From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. “Concentration x Time” Methotrexate Via a Subcutaneous Reservoir: A Less Toxic Regimen for Intraventricular Chemotherapy of Central Nervous System Neoplasms By W. Archie with John Neurotoxicity Bleyer, the assistance David L. Zeigler, associated G. Poplack, of Edward Arthur with S. Levine, drug in the as with the study 19 kemia were of cerebrospinal fluid cumulative dosage. total patients with single injections a low-dose of 1 rng There were no tween the two N of “concentration T) schedule every 12 significant the improve T) regimen (C x brospinal regimens. reservoir 1 SD) 66 of number remission. cumulative metho- 41 m ± mg/sq in in ten (p suggest intrathecal central and the mg/sq 12 These the C and dosage equally methotrexate ef- nervous has administered been and system)4 In a “concentration concentrations in observa- x T of central nervous antifolate were of T group 0.05). in the treatment leukemia. we devised methotrexate courses < x in neurotoxic of methotrexate in the C that is less fective system the patients with an at- x time” in the cere- than conventional dosage randomized to receive via a low-dose C x T therapy or single the first 19 patients were treated, a significantly was noted in the C x T group and is described report. in this MATERIALS Nineteen 1973 the durations was group tions less total leukemia either of schedule therapy, peak injections of 12 mg/sq m. After lower incidence of neurotoxicity induction, the patients rn/dose with delivered meningeal dose seven the drug mean eight amount intrathecal that reduced fluid and that Patients with subcutaneous total of the to (± x associated with The bein of remission or 3 days. groups concentrations tempt hr for differences treatment correlated (C K. Ommaya of relapses, an of either rn/dose or x time” EUROTOXICITY elevated leucourses via consisting 12 mg/sq M. Simon, G. Leventhal, theC x Tgroup and 173 ± 64mg/sq m in the 12 mg/sq m/dose group (p < 0.005). Neurologic toxicity occurred in one of the In our methotrexate reservoir Ayub trexate as well to receive intraventricular Ornmaya to of meningeal randomized Richard Brigid and rate intrathecal methotrexate therapy has been shown correlate with elevated concentrations the and S. Henderson, children and Front with December the National 31, Pediatric Cancer acute 1975. Orthopedic Hospital Submitted March The Oncology institute. Branch /977; were and Md.. Center, accepted METHODS leukemia results Bethesda, and Medical 2/. AND lymphocytic were analyzed Biostatistic.s and the Section, Division and the University December /3, entered into study as of September of between 1, 1976. Dis’ision of Cancer Hematology/Oncology. of Washington, Seattle, August Meningeal 1, leu- Treatment, Children’s Wash. 1977. Supported hi’ USPHS Grant CA -16525 front the National Cancer institute, an American Cancer Society Junior Faculty Clinical Fellowship A ward, and a Phar,naceutical Manufacturers Associati()n Foundation Faculty Des’elopment A ward in Clinical Pharmacology (Dr. B/ever). Presented in part at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Toronto, Ontario, Address cal Center, 1978 Blood, Vol. for Mat’, reprint 1976. requests: P.O. Box C-537/, by Grune & Stratton. 51. No. 5 (May), W. Seattle, Inc. 1978 A rchie B/ever, M.D., Children’s Orthopedic Hospital and Medi- Wash. ISSN 98/05. 0006 -4971/78/5/05-0004 .cO/.00/0 835 From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. BLEYER 836 El Al. C M MYI RE SE P v C P djcIon Consoldalon -e4.---- -e4Mantenance--* 6 weeks) - -- ; ( 1:rAiw_ 2 years) . _ q. mon. --;-------------“ii(Iii) I I kemia was analysis diagnosed I ingql2h M 12mg/rn2 I i.. consent obtained. above ventricle. the The regimens Elliott’s until remission This was induced at ministered monthI for T therapy. I mg. in I ml vided a relatively in lumbar after the dose was A then elevated, reservoir randomized the were (2.5 tip involved a maximum as defined cm of the to below. cannula design. cytocentrifuge consecutive required. lumbar After standard the Study and two in the via 1. elevated diameter, receive “course” of C at x 12-hr If the (Fig. parental burr-hole frontal horn reservoir 2 sk 2). A indesign) of one for three whichever occurred T therapy consisted lumbar T courses courses methotrexate, of the right two treat- This commenced (consolidation of of six schedule injections sas 5 fluid sample repeated l0 sample was every therapy). ad- not 7 a . E ‘ Hours methotrexate. because and 2 x was obtained 5 (±2) x days until 10 Maintenance ‘0 level within 48 hr after injection (unpublished data of the