39th Annual March 4 – March 8, 2015 Wednesday – Sunday Tucson Trap & Skeet Club 7800 W Old Ajo Hwy. Tucson, AZ 85725 OLD PUEBLO OPEN NON PROFIT ORG. US POSTAGE PAID TUCSON AZ PERMIT NO 504 39th OLD PUEBLO OPEN Tucson Trap & Skeet Club March 4 – March 8, 2015 The Tucson Trap & Skeet club invites you to shoot the 39th Annual Old Pueblo Open. We have 15 registered skeet fields with an excellent shooting background, Wi-Fi is available, and we are a 5-star NSSF facility. We are looking forward to seeing you shooting in the sunshine. Four-gun shooters will be given preference for registration. All shooters will receive an Old Pueblo Pin created especially for this 39th anniversary shoot. The Tucson Trap & Skeet club uses the Briley Wand Voice. We will allow for option out by squad. The use of the voice release system is mandatory for shoot-offs. The Tucson Trap and Skeet Club will be open for practice Monday, March 2nd from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM, Tuesday, March 3th from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Wed. and Thurs. 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Friday through Sunday from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM as fields are available. We will be open for both the mid-week and main event registration starting Tuesday, March 3th from 12:00 PM through 4:00 PM and continuing Wednesday through Sunday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. For Program Information Contact: Larry Blount, Skeet Director (520) 296-1423 Email: lcb@gainusa.com Tucson Trap and Skeet Club Phone Number (520) 883-6426 Website: www.tucsontrapandskeet.com General Information All hulls that hit the ground become property of the Club. The shoot management reserves the right to make any changes necessary in the program. All changes will be posted. Refund of entry fees for withdrawals due to weather or other non-emergency reasons are at the sole discretion of shoot management. The shoot management reserves the right to refuse entry or disqualify anyone who interferes with or disturbs the harmony of this shoot in any manner. Alcoholic beverages on the firing line are absolutely forbidden and will result in expulsion of contestant. Alcoholic beverages must be consumed under the roof of the main building (Pima Country Law). Alcohol will not be served to competitors who have not completed their shooting for the day. Tucson Trap and Skeet THUNDERBIRD Pins will be awarded for a first 100 straight shot at TTSC. Only one Thunderbird Pin is awarded per lifetime. CREDIT CARDS (Visa and MasterCard) may be used to pay for RV spaces, ammo, and pro shop purchases. We cannot accept credit cards for event entry fees or purses (Cash or check only). SAFETY: All guns MUST be unloaded with the action open at all times except when on the firing line. Competitors must use Eye and Ear protection while on the firing line. These rules will be strictly enforced. Speed limit is 5mph on the grounds: Only you can prevent speed bumps. Please drive slowly for safety and dust control. 1 2 Mid-Week Introduction The Old Pueblo Mid-week is a class shoot, intended to offer a fun time to those shooters seeking more targets during their visit to Arizona. This shoot is a separate event from the Old Pueblo Main Event. If your scores from the Mid-Week cause a reclassification to a higher or lower class, check in with registration office so changes can be made to your class(s) in the main event. It is the shooter’s responsibility to verify updates have been made and update their average card prior. Mid-Week Events Rotation #1 Rotation #2 12 Ga Wed 9:00 10:30 28 Ga Wed 12:30 2:00 20 Ga Thurs 10:30 9:00 .410 Thurs 2:00 12:30 There are only 2 rotations per gun. Wednesday, March 4, 2015 Mid-Week Event 1: 100 - 12 Gauge Targets. Entry $45. First Flight at 9:00 AM. Entries Close at 10:00 AM. Mid-Week Event 2: 100 - 28 Gauge Targets. Entry $45. First Flight at 12:30 PM. Entries Close at 1:30 PM Thursday, March 5th, 2015 Mid-Week Event 3: 100 - 20 Gauge Targets. Entry $45. First Flight at 9:00 AM. Entries close at 10:00 AM Mid-Week Event 4: 100 - .410 Bore Targets. Entry $45. First Flight at 12:30 PM. Entries close at 1:30 PM. Mid-Week Events Classes for the 12 Gauge and HOA Events will be: AA, A, B, C,D & E. All other events will be: AA, A, B, C & D. Mid-Week EVENT HOA: Total of the events 1,2, 3 and 4. Entry $10.00 ENTRY FEES: $45 includes daily fees ($4.00 for NSSA, $1.00 for ASSA). $10.00 Returned to class. Concurrents: Honorary Concurrent Event for Lady, Ret Mil., Act Mil, Mil Vet, Sr., Sub Sr., Sub-Sub Sr., Triple Sub., Col., Jr., and Sub. Jr.. It is the shooter’s responsibility to inform shoot management at registration of concurrent status. Honors will be awarded to concurrent Champion, Runner-up, and Third. Purse Awards for All Mid-Week Events including HOA: First in class receives $10.00 per class entry for 1-5 entries. For 6-10 in class, money splits 60/40 and 11 or more split is 50/30/20. Gun Champ and Runner-up receive honors but remain in class and take their portion of class monies only. SHOOT-OFFS: All ties for gun champion, runner-up, third, class purse monies and concurrent champion, will be shot off. Doubles 3, 4, & 5, total by station. Shoot-offs will be held under lights if necessary, using orange top targets. All other ties will be broken using event long-runs. Use of the Briley Wand Voice Release System is mandatory for shoot-offs. PAYOUTS: All payouts will be mailed after the shoot with the main event payouts. 