Columbia County Ag Reporter - Cooperative Extension County Offices

Columbia County
Ag Reporter
Jan / Feb 2015
General Information:
Calendar of Events ....................... 2
WI Agronomy Update Meetings.... 3
WI School of Beginning
Market Growers ........................ 5
Returning to the Farm Workshop . 8
Evaluating USDA Farm Bill
Crop Program Options .............. 9
Pesticide Applicator’s Training ..... 10
Nutrient Management Plan
Writing Three-Part Workshop .... 11
Winter Grazing Meeting ................ 12
Seminars to help farms, food
businesses grow local markets . 13
USDA Dairy Herd Size ................. 14
FSA County Committee Election
Results ...................................... 18
Farm Loan Programs—Apply
Early—Apply Now! .................... 19
Contact FSA Early to Fill out
Paperwork before Conducting
Any Wetland Maintenance or
Breaking out New Ground
for Production............................ 19
June 1st Deadline for all
Producers to Have Form
AD1206 on File at FSA ............. 19
FSA Offers Greater Loss
Protection for Fruit, Vegetable
And Other Specialty Crop
Growers .................................... 20
FSA Dates to Remembers ........... 20
Conservation Stewardship
Land & Water Conservation Dept.:
Program for Farm and
Forest Lands ............................ 15
Winter Manure Application/
Manure Storage Cost
Share Assistance ...................... 21
New Farm Bill Informational
2nd Reminder Chance to
Meetings ................................... 16
Participate in Citizen Advisory
January 30th Deadline to Apply
Committee (LWRM Plan &
For 2012 Grazing Losses .......... 17
Ordinance Revision) ................. 22
January 30th Deadline for Early
2014-2015 Columbia County
Termination of Certain CRP
LWCD Tree Sales Program ...... 22
Contracts................................... 17
2015 Important Year for
January 31st Deadline for Tree
Farmland Preservation
Assistance Program (TAP)
Program Participants ................ 23
At FSA....................................... 18
Directory......................................... 23
Ag Reporter Calendar of Events
* Columbia County Annex Building is located at
120 W Conant St, Portage, WI.
Jan 5-9
Jan 9-11
Jan 13-15
Jan 15-17
Jan 16-17
Jan 19-21
Jan 26
Jan 27
Jan 28
Jan 28
Jan 29-30
Feb 4
Feb 10
Feb 11
Feb 13-14
Feb 16
Feb 17
Feb 18
Feb 24-25
Feb 26-28
Mar 4
Mar 24-26
Apr 16
UW-Extension Agronomy Updates
WI School for Beginning Market Growers
WI Crop Managers Conference, Alliant Center, Madison
Grassworks Conference, Chula Vista, WI Dells
Returning to the Farm Workshop-1st session, Platteville
Midwest Forage Conference, Chula Vista, WI Dells
ARC/PLC Meeting, 7 pm, *Annex
Pesticide Applicators’ Training, 9am, Otsego Town Hall
SnapPlus Nutrient Mgmt Training Update, 9am,*Annex
ARC/PLC Farm Bill Meeting, 12:30 pm, Arlington ARS
Public Events Center
Corn/Soy/Pork Conference, Kalahari, WI Dells
SnapPlus Beginner Nutrient Management Training
Session 1, 9 am, *Annex
Columbia-Dodge Winter Grazing Meeting, 8:30 am,
Randolph Community Center
SnapPlus Beginner Nutrient Management Training
Session 2, 9 am, *Annex
Returning to the Farm Workshop-2nd session, Platteville
Pesticide Applicators’ Training, 9 am, *Annex
Pesticide Applicators’ Self-Study Testing, 1 pm, *Annex
SnapPlus Beginner Nutrient Management Training
Session 3, 9 am, *Annex
WI Manure Summit – Radisson Hotel, Green Bay
MOSES Organic Conference, LaCrosse, WI
Pesticide Applicators’ Training, 9 am, *Annex
WPS Farm Show, Oshkosh, WI
LWCD Tree Sales Program Pick-Up Day (tentative)
FSA Dates to Remember (Deadlines)
can be found on pages 20 & 21
2015 Wisconsin Agronomy Update Meetings
The Department of Agronomy will offer Crop Production and Management
Meetings at eight locations during 2015. Joe Lauer, Dan Undersander and Shawn
Conley will present the latest information on hybrid/variety performance, an
analysis and discussion of last year's growing season, and updated
recommendations for field crop production.
The registration fee includes a meal and materials. Please pre-register with the
Host Agent. A “walk-in” (late) fee will be charged to those who have not preregistered. Additional information packets will be available for $18.00 each.
Certified Crop Advisor CEU credits have been requested (3.0 hours in Crop
Management). Below is a list of topics, meeting sites, dates and times. Please join
us at the meeting in your area. Make your reservations with the host agent one
week prior to the scheduled meeting date.