authors). #{149}, actual values in one patient. and injections of selected x so after 12 mg/sq m intraventricularly (dashed line). Horizontal dotted line, approximation of the therapeutically effective methotrexate concentration.1#{176} Approximately 95% of patients treated with 12 mg/sq m fell below this in weekI immediately single 2mg/rn2 Fig. 2. Mean cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) methotrexate concentrations during intraventricular C x T therapy (solid line) and m, tsice earlier. cerebrospinal in the repeated consisted between were 12 mg/sq were therapy therapy concentration x of Injections Consolidation concentration methotrexate C injections IS mg. intervals. methotrexate fluid of Maintenance relapse, B solution singlc dose intervals. accordingly. every was not sith then regimen constant dose. count sas cytoccntrifugation Ommaya 2 yr or until Elliott’s adjusted cell count was seekly cerebrospinal first white cell forehead with doses six fluid white on Fig. I): B solution, comprised x right en/dose. 6 ml an patient (Fig. /2 nzg/.sq If the lymphoblasts was inserted lateral , cerebrospinal cells. demonstrating formcd induction, the leukemia 6 ------------- -- - when revealed punctures (_ I q mon. - ment I MTX .--- was I 3mg-rn2 -- it proM l0_6 12 hr l0 M. the remission therapy con- From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. “C x I” sisted INTRAVENTRICULAR ofC x T courses Ventricular sampling protocol: The was pumped the chamber patient xas iodine dried, 3”,, the The iodine Central cells on fluid. If the containing CNS system (CNS) and hite cell radiotherapy Tso tpes while of cerebrospinal fluid a methotrexate by signs or symptoms of rather than brain disease Nine patients Tso died from brain onl those sas 2 4 days.5 reservoir The chamber drug and the to which was in- needle was povidoneof leukemia cytocentrifugation ventricular fluid cells in the and of every cerebrospinal ctocentrifugate specimens the patients meninges. considered received occurring leukemia during 12 mg/sq For during clinical m/dose purposes of paresis, and CNS group, statistical remission were of Duttera et al.6 remission did not analysis focal methotrexate CNS criteria after primarily intraventricular to the fever, hours characterized seizures, to a delayed within sas obtundation, according and meningismus. occurring attributable reactions lost syndrome headache. Encephalopathy classified in the acute h pressure dementia, ssLemic both and (i.e., the b None an characterized reactions reactions patients, analssis for neurotoxic ofprogressive of the examinations on consecutive intracranial dysfunction: itself, ofthese After disappearance leukemia of relapse. recogniicd, was increased persisting of neurotoxic thisstud. censored and In evaluating to the Severit to se- solution. the determined monthly diagnosis sere syndrome pleoctosis, deficits. as the as of over six times. defined recurrence skin swabbed 6 ml). bandage pumped chamber The then was B solution, follossing reservoir fluid. into earlier. the study. toxic and skin (maximum fluid. elevated, the site adhesive again performed the neurotoxicity acute injection neurologic cluded. on this for povidone-iodine Elliott’s was as the not required drug-induced The was then 10’,, a spot was induction defined count xere with and to reservoir reservoir the occurred according The removed with whichever and through was cerebrospinal were was and flushed remission position inserted reservoir lumbar Relapse lymphoblasts encephalopathy. covered The examinations fluid. total then was applied. ventricular lumbar sas decubitus drapes. to be injected needle conducted sponge, was relapse, were of ventricular sterile needle of the site lateral mixing a dry to that been reservoir left with scalp-vein equal (‘ytocentrifuge 3 mo in the isolated for 2 yr or until the adequate hexachlorophene, had both analsis. and injection nervous from placed tubing ointment injection to insure of fluid slosly. removed. monthly via a 25-gauge a volume jected administered shaved with 837 and was six times quentially and METHOTREXATE and have in- while on postmortem these patients were at the time of death. to follos-up) RESULTS Paiietits Nine patients received m/dose. 12 mg/sq methotrexate dosage ment alyses) logic prior level in these fell were with respect x T methotrexate C x T patients outside patients groups was the to the (as who and 12-hr lumbar range of to 1 .5 and 0.75 determined following by parameters: of leukemic cells prior CNS therapy, of patients therapy the desired adjusted comparable relapse, number CNS leukemia, number C In two subsequently ten 2) 