FEBRUARY 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS: February 1 Fire & Water Football Party—6 pm in the Wharf February 6 Parents’ Night Out—6 pm in Room 218 February 9 ALPHA Starts—6:15 pm in the Dining Room February 10 UMW Executive Committee—7:00 in the Library February 11 Open Time of Prayer — 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary February 12 Fifty Plus—11:30 am in the Dining Room February 14 UMM Breakfast — 8 am in the Dining Room February 16 Presidents’ Day—Office is Open February 18 Ash Wednesday Worship—7 pm in the Sanctuary February 24 Monthly Book Club—7 pm in the Library CAUGHT IN THE ACT Fire & Water student ministries went on a retreat in January. Why retreat? We believe that it is important to step out of our everyday lives and focus on building our faith and building relationships with one another. This year, students explored the person of Jesus. When Jesus asks His disciples in Mark 8, "Who do you say I am?,” He wanted the disciples to answer from their own experiences who they believed Jesus to be. We wanted students to look into scripture and their personal experiences to answer for themselves who they say that Jesus is. Students examined Jesus' I AM statements, the names of Jesus in scripture, and scriptures about who they are as beloved children of God. Students also spent time alone in the woods seeking insights. Observing the works of the creator help us understand the creator. Listening for Jesus' voice in the midst of his creation proved powerful for many students. And, seeking a deeper level of knowledge through scripture, through the lens of creation, allowed students to experience a walk in the woods a little differently than usual. Our prayer is that students reentered their schedules with a fresh perspective of who Jesus is and who He has called them to be. WORSHIP SCHEDULE: We welcome you any Sunday for traditional worship at 8:30, 9:45 and 11 am in the sanctuary, or modern worship at 11 am in the Family Life Center. Sunday school classes meet at 9:45am. Children’s Ministry opportunities are available at all service times. Coming in March — Fire & Water 30-hour Famine Spring!!! FIRE & WATER WINTER RETREAT STUDENT MINISTRY OPEN TIME OF PRAYER Over 350 prayer requests were made during Pastor Kevin's sermon on "Permitting the Power of God in Our Lives" and over half of them were for healing in some manner— physical, relationships, or otherwise. The prayer ministry will be lifting these prayers and invites you to come and pray for healing in community, whether it is your own or on behalf of someone else, during our next Open Time of Prayer. Join us February 11 or any second Wednesday between 6:30 and 8 pm in the Sanctuary. Come and go as you desire. JOIN THE MONTHLY BOOK CLUB in February as we read and discuss The Orphan Train by Christian Baker Kline. Between 1854 and 1929, so-called orphan trains ran regularly from the cities of the East Coast to the farmlands of the Midwest, carrying thousands of abandoned children whose fates would be determined by pure luck. As a young Irish immigrant, Vivian Daly was one such child, sent by rail from New York City to an uncertain future a world away. Returning east later in life, Vivian leads a quiet, peaceful existence on the coast of Maine. But in her attic, hidden in trunks, are vestiges of a turbulent past. Seventeen-year-old Molly Ayer knows that a community-service position helping an elderly widow clean out her attic is the only thing keeping her out of juvenile hall. But as Molly helps Vivian sort through her keepsakes and possessions, she discovers that she and Vivian aren’t as different as they appear. Moving between contemporary Maine and Depression-era Minnesota, The Orphan Train is a powerful tale of upheaval and resilience, second chances, and unexpected friendship. The group meets on the 4th Tuesday evening of each month from 7:00—8:30 in the Library, just off the narthex. This month we will meet on February 24. If you are interested or need more information, contact Kim Arnott at 797.8612 or kimarnott@mac.com. W.A.T.E.R. (Senior High) Weekly Activities: Sunday School @ 9:45am, Drink Deep @ 6:00pm, After Hours @ 7:30pm Feb 1 – SS, Football Party @ 6:00pm Feb 5– Supermarket Sweeps @ 3:30pm Feb 8 – SS, Drink Deep, After Hours Feb 12 – Supermarket Sweeps @ 3:30pm Feb 15 – SS Feb 19 – Supermarket Sweeps @ 3:30pm Feb 22 – SS, Drink Deep, After Hours Feb 26 – Supermarket Sweeps @ 3:30pm Home Bible Studies take place throughout the week. Permission Forms for the WATER Summer Mission Trip are now available online (www.fumcfireadnwater.com) and in the Wharf. WATER Students are collecting donations for our 30 Hour Famine in March. Please see a student to donate. Want to know more about what is happening at FIRE & WATER? Download the FIRE & WATER app, sign up to be an Insider or follow us on social media. F.I.R.E. (Junior High) Weekly Activities: Sunday School @ 9:45am, Refinery @ 6:00pm, After Hours @ 7:30pm Feb 1 – SS, Football Party @ 6:00pm Feb 4– Bible Study @ 7:00pm Feb 8 – SS, The Refinery, After Hours Feb 11 – Bible Study @ 7:00pm Feb 15 – SS Feb 18 – Bible Study @ 7:00pm Feb 19 – Third Thursday @ 2:45pm Feb 22 – SS, The Refinery, After Hours Feb 25 – Bible Study @ 7:00pm We are willing to give a ride to Third Thursday from the Junior High Schools. Please let Liz know if you need one. Want to know more about what is happening at FIRE & WATER? Download the FIRE & WATER app, sign up to be an Insider or follow us on social media. BINGO PRIZES ARE NEEDED for monthly Bingo at Hamilton Trace, sponsored by Jr. High student ministries. A variety of items are given as prizes and the following are needed: full sized Hershey Bars (dark, regular, with almonds), Snickers Bars or any other full size candy bars, individual packs of cookies (Oreos, Chips Ahoy, vanilla sandwich), individual serving packs of chips, pocket packs of tissues, hand lotion & nail polish remover (travel size) and packs of Dentyne gum. Drop off donations in Connection Central by February 22nd. PLEASE JOIN FIFTY PLUS in the church dining room on Thursday, February 12 at 11:30 am. We’ll open our time with prayer, and then enjoy lunch and a time of fellowship. Due to the chance of inclement weather, we won’t have a guest presentation, but we would love to have you come and enjoy each other’s company. Please call Jenni Debaun with questions. DO YOU FEEL GOD IS CALLING YOU to serve Him in a new way? Have you ever felt an urge to be part of a short-term mission team? Fishers UMC will be sending an adult Mission Team to Shiprock, New Mexico, July 11-18, 2015. While there, the team will do home repairs on the Navajo Indian Reservation. We will be working with Four Corners United Methodist Ministry. If you feel God is calling you to be part of this team, contact Don and Patty Greenlee at 502.8651 or dwgreenlee@yahoo.com. ALPHA COURSE MONDAYS Alpha is a unique "meetyou-where-you-are" course. It is designed for those wanting to find out more about the Christian faith or who seek renewal. It is an eight week course that meets February 9 through March 30 from 6:15 to 8:30 pm. It includes dinner and a video presentation, followed by small group discussion. You will have an opportunity to express your opinions, ask questions, and discuss issues that are raised. There is no homework and childcare is provided. If you have questions or would like to register, contact Susan Hobson at alpha@fishersumc.org or find out more at fishers umc.org/alpha. SINGLES BIBLE STUDY invites you to join them in their ongoing study on Acts: Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit, on Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 pm in Room 284. FOOD PANTRY NEEDS: Hamburger helper, crackers, pop tarts, and popcorn. Thank you! LENTEN BIBLE STUDY: Join Pastor Josh as he presents a Lenten Bible Study on Thursdays, February 19 through March 26 from 7:00-8:00 pm in Room 203. Sign up in Connection Central. Childcare will be available. UPWARD BASKETBALL–VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We need referees (all age groups) for the Upward basketball season currently in progress. Games are from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm through March 14. We are asking for a 2-hour commitment on Saturdays. There is no experience necessary; you will be paired with a person that has experience/refereed in the past. We supply the shirt and whistle. It takes 20 volunteers to make this ministry happen! Contact Ed Brown with questions and/or if you are interested in this outreach opportunity at eddie-eagle@sbcglobal.net or 910.0997. SHARE YOUR FAITH JOURNEY and encourage others. We need volunteers to share devotions at Upward Basketball. Sign up using volunteer spot at http://vols.pt/t9w3DJ or contact Pastor Larry. FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK… Dear Friends and Partners in Ministry, A few Christmases back my wife, Joyce, gave me a large hourglass for my office. It is accurate to within a second or two [I timed it]. The significance of the hourglass gift goes back to a time when I bought small “hourglasses” [3 minute egg timers] for everyone on my staff to help underscore how quickly and relentlessly time passes. I was trying to help them in their use of time. I even suggested they keep their hourglass by the phone on their desk and flip it when they began a call to see how often they could take care of business in the time it took for 3 minutes’ worth of sand to fall from top to bottom. Efficiency was the goal. As I write this article the fine white sand of Joyce’s gift is flowing down steadily. I have found myself watching its cascade. But its meaning has shifted for me. The goal for me now is not as much efficiency [always a virtue] as it is effectiveness. Maybe it’s because I’m well into my “2nd half,” maybe it’s because over the last year I have watched a good friend and colleague wrestle with cancer or because I can only watch as my father – always a man of great strength by every measure – weakens physically as his body wears down; maybe it’s because over the years I have come to realize that being efficient is not enough in itself. We hunger to be effective – to make a difference – to live lives of significance. Once the sand reaches the bottom of the hourglass time runs out. While I can turn my hourglass in my office over we can’t reset the clocks of our lives. Are we living lives of significance? Are we making