3 4 39th Annual Old Pueblo Open Main Event Schedule Friday, March 6th, 2015 Event 1: Preliminary 28 Gauge – 100 Targets. Entry $50. First Flight at 9:30 AM. Entries close at 10:30 AM. Event 2: 100 – Double Targets. Entry $50. First Flight at 1:00 PM. Entries close at 3:00 PM. Saturday, March 7th, 2015 Event 3: 100 – 12 Gauge Targets. Entry $50. First Flight at 9:00 AM. Entries close at 12:00 PM. Event 4: 100 – 20 Gauge Targets. Entry $50. First Flight at 12:30 PM. Entries close at 3:00 PM. Sunday, March 8th, 2015 Event 5: 100 – 28 Gauge Targets. Entry $50. First Flight at 9:00 AM. Entries close at 12:00 PM. Event 6: 100 - .410 Bore Targets. Entry $50. First Flight at 12:30 PM. Entries close at 3:00 PM. AWARDS For events 1,2,3,4,5,6: Champ $3.00 per entry Runner-Up $2.00 per entry Third $1.00 per entry $9.00 per entry to class paid: 1-10 100% 11-20 60-40%, 21 or more, 50-30-20% Plus $10,000 added money as displayed in later chart. BRILEY has donated 5 custom knifes. Gun Champs and HOA champs are eligible for this special once in a lifetime award and only per person. 5 Classes for the 12 Gauge and HOA Events will be: AA, A, B, C, D & E. All other events will be: AA, A, B, C & D. Event 7: HOA Total of the events 3, 4, 5 and 6. Entry $15.00, $12.00 returned to class; 1-10 Entries 100%, 11-20 Entries, 60/40%, 21 or more 50/30/20%. Champion $200, Runner-Up $125, Third $75. Plus added money from chart below. For example Champion will get $450, Runner-up $330, Third $250. Event 8: HAA Total of events 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Entry $10.00, 100% returned to class; 1-10 Entries 100%, 11-20 entries, 60/40, 21 or more, 50/30/20. Champion, Runner-Up, Third receive honors but remain in class and take their portion of class monies only. SHOOT-OFFS: All ties for gun champion, runner-up, third, class purse monies and concurrent champion, will be shot off. Doubles 3, 4, & 5, total by station. Shoot-offs will be held under lights if necessary, using orange top targets. All other ties will be broken using event long-runs. Use of the Briley Wand Voice Release System is mandatory for shoot-offs. Concurrents: Honorary Concurrent Event for Lady, Ret. Mil., Act Mil, Mil Vet, Sr. Vet, Vet, Sr., Sub Sr., Sub-Sub Sr., Triple Sub, Col., Jr., Sub. Jr.. It is the shooter’s responsibility to inform shoot management at registration of concurrent status. Honors will be awarded to concurrent Champion, Runner-up and Third. Oklahoma (50s) Options: Class options on Events 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 will be $15.00 per 100, $5.00 on each 50. Paid high gun in class, ties divide. Optional Class Purse: Class purse on Events 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and HOA. $10.00 per event. Paid high gun in class, ties divide. Lewis Class Purse: Four Classes. $10.00 per event (Events 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and HOA). All ties divide the purse. 6 The Old Pueblo shoot has received a generous donation of $10,000 from Bill and Ann Martin. This guaranteed money will be in addition to returned moneys explained earlier. The ADDED payouts follow. DBLS 12 GA 20 GA 28 GA AA1 AA2 AA3 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $165.00 $120.00 $75.00 A1 A1 A1 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $165.00 $120.00 $75.00 B1 B2 B3 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $165.00 $120.00 $75.00 C1 C2 C3 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $165.00 $120.00 $75.00 D1 D2 D3 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $165.00 $120.00 $75.00 E1 E2 E3 CHAMP RUNNER UP 3RD 410 $95.00 $70.00 $45.00 $135.00 $115.00 $100.00 $135.00 $115.00 $100.00 HOA $165.00 $120.00 $75.00 $135.00 $115.00 $100.00 7 $135.00 $115.00 $100.00 $135.00 $115.00 $100.00 Shoot Times Event 1 – 28 Gauge Preliminary: Event 2 – Doubles: 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM 1:00, 2:15 and 3:30 PM Main Events 3, 4, 5 & 6: 12 Ga 20 Ga Sat Rotation #1 9:00 Rotation #2 9:00 Rotation #3 10:30 Rotation #4 10:30 Rotation #5 12:30 28 Ga Sat Sun 12:30 2:00 2:00 3:30 3:30 10:30 10:30 12:30 9:00 9:00 .410 Sun 2:00 3:30 3:30 2:00 12:30 Main event times may switch to two rotations. Friday Evening, 6:00 PM Get acquainted hors d’oeuvres, hosted by the Friends of the Old