5 (± mg while with t sex, fluid test The in CNS treat- x2 and concurrent CNS C x T M. 12 hr. Student’s age, treated l0 x every in the cerebrospinal the type of prior died were cerebrospinal an- hemato- fluid at diagnosis, therapy and the remission. (Table 1). Efficaei’ All patients or autopsy 186, and days (Fig. achieved evidence 240 days meningeal 3). Of those patients mission duration (35689) days was for remission for CNS relapse was and in three 12 mg/sq the 345 12 mg/sq except remaining (67Il78) rn/dose one C x T patient. Clinical found in three C x T patients rn/dose patients at 87, 192, in remission, days group. for the There C were the median x T no group significant at and 157, 639 (range) and re324 differ- From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 838 BLEYER 1. Table Dab Patients rison of C x T and Compa 12 mg/sq Compared C x 1 entered Prognostic m /Dose El AL. Patients 12 mg/sq rn/Dose 9 10 9 (5-20) 10 (5-19) p * - factors Age (yr)t Male patients relapse NS 6 7 NS 2 3 NS Patients with concurrent hematologic Patients with prior CNS leukemia 5 5 NS Patients with prior CNS therapy 7 9 NS Patients with prior intrathecal methotrexate 5 7 NS Patients with prior intrathecal cytosine 4 4 NS prior cranial 5 7 NS arabinoside Patients with Cerebrospinol fluid x ray, blast 2400 R cells at diagnosis (/pl)t 129(2-1800) 111 (2-2500) NS Efficacy Remission inductions Clinical CNS Meningeal relapses leukemia During NS 1 NS 1/3 methotrexate remission Total 10 2 at autopsy/autopsies performed Cumulative 8 (mg/sq 2/4 NS dosage induction (mg/sq 8 ± 3 m)t m)t 66 22 41 ± 173 ± 11 <0.005 ± 64 <0.005 Toxicity Patients with neurotoxicity Complications 2 or unpaired tMedians are The NS, means ± (± two groups (Table <0.05 NS in the In the relapse rate, the duration of remission, or I). 1 SD) cumulative methotrexate ± 12 mg/sq doses ( 24 mg/sq dosage was 64 mg/sq m for the amount of methotrexate induction was 8 (6-12) mg in the mg/sq m/dose group (p < 0.05). remission in the C x T group did more 1? not significant. for the C x T group and 173 (p < 0.005). The mean (range) trexate). 7 1 1 SD. the on study mean 1 in parentheses). between the time to reservoir I test; (ranges tValues ences related C x T group and Five (63#{176},))of the so after one course rn/dose group half 66 ± 12 mg/sq required 41 mg/sq m m/dose group for remission 22 (12-36) mg in the 12 eight patients achieving of therapy (6 mg metho- of the patients required two or m methotrexate). Toxicity Neurologic toxicity during C x T group and in seven (p < 0.05). The one patient tained a single tenance course. rn/dose pathy, group, and one described below. grand mal Of the two had remission of ten patients in in the C x T group seizure seven occurred 6 days patients after with in one the was completing neurotoxic had the acute toxic syndrome, both. The five encephalopathic of eight 12 mg/sq a 12-yr-old her reactions third patients in the m/dose group girl who susC x T mainin the 12 mg/sq four developed encephaloreactions in this group are From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. “C x T” INTRAVENTRICULAR METHOTREXATE 839 CxT 60 c 0- -0 5,) 2mg/rn2 40 ‘ METI-IOTREXATE 5: E c 0 CNS Remission, Alive S CNS Remission, Dead 20 CNS Relapse, 0 ‘ Fig. 3. Case , ‘ 200 Life table rn/dose. analysis , 400 CNS of CNS , , remission with , ‘ 600 Remission Duration , 800 (Days) C x T therapy and , 000 200 in patients treated with 1 This The 7-yr-old girl dementia elsewhere.7 Case 2 At the end nerves. of methotrexate In this boy of his of the for meningeal beginning of 9-yr-old boy improvement with folate in and 6 mo after methotrexate. developed his onset and status of patient dementia neurologic citrovorum the This therapy. has been palsies despite of re- cranial discontinuation factor. dementia life. lesions began Areas of in the centrum during white consolidation matter and necrosis ovale and were progressed observed periventricular gradually at tissues. autopsy, There over sith was the a con- no evidence leukemia. 4 Severe intracranial Cerebrospinal showed brospinal hypertension fluid tomogram fluid intracranial began examination, no were brain abnormalities withdrasn after other from the scan, the third consolidation radionuclide than diftuse reservoir once dose cisternogram, cerebral or tss edema. ice daily in this and to 12-yr-old boy. computerized Thirty to help reduce fifty axial ml the of cereincreased pressure. 