A Message from Our President It was a dark and stormy night... No wait -- Hang on Snoopy Once upon a time... Too Grimm Get 'R Done! -- Man that's annoying! Racer ready? -- That's more like it. Sometimes the hardest part is getting started. I've always been a championship procrastinator. In school I usually did my homework on the bus in the morning. I rarely do any Christmas shopping before Dec 23rd. I have an Irish twin who was born in January and I didn't come along until late December. I made a New Years' resolution to get my Happening articles in on time this year and totally forgot the January one. (Sorry John.) But it was due in December so I guess I'm still on track. (I'm good at rationalizing too. It's an important skill for a procrastinator.) As hard as starting something is for me, quitting way harder. I took me about 4 tries and 3 years to quit smoking and I don't regret that one. A good friend in the club told me she was going to quit smoking so I decided to offer her some incentive. So far it's working and by the time you read this she'll be smoke free for 30 days. So when you see Yvonne, be sure to give her a big hug and congratulate her on a great accomplishment! Bill Editors note. Certain members of this club have been spreading falsehoods and rumors that your beloved editor was seen screaming like a little girl in terror on the beginners slope at Brandywine. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was merely trying to attract the attention of a certain rich widow at the bottom of the hill. She has lovely eyes and a great personality. The fact that she is rich, owns a liquor store, and collects sports cars are totally irrelevant. Rich women need love too. February 2015 The Newsletter of the Cleveland FaGowees FaGOWEE MEETING INFORMATION The Fagowees ski club is a proud member of the Cleveland Metro Ski Council www.fagowees.org Club Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month Doors Open at 7:00 P.M. - Meeting Starts at 8:00 P.M. AMPOL HALL - 4737 Pearl Road Cleveland $6.00 Members - $8.00 Guests Beer, Wine, Pop and Munchies Moving? Let us know! Send your new address to: Cynthia Daniels at membership@fagowees.org Greeting you at the door will be... February 3 Formal Meeting Undecided and Unknown February 17 Formal Meeting Undeclared and Unexpected March 3 Formal Meeting Unforgettable and Unforgivable March 17 Formal Meeting Unspeakable and Untouchable 47 Years of Fun And Games On Week Ends, Especially Skiing 2014 —2015 Executive Board President Bill Wolohan 440-201-9656 president@fagowees.org Vice President Mark Pillon vp@fagowees.org 216-214-9083 Secretary Sue Koslowski 440-213-2582 secretary@fagowees.org Treasurer Jodi Leal 216-832-8506 treasurer@fagowees.org Auditor Dave Mitzel 330-573-1441 auditor@fagowees.org Winter Social Race Committee Lisa Damato 330-620-9137 Renae Delvito 216-221-4559 wintersocial@fagowees.org Larry Foote 216-244-4340 Mike Kupiec 216-382-7284 race@fagowees.org Summer Social John Giba 440-941-5829 summersocial@fagowees.org CMSC (Metro) & Int’l Rep Chris Stimac 216-389-5316 cmsc@fagowees.org Membership Chair Cynthia Daniels 330-723-6999 membership@fagowees.org Publicity Chair Lauren Krysiac 216-904-1090 publicity@fagowees.org Trustees Jeff Branske 440-476-3452 Al Feronti 440-258-6848 Elections Chair Mike Gumbish 216-433-0071 elections@fagowees.org Donna Kuhar 216-337-8738 Mike Kupiec 216-382-7284 Merchandise Chair Trustees@fagowees.org Donna Brown 440-313-8690 merchandise@fagowees.org Assistant Merchandise Chair Lisa Giba 216-741-9198 merchandise@fagowees.org Happening (newsletter) John Molnar 216-299-0115 happening@fagowees.org Website Chairman Evan Pierce 440-258-6024 web@fagowees.org Assistant Website Chairman Mike Popik 216-447-1698 web@fagowees.org Past President Sharon Eckhardt 216-362-7470 Chaplain Du Jour R. P. Coltrain NOTICE: Executive Board Members' phone numbers are