Beaver Valley Community School February 2, 2015 Address: 189 Bruce Street South, Box 340, Thornbury, Ontario. N0H 2P0 Phone: (519) 599-5991 Fax: (519) 370-2905 E-mail: Administrators’ Message The coming of February means that we have reached the mid-point of the school year. It also means that spring is just around the corner (it is a long, slow corner, but we are always hopeful). At this time of the year, we would like to express our gratitude to all the volunteers who provide us with such great support and assistance at Beaver Valley. Whether it’s helping students in classrooms, assisting in the library, providing extra adult supervision on field trips, fund raising, helping with pizza, or serving on Community Advisory Council, we appreciate all you do for us every day! We welcome volunteers and encourage you to call the school to find out how you can become one of our learning volunteers. Please feel welcome to contact us at any time. Andy Amos – Principal; Shelby Gilbert – Vice-Principal February/March Important Dates Monday, Feb. 2 – Groundhog Recipe Day Tuesday, Feb. 10 – CAC Meeting – 7:00 PM Saturday, Feb. 14 – St. Valentine’s Day Sunday, Feb. 15 - Parinirvana Day - Flag Day Monday, Feb. 16 – Family Day Friday, Feb. 20 – Term One Report Cards sent home Thursday, Feb. 26 - Lockdown Drill - Parent/Teacher Interviews – 4:00 to 7:00 PM Saturday, Mar. 7 – Turn your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed Tuesday, Mar. 10 – CAC Meeting – 7:00 PM March 16 to 20 – March Break Friday, Mar. 20 – First Day of Spring Friday, Mar. 27 – Severe Weather Drill STUDENT MEDICATIONS As we enter cold and flu season, we usually experience an increase in the number of parents sending medications to school with their children. We would like to remind parents that, for safety reasons, students should not be transporting medications to and from school and teachers should not be asked to dispense medication to students. If a child needs to take medication during the school day, please contact us. We will make arrangements to have your child receive their medication safely according to board policy. CAMERAS ON SCHOOL BUSES Safety on school buses is a priority for the Bluewater District School Board. We have found that the use of video cameras on school buses has assisted us in making the daily trip to and from school safer for everyone. Parents should be aware that, from time to time, video cameras are used on our school buses and that the images collected by those cameras are used in compliance with the Ontario Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Beaver Valley Outreach BVO Pre-School: Do you need full day childcare? BVO Preschool has spaces available for children aged 18 months to 6yrs. Our licensed program runs Monday to Friday 7:30 am-6:00 pm. Our experienced Registered Early Childhood Educators run an emergent child based program (following the ELECT document) for toddlers and pre-schoolers each day. Come and see what we are all about. We are located at 23 Napier St. (Just behind the school). If you have any questions or would like to register please call Jennifer or Sherrie @ 519-5992190 or email us @ Recreational Funding: Want to register your child(ren) for swimming lessons; enroll them in hockey, skating, music dance or art? BVO has funds available to help parents with the cost of all sorts of recreational activities for children up to 18 years of age living in the Town of the Blue Mountains. Call 519-599-2577 ext. 21 for details. Kids Club Before and After School Program: BVO Kids Club is now accepting registrations! Please go to to register your child and update information if your child is returning from a previous year. Please email Carol at or call 519599-2033 for more information about this safe, reliable Day Nursery licensed program for school age children 3-11 yrs. Breakfast Club: Please call Barb at 519-5993114, if you are interested in becoming a Breakfast Club Volunteer. Good Food Box: The next Good Food Box is available on February 18th. Orders are due by February 13th. The GFB is available on the third Wednesday of each month. Cost is $8 /single and $15/ per family. Please call Bonnie at 519-5992577 ext. 26 to place an order. COMMUNITY ADVISORY COUNCIL - CAC Our next Community Advisory Council meeting takes place on Tuesday, February 10th starting at 7:00 pm in the library. Please feel welcome to come out and participate in this important part of our school community. Your advice and input into decisions are valued. GUITAR LESSONS @BVCS Fretless Progressions Guitar Academy uses the latest release of the world famous “The Shearer Method - Classic Guitar Foundations” a multimedia approach (DVD, CD, Web) to teach aspiring guitar students step by step how to read and perform music on the guitar. Students learn the most current technique for playing the guitar while gaining a strong understanding of the elements of music, i.e. Rhythm, Pitch, Dynamics and Tempo. Private lessons are held weekly on Wednesdays and Fridays during school hours at B.V.C.S. Students are encouraged to participate in monthly performance classes with peers to share and learn from others musical interpretations. The year concludes with a Student Recital held in the North Gallery of the beautifully restored Meaford Hall, Arts & Culture Centre. For information and registration please contact Edmund Baxter. 