Packet Materials
2014 Wisconsin Hybrid Corn Performance Trials - Grain and Silage (A3653)
2014 Wisconsin Soybean Variety Test Results (A3654)
2014 Perennial Forage Variety Update for Wisconsin (A1525)
Winter wheat varieties for grain in Wisconsin - 2014 (A3868)
Oat and Barley Variety Performance (A3874)
Extension publications; Agronomy Advice articles
Wisconsin Crop Improvement Association updates
Discussion Topics
 Alfalfa stand changes over time.
 Performance of GM alfalfa varieties and potential for gene transfer to nonGMO fields
 When to use alfalfa-grass mixtures
 Corn Response to Seeding Rate: The Implications for Variable Rate
 Is the corn-soybean rotation sustainable?
Evidence from long-term cropping system trials
Soybeans and Small Grains
 WI Soybean and Winter Wheat Year in Review
 Multi-State High Yield Soybean Project
Results: a First Look
 Should we consider in-furrow applications in soybean?
Agronomy Update Meetings—cont.
Session Info Address
Host Agent
Jan. 5
Holiday Inn Express
3100 Wellington Dr.
Nick Baker-Rock Co. Ext. Office
51 S Main St., Janesville, WI
53545; (608) 757-5696
Jan. 6
7:30 am
Dane Co. Extension Office
1 Fen Oak Ct., Rm. 138
(SE Madison, Take Hwy 51 exit
Off Beltline, go N to E Broadway
And Agriculture Drive. Turn N)
Jennifer Blazek-Dane Co. Ext Off
5201 Fen Oak Dr., Rm. 138
Madison, WI 53718;
(608) 224-3716
Fond du Lac UW Fond du Lac
Rm. 114 University Center
Jan. 6
400 University Drive
Mike Rankin-Fond du Lack Ext
Off., 400 University Dr, Fond du
Lac, WI 54935; (920) 929-3171
Jan. 7
7:30 am
Liberty Hall
800 Eisenhower Drive
(Hwy. 441, College Avenue Exit,
East 1 block)
Kevin Jarek, Outagamie County
3365 W Brewster St., Appleton,
WI 54914; (920) 832-5121
Jan. 7
Luncheon at VFW Hall, 388
River Dr, then Meeting at
Marathon Co. Ext Office
Dan Marzu, Marthon Co. Ext Off
212 River Drive, Wausau, WI
54403; (715) 261-1230
Eau Claire
Jan 8
7:30 am
Clarion Hotel Campus Area/
Green Mill Restaurant and Bar
(Campus Area)
2703 Craig Road
Mark Hagedorn, Eau Claire Co.
Ext Office, 227 1st Street West
Altoona, WI 54720;
(715) 839-4712;
Jan. 8
Jakes Northwoods
Hwy 21 (NE side of town)
1132 Angelo Rd.
Bill Halfman, Monroe Co. Ext
Office, 14345 CR B, Room 1,
Sparta, WI 54656; (608) 2698722;
Jan. 9
Belmont Inn & Suites
Convention Center/Banquet Hall
103 W Mount View Ave.
(North of Hwy 151 at Belmont)
Ted Bay, Grant Co. Ext Office
916 E Elm St., Lancaster, WI
53813; (608) 723-2125
WI Crop Management Conference: 1/13-15/15, Alliant Energy Center, Madison
Midwest Forage Assn Forage Production and Use Symposium, 1/20-21/15, Chula Vista*
WI Corn Growers Assn/WI Soybean Assn Corn/Soy Expo, 1/29-30/15, Kalahari Resort*
*Wisconsin Dells
Wisconsin School for
Beginning Market Growers
Emphasizing organic production methods and direct marketing
Our intensive, three-day course gives you a realistic picture of what it takes to run
a successful, small-scale produce operation—including capital, management, labor
and other resources. Topics include soil fertility, crop production (from seed
starting to harvest), pest management, cover crops, equipment and labor needs at
different scales of operation, and marketing and economics.
A unique program that combines knowledge from experienced growers and
UW faculty
Opportunities to understand essential concepts in organic market farming and
what it takes to succeed in this type of business
Extended time with three experienced growers, each offering unique
perspectives, invaluable tips and practical know-how
A chance to network and learn from fellow market gardeners, farmers and
January 9, 10 & 11, 2015
9:00-4:30 Friday;
8:00-4:30 Saturday;
8:00-2:00 Sunday
University of Wisconsin-Madison
$325 or $295 “paperless” option
2015 Instructors
Sharing their expertise and enthusiasm this year are Michael Racette of Spring Hill
Community Farm, Tricia Bross of Luna Circle Farm and Jenny Bonde of Shooting
Star Farm. These accomplished organic growers are all excellent speakers. Each
will bring a unique perspective as well as some of their favorite tools for our
popular show-and-tell tables. Their marketing strategies include farmers' markets,
community supported agriculture (CSA) and selling to restaurants and retail stores.