Pueblo. Saturday Evening, 6:00 PM Western Steak Cookout following cocktails. Cooked the way you like it. $20 each shooter and guests. Winners will be announced after the dinner. $250.00 $205.00 $175.00 8 Important Information Scoreboards: A manual scoreboard will be utilized during the main event for reference only. If you notice a discrepancy, please inform shoot management to be reconciled. Official scores are recorded within the computer system. All scores are official and final 30 minutes after posting SHOOT OFFS: All ties for gun champion, runner-up, class purse monies and concurrent champion, will be shot off. Doubles 3, 4, & 5, total by station. Shoot-offs will be held under lights if necessary, using orange top targets. All other ties will be broken using event long-runs. Use of the Briley Wand Voice Release System is mandatory for shoot-offs. It is the shooter’s responsibility to verify all classes prior to leaving registration. Any shooter who is “misclassed” and not corrected prior to shooting an event will FORFEIT ALL AWARDS, PURSE AND OPTION MONIES. No refunds will be given. It is the sole responsibility of the shooter to verify the classes before leaving the registration area. Friends of the Old Pueblo Become a Friend of the Old Pueblo with a donation to help with the cost of the Friday Night Hors D’oeuvre’s and other expenses for the event. Platinum Sponsor: $100 or more Gold Sponsor: $ 50 - $99 Silver Sponsor: $ 25 - $49 Bronze Sponsor: $ 10 - $24 If you care to become a Friend of the Old Pueblo, send in your donation to the Tucson Trap & Skeet Club or see a cashier’s at the club. Tucson Trap & Skeet Club’s 2015 Skeet Calendar Chief Referee: Dave Baylog will be the chief referee. Protest committee will be posted. Referees will be experienced TTSC employees and UofA shotgun team members / coaches. April 17-19th – Arizona State Shoot Open and Closed – Dbls, 12,20, 28 & 410 Gauge Payouts: All payouts will be mailed promptly after the shoot. May 2nd & 3rd – Old Ajo Open – 4 gun Note: Spectators and contestants assume all risks resulting from accident or loss of property occurring on the Tucson Trap and Skeet Property. No Refunds on Deposits after February 26, 2015. Bottled Water is being provided by Iron City Polaris of Casa Grande! June 6st – Pure Heat Open – 12 & 20 Gauge July 4th – Firecracker Open – 12 Gauge & .410 Bore August 1st – Wet & Wild Open – 28 & 12 Gauge September 12th & 13th – Green Chile Open – 4 guns October 10th – Pumpkin Head Open - 12 Gauge & .410 Bore 9 10 Tucson Trap and Skeet Club RV Camping Accommodations SPECIAL EVENT FOR JUNIOR/SUB JUNIOR SHOOTERS Following the events on Saturday & Sunday, March 7nd & 8th, Tucson Trap & Skeet Club will conduct a shoot-off for Junior & Sub-Junior entrants. We will handicap based upon their class average coming into the Old Pueblo and have the youth shoot off prior to holding daily shoot-offs. Handicapping will be structured as follows: Reservations are required for all shooting events, and may be made by calling, 520-883-6426, ext, 255, or sending an email to the RV Coordinator at lwilliams@tucsontrapandskeet.com. Fees are assessed on a per shoot basis only. Please check in with the RV desk upon arrival and before setting up. Evidence of a sticker must be conspicuously displayed in the window of your RV. Event Class .410 bore 28 Ga 20 Ga 12 Ga Dbls AA A B C D E 0 2 4 5 6 -X- 0 2 3 4 5 -X- 0 1 2 3 5 -X- 0 0 1 2 4 6 0 1 2 4 5 -X- Club membership is required for RV camping. Membership fees may be purchased at the pro shop window. County regulations will not allow any wastewater from RV’s to be discharged on the grounds. RV locations have 50amp service, water and sewer drops. All youth entered in one or both guns for the day are eligible for the shoot off. They may shoot which ever gauge they used in the day’s events and they will be handicapped accordingly. Both days we will pay $125.00 to the winner, $75.00 to second place & $50.00 to third place. There will be six different winners. A youth can only win one award. A youth winning first place can participate in the next day’s shoot off but they will not be eligible for an additional award. Anyone placing 2nd or 3rd on Saturday will be eligible to shoot on Sunday if they participate in at least one gun Sunday. If they should improve from 3rd or 2nd on Sunday, they will collect that award and the next person in line for 2nd or 3rd from Sunday will collect that award. 11 Please keep all pets on leash at all times and pick up after them. 12 DIRECTIONS TO SHOOTING GROUNDS Take I-19 freeway to Ajo Way. Go west on Ajo for 8 miles to San Joaquin Road. Turn right and go ¼ mile to Old Ajo Way. Turn left and go about 1 mile. Club is on the right side. Directions from Airport Hotels Go west on Valencia to I-19. Take I-19 north to Ajo Way. Follow directions as above to Club. 13
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