519.538.3808 or COLD WEATHER PRECAUTIONS We consider the following when deciding whether or not to send students outside during periods of very cold weather: 1. The Canadian Pediatric Society advises that children should definitely not be outside when the air temperature is below -25°C and/or the wind chill hits -28°C. The risk of frostnip and/or frostbite is significantly higher at these temperatures for anyone, but more so for children. 2. Environment Canada wind chill warnings. 3. Individual students react to lower temperatures in different ways. If the temperature or windchill is between -20°C and -25°C, we tend to keep children indoors. There are occasions when older children may be permitted to go outside, but their time outside is limited and they must wear appropriate winter clothing. If the temperature and/or wind chill reaches minus 25°C, then all students are kept indoors while at school – no exceptions. Children who are more susceptible to the negative effects of colder temperatures will be accommodated providing we have been advised of any specific medically diagnosed conditions that would prevent them from going outside on colder days. L.E. SHORE PUBLIC LIBRARY Regular Programs: MAKE- All Seasons & All Reasons Outdoor Skills - Everyday skills and knowledge that you can use throughout the year. Come learn cloud reading, identifying birds, shelter building, fire making and fishing. We will be going off site at times and look forward to the adventures that lie ahead! Tuesdays. Snack at 3:50. Program runs from 4:00 to 5:00pm *Session starts Tuesday, January 13 2015* PLAY- Play is small games, big games, theatre workshops, and celebrations. We’ll be doing all sorts of activities together and we know you’ll have a good time. Thursdays. Snack at 3:50 pm. Program goes from 4:00 to 5:00pm * Session starts Thursday, January 15 2015.* Parent & Child Book Club (PCBC) - The last Tuesday of the month from 7:00-8:00pm. Starting January 27, for parent(s) and their child(ren); book club aimed at 8-12 year olds. *Book Club selections are available at the book club shelf near the front circulation desk.* A message from the Ontario Association of Optometrists: EYE SEE…EYE LEARN! HOW WELL CAN YOUR CHILD SEE? Your optometrist knows the answer. Every year thousands of children start school without their eyes being checked. An annual eye exam by an optometrist is covered by provincial health insurance until the age of 19. No referral needed. Just bring your child’s health card to the exam. Learn more about our program for Junior Kindergarten students for FREE GLASSES in participating schools. Our local optometrists, Mountainview Eye Care (519-599-6070), are participating in Eye See…Eye Care! To find out more about “Eye See…Eye Care!”, or to find an optometrist, please visit Story Time for Children – Join us in the story tower for a great way to start your weekend. Every Friday from 10:45 to 11:30 am. Featuring stories, songs and crafts PD Day Movies Join us from 1:00-4:00pm at the Library on PD Days. Movies will be announced closer to the date. Check out an iPad at the Library! The Library now has two iPad Air tablets available for 7-day loan. The iPads are loaded with apps, including educational games for kids. iPads can be checked out by library members over the age of 18. Place a hold for an iPad in person, by phone (519-599-3681) or online at We encourage our students and parents to check out the library website at: KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 Children who were born in 2010 are eligible to attend Senior Kindergarten in September 2015. Children born in 2011 are eligible to attend Junior Kindergarten in September 2015. If you missed our registration day on October 30th, you can still register your child for JK or SK. Just call the school or drop in. If you know of any parents with children who could attend JK or SK next year, please let them know that we are now accepting registrations. SCHOOL HOURS Yard supervision begins – 8:30 AM Instructional Day Begins – 8:55 AM 1st Break – 10:55 - 11:35 AM 2nd Break – 1:15 – 1:55 PM Dismissal – 3:15 PM SAFETY DRILLS Throughout the year, we conduct a number of drills so that in the event of an emergency our students and staff are prepared and their safety protected. All of us can remember fire drills at school. In the last few years, we have begun to conduct lockdown and severe weather drills. These drills are conducted throughout the year. Our second lockdown drill of the year will take place on February 26th. Our severe weather drill will