The growers will be joined by additional speakers who will help cover topics such
as insects, economics and more!
Beginning Market Growers—cont.
Is this workshop right for you?
The course attracts a variety of people. Some want to start small market gardens,
while others see this as a part-time job on a few acres. Other participants aspire to
grow 10 or more acres of vegetables for retail and wholesale markets. The grower
instructors, whose farms range in scale and marketing strategy, meet the diverse
interests and needs brought by participants. To learn more about whether this class
is a good fit with your experience and goals, contact John Hendrickson at the Center
for Integrated Agricultural Systems, UW-Madison, (608) 265-3704 or
What past students say...
“Terrific course...very helpful and motivating. I felt the first
day easily paid for the tuition.”
“The grower-instructors were all fantastic; the diversity in
their farm sizes and modes of farming and marketing were
“The most useful aspect of the course was all the real-life experiences of the
instructors and how farming has affected their lives.”
“The course notebook has proven to be a very useful resource. I've used it again
and again.”
Register and pay online: or complete and mail the form on the next page. Pre-registration is
required; we apologize, but walk-ins cannot be accommodated.
Location: The 2015 school will be held on the University of Wisconsin—Madison
campus. Details and a map will be sent to you after you enroll.
Parking: Weekday parking is restricted on campus, but weekend parking is free. It
will cost $12 to park on campus on Friday. You will receive weekday parking
information after you enroll.
Meals and Lodging: Lunches and snacks will be provided. Lodging arrangements
need to be made on your own. On-campus options include: Lowell Hall (866-3011753), Wisconsin Union (608-262-1583), or the Short Course Dorm (608-262-2270).
Check online for options near campus (some with free campus shuttles).
Registration questions? Contact CALS Conference Services:
(608) 263-1672
FAX: (608) 262-5088
Program questions? Contact John Hendrickson at the Center for Integrated
Agricultural Systems:; (608) 265-3704.
Beginning Market Growers—cont.
Wisconsin School for Beginning Market Growers
[ ] Vegetarian [ ] Vegan [ ] Gluten-free
Partner/spouse (if attending):
[ ] Vegetarian [ ] Vegan [ ] Gluten-free
NOTE: Please provide a functional email address as we will use it to communicate
with you prior to the class.
Individual fee:
Individual "paperless" fee: $295
(Instead of a 3-ring binder, receive most written materials on a USB drive.)
Partner/spouse fee:
(Note: Partner/spouse does not receive a second binder BUT can receive a
USB drive if desired.)
Please enclose total fee. Payment must be made at time of registration.
Check enclosed (payable to University of Wisconsin)
Please charge. Circle one: Visa MasterCard Amer Exp Discover
Card Number:
Exp. Date:
Name on card:
Pre-registration is required; no walk-ins accommodated. Mail form with payment
to: CALS Conference Services, 640 Babcock Drive, Madison, WI 53706.
Returning to the Farm Workshop
UW Center for Dairy Profitability, University of Wisconsin-Platteville and
University of Wisconsin-Extension are offering a workshop to help farm families
plan for a son, daughter or partner to return to the farm and eventually take over
the farm business. The four-day workshop will be offered on the UW-Platteville
campus. The dates are Jan. 16 and 17 and Feb. 13 and 14, 2015.
Families looking toward the future of their farming operations have many issues
to consider. Two issues of extreme importance to the future life of the business
are (1) the development of a son, daughter, or partner to be the future manager
of the business and (2) the creation of a succession plan. The Returning to the
Farm workshop helps families make these plans.
Returning to the Farm is open to all farm families who want
to learn more about planning for farm succession. Families
are expected to participate in both sessions. At the end of
the February session, families will have action steps to move forward with a plan.
Through this program, farm businesses will:
 Determine if an existing operation is large enough to support an additional
 Uncover alternatives for the transfer of farm assets.
 Recognize personalities and learn to work with each individual's strengths.
 Write long- and short-term business and family goals.
 Learn how to address issues in a multiple generation farm business.
 Hear the current issues and information on the tax implications of farm
 Understand the tools of estate planning and business succession planning.
 Receive business succession and estate planning resources.
The registration fee for this four-day program is $300 per farming unit (up to four
people per farm). This includes materials, meeting room costs, refreshment
breaks and lunches. The registration deadline is January 9, 2014. If more than
four people attend from a farming unit, $75 will be charged for each participant
over four.
For more information about the program or to register, contact Joy Kirkpatrick,
UW Center for Dairy Profitability Outreach Specialist at 608-263-3485 or by email Returning to the Farm is funded by UW-Center for
Dairy Profitability, UW-Platteville, and UW-Extension.
