm portraits 4 - 4 x 2.5 cm portraits 1 - Group photo Wish Pack A - $44 Wish Pack B - $40 Package C - $35 Package D - $31 Package E - $28 Package G - $23 GROUP PHOTO format is chosen by your school & may not be the style shown here. BASIC PACKAGE E - $28 1 - 18 x 13 cm portraits 1 - Display mount 1 - Group photo PAYMENT DETAILS GROUP ONLY PACKAGE G - $23 GROUP PHOTO format is chosen by your school & may not be the style shown here. Cheque/Money Order Credit Card Authority ($1 surcharge applies to credit card payments made with order envelope) TOTAL COST OF ORDER $ GROUP PHOTO format is chosen by your school & may not be the style shown here. PAYMENT ADVICE - If returning order to Arthur Reed Photos and paying by Credit Card - PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION. GROUP PHOTO - Design to be chosen by your school.
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