Health Supervision for Children With Marfan Syndrome Committee on Genetics Pediatrics 1996;98;978 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 1996 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. Downloaded from by guest on August 22, 2014 Health AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS Supervision for Children With Committee ABSTRACT. This set of guidelines is designed to assist the pediatrician in caring for children with Marfan syndrome confirmed by clinical criteria. Although pediatricians usually first see children with Marfan syndrome during infancy, occasionally they will be called on to advise the pregnant woman who has been informed of the prenatal diagnosis of Marfan syndrome. Therefore, these guidelines offer advice for this situation as well. Marfan syndrome is a heritable disorder of connective tissue characterized by autosomal dominant inheritance and variabffity in clinical expression. The frequency of this disorder is at least I in 10 000 in the United States.’ Approximately one fourth of cases arise by new mutation; the rest are inherited from a parent. The gene (FBN1 ) has been mapped to chromosome 15q21.1;2 the defective protein is fibrillin, an important protein in the structure of connective tissue. Specific mutations that result in defective or decreased fibrillin are being identified in persons with Marfan syndrome.4 There is considerable heterogeneity in the known mutations. The major clinical manifestations involve the skeletal, ocular, and cardiovascular systems and the skin.1 Cardiovascular abnormalities are the most lifethreatening features of Marfan syndrome, may be present at birth, manifest during ChildhOod in about 25% of affected children,6 and are progressive in about one third of those. The following manifestations occur in Marfan syndrome. They are divided into major and minor criteria.7 Skeletal on Genetics trusio acetabulae diographs). Minor verity; of any degree (ascertained on ra- Criteria. joint crowding chocephaly, rognathia, Pectus excavatum of moderate sehypermobffity; highly arched palate with of teeth; and facial appearance (dolimalar hypoplasia, enophthalmos, retand down-slanting palpebral fissures). System Ocular Major Criterion. Ectopia lentis. Minor Criteria. Abnormally flat cornea (as measured by keratometry); increased axial length of globe (as measured by ultrasound); and hypoplastic iris or hypoplastic ciliary muscle, causing decreased miosis. Cardiovascular System Criterion. Dilatation of the ascending aorta or without aortic regurgitation and involving at Major with least the sinuses cending aorta. of valsalva or dissection of the Minor Criteria. Mitral valve prolapse with out mitral valve regurgitation; dilatation of pulmonary artery in the absence of valvular ripheral pulmonic stenosis or any other cause, occurring at younger than 40 years; lion of the mitral annulus at younger than and dilatation or dissection of the descending racic or abdominal aorta at younger than as- or withthe main or peobvious calcifica40 years; tho50 years. System Major Criteria. The presence of at least four of the following manifestations: pectus carinatum; pectus excavatum requiring surgery; reduced upper-tolower segment ratio or arm span-to-height ratio greater than 1.05; wrist and thumb signs; scoliosis of more than 20#{176} or spondylolisthesis; sion at the elbows (<1700); medial the medial malleolus causing pes reduced displacement planus; and PEDIATRICS System Pulmonary Major Criterion. Minor apical Criteria. blebs None. Spontaneous (ascertained by pneumothorax chest and radiography). extenof pro- The recommendations in this statement do not indicate an exclusive course of treatment for children with genetics disorders. They are meant to supplement anticipatory guidelines available for treating the normal child provided in the American Academy of Pediatrics publication Guidelines for Health Supervision. They are intended to assist the pediatrician in helping children with genetic conditions to participate fully in life. Diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders are changing rapidly. Therefore, pediatriclans are encouraged to view these guidelines in light of evolving scientific information. Clinical geneticists may be a valuable resource for the pediatrician seeking additional information or consultation. PEDIATRK3 (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright C 1996 by the American Acad. emy of Pediatrics. 