To SVTemple Natya Manjari Dance Competition 2015 pdf

SV Temple Hindu New Year Celebrations
Venue: SV Temple, 7615 Metro Boulevard, Edina, MN 55439
Program main Contact: Vishala – 612-251-0004 /Venkat -612-868-9888
Kalanjali – Cultural Wing of SV Temple proudly announces
Natya Manjari -2015
Dance Competition on the Occasion of Hindu New Year
(Ugadi/Gudi Padwa /Cheti Chand /Navreh/Po ila Ba ishakh/Ba isak hi/Bo haag Bihu/Varsha Pirappu)
Competition on:
Date: Saturday April 11th, 2015
Time: 2PM onwards
Venue: SV Temple Auditorium
Below are the rules:
Categories – Solo/Group performance of
o Classical Dance (includes any form of Indian Classical Dance)
o Non-Classical ( includes Semi Classical/Folk /Bollywood/Any
form of Indian dance)
It is mandatory that all participants must be registered
Registration for solo is $ 20 and group is $ 15 per participant
First time registration should be done online using the link below. For any
additional changes to the entry, please send a mail to
Once Registered, use below link for payment/Donation
Age categories for judging will be
o 3-5 years
o 6-8 years
o 9-12 years
o 13-15 years
o 16 and above (Adults)
Separate registration is required by dance groups participating in more than
one dance category
Max Length of the song should me 6 minutes
Minimum kids for group are 2 and maximum is 8
The participating group will be in charge of setting up and clearing the stage
after the performance
Only small props are allowed on the stage. No big props are allowed on stage
Breakable objects, confetti or grains will not be allowed on stage, that might
need to be cleaned up between performances
There will be 1st ,2nd and 3rd prizes awarded for each category & certificate
of participation would be issues for all contestants
Judges decision is final
Audio files used for competition will not be returned
Time will be monitored electronically
Any exceptions and decisions for participation will be decided by cultural
committee. Cultural Committee decisions are final
All proceedings will go to temple
For any question(s), send mail to or please contact
vishala/venkat at the number listed above
Last date for sending entries/registration is 31 March 2015
S V Temple is looking forward to make the Natya Manjari 2015 Competition a Grand
Success with your active participation. Please check our website
for updates.