2 0 1 5 F E B R U A R Y 6 ST. MICHAEL Catholic School D E D I C AT E D T O S P I R I T UA L G RO W T H , AC A D E M I C E XC E L L E N C E , A N D S O C I A L D E V E L O P M E N T, T H E M I S S I O N O F S A I N T M I C H A E L C A T H O L I C S C H O O L I S T O P R E PA R E O U R S T U D E N T S T O L I V E T H E G O S P E L M E S S AG E I N A N E V E R C H A N G I N G , D I V E R S E W O R L D. z Mrs. Maxwell’s Corner z 5,016.02 Anything that a child should do and can do, and we do for them, takes away an opportunity to learn responsibility Gene Bedley, Author nnn is the amount of money our wonderful students and families raised for Pat Casey! Students raised the money by wearing green (Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness) and purchasing green “Prayers for Farmer Pat” bracelets. The airplane toss was a huge hit. At $1 per sheet, the airplanes were flying all around the court. 39 prizes were up for grabs. Thank you to the Imholte family for your work on this fun event. Not only did our students and their parents participate, but so did many other families from our competing schools. Finally, a big thank you to Fong’s for supplying such wonderful food. We are a very blessed community! Absentee Line: 952-447-2230 Call anytime your child is going to be tardy or absent. In this issue: • • • • • Mrs. Maxwell’s Corner Children’s Mass Faith Community Upcoming Events Calendar Important News • • • • • Keaton’s Cure Club Class News Teacher Wish List Polar Plunge Flyer Catholic High School News Children’s Mass Mrs. Woods’ 6th grade class is planning the Children’s Mass on Wednesday, February 11th at 8:00 a.m. January food shelf collection: 1 lb. bags of rice FAITH COMMUNITY Please remember our St. Michael Community in your prayers the week of February 9th. William Steigauf Daniel Deis Grace and Matthew Mahowald Zachary Wise Evelyn, Rosemary, and Teddy Edwards George and Joseph Sher Evan and Grant Laughridge Leyla Fitzgerald Isabelle Schumacher Charlotte, Emma, and Isabelle Henry Pat Casey Rhonda Zweber Barb Stark Sheridan Hafdal Loretta Eller Upcoming Events for February 9-15, 2015 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Chess 2:15-3:30 Kids are Authors Media Center Children’s Mass 8:00 am Girl Scouts Cookie Pickup 6 pm MPR Spanish 2:15 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Spring Book Fair Volunteers needed. Please consider giving of your time to this great event! http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0944afaf2cab9-under1 Spring Book Fair Details: We receive 60% profit on all purchases. The media center depends on our book fair profits to purchase new books for our students. Theme: Scholastic Book Fair Under The Sea - Explore An Ocean Of Books! Friday, February 27 - Saturday, March 7, 2015 Take the Plunge with St. Michael Catholic School and Wildcat Mike! Join Ian Leonard from FOX 9 and Adam West from KOOL 108 along with members of our St. Michael staff and families on February 21st at Sand Point Beach for the Polar Plunge! Proceeds support the Special Olympics Minnesota. https://reg.plungemn.org/team/theblues See the attached flyer for more details. Sign-Up Genius Coordinator We are looking for a new Volunteer Coordinator for Parent Connections. This individual is in charge of maintaining the Sign Up Genius on the school website. It is not time consuming and if someone is interested please contact the school office at 447-2124. Facebook Follow us on Facebook and stay in touch with current events. Auto Decal We love seeing all of the autos sporting their school spirit with the decals sent out at Christmas. They are simple to apply, easy to remove and stay on through car washes - which seem to never end this time of year! The office has more if you need them. ! Dear St Mike’s Families, ! On February 21st, Keaton’s Cure Club will be walking for the 4th year, alongside thousands of others in the annual JDRF One Walk at the Mall of America. We all walk so that JDRF can conCnue funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research that improves lives and keeps people healthy and safe unCl a cure is found. With your support, JDRF will conCnue to fund life-‐changing advances that bring us closer to a world without T1D. In the past year we have gone from checking Keaton’s blood every two hours (even in the middle