Evaluating USDA Farm Bill Crop
Program Options
Several meetings are being offered to help farms understand the decisions
they need to make in the coming months about participating in the newest
Farm Bill as it relates to cropping systems, primarily corn, soybeans, winter
wheat, and oats. The ARC (Agriculture Risk Coverage) and PLC (Price Loss
Coverage) options will be discussed at each event to help farmers decide
which program is best for their farm. Meetings have already been held
statewide, but two more opportunities are scheduled for Columbia County
grain farmers.
Monday night, January 26th, 7:00-9:00 pm
Columbia County Annex River Rooms (limit 40 attendees)
George Koepp and Susan Hunter will explain rules, regulations, and grain
farmer considerations for participating in either the ARC or PLC Farm Bill
Programs. There are several important deadlines to remember to be eligible
for these programs:
February 27, 2015
March 31, 2015
Mid-summer 2015
Reallocation of Base Acres and Yields
Requires Landowner Signature
Election of ARC or PLC
Land Operator Decision
Actual Enrollment into ARC or PLC
Land Operator Decision
Please be sure to call Joyce Dunbar at 608-742-9687 to register for this
meeting. There is no charge, but will be limited to the first 40 respondents.
Wednesday afternoon, January 28th, 12:30-3:30 pm
Arlington ARS, Public Events Building
Farm Service Agency directors from Columbia, Sauk, Dane, and Dodge
Counties, along with a UW-Extension representative, will explain the rules,
regulations, and grain farmer considerations of participating in either the ARC
or PLC Farm Bill Programs. See Susan Hunter’s FSA article for further
details (p. 16). To register for this event, please call the FSA Office at (608)
742-5361, Ext. 2. There is room for 250+ participants at this meeting.
2015 Pesticide Applicators’ Training
As you know, all private farmers who apply restricted use pesticides must be
certified once every five years. The training and testing for this program is a
cooperative effort by UW Extension, DATCP, and local coops and suppliers. This
year we are offering three training sessions, as well as one session for self-study
testing only. Please contact the UW-Extension Columbia County office to sign up
for one of the sessions. The fee is payable when you pick up your materials.
Please notice that we have attendance limits at each location and occasionally a
session is cancelled due to lack of registrations. You will be notified if there is
any change in your chosen session. Sessions are as follows:
Tuesday, 1/27/15; 9:00 am to 3:30 pm; $30.00; lunch sponsored by
LandMark; will be held at Otsego Town Hall, W3199 State Road 16,
Columbus, WI; Limit 60; registration due by 1/17/15.
Monday, 2/16/15; 9:00 am to 3:30 pm; $40.00; lunch catered in; will be held
at Columbia County Annex Building, 120 W Conant St, Portage; Limit 40;
registration due 2/6/15.
Wednesday, 3/4/15; 9:00 am to 3:30 pm; $40.00; lunch catered in; will be
held at Columbia County Annex Building, 120 W Conant St, Portage; Limit
40; registration due 2/22/15.
Self-Study Test Only: Tuesday, 2/17/15; 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm; $30.00; will be
held at Columbia County Annex Building, 120 W Conant St, Portage; Limit
40; registration due 2/13/15.
PAT Manuals are available in the UW-Extension Office. We encourage you to
review the manual before you attend the training session. The exam is based on
both the manual and the training program. If you are unable to attend one of the
sessions, you may schedule a time to take the exam at the Extension office.
Registrations must be received ten days before each class.
To register, please email or phone Joyce or George, providing the name, phone
number and email (if available) for all participants:
Joyce Dunbar, Administrative Assistant; 608-742-9687;
George Koepp, Columbia County Ag Agent; 608-742-9682
Nutrient Management Plan Writing
Three-Part Workshop
February 4, February 11, and February 18, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Are you interested in participating in a Nutrient Management
Plan Writing Workshop? This will be a venue for Participants
to complete a plan that will meet the program requirements of
programs such as the Farmland Preservation Program. This
program requires the development and maintenance of a 590
NMP to maintain eligibility for Farmland Preservation Tax Credits.
Columbia County UW-Extension, Columbia County Land and Water
Conservation, NRCS, and DATCP are partnering to offer a three-part
workshop for understanding and writing a nutrient management plan for your
farm. In order to be considered qualified to write your own plan by the
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, & and Consumer Protection, you
will need to attend all three days of this workshop. The workshops run from
9:00 am to 3:00 pm on Wednesdays, February 4th, February 11th, and
February 18th, at the Columbia County Annex Building, Portage, WI.
Please be sure to bring all of the materials listed below:
 Field maps with field numbers and acreages;
 Current soil sample information (must be less than 4 years old) and bring
along corresponding maps of where samples were taken.
