Steel Strike Mediator Encouraged SMAl^TALK By Hal Boyle A Majority of Two VlV S v m a McGuire Sisters Decide Issue by Majority Vote v \ NIAGARA FAUS GAZETTE 1 7 11 Hospitals Turn Down OLV Contract - NEW YORK CB — The Mc-i—and looking for flying sauGuire Sisters started singing cers." I NEW YORK W--Chief medi«~ . „ n u u „h....„h „*,««,. W » Chris— "Success is something in an Ohio church choir just y ( j u s t r J v e t Q g p t feut w h e n | ator Joheph F. Finnegan says BUFFALO (UPI) — Eleven he is encouraged by the coop25 years ago. Buffalo area voluntary hosyou get it you don't have it. eration he is now receiving The BeanpoleIt has you." ipitals have rejected the new from the negotiators in the slender youngThe McGuire Sisters have I contract reached between Our nationwide steel strike. s t e r s of 1934; one thing that sets them apart Lady of Victory Hospital. LackHe emphasized, however, are the highest 1 from most entertainers. They awanna, and unionized nonthat his remark was based on paid girl trio inf pay 10 per cenCof their income the "increasingly workmanlike to an agent—but they also Just show businessl professional employes. way" in which the negotiators as regularly give another 10 today, and p e r - | Melvin E. McNab,. chairman were approaching their task per cent to the c h u r c h in h a p s of a l l of the special committee repreof "Ht'« making quitt an im"Whit do you think and. not on any specific prowhose choir they first sang totime. senting the hospitals, said the pression on m i . . ." gress toward a contract settlegether as children a quarter of Andy's dancing . ." .V* The one thing contract wasn't even "a good ment a century ago. most people example." He said the nonFinnegan, director of the • want to know skilled workers at the 11 other Federal Mediation and ConBOYLE a b o u t them— institutions were getting much ciliation Service, said there particularly people who come the same benefits 'without the has been no change in the » from largte families—is how burdens of dues-paying." basic position of either side. they settle their quarrels. By a vote of 156 to 30 ThursJoint negotiations continue The answer is simple. They day, workers at OLV ratified here today between teams repsettle their disputes the same what is believed to be the resenting the industry and the way the U.S. Congress does— first contract New York striking United Steelworkrs of FORT MADISON, Iowa (#*—Southern Iowa farmers State between a in by majority rule. non-profit hosAmerica. counted their crop losses in millions of dollars and thepital and a union representing ^Our policy is that if two In Washington, Sen. Stuart WILMINGTON, N.C. Ml— City of Fort Madison struggled to get free of a sea of mud non-professional pers.o n n e 1. Symington (D-Mo), announced' MEYNER GETS THE POINT-Democratic Gov. Robert agree on anything the other The pact calls for union recogTwo cars crashed and burst has to give i i C said Phyllis, that 29 Democratic Senators B. Meyner, of New Jersey, appears amused by today in the wake of torrential rain and floods. nition, wage increases, overwho acts as spokesman for the into flames near here Thursso far have signed his resolu"We were pretty lucky t o * time pay and insurance benetion urging that President point made by Republican Gov. Nelsqn Rockefeller, g i r l s , although she has the day, trapping four women and Eisenhower "use the prestige of New York. The two governors, each ajpotential least seniority. four children. But three quick- get by without a n y , loss of J assess the damage over all offits. * * * and influence of his high ofthinking construction workers life," said Police Sgt. Virgil!Southern Iowa. No accurate Union recognition is the key "WE GENERALLY manage using a wrecker pulled the fice" to try to settle the strike. candidate for his party's presidential nomination, issue in the two-month-long Symington said he hopes to huddled at San Juan, Puerto Rico, where they at- t o k e e p out of each other's cars apart and freed the eight. Hart, who had been on duty! estimates were made but of- dispute which sees the hosfor 36 hours with only a ficials said the damage to pitals get mor cosponsors for the tended annual governors' conference.