5 This 5-yr-old boy was Subsequent Two threatening, reaction The this no treatment l5-r-old 9 mo centration Case was dementia discontinuation consolidation There and after 3 ensuing Case progressive subsided of CNS cervical Case developed slowly ported and Autopsy ‘ 0 12 mg/sq Clinical Relapse, V CNS injections of the unable were to salk for given neurotoxic reactions one was severe, in the C x T group neurotoxic and at half 7 days dosage. in the three were was judged nontoxic after The patients one gait of his monthly abnormality 12 mg/sq moderate, to be mild. were did maintenance not rn/dose and also one compared injections. recur. group was mild. were life The one separately for From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 840 BIEYER factors that to entry may onto have this predisposed study had the acute toxic syndrome and also no significant diflerences total amounts this to been of intrathecal neurotoxicity. administered Cranial to four to five of the between the rnethotrexate ET irradiation of the AL. prior six patients with ten nontoxic patients. There toxic and nontoxic patients were in the administered prior to treatment in two on study. Complications related (Table I). One and a 12 mg/sq to the reservoir were C x T patient sustained rn/dose patient developed the reservoir. The latter occurred in association and head trauma and probably was unrelated at that there was time were no evidence continued without epidermidis hematorna on with severe to the presence This study was closed to patient entry on apparent that the incidence of neurotoxicity single injections of 12 mg/sq rn/dose than study encountered a Staphylococcus a subdural patients meningitis the side of thrombocytopenia ofthe reservoir. January 1, 1976, when it became was significantly greater with in the C x T group. Patients on therapy modification provided that of encephalopathy. DISCUSSION Design leukemia mated ofthe C x T regimen cells. The cell and 1 day, at 3 days for blast cells trexate l07 residing M.’#{176} Six injections reduction in the (from time of total 12 to in part and CNS.9 the 1 mg amount 6 mg) The minimal Our to encompass experience thus 12 hr tive against established requires significantly methotrexate used neurotoxic, treated thus for the ing in the number reservoir of by objective may be accomplished and leaving the second dose then self-administered study by the the more toxic, and this arm of schedule involved single until remission monthly thereafter this for therapy metho5 x concentration dose reaction, is that cell indicates a single it requires We are that 12 hr later dosage the randomization intraventricular induction, weekly for 2 yr (maintenance was injections for 6 wk therapy). mg), to two It is also the doses the first chamber. therapy. It the total significantly one less patients hospital possibility with of halvinjection. dose out of the reserThe second dose is by pumping schedule it is as effec- dose two-thirds seizure, in nine more visits to the exploring by flushing in the reservoir l8 thought antifolate cycle. regimen. administering patient treatment 72 to fluid rnethotrexate level prolongation of cytocidal of the conventional a single (from leukemia as conventional reducing by one-half to injections. injections extracellular provides C x T schedule conventional This voir In this S phase meningeal less drug, esti- be longer is approximately required consolidation the with only one toxic far. One disadvantage additional the with been may of 12 mg/sq m provides this level for less advantages of this C x T regimen include a for the far cytocidal of human have intervals in vitro, every elimination of the high peak cerebrospinal be one of the causes of neurotoxicity, and concentrations cytokinetics duration these studies given the S-phase of methotrexate and on although from a single injection The theoretical ). based respectively,8 estimated for 72 hr. whereas than 32 hr (Fig. 1 course cycle in the concentration, was the was discontinued. of 12 mg/sq (consolidation reservoir. excessively neuro- The more toxic m twice weekly therapy), and From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. “C x I” The INTRAVENTRICULAR only published frequency dren, was study that of 15 of whom moderate intralumbar differed therapy between did not intralumbar receive CNS severe signs and of equally schedules were neurotoxic than reactions suggests that the neurotoxicity. Less frequent injections, probably however, for clinical comparison. Although the biochemical brain remains unknown, the nor factors known trations than nontoxic toxic consistent with also reservoir be a safe the and and regarded The however. We insertion of need the for nondominant hemisphere, strictly technique sterile surgery mg/sq (2 neurotoxicity was the approach the compared an lumbar that Only observaantifolate the Ommaya 1 patient hospitalization) and must of’ the the 25-gauge costs be of intraoperative into neuro- related to the reservoir. the reservoir to lumbar expertise use of the and et al. definitely preferred use groups, groups in concen- group, of obin similar methotrexate 3 also trial on the patient methotrexate modality. 