 Soil sample report forms (in an electronic format, i.e. SNAP-Plus) with
fields and/or field areas designated (corresponding to the field maps);
 Livestock inventory for estimating manure produced;
 Number of each species and different size classification;
 Manure storage facility size (capacity) estimates;
 An estimate of manure application rates in tons or gallons per-acre;
 Updated soil conservation plan (this is probably most important down the
road for plan development fine-tuning);
 Nutrient Application Restriction Maps showing manure and fertilizer
application restricted and prohibited areas – available at http:// (Columbia County LWCD can
help with this).
Nutrient Management Plan—cont.
The Columbia County Land & Water Conservation Department has received a WIDATCP and UW-Extension Grant that we will be able to use to offer a financial
incentive to all program participants who participate and complete a plan. You will
be eligible for a $350.00 plan completion stipend. In addition, we will be offering
a $2.00 (estimated) per acre soil sampling stipend to all participants who complete a
plan, with a maximum of $500 per farm. Final actual stipends payments and soil
sampling stipends may increase/decrease depending on participation and final
acres. Once you register, we will provide you with more details and paperwork
related to the payments. Some additional NMP specific cost share funds may
become available for 2015 and beyond and we can discuss that individually with you
during the program, because some funds are specific to geographic locations.
For questions or to register for the class, please contact Harold McElroy at (608-7429676) or or George Koepp at (608-742-9682) or Registration due date is January 30, 2015.
Registration is capped at 20 and is on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no
fee to register and participate in these classes. We will include break snacks and
will plan for a working lunch to be brought into the meeting room to save time for
Winter Grazing Meeting—Feb. 10, 2015
Join us for the 2015 Columbia/Dodge GLCI Grazing Winter Meeting
Randolph Community Center, Randolph, WI
$20 per person by February 1; $30 per person after February 1
Registration and Check-in
Program begins
Presentations will include:
 Using a grazing broker and renting pasture
 PRF – Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Insurance Program
 Robotic milking and grazing
 Animal well-being and antibiotic use and management
 Parasite concerns of beef and sheep
 Parasite resistance development – now what do we do?
 Pasture management for beginners
 Advanced grass species and Nutrient Values for Animals
Program concludes
Winter Grazing Meeting—cont.
**Specific presentation times and details will be available by January 15.
Send registration information and checks (payable to Columbia County) to:
Joyce Dunbar, Columbia County UW-Extension
120 West Conant St., Suite 201, Portage, WI 53901
Seminars to help farms, food businesses
grow local markets
If your business plan includes producing, processing or handling Wisconsin-grown
food, then the Local Food dBusiness Seminar Series is designed for you. This series,
scheduled between October and March, will feature seven different topics—including
business planning, food safety and marketing. Each topic will be presented at four
locations around the state. The Madison workshops will also be available free via
“These low-cost seminars are great ways to gain technical knowledge from industry
experts,” said Sarah Elliott, Local and Regional Agriculture Program Supervisor for
the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP).
“We are excited to continue to provide a wide array of resources that promote the
economic viability of Wisconsin’s local food industry.”
For those who have not already registered for the entire seven sessions, registration is
open now. Full-day classes will cost $15 and will include lunch. Half-day classes will
cost $10. Something Special from Wisconsin members get a $5 discount per class.
The dates and topics of the remaining sessions are as follows:
 Jan 5-8: Marketing—9 am to 3:15 pm
 Feb 9-12: Know Your Buyer—9 am to 12:15 pm
 Mar 2-5: Selling through a Distributor—9 am to 12:15 pm
 Mar 16-19: Finding the Dollars—8:30 am to 12:45 pm
During each week listed above, the locations are as follows:
 Mondays at Retzer Nature Center, S14, W28167 Madison St, Waukesha
 Tuesdays at Portage County UW-Extension, 1462 Strongs Ave, Stevens Point
 Wednesdays at Kickapoo Culinary Center, 16381 Wisconsin 131, Gays Mills
 Thursdays at DATCP, 2811 Agriculture Drive, Madison
For a full schedule or to register, click:
USDA Dairy Herd Size
USDA, NASS has published estimates of the distribution of milk cows and
milk production by herd size for the U.S. as a whole. They have not released
state level data after 2007. The following figures show these distributions.
Note the more than doubling since 2002 of the % of cows and milk production
from the largest herd size. Close to two-thirds of U.S. milk production comes
from herds with more than 500 cows compared to less than 30% in 1997.
Portage Service Center
2912 Red Fox Run
Portage, WI 53901
(608) 742-5361, ext.3
Conservation Stewardship Program Offers
Payments for Farm and Forest Lands
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) accepts
applications for the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) at any time of the
year. Farm and forest landowners may apply for possible funding. CSP
encourages agricultural producers to maintain existing conservation activities
and adopt additional ones on their operations.
The program is open to all farmers, regardless of size or type of operation.
Eligible lands include cropland, pastureland, non-industrial private forestland,
and tribal agricultural lands.