—(AP Wire- hair. But occasionally we do have arguments. When we do One automobile carried the couple hours of sleep. resolution before it is referred farm crops alone will run mto threat, under a constant strike pregnant wife of Col. Francis we speak our piece, take a vote to a committee. The resolution, photo) I •-•• "The water has gone down millions of dollars. Gabreski, commander of the —and forget it. ' which ' Symington introduced to the point where people can The office of Gov. Herschel O W l i i t t f * P T I TTplfl % "But we try to avoid the fric- Myrtle Beach, S.C., Air Force get back into their homes but Loveless in Des Moines await- H W i l l i e M Tuesday, is subject to both iUen OC1U tion that might. come from Base and the nation's top liv- I hate to think of all the mud ed more definite figures beSenate' and House approval. being together too much. On ing air ace. The resolution urges the that must be cleaned up." fore acting on a request of In the car with Mrs. Gab- Six-Hour Delugft the road we stay in separate President to (1) meet with repFort Madison Mayor Walter J. rooms, and meet just before reski, 34, were two of her eight resentatives of both sides "in In six hours Wednesday Guenther that the city be de- SANDERSVILLE. Ga. W— children; Mrs. Gladys Gruen- night this Mississippi River clared a disaster area. the show." order JLO impress upon them Two white men were held in As in any household, each of wald, who husband, Col. Ken- town of 15,000 was drenched their primary responsibility to jail without bond today the sisters has her own chores. neth Gruenwald is commander with 9.42 inches of rain. Falls the nation to conclude an early c h a r g e d with criminally SAN JUAN (GNS)—New York Gov. Nelson A. Rocke- Chris, the eldest, picks the of Shaw Air Force Base in up to 11 inches soaked farms Brando's Father Held assaulting a 14-year-old Negro and reasonable settlement;" (2) set a deadline for settlement of feller declared Thursday that only frank and courageous wardrobe. Dorothy, whom the South Carolina; and Mrs. and small towns elsewhere in VAN NUYS, Calif. W—Mar- girl, Sheriff J. B. Garrett reother two refer to as "the nor- Georgia Orr, whose husband Southern Iowa. the contract dispute; and (3) candidates can win for the Republican party in 1960. lon Brando Sr., 64, father of ported. mal one," handles the props. is Lt. Col. Richard Orr, also of no settlement is reached Fort Madison was especially the actor, will be tried Sept. The sheriff Identified the Before departing for New ' Quiet and soft-spoken, she also stationed at Shaw AFB. within the deadline, appoint hard hit because three creeks 17 on a charge of misdemean- men as Pete Coleman, 40, and a factfinding board to make York by airplane, he told re- were told he had a "very favor acted as family treasurer un- In the second car was Mrs.running through the city rush- or hit-and-run driving. Marion Buford Hooks, 20, emtil the trio hired a business Alice Faye Ellis, Ft. Lauder- ed out of their banks and public recommendations on porters, "he found Republican able reaction." ployes of a Sandersvillc meat He pleaded innocent Thursdale, Fla., and her daughters, backed-up storm sewers sent manager. terms for settlement. packing firm. day. He was arrested May 3 governors optimistic over GOP Must Face Issues The girls are big business. Margaret Dawn, 11, and Holly water pouring into hundreds after a collision with another Georgia law prohibits identiAsked.about 1960, Rockefel- They rose to stardom on the 4. prospects in 1960. of homes. fication of a rape victim. car. Bridge Gov. Rockefeller, considered ler said, "I think the Repub- Arthur Godfrey S h o w . Now Mrs. Ellis was reported in Among numerous bridges lican Party-must put u p .the they probably truck as much serious condition. Mrs. GabresADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT as a rival of Vice President kind of candidates and stand washed away there were those ki was admitted to a Wilmingcabbage to the bank as the faNixon for his GOP presiden- for the frank facing of the spanning the creeks here and ton hospital. Officials said she the northeast part of the city mous