February Newsletter - New Brighton United Methodist Church

New Brighton United Methodist Church
A Christian communication to inspire, inform and invite our friends, members and our community.
Volume Year 9
Issue No. 1
JOY (Just Older Youth ministry) Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, February
4th and plan to bring a friend, neighbor and your relatives to share the program with.
Reservations are suggested (so that there will be enough food and tables are setup),
please call the church office to make your reservations, 724-843-3774, send an e-mail to
nbumc.secretary@yahoo.com or sign up at the church entrances.
Please note that there will NOT be JOY luncheon in March or April due to the Lenten
Luncheon series.
At the February Just Older Youth luncheon those attending will be putting together
UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief) health kits. Below is a list of items to
be put in each it –all items should be new and in their package(s). Many of these items
can be found at the Dollar Tree stores. Thank you in advance for your continued
support of our Mission projects!
UMCOR Health Kit
Items will be needed for the February 4, 2015 meeting
o 1 Hand Towel 15” x 25” to 17” x 27”
Kitchen, cleaning and microfiber towels not acceptable
o 1 Wash Cloth
o 1 Comb
Comb needs to be sturdy and at least 8” long; no pocket combs or picks please.
Rattail combs and combs without handles are acceptable
o 1 Metal Nail File or Nail Clippers
No emery boards or toenail clippers please
o 1 both-size soap
3 oz. and larger sizes only
No Ivory soap due to moisture content
Do not remove from original packaging.
o 1 Toothbrush
Adult size only – Do not remove from original packaging.
o 6 Adhesive bandages
¾” to 1” size; Common household Band-Aids
o 1 Plastic Bag
One-Gallon size sealable bag only.
o $1.00 to purchase toothpaste (due to expiration date)
o $1.00 to help with shipping costs
New Brighton United Methodist Church
February 2015
Another year of serving at the Soup Kitchen has come and gone. I am so grateful for all
who volunteered their time, the donations we received and the ongoing support of the
Church. Gold stars to the following, who have shown up most every month to give of their
time and effort: Diane Cornelius, Karen Hogue, Peggy Czartoryski and our "man of the
hour", Ron White! If I missed anyone, I apologize! Special kudos to Gina Cornelius as I
did miss her last time!
If anyone is interested in helping, we serve usually the second Wednesday of each
month from 9:30 to 1:00 at the Episcopal Church (across from Hot Dog Shop). Next date
will be Wed., Feb. 14th. Please call me at 724-843-1136 or e-mail me at
shanemik@gmail.com for details. It is a wonderful time to fellowship with each other and
the guests we serve. They are so grateful.
Ruth Ann Shane, Chairperson
Time to roll out!
The NBUMC Preschool annual Hoagie Fundraiser pick-up will be
Friday, February 20th. Orders and money are due by February 10th.
Italian and Turkey hoagies are $6.50 each, Pepperoni rolls are $2.50 each or 6 for
$14.00. Potato and/or Macaroni salad are $2.50 for a 16 oz. container. Sign-up
sheets/order forms can be found at the entrances or through the church office.
Help will be needed for preparing sandwiches, pepperoni rolls and peeling potatoes. Jackie
(Axtell) is planning on work days on Feb. 18th and 19th. Watch for further details and work
times (don’t forget to bring your favorite rolling pin). There is a lot of great fellowship and
laughs as we work together for a great cause.
Also the preschool is selling chocolate candy bars (various kinds) for $1.00 each. Perfect
for when you get that need for chocolate and/or will make a great valentine extra.
Proceeds from these sales benefit the preschool 2014-2015 budget.
Lenten Living
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18 this year. Christians have observed this season
of the church year since the fourth century. It’s traditionally a time of reflection, penitence and spiritual
renewal before Easter.
During Lent, some Christians give up something that hinders their relationship with God. Others
do something extra for their spiritual growth or make a special sacrifice. The key is to make Lent a
memorable season of sincere spiritual growth – a time that can set the tone for the rest of the year.