For the 2013 sign up, average payments in Wisconsin were $19 per acre for
cropland, $13 per acre for pasture, and $4 per acre for woodland. Payments are
made annually for each of the five years of the contract. CSP is open to small
and large operations, with farms already enrolled ranging from just a couple of
acres to over 4,000 acres of cropland.
To be eligible, applicants will need to be the operator of record in the USDA farm
records management system, have effective control of the land for five years,
and document their current and proposed conservation practices which will be
used to rank applications and determine payments. NRCS field staff will also
conduct on-site field verifications of applicants' information. Additional
restrictions and program requirements may apply.
For more information, visit , or contact the local NRCS
office at Portage, (608) 742-5361 ext. 3.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
From: Susan Hunter,
County Executive
New Farm Bill Informational Meetings
January 26th and 28th in Columbia County
The Columbia County Farm Service Agency (FSA) invites all area crop
producers to attend two informational meeting being held on the new Agriculture
Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) Programs, which have
replaced the annual DCP program at FSA. Special accommodations will be
made, upon request, for individuals with disabilities, vision impairment or hearing
impairment. If special accommodations are required to attend the meeting,
please call the FSA Office at (608) 742-5361, Ext. 2 and we will be happy to
make any arrangements that are needed.
1. Monday, January 26th from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm in the Columbia County
Courthouse Annex Meeting Room (see calendar for address), Portage.
2. Wednesday, January 28th from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm at the Arlington
Research Station Public Events Facility at N695 Hopkins Road near
Arlington. Call (608) 846-3761 for directions, if needed.
In advance of these meetings, producers who are interested in
learning more about the new programs are encouraged to use the
new web-based tools launched by USDA. The ARC/PLC tool is
available at This site can be accessed via computer,
Smartphone, tablet or any other platform, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
NOTE!! It is very important that producers make appointments to do their base
and yield reallocations or updates at FSA as soon as possible. The deadline to
make these decisions is coming up quick on February 28th and it will be hard to
get everyone in by that date. Before you make your appointment, it is
suggested that you attend at least one Farm Bill Informational meeting held in
Columbia County or at other locations throughout the state. Go to the following
link that is updated weekly - and click on WISCONSIN
FARM BILL INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS to see what meetings are being held
if you are unable to attend any of the meetings being held in Columbia County.
More for FSA
January 30th Deadline To Apply
For 2012 Grazing Losses
If you grazed any livestock in 2012, you will want to contact the Columbia
County FSA office to apply for payments under the Livestock Forage Program
(LFP). Eligible livestock includes cattle, sheep, swine, chickens, or any other
eligible animal that you grazed in 2012. Spending 10 minutes or so at the FSA
office could result in a decent payment! Deadline to apply is January 30, 2015.
In Wisconsin, producers are eligible for LFP in the following counties for 2012
only- Adams, Clark, Columbia, Crawford, Dane, Dodge, Fond du Lac, Grant,
Green, Green Lake, Jackson, Jefferson, Iowa, Juneau, Kenosha, La Crosse,
Lafayette, Marquette, Milwaukee, Monroe, Ozaukee, Portage, Racine,
Richland, Rock, Sauk, Vernon, Walworth, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca,
Waushara, Wood.
January 30th Deadline for Early
Termination of Certain CRP Contracts
Producers with acres under contract through the Conservation Reserve
Program (CRP) can apply for early contract termination, as required by the
2014 Farm Bill. The deadline to request early CRP contract termination is
January 30, 2015. The effective date for early termination is no earlier than
October 1, 2014. The CRP contract must have been in effect for at least five
years and other conditions must be met. The 2014 Farm Bill identifies 10
exceptions whereby land will not be eligible for the early-out provisions. For a
complete list of these exceptions call the local FSA office or view the program
fact sheet online at
Once a CRP contract termination request is approved by the
FSA County Committee, the decision cannot be reversed and
the contract cannot be reinstated. Likewise, producers must meet conservation
compliance provisions for all land that will be returned to production. For more
information on or to determine eligibility for early termination of existing CRP
contracts, please contact your local FSA office. Columbia County producers
should call 608-742-5361, ext. 2.
More for FSA
January 31st Deadline for Tree
Assistance Program (TAP) at FSA
Orchardists and nursery tree growers who experienced losses from natural
disasters that occurred on or after October 1, 2011 through December 31, 2014,
can sign up for the Tree Assistance Program (TAP) by no later than January 31,
2015. TAP provides financial assistance to qualifying orchardists and nursery
tree growers to replant or rehabilitate eligible trees, bushes and vines damaged
by natural disasters. Eligible tree types include trees, bushes or vines that
produce an annual crop for commercial purposes. Nursery trees include
ornamental, fruit, nut and Christmas trees that are produced for commercial sale.
Trees used for pulp or timber are ineligible.
