F IRST L UTHERAN CHURCH PROGRESS VO L U M E # 2 2 · I S S U E # 1 Ja nu a r y / F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 5 A Monthly Newsletter of First Lutheran Church · Janesville,WI Nous sommes Charlie By Pastor Jim Melvin In the aftermath of the brutal massacre of the staff of the Paris magazine Charlie Hebdo, French journalist Joachim Roncin posted the slogan “Je suis Charlie” on Twitter which quickly became the rallying cry of those expressing solidarity with the victims. The phrase means “I am Charlie” and I choose to adapt it just a bit to “Nous sommes Charlie” which means “WE are Charlie.” On the cover of the first edition of the magazine after the attack there is a picture of the Prophet Muhammad holding a sign with that slogan. Above him are the words, “TOUT EST PARDONNÉ, ALL IS FORGIVEN.” The cover is still patently offensive to Muslims since images of the prophet are considered blasphemous. It is still an amazing statement of forgiveness offered from the magazine’s surviving staff to those who wish them harm. I decided out of respect for Muslims not to reproduce the magazine cover but to replace with one that expresses the sadness and forgiveness of our savior in times such as these. Jesus weeping seems appropriate. But why in the world talk of forgiveness in light of such an outrageously brutal act? What are the alternatives? Revenge? For Christians revenge is not an option. Our Prophet and Savior Jesus Christ said, “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven…” I assume he meant what he said. Justice? Justice would be nice but how can we ever hope to achieve justice when the perpetrators were tangled in such a web of religious hatred and violence. Some limited justice has already been achieved through the deaths of some of the killers and the arrest of their associates, but full justice will never be realized. Forgiveness is the only answer. Jesus realized that. Forgiveness means that we try, after the shock and hatred subside, to put aside our hatred and need for revenge. The powers of the world will continue to seek greater justice, but we must let forgiveness free us from the bondage of hatred that enslaves so many people in the world. We must not be dragged down into the whirlpool of murder and revenge. Our damaged hearts must mend or there is no hope for the future and we deny our faith in Christ. Nous sommes Charlie. We have been wounded. Our world has been wounded. Jesus is hoisted on the cross again. Again he cries from the cross, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do!” Worship Lenten Worship Schedule February 14 5:00pm & February 15 8:15 & 10:15am Mardi Gras February 18 Ash Wednesday 10:00am & 6:30pm Worship—Sanctuary February 25 March 4, 11, 18 & 25 Worship 10:00am Chapel & 6:30pm Sanctuary March 28 & 29 Palm/Passion Weekend Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship 2014 P AGE 2 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 Martin Luther Lenten Study/GIFTS Thank You Martin Luther—the Basics In 1517, Martin Luther nailed the infamous 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenburg. This was one of the first public indications something was changing in the church world and in society. The end of the 15th century and the beginning the 16th century were tumultuous times in the world. The world-view of life, religion, geography, politics, economics, and possibility were shifting radically. During Lent, come and join others in learning more about Martin Luther; his faith, his life, his world. We will meet on Monday evenings from 6-7:30 (except for the first meeting) in Room 302. All are welcome. Come to as many of the classes as you are able . All materials will be provided the first evening. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Naomi. February 16 “Luther” the movie (note: class will meet from 6-8 p.m. this night only) February 23 Background and Myths “The 95 Theses” March 2 “The Babylonian Captivity” March 9 “The Freedom of the Christian” March 16 “The Small Catechism” March 23 The Lutheran Church THANK YOU TO GIFTS VOLUNTEERS Maybe you did intake, maybe you prepared and served supper or breakfast, maybe you did an overnight, maybe you donated clothing or money, or maybe you prayed for success for the men and the ministry. No matter what you did, you contributed to the success of the GIFTS (God Is Faithful Temporary Shelter) experience at Trinity Episcopal Church from November 30 through December 14, 2014. The volunteers from Trinity Episcopal Church, River Hills Community Church and First Lutheran Church combined for another great ministry experience. We served each night from 27 to 35 men. Several men commented on how well they ate during the two weeks at Trinity. The men were most appreciative of all the love and support shown them during their stay. One reason for the increased numbers over other years is the hands-up (rather than just a hand-out) program which has been successful in helping men find jobs and permanent living accommodations. Anyone planning to stay more than 14 days is enrolled in the help program. Thank you to all the volunteers for your talent, time and treasures devoted to GIFTS. Curt Nodolf, First Lutheran GIFTS Coordinator P AGE 3 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 Masterpiece/Pageturners A ministry to youth and adults with cognitive disabilities At Masterpiece, we know that all people have value to God-we are all God’s workmanship, His very own Masterpiece created for work that God has ready for us. Ephesians 2:10 We begin January and February learning about the journey of Jesus after he was born and His mission as He grows up. If you have any questions or are interested in attending our morning study please email Becky Saterbak at becky@saterbak.com or call and leave a message at 608-774-0504. January 18: Theme: Jesus goes to Nazareth 9:00am-10:00am January 25: Theme: The Disciples 9:00am-10:00am February 1: NO CLASS THIS WEEK February 8: Theme: The Lord’s Prayer 9:00am-10:00am February 15: Theme: The Sower--Sharing God’s Word 9:00am-10:00am February22: Theme: Be Humble 9:00am-10:00am March 1: Theme: Good Samaritan 9:00am-10:00am March 8, 15, 22 & 29 Preparing for Easter 9:00am-10:00am HELP NEEDED to Spread the Word about Masterpiece Our program is open to all youth and adults with CD in Janesville and surrounding areas. Please share this information with people you may know. We want to grow as a Christian ministry! February Meets February 5 Clara and Mr. Tiffany Susan Vreeland The Tiffany leaded-glass lamp is the brainchild, not of Louis Comfort Tiffany, but his glass studio manager, Clara Driscoll. Tiffany staffs his studio with female artisans--a decision that protects him from strikes by the all-male union--but refuses to employ women who are married. Lucky for him, Clara's romantic misfortunes-her husband's death, the disappearance of another suitor--insure that she can continue to craft the jewel-toned glass windows and lamps that catch both her eye and her imagination. Behind the scenes she makes her mark as an artist and champion of her workers, while living in an eclectic Irving Place boarding house populated by actors and artists. Vreeland ably captures Gilded Age New York and its atmosphere of robber barons, sweatshops, colorful characters, ateliers. March Meets March 5 All the Light We Cannot See Anthony Doerr The novel takes place during the occupation of France during WWII. The story is centered on two main characters, each one on opposite sides of the situation that is destroying Europe. Marie-Louise is a sightless girl who lived with her father in Paris before the occupation; he was a master locksmith for the Museum of Natural History. When German forces necessitate abandonment of the city, Marie-Louise’s father, taking with him the museum’s greatest treasure, removes himself and his daughter and eventually arrives at his uncle’s house in the coastal city of Saint-Malo. Young German soldier Werner is sent to Saint-Malo to track Resistance activity there, and eventually, and inevitably, Marie-Louise’s and Werner’s paths cross. It is through their individual and intertwined tales that re-creates the deprived civilian conditions of war-torn France and the strictly controlled lives of the