redhead himself. tial nomination, in speaking to issues as they exist today, with received only a slight cut on was isolated. . * * • a group of New York City area honest and courageous soluTHEY HAVE RECORDED one knee but was held over, "You never saw so many teachers studying conditions tions to those issues." nearly 300 songs since 1953— night for observation because pumps in operation," s a i d He declined to enter discus- their latest is a new version of she is pregnant. All of the oth- Hart. "Every town around sent here, said education is the sion of Eisenhower-Khrush- "Red River Valley"—and teen ers received only slight in- in pumps and we got some of number one domestic problem. chev visits saying, "involved age polls rate them the top juries. Visits Project the main sewer lines open." in such things is information trio. They have sold more than The 15-man police force, aidThursday morning Rockefel and conditions known only to 10 million records. problem!" And among these BY OSWALD JACOBY ed by firemen, a National New York, N. Y. (Special) - asufferers Infant Discharges ler toured housing projects of t h o s e i n h i g h positions." The mettlesome lasses startwere a very wide vaFor the first time science has WEST HAD MEAN ideas. International Basic .Economy Guard company and volun- found a new healing substance riety of hemorrhoid Gov. Rockefeller and Gov. conditions, ed out at $210 a week. This He opened the ace of hearts Corp. and International Ladies Robert B. Meyner, of New Jerteers worked all day Thursday with the astonishing ability to some of 10 to 20 years' standing. year one soft drink firm alone Gun, Kills Mother and continued with the jack of Garment Workers Union. All this, without the use of sey, attended dedication cere- is paying them $250,000—plus FAIRFIELD, Calif. OR —Lt. pumping water out of home shrink hemorrhoids, stop itch-, diamonds. East went up with basements. ing, and relieve pain — without narcotics, anesthetics or astrinThe houses, erected with monies of the Caribbean Trade Robert E. Filler took his famall the cola they can swallow— the ace and West's smile of slabs of poured concrete, range Development office opened Plants Suffer . gents of any kind. The secret is •urgery. anticipation became a grunt in price from $7,350 to $9,700 here last April by the Post of for a year's supply of TV and ily for a picnic at Lake Berrya new healing substance (BioThree Fort Madison indusIn one hemorrhoid case after essa Wednesday. of dismay when South ruffed. and cost $58 to $75 monthly New York Authority to spur radio commercials. Dyne*)—the discovery of a another/'very striking improvetries suffered heavily by the The Air Force officer and They also spend some 20 South's next play was the and are insured by FHA, with trade i n this area. New York ment* was reported and veri- world-famous research institudeluge. O^icials of the Crantion. Already, Bio-Dyne is in king of clubs and when East down payments at three per port handles 28 per cent of weeks a year on the supper his wife, Jeanie, 27, practiced don Paper Mill, where ma- fied by doctors' observations. club circuit. The degree with target shooting with a .22 auto- chinery in the basement was . Pain was relieved promptly. wide use for healing injured showed out it was no problem cent. Puerto Rico's external trade. which their careers interfere matic pistol. Then he removed badly damaged, estimated that And, while gently relieving tissue on all parts of the body. for South to pick up all the He stopped to visit a new Asked by a teacher if Puerto Thin new healing substance with their private lives is the the clip and tossed the gun in the plant will be closed for pain, actual reduction or retrumps. West held his queen home owner on the project, is offered in suppository or oint~ Ricans should be encouraged to traction (shrinking) took place. their automobile. He didn't rechief cause of disputes w i t h to the bitter end but it did And most amazing of all — went form called Preparation Jose Delgado, retired coffee come to New York, Rockefeller them. move the shell from the cham- three weeks. him no good. •*.' Other plants affected were this improvement was main- H.