978 Syndrome Marfan Skin and Integument Major Criterion. None. Minor Criteria. Striae atrophicae (stretch marks) not associated with marked weight changes, pregnancy, or repetitive stress or recurrent or incisional hernias. Dura Major Criterion. Lumbosacral dural ectasia computed tomography or magnetic resonance ing. Minor Criterion. None. Vol. Downloaded 98 No. 5 November 1996 from by guest on August 22, 2014 seen on imag- Family and Genetic include History Major Criteria. Having a parent, child or sibling who meets these diagnostic criteria independently; presence of a mutation in FBN1 known to cause Marfan syndrome; and presence of a haplotype around FBNJ, inherited by descent, known to be associated with syndrome in the family. Minor Criterion. None. Requirements index systems 1. Review the child’s the skeletal the infant’s Review and pectus scoliosis. Review genetic history is not contribuin at least two different organ organ system; and If a mutation known to cause Marfan syndrome other family members is detected, one major terion in an organ system and involvement second organ system. . ROUTINE in ciiin a EXAMINATIONS Several areas require ongoing assessment throughout childhood and should be reviewed periodically at developmentally appropriate ages (Table). These TABLE. Marfan Syndrome: C uidelines fo r Health (Figure). system. joints the for laxity evaluate cardiovascular system; and the sternum spine cardiac for mani- festations can occur any time in childhood. . Measure the child’s blood pressure. . Obtain an echocardiogram. . If abnormal cardiac findings are present, refer the infant to a pediatric cardiologist. . Discuss bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis if mitral valve prolapse is presents; an enlarged aortic root needs long-term follow-up by a pediatric cardiologist and discussion of prognosis and possible surgical intervention.93 Timely medical or surgical intervention may significantly alter the prognosis for longevity. The use of f3 blockade has been shown to slow aortic dilatation and decrease risk of dissection. Initiation of therapy with f3-blocking agents should be made in consultation with a pediatric cardiologist.’4 Syndrome of a third growth deformities; for 3. involvement Assess . Marfan of Marfan following: 2. case: If the family and tory, major criteria . diagnosed of the Diagnosis the For unequivocally the Supervision* Aget Infancy, Early I mo-I Newborn Examination Cardiac Echocardiogram Ocular Skeletal 1-6 y mo 1-5 6-12 0 0 mo 1-3 0 #{149} Spine Joints Pectus Childhood, Late Childhood, Adolescence 5-13 Adulthood, y y 3-5 5-10 y y 10-15 y y to Early 13-21 15-21 0 0 0 0 0 #{149} #{149} #{149} #{149} #{149} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . S #{149} S #{149} S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S SI SI S S S S y y Measurements Length/height Upper/lower segments Urine/blood amino acids Bone age Blood pressure Anticipatory Sfl guidance Review diagnosis Examine family Support group S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S .1* S 5ff 5ff S S S S S# Review genetics Psychosocial Lifestyle counsel S S S S S S S 51111 5 5 511 Reproduction * Assure compliance with the American Academy of Pediatrics Recommendations indicates to be performed; 0, objective, by standard testing; :: To be performed at newborn period or before I year of age and § Review with relationship to puberty. II Perform once at initial evaluation. I Disparity between height age and bone age should be reviewed t S and yearly with consideration except U of nonstrenuous and competitive need for visual or physical Begin §5 Reinforce liii Review coping 11 education use symptoms with Discuss of parents chronic genetic about of protective value eyewear; of potential children younger by than Pediatric Health Care. history. in the intervals # Need only be done once for each family ** Anxiety at first visit may have prevented tt Review with child as well as parents. for for Preventive S. subjective at older of hormonal than 3 years. therapy. 10 years. full understanding. address catastrophic events: aortic dissection, sport and suggest therapy. pneumothorax, alternatives. and retinal detachment. Discuss concerns about condition. risks and risks of pregnancy. Downloaded from byAMERICAN guest on August 22, 2014 OF PEDIATRICS ACADEMY 979 B A I 2 4 6 8 10 12 Figure. in Marfan syndrome. with hormones. Growth treatment receive construction of these preliminary ±1. The curved disorders of NY: Churchill 4. lines show fibrillin. 