military occupiers. April Meets April 2 The Poisoner's Handbook: Deborah Blum P AGE 4 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 Lenten Suppers/Movie Night YOUTH LENTEN SUPPERS 5:30pm-6:30pm Big Hero 6 Wednesday, February 18 Pancake Supper w/Sausage Applesauce Friday, March 6 Wednesday, February 25 Lasagna Garlic Bread Salad Dessert Wednesday, March 4 Taco Bar Soft & Hard Shells/Meat/Cheese/ Refried Beans Spanish Rice Dessert Wednesday, March 11 Soup Turkey & Ham Sandwiches Dessert Wednesday, March 18 Meatballs Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Dessert 6:30pm (Doors open at 6:15pm) In the FLC Gym. Please bring a blanket or lawn chair. We’ll provide the popcorn and drink. EVERYONE is welcome! Wednesday, March 25 Baked Potato Bar Ice Cream Sundaes Length: 108 minutes Rating: PG *MENU SUBJECT TO CHANGE *FREE WILL OFFERING TAKEN DONATIONS OF FOOD ARE WELCOME (Sign-up in Gathering Space) For more information call Eric at 752-7434 x 19 or 290-7083. P AGE 5 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 Journey of Faith Christmas Program & Christmas Cantata All of our children did a great job with the Christmas program. Thank you to all who participated in the Cantata and our musicians, David & Malia Huntsman, David Frank, Jan, Brian & Jeff Knutson. P AGE 6 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 Journey of Faith JOF Rotation – Noah During the months of January and February our children will be exploring the Old Testament of the Bible. They will learn how God saved Noah, his family, and two of every animal to save the world. They have been making paper plate Noah’s arks, Noah bumper stickers, drawing their own cartoon Noah story, making rainbow colored crayons, listening to the story as told by Noah’s wife, playing animal games in the gym, and making delicious arks out of tortillas and other yummy ingredients. These rotations all take the entire hour that we have with your children. Thank you for waiting on Sunday mornings for us to reach Fellowship Hall at 11:15! Special thanks to our teachers this rotation, Kelly Stengel, Chad Measner, Brett Ziebell, Zack Caley, Allie Sukus, Mikey Lemrey, and Becky Saterbak. House of Mercy – Service Project During the months of January and February, JOF offerings will go to the House of Mercy. The House of Mercy is a homeless center that provides families throughout southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois with short-term emergency shelter and access to housing, job placement and child care resources. This money will be used towards food, clothing, bedding, nonperishable items and personal care products. Their current wish list is body lotion, Chap Stick, Vaseline, baby oil, hair conditioner, tissues, and thermometers/baby thermometers. Your children can bring their donations into JOF worship anytime during these two months. We will be talking about this each week. Thank you for supporting the House of Mercy. Senior Scholarships First Lutheran Scholarship forms will be available on February 1st. These forms may be picked up in the church office located on 3rd floor. All First Lutheran students graduating this year are eligible for this scholarship. The completed form must be returned in a sealed envelope addressed to the Youth Board by April 1st. Scholarships will be awarded at the student’s awards ceremony at their high school. Any questions, contact Laurie Sheldon at 751-9569. Number Box Just a reminder that the Number Box – located in the front of the sanctuary, on the right side, above the Exit sign – is our means of communicating with JOF students’ families who are in worship. If your family number lights up in red during the worship service, it means that we need you for some reason. It may be that your child is ill, or that your child is just not happy being with us. Please make it a habit to glance at the Number Box occasionally during service. If you do not remember your number, please check in the JOF office. Thank you. Pancake Breakfast On Sunday, February 8th, we will be celebrating Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) in JOF. Our children will be involved