of the night) to being able to track Keaton’s blood sugars with the aid of an amazing device called a Dexcom Monitor. Recently we were told that as of March 1st we will be able to see his blood sugars on our Apple iPhones and iPads. That is an amazing feeling as a parent who constantly worries about him falling too low and passing out. It is even more exciCng for a liPle boy who will FINALLY be able to spend the night at his best friend’s house!! With conCnued research and amazing support via millions in donaCons, we know in our hearts that our prayers will be answered and Keaton will have a life without Type 1 Diabetes some day!! We ask for prayers and/or donaCons to help us achieve that dream. • • • To donate please visit our team site http://www2.jdrf.org/site/TR? team_id=175097&pg=team&fr_id=4785&et=4rzKEm9wv0ZL5Wm9Taj3cg You may also send a check in an envelope marked Keaton Daniel, payable to JDRF, and write KEATON’S CURE CLUB on the memo line. Keaton is in Mrs. Block’s 3rd Grade Class. If you’d like to join us for this amazing walk please email Andrea at mn_andrea@hotmail.com for details! Keaton would love to have you support his team and walk with all of us!! Thank you for everything you do to help us and the millions of others living with T1D. Your dollars are helping turn Type One into Type None. Sincerely, Jason, Andrea, Keaton & Alaina Daniel Prayers for Farmer Pat Airplane Toss MN Gopher players, Joey King & Darren Haugh, show their support too! Class News Students in Mrs. Morgan’s Literature classes have spent 4 weeks learning that informational text and nonfiction text is all around us! They spent class times focusing on each of the following textbooks: religion, social studies, math, and science, while discussing how to read textbooks and use graphic organizers that lend themselves well to that discipline. They spent additional class periods discussing text features in magazines, newspapers, and even cereal boxes. To share what they learned, seventh graders created presentations in the form of slides, posters, games, activities, handouts, and interactive activities to teach the 4th and 5th graders during Catholic Schools Week. They presented their information 3-4 times in each class, teaching small groups of elementary students who rotated around the room. Seventh grade students would like to extend a special “thank you” to the elementary teachers for letting us visit: Mrs. Vochoska, Mrs. TenEyck, Ms. Friske, and Ms. Kaczmarek! s one i c Alumni News a cit Feli Congratulations to former students Abby Glaser and Christina Berg. They are the Spanish Students of the Month at Prior Lake High School! Parent Connections’ Teacher Wish List Art/Mrs. Olmanson: 1) KidKraft Wooden Block Set (Lowe's, or similar blocks): used when students are learning about basic shapes, especially when learning about architecture. 2) Sewing Machine and Thread: for the creation of puppets, for art used in stop motion animation, and to apply hand-stiched images onto pillow, bags, etc. 3) Tripod Phone Holders (Quantity: 12): used in photography units, for making stop motion animation videos, in creating time lapse videos etc. http://www.eforcity.com/univeral-tripod-phone-holder-black-cothxxxuph11.html?int=efsechtxtrigos-items 6th Grade/Mrs. Woods: Stress balls and stress/squeeze gadgets for the classroom. 2nd Grade/Mrs. Gillham: 3 Wiggle Seats Catholic High School News HOLY FAMILY - Winter Open House - February 12 Join us at our winter open house, Thursday, February 12, and discover the people and programs that make Holy Family such a special school. Schedule for the night: 6:15-6:30pm- Registration and Check-In 6:30-7:00pm- Club and Activities Fair 7:00-7:30pm- Principal's Presentation 7:30-8:30pm- Curriculum Tour Pre-registration for the open house is appreciated. BUS INFORMATION!! We are pleased to announce that Holy Family Catholic High School will be expanding bus service in the mornings to Shakopee in the 2015-2016 school year. There will be a centralized pick-up area determined by rider residences and pick-up time will be approximately 6:45 a.m. The cost of this service for the school year is $800 per student, with a discount for families with multiple student riders. Enrollment for this service is included in our tuition contract.
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