take place on March 27th. Again, the purpose of our various drills is to prepare students and staff for emergencies that we hope will never happen and protect their safety in the event that an emergency does occur. It could be that some of our students will find the lockdown and severe weather drills upsetting. We do our best to reassure them, but parents may wish to speak with their children prior to the drill to prepare them and soothe any anxiety that they may experience as a result of the drill. Pop Tabs - Tabs For Wheelchairs The Elora Legion gave out 2 wheelchairs during January bringing their total to 1,974 Wheelchairs. A special thank you to: Tyler, Dyleigh and Dreyden for their contribution of tabs. We appreciate ALL the help you can give! Learn to play the piano! Weekly, one on one, piano lessons are being offered at BVCS for students of any age. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact: Jaime Hill at 226-665-0084 or “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson APPLE VALLEY YOUTH CHORUS The Apple Valley Youth Chorus will be starting on Thursday, February 5, 2015. Selected 'Elements of Climate' music will be featured (clouds, rain, thunder, snow). Choir rehearsals are every Thursday after school at St. George's Anglican Church, Clarksburg. There is a snack time between 3:15 and 3:45pm. The practice is from 3:45 to 5:00pm. There will be 13 rehearsals and a final concert. The director is Ann-Marie MacDairmid and the assistant is Karen James. They are teaching the youth to sing in 2-part harmony. Some of the songs will feature various percussion instruments. Thornbury-Clarksburg Rotary Club helped get this community-based chorus started and continue to assist in funding the group, largely with money donated to the club by CIBC Wood Gundy. Open to students aged 7 to 17, the Youth Chorus provides an outlet for kids in the community who love to sing. For more information, contact AnnMarie or Karen at 519-599-7506 or at PARENT/GUARDIAN E-MAIL ADDRESSES Keeping parents informed of what is happening at school is important to us. To this end, at the beginning of the school year we requested that parents/guardians send us their e-mail addresses so that we could better communicate school news, e-mail newsletters, etc. We are updating our e-mail lists and are asking parents to provide us with their e-mail addresses or let us know if their e-mail addresses have changed. Please complete the attached form and return it to the school. If you have already sent us your email address, and it has not changed, you do not need to return the form. BUS CANCELLATIONS/SCHOOL CLOSURES/SNOW DAYS One of the joys of living in Canada is our wonderful climate (no sarcasm intended). Our winter climate, while inspiring to many of us, offers significant challenges to schools. Most of our children travel to and from school by bus. From time to time, the weather is severe enough that buses are cancelled. Bus company operators make this decision after consulting with the OPP and local road maintenance authorities. The decision to cancel buses will be made if road conditions are unsafe. This decision is made as early as possible (usually by 6:45 AM). When the buses are cancelled, local radio stations will broadcast that information. Parents can obtain information about bus cancellations and/or school closures by listening to CFOS AM-560, MIX FM-106, Country FM-93, The Peak FM-95.1, The Beach FM97.7, The Bull FM-94.5, CKNX AM920, The Dock FM92.3, Life – FM90.1 or FM100.3, Kool FM-107.5. You may access the same information on the following radio station or TV websites: On occasion, the information being broadcast by local radio stations regarding bus cancellations can be confusing. Radio announcements for bus cancellations will now make reference to a School Bus Zone. The bus zone for Beaver Valley Community School is Zone 12 – Meaford/Thornbury. When listening to the radio, please listen for that zone number. The message applies to all schools in the Zone. You may not hear our school’s name, as radio announcers may choose to mention individual school names only when necessary. The Student Transportation Service Consortium of Grey-Bruce is pleased to announce that school bus cancellations, school closures, and school event notifications are now publicly available on-line. A link to the cancellations website can easily be found on the Consortium website at Cancellations for our school will appear on the section titled “12 Meaford, Thornbury”. If you would like to automatically receive an email each time a new posting is made, just press the “Follow” button at the bottom of the screen and enter your email address. You can also follow on Twitter and RSS. Occasionally, a bus cancellation will occur after 6:45 AM if weather and road conditions deteriorate. Parents and caregivers are asked to continue to listen to the local radio stations for late cancellations. Whenever buses are cancelled, they will not run in