in a special activity this day after sharing a meal together! On Sunday, February 15th, our children will worship together. Grades K-4 will all sit together as a class and will share a special song with the congregation! Our preschool children will go to church with their families and go to class after children’s time. We look forward to this fun worship service! Journey of Faith Service Project—Rice Bowls Feeding orphaned children in Haiti, India, Rwanda, South Africa, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ethiopia, and the Philippians Congratulations to a successful Service Project! Our children, their families and the congregation contributed to date over $1,601.57 (mostly in coins) to feeding orphaned children!!!! I am so excited that we found in our hearts to feed others! You are all AWESOME! Thank you so much for supporting First Lutheran’s JOF service projects! J ANESVILLE, W I P AGE 7 God Creates Through Us… Our 2015 Lenten Journey Giggles spread throughout the sixth grade classroom as I struggled to draw pictures of the world’s water cycle. I knew that, once again, my artist skills (or deficiencies) had captured the attention of my science students. In that setting, my lack of ability served to lighten the moment, while quietly reinforcing my aversion to “creating” art. I knew then, as a young teacher, that my decision to take art history rather than a studio class to fulfill my undergraduate three-credit art requirement had been wise. Why risk failing an art class in which you were expected to have an end product worthy of critical evaluation when art history was an option? So, it is with surprise that I find myself drawn to our Lenten theme this year: God Creates Through Us… Our 2015 Lenten Journey. In fact, I am downright excited by the prospect of participating in the four classes described on the next page! To experience Holy Week in this hands-on way speaks to my heart, trumping the voice in my head reminding me “you don’t do art”. I look forward to sitting among friends of all ages as we mold chalices and bowls to remind us of the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples before his death, and as we weave mats to recall the cloaks spread on the ground as Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. To draw somber Good Friday scenes that remind us of the crucifixion and to paint colorful Easter scenes filled with the joy of the resurrection will take each of us through the Easter story in new, and perhaps deeper, ways as a community of faith. Thankfully, these classes are not about creating artists; they are simply faith-filled opportunities to gather in community to talk, and laugh, and consider how God continues to create through us every minute of every day. Our volunteer artists will lead us stepby-step as our journey to the Cross unfolds. This risk-free, and judgment-free, environment allows artistically-challenged people like me to join all who love to experience life through art. Our creations will be shared in a Gathering Space art gallery from Palm Sunday through Easter Sunday as a visual expression of Holy Week. I hope to create with you! Peg Ekedahl, Ministry Associate P AGE 8 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 God Creates Through Us… Our 2015 Lenten Journey Experienced teachers lead us step-by-step as we gather in community to experience Holy Week in a new and “hands-on” way. All ages are welcome! February 22 Create a chalice or a foot-washing bowl to represent Maundy Thursday Two instructional classes will be held in room 302, each of the four Sunday mornings following services, with the same lesson taught at 9:30 and 11:30. March 1 Paint a glorious Easter picture Materials and tools will be provided, along with light snacks for lunch. Donations to help with expenses are welcome. We will share our artwork by setting up a gallery in the Gathering Space for viewing on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. March 8 Draw a somber Good Friday scene P AGE 9 Open studio times will be available in room 301 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm every Wednesday between February 