PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE PAGES TOGETHER IRMT Student Graduate Application Form 2015 APPLICATION for the status of STUDENT GRADUATE - from 2015 NB Please ensure that the form used has the year of application on it. “Student Graduate” is a category of unregistered membership in the IRMT. The Registration Board of the IRMT, on behalf of the Council may, upon application, grant the status of Student Graduate for a period not exceeding five years to persons who have recently completed a university music degree or a qualification in performance and/or teaching of music from an examination board recognised by the Institute. The purpose of this category is to help provide new teachers with support and assistance to build the experience required to become Registered Members of the Institute. A PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. PLEASE PRINT ALL INFORMATION Given Names (underline most commonly used name) _____________________________________________ Family Name (if using a name other than your legal name, please add this in brackets) _____________________________________________ (Please precede this with MR / MRS / MISS / MS / DR or other designation) 2. State complete preferred name for Listing (one first name or initials) ______________________________________________ 3. Address (maximum of three lines) (No. & Street/PO Box) (District/Suburb) ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ (City/Town) _____________________________ Post Code 4. _________________ Name and Address of current teacher who can act as Referee _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ __________________________ Tel_________ Email_____________________ 5. To include in listing: Tel (0 )_________________ Email_______________________________________________ Website_______________________________________________ Note – email address is mandatory. This is the main form of communication with our members and MUST be supplied. 1 PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE PAGES TOGETHER 6. IRMT Student Graduate Application Form 2015 For IRMT use only: Mobile (0 )________________________ Fax No (0___)__________________ Private Tel (0___)________________ B1 7. Date of birth _______________ [minimum age for Student Graduate status is 16] 8. NZ/Australian Citizen Residency Visa (tick one) Length of residence in NZ ___ years MUSIC QUALIFICATIONS and MUSICAL EXPERIENCE INCLUDING ANY TEACHING Title of Certificate (& Abbreviation) i Year Examining body _____________________________________ ____ ____________________ ii _____________________________________ ____ ____________________ iii _____________________________________ ____ ____________________ (Please use a separate sheet for other qualifications and musical/ teaching experience) B2 CATEGORIES List the category / categories of music tuition for which you are seeking Student Graduate status (for example, Piano, Voice, Violin, Theory etc) ____________________________________________________________________ C DECLARATIONS Have you ever been convicted of an offence against the law? Yes / No (circle one) If the answer is ‘Yes’ you are asked to provide details in confidence. I do solemnly and sincerely declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, all the information given above is entirely true and correct. Upon being granted Student Graduate status I agree to be bound by the terms of the Music Teachers’ Act 1981, by the Rules of the Institute, and by the Code of Ethics as prescribed by the Council of the Institute. Signed_____________________________ Date ______________________ Name (PLEASE PRINT)_____________________________________________ D POLICE CHECK In line with current practice in the teaching profession, IRMTNZ requires new applications to agree to a search of Ministry of Justice records for any convictions. An applicant must provide a copy of the form Ministry of Justice Request for Criminal Conviction History – Third Party (available on the IRMTNZ website) giving authority for such information to be provided to the IRMTNZ’s Registrar. You must complete Steps 2, 3, 4 and if appropriate Step 5 of this form. Leave Step 1 blank for the Registrar to complete. These details will remain strictly confidential. Applicants are advised to keep a copy of their application 2 PLEASE DO NOT STAPLE PAGES TOGETHER IRMT Student Graduate Application Form 2015 Note: Your application will be considered by the Registration Board of the IRMT and the Registrar will notify you of the outcome. In the event of being granted Student Graduate status by the Registration Board, the Student Graduate is able to designate themselves as per the following example: Jillian Smith Student Graduate Member (IRMT) On no account is the Student Graduate member able to use abbreviations to designate their membership status. APPLICATION FEE $47.83 GST $ 7.17 TOTAL $55.00 Paying electronically (preferred method): Bank: ANZ Account Name: IRMTNZ Account No: 060501-0462799-00 Code: your name Reference: “Student Grad” Note: Please ensure you include your name so that we know who has sent us the payment IRMT GST No. 21 - 071 - 161 This application fee will remain at this rate until 1 February 2016. This fee also covers student graduate membership until 31 March 2016. Paying by cheque: Please make cheques payable to Institute of Registered Music Teachers of NZ Email Application Form and attachments to: The Registrar at Alternatively post them to: IRMTNZ Registrar, PO Box 4122, Christchurch 8140 3
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