Copied from Communication Resources; NewsletterNewsletter/ Feburary 2015
February 2015
Yes, with the New Year comes the closing of the books for 2014. Please remember that ALL CHURCH
The Finance/Stewardship Committee asks that all committees, organizations, etc. reconcile your books and turn
them into the church office for audit. Please turn your books (bank statements, invoices, ledgers, check registers,
etc.) into the office by Sunday, February 8th.
The 2015 budget has been approved by the Church Council. If you would like a
copy of the budget please see/contact Kim Inman, Finance/Stewardship Chairperson.
It is hard to believe that 2015 is well under its way! The life of the church is ever evolving/changing. Various
members have taken on different leaderships roles which help us to grow and not become stagnant. Giving of one’s
time is stewardship.
When you give to God, you discover that God gives to you. Why do you give to the church? Is it because the Bible
tells you to do this or is this how you were raised or maybe because it makes you feel good. Or maybe you have
had the experience of God giving to you. Whatever your reason, the Finance Committee is thankful for your
contributions of time, money, talents and commitment. However, if NBUMC were no longer in existence what
would you miss? Maybe it’s the people, the fellowship, the way the church is decorated for Christmas and Easter
or the dinners. It could be the preschool program or JAM or JOY luncheons.
No, don’t worry, this isn’t going to happen anytime soon. Just wanted you to think. Why; because today I spoke
with one of my students who won first place in her category for the MLK Oratory contest that occurs every year.
Her grandmother/family attends the site of the former Grace Church. I became nostalgic for what was. I miss
seeing the stained glass windows every Sunday. I remember the Sunday school Christmas parties with the
puppeteers and the evening dinners. There are more memories; my wedding, my children’s baptism and the funeral
services for my grandmother, cousin and father. However, I also believe what occurred seven years ago, when
three church congregations merged to become one church congregation, was the right thing to do.
Much change has occurred since three church congregations became one church congregation. I have met new
people who are loving, caring, talented and committed Christians. I see a church building that is changing in how it
looks and how it is being used. I see a partial vision for the future that needs to be discussed in more detail. I see
the congregation giving to God and discovering that God is giving to the congregation.
I hope to see you at church!
Kim Inman, Finance Chairperson.
For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down
and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?
Luke 14:28
Consider naming your church as a beneficiary in your will or living trust. The gift could be a set dollar
amount, a percentage of your estate, the remainder after other gifts are made, or a gift of that part
of the estate left if designated heirs are deceased.
Many of the programs NBUMC is able to do now is due to the foresight of others who remembered their
church in when creating their wills.
From Pastor Scott . . .
New Brighton United Methodist Church
February 2015
I have an important question. What makes our lives full? What is our ultimate goal in living—beyond just
surviving? Yes, we certainly need food, clothing, and shelter. We furthermore need money to pay our bills.
We need basic health to exist. But is bread alone enough to make us full? My experience tells me I clearly
need more than bread to make my life full.
What makes our lives full? To begin with, we have to live out what God made us to be. We are
marvelously made to do wondrous and creative things. We—you and I—have free will. We aren’t robots. We
aren’t machines. We are living creatures made in the image of the living God. We are able, as Charles Taylor
has written, to act, decide, build, create, and shape. We are a wondrous work. Our God guides and
strengthens us in a way that turns our God-given potential into a wonderful reality. When we realize how
awesomely we have been made and live in light of that knowledge, we are on the blessed road to fullness.
What makes our lives full? God gives all of us higher motives with which to live. Now, I am not saying that
all of our motives and impulses are altruistic. You and I can be selfish and manipulative at least we are all
tempted to be that way. Nevertheless, our higher motives are real and are in us. God put them in us. And he
intends us to find these motives and live them out. We have sent money to victims of tsunamis. We have
helped out needy children. We have helped people who will likely never help us back in any way. And when
we have done these things, we have been fine about what we gave and what we received back in return.
When we recognize that we have higher motives in our very being and live in light of them, we are moving
down the blessed road toward fullness.
