Weekly Community Bulletin - York Region District School Board

Sir William Mulock Secondary School
W e e k ly E - B u l l e t i n : T h e R av e n ’ s C a l l
705 Columbus Way, Newmarket, On., L3X 2M7 | Phone: 905 967-1045 | Fax: 905 967-1054
Principal, Carmen Spiteri-Johnson | Vice Principals, Rosey Mastrofrancesco, Georgia Clifford
Week 22 Feb 9 - 13, 2015
Monday, Feb 9, 2015
Home of the Ravens
Developing students of character, who are literate and numerate, is our main priority
Public Health Vaccination Clinic in the Library
Tuesday, Feb 10, 2015
Wednesday, Feb 11, 2015
Thursday, Feb 12, 2015
M Roberts | Ski Club, Horseshoe Valley Resort DT: 2:15 pm AT: 11:00 pm
Skanderis/Boutanos | Jr. Girls Volleyball, Thornlea S.S. DT: 2:30 pm AT: 5:15 pm
Friday, Feb 13, 2015
Matsushige | Music Repertoire, Unionville Alliance Church DT: 9:30 am AT: 2:00 pm
Boutanos/Skanderis | Jr. Girls Volleyball, Thornlea S.S. DT: 8:00 am not returning to school
Pfenning | Jr. Boys Basketball, Playoff Game DT: 2:30 pm AT: 6:00Va
Semester 1 Report Cards Distributed by Homeroom Teachers
Dates at a Glance
February 2015
Family Day (Holiday)
Course Selections 2015-2016, due
Grad Photo Retake Day
March 2015
PT Day
March Break Holiday (Begins)
March Break Holiday (Ends)
Grad Assembly
Interim Report Cards Distributed
OSSLT Grade 10 (Literacy Test)
Ms. Elliott Starts the Next Chapter- Farewell!
Friday January 30th saw the final workday of Margaret Elliott, our
beloved Library Technician, in her 43 1/2 -year career with York
Region District School Board. Ms. Elliott enjoyed a cake and ice
cream celebration in the Commons, followed by an evening dinner
hosted by School Office Supervisor, Ms.Klue and the office staff. Ms.
Elliott was one of the founding employees who opened Sir William
Mulock Secondary in the fall of 2001. We will miss you, Margaret,
and best wishes in your next 'chapter'!
We welcome Ms. Christine McLure, our Long-Term Occasional
Library Technician. Please come to the Commons and welcome her
in person
Vaccines for Students
The Public Health Nurses will be here on Monday February 9th in the library to
provide the meningitis vaccine to students who received a letter from Public
Health indicating that they need this vaccine.
Students will be called down in the following periods.
Grade 9's from 9-10am
Grade 10's from 10-11am
Grade 11's from 11-12 noon
Grade 12’s from 12 pm to 1 pm
Please remember to bring your signed permission form to the clinic.
After-School Literacy Course
We will be running an after-school literacy class on Tuesdays and Thursdays
from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm starting on February 12th for 10 sessions. This
course will assist our students in preparing for the OSSLT. We encourage any
student who was not successful last year on the OSSLT or any Grade 10 student who received less than 70% on the practice test to sign up for the Literacy
class. Application forms are available in the main office and should be
returned by February 10th. If you have any questions, about the course please
speak with Ms. Clifford (VP) or Mrs. Von Enckevort (Literacy Teacher)
We invite all parents and guardians to attend our next School Council meeting
on Monday February 9th in the Library. Were the council will be completing the
annual review of the School Council Constitution and the Principal’s Profile.
Sir William Mulock Secondary School
W e e k ly E - B u l l e t i n : T h e R av e n ’ s C a l l
Report Card Distribution on Friday February 13th
As always, report cards will be distributed through the homerooms,
they will be in your mailboxes Friday morning. Any students who have
a spare or lunch in period A will be given their reports in period B in
the cafeteria.
The deadline to submit your son or daughter’s course selection for
2015-2016 is February 23rd. If you have any questions about
choosing courses, please contact the Guidance Department or
have your son or daughter make an appointment with a counsellor.
The Learning Commons is Official!
A ‘Learning Commons’ refers to a whole- school approach for collaboration of all learners- educators and students- ‘naturally designed
to facilitate people working together’, and the school library is at the
heart of the Commons (Together For Learning 2010). Our Learning
Commons now has vibrant and inviting metre-high signage as you
enter, courtesy of Ms. Burbank’s vision, artistically designed by Ms.
Peer and Mulock’s Art Club, and cut with the expertise of Mr. Andrews- we have a welcoming space to collaborate, think and create.
Healthy Minds, Healthy Teens
Be a part of the conversation, we are pleased to have a panel of community speakers who will take us on a journey through the teen years.
They will bring awareness to what are teens are experiences, how
they are coping with the many changes they face and how it is impacting their mental health.
Join us on Wednesday February 26th at Sir William Mulock Secondary School at 7 pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm and the presentation is
from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
RSVP: mailto: huronheightsschoolcouncil@gmail.com
New Staff at Mulock this Semester
We welcome the following teachers to Mulock this semester: Mary
Lamanna in Business, Amanda Rickward in ELL and History,
Tamara Vasic in Science, Anna Sotriopoulos in English and Business.
We also welcome Ms. Christine McLure, our Long-Term
Occasional Library Technician. Please come to the Commons and
welcome her in person.