3125 RCACC Master Training Plan Current as of 2 Feb 15 Green Star DATE PERIOD PO/EO 02-‐Feb-‐15 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 CO Parade PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Silver Star PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Gold Star PO/EO CO Parade CO Parade CO Parade Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 M-‐106.04 Air Rifle Marksmanship -‐ Follow Rules and Commands on an Air Rifle Range. C-‐207.01 General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Identify the Rank Structure of the Royal Canadian Sea and Air Cadets M-‐303.07a Leadership -‐ Lead Cadets Through a Leadership Assignment SUBJECT / EO C-‐307.03a General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Participate in a Presentation Given by a Guest Speaker from the Army Cadet League of Canada (ACLC) Instructor Pte Cairns & WO Cairns Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor WO Taylor Instructor Guest Speaker Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Downstairs Common Area Location Board Room C-‐307.03b General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Participate in a Presentation Given by a Guest Speaker from the Army Cadet League of Canada (ACLC) 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 09-‐Feb-‐15 SUBJECT / EO Red Star M-‐103.03 Leadership -‐ Participate in Team Building Activities. M-‐203.08 Leadership -‐ Participate in Team-‐Building Activities M-‐303.07b Leadership -‐ Lead Cadets Through a Leadership Assignment Instructor Pte Cairns & WO Cairns Instructor WO Taylor Instructor WO Taylor Instructor Guest Speaker Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Downstairs Common Area Location Board Room 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 O-‐Sports O-‐Sports Sports Night Instructor Lt Carpino Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 O-‐Sports Instructor Lt Carpino Location 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 Instructor Location Instructor Instructor Location Location Location O-‐Sports Sports Night Instructor Lt Carpino Location O-‐Sports O-‐Sports Sports Night Lt Carpino O-‐Sports Sports Night Instructor O-‐Sports Sports Night O-‐Sports Sports Night Instructor Location O-‐Sports Sports Night Instructor Lt Carpino Location O-‐Sports Sports Night Lt Carpino Instructor Location Sports Night Sports Night Instructor Lt Carpino Location O-‐Sports Sports Night Lt Carpino Instructor Location Sports Night Lt Carpino 3125 RCACC Master Training Plan Current as of 2 Feb 15 Green Star DATE PERIOD PO/EO 16-‐Feb-‐15 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 Family Day PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Silver Star PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Gold Star PO/EO Family Day Family Day Family Day Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location Family Day Family Day Family Day Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location Family Day Family Day Family Day Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 23-‐Feb-‐15 SUBJECT / EO Red Star Family Day Family Day 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 M-‐108.04 Drill -‐ Close to the Right and Left. C-‐207.02a General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Visit a Local Cadet Corps or Squadron M-‐309.04 Lt Fong Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO McLaren Location Classroom 2 Location Board Room Instructor WO Cairns Instructor Location Drill Hall Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 M-‐104.03 Personal Fitness and Healthy Living -‐ Participate in a Discussion on Hygienic Practices During Physical Activity. General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Visit a Local Cadet Corps or Squadron M-‐309.05a Lt Fong Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor MWO McLaren Location Classroom 2 Location Board Room MWO Haynes Instructor Location Classroom 1 Location M-‐108.05 Drill -‐ Execute Paces Forward and to the Rear. Instructional Techniques -‐ Select Appropriate Instructional Aids M-‐403.04b Leadership -‐ Provide Feedback to Team Members C-‐207.02b Instructor 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 Instructional Techniques -‐ Describe Questioning Techniques M-‐403.04a SUBJECT / EO C-‐207.02c General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Visit a Local Cadet Corps or Squadron M-‐309.05b Lt Fong Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor Location Classroom 2 Location Instructor WO Cairns Instructor Location Drill Hall Location Instructional Techniques -‐ Select Appropriate Instructional Aids Leadership -‐ Provide Feedback to Team Members 3125 RCACC Master Training Plan Current as of 2 Feb 15 Green Star DATE PERIOD PO/EO 02-‐Mar-‐15 