the afternoon. Parents who choose to drive their children to school on days when buses are cancelled will need to make arrangements to have their children picked up at the end of the school day. Pizza days, pita days, field trips, and sporting events will be cancelled on days when buses are cancelled. Students will rarely be sent home early on bad weather days. On very rare occasions, schools may be closed due to bad weather. Again, this decision is made in the interest of student safety. We would consider closing when local roads and highways are closed and any kind of travel would be unsafe. Also, in the event of extended power failure, school closure may occur. Local radio stations will be contacted when we close schools as a result of bad weather. One of the concerns that we hear expressed on occasion by parents when we have a bus cancellation is that the weather improved later and was fine by 9:00 or that the weather where they live was not that bad. We would ask parents to consider that our weather can be localized, especially when we have fog and snow squalls. The decision to cancel buses must be made as early as possible in the interest of student safety and to allow parents to make alternate arrangements. Also, most of our bus routes are interconnected and, for this reason, the buses for an area may be cancelled as opposed to cancelling single buses. We encourage parents to have a safety plan in place just in case there is a last minute bus cancellation. For example, we have had incidents where a bus cannot continue on a route due to poor road conditions. In a case such as this, children may be waiting on a bus that will not arrive. Parents will be called by the bus company when this happens and an announcement will be made on the radio. However, parents should have a safety plan in place in case this situation arises. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED SEWING COURSE At Beaver Valley Community School we are fortunate to have the support of volunteers to help students with special learning needs and school activities. Our students benefit greatly from the additional help and caring provided by our volunteers! It is a very rewarding and illuminating job to assist with BVCS students and we hope that you will consider helping us out, if your time permits. We are looking for Students, Grade 7 and up, who are interested in learning to sew. Join us for a 10 week sewing course at the First Baptist Church, every Tuesday from 3:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. starting on February 17th, 2015. The sewing course is free. To sign up, call Kay at 519-599-3816 or Wenona at 519-599-6125. The following is a brief description of the volunteer jobs available: Everyone’s A Reader Volunteer: - task is to tutor students who are having reading difficulties - meet with students individually - trained by Learning Resource Teacher - training takes a couple of hours - opportunity to shadow experienced volunteer for a few hours - minimum 2 ½ hours a week Classroom Volunteer: - task is to tutor individual or small groups of students - trained by Learning Resource Teacher and/or classroom teacher - training time varies - minimum of a couple of hours every week Occupational Therapy Volunteer: - task is to tutor students in printing or handwriting, who are experiencing difficulty with fine motor control - trained by Occupational Therapist - training takes about one half hour - a minimum of a couple of hours every week PREMIER AT HOME Should you or anyone you know, be interested in volunteering at BVCS, please call Ms. Shelby Gilbert (ext. 535) or Mr. Rob Munden (ext. 534). ATTENTION PARENTS! SOS - Save Our Subscriptions! It is never too late to order magazines through our QSP Family Reading Magazine Program, so please save your magazine orders (new or renewals) and order them online through our school program. You can order early and still support our school by shopping online! It’s easy…just visit Our School ID # is: 3711819 QSP Customer Service: 1-800-667-2536 Bluewater District School Board is pleased to continue to support the Premier AT Home program for our students and parents/caregivers. Premier Literacy has a suite of digital reading and writing computer programs that are used with students in Bluewater. These programs continue to be updated and available at Bluewater Schools and the Premier AT Home license allows access to these computer software programs for student and parent/caregiver use AT HOME. NOTE: the only limitation is that the computer must be owned by a student who attends a BWDSB school or by a parent/caregiver of a student. These software programs can have your computer read a favourite web page, email, homework, or even read a book. The programs Launch Pad- Reader , Talking Word Processor and Worksheet Wizard are favourites in schools. There is also a program on the site that will convert documents into audio files so they can be played on a MP3 player. Other