What makes our lives full? God made us with a heart that can be moved. Don’t sunrises and the multicolored autumn leaves move us? Aren’t we impacted by mountains and skies and stars and waterfalls? Don’t
children have moments that touch us? Doesn’t beautiful music lift us up? God didn’t make our hearts out of
stone. He made hearts in a way that they can be touched. He made us so that we feel something when we
see a hurting person in a ditch. God made us so that we act to help that hurting person. When we recognize
that our hearts are touched and we respond to that experience, we are moving far down the road to blessed
fullness that God made us for.
Remember what makes your life full. Yes, we need life’s basics. We need food, clothing, and shelter. But
we also need to remember how we are made to do marvelous things, that we indeed have higher motives to
live out, and that the heart in us is there to move us outwards in the way of love. These and other things of
God show us convincingly that we aren’t machines, we aren’t robots, and we aren’t things. We are God’s
children created and redeemed by God. Let us remember who we are and with God’s help walk down the
road that leads to blessed fullness. Amen.
Seeking the Fullness for Which We are Made,
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Lent is a time when
many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance,
moderation and spiritual discipline. Ash Wednesday emphasizes two themes: our
sinfulness before God and our human mortality. The service focuses on both
themes, helping us to realize that both have been triumphed through the death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion and the distribution of Ashes will be included in the service. Our
service will be held Wednesday evening, February 18th in our Sanctuary beginning at 7:00 p.m.
February 2015
Staff Parish Relations Committee
Mission 2 Mission Sale
Staff Parish Relations Committee will meet on
Tuesday, Feb. 10th at 6:30 p.m. in the Wesley Room.
The Staff Parish Committee does welcome your
opinions, suggestions and all comments should be
concerning the church staff, (worship service
comments should be directed to the Worship
Committee) please contact the following members if
you have any comments.
Open on Tuesday and Thursdays and some
Saturdays (help is needed if we are to be open on
Saturdays which we get many requests for).
Please let Debbie Fogg (724-494-3606 or
dlfogg@yahoo.com) when you volunteer..
Paula Wagoner
Jack Grimm
Mary Ann Irwin
Mark Wagle
Steve Rae
Leatha Philipp
Always in need of plastic bags, clothes and house
hold goods, tell you family, friends and neighbors.
The Mission 2 Mission sale profit for 2014 was
$39,572.00! ! ! Total fundraising profit $42,754.00
(this includes spaghetti dinners, ham loaf sale and
Christmas Cookie sale.)
Thank you to those of you who have spent many
hours sorting, displaying, being a cashier,
While the church serves the spiritual needs of
answering questions, etc. during this past year for
our members, we also serve the community. With
the Mission 2 Mission sale. We truly couldn’t do
this in mind, we recently made the decision to hair
any of it without your help. If you haven’t worked
an “Outreach Coordinator.” The purpose of this
the Mission 2 Mission sale please come over on a
position is to extend an arm of the church into the
Tuesday or Thursday for an hour or two, there is a
community, with God’s direction and grace, to
job for everyone.
strengthen and grow the body of Christ. The
coordinator will create a connection between
Did you notice that the clothing bins have
NBUMC and the j people of New Brighton and the
changed? Same donations (clothing, blankets,
surround communities who do not regularly attend
shoes, purses, etc.) just a different source to where
church. This position encompasses community
are donations will be sorted and distributed.
outreach, communications and youth
Thank you for continued support and prayerfully
responsibilities. It will replace the children and
hope that you will continue to do so.
youth coordinator position that we previously
attempted to fill. The process has begun to seek
Debbie Fogg
candidates. If you or someone you know may be
interested, please contact a member of SPRC or
Pastor Scott for more details. A complete job description is available upon request. We ask for your
prayers and support as we move forward with this new endeavor.
Paula Wagoner, SPRC Chairperson
Board of Trustees
The Trustees met in January for their re-organization meeting. The meeting was
conducted by Pastor Scott until the officers were elected. The following officers were
Secretary- Penny Cercone
Vice President - John Axtell
President – Bill Wagoner
If you have any ideas for needed improvements to our buildings or maintenance items that you have noticed,
please contact a Trustee or submit your comments in writing to the office. We look forward to another productive
year of being good stewards of God's house and related properties.