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 CO Parade SUBJECT / EO Instructor Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Silver Star PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Gold Star PO/EO CO Parade CO Parade CO Parade Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location C-‐201.04a Citizenship -‐ Participate in a Presentation Given by an Environmental Guest Speaker SUBJECT / EO C-‐307.02a General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Participate in a Presentation Given by the Cadet Liaison Officer (CLO) C-‐307.02a General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Participate in a Presentation Given by the Cadet Liaison Officer (CLO) Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor Guest Speaker Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Board Room Location Board Room C-‐307.02b General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Participate in a Presentation Given by the Cadet Liaison Officer (CLO) C-‐307.02b General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Participate in a Presentation Given by the Cadet Liaison Officer (CLO) 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 09-‐Mar-‐15 C-‐101.04a Citizenship -‐ Attend a Presentation Given by a Member of an Emergency Response Services Agency. Red Star C-‐101.04b Citizenship -‐ Attend a Presentation Given by a Member of an Emergency Response Services Agency. C-‐201.04b Citizenship -‐ Participate in a Presentation Given by an Environmental Guest Speaker Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor Guest Speaker Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Board Room Location Board Room 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 M-‐204.04 Personal Fitness and Healthy Living -‐ Update Personal Activity Plan C-‐308.01d C-‐308.01d Drill -‐ Execute Flag Drill Drill -‐ Execute Flag Drill Instructor Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor WO Cairns Instructor WO Cairns Location Location Classroom 2 Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 M-‐108.06 Drill -‐ Execute the Movements Required for a Right Dress. M-‐222.01a Navigation -‐ Review Green Star Navigation C-‐308.01e C-‐308.01e Drill -‐ Execute Flag Drill Drill -‐ Execute Flag Drill Instructor WO Taylor Instructor MWO McLaren Instructor WO Cairns Instructor WO Cairns Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 M-‐120.01 Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Participate in a Discussion of the Roles of the Canadian Forces. M-‐222.01b Navigation -‐ Review Green Star Navigation C-‐308.01f C-‐308.01f Drill -‐ Execute Flag Drill Drill -‐ Execute Flag Drill Instructor Pte Cairns Instructor MWO McLaren Instructor WO Cairns Instructor WO Cairns Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall 3125 RCACC Master Training Plan Current as of 2 Feb 15 Green Star DATE PERIOD PO/EO 16-‐Mar-‐15 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 M-‐122.02a Navigation -‐ Identify Marginal Information and Conventional Signs. PO/EO C-‐221.01a SUBJECT / EO Bivouac Exercise -‐ Participate in a Discussion on Canada’s Wilderness Conservation Efforts Silver Star PO/EO M-‐325.03 SUBJECT / EO Gold Star PO/EO MWO McLaren Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Downstairs Common Area Location M-‐122.02b Navigation -‐ Identify Marginal Information and Conventional Signs. M-‐220.01a Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Identify the Role of the Canadian Forces (CF) in International Institutions M-‐309.06a SUBJECT / EO Outdoor Leadership -‐ Discuss Self-‐Awareness and Professional Conduct as a Competency of an Outdoor Leader Instructor 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 Instructional Techniques -‐ Plan a Lesson M-‐409.02a Instructional Techniques -‐ Identify Elements of a Positive Learning Environment Instructor MWO McLaren Instructor Pte Cairns Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor WO Taylor Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Downstairs Common Area Location Board Room M-‐409.02b Instructional Techniques -‐ Identify Elements of a Positive Learning Environment 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 23-‐Mar-‐15 SUBJECT / EO Red Star M-‐122.03 Navigation -‐ Interpret Contour Lines. M-‐220.01b Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Identify the Role of the Canadian Forces (CF) in International Institutions M-‐309.06b Instructional Techniques -‐ Plan a Lesson Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor Pte Cairns Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor WO Taylor Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Downstairs Common Area Location Board Room 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 C-‐106.02 Air