25 and March 25 to allow unfinished projects to be completed. These dates also allow you to join us for the 10:00 am and 6:30 pm Lenten services as well as the 5:30—6:30 pm family suppers in the Fellowship Hall. Nursery hours will be extended until 1:30 pm for those attending classes. March 15 Weave a Palm Sunday mat to represent cloaks spread on the ground P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 ` Financials INCOME Contributions Special Funds/Env. Other Receipts Total Income FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH INCOME / EXPENSE SUMMARY December 31, 2014 CURRENT YEAR TO 2013 YEAR MONTHLY MONTH DATE TO DATE BUDGET BUDGET YR TO DATE ANNUAL BUDGET ANNUAL BUDGET REMAINING 2014 YTD % OF ANNUAL BUDGET 124,813 12,316 5,586 142,714 578,917 21,583 115,029 715,529 585,599 22,563 86,375 694,537 124,182 17,654 7,826 149,662 586,626 27,984 74,083 688,693 586,626 27,984 74,083 688,693 7,709 6,401 (40,946) (26,836) 99% 77% 155% 104% EXPENSES Building & Grounds Budget Stewardship Budget Executive Budget* Life Together Budget Witness Budget Worship Budget Youth & Family Budget Total Expenses 14,564 10,250 50,714 73 145 2,930 1,292 79,968 162,963 13,388 497,812 3,195 3,367 11,845 29,877 722,447 159,047 13,649 472,816 1,737 166 9,185 24,036 680,636 16,161 0 52,157 80 217 3,462 4,157 76,234 145,401 13,500 508,677 2,100 2,603 11,800 28,661 712,742 145,401 13,500 508,677 2,100 2,603 11,800 28,661 712,742 (17,562) 112 10,866 (1,095) (764) (45) (1,216) (9,704) 112% 99% 98% 152% 0% 100% 104% 101% Net Increase/(Decrease) 62,746 (6,917) 13,901 73,428 (24,049) (24,049) *Current Month includes $11,159 in accrued payroll expense FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH BALANCE SHEET December 31, 2014 ASSETS Current Assets General Fund Checking - General Total General Fund 118,432 118,432 Checking - Memorial & Gifts M&G FLCW Checking 54,738 4,129 Investment-Thrivent Annuity Investment-Thrivent Stocks M&G Investment-Thrivent Annuity M&G-CD Investment M&G-Money Market Total Memorials & Gifts 60,403 14,816 39,912 36,579 8,058 218,635 Total Current Assets 337,068 Fixed Assets Church Edifice Land Parsonage Equipment Furniture & Fixtures Total Fixed Assets LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts Payable Payroll Liabilities Accrued Payroll Church Mortgage Construction Note Total Liabilities Total Funds Balance Total Liabilities and Fund Balance P AGE 1 0 4,421,660 38,000 95,500 90,043 84,477 4,729,680 5,066,748 3,756 352 11,159 41,344 452,500 509,110 4,557,638 5,066,748 P ROGRESS F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 Rummage Sale/Young Readers FLCW Rummage Sale March 24 & 25 Start your Spring Cleaning! Donations accepted starting Monday, March 2. Please take all donations to the stage in the gym. Help will also be needed for set up on March 23 and 24 at 8:00am. If you can help, call Carolyn Pergande at 756-3080. Young Readers---those High School and younger A special invitation to young readers….come and have conversation and discussion with Pastor Naomi about some of the books we are all reading or have read. We will meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 in Room 302. February 11 Divergent Veronica Roth In the dystopian Chicago setting of Roth's novel, the population is divided into five factions. Upon declaring allegiance to one of them, 16-year-old Beatrice will decide her future. Beatrice and her brother, Caleb, grew up in helpful, unassuming Abnegation, always putting others first. During her aptitude testing, a simulation probes her suitability for Abnegation, Amity, Candor, Dauntless, and Erudite. Rather than getting a clear reading of her strengths, Beatrice's result is disturbing and dangerous: she is Divergent. At the choosing ceremony, the teenager impulsively joins Dauntless, the tattooed "hellions" whose value is bravery, and who protect the community. March 11 The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis Narnia is the land of enchantment, glory, nobility--home to the magnificent Aslan, cruel Jadis (the White Queen), heroic Reepicheep, and kind Mr. Tumnus. In this action packed tale, the four