To qualify for TAP, orchardists must suffer a qualifying tree, bush or vine loss in
excess of normal mortality from an eligible natural disaster. If the TAP
application is approved, the eligible trees, bushes and vines must be replaced
within 12 months from the date the application is approved. The cumulative total
quantity of acres planted to trees, bushes or vines, for which a producer can
receive TAP payments, cannot exceed 500 acres annually.
For losses that occur on or after January 1, 2015, producers
must provide an application and supporting documentation to
FSA within 90 calendar days of each disaster event or date when
the loss of trees, bushes, or vines is apparent to the producer.
FSA County Committee Election Results
Betty Whirry from Pardeeville was re-elected to serve a second three-year term
on the Columbia County FSA County Committee. Betty will again join the other
committee members: Randal Link from the Cambria area and John A. Stevenson
from the Poynette area. FSA county committees provide a valuable resource to
the farmers and agricultural landowners of the county by making FSA programs
fit the needs of the local area and by making decisions that affect the amount
and type of benefits that producers receive from FSA programs.
More for FSA
Farm Loan Programs-Apply Early–Apply Now!
If you will need operating funds for your spring planting expenses or funds equipment,
livestock, real estate or other purpose, it is very important that you contact the Farm
Loan Team at the Fond du Lac FSA office RIGHT AWAY. Applying early will help
ensure that we have enough time to process your loan for your financial needs next
spring. You can reach the Farm Loan Team in Fond du Lac at 608-923-3303, ext. 2.
Contact FSA Early to Fill out Paperwork
… before Conducting Any Wetland Maintenance or
Breaking out New Ground for Production
Producers are reminded to consult with FSA and NRCS before breaking out new
ground for production purposes or doing any maintenance on drainage systems
already in place. Doing these activities without prior authorization may put your
federal farm program benefits, including crop insurance premium support, in
jeopardy. This is especially true for land that must meet Highly Erodible Land (HEL)
and Wetland Conservation (WC) provisions. The process can take some time so it
is important that you contact the FSA office right away to fill out form AD-1026 and
to indicate what and where you are planning the work next spring.
June 1, 2015 Deadline for all Producers
to Have Form AD-1206 on File at FSA
For farmers to be eligible for premium support on their federal crop insurance
coverage, a completed and signed AD-1026 certification form must be on file with
the FSA. The Risk Management Agency (RMA), through the Federal Crop Insurance
Corporation (FCIC), manages the federal crop insurance program that provides the
modern farm safety net for American farmers. Many FSA and Natural Resource
Conservation (NRCS) programs already have implemented this requirement for
producers who have participated in FSA programs in the past and therefore most
producers should already have an AD-1026 form on file for their associated lands. If
an AD-1026 form has not been filed or is incomplete, then farmers are reminded of
the deadline of June 1, 2015 to have one completed to maintain their eligibility for
the current crop insurance premium support which is quite big.
More for FSA
FSA Offers Greater Loss Protection for
Fruit, Vegetable and Other Specialty
Crop Growers
Greater protection is now available from the Noninsured Crop
Disaster Assistance Program (NAP) for crops that traditionally have
been ineligible for federal crop insurance. The new options provide
greater coverage for losses when natural disasters affect specialty
crops such as vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, floriculture, ornamental nursery,
aquaculture, turf grass, ginseng, honey, syrup, and energy crops.
Previously, the program offered coverage at 55 percent of the average market
price for crop losses that exceed 50 percent of expected production. Producers
can now choose higher levels of coverage, up to 65 percent of their expected
production at 100 percent of the average market price.
The expanded protection will be especially helpful to beginning and traditionally
underserved producers, as well as farmers with limited resources, who will
receive fee waivers and premium reductions for expanded coverage. More
crops are now eligible for the program, including expanded aquaculture
production practices, and sweet and biomass sorghum. For the first time, a
range of crops used to produce bioenergy will be eligible, as well.
To help producers learn more about the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance
Program and how it can help them, USDA, in partnership with Michigan State
University and the University of Illinois, created an online resource. The Web
tool, available at, allows producers to determine whether
their crops are eligible for coverage. It also gives them an opportunity to explore
a variety of options and levels to determine the best protection level.
FSA Dates to Remember
 January 30th - Deadline to apply for assistance from the LIP program for
eligible livestock losses from October 1, 2011 through December 31, 2014
 January 30th - Deadline to apply for assistance in eligible counties for the
2012 Livestock Forage Disaster Program
More for FSA
FSA Dates to Remember—cont.
 January 30th - Deadline to request early termination for certain CRP contacts
 January 31st - Deadline to apply for assistance from the TAP program for
eligible tree losses from October 1, 2011 through December 31, 2014
 February 27th - Deadline for ARC/PLC base reallocations and/or yield
updates on an FSA farm number basis
 March 16th - Deadline to apply for 2015 NAP coverage on spring planted
crops. Buy-up policies now available!!!