14 16 20-24 >24 (yr) Ag. Plots Both curves. of height and cross-sectional The points show the 5th, 50th, and 95th percentiles In: Rimoin Livingstone; DL, Connor weight and JM, Pyeritz versus the mean VISIT PRENATAL may already have been provided for the family by a clinical geneticist and/or obstetrician. Because of a previous relationship with the family, however, the pediatrician may be called on to review this informaand most part, family lecular can to assist diagnosis available. based in in which studies be identified the decision-making process. in Marfan syndrome is not yet Rarely, an affected fetus has been on ultrasound findings.15 For the prenatal diagnosis will there is an affected have demonstrated by DNA studies be undertaken parent and a mutation in fetal cells in a mothat or in which there are multiple affected members and linkage studies are informative. If the pregnant mother is affected, she should be under the care of a physician 980 HEALTH men grouped girls 200 in 1-year population. Rimoin’s (A) and approximately (From Principles women intervals, Pyeritz and and white (B) who patients and the did not were bars used show in SDs RE. Marfan syndrome and other ofMedical Genetics. New York, Practices 1996:1034.) Pediatricians may be called on to counsel a family in which a fetus has a genetic disorder. In some settings, the pediatrician may be the primary resource for counseling. At other times, counseling Prenatal routinely diagnosed and and of age for persons Emery amblyopia. tion data of the unaffected RE, eds. Evaluate the child’s vision using developmentally appropriate subjective and objective criteria. . Evaluation by a pediatric ophthalmologist should be performed, with follow-up on a regular basis to detect myopia and prevent THE age in boys longitudinal who is aware pregnancy of the complexities in Marfan of management of syndrome. When appropriate, referral of the family to a chinical geneticist should be considered for a more extended discussion of recurrence rates, reproductive options, and evaluation of risks to other family members. Considerable variability exists in phenotype within and between families. HEALTH SUPERVISION MONTH: FROM BIRTH TO 1 NEWBORNS Examination The following systems need to be evaluated: Skeletal . Take measurements and . . lower segments, to obtain total body length, upper arm span, hand and finger lengths, and leg lengths. Evaluate the newborn for scoliosis. Evaluate the joints for laxity and contractures. Ocular . Check the newborn for an abnormal red reflex or for iridodonesis (uneven shimmering motion of the iris, seen best with lateral ifiumination as the pupil dilates and constricts). Lens dislocation usually follows years of SUPERVISION FOR from CHILDREN WITH MARFAN SYNDROME Downloaded by guest on August 22, 2014 subluxation. and Evaluation requires slit lamp by a pediatric ophthalmologist. evaluation 5. Assess examination Cardiovascular . Check the newborn indicates lapse, aortic valve or mitral ifestations, for the presence mitral insufficiency. although of a murmur, insufficiency, valve unusual in . Note cardiac rhythm. Obtain an echocardiogram. valve pro- man- been cardiologist should be considered. cist should be considered and treatment plans. Anticipatory Referral eration Anticipatory 1 . Discuss because of an affected is made, review is under parent but parents (see 3. Review . . consid- the findings . . support groups and lit- available symptoms syndrome is transmitted the recurrence risks for cally to treat the infant family 6. and members at the patient’s Assess the illness. and options (eg, golf, for education. the child contact nonstrenuous walking, and the im- sports, and activities fishing); and even in the of retinal detachment. for services for the visually if indicated. Review of pneumothorax and physithe and the need for need for the child’s tion to pubertal 1 MONTH TO 1 1 . Discuss obtain upper if a diagnosis measurements and is not yet 5 TO 13 YEARS: growth, particularly height, in rela- status. symptoms and uncommon and FROM CHILDHOOD Guidance Anticipatory growth. length SUPERVISION of aortic dissection, syncope. Emphasize that in childhood, particularly mildly to moderately dilated. 