Penny Cercone, Secretary
New Brighton United Methodist Church
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Men’s February meeting will be held on
Thursday, Feb. 26th at 5:55 p.m. Don’t forget to register
yourself (and your guest(s) with Jim Campbell (724-8434151), George Pavlinich (724-843-7569) or Bob Drogus
(724-495-7501). Jackie has a delicious dinner planned and
there a program is being planned with you in mind.
Bob Drogus, Methodist Men President
February 2015
Every Wednesday the
Franklin Center open s
the doors of the
Broadcast Street Café
(464 Franklin Avenue,
Aliquippa) for “Soup on the Avenue” from Noon
to 1:00 to the public. They have many faithful
hungry followers and are in need of soup
donations. If you can spare a can or two bring
the cans to the church and we will
make sure they are delivered.
Debbie Fogg and Valerie McElvy
For our upcoming planning for graduate recognition – we really could use your help. If any
members of our Church family are graduating from high school or college, please let us know!
Contact the Church office (e-mail or by phone) or Melinda Rombold by March 31, 2015.
Thank you in advance for your assistance!
Melinda Rombold
New Brighton United Methodist Church Scholarship
The leadership of the Church has agreed that providing assistance with college is an important opportunity for
members of the congregation. Effective in January 2015, we are launching a NEW scholarship program called
the New Brighton United Methodist Church Scholarship.
The scholarship is available to traditional students attending a 2 or 4 year college, university or technical school.
In addition, adults continuing their education may also apply. The scholarship applies for associates,
undergraduate or graduate degrees. Eligibility requirements include:
o Being a resident of Beaver County
o Being an active member or participant of the NB United Methodist Church. Active is defined by
regular Sunday attendance, participation and / or assistance in Church activities such as dinners,
Sunday School, choir, etc. Regular participants in youth programs who are not members may also
o Timely completion and submission of proper application paperwork.
o A part-time student who meets all of the other eligibility requirements and is awarded the
scholarship will receive a pro-rated amount.
o Continued passing grades throughout the school year and submission of grades, school information
when requested.
o A previous recipient of the scholarship may re-apply if their position has been eliminated or they
are unable to find a position in his or her field.
Students ALREADY enrolled in a school and who have not received the Wright Scholarship, may apply in 2015.
Students will be contacted by letter in February. This communication will include the full program details and the
timeline for completion. All applications must be submitted to Church office no later than March 30, 2015.
Stay tuned for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Melinda Rombold.
Thank you,
Intentional Faith Development, Melinda Rombold
February 2015
United Methodist Women
As has been explained recently, the UMW has decided to forgo activities in January. The officers were installed
by Pastor Scott Berkley on 1/18/2015, during the Sunday Service. Thank you, Pastor Scott.
February will begin with the Board meeting on Feb. 10, 2015 in the Community Room @ 7:00pm. Regular
meeting will be Saturday Feb. 14, 2015 in the Café Room, beginning with a Brunch served by the hostesses,
Debbie Fogg and Donna Phillip. Members are asked to bring something "delicious" [covered dish] to serve on the
brunch table. The program will be our 2015 Pledge Service and will be presented by Clara Phillips. All members
are urged to attend this Saturday Meeting.
Submitted by Mary Ann Irwin, Publicity Chair
We extend our deepest sympathy and Christian joy to . . .
To the family of Bill Berger who went to be with his heavenly Father on Sunday,
January 11, 2015
To the Cox family upon the occasion of the death of Pastor Greg’s father,
Gerald “Jerry” Cox. Mr. Cox entered the Church Triumphant on Wednesday,
January 21, 2015.
To the Winkle family upon the occasion of the death of Jim’s father, Wesley Winkle. Mr. Winkle was
called to his heavenly home on Thursday, January 22, 2015.