children take part in several adventures as they travel through Narnia on their quest to rid the country of the Witch and her followers. April 8 The Book Thief Markus Zusak This is a World War II-era story of Liesel Meminger from the time she is taken, at age nine, to live in Molching, Germany, with a foster family in a working-class neighborhood of tough kids, acid-tongued mothers, and loving fathers who earn their living by the work of their hands. Liesel collects stolen books as well as a peculiar set of friends: the boy Rudy, the Jewish refugee Max, the mayors reclusive wife (who has a whole library from which she allows Liesel to steal), and especially her foster parents. P AGE 1 1 P ROGRESS F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 Memorials December 2014 Memorials Donald Ackley Memorial Building Fund: Ms. Joan Jorgensen, Family & Friends, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Alt, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Douglas, Mr. & Mrs. Don Russell, Mr. & Mrs. James Otterson. Kitchen: Henke-Clarson Funeral Home. June Tucker Memorial Building Fund: Mr. & Mrs. James Otterson, Mary Louise Sunderland. Donald Draeger Memorial Foundation: Mr. & Mrs. James Otterson. Helen Littell Memorial Building Fund: Anonymous, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Drinkwater, Mrs. Jane Gesteland, Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Eddy, Mrs. Phyllis Cockfield, Mr. & Mrs. John Kath, Mr. & Mrs. Allen Dorr, Mr. & Mrs. Don Bloedel, Ms. Annette Austin, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hnilicka, Ms. Linda Ertel, Ms. Peg Ekedahl, Ms. Susan Kath Lease, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Stratman, Friends & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Rex Notbohm, Mrs. Dorothy Knutson. Foundation: Dr. Phil Selgren, Mrs. Sandra Armstrong, Mr. & Mrs. Doug Helmers, Mr. & Mrs. George Grimsrud, Ms. Doris Mishler, Ms. Dorothy Mishler, Mr. & Mrs. GaryDietrichs, Mr. & Mrs. James Winter, Mr. Dale Nobiensky, Friends & Family. Sunday School: Mrs. Joan Jorgensen, Friends & Family. Kitchen: Schneider Funeral Home. Lucille Sherwood Memorial Building Fund: Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Pearson, Mr. & Mrs. Ken Laughery, Friends & Family, Ms. Sandra Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Anthony DiNicola, Mr. & Mrs. Don Ackley, Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Miner, Ms. Jane Gesteland, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Buchach, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mix, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Walker, Mr. & Mrs. David Soldat, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rollis, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnston, Ms. Virginia Schumacher, Mr. & Mrs. D. Ray Cummings, Ms. Alice-Hulick-Heinrichs, Ms. Debra Saunders, Ms. Rosemary Kealy, Ms. Constance Carter, Mrs. Joan Jorgensen, Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Fox, Ms. Nancy Turner, Mr. & Mrs. George Grimsrud, Debra Saunders. Foundation: Mr. & Mrs. David Green. Dorothy Spry Memorial Building Fund: Ms. Jill Ayres, Jail Chaplaincy Committee, Mr. & Mrs. James Gage, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wickham, Ms. Kathryn Sharpe, Mr. George Kelly, Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Eddy. Foundation: Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Schultz. Youth Scholarships: Ms. Phyllis Cockfield. Chris Olson & Marilyn Wood Memorial Parking Lot: Ms. Dawn Olson. Alice Punzel Memorial Foundation: Ms. Diane Brady. Helen & Norman Duesterbeck Memorial TV Fund: Mr. & Mrs. Linn Duesterbeck. Gifts Received: Don Draeger Estate. P AGE 1 2 P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 Church Office: (608) 752-7434 8 am - Noon and 1 pm - 4 pm Weekdays FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Fax machine: (608) 752-7342 612 North Randall Avenue Janesville, WI 53545 E-mail: office@flcj.org Sunday Worship Sanctuary……………………8:15 a.m. & 10:15a.m. Saturday Night Worship ............................ 5:00 p.m. Church Council, third Tuesday..