2. Consider using radiography including chest aortic dissection is if the aorta is only to determine bone age, depending some Guidance 3. the clinical manifestations. whether support groups and whether derstood. the pertinent genetics anxiety Discuss may autosomal If a parent Marfan . to chronic lifestyle exercise, sports. alternative evaluation. . INFANCY infant’s segment Anticipatory this discuss strenuous prompt 1 Review encourage certain. . of Discuss pain lower . detach- Examination Examination because earlier. retinal children to de-emphasize therapy. symptoms HEALTh normally. FROM YEAR: 3. Review related for future of age, LATE diagnostic studies. of the infant, and SUPERVISION HEALTH 1. Review 2. Review concerns handicapped physical for children future options for prenatal diagnosis. Recommend evaluation for other risk; consider molecular 4. Stress the positive features . and ap- syndrome. Review 1. Review developmentally criteria. of myopia risks need Refer the child in an autorisk to the somal dominant fashion, there is a 50% offspring of the affected individual. If the parent is affected, screen other siblings parents vision using and objective absence of cardiac disease, the risk of developing aortic dilatation is high. 4. Discuss the use of protective eyewear, and review the 5. Marfan I TO 5 YEARS: diagnosis. competitive Emphasize sports “Resources”). Because psychosocial recurrence portance the genetics. Marfan . about the Guidance Parents . explain that a diagnosis cannot be confirmed or excluded, and discuss the importance of longitudinal follow-up. Consider performing molecular diagnostic studies. erature FROM symptoms 3. At 3 to 5 years are equivocal, 2. Inform Investigate for prenatal syndrome with CHILDHOOD the child’s subjective 2. Review of Marfan coping a geneti- Guidance the prognosis. If a diagnosis are condition. ment. of diagnosis 1. Review the clinical manifestations. . If a diagnosis of Marfan syndrome . to SUPERVISION 1 . Evaluate propriate to a pediatric for confirmation siblings a chronic Examination . referral and with EARLY Cardiovascular the newborn, have Patient parents of a child HEALTh which reported. . how stress may Review literature of the have involve recurrence has syndrome prevented dominant is affected, syndrome have and with the family, full understanding inheritance. screen other been been contacted read and un- older family molecular genetic risks for future lions for prenatal diagnosis. 4. Stress the infant’s positive features, ents to treat the infant normally. siblings members for children and encourage strictions par- fears of chronic illness. to discuss the nature of the disease with the child, and answer questions at an age-appropriate level. 5. Discuss the school gym program, extracurricular sports, and, if appropriate, after-school jobs. 6. Review symptoms of retinal detachment. Because of the high frequency of visual problems, regular care by a pediatric ophthalmologist with annual examinations is suggested. 7. and op- and 4. Begin at risk; testing. Discuss on the child’s height and pubertal status. In cases, discuss the use of hormones to limit height. psychosocial concerns, especially physical re- Review symptoms 8. When appropriate, birth control. 9. Discuss tivi and of pneumothorax. discuss encourage issues participation of reproduction in peer and group ac- ties. Downloaded from byAMERICAN guest on August 22, 2014 OF PEDIATRICS ACADEMY 981 HEALTH OLDER: SUPERVISION ADOLESCENCE FROM 13 TO 21 YEARS TO EARLY ADULTHOOD OR Jane Lin-Fu, MD Health Resources Administration Examination I . Review height US Department the adolescent’s growth and predicted in relation to pubertal development. Consider . and radiographic use of determination to limit height. hormones of final Human Paul bone age an ophthalmologic examination. an echocardiogram. The pediatrician should consult a pediatric cardiologist regarding the use of 13-adrenergic blocking agents to slow the progression of aortic dilatation. Anticipatory the . of the with disease of reproduction The facts risk the patient, to the impact and of autosomal of aortic delivery’6”7 . also birth nancy 3. Review inheritance; Preimplantation These do not to the health diagnosis obviate the risk of the affected can of preg- woman. Adoption lifestyle concerns, alternative. as limitations tion, and sexual, of some genetic and physical activities, 11050, of literature 382 Main (516) 883-8712 are the St, Port or (800) 8-MARFAN; and the March of Dimes, Marfan Syndrome, Public Health Educational Information Sheet, Community Services Department, 1275 Mamoroneck Aye, White Plains, NY 10605, (914) 428 -7100. COMMFI-rEE ON GENETICS, 1995 LIAISON and Birth Defects MD I H. Marfan’s Med. RE, Maslen (FBN) syndrome and other disorders CL, Smith L, Allen L, Sakai LY. Localization gene of 1994330:13M-1385 to chromosome 15, band q21.1. of the Genomics. 1991;11: 346-351 3. Kainulainen tions 4. Dietz fibriuin Marfan HC, (FBNI) L, Pahakka K, Karttunen in the neonatal gene Pyeritz RE. for Nat Genet. Mutations dominant and L Muta- ectopia lentis and 1994;6:64-69 in the syndrome LY, Peltonen L, Sakai responsible syndrome. in the Marfan human related gene disorders. for Hum fibrillin-1 Mol Genet. 