printed in The Happening and in the Directory. Members having any suggestions, qu estions, or problems are invited to call us. However, members' phone numbers and addresses are for the sole use of the membership of the Fagowee Ski Club. No one may use this information provided in the directory for business use of any kind. Unauthorized use of our directory can result in disciplinary or legal action. Read more about our constitution, by-laws, and code of conduct at www.fagowees.org. 2 Congratulations to the Fagowee of the Month! None submitted for February 2015. Old Coats Needed! Hey skiers Joe Benek here, I need your help. My sister is a teacher at Cleveland Central Catholic and had mentioned to me that there were a lot of kids that don’t have winter coats and can’t afford them. This is not a Saint Ed’s type school. Most of the kids that go there receive assistance with their tuition and their families are struggling to make ends meet. So if you have any old winter coats or gloves you’re not using please bring them to a meeting or an event and get them to me. You can call me at 330422-0854 and I will find a way to get them. So if you want to make room in the closet for your newer gear and you have a coat that you haven’t been wearing please contact me and I’ll get it to someone who needs it. Thank you. Joe Benek 3 Thank you, Thank you and Thank you to all of our donors to the Slave Auction!! Donor: Item: Parma Cornhole - JP Jenks FSC Cornhole Boards & Bags Mike Gumbish Ski Tune and Wow, What a Game Golf Balls Larry Foote & Mike Kupiec Whiskey Tasting Event Mike Kupiec Ski Tune Laura Pomazal Women's Haircut/styling Ralph Pajka Ski Tune Laurie McCombs Lift tix to Steamboat Bam Bam Ski Racing Books Brighton Wool & Honey Co - Andrea Wargo Alpaca Socks, Flavored Honey & Handmade Soaps Brian White Fun on the water Cynthia Daniels Spanish Tutoring Mark Pillon PIB campsite Dawn Ulle Decorated Wreath Laruen Krysiac Decorated Wreath Donna Brown Snow Gift Boxes & Handmade Purses Donna Brown Snow Gift Box Shelli Snyder The Spa Gift Card Pat Klima, LMT Massage Basket & Tarot Card Readings Holiday Valley Holiday Valley Race Clinic Package Joe Benek Horseback Riding Lisa Giba Wine Basket Chris Stimac Making Memories Scrapbook Basket Eric Rahnenfuehrer Ski Lesson Another hardy shout goes out to congratulate the winning bidders and to thank the many volunteers. Everyone rallied to make the auction a success!! Update on our team standings - We are still the #1 Race Team! Whoot! Your Humble Race Chairs - Renae, Larry & Mike K. 4 WHITEFISH 21 and over February 8-15, 2015 Limited Spots Available! Includes: Round trip air on United Airlines: Cleveland to Kallispell, Montana (one-stop-Denver) Ground transportation to and from airport 7 nights of Lodging @ the Lodge at Whitefish Lake. (3 bedroom/3 bath condo units: Variety of bed configurations) 5 days skiing at Whitefish resort Welcome reception No guarantees on lodging configuration but we’ll do Evening Parties (details to be announced)! our best! Trip Leaders: Mike Gumbish [216-798-1944; mgumbish@aol.com] Dawn Ulle [440-360-7811; thewinegal@att.net] Pricing: (does not include extra airline baggage fees or fuel/tax surcharges) Depart CLE 4:45 pm; arrive FSA 9:41 pm (Sunday, Feb 8) Member $1335.00 $665.00 $45.00 Total (air, condo, ground transportation, 5-day lift ticket) Ground only (excludes air) Party Package Guest $1370.00 $700.00 $45.00 Return FCA 7:10 am; arrive CLE 3:33 pm (Sunday, Feb 15) On Sale Now!! {at regular FSC Meetings at Ampol Hall} Hurry! We will sell out fast! DEPOSIT $250 to reserve your spot! *no reservations without full deposit!! Contact the trip leaders for extenuating circumstances (i.e. if you live > 50 miles away) and can’t come to the meetings Bristol Combined Feb 27 – Mar 1, 2015 Trip Includes: Bus trip to and from with adult beverages, subs, pizza, snacks, mirrored disco balls and MORE! Lodging at the Inn on the Lake, standard room or suite! 