3 days m used of methotrexate predispose the analysis neurosurgical a frontal and that 6.25 treatment on complication unanimously for sampling This study showed modifications may another controlled of Shapiro recommend cannula, (e.g., effect may therapeutic of the doses same conclusion optimal specifically’ the the when most later in maintenance have contributed to the ventricular findings effcctivc 19 in this study had a significant Our patients and their families punctures neurotoxic That intraventricular higher within previous supports more or vomit- was interrupted it appeared that puncture. also The 17 chil- These require adverse irradiation with had main- in well as in toxic versus nontoxic patient differences between the two treatment patients our noted It cannot account for the frequency of prior radiotherapy patients levels.4 This study ceptable. the to be correlated In general, can or lower basis for prior cranial encephalopathy.’ study in that the toxicity. tion somewhat by lumbar less neurotoxic. and ideally would two treatment groups as were there any significant other or given studied Nausea, were severe. Therapy comparisons, occurred during consolidation frequency of administration may by others#{176}12), are jeopardize efficiacy, to methotrexate served in this when same 15, 4 developed therapy. irritation similar dosage the et al.i2 maintenance meningeal were graded Based on thcsc intraventricularly Of Sullivan the m to 31 chil- m every 8 wk, in 26 children. that there was no consolidation dren, and in all but two symptoms or discontinued in 4 children. given at given 15 mg/sq therapies. toxicity. 12 mg/sq however, in induction local methotrexate administered other 6 had methotrexate, from ours, and 841 et al,6 who and remission headache, of Duttera neurotoxicity tenance schedule ing, METHOTREXATE as ac- emphasized, fluoroscopy lateral for ventricle scalp-vein in needles the and a injection. to a regimen of 12 mg/sq rn/dose, I mg of methotrexate every 12 hr for six doses is equally effective and neurotoxic. We believe that this concentration x time approach significantly’ less should be con- tinued and leukemia. than for that Three patients publication. single injections it is worthy have Two of of study in CNS neoplasms had CNS relapse since this of the three relapses occurred 12 mg/sq m, one at 612 days after other manuscript in patients entry on men ingeal was submitted treated with study and the From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. BLEYER 842 other at 944 chemotherapy. entry and tricular days The after third 396 days starting relapse after chemotherapy (180 occurred stopping was days after stopping) in a C x T patient maintenance discontinued therapy. tional sions intraventricular 1444 days Maintenance at 2 yr as scheduled tients, one C x T patient and one 12 mg/sq remission 282 and 324 days, respectively, after neurotoxicity has been observed. discussed in the manuscript. El AL. after intraven- in two other pa- rn/dose patient who continue in termination of therapy. No addi- These events do not alter the conclu- REFERENCES I. Price nervous acute 310, RA, Jamieson system PA: in childhood The central leukemia. leukoencephalopathy. Ca ncer associated in a child 35:306 leukemia. I Pediatr 88:131 8. Norrell DB: H, Wilson CB, Leukoencephalopathy ministration of spinal in fluid tumors. the Cancer Schwartz FCM, athy Harris 4. Dis Child Neurotoxicity N EngI 2S9:770 45:189 195, Mi, Bleyer WA, methotrexate 7. Pizzo Leventhal therapy leukaemia. PA. BG: and Bleyer 743, L, the treatment 2:703 WA, 707, Poplack dementia of 1973 DG. temporally central il-I, et nervous 239, JR: 1975 Treatment of of methotrexate and correlates. 2155, WR, 1969 Posner DF: lB. Ushio Treatment Cancer Sullivan Haggard ME, Y, of Treat Humphrey Lee E: Rep menin61:773 therapy, intensive tumor leukemia. 13. Shapiro rexate: alter WR. or Cancer in 35:1066 Young DF. 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For personal use only. 1978 51: 835-842 "Concentration x time" methotrexate via a subcutaneous reservoir: a less toxic regimen for intraventricular chemotherapy of central nervous system neoplasms WA Bleyer, DG Poplack and RM Simon Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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