……………………....7:00 p.m. Buildings & Grounds Board, second Tuesday..……….5:00 p.m. Executive Board, third Tuesday.……………………....6:00 p.m. Life Together Board, second Thursday………………..6:30 p.m. Stewardship Board, second Monday…………..………6:00 p.m. Worship Board, second Tuesday………..………….….6:00 p.m. Witness Board, fourth Tuesday………….……………..6:00 p.m. Youth Board, third Tuesday……………………………6:00 p.m. Pastor Jim Melvin (Senior Pastor) Pastor Naomi Garber (Administrative Pastor) Eric Engen (Youth Minister) Peg Ekedahl (Ministry Associate) Mary Wileman (Business Administrator) Laurie Sheldon (Christian Education Director) Jeanie Pomplun (Administrative Assistant) David Frank (Organist/Pianist) Jan Knutson (Grace Notes & Chancel Choir Director) Renee Engen ( Middle School Ministry Coordinator) Jude Tropp (Custodian) Eddy Wellnitz (Sunday Morning Coordinator) Megan Rudkin (Nursery Coordinator) Becky Saterbak (Masterpiece Coordinator) FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH WEB PAGE February Readings February 1 4 Epiphany Deuteronomy 18:15-20 Psalm 111 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 Mark 1:21-28 February 8 5 Epiphany Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 20c 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 February 15 Transfiguration of Our Lord 2 Kings 2:1-12 Psalm 50:1-6 2 Corinthians 4:3-6 Mark 9:2-9 February 18 Ash Wednesday Joel 2:1-2, 12-17 Psalm 51:1-17 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 February 22 1 Lent Genesis 9:8-17 Psalm 25:1-10 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:9-15 MARCH PROGRESS DEADLINE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 P AGE 1 3 www.flcj.org December Attendance 6/7 13/14 20/21 5:00 82 50 57 8:15 116 150 101 10:15 204 263 361 SS 112 120 130 24 27/28 Total 49 238 367 81 909 362 4:30 581 581 7:00 355 355 9:30 260 260 Totals 514 583 649 1196 130 3072 Staff Email Addresses Pr Jim Melvin Pr Naomi Garber Peg Ekedahl Mary Wileman Laurie Sheldon Jeanie Pomplun Eric Engen Renee Engen Becky Saterbak revjmel@aol.com ncgarber@tds.net ekedahlp@gmail.com maryw@flcj.org flcjof@yahoo.com jeaniep@flcj.org lurchmobile@yahoo.com reneeengen@tds.net becky@saterbak.com Simply Giving: An automated giving program hosted by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans designed to help you contribute your offering on a regular basis without the hassle of envelopes, checks and stamps. Your weekly or monthly pledge is made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account directly to the church’s bank account on the dates you specify. This amount can be changed at any time just by calling the church office. For more information about the security of this contribution option, go to www.flcj.org to download a form or call Jeanie at the church office 752-7434, ext. 10 and ask to have enrollment forms sent to you. P ROGRESS F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 First Lutheran Church Monthly Calendar January/February 2015 SUNDAY January 18 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 19 20 21 22 Communion Sunday 8:15 Worship/SA 9:00 Masterpiece/YR 9:15 Coffee Hour/GS 9:15 Chancel Choir/CR 9:20 Bible Study/CH 10:15 Journey of Faith 10:15 Worship/SA 11:30 Confirmation/GS 9:00 Quilters/FH 1:00 Daylilies/CR 6:00 JAM /CH/Gym 6:00 Mission 56/YR 6:00 Boy Scouts/FH 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 9:00 Knitters/GS 12:00 Soup & Sandwich Luncheon/GS 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 8:30 Mission Sew/FH 10:00 Bible Study/OF 5:00 Grace Notes/SA 7:00 SLAM/YR 7:00 Shift/Gym 4:30 Yoga/CH 6:00 4H Sewing/302 6:30 Recovery/#301 25 Church Elections 26 27 28 29 8:15 Worship/SA 9:00 Masterpiece/YR 9:15 Chancel Choir/CR 9:20 Bible Study/CH 10:15 Worship/SA 10:15 Journey of Faith 11:30 Annual Mtg/FH 9:00 Quilters/FH 1:00 Daylilies/CR 6:00 JAM /CH,Gym 6:00 Mission 56/YR 6:00 Boy Scouts/FH 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 9:00 Knitters/GS 6:00 Witness Bd/OF 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 10:00 Bible Study/OF 5:00 Grace Notes/SA 7:00 SLAM/YR 7:00 Shift/Gym 4:30 Yoga/CH 6:30 Recovery/301 February 1 2 3 4 5 Communion Sunday 8:15 