 March 31st - Deadline for ARC or PLC election on an FSA farm number basis
 June 1st – Deadline for all producers to have form AD-1026 on file at FSA
FAX: 608-742-9840
Land & Water Conservation
Land and Water Conservation Department
Updates January/February 2015
120 West Conant Street
P.O. Box 485
Portage, WI 53901
Winter Manure Application/Manure
Storage Cost Share Assistance
We encourage livestock producers to continue to contact our office regarding
manure application on frozen and snow-covered ground. If you already have a
Nutrient Management Plan, you should reference your winter restriction spreading
maps. These maps will show you areas on your farm that have outright winter
spreading restrictions on them. Winter application can result in a discharge over
frozen ground at any location on your farm. The LWCD continues to work with
livestock producers helping define your manure handling needs and helping gain
access to funds to help you store and better manage manure around these critical
application periods. We can get access to substantial amounts of state and
federal cost sharing to help design and install manure transfer and storage
systems. These applications are competitive and we need time to pull together a
quality application on your behalf. I encourage you to contact us to talk
about your needs. We have very qualified engineering staff that have
worked on a lot of these structures over the years. Applications are due
in April each year, so please start talking to us now at 608-742-9670.
More for Land & Water
2nd Reminder Chance to Participate in
Citizen Advisory Committee
(LWRM Plan & Ordinance Revision)
We are looking for Columbia County citizens that are interested in serving on a
Citizen Advisory Committee (CAC). The Columbia County Land & Water
Conservation Department will be leading an effort to complete a required 5-year
revision to our DATCP-approved Columbia County Land & Water Resource
Management Plan. Certification of this plan is required under Chapter 92 Wis.
Stats. The plan provides long & short term guidance of departmental programming
and areas of emphasis. The plan also provides eligibility for the county to gain
access to financial resources from state and federal sources.
The Columbia County Agricultural and Land & Water Conservation
Committee recommended that we should also use this CAC
opportunity to discuss necessary revisions to the Columbia County
Title 15 Animal Waste Management Ordinance. The state has completed its most
current revisions to the applicable administrative rules that guide local ordinance
direction and content. The CAC will be used to provide citizen input and direction
into ordinance language and direction that the county may or may not take
regarding control of agricultural nonpoint source pollution abatement.
The two-prong approach is a valuable opportunity for citizens to have direct impact
in local decision-making and priority setting regarding a wide range of natural
resource management priorities, including the regulatory management of animal
waste and general agricultural nonpoint source pollution abatement. Please contact
Kurt R. Calkins, Director of Land & Water Conservation, if you are interested in
serving on this committee. You can contact him at 608-742-9670. Commitment will
include a number of evening meetings in 2015.
2014-2015 Columbia County
LWCD Tree Sales Program
The Columbia County Tree Sales Program for 2014-2015 is now taking orders. You
can find the order form online at
TreeProgram or you can contact our office to receive a tree order. Tree pick up day
is tentatively scheduled for April 16, 2015. Thanks for your continued support. If you
have questions, please contact us at 608-742-9670.
More for Land & Water
2015 Important Year for Farmland
Preservation Program Participants
Landowners are reminded that 2015 is an important year regarding your
compliance status for FPP and future year tax credits. Landowners are
encouraged to remember to watch the mail for important FPP information that
they will see coming from the LWCD regarding status. As we work on finishing
up final status checks, landowners will be asked to sign and return schedules of
compliance and/or come in and pick up their new compliance certificates. If you
have questions about your status, please call the LWCD and talk with Chris or
Agriculture is the earliest and
most honorable of arts.
UW-Extension Columbia County Agriculture Staff
George Koepp, Agriculture Agent.......................................................
(608) 742-9682
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. Monday—Friday
Office: (608) 742-9680; Fax: (608) 742-9862
UW-Extension Columbia County (UWEX) Office Staff
Becky Gutzman, WNEP Coordinator ........................................................ (608) 742-9693
Kathleen Haas, CRD Educator ................................................................. (608) 742-9683
Patti Herman, Family Living Educator ....................................................... (608) 742-9686
Susan MacLeish, 4-H Assistant ................................................................ (608) 742-9685
Karen Nelson, 4-H Youth Development Educator..................................... (608) 742-9684
Joyce Dunbar, Administrative Assistant (4-H, Ag, CRD) .......................... (608) 742-9687
LuAnn Olson, Administrative Assistant (Admin, FL, WNEP) ..................... (608) 742-9688
Web Site:
An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal
opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA requirements.
Please make requests for reasonable accommodations to ensure equal access to educational
programs as early as possible preceding the scheduled program, service or activity.
If you have a change of email, address or would like to be removed, please call the UWExtension office at (608) 742-9687 or email your request to:
Address Service Requested
University of Wisconsin—Extension
Columbia County Ag Reporter
120 W. Conant St.
Suite 201
Portage, WI 53901