1995;4:1799-1809 5. Pyeritz RE. The Marfan Connective Tissue ical Aspects. New PM, Steinmann B, eds. and Its Heritable Disorders: Molecular, York, NY: Wiley-Liss; 1993:437-468 syndrome. In: Royce Genetic and Med- RE. Marfan syndrome and other disorders of fibrillin. In: Rimoin DL, Connor JM, Pyeritz RE, ads. Emery and Rimoin’s Principles and Practices of Medical Genetics. New York, NY: Churchill Livingstone; diagnostic Institutes of Health W. Hanson, MD College of Medical H, Hennekamn for the Marfan Hereditary Disorders R. Revised R, Pyeritz syndrome. Am I Med ofConnective Genet. 1996;62: Tissue. St Louis, VL, Pyeritz RE, Magovern GJ Jr. Cameron DE, McKusick VA. Surgical treatment of aneurysms of the ascending aorta in the Marfan syndrome: results of composite-graft repair in 50 patients. N Engi J Med. 9. Gott KG, Pyeritz RE. The Marfan childhood: analysis of 15 patients Am J Cardiol. 198352:353-358 11 . Crawford ES. Marfan’s assessment broad syndrome spectral surgical of cardiovascular treatment Marfan’s the benefit syndrome. 15. Koenigsberg of 1983;74:465-474 long-term J Med. N Engl M, Factor JE H, Ueland A, Nitowsky 1983;147:759-762 Rossiter JP, Morales tive longitudinal Obstet Gynecol. AJ, Repke evaluation ES, Maly JT, Murphy of pregnancy 1995;173:1599-1606 SUPERVISION FOR from CHILDREN WITH MARFAN SYNDROME Downloaded by guest on of aortic in H, Morecki RI’. Marfan’s August 22, 2014 EA, Pyeritz in the Marfan R. with pathologDiagn. 1981;1: acute aortic dissection during labor, resulting in fetal cesarean section, followed by successful surgical repair. Gynecol. in 1994330:1335-1341 5, Cho 5, Herskowitz K, Stinson indexes 13-adrenergic-blockade Fetal Marfan syndrome: prenatal ultrasound diagnosis ical confirmation of skeletal and aortic lesions. Prenat 241-247 16. Ferguson of abnormalities in the Marfan syndrome. and with roentgenographic estima- 13. Yin FC, Brim KP, Ting CT, Pyeritz RE. Arterial hemodynamic Marfan’s syndrome. Circulation. 1989;79:854-862 14. Shores J, Berger KR, Murphy EA, Pyeritz RE. Progression and early of age. Ann Surg. 1983;198:487-505 RI Jr. McKusick VA. Echocardiographic Comparison with clinical findings tion of aortic root size. Am J Med. dilatation in at less than 4 years diagnosed syndrome: cardiovascular manifestations. 12. Come PC, Fortuin NJ, White 17. Genetics R, Dietz Devereaux criteria P. McKusick’s MO: CV Mosby; 1993 MD National American A, 417-426 8. Beighton REPRESENTATIVES Felix de la Cruz, HEALTH N Engi fibrillin TO 1996 Franklin Desposito, MD, Chairperson Sechin Cho, MD Jaime L. Frias, MD Jack Sherman, MD Rebecca S. Wappner, MD Miriam G. Wilson, MD James fibrillin. 1986;314:1070-1074 10. Sisk HE, Zahka and sources Foundation, NY Washington, U, Furthmayr 1996:1034 7. DePaepe RESOURCES groups Marfan Francke 2. Magenis occupa- risks. 4. Refer the patient for services for visual or physical disability if indicated. 5. Discuss and encourage participation in peer group activities. 6. Facilitate transition to adult medical care, if appropriate or desired. Support National LIAIsoN 6. Pyeritz psychosocial, such and REFERENCES includ- during pregnancy or at for high-risk cardiologic with risk extending need the fertilization. is another SECTION Control Reed E. Pyeritz, MD Margretta R. Seashore, of the control, dominant rupture and be done. MD Beth A. Pletcher, MD Section on Genetics and and obstetric management, through the postpartum period; and Assisted reproduction. The transmission of the mutant gene can be averted by sperm or egg donation (depending on which partner is affected) followed by in vitro 982 AAP I. Genetic . nature issues and CONSULTANTS concerns and issues related throughout adolescence. 2. Discuss ing: G. McDonough, Centers for Disease Prevention Guidance 1 Discuss review disease of Health Services American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Godfrey Oakley, MD 2. Perform 3. Obtain . and Services syndrome: distress and J Obstet Am RE. A prospecsyndrome. AmJ Health Supervision for Children With Marfan Syndrome Committee on Genetics Pediatrics 1996;98;978 Updated Information & Services including high resolution figures, can be found at: Citations This article has been cited by 2 HighWire-hosted articles: Permissions & Licensing Information about reproducing this article in parts (figures, tables) or in its entirety can be found online at: Reprints Information about ordering reprints can be found online: PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned, published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 1996 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275. 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