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present
nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all
creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39
Prayer Concerns and Joys
For the Winkle family – upon the occasion of the death of Wesley Winkle, Father of Jim Winkle
For the Zmok family – upon the occasion of the death of Christine Zmok
For the Cox family – upon the occasion of the death of Gerald Cox, Father of Greg Cox
Joy in new employment for Andrea Czartoryski and Bill Maybray
For the Berger family – upon the occasion of the death of “Bill” Berger
For those traveling – travel mercies
For those seeking employment
For health concerns – Jack Bender, Aaron Patton, Linda Avery, Donn Sheets, Jean Matheny,
Nikki Tondo, Sam Brown, Roy Main, Brian Main, John Hutchinson, Martha Hackett, Joann Clark,
Cameron Fuller, Penny Cercone, Matt Klutka, Kayla Liles, Don Wilcox, Don Kitner, Chip Martsolf,
Diana Garmen, Jim Messmer, Charlene Messmer, Frank Greco, Carol Mathis, Marlene Smiley, Mary
Ursida, Betty Beck, Sandy Cornelius, Kayla Liles, Leatha Philipp, Linda Spagina, Bob Johnson,
Byrom Mooney, Sharon Phifer, Richard Ord, Elma Boe, Ray Poppenger, Sr., and Chester Cooper
 Our homebound and nursing home members
Robert Berchtold, Arlene Busch, Catherine Craig, Walter Houlette, Eva Jarrett, Fred “Bill” Lake,
Jean Matheny, Chuck and Betty McDonald, Frank Rape, William Schreiner, Anna Watkins and
Marie Woods
 Our military and their families – especially those who are stationed overseas
New Brighton United Methodist Church
February 2015
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18th – Open
Feb. 25th – Church of God
March 4th – Free Methodist Church
March 11th – Holy Family Parish
March 18th – Wayman Chapel AME Church
March 25th – New Brighton Christian Assembly
Lunches are sponsored by the New Brighton Ministerium and are
served each Wednesday at noon by the hosting church. Suggested donation for the luncheon is a
minimum of $1.50.
World Day of Prayer
New Brighton Christian Women’s World
Day of Prayer is Friday, March 7th here
at NBUMC. Registration is at 9:30 a.m.
with the program to begin at 10:00. A
salad luncheon will follow the business
meeting. Large cans of vegetables and
fruits, plus divided plates and other
paper products will be collected for the
New Brighton Soup Kitchen.
The New Brighton Area
presenting “Mary Poppins”
as their High School
musical on March 5th, 6th
and 7th at 7:00 p.m. Mark
your calendars and watch
for the ticket sale dates.
Staying Fed
Recently I was confronted with this question: If you fed yourself with food the way you feed yourself with
God’s Word, would you still be alive? It gave me pause.
Do I eat enough spiritually? — feast regularly enough on Scripture to keep up my energy and the health of
my soul? Do I eat nutritiously? — take in a balanced meal of law and gospel, comfort and commandments,
prophecy and promise? Do I pass up spiritual junk food? — set aside empty calories that lead
to disease, in order to hunger for what truly gives life? Do I drink enough Living Water to avoid
faith dehydration? And once in a while, do I splurge on dessert? — savor the sweetness and
joy of belonging at God’s table?
What abundance God sets before us. May we never skip a “meal”!
—Heidi Mann
“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!”
(Psalm 119:103, NRSV).
Mark your calendars!
Next spaghetti fundraiser dinner will be on Saturday, March 21 st.
February 2015
New Brighton United Methodist Church
February 2015
The church office depends on you, the congregation to keep NBUMC informed of illnesses,
hospitalizations, rehabs & therapies, deaths, births, etc. PLEASE don’t assume we already know.
Due to the privacy act the hospitals and/or care facilities do not always inform the pastor. Your
help is needed. Pastor Scott would rather have too many calls than never getting the information.
Thank you for the Christmas gift it meant a lot be a part of the NBUMC family.
May every special thing you do bring blessings in return to you.
Thank you,
Connie Eaton and Kathy Walsh
To the NBUMC Congregation,
Thank you for your generous Christmas gift, it was greatly appreciated and will be
put to good use.
Bill Paulson, Custodian
To all of our friends at NBUMC,
Thank you for all your cards this Christmas. We appreciate how you made our
first Christmas at New Brighton a blessed one.
God bless,
Pastor Scott, Karla Sue, Claire, Colin and Marissa Berkley
Thank you so much to everyone in the NBUMC congregation for your special remembrance at Christmas.