Rifle Marksmanship -‐ Clean and Store the Cadet Air Rifle. C-‐108.01a Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements M-‐326.01 Expedition Skills -‐ Prepare for Expedition Training Instructor Pte Cairns Instructor WO Cairns Instructor MWO McLaren Instructor Location Classroom 1 Location Drill Hall Location Board Room Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 M-‐108.07 Drill -‐ Execute an Open Order and Close Order March. M-‐223.01a Hiking & Trekking -‐ Prepare for Trekking M-‐301.01 Citizenship -‐ Discuss Community Service Groups M-‐409.03a Instructional Techniques -‐ Describe Learner Needs Instructor WO Cairns Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO McLaren Instructor WO Taylor Location Drill Hall Location Classroom 1 Location Board Room Location Classroom 2 M-‐223.01b Hiking & Trekking -‐ Prepare for Trekking M-‐307.03 General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Participate in a Presentation Given by a Guest Speaker from the Army Cadet League of Canada (ACLC) M-‐409.03b 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 M-‐108.08 Drill -‐ March and Halt in Quick Time. Instructional Techniques -‐ Describe Learner Needs Instructor WO Cairns Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor WO Taylor Location Drill Hall Location Classroom 1 Location Board Room Location Classroom 2 3125 RCACC Master Training Plan Current as of 2 Feb 15 Green Star DATE PERIOD PO/EO 30-‐Mar-‐15 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 C-‐120.02a Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Identify Current and Past Uniforms of the Canadian Army. PO/EO M-‐223.02 SUBJECT / EO Silver Star PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Gold Star PO/EO M-‐409.04 Hiking & Trekking -‐ Identify Hiking/Trekking Associations SUBJECT / EO Instructional Techniques -‐ Explain Assessment Instructor Pte Cairns Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor Instructor Lt Carpino Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Location Board Room 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 C-‐120.02b Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Identify Current and Past Uniforms of the Canadian Army. M-‐222.02a Navigation -‐ Describe Bearings C-‐309.02a Instructional Techniques -‐ Plan a Lesson M-‐403.05a Leadership -‐ Participate in a Mentoring Relationship Instructor Pte Cairns Instructor Lt Fong Instructor MWO McLaren Instructor WO Cairns Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Downstairs Common Area Location Board Room 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 06-‐Apr-‐15 SUBJECT / EO Red Star M-‐122.04 Navigation -‐ Orient a Map by Inspection. M-‐222.02b Navigation -‐ Describe Bearings C-‐309.02b Instructional Techniques -‐ Plan a Lesson M-‐403.05b Leadership -‐ Participate in a Mentoring Relationship Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor Lt Fong Instructor MWO McLaren Instructor WO Cairns Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Downstairs Common Area Location Board Room 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 Easter Monday Easter Monday Easter Monday Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location Easter Monday Easter Monday Easter Monday Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location Easter Monday Easter Monday Easter Monday Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 Easter Monday Easter Monday Easter Monday 3125 RCACC Master Training Plan Current as of 2 Feb 15 Green Star PERIOD PO/EO 13-‐Apr-‐15 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 CO Parade DRESS: PT Gear DATE 20-‐Apr-‐15 SUBJECT / EO Red Star PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Silver Star PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Gold Star PO/EO CO Parade CO Parade CO Parade Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 O-‐CFIP Unit Created Optional Training -‐ Cadet Fitness Assessment M-‐204.05 Personal Fitness and Healthy Living -‐ Perform the PACER (End Year) M-‐304.02b Personal Fitness and Healthy Living -‐ Participate in the Cadet Fitness Assessment M-‐404.01b SUBJECT / EO Personal Fitness and Healthy Living -‐ Participate in the Cadet Fitness Assessment Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor Lt Carpino Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 O-‐CFIP Unit Created Optional Training -‐ Cadet Fitness Assessment O-‐CFIP Unit Created Optional Training -‐ Cadet Fitness Assessment M-‐304.04 Personal Fitness and Healthy Living -‐ Evaluate Personal Activity Plan M-‐404.03 Personal Fitness and Healthy Living -‐ Evaluate Personal Activity Plan Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor Lt Carpino Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 M-‐123.01 Trekking -‐ Select Trekking Gear. M-‐222.03 Navigation -‐ Identify Compass Parts M-‐309.07a Instructional Techniques -‐ Instruct a 15-‐Minute Lesson O-‐PREP Unit Created Optional Training -‐ Observe Silver Star Lesson Instructor MWO McLaren Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor Lt Carpino Instructor Lt Carpino Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Classroom 2 Location Classroom 2 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 M-‐122.05a Navigation -‐ Determine a Grid Reference. M-‐220.02a Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Participate in a Discussion on Peace Support Operations of the Canadian Forces (CF) M-‐309.07b Instructional Techniques -‐ Instruct a 15-‐Minute Lesson C-‐409.01a Instructional Techniques -‐ Plan a Lesson Instructor Lt Fong Instructor Pte Cairns & WO Cairns Instructor MWO McLaren Instructor MWO McLaren Location Classroom 1 Location Downstairs Common Area Location Classroom 2 Location Classroom 2 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 M-‐122.05b Navigation -‐ Determine a Grid Reference. M-‐220.02b Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Participate in a Discussion on Peace Support Operations of the Canadian Forces (CF) M-‐309.07c Instructional Techniques -‐ Instruct a 15-‐Minute Lesson C-‐409.01b Instructional Techniques -‐ Plan a Lesson Instructor Lt Fong Instructor Pte Cairns & WO Cairns Instructor MWO McLaren Instructor MWO McLaren Location Classroom 1 Location Downstairs Common Area Location Classroom 2 Location Classroom 2 3125 RCACC Master Training Plan Current as of 2 Feb 15 Green Star DATE PERIOD PO/EO 27-‐Apr-‐15 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 C-‐120.03a Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Participate in a Discussion of a Soldier's Experience. C-‐220.02a Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Participate in a Canadian Forces (CF) Presentation Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor Instructor Pte Cairns Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 1 Location Location Board Room Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Participate in a Discussion of a Soldier's Experience. C-‐220.02b Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Participate in a Canadian Forces (CF) Presentation C-‐301.01a Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor WO Cairns Instructor Pte Cairns Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Board Room Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Participate in a Discussion of a Soldier's Experience. C-‐220.02c Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Participate in a Canadian Forces (CF) Presentation C-‐301.01b Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor Guest Speaker Instructor WO Cairns Instructor Pte Cairns Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Board Room C-‐120.03b 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 C-‐120.03c CO Parade PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Gold Star SUBJECT / EO 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 04-‐May-‐15 Silver Star PO/EO 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 SUBJECT / EO Red Star PO/EO M-‐420.02a Citizenship -‐ Discuss the Three Branches of the Canadian Government Citizenship -‐ Discuss the Three Branches of the Canadian Government M-‐420.02b M-‐420.02c CO Parade CO Parade CO Parade Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 Hiking & Trekking -‐ Participate in a Discussion on Crossing Obstacles While Trekking Navigation -‐ Identify Components of the Global Positioning System Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Identify the History of the Canadian Army Instructor WO Cairns Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor Lt Fong Instructor MWO McLaren Location Drill Hall Location Classroom 2 Location Downstairs Common Area Location Board Room Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Describe the History and Traditions of the Affiliated Unit. M-‐223.03b Hiking & Trekking -‐ Participate in a Discussion on Crossing Obstacles While Trekking M-‐322.04 Navigation -‐ Identify Features of a Global Positioning System Receiver M-‐409.05a Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Identify the History of the Canadian Army M-‐223.03a M-‐120.02 M-‐322.03 Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Identify the History of the Canadian Army Drill -‐ Execute Marking Time, Forward, and Halting in Quick Time. 