2 days of skiing the AWESOME Bristol Mountain Depart West 6:00 pm from American Greeting | Depart East 6:30 pm from Lakeland Standard Cost Quad Standard Triple Standard Double Standard Mem | Non $255 | $285 $275 | $305 $320 | $350 Suite Cost Quad Suite Triple Suite Double Suite Mem | Non $275 | $305 $300 | $330 $360 | $390 *Drive ups subtract $58 | No lift tickets subtract $98* $100 Deposit starting Nov. 4th | Second Payment due Jan. 20th | Balance Due Feb. 17th Don’t wait to join the Biggest Boogie Bash with the Bristol Bootie Bitches Chris S. 216-389-5316 castimac@sbcglobal.net Laurie M. 440-986-0880 laurie.mccombs@sbcglobal.net bristol@fagowees.org FAGOWEE are going to… Engelberg Switzerland March 6-15, 2015 Trip Leaders- Marc and Lisl Vignerot Cost per person: Ground package: $1310 (double) Ground package: $1445 (single) Air will be priced individually but it is estimated approximately $1200$1300/person depending on departure airport and time of booking. Ground Package includes: 7 Nights hotel at Terrace Hotel*** in the center of town on top of the mountain Breakfast every morning Dinner every evening Wine and water with dinner Transfers from ZRH airport to hotel in Engelberg to Zurich hotel to ZRH airport 6 days of lift tickets One night in Zurich at the Best Western Glockenhof **** in the center of old town Zurich Welcome party All taxes, fuel charges, and fees (excluding extra baggage fees) The Terrace Hotel is at the top of the mountain right above the center of town, and it has a funicular that runs on demand 24x7 that takes you up and down. At the bottom of the funicular, the ski stop is less than 200m and the train station is about 400m. Another added bonus is it has a disco in the basement which takes high accolades on all the après ski sites for being awesome and the place to party. The biggest bonus, the lift tickets and wine are included in the price. Engelberg is little known and under-rated even by its home-nation; this quiet resort has huge skiing among striking mountains and one of the biggest vertical drops - 2,000m from the top of the lift system to town. Hotel for Zurich is 2 blocks from the hoptbahn and in the center of old town of Zurich. This is a 4 star hotel with a great location. Deposit information: $200 at time of signup $250 October 15 Final payment Dec 1 Cancellation Policy club: Prior to Dec 1—$50 cancellation fee per person Dec 7-Jan 6—$100 penalty Jan 7-Feb 6 - $200 penalty After Feb 7 – No refund, no substitutions Substitution or change fee after December 1 - $250 How to sign up: Send a check for $200 made out to “The Fagowees” and mail to Lisa Vignerot 1472 Mountain View Rd, Stafford, VA 22554. For more information or questions, call Lisa at 703-209-6776 or email lvignerot@gmail.com. 7 Helmet Sale! We received the following from the Blue Ridge Ski Council: Hi Fagowees If you are looking for a New Helmet for this ski Season. Shred Ready is offering Club Members of the Blue Ridge Ski Council a 30% discount on their helmets. Fagowee membership has it's privledges. Chris Morgan here from Shred Ready Helmets. We’ve been making top of the line water sport helmets for 17 years and recently started bringing the same quality helmets to snow sports in two great models, the eleven and forty4. I would like to offer the Blue Ridge Ski Council and its clubs a 30% off deal to help keep your snow enthusiasts safe this winter and for the many winters to come. You can use the code SRVIP30 to get the 30% discount at check out. Feel free to check out the helmets by going to http://shredready.quivers.com/c/337. If you have any questions give us a call at (334) 239-0179. Happy Shredding! Chris Morgan Shred Ready, Inc., P.O. BOX 1089, Aubur n, AL 36831-1089 (334) 239-0179 Phone, (334) 239-4240 Fax 8 CMSC 2015 Race Schedule 2015 Weekend Race Series Date Sat Jan 3 Sun Jan 