Your monetary gift was very greatly appreciated. I am certainly blessed with many kind and generous friends.
Thank you all and God’s blessings to you in 2015!
With a grateful heart,
Shirley Hallman
To my Church Family,
Thank you for the generous monetary Christmas gift. I was deeply touched by your remembering myself and the
church staff during one of our most hectic time of the year. Your monetary gift was very much appreciated and
will be used of one of my addictions (paper crafting or our puppy).
Blessings in the New Year,
Karla Capo, Church Secretary
I would like to thank Debbie (Fogg) and her crew for the use of medical equipment during my
If you didn’t know our Mission to Mission sale has almost every piece of medical device for our use.*
Thank you for your faithful service.
In Christian love,
Jackie Axtell
*whether you are in need of a walker, cane, crutches, bath chair, etc. check out the Mission to Mission sale first.
February 2015
Liturgist Schedules
1st – Janet Wise
8th – Rob Capo
1st – Janet Wise
8th – Rob Capo
15th – Debbie Rexroad
22nd – Ruth Ann Shane
15th – Debbie Rexroad
22nd – Kim Inman
29th – Rob Capo
Greeters for February
1st & 8th – Cathy Stanyard and Mary Ann Irwin
15th and 22nd – Karen Hogue and Mary Ann Irwin
Sometimes the church prayer chain, church secretary or pastor sends e-mail
notices in the event of a member death, weather emergency, special occasion,
spiritual and fellowship opportunities, etc. If any member of the NBUMC would
like to be on this central e-mail list, send an email to the office or provide your email information to the office.
Counter Schedule for February
1st – Ron White and Bill Wise
8th – Donna Saylor and Jackie Axtell
15th – Kay Campbell and Debbie Fogg
22nd – Donna Philipp and Peggy Czartoryski
Altar Flowers for February
1st – In memory of my beloved husband Tom’s birthday
8th – In loving memory of my mother, Hazel Roshala
15th – In honor of Charlene and Jim Messmer
22nd – In honor of my loving husband, Gary Rombold, Jr.
by Mary Ann Irwin
by Naomi Turzan
by the Main family
by Melinda Rombold
If you would like to have flowers put on the altar for the traditional service, in honor or in
memory contact Barb Binder, 724-462-5653. A center vase
is $20.00 and side vases are $15.00 each.
Celebrating their Wedding Anniversary
New Brighton United Methodist Church
February 2015
5 – Leonard and Pat Thornley
11 – Thomas and Angel Grossetti (1996)
Frank and Linda Spagina (1977)
12 – Luther and Leatha Philipp
13 – Jack and Ruth Atchison
14 – Rev. Ray and Kathy Lyon
Celebrating their February Birthday
2 – Jennifer Pavlinich
3 – John Fogg
4 – Katrina Woodske
5 – Ray Wood, Jr.
7 – Renee Gerber
8 – Joan Ashton
9 – Dylan Ruby
11 – Bonnie McCutcheon
13 – Judy Albanese
Leonard Thornley
14 – Mike Hrotic
Joe Namett
Rick Snowden
James White
Nancy Wolfe
15 – Charles Van Fossan
William “Bill” Wagoner
18 – James Campbell
Karen Ruby
Douglas Wilcox
19 – Terry Ruby
21 – Charles “Chuck” McDonald
Stephen Puskaric
23 – Jessica Nagy
25 – Shirley Campbell
27 – Rev. Rita Platt
Scripture Readings
Acts 16:1-15
Acts 16:16-40
Leviticus 19:1-18
Deuteronomy 6:1-25
Mark 12:28-44
Galatians 1:1-24
Galatians 2:1-21
Galatians 3:1-18
Galatians 3:19-4:7
Galatians 4:8-5:1
Galatians 5:2-26
Galatians 6:1-18
I Corinthians 12:1-26
I Corinthians 12:27-13:13
John 3:1-21
Colossians 1:1-23
Colossians 1:24-2:23
Colossians 3:1-17
I John 1:1-10
I John 2:1-17
I John 2:18:3:10
I John 3:11-24
I John 4:7-21
I John 5:1-21
Psalm 51
Psalm 36
II John
III John
We welcome all additions
and/or corrections
to our listings.