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 M-‐108.09 SUBJECT / EO M-‐409.05b Instructional Techniques -‐ Instruct a 30-‐Minute Lesson Instructional Techniques -‐ Instruct a 30-‐Minute Lesson Instructor WO Taylor Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor Lt Fong Instructor MWO McLaren Location Classroom 1 Location Classroom 2 Location Downstairs Common Area Location Board Room 3125 RCACC Master Training Plan Current as of 2 Feb 15 Green Star DATE PERIOD PO/EO 11-‐May-‐15 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 M-‐108.10 Drill -‐ Execute a Salute on the March. PO/EO C-‐220.03a SUBJECT / EO Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Recognize Canada’s Role in Peace Support Operations Silver Star PO/EO M-‐322.05a SUBJECT / EO Navigation -‐ Set a Map Datum on a Global Positioning System Receiver Gold Star PO/EO M-‐409.05c SUBJECT / EO Instructional Techniques -‐ Instruct a 30-‐Minute Lesson Instructor WO Cairns Instructor Pte Cairns Instructor Lt Fong Instructor MWO McLaren Location Drill Hall Location Classroom 1 Location Board Room Location Classroom 2 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 M-‐108.11 Drill -‐ Pay Compliments With a Squad on the March. C-‐220.03b Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Recognize Canada’s Role in Peace Support Operations M-‐322.05b Navigation -‐ Set a Map Datum on a Global Positioning System Receiver C-‐409.02a Instructional Techniques -‐ Instruct a 30-‐Minute Lesson Instructor WO Cairns Instructor Pte Cairns Instructor Lt Fong Instructor MWO McLaren Location Drill Hall Location Classroom 1 Location Board Room Location Classroom 2 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 18-‐May-‐15 SUBJECT / EO Red Star C-‐107.03b General Cadet Knowledge -‐ Participate in an Activity on the History of the Cadet Corps. C-‐220.03c Canadian Forces Familiarization -‐ Recognize Canada’s Role in Peace Support Operations C-‐322.03 Navigation -‐ Identify the Principles of Map-‐Making C-‐409.02b Instructional Techniques -‐ Instruct a 30-‐Minute Lesson Instructor WO Cairns Instructor Pte Cairns Instructor WO Taylor Instructor MWO McLaren Location Drill Hall Location Classroom 1 Location Board Room Location Classroom 2 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 Victoria Day Victoria Day Victoria Day Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location Victoria Day Victoria Day Victoria Day Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location Victoria Day Victoria Day Victoria Day Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 Victoria Day Victoria Day Victoria Day 3125 RCACC Master Training Plan Current as of 2 Feb 15 Green Star DATE PERIOD PO/EO 25-‐May-‐15 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 C-‐108.01a Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements. PO/EO C-‐108.01b SUBJECT / EO Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements Silver Star PO/EO C-‐108.01b SUBJECT / EO Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements Gold Star PO/EO C-‐409.02c SUBJECT / EO Instructional Techniques -‐ Instruct a 30-‐Minute Lesson Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO McLaren Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Classroom 1 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 C-‐108.01b Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements. C-‐108.01c Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements C-‐108.01c Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements C-‐108.01c Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO Haynes Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 01-‐Jun-‐15 SUBJECT / EO Red Star C-‐108.01c Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements. C-‐108.01d Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements C-‐108.01d Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements C-‐108.01d Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO Haynes Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 CO Parade CO Parade CO Parade Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 CO Parade C-‐108.01d Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements. C-‐108.01e Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor Instructor Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Location 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 C-‐108.01e Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements. C-‐108.01f Drill -‐ Execute Supplementary Drill Movements Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor MWO Haynes Instructor Instructor Location Drill Hall Location Drill Hall Location Location 3125 RCACC Master Training Plan Current as of 2 Feb 15 Green Star DATE PERIOD PO/EO 08-‐Jun-‐15 1 19:00 -‐ 19:30 SUBJECT / EO Red Star PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Silver Star PO/EO SUBJECT / EO Gold Star PO/EO Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Location Location Location Location 2 19:40 -‐ 20:10 3 20:30 -‐ 21:00 SUBJECT / EO
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