4 Wed Jan 7 Sat Jan 17 Sun Jan 18 Sat Jan 24 Sat Jan 31 Sun Feb 1 Sat Feb 7 Sun Feb 8 Sat Feb 21 Sun Feb 22 Sat Feb 28 Sun Mar 1 Venue Holiday Valley Holiday Valley Boston Mills Swain I Swain I Peek'n'Peak Snow Trails Snow Trails Kissing Bridge Holiday Valley Swain II Swain II Bristol Combined Bristol Combined Course Type Giant Slalom & Snowboard Slalom Qualifier Giant Slalom & Snowboard Slalom Slalom & Snowboard GS Slalom & Snowboard Slalom Dual GS & Snowboard GS Slalom & Snowboard Slalom Dual Slalom & Snowboard Giant Slalom & Snowboard Combined Slalom & Snowboard Combined Super G & Giant Slalom Slalom Sat Apr 25 Reinecker's Party Center Racers' Banquet - "Renaissance Faire" 2015 Wednesday Night Race Series Bib Pickup 6:00 - 6:45 p.m. Races start at 7:30 p.m. Croyle Race Hill Date Venue Wed Jan 7 Boston Mills Wed Jan 14 Wed Jan 21 Wed Jan 28 Wed Feb 4 Wed Feb 11 Boston Mills Boston Mills Boston Mills Boston Mills Boston Mills Wed Feb 18 Boston Mills Course Type Giant Slalom - Also CMSC Weekend Racing Qualifier Slalom Giant Slalom Slalom Giant Slalom Slalom 3 runs Slalom weather permitting - Awards in the bar beginning at 8:30 2 best runs count as last 2 races 9 “Hello Boss? I’m S.O.O.O.O Sick” Call in sick and join the Fagowees at Holimont A private ski area in New York Wednesday February 18, 2015 West side pick up Bus leaves 5:30 A.M (Sharp) Lakefront Bus lines-13315 Brookpark Rd., Cleveland (Across from Malleys) East side pick up Bus leaves 6:00 A.M (Sharp) Lakeland Community College Park-n-Ride Lot, 7700 Clocktower Dr. Kirtland (Exit 193 for Rt 306 South off I-90) Members $ 79, Guests: $ 84, Lifts Only $40 No Refunds after February 4, Unless event sells Out Includes Bus, Lift Ticket, Continental Breakfast Coffee, Juice, Beer Wine There will also be a Apres Ski Cookout, If the event sells out! Contact: holimont@fagowees.org Trip Leaders: Tony Tomsic (440-225-5035) and David Johansson (216-795-0691) February 6-8, 2015 Kissing Bridge/ Holiday Valley O B RING YO • B U O BEER • BY ONLY $130 WN WN R ING YO • B UR B O BEER • BY O Fagowees Bus Trip R Special Discount Lift Tickets Available BUS TRIP INCLUDES TRIP COST • Bus transportation, Subway sandwich & chips Westside departure, Friday 6:30pm Lake Front Bus Terminal / Brookpark Rd K K • 2 night hotel stay at MicroTel in Springville, NY PLUS! PLUS! PLUS! Continental breakfast in main lobby, yum, yum Early and late morning departures to the hill Saturday night party bus to Ellicottville, hiccup Sign Up Today! Contact Wes Gussler Member Price* Quad Includes 2 queen beds Double Includes 1 queen bed Roll-a-way beds available for $10 $130 $155 *Not a Fagowees member? Adult membership only $25 per year! K BONUS! If the bus sells out (50 people) everyone will receive a KB Lift Ticket for FREE complements of the Fagowees. 216-372-8372 Or Mark Pillon 216-701-5747 Blazing Hot News from the Fagowee’s Merchandising Department! Just in time for your Holiday Shopping! Fagowees logo items can be ordered from Land’s End. Currently the DC Fagowees Logo is available using ID#935279 on any clothing or tote item from the Land’s End catalog for an additional cost of $8.50, they often have sales where the logo maybe free or at reduced rate. To access go to www.LANDSEND.COM/BUSINESS You will need to set up an account. You can add the logos to ‘My Logos’. The Fagowees Customer #3017540. If you don’t like the item it can be returned for credit or a refund. Contact merchandise@fagowees.org if you have questions. Set up an account at https://business.landsend.com And you can add anyone of these logos to your item. Many times they have free logos and free shipping. Get on the mailing list to be informed of sales. You can add the logos to your account under “my logos” then “associate logos to your account”. Use the logo numbers below with customer number 3017540. 