Worship/SA 9:00 Masterpiece/YR 9:15 Coffee Hour/GS 9:15 Chancel Choir/CR 9:20 Bible Study/CH 10:15 Worship/SA 10:15 Journey of Faith 11:30 Confirmation/CH 9:00 Quilters/FH 1:00 Daylilies/CR 6:00 JAM/CH,Gym 6:00 Mission 56/YR 6:00 Boy Scouts/FH 6:00 4H Sewing/AR 6:30 Spiritual Disc/ #302 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 9:00 Knitters/GS 6:30 Caregiver Group/ #301 7:30 Iowa Bus Trip/PL 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 8:30 Mission Sew/FH 10:00 FLCW Board Meeting/FHL 10:00 Bible Study/OF 5:00 Grace Notes/SA 7:00 SLAM/YR 7:00 Shift/Gym 4:30 Yoga/CH 6:30 Recovery/#301 8 9 10 11 12 8:15 Worship/SA 9:00 Masterpiece/YR 9:15 Coffee Hour/GS 9:15 Choir Practice/CR 9:15 Tour of Stained Glass Windows/SA 10:15 Worship/SA 10:15 Journey of Faith 11:15 Stewardship Mtg/GS 9:00 Quilters/FH 1:00 Daylilies/CR 5:30 Building & Grounds Bd/OF 6:00 Heart N Hand Quilters/#301 6:00 Family Meal/FH 6:00 Boy Scouts/FH 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 9:00 Knitters/GS 9:15 Mary Circle/FHL 6:00 Worship Bd/OF 6:30 Recovery/#302 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 10:00 Bible Study/OF 5:00 Grace Notes/SA 7:00 SLAM/YR 7:00 Shift/Gym 3:00 Second Harvest/ FH/Gym 4:30 Yoga/CH 7:00 Badger 4-H/FH 15 Mardi Gras 16 17 Elections/Gym 18 Ash Wednesday 19 Communion Sunday 8:15 Worship/SA 9:00 Masterpiece/YR 9:15 Chancel Choir/CR 9:15 Coffee Hour/GS 9:20 Bible Study/CH 10:15 Worship/SA 10:15 Journey of Faith 4:00 Confirmation/GS 9:00 Quilters/FH 1:00 Daylilies/CR 6:00 Boy Scouts/FH 6:00 JAM/CH/Gym 6:00 Mission 56/YR 6:00 Lenten Bible Study/#302 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 9:00 Knitters/GS 6:00 Youth Board/FH 6:00 Executive Board/301 7:00 Church Council/ #301 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 8:30 Mission Sew/FH 10:00 Worship/SA 10:30 Bible Study/OF 5:00 Grace Notes/SA 5:30 Lenten Supper/FH 6:30 Worship/SA 7:00 Shift/Gym 7:00 SLAM/YR 4:30 Yoga/CH 6:00 4H Sewing/AR 6:30 Recovery/301 22 23 24 25 26 8:15 Worship/SA 9:00 Masterpiece/YR 9:15 Chancel Choir/CR 9:15 Coffee Hour/GS 9:20 Bible Study/CH 9:30 Studio Class/#302 10:15 Worship/SA 10:15 Journey of Faith 11:30 Studio Class/#302 9:00 Quilters/FH 1:00 Daylilies/CR 6:00 Boy Scouts/FH 6:00 JAM/CH/Gym 6:00 Mission 56/YR 6:00 Lenten Bible Study/#302 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 9:00 Knitters/GS 6:00 Witness Bd/OF 8:00 Open Studio Time/ #301 8:30 50+ Aerobics/#302 10:00 Worship/CH 10:30 Bible Study/OF 5:00 Grace Notes/SA 5:30 Lenten Supper/FH 6:30 Worship/SA 7:00 Shift/Gym 7:00 SLAM/YR 4:30 Yoga/CH 6:30 Recovery/301 P AGE 1 4 FRIDAY 23 24 9:00 AIM Mtg/ OF 10:00 Yoga/CH 5:00 Worship/ SA/Communion 30 31 10:00 Yoga/CH 5:00 Worship/ SA/Communion 6 Room Key: AR = Art Room CH = Chapel CR = Choir Room FH = Fellowship Hall FHL = Fellowship Hall Lounge SATURDAY 7 10:00 Yoga/CH 5:00 Worship/ SA/Communion 5:30 Snowflake Dance/Gym 13 14 Progress Deadline 20 10:00 Yoga/CH 5:00 Worship/ SA/Communion/ Mardi Gras 21 10:00 Yoga/CH 5:00 Worship/ SA/Communion 27 28 10:00 Yoga/CH 5:00 Worship/ SA/Communion GS = Gathering Space OF = Office PL = Parking Lot SA = Sanctuary SR = Senior Housing YR = Youth Room #301& #302 = 3rd Floor P ROGRESS · F IRST L UTHERAN C HURCH · J ANUARY / F EBRUARY 2 0 1 5 NON-PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PAID JANESVILLE, WI PERMIT NO. 149 Deliver No later than January 30 Church phone (608)752-7434 Cell Phone Jim: 774-8616 Naomi: 701-388-4788 Youth Minister Eric Engen: 290-7083 The purpose of First Lutheran Church is to Reach, Nourish, and Empower people with the Good News of Jesus Christ. J A N UA RY / F E B RUA RY 2 0 1 5 The Cinema/Book Group The cinema/book group will discuss “Argo”, the film that won the Oscar for Best Movie in 2013. Based on true events, “Argo” chronicles the life-or-death covert operation to rescue six Americans, which unfold behind the scenes of the Iran hostage crisis in 1980. Wednesday, February 18, 1841 N. Hawthorne Park Dr. Call George or Karen Grimsrud with questions at 752-9907. February 18, 2015 Worship 10:00am 6:30pm Sanctuary
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