* Ask for individually sealed farmer, and family. said that New. York City has single, and like to be ber. Now South proceeded to run Newsmen asked Rockefeller passed San Juan as a Puerto on"I'm the Anchor Metal Co. and the tained in cases where doctors' convenient Preparation H s u p the go all the time," exEn route home, son Douglas, Boyles his good hearts and the worst how he found ."conditions" at Rican city, "so we're not doing plained Galvinizing and Plat- observations were continued positories or Preparation H Phyllis. "But Dorothy just 3 years old, picked up t h e happened to poor West. On the the governors' conference, and bad." ing Co. The railroad tracks over a period of many months 1 ointment with special has a husband, and Chris has gun. In fact, results were so thor- cator. Preparation H is sol last heart West found himself near the W. A. Sheaffer Pen a husband and two sons. They It discharged. ough that sufferers were able all drug counters. Satisfaction in a" squeeze. Dummy was in Co. were blocked by a landlike to stay at home." The bullet killed his mother. slide of mud. to make such astonishing state- guaranteed or money refunded . back of him with the ten of "I'm not so sensitive about Accidental death at the hands ments as "Piles have ceased to be «R*g. tJ. S. P»t. Oft diamonds and the ace-jack of that any more, now that my of the infant, was the official . Authorities were trying to children are older," said Chris. verdict Wednesday. NpRTH "I've given ut> on trying to live + AJ53 a planned life. A nlanned life —ARNOLD H E A T I N G — Wholesale Cuts V842 • 10 9 is an unlived life." * » » STEER BEEF + A753 & SHEET METAL WASHINGTON LD—The Republican National ComTHEIR SMASH success hasEAST WEST mittee is giving "very shabby treatment" to the people n't turned any of the girls' 1 Gas Heating FOREQUARTERS A 109742 who want Nelson A. Rockefeller for their presidential heads. Here is their reaction V J6B VA FULLY PROCESSED Specialists • A87 3 2 candidate, a congressman says. to i t : • KQJ654 fitwr A Q~ (150.1b'. •lb None *Q642 _Nexertheless»-Rep.-Stuy.ves- * Dorothy — "You're p u b l i c propertyrYoirhave-no-privacyr •* , Air l O f t o m o n i n g ant Wainwright (R-NY) s a i d -S0UTH4IX) Try a 16-lb. SAMPLE BOX Thursday, supporters of the Morton (R-Ky), GOP national Your life is not your own *86 "T/ie Prke Is Right' ' Phyllis—"You c a n ' t t a k e VKQ10973 New York governor soon will chairman, said he was willing backward steps, but success 16 lb. @ 49c O None A set up a "national draft Rocke- to confer with Morhouse and has proved more than I barPHONE BU 2-6861 + KJ1098 his group at any time to disNORTH TONAWANDA, ROMAN BRICK CONSISTS OF: i lb. Chuck, feller headquarters" in the gained for. I've learned that Both vulnerable i lb. Mtat Lotf, 2 lb. Short cuss convention plans. 3300 HIGHLAND AVE. Midwest. Ribs, 2 lb. Club Sttlk, 2 lb. Sooth West North East "I'm determined to see this success is getting w h a t you Pattlts, 2 lb. Soup «r Strwk 3 BEDROOM RANCH STYLE HOME want, but happiness is wanting Several months ago, WainIV 24 24 3^ convention is fair to all aspir2 lb. SwJii Stok. wright launched what he call- ants," Morton told a reporter* what you get. But right now 44 44 x 54 Pass "Birch Cabinets, Tile Bath/ Hardwood Floors, Auto. I'm still riding on cloud no. 9 ed a draft - Rockefeller move- Calls Job Important Full Sides |b 53c Pass 5 • Pass * Pass ment. 64 Double Pass Pass Morton said Morhouse was Gat Heat, Attached Garage. Lot 72'xl08'. Utilities Hindquarters *• 59c Morhouse Gets Post Pass the New York member of the PAINT SPECIALS He told newsmen Thursday convention arrangement comOpening lead—V A Whole Pigs <» 39c all included, paved street, walking distance of trans• ALUMINUM SO Q 4 spades and West had no way the national party "apparently mittee and had been placed on PAINT tal. * • * * feels it can ignore the Rocke- the subcommittee handling the Whole Veal * 59c * PORCH 6 DECK SO Q R to beat the slam. portation and shopping plaxa. $21,900. ENAMEL g«l. 0*19 feller organizers." program. To add insult to injury a HOUSE Sq Q R American W a y Wainwright said L. Judson The senator said that, in his m PAINT rehash of the