February 2015
The deadline for the March 2015 issue of our church newsletter will be Friday, February 20th.
Please submit all articles, schedules, etc. to the church office or you may e-mail information
before this date to:
I truly appreciate your promptness with the deadline dates. Thank you to everyone who
submitted material for our newsletter.
And if you attend another church at any time I would enjoy seeing their bulletin, newsletter, welcoming/visitor
packet or other printed material. Thank you to those who have remembered me when attending other churches!
See you in Church,
Karla Capo
All information for the weekly bulletin or power point should be turned into the church office as soon as
possible, but please no later than Tuesday morning at 10:00 a.m.
The church office depends on you, the congregation to keep NBUMC informed of illnesses,
hospitalizations, rehabs & therapies, deaths, births, etc. PLEASE don’t assume we already know.
Due to the privacy act the hospitals and/or care facilities do not always inform the pastor. Your help
is needed. Pastor Scott would rather have too many calls than never getting the information.
If you need to reserve a room for a meeting, event, etc. please contact the church office for a room
reservation form to reserve the space and to be put on the church calendar. Also on this form there is
a section of setup i.e. table arrangements and chairs set up, video screens etc. All paper work for
room reservations is to be reviewed by the Board of Trustees.
Church Office – 724-843-3774
Church Staff E-Mail Contact Info:
Pastor: Rev. R. Scott Berkley – ksberkley@comcast.net
Visitation Pastor: Rev. Dean Byrom – deanbyrom@yahoo.com
Treasurer: LuAnn Fabiani - treasurer.nbumc1@comcast.net
Church Secretary: Karla Capo – nbumc.secretary@yahoo.com
Office Hours: Monday through Friday - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Choir Director: Christi Blahnik – blahnikc@duq.edu
Multi-Media: Kirk Bonzo, Jr. – multi-media@nbumchurch.org
Custodian: Bill Paulson – nbumchurch@gmail.com
Organist: Shirley Hallman – nbumchurch@gmail.com
Preschool Staff: Connie Eaton, Director and Teacher
Teacher: Kathy Walsh
New Brighton United Methodist Church
February 2015
Mark your calendar for March activities
1st – Sacrament of Holy Communion
2nd – Lifted Women 5-6 p.m.; Trustee’s Meeting, 7:00 p.m.; Beaver Valley Choral Society, 7:30 pm
3rd – Lifted Women 5-6 pm; Worship Committee meeting, 7:00 pm
4th – Care Wear Volunteers 9 a.m.; Lenten Luncheon, noon
6th – New Brighton Christian Women’s World Day of Prayer, 9:30 am registration
7th – AAUW Meeting, 9 am
9th – Lifted Women 5-6 p.m.; Beaver Valley Choral Society, 7:30 pm
10th – Lifted Women 5-6 p.m.; UMW Exec. Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
11th – Care Wear Volunteers 9 a.m.; New Brighton Ministerium mtg.,; Lenten Luncheon, noon;
Serve at Soup Kitchen; Beaver Valley Choral Society Children’s Choir practice
13 – Beaver Valley Piecemakers overnighter 8:00 pm – 8:00 am
15th – One Great Hour of Sharing special offering to be received
16th – Lifted Women 5-6 p.m.; Finance Meeting, 7:00 p.m.; Beaver Valley Choral Society, 7:30 pm
17th – Lifted Women 5-6 pm
18 – Care Wear Volunteers 9 a.m.; Lenten Luncheon, noon
20th – Newsletter submission deadline; set up for spaghetti fundraiser dinner
21st – Spaghetti fundraiser dinner; 3:30-6:30 pm
23rd – Lifted Women 5-6 p.m.; Beaver Valley Choral Society, 7:30 pm
24th – Lifted Women 5-6 p.m.
25th – Care Wear Volunteers 9 a.m.; Lenten Luncheon, noon
26th – United Methodist Men’s dinner and program, 5:55 pm
29th – Passion/Palm Sunday