programs include a talking dictionary, a pdf manipulator and many more. Some programs are multilingual which allow some French features. To get more information regarding the Premier Literacy Tools visit the following When you get to the web page-log in to the website Type in the following User name: bluewater Password: family (these are case sensitive) TERM ONE REPORT CARDS AND PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS Term One Report Cards will be sent home on Friday, February 20th. Parent/Teacher Interview Night has been scheduled for Thursday, February 26th – 4:00 to 7:00 PM. If you wish to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss the report card, please call the school beginning on February 20th. We ask that you call the school after 10:00 AM to book an appointment. This will allow us to complete Safe Arrival. A few teachers are unable to attend the Parent/Teacher Interviews on February 26th. Those teachers will let parents know about alternate interview dates. NUT AND LATEX ALERGIES We have several students at BVCS who have serious, and even lifethreatening, allergies to nuts and/or latex. For this reason, we do not allow nuts and latex products at school. Please note that, in addition to peanuts, all tree nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, filberts, hazelnuts, and pecans are not allowed at school. Latex is somewhat more difficult to deal with as it can sneak into a number of products commonly found in schools. However, obvious sources of latex include balloons, paint, erasers, and first aid supplies, so no balloons at school. Students who are anaphylactic can experience life-threatening reactions when exposed to allergens such as nuts. Please read product labels carefully and do not send products that contain nuts or latex to school. HEAD LICE The occurrence of head lice is not recognized as an educational problem nor as a public health concern. However, it is a concern to parents. Many of us have had the frustrating experience of children with head lice. Daily or weekly head checks at home continue to be the most effective way to prevent school-wide infestations. Parents are requested to notify the school if they find evidence of head lice during their regular home checks so that the school can alert parents of classmates to be particularly diligent in conducting home checks. We continue to encourage parents to treat head lice as quickly as possible after receiving a phone call from the school or after finding nits or live lice during home checks. Our local pharmacies carry various treatments and can provide advice as to the effectiveness of these treatments. Also, it is very important that nits (eggs) are removed from hair even after treatment. Special lice combs are available for this task. The key to controlling head lice is effective treatment which includes the removal of nits (eggs). We thank parents for their cooperation in following through on treating head lice in a timely manner. Parent/Guardian E-Mail Addresses If you wish to receive the BVCS newsletter and other school news by e-mail, please complete this tear-off form and return it to the school by February 13th. Information that we may send you could include: School, board, and class newsletters, messages from our Community Advisory Council, information from local community groups (sports organizations, theatre groups, service clubs, churches, etc.), and information regarding events that, while not directly related to school business, could be of interest to students and parents. Parents on our email list receive updates on bus cancellations and school closures. This information is usually emailed early in the morning on the day of a cancellation/closure. Snow days can create havoc for families. Receiving early notification can help with organizing alternate transportation, daycare, etc. If at any time after providing us with your email address you wish to unsubscribe (i.e. delete your email address from our list), please contact the principal. If you wish, you may have information sent to more than one e-mail address – just include any additional addresses on this form. Your e-mail address will be subject to the same protection with respect to confidentiality and privacy as other personal information shared with the school. If you provided us with your e-mail address in September/October and your e-mail address has not changed, there is no need to complete and submit this form. BVCS Parent E-Mail Addresses Parent/Guardian Name(s) (Please print clearly): ___________________________________ Name(s) of Child(ren): _______________________________ Homeroom Teacher: _______________ (Please print) _______________________________ Homeroom Teacher: _______________ _______________________________ Homeroom Teacher: _______________ E-mail address (Please print clearly): _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________________
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