a lasting difference that really matters? How do we know? Is it by calculating the total of the bottom line of one’s bank statement? Is it by doing things “right?” Or is it by doing the “right” things and doing them well? [If efficiency only is the goal I may be in trouble here. I just glanced at my hourglass again. The sand is still falling -- disinterested.] According to a poll by America’s leading pollster and a committed Christian, George H. Gallup Jr., “70 percent of Americans believe that most churches and synagogues today are not effective in helping people find meaning in life. Gallup believes the vitality of churches, synagogues, and faith communities depends very much on how effectively they respond to six spiritual needs of Americans as he perceives them from his surveys. They are listed as: • The need to believe that life is meaningful and has a purpose. • The need for a sense of community and deeper relationships. • The need to be appreciated and respected. • To be listened to and heard. • To feel that he/she is growing in the faith. • The need for practical help in developing a mature faith. These findings speak to the universal needs to be significant – to matter; to be known and accepted; to be affirmed and valued; to find encouragement and support; and to grow in faith: the need to know that others know and care for us and that they will remember that we were once here – even after we are gone. As the Church of Jesus Christ known as Fishers United Methodist Church - how effective are we in responding to or fulfilling the six spiritual needs identified by the poll? How do we go about trying to meet these needs in the lives of others? Do we cater to the desires and whims of the “consumer” to make them happy? Or do we find that these needs are met by letting others know they really do matter – to us and to Christ – by reaching out and investing ourselves in them. And let’s not kid ourselves – people know when they really matter to us and when we are just pretending. We will only live lives of significance as we become significant to others for the cause of Christ. The sand in my hourglass is still falling. Its well over half gone…. God, give me – give us -- the humility and wisdom to know that we can only be truly significant as we allow You to live in and through us and to reach out using our lives – our eyes, ears, hands, feet, hearts, minds – to care for, share with, and let others know they are known and loved. May they know through our actions and our words that they matter – to You and to us. Amen. For The Only Cause That Matters, Kevin JOIN US IN FEBRUARY for a 6-week study of the Gospel of Mark. This thematic study will focus on an understanding of Mark’s world, and give us a sense of the way this Gospel challenges the future of the Christian life. Some of the questions it addresses are: What was it like in Mark's world? What is Mark’s Gospel about? What does Mark teach us about the human condition? What does Mark teach us about Jesus Christ? How does Mark teach us to understand our current time? What does Mark teach us about living in this millennium? Led by Kim Arnott, this study is based on the book, Mark’s Message: Good News for the New Millennium by Justo Gonzalez. The study will begin on Wednesday, February 11 and continue through March 25 (group will not meet on March 4,) and will meet in Room 276 from 6:30-8:00 pm. Sign up in Connection Central to participate. As lay persons of our congregation, we know pastors are called to serve and lead by God. What we often forget, however, is God calls all of us to serve. He made us for a purpose, His purpose. STEPHEN MINISTERS are no exception. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 from the MSG explains a STEPHEN MINISTER's call to serve. ". . . He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort." Is God calling you to serve? To find out more about STEPHEN MINISTRY, call Jean Jagger at 317.728.6228 or Josh Ditmer at 317.849.1805. Join us Sunday mornings at 9:45 as we explore the world in the Great Race. We will learn Biblical Principles from the life of Nehemiah. CONTACT US All emails are first initial followed by last name @fishersumc.org i.e. kmckinney@fishersumc.org Pastors: Kevin McKinney and Josh Ditmer Director of Sr. High Ministries & NewSong: Troy Richards Director of Children’s Ministries: Larry Crane Director of Traditional Music & Worship and Food Pantry: Linda Williams Office Manager/Financial Secretary: Julie Tillman Multi-Media Coordinator: Lorie Richards Preschool/MDO Director: Jane Musser Wedding Coordinator: Joyce McKinney Stephen Ministry: email stephenministry@fishersumc.org Director of Congregational Relations: Jill Buckler Director of Junior High Ministries: Liz Simmonds Children’s Ministries Assistant: Jenica Giffin Organist and Accompanist: Ray Lahrman Admin. Assist./Facility Scheduler: Kim Manka Custodians: Jenni Debaun, Mark Fielder Assistant Preschool/MDO Director: Diane Renner Building Maintenance Manager: Milt Yakey Fishers United Methodist Church 9691 E. 116th Street Fishers, Indiana 46037 317-849-1805 www.fishersumc.org WE ARE A COMMUNITY OF HEALING AND SERVING ROOTED IN JESUS CHRIST
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