hand disclosed gal. » « « " » OR SQ A C MARKET that West lould have made six M o r h o u s e , New York State o p i n i o n , the subcommittee « CLOSS ENAMEL gal. » i « w diamonds if he had happened GOP chairman, had been ask- would be most important beDial BU 5-5655 FREE PAN AND ROLLER* to bid it I must lay the blame ed to serve as assistant in cause he said it would set the WITH EACH 2-GAl. PURCHASE Main at Pierce PHONE LU 4765-JA 1783 '(if there is any blame for fail- charge of music for the 1960tone for the entire convention. GOP convention. Wainwright said Rockefeller ure to reach that slam) on "We put our heads together organizers were at work in 14 East's shoulders. :• HARDWARE CO. and figured the Star Spangled states and have discussed en- 1907 PINE AVE. . BU 2-8984 East only had five high card Optri Dally 'Til «. Tut*. TH 1. points but he had tremendous Banner would be appropriate," tering the governor's name in 9370 PINE AVE. BU 3-7383 the congressman said. the Wisconsin primary next We glv* S&H Green Stamps distribution and might well year. D e s p i t e this "very shabby have shown a little more in- treatment," Wainwright said, Wainwright was asked about terest in diamonds than he Rockefeller supporters w i l l opposition to Rockefeller's poso;id. open a Midwest headquarters, sible candidacy by Rep. William E. Miller (R-NY), who has robably in Chicago. When told of Wainwrighfs announced publicly for Vice statement, Sen. Thruston B. President Richard Nixon. Q—The bidding has been: m Sooth West North B u t 14 Pass 14 Pass 24 P«* 3V Pass 34 Pass 44 Pass Eight Saved As Two Cars Crash, Burn Floods in Iowa Cause Crop Loss of Millions Courageous Candidates Can Win in '60-Rocky In Attack on Girl West Could Have Made 6 Diamonds ^ u Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Stops Itch—Relieves Pain fi-3 it il WIS Rockefeller Supporter Accuses National GOP OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY AUGUST 9th 7.84 GREENWOOD CIRCLE BEST DEAL IN NEW or USED MOBILE HOMES PAYNE CENTER REALTY CORP. E. TOSETTO SUNNY ACRES MOBILE HOMES WHILE THEY LAST! i *Wm!DSensel*m 4V 64 ? Pass Pass 5• 64 Pass Pa.cs You, South, hold: 4 K 1 0 5 VA32 + Q 6 5 4 A J 7 * What do you do? A—Pas*. Ton have run oat of bids. TODAY'S QUESTION You hold the same hand and your partner r e s p o n d s two ipades fo your opening club bid. What do fou do now? ^ Answer Tomorrow Bandits Use Spear, Find Loot Too Small DENVER tfv-The weapon was unusual and so was the outcome. Herbert Johnson, 80-yearold night clerk at a small Denver hotel, said two men signed (he register Wednesday night. Then one produced a three foot spear and pointed it at Johnson with a command to open the cash register. Johnson complied. The other man found only $3.80 in the till. "Let him go," he told the spear carrier. "There's not *• enough money here to fool with." The men tore up their registration cards *nd left. ? CAN YOU IDENTIFY BACON MISCUTS A MYSTERY SHOPPER? Try at PINE and M 1 L P I N E PLAZAS on Friday — August 7th if you do you will roeoivt a mtrchandlto certificate rtdtomablo «t any utoro In cithtr Plata which displays this •mbltmt Simply SLICED BACON SMOKED HAM HOCKS STREAKED SALT PORK 3**$1 3 »*- $1 SWIFT'S BOLOGNA 3"-$1 PORK SPARE RIBS 3*»$1 MEAT for LOAF 3^$1 SAUSAGE MEAT 3»*$1 SHORT RIBS 0' BEEF 4**.$! PORK LIVER PIG'S FEET ....5**.$! OHinERLINB AMERICAN WAY MKT. Snyt fjl "Are Von An MSCS Mystery 6»»$1 3«b.$1 5«".$1 Shopper? CALL BU 5-5655 PIERCE AT MAIN — W« Daliyor Anywhtrt I ALUMINUM SCREEN DUO) I I Reg, $29.95 I I I I 7/8" COMBINATION I SCREEN-STORM ALUMINUM DOORS I CELLAR I WINDOWS CLOSE $ 95 I 3J7 OUT I $ INCLUDES ALL HARDWARE READY TO HANG LIMITED QUANTITY 16 SAVE ON THIS DOOR ALL QVALtms OF COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS AND JAL0VSIIS IN OUR SHOWROOMS SCREEN STORM Aluminum Combination Standard Sim In Stack CompUtt With Hardwart Set Them in Our Showroom or Call a Representative BU 4 - 8 8 8 3 I I JAMES MAROON, INC.I 2240 PINE AVENUE In Busiims Sine* 1W Open Dally to 5:30 p.m. Mon., Tftursv Prl fa 9 p.m. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 95 v* jj " il' •£'}• • If
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