1326180 Estimated Application Fee:$8.50 1325215 Estimated Application Fee:$8.50 935279 Estimated Application Fee:$8.50 16 Over the Hill with Dale in Vail http://www.vail.com/mountain/mountain-home.aspx Dates: Monday April 6, 2015 to Sunday April 12, 2015 6 Nights of lodging at Landmark Tower West-Ideally located in Lions head Village; Landmark Condominiums are a short stroll from the base of Vail Ski Resort, with more than 5,200 skiable acres and three terrain parks. You’ll also within walking distance of boutique shopping, charming cafes, art galleries and much more. http://www.ski.com/vail-lodging/landmark-tower-west/10258 5 days of skiing at Vail Round trip ground transportation to and from Denver Airport Welcome reception Midweek Party Total Package is $1294.00 Round Trip Air to and from Denver Depart Cleveland April 6, 2014- UA 763S 9:05 AM- arrive in Denver 10:19 AM Depart Denver April 12, 2014- UA6324W 5:00PM- arrive in Cleveland 9:54 PM For more information please contact: Al Feronti 440-258-6848 aferonti@amfinancialgroup.com Dale Wolboldt 330-231-5390 Dalebob348@hotmail.com Please make checks payable to SKI.com and mail to : Al Feronti 627 Wellesley Cir. Avon Lake OH 44012 Only 26 spots available….only 6 spots remaining $200 deposit to hold your spot $200 due on Sept 1, Oct 1, Nov 1, Dec 1, Jan1, Feb 1- Remaining Balance All pricing does not include any additional airport or fuel charges which may be imposed by the airline, Extra airline baggage charges not included. Trip insurance is available for an additional cost. See trip agreement for details MEMBERSHIP CORNER Membership Renewals Remember that membership is only until September 30th. Every member renews their membership in the month of September or October, no matter when they join. If you have not paid your dues yet, you must now pay $25 per person (new rates). “Couples” rate no longer apply. All payments MUST be accompanied by a completed membership application form. Common question: “If none of my information has changed, must I still complete an applica- tion?” Answer: YES! We need every current member to agree to the waiver policy, as stated on the application. Your signature with a date is needed on a yearly basis. Name Badges: Do you have your name badge? Have you picked it up from the membership area? If not, please do so. There are WAY too many unclaimed name badges. If you lost it, there is a $5 charge to replace it. New 2014-2015 members – your badges will be ordered soon. Badges will be available by the December 16th meeting. Name badges are only ordered THREE (3) times per year: before Christmas, in February, and after the May elections. Members that join, will have a badge ordered for them, regardless of whether or not you attend meetings—if you know that you won’t attend any meetings, write on your membership application “no badge needed.” 2014 Directory Corrections (My apologies!): John & Lisa G. home number is: 216.741.9198 Sandy F. email is: SFeicht2@gmail.com Bob J. email is: Robert.jordan@odfl.com New to the club? Be sure to pick up the 2014-2015 Membership Directory at a meeting. Is your information printed correctly in the directory? Please double-check it & email Cynthia at membership@fagowees.or if there is a mistake For Sale/Swap/Rent For Rent: Snowshoe, WV: Mountain Lodge Unit 254 for rent. 1 bedroom, 1 bath condo. (Sleeps 4) 30 yards from the top of Ballhooter lift. Great views. More information at www.home-away.com listing # 3471809. Need more units: see www.snowshoeskicondo.com. For Rent or Sale: Snowshoe, WVa., Mountain Lodge Unit #116- 3 Bdr, 3 Bath 1250 Sq.Ft condo on 1st Floor facing Ballhooter Lift. Sleeps 8 w/ 2 master suites, 2 twins, and sleeper sofa. Steps from lift, village and Unit 254. Other units are also available. To plan your visit and see photos of the unit, use these links: www.vrbo.com/373069 or http://www.snowshoeskicondo.com/. 18 Summer Planning Meeting 19 Summer Planning Meeting Cont... 20 If Swain One wasn’t enough… 21 and over NEW LOWER PRICE Includes CMSC Members TWO February 20-22, 2015 Second time Same as the first, A little bit louder And a little bit worse! Bus Trip Includes: Round trip bus transportation, beer, wine, and sandwiches WESTSIDE DEPARTURE Friday, February 20 @ 6:00 pm o Lakefront Bus Terminal/ 13315 Brookpark Rd, Cleveland, OH EASTSIDE DEPARTURE Friday, February 22 @ 6:30 pm o Park-n-Ride lot @ Lakeland Community College, 7700 Clocktower Dr., Kirtland, OH 2-night stay in Swain, NY; bus returns Sunday, February 22 between 9-10 pm 3 lodging options (all within walking distance of the slopes, bars, & fun!!): o 6-person, 2-bedroom condominium o 8-10 person cabin o 9-10 person “frat” house Trip Leaders: Mike Gumbish [216-798-1944; mgumbish@aol.com] Jared Popik [330-592-2043; JPSports8@yahoo.com] Pricing: *no reservations without full deposit!! Total Pkg #1 (bus, condo bed, 2-day lift ticket) Total Pkg #2 (bus, cabin bed, 2-day lift ticket) Total Pkg #3 (bus, “frat house” bed, 2-day lift ticket) Drive-up (excludes bus)-only available after 36 bus spots sold Bus only (excludes lodging)-only if space available Fagowee Member CMSC Member $273.00 $250.00 $239.00 $40 less than above categories $80.00 Guest $308.00 $285.00 $274.00 $40 less than above categories $95.00 On Sale Now!! {at regular FSC Meetings at Ampol Hall} DEPOSIT $50 to reserve your spot! Bits and Pieces Men 2015 New 2015 Renewals Totals 8 78 86 Women Couples Total 16 8 (4) 43 84 (42) 59 92 (46) 32 205 237 Welcome new members: Chrissy B., Jennifer G., Jim R., Angela R., Jim S. Can someone explain to me why Kamikaze pilots wore helmets and most skiers don’t? 22 COMING ATTRACTIONS Go to Meetup.com and Fagowees.org for the most current info February Events 2/3/15 Regular Meeting 2/6-8/15 Kissing Bridge/Holiday Valley 2/8-14/15 2/15/15 2/17/15 2/18/15 Whitefish Ohio Challenge cup Regular Meeting Holimont 2/20-22/15 Swain II 2/26/15 Happy Hour 2/27-3/1/15 Bristol Future Events 3/6-15/15 Engelberg Switzerland 4/6-12/15 Over the hill in Vail with Dale 4/25/15 Racers Banquet Ampol Hall Contact Wes Gussler (216-372-8372), or Mark Pillon (216-701-5747) Contact Mike G. 216-433-0071 CMSC Clear Fork Ski Area Ampol Hall Contact tony Tomsic (440-225-5035), or Dave Johansson (216-795-0691) Contact Mike Gumbish [216-798-1944; mgumbish@aol.com] or Jared Popik [330-592-2043; jpsports8@yahoo.com} Harbor Inn, 1219 Main Ave., Cleveland Contact Chris S. (216-389-5316) castimac@sbcglobal.net, or Laurie M. (440-986-0880) laurie.mccombs@sbcglobal.net, or Bristol@fagowees.org Contact Lisa Vignerot at 703-209-6776 Contact Al F. 440-258-6848 or Dale W. 330-231-5390 Reineckers Party Center Harbor Inn 1219 Main Ave. Cleveland, 44113 216-241-3232 23 Happy Hour! Thursday, 2/26/15 February Birthdays Thavuth Roy Tom Ann Steve Beth Nathan Jeffrey Ron Bill Jr. Erin Cynthia Beth Chuck David Donna Charlotte Eric Lee Christee Tim Jodi Cliff H. G. K. T. S. S. S. G. F. L. L. D. C. McC. T. K. M. R. A. B. L. L. W. A Member of the Cleveland Metropolitan Ski Council 2 5 5 8 9 11 13 13 17 18 18 18 18 19 21 21 23 24 27 28 28 28 29 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage Paid Cleveland, OH 44101 Permit No. 1063 P.O. Box 635 North Olmsted, OH 44070-0635 Address Service Requested Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday 3 Wednesday 4 Regular Meeting Thursday Friday Saturday 5 6 7 4 months till Golfing starts! KB/HV Trip KB/HV Trip 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 KB/HV Trip Whitefish Trip Whitefish Trip Whitefish Trip Whitefish Trip Whitefish Trip Whitefish Trip Whitefish Trip Valentine’s Day! 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Swain II Swain II 26 27 28 Happy Hour! Harbor Inn Bristol Bristol Ohio Challenge Cup 22 Regular Meeting Hollimont! 23 24 25 Swain II February, 2015 24
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